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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / EMCAL / doc / StepManagerParticleTransport.tex
e5d639f4 1%
7% Section on the EMCal step manager stepping parameters.
9\subsection{Step Manger and Hits Creation}
10The majority of time and effort associated with a detector Monte Carlo
11is involved in the transport of the particles, one at a time typically,
12though the detector geometry. This is handled by a routine typically called
13the ``step manager''. This routine, in general, does a lot of stuff with
14considerable help from other sub-packages. It must determine what size
15step to make based on the distance to the next volume, the curvature of the
16track, the probability of some non-continuum process occurring (an
17interaction), and deal with particles no longer being transported
18(dropping below cuts); computing the effects of all continuum process
19(energy loss, fluctuations, and multiple scattering); and outputting,
20when relevant, any information to the ``user''. The majority of these
21tasks are common to all detectors and are therefor done for us
22with the help of the geometrical modeler and/or simulation framework.
23To deal with
24the outputting of information an EMCal specific {\bf StepManager} routine
25located in the \texttt{\bf AliEMCALv1}\footnote{There are more than one
26version of {\bf AliEMCALv1} depending on differences in geometry and
27some physics. All are derived from the EMCal class \texttt{\bf AliEMCALv0}
28which is derived from \texttt{\bf AliEMCAL}, which is derived from
29\texttt{AliDetector} which is derived from \texttt{AliModule}.} module,
30or equivalent is used. Information outputted by this routine are
31called ``hits'', in the AliRoot terminology, and are written to a
32file called \texttt{EMCAL.Hits.root}. Often in production simulations
33this file will be deleted afters the digits are produced.
35The EMCal StepManager is called from the Alice implementation of the
36ROOT virtual Monte Carlo step manager, specifically the routine
37\texttt{\bf AliMC::Stepping}. It inquires, from the transport engine and its
38geometrical modeler, what material the presently transporting particle
39is in and deals with a couple of remaining particle transport issues
40and then calls the detector specific step manager routine. This decoding
41is done quickly through an array of material ID numbers indexed to
42their corresponding detectors. Consequently, each sub-detector must
43have its own unique material definitions obeying the ALICE material
44numbering conventions. In this way, the addition or absence of a
45sub-detector is dynamically handled via the initialization of the
46material/detector array and the \texttt{TObject} array of sub-detectors
47(all derived from the \texttt{\bf AliModule} class). This initialization
48is done by the \texttt{Config.C} script.
50\subsubsection{The EMCal Step Manager}
51The first difficulty faced in the EMCal step manager is the extremely large
52number of tracks produced and all of their individual steps. Recording each
53step location, momentum, energy loss, and the like, for all of those
54shower particles would overwhelm most IO systems and create too much
55data to try to deal with further on in the simulation. Yet we need the
56particle transport engine to generate and transport the majority of
57these shower particles, otherwise, the signals in the neighboring
58towers would be grossly incorrect and any part of a shower which goes
59beyond the EMCal would also not be dealt with properly. In much thinner
60detectors, like the ITS, the particles parameters at each step is
61recorded directly into the hits.
63For each particle entering the EMCal, what we want to record is the
64energy lost by it and all of its shower daughters and in which tower
65this energy loss occurred (and only for the ``sensitive'' materials/volumes
66in the towers). In fact we really only want to associate this tower-wise
67energy loss to the ``primary'' particle. To do this, for as long as the
68``primary'' track hasn't changed and the present track is still in the
69same tower, the signals are added together (by adding their hits together.
70This is done in \texttt{\bf AliEMCALv1::AddHit}). The determination of the
71``primary'' parent particle isn't so difficult, but one need to
72deal with a number of special cases, and search back though the
73parentage tree in some cases.
75This leads to the $2^{nd}$ major task of the EMCal step manger routine. It
76must determine which tower the transported particle is in. This is very
77dependent on the details of the geometry and how it has been coded.
78We know which volume the particle is in, but since there are many
79copies (of the directory like geometry structure. figure
80\ref{fig:GeometryDirectory}) of the tower volume,
81we also need to find the necessary copy index numbers associated with
82the specific volume. This is easy to get from the geometric modeler
83(ROOT's TGeo package in our case), but it can be non-trivial to
84convert these numbers into the tower, module, super-module index
85wanted by the following simulation and reconstruction routines.
86The present geometry, where a single tower sized scintillator
87volume has the lead radiators embedded into it, simplifies this
88tower determination because there is only one sensitive tower
89sized volume and not a lot of individual sheets of scintillator
90to decode.
a59caf82 94\includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{figures/EMCalGeometryStructure.pdf}
e5d639f4 95\end{center}
97Here is shown a typical hierarchical geometry structure. This
98is similar to a directory structure except at each level one or
99more copies, including translation and rotation operators, of
100the daughters can be specified.}
103For the EMCal we do something a bit special (but not untypical
104for a calorimeter using organic scintillators). We correct for
105the diminished light output
106due to the ionization produced by the particles proceeding it.
107This is done by rescaling the energy deposited using Birk's
108law, equation \ref{equation:Birks}, as copied from GEANT3's
109\texttt{G3BRIRK} routine
110\cite{GEANT3:documentatoin}. This can be switched on or off
111from the EMCal creation section of \texttt{Config.C} via
112the \texttt{fBirkC0} variable in \texttt{AliEMCAL} class\footnote{
113A function needs to be added to this class to allow for setting
114this value and the Birk's law constants \texttt{fBirkC1}
115and \texttt{fBirkC2}}. There has been
116some debate about the proper way to deal with this in the
117collaboration, mostly dealing with the limitations of any
118Monte Carlo which transports particles one at a time, but
119it has been agreed that including such a correction is
120better than none at all.
123Light\; yield & = &
124 \frac{\Delta E_{deposited}}{1+C_1 \delta + C_2 \delta^2}
125\label{equation:Birks} \\
126\delta & = &
127 \frac{1}{\rho}\frac{dE}{dx}\; \left[\frac{MeV\: cm^{2}}{g}\right]\nonumber \\
128C_{1} & = & \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
129 0.013\: \left[\frac{g}{MeV\;cm^{2}}\right] & Z=1 \\
130 0.00743\; \left[\frac{g}{MeV\; cm^{2}}\right] &
131 Z>1 \end{array}\right.\nonumber \\
132C_{2} & = & 9.6\times 10^{-6}\;
133 \left[\frac{g^{2}}{MeV^{2}\: cm^{4}}\right] \nonumber
136The remaining tasks of the EMCal step manager is mostly book-keeping.
137We only want to go to all of this effort if there is energy
138being deposited in the sensitive scintillator volume, and not the
139lead radiators or other structural materials. All of the relevant
140information for the EMCal hit needs to be gathered. Lastly,
141the \texttt{\bf AliEMCALHit} class needs to be created within the
142\texttt{TClonesArray} of EMCal hits. This leads to some convoluted
143looking code involving the TClonesArray fHits, the new
144operator and the \texttt{AliEMCALHit} copy constructor (see
145\texttt{\bf AliEMCAL::AddHit}).
147The structure of these \texttt{EMCALHit} class (data structure) is
148simple. It starts with the \texttt{AliHit} information which
149consists of the tTrack number of the track which entered
150the EMCal and its x,y,z global position (in cm). The EMCal specific
151derivation includes the absolute tower ID where the hit signal is
152from, the energy deposited by the showering particles
153originating from this track in that tower, and the relative time
154(with respect to the initial event) when this energy was deposited,
155the particle ID of the particle entering the EMCal, the entrance
156energy of the particle entering the EMCal, and the energy and
157momentum of the primary particle entering the EMCal.
159Just a note, although not included in the code, the addition of
160the signals from the APD, primarily due to neutrons interacting
161with the APD, needs to be added. CMS has found that including
162this effect measurably improves the response of their simulations.
163This will require an addition to the EMCal step manager, but hopefully
164not the \texttt{EMCALHit} structure.
166\subsubsection{Step Manager and Monte Carlo Setting}
167In the EMCal geometry description there are also settings done,
168on a medium by medium basis, which are used in the non-EMCal
169specific step manager code. In \texttt{AliEMCAL} where ever
170a medium is defined (either by a call to \texttt{AliMedium}
171or equivalently to a call to \texttt{TGeoMedium}) a list of
172parameters must be given which effects the size of a step.
173These parameters are given in Table \ref{tab:MediumParameers}.
177 \multicolumn{3}{l}{Table \ref{tab:MediumParameers}} \\
178 \hline \hline \\
179 Type & Variable & Description \\ \hline
180 \endfirsthead
181 \multicolumn{3}{l}{\emph{Table \ref{tab:MediumParameers} continued}}\\
182 \hline
183 Type & Variable & Description \\
184 \hline
185 \endhead
186 \hline
187 \multicolumn{3}{r}{\emph{Table \ref{tab:MediumParameers} continued
188 on next page.}}
189 \endfoot
190 \hline \hline
191 \caption{Parameters and flags defined in the EMCal geometry via
192 a call to \texttt{ALIMedium} or \texttt{TGeoMedium}.
193 Because we use a version of \texttt{GEANT3}
194 which has its geometrical modeler replaced by \texttt{TGeo}
195 geometry, they are the same. This is also true for
196 both \texttt{GEANT4}\cite{GEANT4} and
197 \texttt{Fluka}\cite{Fluka} particle
198 transport Monte Carlos. See figure
199 \ref{fig:emcalStepManager_ParticleStep} for
200 a geometrical description of some of these parameters.
201 This information comes from the
202 GEANT3 documentation CONS200-1 \cite{GEANT3:documentatoin}.
203 \label{tab:MediumParameers}.
204 }
205 \endlastfoot
206 Int\_t & isvol & Sensitive volume flag.\newline
207 0 Not a Sensitive volume.\newline
208 1 Sensitive volume. \\
209 Int\_t & ifield & Magnetic field flag. \newline
210 0 No magnetic field.\newline
211 -1 User decision in \texttt{guswim}. Not supported
212 in AliRoot.\newline
213 1 Tracking performed with Runge Kutta.\newline
214 2 Tracking performed with helix. \newline
215 3 constant magnetic field along z.\\
216 Float\_t & fieldm & Maximum magnetic field [kG].\\
217 Float\_t & tmaxfd & Maximum deflection angle due to magnetic
218 field [degrees].\\
219 Float\_t & stemax & Maximum step allowed [cm].\\
220 Float\_t & deemax & Maximum fractional energy loss in one step.\newline
221 $dee=\frac{\Delta E}{E_{k}}$\\
222 Float\_t & epsil & Tracking precision [cm].\newline
223 This effects transition to new volumes.\\
224 Float\_t & stmin & Minimum step due to continuous processes [cm].\newline
225 This must be set to 0 so that \texttt{GEANT3} will
226 computing it correctly. Not doing so will adversely
227 effect the simulation.\\
228 \normalsize
229 \label{tab:MediumParameers}
233This isn't the whole story in regards to the step manager. There
234are a number of things which we need to set/control that don't
235appear in any EMCal code, but are dealt with in the transport
236engines part of the step manager. Such settings and controls
237are very dependent on the specific transport Monte Carlo being
238used. All of these settings and controls have ALICE wide
239default values, but most of them we will need to change to
240get optimal performance and accuracy from our EMCal simulation.
241These switches and
242settings are settable for specific materials. If a material
243does not have a set of switches or settings set, the ALICE
244wide defaults are used.
a59caf82 247\includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{figures/EMCalMCStep.pdf}
e5d639f4 248\label{fig:emcalStepManager_ParticleStep}
251Figure \ref{fig:emcalStepManager_ParticleStep}
252An exaggerated Monte Carlo step showing some of the considerations associated
253with transporting a Monte Carlo particle through a step. One step between
254$s_{i}$ to $s_{i+1}$ is shown in the dotted (red) line. The dashed (blue)
255line shows the step length taken due to a magnetic field. The solid (black)
256line show what the particle path might really be. A new/different volume
257is shown as the hashed (yellow) area. A new momentum and energy are
258computed at the end of each step taking into account the energy loss
259and multiple scattering. Also indicated is the deviation in the step
260due to an applied magnetic field $t$, and the precision with which
261the step has missed the other volume.
266\paragraph{GEANT3 Switches and Settings}
269GEANT3 was the first particle transport Monte Carlo integrated into
270AliRoot and ROOT's virtual Monte Carlo and so has some of the
271oldest and simplest interfaces. For simulation, AliRoot sets many
272default settings and switches. This is done in \texttt{Config.C} which
273you can find in \texttt{\$ALICE\_ROOT/macros}. There you will see a
274number of line of the form \texttt{gMC->SetProcess(char *name,int value)}.
275The switch names and there ALICE default values are shown in table
276\ref{table:GEANT3PhysicsFlags}. There are limits both to the computer's
277capabilities in dealing with the number of particles to transport and
278with the physics models used by GEANT3. Consequently there are ``cuts''
279used to stop the transport of particles which are below some energy
280or are taking too long. The ALICE wide default values are also set
281in \texttt{Config.C} using the function \texttt{gMC->SetCut(char *name,
282double value)}. All of these values, and those included in the
283\texttt{galice.cuts} file are listed in table \ref{table:GEANT3PhysicsLimits}.
285The \texttt{galice.cuts} file has a fixed format as indicated in
286\texttt{\bf AliMC::ReadTransPar} function. In this file, lines
287staring with an ``*'' are ignored. The remaining lines are required to
288contain, in order separated by one or more spaces, Detector\_Name,
289Detector's\_media\_number, and then the numbered cuts and flags listed in
290tables \ref{table:GEANT3PhysicsFlags} and \ref{table:GEANT3PhysicsLimits}.
293 \multicolumn{3}{l}{Table \ref{table:GEANT3Switchs}} \\
294 \hline \hline \\
295 Switch & \small ALICE Default values & Description \\ \hline
296 \endfirsthead
297 \multicolumn{3}{l}{\emph{Table \ref{table:GEANT3Switchs} continued}}\\
298 \hline
299 Switch & \small ALICE Default value & Description \\
300 \hline
301 \endhead
302 \hline
303 \multicolumn{3}{r}{\emph{Table \ref{table:GEANT3Switchs} continued
304 on next page.}}
305 \endfoot
306 \hline \hline
307 \caption{
308 %\multicolumn{3}{p{0.95\textwidth}}{Table \ref{table:GEANT3Switches}:
309 \label{table:GEANT3Switchs}GEANT3 physics process flags.
310 These flags can be set on a
311 material by material basis. The ALICE Default values are
312 set in the \texttt{Config.C} file uses the
313 \texttt{gMC->SetProcess}
314 function. The setting of these specific flags for any
315 specific material is done in
316 \texttt{\$ALICE\_ROOT/data/galice.cuts}
317 file. The number on the left of the switch name is the
318 column in the \texttt{galice.cuts} file that this switch
319 is expected to be found. This information comes from the
320 GEANT3 documentation PHYS001-3 \cite{GEANT3:documentatoin}.
321 }
322 \endlastfoot
323 \footnotesize
324 13 ANNI & 1 & Positron annihilation. The $e^+$ is stopped.\newline
325 0 No position annihilation.\newline
326 1 Positron annihilation with generation of $\gamma$.\newline
327 2 Positron annihilation without generation of $\gamma$.\\
328 \footnotesize
329 14 BREM & 1 & bremsstrahlung. The interaction particle ($e^-$, $e^+$,
330 $\mu^-$, $\mu^+$) is stopped.\newline
331 0 No bremsstrahlung. \newline
332 1 bremsstrahlung with generation of $\gamma$.\newline
333 2 bremsstrahlung without generation of $\gamma$.\\
334 \footnotesize
335 15 COMP & 1 & Compton scattering.\newline
336 0 No Compton scattering.\newline
337 1 Compton scattering with generation of $e^-$. \newline
338 2 Compton scattering without generation of $e^-$.\\
339 \footnotesize
340 16 DCAY & 1 & Decay in flight. The decaying particles stops. \newline
341 0 No decay in flight \newline
342 1 Decay in flight with generation of secondaries \newline
343 2 Decay in flight without generation of secondaries \\
344 \footnotesize
345 17 DRAY & 0 & $\delta$-ray production.\newline
346 0 No $\delta$-ray production.\newline
347 1 $\delta$-ray production with generation of $e^-$.\newline
348 2 $\delta$-ray production without generation of $e^-$.\\
349 \footnotesize
350 18 HADR & 1 & Hadronic interactions. The particle is stopped in case
351 of inelastic interactions, while it is not stopped in case
352 of elastic interactions.\newline
353 0 No hadronic interactions.\newline
354 1 Hadronic interactions with generation of secondaries.\newline
355 2 Hadronic interactions without generation of
356 secondaries.\newline
357 $>2$ can be used in the user code \texttt{GUPHAD} and
358 \texttt{GUHADR} to choose
359 a hadronic package. These values have no effect on the
360 hadronic packages themselves. Not supported in AliRoot.\\
361 \footnotesize
362 19 LOSS & 2 & Continuous energy loss.\newline
363 0 No continuous energy loss, DRAY is forced to 0.\newline
364 1 Continuous energy loss with generation of $\delta$-rays
365 which have an energy above DCUTE and restricted
366 Landau-fluctuations\cite{LandauFluct} for $\delta$-rays
367 which have an
368 energy below DCUTE (no $\delta$-ray produced).\newline
369 2 Continuous energy loss without generation of $\delta$-rays
370 and full Landau-Vavilov-Gauss\cite{LandauVavilov}
371 fluctuations. In this case
372 DRAY is forced to 0 to avoid double counting of
373 fluctuations.\newline
374 3 Same as 1, kept for backwards compatibility.\newline
375 4 Energy loss without fluctuations. The value obtained
376 from the tables is used directly.\\
377 \footnotesize
378 20 MULS & 1 & Multiple scattering.\newline
379 0 No multiple scattering.\newline
380 1 Multiple scattering according to Moliere\cite{Moiere}
381 theory.\newline
382 2 Same as 1. Kept for backwards compatibility.\newline
383 3 Pure Gaussian scattering according to the Rossi
384 formula\cite{Rossi}.\\
385 \footnotesize
386 21 PAIR & 1 & Pair production. The interacting $\gamma$ is
387 stopped. \newline
388 0 No pair production. \newline
389 1 Pair production with generation of $e^+/e^-$.\newline
390 2 Pair production without generation of $e^+/e^-$.\\
391 \footnotesize
392 22 PHOT & 1 & Photoelectric effect. The interacting photon is
393 stopped.\newline
394 0 No photo-electric effect. \newline
395 1 Photo-electric effect with generation of $e^-$.\newline
396 2 Photo-electric effect without generation of $e^-$.\\
397 \footnotesize
398 23 RAYL & 1 & Rayliegh effect\cite{Rayligh}. The interacting
399 $\gamma$ is not stopped.\newline
400 0 No Raylieght effect.\newline
401 1 Rayliegh effect.\\
402 \footnotesize
403 24 STRA & 0 & Turns on the collision sampling method to simulate
404 energy loss in thin materials, particularly gasses.\newline
405 0 Collision sampling is off.\newline
406 1 Collision sampling is on. \\
407 \footnotesize
408 PFIS & 0 & Nuclear fission induced by a photon The photon stops.\newline
409 0 No photo-fission.\newline
410 1 Photo-fission with generation of secondaries.\newline
411 2 Photo-fission without generation of secondaries.\\
412 \footnotesize
413 MUNU & 1 & Muon-nucleus interactions. The muon is not stopped.\newline
414 0 No muon-nucleus interactions.\newline
415 1 Muon-nucleus interactions with generation of
416 secondaries.\newline
417 2 Muon-nucleus interactions without generation of secondaries.\\
418 \footnotesize
419 CKOV & 1 & Light absorption. This process is the absorption of light
420 photons in dielectric materials. It is turned on by default
421 when the generation of $\check{C}$erenkov\cite{Cerenkov}
422 light is requested (in GEANT manual it is LABS).\newline
423 0 No absorption of photons.\newline
424 1 Absorption of photons with possible detection.\\
425 \footnotesize
426 SYNC & 0 & Synchrotron radiation in magnetic fields.\newline
427 0 Synchrotron radiation is not simulated.\newline
428 1 Synchrotron photon are generated, at the end of the
429 tracking step.\newline
430 2 Photons are not generated, the energy is deposited
431 locally.\newline
432 3 Synchrotron photons are generated, distributed along the
433 curved path of their particle. \\
434 \normalsize
435 \label{table:GEANT3PhysicsFlags}
439 \multicolumn{3}{l}{Table \ref{table:GEANT3PhysicsLimits}} \\
440 \hline \hline \\
441 Parameter & \small ALICE Default value & Description \\ \hline
442 \endfirsthead
443 \multicolumn{3}{l}{\emph{Table \ref{table:GEANT3PhysicsLimits}
444 continued}}\\
445 \hline
446 Parameter & ALICE Default value & Description \\
447 \hline
448 \endhead
449 \hline
450 \multicolumn{3}{r}{\emph{Table \ref{table:GEANT3PhysicsLimits}
451 continued on next page.}}
452 \endfoot
453 \hline \hline
454 \caption{\label{table:GEANT3PhysicsLimits}GEANT3 physics process limits.
455 These ``cuts'' can be set on a
456 material by material basis. The ALICE Default values are
457 set in the \texttt{Config.C} file uses the
458 \texttt{gMC->SetCuts}
459 function. The setting of these specific flags for any
460 specific material is done in
461 \texttt{\$ALICE\_ROOT/data/galice.cuts}
462 file. The number on the left of the cut name is the
463 column in the \texttt{galice.cuts} file that this cut
464 is expected to be found. This information comes from the
465 GEANT3 documentation ZZZZ010-2 \cite{GEANT3:documentatoin}
466 }
467 \endlastfoot
469 \footnotesize
470 3 CUTGAM & $1.\times 10^{-3}$ GeV & Threshold for gamma transport.\\
471 \footnotesize
472 4 CUTELE & $1.\times 10^{-3}$ GeV & Threshold for electron and positron
473 transport.\\
474 \footnotesize
475 5 CUTNEU & $1.\times 10^{-3}$ GeV & Threshold for neutral hadron
476 transport.\\
477 \footnotesize
478 6 CUTHAD & $1.\times 10^{-3}$ GeV & Threshold for charged hadron
479 and ion transport.\\
480 \footnotesize
481 7 CUTMUO & $1.\times 10^{-3}$ GeV & Threshold for muon transport.\\
482 \footnotesize
483 8 BCUTE & $1.\times 10^{-3}$ GeV & Threshold for photons produced by
484 electron bremsstrahlung.\\
485 \footnotesize
486 9 BCUTM & $1.\times 10^{-3}$ GeV & Threshold for photons produced by
487 muon bremsstrahlung.\\
488 \footnotesize
489 10 DCUTE & $1.\times 10^{-3}$ GeV & Threshold for electrons produced by
490 electron $\delta$-rays.\\
491 \footnotesize
492 11 DCUTM & $1.\times 10^{-3}$ GeV & Threshold for electrons produced by
493 muon or hadron $\delta$-rays.\\
494 \footnotesize
495 12 PPCUTM & $1.\times 10^{-3}$ GeV & Threshold for $e^{\pm}$ direct pair
496 production by muons.\\
497 \footnotesize
498 TOFMAX & $1.\times 10^{10}$ sec & Threshold on time of flight counted
499 from primary interactions time.\\
501 \label{table:GEANT3PhysicsLimits}
504\paragraph{GEANT4 Switches and Settings}
506\paragraph{Fluka Switches and Settings}
510\bibitem{GEANT3:documentatoin} CERN Program Library.
511 \textsl{GEANT Detector description and Simulation Tool},
512 CERN Program Library Long writeup W5013, October 1994
513\bibitem{GEANT4} GEANT4 Working Group, ``User Documentation'',
514 Accessed Feb. 4 2013.
515 http://geant4.cern.ch/support/suerdocumentatoin.shtml
516\bibitem{Fluka} FLUKA Team, ``FLUKA'', Access Feb. 4 2013,
517 http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man\_onl
518\bibitem{LandauFluct} \textsl{GEANT Detector description and Simulation Tool},
519 PHYS332. and
520 L. Landau. \textsl{On the Energy Loss of Fast Particles
521 by Ionisation}, J. Phys. 8:201, 1944. and
522 K. S. K$\ddot{o}$lbig and B. Schorr. \textsl{Asymptotic
523 expansion for the Landau density and distribution
524 functions}, Comp. Phys. Comm., 32:121,1984
525\bibitem{LadauVavilov}\textsl{GEANT Detector description and Simulation Tool},
526 PHYS332. and
527 P. V. Valilov. \textsl{Ionisation losses of high
528 energy heavy particles}, Soviet Physics
529 JETP, 5:749, 1957
530\bibitem{Moliere}\textsl{GEANT Detector description and Simulation Tool},
531 PHYS320. and
532 G. Z. Moliere \textsl{Theorie de Streuung schneller
533 geladener Teilchen I: Enzelstreuung am abgerschmitten
534 Coulomb-Feld},Z. Naturforsch., 2a:133, 1947 and
535 G. Z. Moliere, \textsl{Teeorie der Steuung schneller
536 geladerner Teichen II: Merfach- und Vielfachstreuung}
537 Z. Naturforsh., 3a:87, 1948 and
538 W. T. Scott. Rev. Mod. Phys. 35:231 1963
539\bibitem{Rossi}\textsl{GEANT Detector description and Simulation Tool},
540 PHYS320 and
541 R. Rossi, Prentice-Hall, Englewoood Clifgs, 1962
542 R. Rossi, and K. Greisen, Rev. Mod. Physics, 13-240, 1942
543\bibitem{Rayliegh} \textsl{GEANT Detector description and Simulation Tool},
544 PHYS250. and
545 W. R. Nelson, H. Hiayama, and D. W. O. Rogers. Technical
546 Report 265, SLAC, 1985
547\bibitem{Cerenkov} \textsl{GEANT Detector description and Simulation Tool},
548 PHYS260,
549 J. D. Jackson \textsl{Classical Electrodyanamics},
550 J. Wiley et Sons, Inc. New York, 1975