]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - FASTSIM/AliQuenchingWeights.h
New binning for Mass e+e- histos
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / FASTSIM / AliQuenchingWeights.h
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6/* $Id$ */
9// Implementation of the class to calculate the parton energy loss
10// Based on the "BDMPS" quenching weights by C.A.Salgado and U.A.Wiedemann
12// References:
13// C.A.Salgado and U.A.Wiedemann, Phys.Rev.D68 (2003) 014008 [hep-ph/0302184]
14// A.Dainese, Eur.Phys.J.C, in press, [nucl-ex/0312005]
16// Origin: C. Loizides constantin.loizides@cern.ch
17// A. Dainese andrea.dainese@pd.infn.it
090026bf 20#include <TMath.h>
b6d061b7 21#include <TObject.h>
22class TH1F;
24class AliQuenchingWeights : public TObject {
25 public:
b677de56 26 enum kECMethod {kDefault=0,kReweight=1,kReweightCont=2};
b6d061b7 27
28 AliQuenchingWeights();
29 AliQuenchingWeights(const AliQuenchingWeights& a);
b90de01a 30 AliQuenchingWeights& operator=(const AliQuenchingWeights& a)
31 {a.Copy(*this); return(*this);}
b6d061b7 32 virtual ~AliQuenchingWeights();
620294e8 33 void Init();
b6d061b7 34 void Reset();
35 Int_t SampleEnergyLoss();
b90de01a 36 Int_t SampleEnergyLoss(Int_t ipart, Double_t r);
7258586f 37
38 Double_t GetELossRandom(Int_t ipart, Double_t length, Double_t e=1.e10) const;
b6d061b7 39 Double_t CalcQuenchedEnergy(Int_t ipart, Double_t length, Double_t e) const;
7258586f 40 Double_t GetELossRandom(Int_t ipart, TH1F *hell, Double_t e=1.e10) const;
b6d061b7 41 Double_t CalcQuenchedEnergy(Int_t ipart, TH1F *hell, Double_t e) const;
7258586f 42 Double_t GetELossRandomK(Int_t ipart, Double_t I0, Double_t I1, Double_t e=1.e10);
43 Double_t CalcQuenchedEnergyK(Int_t ipart, Double_t I0, Double_t I1, Double_t e);
2552c51a 44 Double_t GetELossRandomKFast(Int_t ipart, Double_t I0, Double_t I1, Double_t e=1.e10);
b90de01a 45 Double_t GetELossRandomKFastR(Int_t ipart, Double_t r, Double_t wc, Double_t e=1.e10);
2552c51a 46 Double_t CalcQuenchedEnergyKFast(Int_t ipart, Double_t I0, Double_t I1, Double_t e);
7258586f 47
b677de56 48 Double_t GetDiscreteWeight(Int_t ipart, Double_t I0, Double_t I1);
b90de01a 49 Double_t GetDiscreteWeightR(Int_t ipart, Double_t r);
50 void GetZeroLossProb(Double_t &p,Double_t &prw,Double_t &prwcont,
b677de56 51 Int_t ipart,Double_t I0,Double_t I1,Double_t e=1.e10);
b90de01a 52 void GetZeroLossProbR(Double_t &p,Double_t &prw, Double_t &prwcont,
53 Int_t ipart,Double_t r,Double_t wc,Double_t e=1.e10);
b677de56 54
b6d061b7 55 //multiple soft scattering approximation
56 Int_t InitMult(const Char_t *contall="$(ALICE_ROOT)/FASTSIM/data/cont_mult.all",
57 const Char_t *discall="$(ALICE_ROOT)/FASTSIM/data/disc_mult.all");
59 //single hard scattering approximation
60 Int_t InitSingleHard(const Char_t *contall="$(ALICE_ROOT)/FASTSIM/data/cont_lin.all",
61 const Char_t *discall="$(ALICE_ROOT)/FASTSIM/data/disc_lin.all");
63 Int_t CalcMult(Int_t ipart, Double_t rrrr,Double_t xxxx,
64 Double_t &continuous,Double_t &discrete) const;
65 Int_t CalcMult(Int_t ipart,
66 Double_t w, Double_t qtransp, Double_t length,
67 Double_t &continuous,Double_t &discrete) const;
68 Int_t CalcSingleHard(Int_t ipart, Double_t rrrr,Double_t xxxx,
69 Double_t &continuous,Double_t &discrete) const;
70 Int_t CalcSingleHard(Int_t ipart,
71 Double_t w, Double_t mu, Double_t length,
72 Double_t &continuous,Double_t &discrete) const;
74 Double_t CalcWC(Double_t q, Double_t l) const
7a76a12e 75 {return 0.5*q*l*l*fgkConvFmToInvGeV;}
b6d061b7 76
77 Double_t CalcWCbar(Double_t mu, Double_t l) const
7a76a12e 78 {return 0.5*mu*mu*l*fgkConvFmToInvGeV;}
b6d061b7 79
80 Double_t CalcWC(Double_t l) const
81 {if(fMultSoft) return CalcWC(fQTransport,l);
82 else return CalcWCbar(fMu,l);}
7258586f 84 Double_t CalcWCk(Double_t I1) const
85 {if(fMultSoft) return CalcWCk(fK,I1);
86 else return -1;} //not implemented!
88 Double_t CalcWCk(Double_t k, Double_t I1) const
89 {if(fMultSoft) return k*I1/fgkConvFmToInvGeV;
90 else return -1;} //not implemented!
b6d061b7 92 Double_t CalcR(Double_t wc, Double_t l) const;
7258586f 94 Double_t CalcRk(Double_t I0, Double_t I1) const
95 {return CalcRk(fK,I0,I1);}
97 Double_t CalcRk(Double_t k, Double_t I0, Double_t I1) const;
99 Double_t CalcQk(Double_t I0, Double_t I1) const
100 {return CalcQk(fK,I0,I1);}
102 Double_t CalcQk(Double_t k, Double_t I0, Double_t I1) const
cc885e36 103 {return I0*I0/2./I1/fgkConvFmToInvGeV/fgkConvFmToInvGeV*k;}
6bd26c4a 104
105 Double_t CalcLk(Double_t i0, Double_t i1) const
106 {return 2.*i1/i0;}
7258586f 107
b6d061b7 108 Int_t CalcLengthMax(Double_t q) const
7a76a12e 109 {Double_t l3max=fgkRMax/.5/q/fgkConvFmToInvGeV/fgkConvFmToInvGeV;
b6d061b7 110 return (Int_t)TMath::Power(l3max,1./3.);}
7258586f 112 const TH1F* GetHisto(Int_t ipart,Double_t length) const;
b6d061b7 113
114 void SetMu(Double_t m=1.) {fMu=m;}
115 void SetQTransport(Double_t q=1.) {fQTransport=q;}
7258586f 116 void SetK(Double_t k=4.e5) {fK=k;} //about 1 GeV^2/fm
b6d061b7 117 void SetECMethod(kECMethod type=kDefault);
118 void SetLengthMax(Int_t l=20) {fLengthMax=l;}
120 Float_t GetMu() const {return fMu;}
121 Float_t GetQTransport() const {return fQTransport;}
7258586f 122 Float_t GetK() const {return fK;}
1d059662 123 kECMethod GetECMethod() const {return fECMethod;}
b6d061b7 124 Bool_t GetTablesLoaded() const {return fTablesLoaded;}
125 Bool_t GetMultSoft() const {return fMultSoft;}
126 Int_t GetLengthMax() const {return fLengthMax;}
128 TH1F* ComputeQWHisto (Int_t ipart,Double_t medval,Double_t length) const;
129 TH1F* ComputeQWHistoX(Int_t ipart,Double_t medval,Double_t length) const;
b90de01a 130 TH1F* ComputeQWHistoX(Int_t ipart,Double_t r) const;
7258586f 131 TH1F* ComputeELossHisto(Int_t ipart,Double_t medval,Double_t l,Double_t e=1.e10) const;
132 TH1F* ComputeELossHisto(Int_t ipart,Double_t medval,TH1F *hEll,Double_t e=1.e10) const;
b90de01a 133 TH1F* ComputeELossHisto(Int_t ipart,Double_t r) const;
7258586f 134
135 Double_t GetMeanELoss(Int_t ipart,Double_t medval,Double_t l) const;
136 Double_t GetMeanELoss(Int_t ipart,Double_t medval,TH1F *hEll) const;
9175f0df 137 Double_t GetMeanELoss(Int_t ipart,Double_t r) const;
b6d061b7 138
9175f0df 139 void PlotDiscreteWeights(Double_t len=4,Double_t qm=5) const;
140 void PlotContWeights(Int_t itype,Double_t len) const;
141 void PlotContWeightsVsL(Int_t itype,Double_t medval) const;
142 void PlotAvgELoss(Double_t len,Double_t qm=5,Double_t e=1.e10) const;
143 void PlotAvgELoss(TH1F *hEll,Double_t e=1.e10) const;
144 void PlotAvgELossVsL(Double_t e=1.e10) const;
145 void PlotAvgELossVsPt(Double_t medval,Double_t len) const;
146 void PlotAvgELossVsPt(Double_t medval,TH1F *hEll) const;
b6d061b7 147
148 protected:
7258586f 149 Int_t GetIndex(Double_t len) const;
7a76a12e 151 static const Double_t fgkConvFmToInvGeV; //conversion factor
2552c51a 152 static const Int_t fgkBins; //number of bins for hists
153 static const Double_t fgkMaxBin; //max. value of wc
7258586f 154 static const Double_t fgkRMax; //max. tabled value of R
7a76a12e 156 static Int_t fgCounter;//static instance counter
157 Int_t fInstanceNumber; //instance number of class
b6d061b7 158
159 Bool_t fMultSoft; //approximation type
b677de56 160 kECMethod fECMethod; //energy constraint method
7258586f 161 Double_t fQTransport; //transport coefficient [GeV^2/fm]]
b6d061b7 162 Double_t fMu; //Debye screening mass
7258586f 163 Double_t fK; //proportional constant [fm]
b6d061b7 164 Int_t fLengthMax; //maximum length
165 Int_t fLengthMaxOld; //maximum length used for histos
167 //discrete and cont part of quenching for
168 //both parton type and different lengths
169 TH1F ***fHistos; //!
7258586f 170 TH1F *fHisto; //!
b6d061b7 171
172 // data strucs for tables
7a76a12e 173 Double_t fxx[400]; //sampled energy quark
174 Double_t fxxg[400]; //sampled energy gluon
175 Double_t fdaq[34]; //discrete weight quark
176 Double_t fdag[34]; //discrete weight gluon
177 Double_t fcaq[34][261]; //continuous weights quarks
178 Double_t fcag[34][261]; //continuous weights gluons
179 Double_t frrr[34]; //r value quark
180 Double_t frrrg[34]; //r value gluon
181 Bool_t fTablesLoaded; //tables loaded
b6d061b7 182
183 ClassDef(AliQuenchingWeights,1) // Base class for Quenching Weights