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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / FMD / scripts / XSection.C
2b893216 1//____________________________________________________________________
3// $Id$
5// Script to get the various cross sections, energy loss, and ranges
6// of a particular particle type in a particular medium.
8// This script should be compiled to speed it up.
10// It creates a tree on the current output file, with the relevant
11// information.
13// Note, that VMC _must_ be the TGeant3TGeo VMC.
15#include <TArrayF.h>
16#include <TTree.h>
17#include <TMath.h>
18#include <iostream>
19#include <TVirtualMC.h>
20#include <TDatabasePDG.h>
21#include <TString.h>
22#include <TGeoManager.h>
23#include <TGeoMedium.h>
24#include <TGeant3.h>
25#include <TGraph.h>
26#include <TGraphErrors.h>
27#include <TAxis.h>
28#include <TFile.h>
29#include <TH2.h>
30#include <TLegend.h>
31#include <AliRun.h>
32#include <TCanvas.h>
33#include <cmath>
34#include <string>
35#include <vector>
36#include <sstream>
37#include <iomanip>
38/** @defgroup xsec_script X-section script
39 @ingroup FMD_script
42/** @ingroup xsec_script
43 */
44struct Mech
46 char* fName;
47 char* fTitle;
48 char* fUnit;
49 int fColor;
50 int fStyle;
53Mech fgMechs[] =
54 {{ "HADF","FLUKA total hadronic x-section", "cm^{-1}",1,1},
55 { "INEF","FLUKA hadronic inelastic x-section", "cm^{-1}",2,1},
56 { "ELAF","FLUKA hadronic elastic x-section", "cm^{-1}",3,1},
57 { "HADG","GHEISHA total hadronic x-section", "cm^{-1}",4,1},
58 { "INEG","GHEISHA hadronic inelastic x-section", "cm^{-1}",6,1},
59 { "ELAG","GHEISHA hadronic elastic x-section", "cm^{-1}",7,1},
60 { "FISG","GHEISHA nuclear fission x-section", "cm^{-1}",1,2},
61 { "CAPG","GHEISHA neutron capture x-section", "cm^{-1}",2,2},
62 { "LOSS","stopping power", "MeV/cm", 3,2},
63 { "PHOT","photoelectric x-section", "cm^{-1}",4,2},
64 { "ANNI","positron annihilation x-section", "cm^{-1}",6,2},
65 { "COMP","Compton effect x-section", "cm^{-1}",7,2},
66 { "BREM","bremsstrahlung x-section", "cm^{-1}",1,3},
67 { "PAIR","photon and muon direct- pair x-section","cm^{-1}",2,3},
68 { "DRAY","delta-rays x-section", "cm^{-1}",3,3},
69 { "PFIS","photo-fission x-section", "cm^{-1}",4,3},
70 { "RAYL","Rayleigh scattering x-section", "cm^{-1}",6,3},
71 { "MUNU","muon-nuclear interaction x-section", "cm^{-1}",7,3},
72 { "RANG","range", "cm", 1,4},
73 { "STEP","maximum step", "cm", 2,4},
74 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}};
77/** @ingroup xsec_script
78 */
79struct MechValue
81 MechValue(const Mech& m, size_t n)
82 : fMech(m), fValues(n), fStatus(0), fELoss(0)
83 {
84 fGraph.SetName(fMech.fName);
85 fGraph.SetTitle(fMech.fTitle);
86 fGraph.GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#beta#gamma");
87 fGraph.GetYaxis()->SetTitle(fMech.fUnit);
88 fGraph.SetLineColor(fMech.fColor);
89 fGraph.SetLineStyle(fMech.fStyle);
90 fGraph.SetLineWidth(2);
91 std::string name(fMech.fName);
92 if (name != "LOSS") return;
94 fELoss = new TGraphErrors(n);
95 fELoss->SetName("ELOSS");
96 fELoss->SetTitle(fMech.fTitle);
97 fELoss->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#beta#gamma");
98 fELoss->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(fMech.fUnit);
99 fELoss->SetLineColor(fMech.fColor);
100 fELoss->SetLineStyle(fMech.fStyle);
101 fELoss->SetLineWidth(2);
102 fELoss->SetFillColor(fMech.fColor+1);
103 fELoss->SetFillStyle(3001);
104 }
105 bool Get(TGeant3* mc, std::vector<float>& t,
106 std::vector<float>& c, int medNo, int pidNo,
107 float mass)
108 {
109 int ixst;
110 mc->Gftmat(medNo, pidNo, fMech.fName, t.size(),
111 &(t[0]), &(fValues[0]), &(c[0]), ixst);
112 fStatus = ixst;
113 if (!fStatus) return false;
114 fGraph.Set(t.size());
115 for (size_t i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) {
116 fGraph.SetPoint(i, t[i]/mass, fValues[i]);
117 if (!fELoss) continue;
118 fELoss->SetPoint(i, t[i]/mass, fValues[i]);
119 // ~ 5 sigma
120 fELoss->SetPointError(i, 0, .5 * fValues[i]);
121 }
122 fGraph.Write();
123 if (fELoss) fELoss->Write();
124 return true;
125 }
126 TGraph& Draw()
127 {
128 if (fELoss) fELoss->DrawClone("4 same");
129 fGraph.DrawClone("l same");
130 return fGraph;
131 }
132 const Mech& fMech;
133 std::vector<float> fValues;
134 bool fStatus;
135 TGraph fGraph;
136 TGraphErrors* fELoss;
140/** @ingroup xsec_script
141 */
142struct XSections
144 XSections(size_t n=91, float emin=1e-5, float emax=1e4)
145 : fTKine(n),
146 fCuts(5)
147 {
148 float dp = 1. / log10(emax/emin);
149 float pmin = log10(emin);
150 fTKine[0] = emin;
151 for (size_t i = 1; i < fTKine.size(); i++) {
152 float el = pmin + i * dp;
153 fTKine[i] = pow(10, el);
154 }
155 for (float_array::iterator i = fCuts.begin(); i != fCuts.end(); ++i)
156 *i = 1e-4;
157 Mech* mech = &(fgMechs[0]);
158 while (mech->fName) {
159 fMechs.push_back(new MechValue(*mech, n));
160 mech++;
161 }
162 }
163 void Run(const std::string& medName, const std::string& pdgName)
164 {
165 TGeant3* mc = static_cast<TGeant3*>(gMC);
166 if (!mc) {
167 std::cerr << "Couldn't get VMC" << std::endl;
168 return;
169 }
170 TGeoMedium* medium = gGeoManager->GetMedium(medName.c_str());
171 if (!medium) {
172 std::cerr << "Couldn't find medium " << medName << std::endl;
173 return;
174 }
175 int medNo = medium->GetMaterial()->GetUniqueID();
176 TDatabasePDG* pdgDb = TDatabasePDG::Instance();
177 fPDG = pdgDb->GetParticle(pdgName.c_str());
178 if (!fPDG) {
179 std::cerr << "Couldn't find particle " << pdgName << std::endl;
180 return;
181 }
182 int pdgNo = fPDG->PdgCode();
183 int pidNo = mc->IdFromPDG(pdgNo);
185 std::stringstream vars;
186 vars << "betagamma/F";
188 size_t nOk = 0;
189 // Loop over defined mechanisms
190 for (mech_array::iterator i = fMechs.begin(); i != fMechs.end(); ++i) {
191 if (!(*i)->Get(mc, fTKine, fCuts, medNo, pidNo, fPDG->Mass()))continue;
192 vars << ":" << (*i)->fMech.fName;
193 nOk ++;
194 }
196 std::stringstream tName;
197 tName << medName << "_" << pdgName;
198 TTree* tree = new TTree(tName.str().c_str(), tName.str().c_str());
200 float_array cache(nOk+1);
201 tree->Branch("xsec", &(cache[0]), vars.str().c_str());
202 for (size_t i = 0; i < fTKine.size(); i++) {
203 cache[0] = fTKine[i] / fPDG->Mass();
204 int k = 0;
205 for (mech_array::iterator j = fMechs.begin(); j != fMechs.end(); ++j) {
206 if (!(*j)->fStatus) continue;
207 cache[++k] = (*j)->fValues[i];
208 }
209 tree->Fill();
210 }
211 tree->Write();
212 }
213 void Draw()
214 {
215 float min = 100000;
216 float max = 0;
217 std::vector<TGraph*> gs;
218 float_array bg(fTKine.size());
219 for (size_t i = 0; i < fTKine.size(); i++) bg[i] = fTKine[i]/fPDG->Mass();
220 for (mech_array::iterator j = fMechs.begin(); j != fMechs.end(); ++j) {
221 if (!(*j)->fStatus) continue;
222 for (size_t i = 0; i < fTKine.size(); i++) {
223 if ((*j)->fValues[i] == 0) continue;
224 min = std::min(min, (*j)->fValues[i]);
225 max = std::max(max, (*j)->fValues[i]);
226 }
227 }
229 TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("c", "C", 700, 700);
230 c->SetFillColor(0);
231 c->SetLogy();
232 c->SetLogx();
233 c->SetGridy();
234 c->SetGridx();
235 float_array y(101);
236 float ymin = log10(min);
237 float dy = (log10(max)+.5 - log10(min)) / y.size();
238 for (size_t i = 1; i < y.size(); i++) y[i] = pow(10, ymin + i * dy);
239 TH2* f = new TH2F("x", "X-sec",bg.size()-1,&(bg[0]),y.size()-1,&(y[0]));
240 f->SetXTitle("#beta#gamma");
241 f->SetDirectory(0);
242 f->SetStats(kFALSE);
243 f->Draw();
244 TLegend* l = new TLegend(0.45, 0.125, 0.90, 0.45);
245 l->SetFillColor(0);
246 // l->SetFillStyle(0);
247 for (mech_array::iterator j = fMechs.begin(); j != fMechs.end(); ++j) {
248 if (!(*j)->fStatus) continue;
249 TGraph& g = (*j)->Draw();
250 l->AddEntry(&g, g.GetTitle(), "l");
251 }
252 l->Draw("same");
253 }
255 typedef std::vector<float> float_array;
256 typedef std::vector<MechValue*> mech_array;
257 float_array fTKine;
258 float_array fCuts;
259 mech_array fMechs;
260 TParticlePDG* fPDG;
263bool init = false;
265void XSection(const char* pdgName="pi-")
267 if (!init) {
268 gAlice->InitMC("$(ALICE_ROOT)/FMD/Config.C");
269 init = true;
270 }
271 TFile* file = TFile::Open("xsec.root", "RECREATE");
272 XSections xs;
273 xs.Run("FMD_Si$", pdgName);
274 xs.Draw();
275 file->Close();
279// EOF