]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - EMCAL/AnaJets.C
Delete corrected (FedoraCore3, gcc 3.4.2)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / EMCAL / AnaJets.C
048813fc 1void AnaJets(Int_t evNumber1=0, Int_t evNumber2=0)
3//*-- Author: Andreas Morsch (CERN)
5 if (gClassTable->GetID("AliRun") < 0) {
b9d5fc9e 6 gROOT->LoadMacro("loadlibs.C");
048813fc 7 loadlibs();
8 }
9// Connect the Root Galice file containing Geometry, Kine and Hits
b9d5fc9e 10
d9efdf36 11 TFile *file = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject("jets.root");
12 TFile *source = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject("galice.root");
048813fc 14 if (!file) {
15 printf("\n Creating galice.root \n");
d9efdf36 16 file = new TFile("jets.root");
17 } else {
18 printf("\n galice.root found in file list");
19 }
21 if (!source) {
22 printf("\n Creating galice.root \n");
23 source = new TFile("galice.root");
048813fc 24 } else {
25 printf("\n galice.root found in file list");
26 }
27// Get AliRun object from file or create it if not on file
d9efdf36 28 // if (!gAlice) {
29 gAlice = (AliRun*)(source->Get("gAlice"));
048813fc 30 if (gAlice) printf("AliRun object found on file\n");
31 if (!gAlice) {
32 printf("\n create new gAlice object");
33 gAlice = new AliRun("gAlice","Alice test program");
34 }
d9efdf36 35 // }
048813fc 36// Book histos
d9efdf36 37 TH1F *eH = new TH1F("eH","Energy", 200, 0.0, 200.);
b9d5fc9e 38 TH1F *etaH = new TH1F("eEta","Eta", 180, -0.9, 0.9);
39 TH1F *phiH = new TH1F("ePhi","Phi", 62, -3.1, 3.1);
40 TH1F *tH = new TH1F("tH","n tracks", 30, 0.5, 29.5);
41 TH1F *ptH = new TH1F("ptH","Track pT", 100., 0., 100.);
42 TH1F *drH = new TH1F("drH","Track dR", 120., 0., 6.);
44 Float_t phiT[50], etaT[50], ptT[50];
048813fc 46
47 TClonesArray* jets = new TClonesArray("AliEMCALJet",10000);
b9d5fc9e 48
048813fc 49 for (int nev=0; nev<= evNumber2; nev++) {
50 printf("\n Event .............%d", nev);
51 Int_t nparticles = gAlice->GetEvent(nev);
52 Int_t nbytes = 0;
53 AliEMCAL *pEMCAL = (AliEMCAL*) gAlice->GetModule("EMCAL");
54 if (pEMCAL) {
d9efdf36 55 TTree *TR =(TTree *)(file->Get("TreeR0"));
048813fc 57 Int_t nent=TR->GetEntries();
b9d5fc9e 58 TR->SetBranchAddress("EMCALJets", &jets);
048813fc 59 nbytes += TR->GetEntry(0);
60 Int_t nJet = jets->GetEntries();
61 printf("\n Number of Jets %d", nJet);
62 AliEMCALJet *mJet;
63 for (Int_t ij=0; ij < nJet; ij++) {
64 mJet = (AliEMCALJet*)jets->UncheckedAt(ij);
b9d5fc9e 65 Float_t eta = mJet->Eta();
67 printf("\n Jet:%d E %f phi %f eta %f tracks %d\n", ij,
68 mJet->Energy(), mJet->Phi(), eta,
69 mJet->NTracks());
048813fc 70 etaH->Fill(mJet->Eta());
71 phiH->Fill(mJet->Phi());
b9d5fc9e 72 if (TMath::Abs(eta) < 0.4)
73 eH->Fill(mJet->Energy());
74 tH ->Fill((Float_t)mJet->NTracks());
76 mJet->TrackList(ptT, etaT, phiT);
77 for (Int_t it = 0; it < mJet->NTracks(); it++)
78 {
d9efdf36 79 printf(" Track: %5d pT %8.3f eta %8.3f phi %8.3f \n",
b9d5fc9e 80 it, ptT[it], etaT[it], phiT[it]);
81 ptH->Fill(ptT[it]);
82 Float_t dPhi = phiT[it]-mJet->Phi();
83 Float_t dEta = etaT[it]-mJet->Eta();
84 Float_t dr = TMath::Sqrt(dPhi*dPhi+dEta*dEta);
85 drH->Fill(dr);
86 }
048813fc 87 } // jet
88 } // ?EMCAL
89 } // event
90 TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Canvas 1",400,10,600,700);
91 c1->Divide(2,2);
92 c1->cd(1); eH->Draw();
93 c1->cd(2); etaH->Draw();
94 c1->cd(3); phiH->Draw();
b9d5fc9e 95 c1->cd(4); tH->Draw();
97 TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","Canvas 2",400,10,600,700);
98 c2->Divide(2,2);
99 c2->cd(1); ptH->Draw();
100 c2->cd(2); drH->Draw();
048813fc 101}
b9d5fc9e 102