]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - HLT/QA/tasks/macros/overlayPlots.C
updated QA macro (Hege)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / HLT / QA / tasks / macros / overlayPlots.C
e84c79f2 1// $Id$
1cea10fd 2//
3// Macro to overlay the histograms produced by
4// HLT/QA/tasks/macros/drawTHnSparse.C
6// It assumes a txt file where the input is specified in
7// the following format:
9// number of files
10// file1 legend1
11// file2 legend2
12// //file3 legend3
13// //file4 legend4
14// ...
15// So it is possible to "comment out" a file by a // in the beginning of the name. While reading the
16// the names of the input files, the macro skips the ones that have the // in front of them.
18// @ingroup alihlt_qa
19// @author Kalliopi.Kanaki@ift.uib.no
a08d87a7 21
22#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)
23#include "TSystem.h"
24#include "TROOT.h"
25#include "TFile.h"
26#include "TString.h"
27#include "TList.h"
28#include "THnSparse.h"
29#include "TCanvas.h"
30#include "TText.h"
31#include "TPaveText.h"
32#include "TPaveStats.h"
33#include "TH1D.h"
34#include "TH2D.h"
35#include "TH3D.h"
36#include "TLegend.h"
37#include "TStyle.h"
38#include "TPad.h"
39#include <iostream>
40#include <cstdlib>
41#include <fstream>
42using std::endl;
45void printStats(TH1D *h1, TH1D *h2);
46void defineYaxisMax(TH1D *h1, TH1D *h2);
48void overlayPlots(const char* option="HLT"/* or "OFF" */, Bool_t bAddRunName=kTRUE, Bool_t bDrawNormalized=kTRUE, string fi="files.txt"){
51 printf("test\n");
e84c79f2 52 gROOT->SetStyle("Plain");
53 gStyle->SetPalette(1);
1cea10fd 54 gStyle->SetOptStat("emr");
38faad18 55 gStyle->SetTitleX(gStyle->GetPadLeftMargin());
e84c79f2 57 char filenames[100];
58 sprintf(filenames,"%s",fi.c_str());
a08d87a7 59 ifstream infile;
60 infile.open(filenames);
61 if(!infile){
62 printf("File %s does not exist", fi.data());
63 return;
e84c79f2 64 }
65 string c;
66 TString f;
67 int nr_textfile = 0;
a08d87a7 69 infile>>nr_textfile;
70 if(!infile.good()) return;
38faad18 71 printf("Number of files: %d\n", nr_textfile);
e84c79f2 72
73 const int nr_files = nr_textfile;
74 TString file[nr_files];
75 string cutnames[nr_files];
a08d87a7 76 string plotname="";
e84c79f2 77
78 nr_textfile=0;
79 while(nr_textfile < nr_files){
a08d87a7 80 infile >> f >> c;
81 if(!infile.good()) break;
e84c79f2 82 file[nr_textfile] = f;
83 cutnames[nr_textfile] = c;
1cea10fd 84 if(f.BeginsWith("//")) continue;
85 printf("\nfile %d : %s\n", nr_textfile, f.Data());
e84c79f2 86 nr_textfile++;
e84c79f2 87 }
a08d87a7 88 infile.close();
e84c79f2 89
38faad18 90 TCanvas *ca;
91 TFile *ff;
92 TPad *pad;
e84c79f2 93 TH1D *g[nr_files];
a08d87a7 95 TCanvas *d = new TCanvas("d",Form("Compare %s distributions",option),1600,1000);
54821965 96 d->Divide(4,2);
38faad18 97 //d->Divide(3,2);
e84c79f2 98
a08d87a7 99 TLegend *l = new TLegend(0.25,0.2,0.89,0.8);
e84c79f2 100 l->SetFillColor(10);
101 l->SetLineColor(10);
103 char cut[100];
38faad18 105 //for(int j=1; j<7; j++){
54821965 106 for(int j=1; j<9; j++){
e84c79f2 107 for(int i=0; i<nr_files; i++){
38faad18 109 ff = TFile::Open(file[i].Data());
110 if(!ff || ff->IsZombie()){
e84c79f2 111 printf("Non-existent, corrupted or zombie file %s\n", file[i].Data());
112 return;
113 }
38faad18 114 //ca = (TCanvas*)ff->GetObjectUnchecked("can0");
115 ca = (TCanvas*)ff->GetObjectUnchecked("can3");
116 if(!ca){
e84c79f2 117 printf("Empty canvas in file %s.\n", file[i].Data());
118 continue;
38faad18 119 }
120 //pad = (TPad*)ca->GetListOfPrimitives()->FindObject(Form("can0_%d",j));
121 pad = (TPad*)ca->GetListOfPrimitives()->FindObject(Form("can3_%d",j));
122 if(!pad){
123 printf("Empty pad in canvas %s.\n", ca->GetName());
e84c79f2 124 continue;
125 }
38faad18 126 //g[i] =(TH1D*)pad->FindObject(Form("fEvent%s_proj_%d",option,j-1));
127 g[i] =(TH1D*)pad->FindObject(Form("fTrack%s_proj_%d",option,j-1));
e84c79f2 128 if(!g[i]){
129 printf("Empty histogram for i=%d, file %s.\n", i, file[i].Data());
130 continue;
131 }
133 d->cd(j);
1cea10fd 134
e9c1a43b 135 if(i==0){
a08d87a7 136 g[i]->SetLineColor(kBlack);
137 if(bDrawNormalized)
138 g[i]->DrawNormalized();
139 else
140 g[i]->Draw();
1cea10fd 141 if(option=="OFF"){
142 TPaveStats *st = (TPaveStats*)g[i]->FindObject("stats");
143 st->SetTextColor(kBlack);
144 d->Update();
145 }
e9c1a43b 146 }
e84c79f2 147 else {
a08d87a7 148 if(i<4)
149 g[i]->SetLineColor(i+1);
150 else
151 g[i]->SetLineColor(i+2);
e84c79f2 152 defineYaxisMax(g[0], g[i]);
a08d87a7 153 if(bDrawNormalized) g[i]->DrawNormalized("sames");
154 else g[i]->Draw("sames");
156 }
157 if(!bDrawNormalized)
158 if(i>0) printStats(g[i-1], g[i]);
160 ff->Close();
e84c79f2 161 sprintf( cut,"%s",cutnames[i].c_str() );
a08d87a7 162 if(j==1) {
163 l->AddEntry(g[i],cut,"l");
164 cutnames[i].resize(6);
165 plotname+="_"+cutnames[i];
166 }
e84c79f2 167 else continue;
168 }
169 if(j==1) l->Draw("same");
a08d87a7 170 d->Update();
e84c79f2 171 }
a08d87a7 172
173 d->Update();
175 sprintf(filenames,"%s",plotname.c_str());
176 if( bAddRunName){
177 d->SaveAs(Form("overlay_%s_for%s.root",option,plotname));
178 d->Print(Form("overlay_%s_for%s.png",option,plotname));
179 }
180 else{
181 d->SaveAs(Form("overlay_%s.root",option));
182 d->Print(Form("overlay_%s.png",option));
183 }
38faad18 185 return;
e84c79f2 186}
188void printStats(TH1D *h1, TH1D *h2){
189 gPad->Update();
190 TPaveStats *st1 = (TPaveStats*)h1->FindObject("stats");
191 st1->SetLineColor(0);
193 gPad->Update();
194 TPaveStats *st2 = (TPaveStats*)h2->FindObject("stats");
195 st2->SetY2NDC(st1->GetY1NDC()-0.05);
196 st2->SetY1NDC(st2->GetY2NDC()-TMath::Abs(st1->GetY1NDC()-st1->GetY2NDC()));
197 st2->SetLineColor(0);
198 st2->SetTextColor(h2->GetLineColor());
199 st2->SetFillStyle(0);
200 st2->Draw();
38faad18 201 return;
e84c79f2 202}
204void defineYaxisMax(TH1D *h1, TH1D *h2){
205 //Y axis
206 if(h1->GetMaximum() > h2->GetMaximum()) h2->SetMaximum(1.1*h1->GetMaximum());
207 else h1->SetMaximum(1.1*h2->GetMaximum());
209 h1->SetMinimum(0);
210 h2->SetMinimum(0);
212 // X axis
213 double xmin, xmax;
214 if(h1->GetBinLowEdge(1) > h2->GetBinLowEdge(1)) xmin = h1->GetBinLowEdge(1);
215 else xmin = h2->GetBinLowEdge(1);
216 if(h1->GetBinLowEdge(h1->GetNbinsX()+1) > h2->GetBinLowEdge(h1->GetNbinsX()+1)) xmax = h1->GetBinLowEdge(h1->GetNbinsX()+1);
217 else xmax = h2->GetBinLowEdge(h2->GetNbinsX()+1);
219 h2->SetAxisRange(xmin, xmax, "X");
38faad18 220 return;
e84c79f2 221}