]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - FMD/AliFMD.h
fixed the reading of the FMD primary data (speed issue)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / FMD / AliFMD.h
d28dcc0d 1#ifndef ALIFMD_H
2#define ALIFMD_H
4347b38f 3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights
4 * reserved.
5 *
6 * Latest changes by Christian Holm Christensen <cholm@nbi.dk>
7 *
8 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice
9 */
c2fc1258 10/** @file AliFMD.h
11 @author Christian Holm Christensen <cholm@nbi.dk>
12 @date Sun Mar 26 17:59:37 2006
13 @brief Declaration of AliFMD detector driver
9f662337 15/** @mainpage ALICE FMD Off-line code
f8616692 16
17 @b Contents
18 - @ref intro
19 - @ref structure
20 - @ref base (see also @ref FMD_base)
21 - @ref sim (see also @ref FMD_sim)
22 - @ref rec (see also @ref FMD_rec)
23 - @ref util (see also @ref FMD_util)
9b48326f 24 - @ref script (see also @ref FMD_script)
f8616692 25 - @ref quick
26 - @ref authors
9f662337 28 @section intro Introduction:
30 This file contains a short overview of the FMD code. It is by no
31 means authoritative - only the code is good for that. However,
32 I'll try to explain things a bit here.
34 @section structure Structure:
36 There are 4 libraries build for the FMD. These are
38 - libFMDbase: This contains the basic stuff, like data classes and
39 managers.
40 - libFMDsim: This contains code used by the simulation only. That
41 includes the detector class AliFMD and it's derivatives. It
42 also contains the code for building the geometry, as well as the
43 digitisers and raw data writer.
44 - libFMDrec: Code needed for the reconstruction. This include the
45 reconstruction code itself, as well as a raw data reader.
46 - libFMDutil: This is a special library that contains various
47 utility classes for the FMD expert/developer/tester. It
48 includes code to read all data produced by the FMD, a simple
49 event display, and code to make fake calibration and alignment
50 data. This library is @e not loaded by aliroot
51 automatically. The user has to load it herself:
52 @code
53 gSystem->Load("libFMDutil.so");
54 @endcode
55 The content of these libraries is detailed more below.
f8616692 56
9f662337 57 @subsection base libFMDbase:
59 This currently (18th or March 2006) contains the classes
61 - AliFMDBaseDigit, AliFMDDigit, AliFMDSDigit: Base class for
62 digits, real digits, and summable digits. The are all data
63 classes that holds the ADC value(s) for a single strip.
64 - AliFMDBoolMap: A map of booleans, one for each strip.
65 - AliFMDUShortMap: A map of unsigned short integers, one for each
66 strip.
67 - AliFMDDetector, AliFMD1, AliFMD2, AliFMD3: 3 classes that holds
68 the parameters for each of the 3 FMD sub-detectors. These
69 derive from AliFMDDetector, and are managed by AliFMDGeometry.
70 Each of these also contains the translation from sensor
71 reference frame to global reference frame.
72 - AliFMDRing: Parameters for the FMD rings (inner and outer type).
73 These are managed by AliFMDGeometry.
74 - AliFMDGeometry: Manager of FMD geometry data. All code queries
75 this manager for geometry parameters, so that the data is always
76 consistent.
77 - AliFMDParameters: Manager of FMD parameters, like calibration
78 parameters. This class fetches data from CDB if necessary.
79 All code queries this manager for parameters, so that the data
80 is always consistent.
81 - AliFMDCalibPedestal, AliFMDCalibGain, AliFMDCalibSampleRate,
82 AliFMDAltroMapping: Containers of calibration parameters. These
83 correspond to the pedestal and its width, the gain of each
84 strip, the oversampling rate used in read-out, and the map from
85 hardware address to detector.
86 - AliFMDAltroIO, AliFMDAltroReader, AliFMDAltroWriter: Low-level
87 classes to do input/output on ALTRO formated buffers.
91 @subsection sim libFMDsim:
93 This currently (18th or March 2006) contains the classes
95 - AliFMDEdepMap: Cache of energy deposited and total number of
96 hits for each strip. The digitiser AliFMDDigitizer uses this to
97 store simulation data before making digits.
98 - AliFMDHit: A hit in the FMD active elements, as described by the
99 simulation back-end during transport.
100 - AliFMD, AliFMDv0, AliFMDv1: Simulation drivers for the FMD.
101 AliFMD is the base class. AliFMDv0 corresponds to a simulation
102 where no hits are created, but the material distribution is
103 right. AliFMDv1 is like AliFMDv0, except that hits are
104 produced.
105 - AliFMDGeometryBuilder: Build the FMD geometry in terms of TGeo
106 objects. The information for building the geometry is retrieved
107 from AliFMDGeometry.
108 - AliFMDBaseDigitizer, AliFMDDigitizer, AliFMDSDigitizer: Base
109 class for the digitisers. AliFMDDigitizer makes `real' digits
110 (AliFMDDigit) from hits, and AliFMDSDigitizer makes summable
111 digits from hits.
112 - AliFMDRawWriter: Writes a pseudo raw data file from the digits
113 created by the digitisers. It uses the AliFMDAltroMapping from
114 AliFMDParameters to make the mapping from detector coordinates
115 to hardware addresses.
117 @subsection rec libFMDrec:
119 This currently (18th or March 2006) contains the classes
121 - AliFMDReconstructor: Reconstruct (in a naiive way) the charged
122 particle multiplicity in the FMD strips. This also writes an
123 AliESDFMD object to the ESD files (that class is in libESD).
125 - AliFMDRecPoint: Reconstructed point in the FMD. These objects
126 are made AliFMDReconstructor.
128 - AliFMDRawReader: Classes to read raw data files.
130 @subsection util libFMDutil:
132 This currently (18th or March 2006) contains the classes
134 - AliFMDInput, AliFMDInputHits, AliFMDInputDigits,
135 AliFMDInputSDigits, AliFMDInputRecPoints: Base class, and
136 concrete classes to read in FMD generated data. These provide a
137 simple and unified way of getting the data. Hooks are defined
138 to process hits, tracks, digits, and reconstructed points, as
139 well as geometry and ESD data. See for example the scripts
140 @c DrawHits.C, @c DrawHitsDigits.C, @c DrawHitsRecs.C, @c
141 DrawDigitsRecs.C in the @c FMD/scripts sub-directory.
143 - AliFMDDisplay: Simple event display for FMD data, including
144 hits, digits, reconstructed points and ESD data.
146 - AliFMDCalibFaker, AliFMDAlignFaker: Classes to write fake (or
147 dummy) calibration and alignment data. These derive from
148 TTask.
9b48326f 150 @section script Scripts
152 Most scripts live in @c FMD/scripts. The notiable exceptions are
153 @ref Simulate.C, @ref Reconstruct.C, and @ref Config.C
f8616692 155 @section quick Quick start
157 First, install ROOT. Then Install TGeant3:
158 @verbatim
159 > cd ~/
160 > mkdir alice
161 > cd alice
162 > cvs -d :pserver:cvs@root.cern.ch:/user/cvs login
163 Password: cvs
164 > cvs -d :pserver:cvs@root.cern.ch:/user/cvs co geant3
165 > cd geant3
166 > make
167 @endverbatim
169 Now you can install AliRoot
170 @verbatim
171 > cd ../
172 > cvs -d :pserver:cvs@alisoft.cern.ch:/soft/cvsroot login
173 Password: <empty>
174 > cvs -d :pserver:cvs@alisoft.cern.ch:/soft/cvsroot co AliRoot
175 > cd AliRoot
176 > export ALICE_TARGET=`root-config --arch`
177 > export ALICE=${HOME}/alice
178 > export ALICE_ROOT=${ALICE}/AliRoot
179 > export ALICE_LEVEL=new
181 > export PATH=${ALICE_ROOT}/bin/tgt_${ALICE_TERGET}:${PATH}
182 > export G3SYS=${ALICE}/geant3
183 > make
184 @endverbatim
186 To simulate one event, do something like
188 @verbatim
189 > aliroot ${ALICE_ROOT}/FMD/Simulate.C
190 @endverbatim
192 To reconstruct the generated event, do
193 @verbatim
194 > aliroot ${ALICE_ROOT}/FMD/Reconstruct.C
195 @endverbatim
197 Now, open the file `AliESDs.root' in AliRoot, and browse through that.
9f662337 199 @section authors Authors:
201 - Alla Maevskaya <Alla.Maevskaia@cern.ch>
202 - Christian Holm Christensen <cholm@nbi.dk>
204/** @defgroup FMD_sim Simulation */
3da30618 205
37c4363a 206//____________________________________________________________________
208// Manager class for the FMD - Base class.
088f8e79 209// AliFMDv1, AliFMDv0, and AliFMDAlla
210// provides concrete implementations.
211// This class is sooooo crowded
37c4363a 212//
9f662337 213#ifndef ALIDETECTOR_H
4347b38f 214# include <AliDetector.h>
b2e6f0b0 216#ifndef ROOT_TArrayI
217# include <TArrayI.h>
1a1fdef7 219class TBranch;
220class TClonesArray;
221class TBrowser;
bf000c32 222class TMarker3DBox;
b2e6f0b0 223class TArrayI;
1a1fdef7 224class AliDigitizer;
54240c8d 225class AliFMDHit;
4347b38f 226
9f662337 228/** @class AliFMD AliFMD.h <FMD/AliFMD.h>
229 @brief Forward Multiplicity Detector based on Silicon wafers.
230 This class is the driver for especially simulation.
232 The Forward Multiplicity Detector consists of 3 sub-detectors FMD1,
233 FMD2, and FMD3, each of which has 1 or 2 rings of silicon sensors.
235 This is the base class for all FMD manager classes.
237 The actual code is done by various separate classes. Below is
238 diagram showing the relationship between the various FMD classes
239 that handles the simulation
241 @verbatim
242 +----------+ +----------+
243 | AliFMDv1 | | AliFMDv0 |
244 +----------+ +----------+
245 | | +-----------------+
246 +----+--------------+ +--| AliFMDDigitizer |
247 | | +-----------------+
248 | +---------------------+ |
249 | +--| AliFMDBaseDigitizer |<--+
250 V 1 | +---------------------+ |
251 +--------+<>--+ | +------------------+
252 | AliFMD | +--| AliFMDSDigitizer |
253 +--------+<>--+ +------------------+
254 1 | +---------------------+
255 +--| AliFMDReconstructor |
256 +---------------------+
257 @endverbatim
259 - AliFMD
260 This defines the interface for the various parts of AliROOT that
261 uses the FMD, like AliFMDSimulator, AliFMDDigitizer,
262 AliFMDReconstructor, and so on.
263 - AliFMDv0
264 This is a concrete implementation of the AliFMD interface.
265 It is the responsibility of this class to create the FMD
266 geometry.
267 - AliFMDv1
268 This is a concrete implementation of the AliFMD interface.
269 It is the responsibility of this class to create the FMD
270 geometry, process hits in the FMD, and serve hits and digits to
271 the various clients.
272 - AliFMDSimulator
273 This is the base class for the FMD simulation tasks. The
274 simulator tasks are responsible to implment the geoemtry, and
275 process hits.
276 - AliFMDReconstructor
277 This is a concrete implementation of the AliReconstructor that
278 reconstructs pseudo-inclusive-multiplicities from digits (raw or
279 from simulation)
281 Calibration and geometry parameters are managed by separate
282 singleton managers. These are AliFMDGeometry and
283 AliFMDParameters. Please refer to these classes for more
284 information on these.
285 */
4347b38f 286class AliFMD : public AliDetector
fe4da5cc 288public:
9f662337 289 /** Default constructor. Do not use. */
fe4da5cc 290 AliFMD();
9f662337 291 /** Normal constructor
292 @param name Name of object.
293 @param title Title of object. */
1a1fdef7 294 AliFMD(const char *name, const char *title);
9f662337 295 /** Destructor */
4347b38f 296 virtual ~AliFMD();
9f662337 297 /** Wheter to make a detailed geometry
298 @param use If true, make detailed geometry */
54240c8d 299 void UseDetailed(Bool_t use=kTRUE) { fDetailed = use; }
4ac75127 300
9f662337 301 /** @{*/
302 /** @name GEometry ANd Tracking (GEANT :-) */
303 /** Define the geometry. This is done by asking the manager
304 AliFMDGeometry to construct the geometry. This in turn calls
305 AliFMDGeometryBuilder. */
4347b38f 306 virtual void CreateGeometry();
ee8a5fe6 307 /** Create entries for alignable volumes associating the symbolic volume
308 name with the corresponding volume path. Needs to be syncronized with
309 eventual changes in the geometry. */
310 virtual void AddAlignableVolumes() const;
9f662337 311 /** Create the tracking mediums used by the FMD. This associates
312 the tracking mediums defined with the FMD in the
313 TVirtualMCApplication (AliMC).
315 The defined mediums are
316 - @c FMD @c Si$ Silicon (active medium in sensors)
317 - @c FMD @c C$ Carbon fibre (support cone for FMD3 and vacuum pipe)
318 - @c FMD @c Al$ Aluminium (honeycomb support plates)
319 - @c FMD @c PCB$ Printed Circuit Board (FEE board with VA1_3)
320 - @c FMD @c Chip$ Electronics chips (currently not used)
321 - @c FMD @c Air$ Air (Air in the FMD)
322 - @c FMD @c Plastic$ Plastic (Support legs for the hybrid cards)
323 */
4347b38f 324 virtual void CreateMaterials();
9f662337 325 /** Initialize this detector */
fe4da5cc 326 virtual void Init();
9f662337 327 /** This member function is called when ever a track deposites
328 energy (or similar) in an FMD tracking medium. In this base
329 class this member function is pure abstract. In concrete
330 sub-classes, the member function may make hits or other
331 stuff. */
4347b38f 332 virtual void StepManager() = 0;
9f662337 333 /** Called at the end of each simulation event. If the debug level
334 is high enough a list of @e bad hits is printed. */
54240c8d 335 virtual void FinishEvent();
9f662337 336 /** @}*/
54240c8d 337
9f662337 338 /** @{*/
339 /** @name Graphics and event display */
9f662337 340 /** Draw a shaded view of the Forward multiplicity detector. This
341 isn't really useful anymore. */
7dd2cbe4 342 virtual void DrawDetector() {}
9f662337 343 /** @}*/
bf000c32 344
9f662337 345 /** @{ */
346 /** @name Hit and digit management */
347 /* Create Tree branches for the FMD.
348 @param opt One of
349 - @c H Make a branch of TClonesArray of AliFMDHit's
350 - @c D Make a branch of TClonesArray of AliFMDDigit's
351 - @c S Make a branch of TClonesArray of AliFMDSDigit's */
4347b38f 352 virtual void MakeBranch(Option_t *opt=" ");
9f662337 353 /** Set the TClonesArray to read hits into.
354 @param b The branch to containn the hits */
4347b38f 355 virtual void SetHitsAddressBranch(TBranch *b);
42f1b2f5 356 /** Set the TClonesArray to read sdigits into.
357 @param b The branch to containn the sdigits */
358 virtual void SetSDigitsAddressBranch(TBranch *b);
9f662337 359 /** Set branch address for the Hits, Digits, and SDigits Tree. */
4347b38f 360 virtual void SetTreeAddress();
9f662337 361 /** Get the array of summable digits
362 @return summable digits */
4347b38f 363 virtual TClonesArray* SDigits() { return fSDigits; }
9f662337 364 /** Reset the array of summable digits */
4347b38f 365 virtual void ResetSDigits();
9f662337 366 /** Add a hit to the hits tree
367 @param track Track #
f8616692 368 @param vol Volume parameters, interpreted as
9f662337 369 - ivol[0] [UShort_t ] Detector #
370 - ivol[1] [Char_t ] Ring ID
371 - ivol[2] [UShort_t ] Sector #
372 - ivol[3] [UShort_t ] Strip #
373 @param hits Hit information
374 - hits[0] [Float_t ] Track's X-coordinate at hit
375 - hits[1] [Float_t ] Track's Y-coordinate at hit
376 - hits[3] [Float_t ] Track's Z-coordinate at hit
377 - hits[4] [Float_t ] X-component of track's momentum
378 - hits[5] [Float_t ] Y-component of track's momentum
379 - hits[6] [Float_t ] Z-component of track's momentum
380 - hits[7] [Float_t ] Energy deposited by track
381 - hits[8] [Int_t ] Track's particle Id #
382 - hits[9] [Float_t ] Time when the track hit */
4347b38f 383 virtual void AddHit(Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits);
9f662337 384 /** Add a hit to the list
385 @param track Track #
386 @param detector Detector # (1, 2, or 3)
387 @param ring Ring ID ('I' or 'O')
388 @param sector Sector # (For inner/outer rings: 0-19/0-39)
389 @param strip Strip # (For inner/outer rings: 0-511/0-255)
390 @param x Track's X-coordinate at hit
391 @param y Track's Y-coordinate at hit
392 @param z Track's Z-coordinate at hit
393 @param px X-component of track's momentum
394 @param py Y-component of track's momentum
395 @param pz Z-component of track's momentum
396 @param edep Energy deposited by track
397 @param pdg Track's particle Id #
398 @param t Time when the track hit
f8616692 399 @param len Track length through the material.
400 @param stopped Whether track was stopped or disappeared */
54240c8d 401 virtual AliFMDHit* AddHitByFields(Int_t track,
69b696b9 402 UShort_t detector,
403 Char_t ring,
404 UShort_t sector,
405 UShort_t strip,
406 Float_t x=0,
407 Float_t y=0,
408 Float_t z=0,
409 Float_t px=0,
410 Float_t py=0,
411 Float_t pz=0,
412 Float_t edep=0,
413 Int_t pdg=0,
088f8e79 414 Float_t t=0,
415 Float_t len=0,
416 Bool_t stopped=kFALSE);
9f662337 417 /** Add a digit to the Digit tree
418 @param digits
419 - digits[0] [UShort_t] Detector #
420 - digits[1] [Char_t] Ring ID
421 - digits[2] [UShort_t] Sector #
422 - digits[3] [UShort_t] Strip #
423 - digits[4] [UShort_t] ADC Count
424 - digits[5] [Short_t] ADC Count, -1 if not used
425 - digits[6] [Short_t] ADC Count, -1 if not used
426 @param notused Not used */
69b696b9 427 virtual void AddDigit(Int_t *digits, Int_t* notused=0);
9f662337 428 /** add a real digit
429 @param detector Detector # (1, 2, or 3)
430 @param ring Ring ID ('I' or 'O')
431 @param sector Sector # (For inner/outer rings: 0-19/0-39)
432 @param strip Strip # (For inner/outer rings: 0-511/0-255)
433 @param count1 ADC count (a 10-bit word)
434 @param count2 ADC count (a 10-bit word), or -1 if not used
435 @param count3 ADC count (a 10-bit word), or -1 if not used */
faf80567 436 virtual void AddDigitByFields(UShort_t detector=0,
437 Char_t ring='\0',
438 UShort_t sector=0,
439 UShort_t strip=0,
440 UShort_t count1=0,
441 Short_t count2=-1,
442 Short_t count3=-1,
443 Short_t count4=-1,
4c59a89d 444 UShort_t nrefs=0,
445 Int_t* refs=0);
9f662337 446 /** Add a digit to the Digit tree
447 @param digits
448 - digits[0] [UShort_t] Detector #
449 - digits[1] [Char_t] Ring ID
450 - digits[2] [UShort_t] Sector #
451 - digits[3] [UShort_t] Strip #
83ad576a 452 - digits[4] [Float_t] Edep
453 - digits[5] [UShort_t] ADC Count
454 - digits[6] [Short_t] ADC Count, -1 if not used
455 - digits[7] [Short_t] ADC Count, -1 if not used
456 - digits[8] [Short_t] ADC Count, -1 if not used
457 - digits[9] [UShort_t] N total particles
458 - digits[10] [UShort_t] N total primary particles
459 */
4347b38f 460 virtual void AddSDigit(Int_t *digits);
9f662337 461 /** add a summable digit - as coming from data
462 @param detector Detector # (1, 2, or 3)
f8616692 463 @param ring Ring ID ('I' or 'O')
464 @param sector Sector # (For inner/outer rings: 0-19/0-39)
465 @param strip Strip # (For inner/outer rings: 0-511/0-255)
466 @param edep Energy deposited
9f662337 467 @param count1 ADC count (a 10-bit word)
f8616692 468 @param count2 ADC count (a 10-bit word), or -1 if not used
469 @param count3 ADC count (a 10-bit word), or -1 if not used */
b2e6f0b0 470 virtual void AddSDigitByFields(UShort_t detector=0,
471 Char_t ring='\0',
472 UShort_t sector=0,
473 UShort_t strip=0,
474 Float_t edep=0,
475 UShort_t count1=0,
476 Short_t count2=-1,
477 Short_t count3=-1,
478 Short_t count4=-1,
479 UShort_t ntot=0,
480 UShort_t nprim=0,
4c59a89d 481 Int_t* refs=0);
9f662337 482 /** @}*/
4347b38f 483
9f662337 484 /** @{ */
485 /** @name Digitisation */
486 /** Create a digitizer object
487 @param manager Digitization manager
488 @return a newly allocated AliFMDDigitizer */
c92eb8ad 489 virtual AliDigitizer* CreateDigitizer(AliRunDigitizer* manager) const;
9f662337 490 /** Create AliFMDDigit's from AliFMDHit's. This is done by creating
491 an AliFMDDigitizer object, and executing it. */
4347b38f 492 virtual void Hits2Digits();
9f662337 493 /** Create AliFMDSDigit's from AliFMDHit's. This is done by creating
494 an AliFMDSDigitizer object, and executing it. */
4347b38f 495 virtual void Hits2SDigits();
9f662337 496 /** @}*/
4347b38f 497
9f662337 498 /** @{ */
499 /** @name Raw data */
faf80567 500 /**
501 * Turn digits into raw data. This uses the class AliFMDRawWriter to
502 * do the job. Please refer to that class for more information.
503 */
504 virtual void Digits2Raw();
505 /**
506 * Convert raw data to sdigits
507 *
508 * @param reader Raw reader
509 *
510 * @return @c true on success
511 */
512 virtual Bool_t Raw2SDigits(AliRawReader* reader);
9f662337 513 /** @}*/
4347b38f 514
9f662337 515 /** @{ */
faf80567 516 /**
517 * @name Utility
518 */
519 /**
520 * Browse this object
521 *
522 * @param b Browser to show this object in
523 */
4347b38f 524 void Browse(TBrowser* b);
9f662337 525 /** @}*/
4347b38f 526protected:
9f662337 527 /** Initialize hit array if not already done, and return pointert.
528 @return Hit array */
56b1929b 529 TClonesArray* HitsArray();
9f662337 530 /** Initialize digit array if not already done, and return pointert.
531 @return Digit array */
56b1929b 532 TClonesArray* DigitsArray();
9f662337 533 /** Initialize summable digit array if not already done, and return
534 pointert.
535 @return Summable digit array */
56b1929b 536 TClonesArray* SDigitsArray();
56b1929b 538 TClonesArray* fSDigits; // Summable digits
539 Int_t fNsdigits; // Number of digits
1a1fdef7 540 Bool_t fDetailed; // Use detailed geometry
4ac75127 541 Bool_t fUseOld; // Use old approx geometry
4ac75127 542 Bool_t fUseAssembly; // Use divided volumes
1a1fdef7 543
54e415a8 544 enum {
545 kSiId, // ID index of Si medium
546 kAirId, // ID index of Air medium
547 kPlasticId, // ID index of Plastic medium
548 kPcbId, // ID index of PCB medium
549 kSiChipId, // ID index of Si Chip medium
550 kAlId, // ID index of Al medium
551 kCarbonId, // ID index of Carbon medium
552 kCopperId, // ID index of Copper Medium
d98fbfa5 553 kKaptonId, // ID index of Kapton Medium
554 kSteelId // ID index of Steel medium
54e415a8 555 };
54e415a8 557 TObjArray* fBad; //! debugging - bad hits
e939a978 558
560 /** Copy constructor
561 @param other Object to copy from */
562 AliFMD(const AliFMD& other);
563 /** Assignment operator
564 @param other Object to assign from
565 @return Reference to this object */
566 AliFMD& operator=(const AliFMD& other);
394d8216 568 ClassDef(AliFMD,11) // Base class FMD entry point
fe4da5cc 569};
dc8af42e 570
4347b38f 571#endif
0d0e6995 574// Local Variables:
575// mode: C++
576// End:
4347b38f 578// EOF