]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - EMCAL/CMakelibEMCALraw.pkg
Updates from Chris
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / EMCAL / CMakelibEMCALraw.pkg
7330f0e5 1# -*- mode: CMake -*-
92d9f317 2#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
3# Package File for EMCALbase #
4# Author : Johny Jose (johny.jose@cern.ch) #
5# Variables Defined : #
6# #
7# SRCS - C++ source files #
8# HDRS - C++ header files #
9# DHDR - ROOT Dictionary Linkdef header file #
10# CSRCS - C source files #
11# CHDRS - C header files #
12# EINCLUDE - Include directories #
13# EDEFINE - Compiler definitions #
14# ELIBS - Extra libraries to link #
15# ELIBSDIR - Extra library directories #
16# PACKFFLAGS - Fortran compiler flags for package #
17# PACKCXXFLAGS - C++ compiler flags for package #
18# PACKCFLAGS - C compiler flags for package #
19# PACKSOFLAGS - Shared library linking flags #
20# PACKLDFLAGS - Module linker flags #
21# PACKBLIBS - Libraries to link (Executables only) #
22# EXPORT - Header files to be exported #
23# CINTHDRS - Dictionary header files #
24# CINTAUTOLINK - Set automatic dictionary generation #
25# ARLIBS - Archive Libraries and objects for linking (Executables only) #
26# SHLIBS - Shared Libraries and objects for linking (Executables only) #
7330f0e5 29set ( SRCS
30 AliCaloRawAnalyzerFastFit.cxx
31 AliCaloRawAnalyzerPeakFinder.cxx
32 AliCaloRawAnalyzerFakeALTRO.cxx
33 AliCaloRawAnalyzerKStandard.cxx
34 AliCaloRawAnalyzerNN.cxx
35 AliCaloRawAnalyzerFitter.cxx
36 AliCaloRawAnalyzerCrude.cxx
37 AliCaloRawAnalyzerFactory.cxx
38 AliEMCALRawResponse.cxx
39 AliCaloNeuralFit.cxx
40 AliCaloPeakFinderVectors.cxx
41 AliCaloFitSubarray.cxx
42 AliCaloRawAnalyzer.cxx
43 AliCaloBunchInfo.cxx
44 AliCaloFitResults.cxx
45 AliCaloFastAltroFitv0.cxx
46 SMcalib/AliEMCALCCUSBRawStream.cxx
47 )
92d9f317 48
49string (REPLACE ".cxx" ".h" HDRS "${SRCS}")
51set ( DHDR EMCALrawLinkDef.h)
7330f0e5 53set ( EINCLUDE RAW EMCAL/SMcalib)