]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - HMPID/AliHMPIDDigitizer.cxx
base class for conversion of formatted survey files into array of alignment objects
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / HMPID / AliHMPIDDigitizer.cxx
d3da6dc4 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-2000, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
1b10372c 15//.
20#include <AliRun.h>
d3da6dc4 21#include <AliRunLoader.h>
22#include "AliRunDigitizer.h"
23#include <AliLoader.h>
24#include <AliLog.h>
1b10372c 25#include "AliHMPIDDigitizer.h"
26#include "AliHMPIDDigit.h"
27#include "AliHMPID.h"
ae5a42aa 28#include "AliHMPIDParam.h"
1b10372c 29#include <TRandom.h>
d3da6dc4 30
73badab2 31extern TRandom *gRandom;
d3da6dc4 33ClassImp(AliHMPIDDigitizer)
94b1fbfa 35Bool_t AliHMPIDDigitizer::fgDoNoise=kFALSE;
d3da6dc4 36//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
37void AliHMPIDDigitizer::Exec(Option_t*)
39// This methode is responsible for merging sdigits to a list of digits
40//Disintegration leeds to the fact that one hit affects several neighbouring pads, which means that the same pad might be affected by few hits.
41 AliDebug(1,Form("Start with %i input(s) for event %i",fManager->GetNinputs(),fManager->GetOutputEventNr()));
42//First we read all sdigits from all inputs
43 AliRunLoader *pInRunLoader=0;//in and out Run loaders
44 AliLoader *pInRichLoader=0;//in and out HMPID loaders
d6183365 45 static TClonesArray sdigs("AliHMPIDDigit");//tmp storage for sdigits sum up from all input files
d3da6dc4 46 Int_t total=0;
47 for(Int_t inFileN=0;inFileN<fManager->GetNinputs();inFileN++){//files loop
48 pInRunLoader = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(fManager->GetInputFolderName(inFileN)); //get run loader from current input
49 pInRichLoader = pInRunLoader->GetLoader("HMPIDLoader"); if(pInRichLoader==0) continue; //no HMPID in this input, check the next input
50 if (!pInRunLoader->GetAliRun()) pInRunLoader->LoadgAlice();
51 AliHMPID* pInRich=(AliHMPID*)pInRunLoader->GetAliRun()->GetDetector("HMPID"); //take HMPID from current input
52 pInRichLoader->LoadSDigits(); pInRichLoader->TreeS()->GetEntry(0); //take list of HMPID sdigits from current input
53 AliDebug(1,Form("input %i has %i sdigits",inFileN,pInRich->SdiLst()->GetEntries()));
54 for(Int_t i=0;i<pInRich->SdiLst()->GetEntries();i++){ //collect sdigits from current input
55 AliHMPIDDigit *pSDig=(AliHMPIDDigit*)pInRich->SdiLst()->At(i);
56 pSDig->AddTidOffset(fManager->GetMask(inFileN)); //apply TID shift since all inputs count tracks independently starting from 0
57 new(sdigs[total++]) AliHMPIDDigit(*pSDig);
58 }
59 pInRichLoader->UnloadSDigits(); pInRich->SdiReset(); //close current input and reset
60 }//files loop
62 //PH if(sdigs.GetEntries()==0) return; //no sdigits collected, nothing to convert
64 AliRunLoader *pOutRunLoader = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(fManager->GetOutputFolderName()); //open output stream (only 1 possible)
65 AliLoader *pOutRichLoader = pOutRunLoader->GetLoader("HMPIDLoader"); //take output HMPID loader
1b10372c 66 AliRun *pArun = pOutRunLoader->GetAliRun();
67 AliHMPID *pOutRich = (AliHMPID*)pArun->GetDetector("HMPID"); //take output HMPID
d3da6dc4 68 pOutRichLoader->MakeTree("D"); pOutRich->MakeBranch("D"); //create TreeD in output stream
70 Sdi2Dig(&sdigs,pOutRich->DigLst());
72 pOutRichLoader->TreeD()->Fill(); //fill the output tree with the list of digits
73 pOutRichLoader->WriteDigits("OVERWRITE"); //serialize them to file
75 sdigs.Clear(); //remove all tmp sdigits
76 pOutRichLoader->UnloadDigits(); pOutRich->DigReset();
79void AliHMPIDDigitizer::Sdi2Dig(TClonesArray *pSdiLst,TObjArray *pDigLst)
81// Converts list of sdigits to 7 lists of digits, one per each chamber
82// Arguments: pSDigLst - list of all sdigits
83// pDigLst - list of 7 lists of digits
84// Returns: none
86 TClonesArray *pLst[7]; Int_t iCnt[7];
1b10372c 87
d3da6dc4 88 for(Int_t i=0;i<7;i++){
89 pLst[i]=(TClonesArray*)(*pDigLst)[i];
3c6274c1 90 iCnt[i]=0; if(pLst[i]->GetEntries()!=0) AliErrorClass("Some of digits lists is not empty"); //in principle those lists should be empty
d3da6dc4 91 }
c5c19d6a 92
93 // make noise array
94 Float_t arrNoise[7][6][80][48];
94b1fbfa 95 if(fgDoNoise) {
ae5a42aa 96 for (Int_t iCh=AliHMPIDParam::kMinCh;iCh<=AliHMPIDParam::kMaxCh;iCh++)
97 for (Int_t iPc=AliHMPIDParam::kMinPc;iPc<=AliHMPIDParam::kMaxPc;iPc++)
98 for(Int_t iPx=AliHMPIDParam::kMinPx;iPx<=AliHMPIDParam::kMaxPx;iPx++)
73badab2 99 for(Int_t iPy=AliHMPIDParam::kMinPy;iPy<=AliHMPIDParam::kMaxPy;iPy++) arrNoise[iCh][iPc][iPx][iPy] = gRandom->Gaus(0,1.1);
c5c19d6a 100 }
d3da6dc4 101
102 pSdiLst->Sort();
104 Int_t iPad=-1,iCh=-1,iNdigPad=-1,aTids[3]={-1,-1,-1}; Float_t q=-1;
105 for(Int_t i=0;i<pSdiLst->GetEntries();i++){ //sdigits loop (sorted)
106 AliHMPIDDigit *pSdig=(AliHMPIDDigit*)pSdiLst->At(i); //take current sdigit
107 if(pSdig->Pad()==iPad){ //if the same pad
108 q+=pSdig->Q(); //sum up charge
109 iNdigPad++; if(iNdigPad<=3) aTids[iNdigPad-1]=pSdig->GetTrack(0); //collect TID
110 continue;
111 }
ae5a42aa 112 if(i!=0 && AliHMPIDParam::IsOverTh(q)) new((*pLst[iCh])[iCnt[iCh]++]) AliHMPIDDigit(iPad,(Int_t)q,aTids); //do not create digit for the very first sdigit
113 iPad=pSdig->Pad(); iCh=AliHMPIDParam::A2C(iPad); //new sdigit comes, reset collectors
d3da6dc4 114 iNdigPad=1;
115 aTids[0]=pSdig->GetTrack(0);aTids[1]=aTids[2]=-1;
c5c19d6a 116 q=pSdig->Q();
94b1fbfa 117 if(fgDoNoise) q+=arrNoise[iCh][pSdig->Pc()][pSdig->PadPcX()][pSdig->PadPcY()];
c5c19d6a 118 arrNoise[iCh][pSdig->Pc()][pSdig->PadPcX()][pSdig->PadPcY()]=0;
d3da6dc4 119 }//sdigits loop (sorted)
ae5a42aa 121 if(AliHMPIDParam::IsOverTh(q)) new((*pLst[iCh])[iCnt[iCh]++]) AliHMPIDDigit(iPad,(Int_t)q,aTids); //add the last one, in case of empty sdigits list q=-1
c5c19d6a 122// add noise pad above threshold with no signal merged...if any
94b1fbfa 123 if(!fgDoNoise) return;
c5c19d6a 124 aTids[0]=aTids[1]=aTids[2]=-1;
ec575c20 125 for (Int_t iChCurr=AliHMPIDParam::kMinCh;iChCurr<=AliHMPIDParam::kMaxCh;iChCurr++)
ae5a42aa 126 for (Int_t iPc=AliHMPIDParam::kMinPc;iPc<=AliHMPIDParam::kMaxPc;iPc++)
127 for(Int_t iPx=AliHMPIDParam::kMinPx;iPx<=AliHMPIDParam::kMaxPx;iPx++)
128 for(Int_t iPy=AliHMPIDParam::kMinPy;iPy<=AliHMPIDParam::kMaxPy;iPy++) {
ec575c20 129 Float_t qNoise = arrNoise[iChCurr][iPc][iPx][iPy];
130 if(AliHMPIDParam::IsOverTh(qNoise)) new((*pLst[iChCurr])[iCnt[iChCurr]++]) AliHMPIDDigit(AliHMPIDParam::Abs(iChCurr,iPc,iPx,iPy),(Int_t)qNoise,aTids);
c5c19d6a 131 }
d3da6dc4 133}//Sdi2Dig()