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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / FMD / AliFMDv1.h
37c4363a 1#ifndef ALIFMDV1_H
2#define ALIFMDV1_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights
4 * reserved.
5 *
6 * Latest changes by Christian Holm Christensen <cholm@nbi.dk>
7 *
8 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice
9 */
c2fc1258 10/** @file AliFMDv1.h
11 @author Christian Holm Christensen <cholm@nbi.dk>
12 @date Mon Mar 27 12:48:51 2006
13 @brief Concrete implementation of FMD detector driver - detailed
14 version
37c4363a 16//____________________________________________________________________
18// Manager class for the FMD - Detailed version.
088f8e79 19// Implements the full geometry,
20// And does stepping
37c4363a 22#ifndef ALIFMD_H
97961cbd 23# include "AliFMD.h"
37c4363a 24#endif
25#ifndef ROOT_TLorentzVector
26# include <TLorentzVector.h>
c2fc1258 30/** @brief Forward Multiplicity Detector based on Silicon wafers.
32 This class contains the base procedures for the Forward
33 Multiplicity detector Detector consists of 3 sub-detectors FMD1,
34 FMD2, and FMD3, each of which has 1 or 2 rings of silicon sensors.
9f662337 35
36 This class contains the detailed version of the FMD - that is,
37 hits are produced during simulation.
38 @ingroup FMD_sim
37c4363a 40class AliFMDv1 : public AliFMD
9f662337 43 /** CTOR */
90da4514 44 AliFMDv1()
45 : AliFMD(),
46 fCurrentDeltaE(0),
47 fCurrentV(),
48 fCurrentP(),
49 fCurrentPdg(0) { fDetailed = kTRUE; }
9f662337 50 /** CTOR
51 @param name Name
52 @param title Title */
37c4363a 53 AliFMDv1(const char *name, const char *title="Detailed geometry")
90da4514 54 : AliFMD(name, title),
55 fCurrentDeltaE(0),
56 fCurrentV(),
57 fCurrentP(),
58 fCurrentPdg(0) { fDetailed = kTRUE; }
9f662337 59 /** DTOR */
37c4363a 60 virtual ~AliFMDv1() {}
62 // Required member functions
9f662337 63 /** Get version number
64 @return always 1 */
37c4363a 65 virtual Int_t IsVersion() const {return 1;}
9f662337 66 /** Member function that is executed each time a hit is made in the
67 FMD. None-charged particles are ignored. Dead tracks are
68 ignored.
70 The procedure is as follows:
71 - IF NOT track is alive THEN RETURN ENDIF
72 - IF NOT particle is charged THEN RETURN ENDIF
73 - IF NOT volume name is "STRI" or "STRO" THEN RETURN ENDIF
74 - Get strip number (volume copy # minus 1)
75 - Get phi division number (mother volume copy #)
76 - Get module number (grand-mother volume copy #)
77 - section # = 2 * module # + phi division # - 1
78 - Get ring Id from volume name
79 - Get detector # from grand-grand-grand-mother volume name
80 - Get pointer to sub-detector object.
81 - Get track position
82 - IF track is entering volume AND track is inside real shape THEN
83 - Reset energy deposited
84 - Get track momentum
85 - Get particle ID #
86 - ENDIF
87 - IF track is inside volume AND inside real shape THEN
88 - Update energy deposited
89 - ENDIF
90 - IF track is inside real shape AND (track is leaving volume,
91 or it died, or it is stopped THEN
92 - Create a hit
93 - ENDIF
94 */
37c4363a 95 virtual void StepManager();
9f662337 97 /** Translate VMC coordinates to detector coordinates
98 @param v On output, Current position
99 @param detector On output, detector #
100 @param ring On output, ring id
101 @param sector On output, sector #
102 @param strip On output, strip #
103 @return @c true on success */
54e415a8 104 Bool_t VMC2FMD(TLorentzVector& v, UShort_t& detector,
105 Char_t& ring, UShort_t& sector, UShort_t& strip) const;
9f662337 106 /** Translate VMC coordinates to detector coordinates
107 @param copy Volume copy number
108 @param v On output, Current position
109 @param detector On output, detector #
110 @param ring On output, ring id
111 @param sector On output, sector #
112 @param strip On output, strip #
113 @return @c true on success */
54e415a8 114 Bool_t VMC2FMD(Int_t copy, TLorentzVector& v,
115 UShort_t& detector, Char_t& ring,
116 UShort_t& sector, UShort_t& strip) const;
9f662337 117 /** Check if hit is bad. A hit is bad if
118 @f[
119 \Delta E > |Q|^2 p / m > 1
120 @f]
121 holds, where @f$ \Delta E@f$ is the energy loss in this step,
122 @f$ Q@f$ is the particle charge, @f$ p@f$ is the track momentum,
123 and @f$ m@f$ is the particle mass. If a track is marked as
124 bad, it's kept in a cache, and can be printed at the end of the
125 event.
126 @param trackno Track number
127 @param pdg PDG particle type ID
128 @param absQ Absolute value of particle charge
129 @param p Track momentum
130 @param edep Energy loss in this step.
131 @return @c true if hit is `bad' */
bf000c32 132 Bool_t CheckHit(Int_t trackno, Int_t pdg, Float_t absQ,
133 const TLorentzVector& p, Float_t edep) const;
54e415a8 134
135 Double_t fCurrentDeltaE; // The current accumulated energy loss
37c4363a 136 TLorentzVector fCurrentV; // Current production vertex
137 TLorentzVector fCurrentP; // Current momentum vector
138 Int_t fCurrentPdg; // Current PDG code
54e415a8 140 ClassDef(AliFMDv1,5) // Detailed FMD geometry
37c4363a 141};
146// Local Variables:
147// mode: C++
148// End:
150// EOF