]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - EMCAL/SMcalib/QA/LEDRef_evtdis.C
added filterbit to the output settings tree
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / EMCAL / SMcalib / QA / LEDRef_evtdis.C
d63882b1 1///////////////////////////////////////////////
2// Simple event display for channel spectra
3// Input file should be raw DATE root tree file
6// for the readout: 1 FEE reads out LED ref. info for the whole SuperModule
7// 1 CSP per StripModule
8const int NSTRIPS = 24; // number of StripModules in SuperModule
9const int TOTCHAN = NSTRIPS * 2; // *2 since we have high gain and low gain
10// we group the calibrations in 3 sets of 8 strips
11const int NSETS = 3;
12const int NSTRIPS_IN_SET = 8;
14// gamma2 fit function
15double fitfun(double *x, double *par) {
16 double Amp = par[0];
17 double Tmax = par[1];
18 double Tau = par[2];
19 double Ped = par[3];
20 double gammaN = par[4];
21 double t = 0;
22 if(Tau) t = (x[0] - Tmax + Tau)/Tau;
23 if(t<0) t = 0;
25 // Since we have now set gammaN to 2, we replace the pow(t, 2) call in
26 // double f = Amp * pow(t,gammaN) * exp(gammaN*(1-t)) + Ped;
27 // with just t*t
28 double f = Amp * t*t * exp(gammaN*(1-t)) + Ped;
29 return f;
32// main method
33void LEDRef_evtdis(const int runno = 615,
34 const int gainv = 0, /*0=low, 1=high*/
35 const int evtnum= -10,
36 int ymax=1023, // set the scale of plots
37 const int delay = 1) // -1=no delay, wait for input, X>=0 => sleep aprox. X sec. after making plot
39 // set ranges to plot
40 const int strip_f = 0; // first
41 const int strip_l = NSTRIPS - 1;
43 const int nsamples = 65; // number of ADC time samples per channel and event
45 const int saveplot = 0;
46 const int numbering = 1; // 0: no numbering, 1: nubering on each plot
47 const int dofit = 0; // 0: no fit, 1: try to fit the spectra
48 const int debug = 0;
49 const float gammaN = 2;
50 // end of setup
52 // Assume we are just interested in the 1st segment, _0.root below for fname*
53 Char_t fname[256];
54 sprintf(fname, "/local/data/Run_%09d.Seq_1A.Stream_0.root",runno);
55 cout << "TOTCHAN " << TOTCHAN << endl;
57 // set up a raw reader of the data
58 AliRawReader *rawReader = NULL;
59 rawReader = new AliRawReaderRoot(fname);
60 AliCaloRawStream *in = NULL;
61 in = new AliCaloRawStream(rawReader,"EMCAL");
63 // set up histograms
64 TH1F *hfit[TOTCHAN];
65 TF1 *f1[TOTCHAN];
66 char ch_label[TOTCHAN][100];
67 char buff1[100];
68 char name[80];
69 for(int i=0; i<TOTCHAN; i++) {
70 sprintf(buff1,"hfit_%d",i);
71 hfit[i] = new TH1F(buff1,"hfit", nsamples , -0.5, nsamples - 0.5);
72 hfit[i]->SetDirectory(0);
73 sprintf(name,"f1_%d",i);
74 f1[i] = new TF1(name,fitfun,0,70,5);
75 f1[i]->SetLineWidth(2);
76 f1[i]->SetLineColor(2);
78 // int idx = istrip + NSTRIPS * gain; // encoding used later
79 int gain = i / (NSTRIPS);
80 int istrip = i % NSTRIPS;
81 sprintf(ch_label[i], "Strip%02d", istrip);
82 }
84 TCanvas *cc1 = new TCanvas("cc1","3 columns of 8 strips each",600,800);
85 int numcol = NSETS;
86 int numrow = NSTRIPS_IN_SET;
87 cc1->Divide(numcol, numrow);
89 TText *t = new TText;
90 t->SetTextSize(0.17);
91 int clr[2] = {4,2}; // colors
93 // figure out which events we should look at
94 int firstevent = evtnum;
95 int lastevent = evtnum;
96 if (evtnum < 0) { // get a bunch of events
97 firstevent = 0;
98 lastevent = - evtnum;
99 }
100 if (evtnum == 0) { // get all events
101 firstevent = 0;
102 lastevent = 1000000;
103 }
105 Int_t iev =0;
106 AliRawEventHeaderBase *aliHeader=NULL;
107 while ( rawReader->NextEvent() && iev < firstevent) {
108 aliHeader = (AliRawEventHeaderBase*) rawReader->GetEventHeader();
109 iev++;
110 }
112 // loop over selected events
113 while ( rawReader->NextEvent() && iev <= lastevent) {
114 aliHeader = (AliRawEventHeaderBase*) rawReader->GetEventHeader();
115 int runNumber = aliHeader->Get("RunNb");
117 cout << "Found run number " << runNumber << endl;
119 // reset histograms
120 for(int i=0; i<TOTCHAN; i++) {
121 hfit[i]->Reset();
122 }
124 // get events (the "1" ensures that we actually select all events for now)
125 if ( 1 || aliHeader->Get("Type") == AliRawEventHeaderBase::kPhysicsEvent ) {
126 const UInt_t * evtId = aliHeader->GetP("Id");
127 int evno_raw = (int) evtId[0];
128 int timestamp = aliHeader->Get("Timestamp");
130 cout << " evno " << evno_raw
131 << " size " << aliHeader->GetEventSize()
132 << " type " << aliHeader->Get("Type")
133 << " type name " << aliHeader->GetTypeName()
134 << " timestamp " << timestamp
135 << endl;
137 /// process_event stream
138 while ( in->Next() ) {
140 int strip = in->GetColumn();
141 int gain = in->GetRow();
143 if (in->IsLEDMonData()) {
145 int idx = strip + NSTRIPS*gain;
146 //cout << "hist idx " << idx << endl;
148 if (idx < 0 || idx > TOTCHAN) {
149 cout << "Hist idx out of range: " << idx << endl;
150 }
151 else { // reasonable range of idx
152 hfit[idx]->SetBinContent(in->GetTime(), in->GetSignal());
153 }
155 } // LED Ref data only
157 } // Raw data read
159 // Next: let's actually plot the data..
160 for (Int_t strip = strip_f; strip <= strip_l; strip++) {
162 int idx = strip + NSTRIPS*gainv;
164 // which set/column does the strip belong in
165 int iset = strip / NSTRIPS_IN_SET;
166 int within_set = strip % NSTRIPS_IN_SET;
167 // on which pad should we plot it?
168 int pad_id = (NSTRIPS_IN_SET-1-within_set)*NSETS + iset + 1;
170 cout << "strip " << strip
171 << ". set="<< iset << ", within_set=" << within_set
172 << ", pad=" << pad_id << endl;
173 cc1->cd(pad_id);
174 hfit[idx]->SetTitle("");
175 hfit[idx]->SetFillColor(5);
176 hfit[idx]->SetMaximum(ymax);
177 hfit[idx]->SetMinimum(0);
178 // we may or may not decide to fit the data
179 if (dofit) {
180 f1[i]->SetParameter(0, 0); // initial guess; zero amplitude :=)
181 hfit[idx]->Fit(f1[i]);
182 }
183 hfit[idx]->Draw();
184 if( numbering ) {
185 t->SetTextColor(clr[gainv]);
186 t->DrawTextNDC(0.65,0.65,ch_label[idx]);
187 }
188 }
190 // add some extra text on the canvas
191 // print a box showing run #, evt #, and timestamp
192 cc1->cd();
193 // first draw transparent pad
194 TPad *trans = new TPad("trans","",0,0,1,1);
195 trans->SetFillStyle(4000);
196 trans->Draw();
197 trans->cd();
198 // then draw text
199 TPaveText *label = new TPaveText(.2,.11,.8,.14,"NDC");
200 // label->Clear();
201 label->SetBorderSize(1);
202 label->SetFillColor(0);
203 label->SetLineColor(clr[gainv]);
204 label->SetTextColor(clr[gainv]);
205 //label->SetFillStyle(0);
206 TDatime d;
207 d.Set(timestamp);
208 sprintf(name,"Run %d, Event %d, Hist Max %d, %s",runno,iev,ymax,d.AsString());
209 label->AddText(name);
210 label->Draw();
211 cc1->Update();
212 cout << "Done" << endl;
214 // some shenanigans to hold the plotting, if requested
215 if (firstevent != lastevent) {
216 if (delay == -1) {
217 // wait for character input before proceeding
218 cout << " enter y to proceed " << endl;
219 char dummy[2];
220 cin >> dummy;
221 cout << " read " << dummy << endl;
222 if (strcmp(dummy, "y")==0) {
223 cout << " ok, continuing with event " << iev+1 << endl;
224 }
225 else {
226 cout << " ok, exiting " << endl;
227 //exit(1);
228 }
229 }
230 else {
231 cout << "Sleeping for " << delay * 500 << endl;
232 gSystem->Sleep(delay * 500);
233 }
234 }
236 // save plot, if setup/requested to do so
237 char plotname[100];
238 if (saveplot==1) {
239 sprintf(plotname,"Run_%d_LEDRef_Ev%d_Gain%d_MaxHist%d.gif",
240 runno,iev,gainv,ymax);
241 cout <<"SAVING plot:"<< plotname << endl;
242 cc1->SaveAs(plotname);
243 }
245 } // event selection
247 iev ++;
248 } // event loop