]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - EMCAL/AliEMCALv2.cxx
Removed debugging printf and unused variables
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / EMCAL / AliEMCALv2.cxx
1963b290 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-2004, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16/* $Id$ */
d87bd045 19//*-- Implementation version v2 of EMCAL Manager class; SHASHLYK version
1963b290 20//*-- An object of this class does not produce digits
21//*-- It is the one to use if you do want to produce outputs in TREEH
d87bd045 23//*-- Author : Aleksei Pavlinov (WSU)
1963b290 25// This Class not stores information on all particles prior to EMCAL entry - in order to facilitate analysis.
26// This is done by setting fIShunt =2, and flagging all parents of particles entering the EMCAL.
7dd95fbf 28#include <cassert>
1963b290 29// --- ROOT system ---
cde6a23d 30#include <TBrowser.h>
7ca4655f 31#include <TClonesArray.h>
cde6a23d 32#include <TH1.h>
33#include <TH2.h>
7ca4655f 34#include <TParticle.h>
a1e17193 35#include <TROOT.h>
7ca4655f 36#include <TVirtualMC.h>
1963b290 37
38// --- Standard library ---
40// --- AliRoot header files ---
41#include "AliEMCALv2.h"
42#include "AliEMCALHit.h"
43#include "AliEMCALGeometry.h"
44#include "AliRun.h"
45#include "AliHeader.h"
46#include "AliMC.h"
47#include "AliPoints.h"
dc7da436 48// for TRD1 case only; May 31,2006
1963b290 49
1963b290 52//______________________________________________________________________
18a21c7c 53AliEMCALv2::AliEMCALv2()
54 : AliEMCALv1(),
55 fGeometry(0),
56 fHDe(0),
57 fHNhits(0)
1963b290 59 // ctor
1963b290 60}
18a21c7c 63AliEMCALv2::AliEMCALv2(const char *name, const char *title)
64 : AliEMCALv1(name,title),
65 fGeometry(0),
66 fHDe(0),
67 fHNhits(0)
1963b290 69 // Standard Creator.
1963b290 71 fHits= new TClonesArray("AliEMCALHit",1000);
72 gAlice->GetMCApp()->AddHitList(fHits);
74 fNhits = 0;
75 fIshunt = 2; // All hits are associated with particles entering the calorimeter
76 fTimeCut = 30e-09;
78 fGeometry = GetGeometry();
905263da 79 fHDe = fHNhits = 0;
1963b290 80 // if (gDebug>0){
81 if (1){
82 TH1::AddDirectory(0);
1d46d1f6 83 fHDe = new TH1F("fHDe","De in EMCAL", 1000, 0., 10.);
c01485dd 84 fHNhits = new TH1F("fHNhits","#hits in EMCAL", 2001, -0.5, 2000.5);
1963b290 85 fHistograms->Add(fHDe);
905263da 86 fHistograms->Add(fHNhits);
1963b290 87 TH1::AddDirectory(1);
88 }
93 // dtor
95 if ( fHits) {
96 fHits->Delete();
97 delete fHits;
98 fHits = 0;
99 }
103void AliEMCALv2::AddHit(Int_t shunt, Int_t primary, Int_t tracknumber, Int_t iparent, Float_t ienergy,
104 Int_t id, Float_t * hits,Float_t * p){
105 // Add a hit to the hit list.
106 // An EMCAL hit is the sum of all hits in a tower section
107 // originating from the same entering particle
108 static Int_t hitCounter;
109 static AliEMCALHit *newHit, *curHit;
110 static Bool_t deja;
112 deja = kFALSE;
114 newHit = new AliEMCALHit(shunt, primary, tracknumber, iparent, ienergy, id, hits, p);
115 for ( hitCounter = fNhits-1; hitCounter >= 0 && !deja; hitCounter-- ) {
116 curHit = (AliEMCALHit*) (*fHits)[hitCounter];
117 // We add hits with the same tracknumber, while GEANT treats
118 // primaries succesively
119 if(curHit->GetPrimary() != primary)
120 break;
121 if( *curHit == *newHit ) {
122 *curHit = *curHit + *newHit;
123 deja = kTRUE;
124 // break; // 30-aug-04 by PAI
125 } // end if
126 } // end for hitCounter
128 if ( !deja ) {
129 new((*fHits)[fNhits]) AliEMCALHit(*newHit);
130 fNhits++;
131 }
132 // printf(" fNhits %i \n", fNhits);
133 delete newHit;
136void AliEMCALv2::StepManager(void){
137 // Accumulates hits as long as the track stays in a tower
139 // position wrt MRS and energy deposited
140 static Float_t xyzte[5]={0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};// position wrt MRS, time and energy deposited
141 static Float_t pmom[4]={0.,0.,0.,0.};
d25f2c54 142 static TLorentzVector pos; // Lorentz vector of the track current position.
143 static TLorentzVector mom; // Lorentz vector of the track current momentum.
144 static Float_t ienergy = 0; // part->Energy();
1963b290 145 static TString curVolName;
146 static int supModuleNumber, moduleNumber, yNumber, xNumber, absid;
cde6a23d 147 static int keyGeom=1;
148 static char *vn = "SCMX"; // Apr 13, 2006 - only TRD1 case now
1963b290 149 static int nSMOP[7]={1,3,5,7,9,11}; // 30-mar-05
150 static int nSMON[7]={2,4,6,8,10,12};
151 static Float_t depositedEnergy=0.0;
153 if(keyGeom == 0) {
154 keyGeom = 2;
155 if(gMC->VolId("PBMO")==0 || gMC->VolId("WSUC")==1) {
156 vn = "SCMX"; // old TRD2(TRD1) or WSUC
157 keyGeom = 1;
158 }
159 printf("AliEMCALv2::StepManager(): keyGeom %i : Sensetive volume %s \n",
160 keyGeom, vn);
161 if(gMC->VolId("WSUC")==1) printf(" WSUC - cosmic ray stand geometry \n");
162 }
163 Int_t tracknumber = gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetCurrentTrackNumber();
165 curVolName = gMC->CurrentVolName();
1d46d1f6 166 if(curVolName.Contains(vn) || curVolName.Contains("SCX")) { // We are in a scintillator layer; SCX for 3X3
1963b290 167
168 if( ((depositedEnergy = gMC->Edep()) > 0.) && (gMC->TrackTime() < fTimeCut)){// Track is inside a scintillator and deposits some energy
169 // Info("StepManager "," entry %i DE %f",++ientry, depositedEnergy); // for testing
170 if (fCurPrimary==-1)
171 fCurPrimary=gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetPrimary(tracknumber);
173 if (fCurParent==-1 || tracknumber != fCurTrack) {
174 // Check parentage
175 Int_t parent=tracknumber;
176 if (fCurParent != -1) {
177 while (parent != fCurParent && parent != -1) {
178 TParticle *part=gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(parent);
179 parent=part->GetFirstMother();
180 }
181 }
182 if (fCurParent==-1 || parent==-1) {
183 Int_t parent=tracknumber;
184 TParticle *part=gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(parent);
185 while (parent != -1 && fGeometry->IsInEMCAL(part->Vx(),part->Vy(),part->Vz())) {
186 parent=part->GetFirstMother();
187 if (parent!=-1)
188 part=gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(parent);
189 }
190 fCurParent=parent;
191 if (fCurParent==-1)
192 Error("StepManager","Cannot find parent");
193 else {
194 TParticle *part=gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(fCurParent);
195 ienergy = part->Energy();
196 }
197 while (parent != -1) {
198 part=gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(parent);
199 part->SetBit(kKeepBit);
200 parent=part->GetFirstMother();
201 }
202 }
203 fCurTrack=tracknumber;
204 }
205 gMC->TrackPosition(pos);
206 xyzte[0] = pos[0];
207 xyzte[1] = pos[1];
208 xyzte[2] = pos[2];
209 xyzte[3] = gMC->TrackTime() ;
211 gMC->TrackMomentum(mom);
212 pmom[0] = mom[0];
213 pmom[1] = mom[1];
214 pmom[2] = mom[2];
215 pmom[3] = mom[3];
217 // if(ientry%200 > 0) return; // testing
218 supModuleNumber = moduleNumber = yNumber = xNumber = absid = 0;
d25f2c54 219 if(keyGeom >= 1) { // TRD1 case now
1963b290 220 gMC->CurrentVolOffID(4, supModuleNumber);
221 gMC->CurrentVolOffID(3, moduleNumber);
222 gMC->CurrentVolOffID(1, yNumber);
223 gMC->CurrentVolOffID(0, xNumber); // really x number now
d87bd045 224 if(strcmp(gMC->CurrentVolOffName(4),"SM10")==0) supModuleNumber += 10; // 13-oct-05
1d46d1f6 225 // Nov 10,2006
d25f2c54 226 if(strcmp(gMC->CurrentVolOffName(0),vn) != 0) { // 3X3 case
227 if (strcmp(gMC->CurrentVolOffName(0),"SCX1")==0) xNumber=1;
228 else if(strcmp(gMC->CurrentVolOffName(0),"SCX2")==0) xNumber=2;
229 else if(strcmp(gMC->CurrentVolOffName(0),"SCX3")==0) xNumber=3;
230 else Fatal("StepManager()", "Wrong name of sensetive volume in 3X3 case : %s ", gMC->CurrentVolOffName(0));
1d46d1f6 231 }
1963b290 232 } else {
233 gMC->CurrentVolOffID(5, supModuleNumber);
234 gMC->CurrentVolOffID(4, moduleNumber);
235 gMC->CurrentVolOffID(1, yNumber);
d87bd045 236 gMC->CurrentVolOffID(0, xNumber);
237 if (strcmp(gMC->CurrentVolOffName(5),"SMOP")==0) supModuleNumber = nSMOP[supModuleNumber-1];
1963b290 238 else if(strcmp(gMC->CurrentVolOffName(5),"SMON")==0) supModuleNumber = nSMON[supModuleNumber-1];
239 else assert(0); // something wrong
240 }
dc7da436 241 absid = fGeometry->GetAbsCellId(supModuleNumber-1, moduleNumber-1, yNumber-1, xNumber-1);
1963b290 242
1d46d1f6 243 if (absid < 0) {
244 printf(" supModuleNumber %i : moduleNumber %i : yNumber %i : xNumber %i \n",
245 supModuleNumber, moduleNumber, yNumber, xNumber);
246 Fatal("StepManager()", "Wrong id : %i ", absid) ;
247 }
1963b290 248
249 Float_t lightYield = depositedEnergy ;
250 // Apply Birk's law (copied from G3BIRK)
252 if (gMC->TrackCharge()!=0) { // Check
cde6a23d 253 Float_t birkC1Mod = 0;
1963b290 254 if (fBirkC0==1){ // Apply correction for higher charge states
cde6a23d 255 if (TMath::Abs(gMC->TrackCharge())>=2) birkC1Mod = fBirkC1*7.2/12.6;
256 else birkC1Mod = fBirkC1;
1963b290 257 }
259 Float_t dedxcm;
260 if (gMC->TrackStep()>0) dedxcm=1000.*gMC->Edep()/gMC->TrackStep();
261 else dedxcm=0;
cde6a23d 262 lightYield=lightYield/(1.+birkC1Mod*dedxcm+fBirkC2*dedxcm*dedxcm);
1963b290 263 }
265 // use sampling fraction to get original energy --HG
266 // xyzte[4] = lightYield * fGeometry->GetSampling();
267 xyzte[4] = lightYield; // 15-dec-04
269 if (gDebug == -2)
270 printf("#sm %2i #m %3i #x %1i #z %1i -> absid %i : xyzte[4] = %f\n",
271 supModuleNumber,moduleNumber,yNumber,xNumber,absid, xyzte[4]);
273 AddHit(fIshunt, fCurPrimary,tracknumber, fCurParent, ienergy, absid, xyzte, pmom);
274 } // there is deposited energy
275 }
278void AliEMCALv2::FinishEvent()
cde6a23d 279{
280 // Calculate deposit energy and fill control histogram; 26-may-05
1963b290 281 static double de=0.;
905263da 282 fHNhits->Fill(double(fHits->GetEntries()));
1963b290 283 de = GetDepositEnergy(0);
284 if(fHDe) fHDe->Fill(de);
287Double_t AliEMCALv2::GetDepositEnergy(int print)
cde6a23d 288{
289 // 23-mar-05 - for testing
1963b290 290 if(fHits == 0) return 0.;
291 AliEMCALHit *hit=0;
292 Double_t de=0.;
293 for(int ih=0; ih<fHits->GetEntries(); ih++) {
294 hit = (AliEMCALHit*)fHits->UncheckedAt(ih);
295 de += hit->GetEnergy();
296 }
297 if(print>0) {
c63c3c5d 298 cout<<"AliEMCALv2::GetDepositEnergy() : fHits "<<fHits<<endl;
1963b290 299 printf(" #hits %i de %f \n", fHits->GetEntries(), de);
300 if(print>1) {
301 printf(" #primary particles %i\n", gAlice->GetHeader()->GetNprimary());
302 }
303 }
304 return de;
307void AliEMCALv2::Browse(TBrowser* b)
309 TObject::Browse(b);
312void AliEMCALv2::DrawCalorimeterCut(const char *name, int axis, double dcut)
cde6a23d 313{
314 // Size of tower is 5.6x5.6x24.8 (25.0); cut on Z axiz
d87bd045 315 TString g(fGeometry->GetName());
316 g.ToUpper();
1963b290 317 gMC->Gsatt("*", "seen", 0);
319 int fill = 1;
321 if(axis!=1) SetVolumeAttributes("STPL", 1, 1, fill);
323 int colo=4;
324 TString sn(name);
325 if(sn.Contains("SCM")) colo=5;
326 SetVolumeAttributes(name, 1, colo, fill);
d87bd045 327 if(g.Contains("110DEG") && sn=="SMOD") SetVolumeAttributes("SM10", 1, colo, fill);
1963b290 328
905263da 329 TString st(GetTitle());
330 st += ", zcut, ";
1963b290 331 st += name;
333 char *optShad = "on", *optHide="on";
334 double cxy=0.02;
335 if (axis==1) {
336 dcut = 0.;
337 // optHide = optShad = "off";
338 } else if(axis==2){
339 if(dcut==0.) SetVolumeAttributes("SCM0", 1, 5, fill); // yellow
340 }
342 gMC->Gdopt("hide", optHide);
343 gMC->Gdopt("shad", optShad);
345 gROOT->ProcessLine("TGeant3 *g3 = (TGeant3*)gMC");
346 char cmd[200];
347 sprintf(cmd,"g3->Gdrawc(\"XEN1\", %i, %5.1f, 12., 8., %3.2f, %3.2f)\n", axis, dcut, cxy,cxy);
348 printf("\n%s\n",cmd); gROOT->ProcessLine(cmd);
350 sprintf(cmd,"gMC->Gdhead(1111, \"%s\")\n", st.Data());
351 printf("%s\n",cmd); gROOT->ProcessLine(cmd);
354void AliEMCALv2::DrawSuperModuleCut(const char *name, int axis, double dcut, int fill)
cde6a23d 355{
356 // Size of tower is 5.6x5.6x24.8 (25.0); cut on Z axiz
1963b290 357 TString sn(GetGeometry()->GetName());
358 sn.ToUpper();
359 char *tit[3]={"xcut", "ycut", "zcut"};
360 if(axis<1) axis=1; if(axis>3) axis=3;
362 gMC->Gsatt("*", "seen", 0);
363 // int fill = 6;
365 // SetVolumeAttributes("SMOD", 1, 1, fill); // black
366 SetVolumeAttributes(name, 1, 5, fill); // yellow
368 double cxy=0.055, x0=10., y0=10.;
369 char *optShad = "on", *optHide="on";
370 if(sn.Contains("TRD1")) {
371 SetVolumeAttributes("STPL", 1, 3, fill); // green
372 if (axis==1) {
373 gMC->Gsatt("STPL", "seen", 0);
374 dcut = 0.;
375 optHide = "off";
376 optShad = "off";
377 } else if(axis==3) cxy = 0.1;
378 } else if(sn.Contains("TRD2")) {
379 y0 = -10.;
380 if (axis==2) cxy=0.06;
381 }
382 gMC->Gdopt("hide", optHide);
383 gMC->Gdopt("shad", optShad);
385 TString st("Shish-Kebab, Compact, SMOD, ");
386 if(sn.Contains("TWIST")) st = "Shish-Kebab, Twist, SMOD, ";
387 st += tit[axis-1];;
389 gROOT->ProcessLine("TGeant3 *g3 = (TGeant3*)gMC");
390 char cmd[200];
391 sprintf(cmd,"g3->Gdrawc(\"SMOD\", %i, %6.3f, %5.1f, %5.1f, %5.3f, %5.3f)\n",axis,dcut,x0,y0,cxy,cxy);
392 printf("\n%s\n",cmd); gROOT->ProcessLine(cmd);
394 sprintf(cmd,"gMC->Gdhead(1111, \"%s\")\n", st.Data());
395 printf("%s\n",cmd); gROOT->ProcessLine(cmd);
396 // hint for testing
397 if(sn.Contains("TRD1")){
398 printf("Begin of super module\n");
399 printf("g3->Gdrawc(\"SMOD\", 2, 0.300, 89., 10., 0.5, 0.5)\n");
400 printf("Center of super modules\n");
401 printf("g3->Gdrawc(\"SMOD\", 2, 0.300, 0., 10., 0.5, 0.5)\n");
402 printf("end of super modules\n");
403 printf("g3->Gdrawc(\"SMOD\", 2, 0.300, -70., 10., 0.5, 0.5)\n");
404 } else if(sn.Contains("TRD2")){
405 printf("Begin of super module ** TRD2 ** \n");
406 printf("g3->Gdrawc(\"SMOD\", 2, 0.00, 40., -80, 0.2, 0.2)\n");
407 printf("end of super modules\n");
408 printf("g3->Gdrawc(\"SMOD\", 2, 0.00, -20., -80, 0.2, 0.2)\n");
410 printf(" *** Z cut (Y|X plane)\n scale 0.4\n");
411 printf("g3->Gdrawc(\"SMOD\", 3, -170.,-165.,10.,0.4,0.4)\n");
412 printf(" scale 0.2\n");
413 printf("g3->Gdrawc(\"SMOD\", 3, -170.,-80.,10.,0.2,0.2)\n");
414 printf(" scale 0.12\n");
415 printf("g3->Gdrawc(\"SMOD\", 3, -170.,-45.,10.,0.12,0.12)\n");
416 }
419void AliEMCALv2::DrawTowerCut(const char *name, int axis, double dcut, int fill, char *optShad)
cde6a23d 420{
421 // Size of tower is 5.6x5.6x24.8 (25.0); cut on Z axiz
1963b290 422 if(axis<1) axis=1; if(axis>3) axis=3;
423 TString mn(name); mn.ToUpper();
424 TString sn(GetGeometry()->GetName());
426 gMC->Gsatt("*", "seen", 0);
427 gMC->Gsatt("*", "fill", fill);
429 // int mainColo=5; // yellow
430 if(mn == "EMOD") {
431 SetVolumeAttributes(mn.Data(), 1, 1, fill);
432 SetVolumeAttributes("SCM0", 1, 5, fill); // yellow
433 SetVolumeAttributes("SCPA", 1, 3, fill); // green - 13-may-05
434 } else if(mn == "SCM0") { // first division
435 SetVolumeAttributes(mn.Data(), 1, 1, fill);
436 SetVolumeAttributes("SCMY", 1, 5, fill); // yellow
437 } else if(mn == "SCMY") { // first division
438 SetVolumeAttributes(mn.Data(), 1, 1, fill);
439 if(sn.Contains("TEST") && sn.Contains("3X3")) {
440 SetVolumeAttributes("SCX1", 1, 5, fill); // yellow
441 SetVolumeAttributes("SCX2", 1, 2, fill); // red
442 SetVolumeAttributes("SCX3", 1, 3, fill); // green
443 } else {
444 SetVolumeAttributes("SCMX", 1, 5, fill); // yellow
445 }
446 } else if(mn == "SCMX" || mn.Contains("SCX")) {
447 SetVolumeAttributes(mn.Data(), 1, 5, fill);// yellow
448 SetVolumeAttributes("PBTI", 1, 4, fill);
449 } else {
450 printf("<W> for volume |%s| did not defined volume attributes\n", mn.Data());
451 }
453 // TString st("Shish-Kebab, 2x2 mm sampling, 62 layers, ");
454 TString st("Shashlyk, 2x2 mm sampling, 62 layers, ");
455 if (sn.Contains("25")) st = "Shish-Kebab, 5x5 mm sampling, 25 layers, ";
456 else if(sn.Contains("MAY05")) st = "Shish-Kebab, 5x5 mm sampling, 77 layers, ";
457 if(sn.Contains("TRD1")) st += " TRD1, ";
458 if(sn.Contains("3X3")) st += " 3x3, ";
459 st += name;
461 gROOT->ProcessLine("TGeant3 *g3 = (TGeant3*)gMC");
462 double cx=0.78, cy=2.;
463 if (axis==1 && sn.Contains("TRD")==0) {
464 cx = cy = 1.;
465 gMC->Gsatt("PBTI", "seen", 0);
466 } else if (sn.Contains("TEST") && sn.Contains("3X3")) {
467 cx = cy = 0.7;
468 if (axis==3) cx = cy = 1.;
469 } else if (sn.Contains("TRD2")) {
470 if (axis==3) cx = cy = 2.;
471 } else if (mn.Contains("EMOD")) {
472 cx = cy = 0.5;
473 }
474 char cmd[200];
476 gMC->Gdopt("hide", optShad);
477 gMC->Gdopt("shad", optShad);
479 sprintf(cmd,"g3->Gdrawc(\"%s\", %i, %6.2f, 10., 10., %5.3f, %5.3f)\n",name, axis,dcut,cx,cy);
480 printf("\n%s\n",cmd); gROOT->ProcessLine(cmd);
482 sprintf(cmd,"gMC->Gdhead(1111, \"%s\")\n", st.Data());
483 printf("%s\n",cmd); gROOT->ProcessLine(cmd);
486void AliEMCALv2::DrawAlicWithHits(int mode)
cde6a23d 487{
488 // 20-sep-04; does not work now
1963b290 489 static TH2F *h2;
490 if(h2==0) h2 = new TH2F("h2","test fo hits", 60,0.5,60.5, 28,0.5,28.5);
491 else h2->Reset();
492 if(mode==0) {
493 gROOT->ProcessLine("TGeant3 *g3 = (TGeant3*)gMC");
494 gMC->Gsatt("*","seen",0);
495 gMC->Gsatt("scm0","seen",5);
497 gROOT->ProcessLine("g3->Gdrawc(\"ALIC\", 1, 2.0, 12., -130, 0.3, 0.3)");
498 // g3->Gdrawc("ALIC", 1, 2.0, 10., -14, 0.05, 0.05)
499 }
501 TClonesArray *hits = Hits();
2bb3725c 502 Int_t nhits = hits->GetEntries(), absId, nSupMod, nModule, nIphi, nIeta, iphi, ieta;
1963b290 503 AliEMCALHit *hit = 0;
504 Double_t de, des=0.;
505 for(Int_t i=0; i<nhits; i++) {
506 hit = (AliEMCALHit*)hits->UncheckedAt(i);
507 absId = hit->GetId();
508 de = hit->GetEnergy();
509 des += de;
2bb3725c 510 if(fGeometry->GetCellIndex(absId, nSupMod, nModule, nIphi, nIeta)){
1963b290 511 // printf(" de %f abs id %i smod %i tower %i | cell iphi %i : ieta %i\n",
2bb3725c 512 // de, absId, nSupMod, nModule, nIphi, nIeta);
1963b290 513 if(nSupMod==3) {
2bb3725c 514 fGeometry->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(nSupMod,nModule,nIphi,nIeta, iphi,ieta);
1963b290 515 // printf(" iphi %i : ieta %i\n", iphi,ieta);
516 h2->Fill(double(ieta),double(iphi), de);
517 }
518 }
519 // hit->Dump();
520 }
521 printf(" #hits %i : sum de %f -> %f \n", nhits, des, h2->Integral());
522 if(mode>0 && h2->Integral()>0.) h2->Draw();
eb0b1051 525void AliEMCALv2::SetVolumeAttributes(const char *name, int seen, int color, int fill)
1963b290 526{
527 /* seen=-2:volume is visible but none of its descendants;
528 -1:volume is not visible together with all its descendants;
529 0:volume is not visible;
530 1:volume is visible. */
531 gMC->Gsatt(name, "seen", seen);
532 gMC->Gsatt(name, "colo", color);
533 gMC->Gsatt(name, "fill", fill);
534 printf(" %s : seen %i color %i fill %i \n", name, seen, color, fill);
537void AliEMCALv2::TestIndexTransition(int pri, int idmax)
cde6a23d 538{
539 // Test for EMCAL_SHISH geometry
1963b290 540 TString sn(fGeometry->GetName());
541 if(!sn.Contains("SHISH")) {
542 printf("Wrong geometry |%s| ! Bye \n", sn.Data());
543 return;
544 }
2bb3725c 546 Int_t nSupMod, nModule, nIphi, nIeta, idNew, nGood=0;
1963b290 547 if(idmax==0) idmax = fGeometry->GetNCells();
548 for(Int_t id=1; id<=idmax; id++) {
2bb3725c 549 if(!fGeometry->GetCellIndex(id, nSupMod, nModule, nIphi, nIeta)){
1963b290 550 printf(" Wrong abs ID %i : #cells %i\n", id, fGeometry->GetNCells());
551 break;
552 }
2bb3725c 553 idNew = fGeometry->GetAbsCellId(nSupMod, nModule, nIphi, nIeta);
1963b290 554 if(id != idNew || pri>0) {
555 printf(" ID %i : %i <- new id\n", id, idNew);
556 printf(" nSupMod %i ", nSupMod);
2bb3725c 557 printf(" nModule %i ", nModule);
1963b290 558 printf(" nIphi %i ", nIphi);
559 printf(" nIeta %i \n", nIeta);
561 } else nGood++;
562 }
563 printf(" Good decoding %i : %i <- #cells \n", nGood, fGeometry->GetNCells());