]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - FMD/AliFMDReconstruction.cxx
Phi range consistent with new coordinate system.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / FMD / AliFMDReconstruction.cxx
37c55dc0 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
17// This is a TTask that constructs ReconstParticles (reconstructed particles)
18// out of Digits
20//-- Authors: Evgeny Karpechev(INR) and Alla Maevsksia
dc8af42e 23// --- ROOT system ---
24#include "TTask.h"
25#include "TTree.h"
26#include "TSystem.h"
27#include "TFile.h"
37c55dc0 28#include "TROOT.h"
29#include "TFolder.h"
46501dfb 30#include "TH2F.h"
37c55dc0 31
dc8af42e 32// --- Standard library ---
37c55dc0 33#include <stdlib.h>
88cb7938 34#include <Riostream.h>
dc8af42e 35
36// --- AliRoot header files ---
88cb7938 38#include "AliRunLoader.h"
39#include "AliLoader.h"
dc8af42e 41#include "AliFMDdigit.h"
1a42d4f2 42#include "AliFMDhit.h"
dc8af42e 43#include "AliFMDReconstParticles.h"
44#include "AliFMD.h"
45#include "AliFMDv1.h"
46#include "AliFMDReconstruction.h"
47#include "AliRun.h"
88cb7938 48#include "AliConfig.h"
1a42d4f2 49#include "AliHeader.h"
50#include "AliGenEventHeader.h"
88cb7938 51
dc8af42e 52ClassImp(AliFMDReconstruction)
59 fNevents = 0 ; // Number of events to rreconnstraction, 0 means all events in current file
88cb7938 60 fRunLoader = 0x0;
dc8af42e 62}
88cb7938 65AliFMDReconstruction::AliFMDReconstruction(AliRunLoader* rl):TTask("AliFMDReconstruction","")
dc8af42e 66{
88cb7938 67
68 if (rl == 0x0)
69 {
70 Fatal("AliFMDReconstruction","Argument AliRunLoader* is null!");
71 return;
72 }
dc8af42e 74 fNevents = 0 ; // Number of events to rreconnstraction, 0 means all events in current file
88cb7938 75
76 fRunLoader = rl;
77 AliLoader* gime = fRunLoader->GetLoader("FMDLoader");
78 if (gime == 0x0)
79 {
80 Fatal("AliFMDReconstruction","Can not find FMD (loader) in specified event");
81 return;//never reached
82 }
dc8af42e 83 //add Task to //root/Tasks folder
88cb7938 84 gime->PostReconstructioner(this);
dc8af42e 85}
dc8af42e 91}
88cb7938 92
dc8af42e 94
46501dfb 95void AliFMDReconstruction::Exec()
dc8af42e 96{
88cb7938 97 //Collects all digits in the same active volume into number of particles
a39f3926 98 /*
88cb7938 99 Reconstruct number of particles
a39f3926 100 in given group of pads for given FMDvolume
101 determine by numberOfVolume ,
102 numberOfMinSector,numberOfMaxSector,
103 numberOfMinRing, numberOgMaxRing
104 Reconstruction method choose dependence on number of empty pads
105 */
1a42d4f2 108 cout<<"\nStart AliFMDReconstruction::Exec(...)"<<endl;
a39f3926 109 Int_t const knumVolumes=5;
46501dfb 110 Int_t padADC;
1a42d4f2 111 Float_t eta, etain,etaout,rad,theta;
cb1df35e 112 Int_t ivol, iSector, iRing;
1a42d4f2 113 Float_t rin[5]={4.2,15.4,4.2,15.4,4.2};
114 Float_t rout[5]={17.4,28.4,17.4,28.4,17.4};
115 Float_t z[5]={62.8, 75.2, -83.4, -75.2, -340.};
46501dfb 116 Int_t numberOfRings[5]={512,256,512,256,512};
a39f3926 117 Int_t numberOfSectors[5]= {20,40,20,40,20};
118 Int_t numberOfEtaIntervals[5];
cb1df35e 119 // number of ring for boundary 0.1 eta
cb1df35e 120
88cb7938 121
122 if (fRunLoader == 0x0)
123 {
124 Error("Exec","Run Loader loader is NULL - Session not opened");
125 return;
126 }
46501dfb 127
129 AliLoader* gime = fRunLoader->GetLoader("FMDLoader");
88cb7938 130 if (gime == 0x0)
131 {
132 Fatal("AliFMDReconstruction","Can not find FMD (loader) in specified event");
133 return;//never reached
134 }
136 fRunLoader->LoadgAlice();
46501dfb 137 fRunLoader->LoadHeader();
88cb7938 138 Int_t retval;
46501dfb 139 TDirectory* cwd = gDirectory;
140 gDirectory = 0x0;
141 Text_t buf1[20];
142 TH2F* hTotal[10];
143 for (Int_t j=1; j<=5; j++){
144 sprintf(buf1,"hTotal%d",j);
146 hTotal[j] = new TH2F(buf1," Number of primary particles ",
147 numberOfSectors[j-1],1,numberOfSectors[j-1],
148 numberOfRings[j-1],1,numberOfRings[j-1]);
149 }
150 gDirectory = cwd;
153 if(fNevents == 0) fNevents=fRunLoader->TreeE()->GetEntries();
154 cout<<" fNevents "<<fNevents<<endl;
155 for(Int_t ievent=0;ievent<fNevents;ievent++)
dc8af42e 156 {
88cb7938 157 fRunLoader->GetEvent(ievent) ;
1a42d4f2 159 cout<<" ievent "<<ievent<<endl;
46501dfb 160 for (Int_t i=0; i<5; i++)
161 hTotal[i+1]->Reset();
163 retval = gime->LoadDigits("READ");
164 if (retval)
165 {
166 Error("Exec","Error occured while loading digits. Exiting.");
167 return;
168 }
170 AliFMD * fFMD = (AliFMD *) gAlice->GetDetector("FMD");
171 TClonesArray *fReconParticles=fFMD->ReconParticles();
172 TClonesArray *fDigits=fFMD->Digits();
1a42d4f2 173
46501dfb 174 TTree* treeD = gime->TreeD();
175 if (treeD == 0x0)
176 {
177 Error("Exec","Can not get Tree with Digits. Nothing to reconstruct - Exiting");
178 return;
179 }
181 TBranch *brDigits=0;
183 brDigits=treeD->GetBranch("FMD");
184 cout<<" brDigits "<<brDigits<<endl;
185 if (brDigits) {
186 brDigits->SetAddress(&fDigits);
187 // fFMD->SetHitsAddressBranch(brHits);
188 }else{
189 cerr<<"EXEC Branch FMD digits not found"<<endl;
190 return;
191 }
88cb7938 193 if(gime->TreeR()==0) gime->MakeTree("R");
dc8af42e 195 //Make branches
a39f3926 196 fFMD->MakeBranch("R");
1a42d4f2 197
37c55dc0 198
46501dfb 199 Int_t zeroADC=6;
1a42d4f2 200
201 AliFMDdigit *fmdDigit;
a39f3926 202 if (fFMD)
dc8af42e 203 {
88cb7938 204 gime->TreeD()->GetEvent(0);
46501dfb 205
206 Int_t nDigits=fDigits->GetEntries();
1a42d4f2 207 cout<<" nDigits "<<nDigits<<endl;
46501dfb 208 Int_t recParticles[6];
209 Int_t nRecPart=0 ;
a39f3926 210 Int_t zeroPads=0;
211 Int_t numberOfPads=0; //To avoid warning
cb1df35e 212 Int_t pedestal;
213 Float_t channelWidth=(22400*50)/1024;
dc8af42e 214 for (Int_t digit=0;digit<nDigits;digit++)
215 {
46501dfb 216 fmdDigit=(AliFMDdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(digit);
cb1df35e 217 ivol=fmdDigit->Volume();
218 iSector=fmdDigit->NumberOfSector();
219 iRing=fmdDigit->NumberOfRing();
220 pedestal=Int_t(gRandom->Gaus(500,250));
46501dfb 221 padADC= fmdDigit->ADCsignal()
cb1df35e 222 -Int_t(Float_t(pedestal)/channelWidth);
46501dfb 223 if (padADC<0) padADC=0;
224 hTotal[ivol]->Fill(iSector,iRing,padADC);
225 } //digit loop
a39f3926 226 Int_t rmin=0; Int_t rmax=0; //To avoid warning
227 Int_t smin=0; Int_t smax=0; //To avoid warning
88cb7938 228 AliHeader *header = fRunLoader->GetHeader();
1a42d4f2 229 AliGenEventHeader* genHeader = header->GenEventHeader();
230 TArrayF *o = new TArrayF(3);
231 genHeader->PrimaryVertex(*o);
232 Float_t zVertex=o->At(2);
a39f3926 233 for (ivol=0; ivol<knumVolumes; ivol++)
cb1df35e 234 {
46501dfb 235 Float_t ring2number=Float_t (numberOfRings[ivol])/
236 (rout[ivol]-rin[ivol]);
237 Float_t realZ=zVertex+z[ivol];
238 theta=TMath::ATan(rout[ivol]/TMath::Abs(realZ));
239 etain = - TMath::Log( TMath::Tan(theta/2.));
240 theta=TMath::ATan(rin[ivol]/TMath::Abs(realZ));
241 etaout=- TMath::Log( TMath::Tan(theta/2.));
242 numberOfEtaIntervals[ivol]=(etaout-etain)*10-1;
243 eta=etain;
244 for (Int_t e1=0;e1<=numberOfEtaIntervals[ivol];e1++)
245 {
246 theta = 2.*TMath::ATan (TMath::Exp (-eta));
247 Float_t radmin = TMath::Abs(realZ) * (TMath::Tan (theta));
248 rmax= Int_t ( (radmin-rin[ivol])*ring2number+0.5);
249 cout<<ivol<<" "<<" eta "<<eta<<" radmin "<<radmin<<
251 " Rmax "<<rmax<<" "<<endl;;
252 eta=eta+0.1;
253 theta = 2.*TMath::ATan (TMath::Exp (-eta));
254 rad = TMath::Abs(realZ) * (TMath::Tan (theta));
255 rmin=Int_t( (rad-rin[ivol])*ring2number+0.5);
256 cout<<"eta "<<eta<<" rad "<<rad<<" Rmin "<<rmin<<endl;
257 // if(ivol==2&&e1==13) rmin=0;
258 zeroPads=0;
259 smin=0;
260 smax=numberOfSectors[ivol];
261 numberOfPads=(rmax-rmin)*(smax-smin);
262 for (Int_t iring=rmin; iring<rmax; iring++)
263 {
264 for
265 (Int_t isector=0;
266 isector<numberOfSectors[ivol];
267 isector++)
268 {
269 if(hTotal[ivol+1]->GetBinContent(isector+1,iring+1)
270 <zeroADC) zeroPads++;}
272 } //ring
273 Float_t numberOfPads=Float_t(smax-smin)*Float_t(rmax-rmin);
275 cout<<" zero "<<zeroPads++<<" pads "<<numberOfPads;
276 Double_t lambda=-TMath::Log(Double_t(zeroPads)/numberOfPads);
277 Int_t fRecon=(lambda*numberOfPads+0.5);
279 Float_t zerosRatio=
280 (Float_t)zeroPads/(Float_t)numberOfPads;
281 cout<<" zerosRatio "<<zerosRatio<<" recon "<<fRecon<<endl;
282 recParticles[0]=ivol+1;
283 recParticles[1]=smin;
284 recParticles[2]=smax;
285 recParticles[3]=rmin;
286 recParticles[4]=rmax;
287 recParticles[5]= fRecon;
288 new((*fReconParticles)[nRecPart++])
289 AliFMDReconstParticles(recParticles);
1a42d4f2 292 } // eta
293 } // volume
cb1df35e 294
cb1df35e 295 }//if FMD
88cb7938 296 gime->TreeR()->Reset();
297 gime->TreeR()->Fill();
298 gime->WriteRecPoints("OVERWRITE");
dc8af42e 299 } //event loop
1a42d4f2 300 cout<<"\nAliFMDReconstruction::Exec finished"<<endl;
88cb7938 301}
dc8af42e 302