]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - HMPID/AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec.cxx
Reducing verbosity (A. Mastroserio)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / HMPID / AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec.cxx
04236e67 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
17/* $Id$ */
04236e67 19// --- ROOT system ---
20#include <TClonesArray.h>
21#include <TFile.h>
c9d2a880 22#include <TLine.h>
04236e67 23#include <TH1F.h>
24#include <TH2F.h>
aa21372e 25#include <TProfile.h>
a2741b47 26#include <TProfile2D.h>
04236e67 27#include <Riostream.h>
28// --- Standard library ---
30// --- AliRoot header files ---
31#include "AliESDCaloCluster.h"
32#include "AliESDEvent.h"
cc1abc7f 33#include "AliQAChecker.h"
04236e67 34#include "AliLog.h"
35#include "AliHMPIDDigit.h"
36#include "AliHMPIDHit.h"
44ed7a66 37#include "AliHMPIDDigit.h"
04236e67 38#include "AliHMPIDCluster.h"
39#include "AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec.h"
7656d8ac 40#include "AliHMPIDQAChecker.h"
cc1abc7f 41#include "AliHMPIDParam.h"
42#include "AliHMPIDRawStream.h"
43#include "AliLog.h"
b38ac33a 44
606697a8 45//.
b38ac33a 46// HMPID AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec base class
47// for QA of reconstruction
48// here also errors are calculated
04236e67 51ClassImp(AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec)
ec575c20 53//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
04236e67 54 AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec::AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec() :
92664bc8 55 AliQADataMakerRec(AliQAv1::GetDetName(AliQAv1::kHMPID), "HMPID Quality Assurance Data Maker"), fLineDdlDatSizeLow(0x0), fLineDdlDatSizeUp(0x0), fLineDdlPadOCcLow(0x0), fLineDdlPadOCcUp(0x0), fChannel(0)
04236e67 56{
57 // ctor
8d9917bf 58 for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++) fModline[i]=0x0;
04236e67 59}
ec575c20 61//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
04236e67 62AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec::AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec(const AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec& qadm) :
92664bc8 63 AliQADataMakerRec(),fLineDdlDatSizeLow(qadm.fLineDdlDatSizeLow), fLineDdlDatSizeUp(qadm.fLineDdlDatSizeUp), fLineDdlPadOCcLow(qadm.fLineDdlPadOCcLow), fLineDdlPadOCcUp(qadm.fLineDdlPadOCcUp), fChannel(qadm.fChannel)
04236e67 64{
65 //copy ctor
8d9917bf 66 for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++) fModline[i]=qadm.fModline[i];
04236e67 67 SetName((const char*)qadm.GetName()) ;
68 SetTitle((const char*)qadm.GetTitle());
ec575c20 71//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
04236e67 72AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec& AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec::operator = (const AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec& qadm )
74 // Equal operator.
75 this->~AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec();
76 new(this) AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec(qadm);
77 return *this;
44ed7a66 80//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
81void AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec::InitDigits()
83 // create Digits histograms in Digits subdir
84 const Bool_t expert = kTRUE ;
85 const Bool_t image = kTRUE ;
db72ff3b 87 TH1F *hDigChEvt = new TH1F("hDigChEvt","Chamber occupancy per event;Occupancy [%];Counts",AliHMPIDParam::kMaxCh+1,AliHMPIDParam::kMinCh,AliHMPIDParam::kMaxCh+1);
44ed7a66 88 TH1F *hDigPcEvt = new TH1F("hDigPcEvt","PC occupancy",156,-1,77);
89 TH2F *hDigMap[7];
90 TH1F *hDigQ[42];
91 for(Int_t iCh =0; iCh < 7; iCh++){
92 hDigMap[iCh] = new TH2F(Form("MapCh%i",iCh),Form("Digit Map in Chamber %i",iCh),159,0,159,143,0,143);
93 for(Int_t iPc =0; iPc < 6; iPc++ ){
db72ff3b 94 hDigQ[iCh*6+iPc] = new TH1F(Form("QCh%iPc%i ",iCh,iPc),Form("Charge of digits (ADC) in Chamber %i and PC %i;Charge [ADC counts];Counts",iCh,iPc),4100,0,4100);
44ed7a66 95 }
96 }
98 Add2DigitsList(hDigChEvt,0, !expert, image);
99 Add2DigitsList(hDigPcEvt,1,expert, !image);
100 for(Int_t iMap=0; iMap < 7; iMap++) Add2DigitsList(hDigMap[iMap],2+iMap,expert, !image);
101 for(Int_t iH =0; iH < 42 ; iH++) Add2DigitsList(hDigQ[iH] ,9+iH,expert,!image);
92664bc8 102 //
103 ClonePerTrigClass(AliQAv1::kDIGITS); // this should be the last line
44ed7a66 104}
ec575c20 106//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
04236e67 107void AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec::InitRecPoints()
109 // create cluster histograms in RecPoint subdir
7d297381 110 const Bool_t expert = kTRUE ;
111 const Bool_t image = kTRUE ;
41391bd4 112
db72ff3b 113 TProfile *hCluMult = new TProfile("CluMult" ,"Cluster multiplicity per chamber;Chamber Id;# of clusters" , 16, -1 , 7 , 0, 500);
7d297381 114 Add2RecPointsList(hCluMult , 0,expert, !image);
aa21372e 115
db72ff3b 116 TH2F *hCluFlg = new TH2F("CluFlg" ,"Cluster flag;??;??" , 56 ,-1.5, 12.5, 70, -0.5, 6.5);
7d297381 117 Add2RecPointsList(hCluFlg , 1,expert, !image);
aa21372e 118
119 TH1F *hCluSizeMip[7], *hCluSizePho[7];
121 TH1F *hCluQSect[42], *hCluQSectZoom[42];
7656d8ac 123 for(Int_t iCh =0; iCh <7; iCh++){
db72ff3b 124 hCluSizeMip[iCh] = new TH1F(Form("CluSizeMipCh%i",iCh),Form("Cluster size MIP (cluster Q > 100 ADC) in Chamber %i;Size [MIP];Counts",iCh), 50 , 0 , 50 );
7d297381 125 Add2RecPointsList(hCluSizeMip[iCh], iCh+2,expert,!image);
aa21372e 126
db72ff3b 127 hCluSizePho[iCh] = new TH1F(Form("CluSizePho%i",iCh ),Form("Cluster size Phots(cluster Q < 100 ADC) in Chamber %i;Size [MIP];Counts",iCh), 50 , 0 , 50 );
7d297381 128 Add2RecPointsList(hCluSizePho[iCh], iCh+7+2,expert,!image);
aa21372e 130 for(Int_t iSect =0; iSect < 6; iSect++){
db72ff3b 131 hCluQSectZoom[iCh*6+iSect] = new TH1F(Form("QClusCh%iSect%iZoom",iCh,iSect) ,Form("Zoom on Cluster charge (ADC) in Chamber %i and sector %i;Charge [ADC counts];Counts",iCh,iSect),100,0,100);
7d297381 132 Add2RecPointsList(hCluQSectZoom[iCh*6+iSect],2+14+iCh*6+iSect,expert,!image);
db72ff3b 134 hCluQSect[iCh*6+iSect] = new TH1F(Form("QClusCh%iSect%i",iCh,iSect) ,Form("Cluster charge (ADC) in Chamber %i and sector %i;Charge [ADC counts];Counts",iCh,iSect),250,0,5000);
7d297381 135 Add2RecPointsList(hCluQSect[iCh*6+iSect],2+14+42+iCh*6+iSect, !expert, image);
aa21372e 136 }
137 }
92664bc8 138 //
139 ClonePerTrigClass(AliQAv1::kRECPOINTS); // this should be the last line
cc1abc7f 140}
92664bc8 141
ec575c20 142//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
cc1abc7f 143void AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec::InitRaws()
146// Booking QA histo for Raw data
64f2781e 148// All histograms implemented in InitRaws are used in AMORE. Any change here should be propagated to the amoreHMP-QA as well!!! (clm)
7d297381 151 const Bool_t expert = kTRUE ;
152 const Bool_t saveCorr = kTRUE ;
153 const Bool_t image = kTRUE ;
b38ac33a 155 const Int_t kNerr = (Int_t)AliHMPIDRawStream::kSumErr+1;
aa21372e 156 TH1F *hSumErr[14];
157 TH2F *hDilo[14];
64f2781e 158 TH2I *hPadMap[42]; //AMORE monitoring
159 TH1I *hPadQ[42]; //AMORE monitoring
8d9917bf 160
161 fLineDdlDatSizeLow = new TLine(0.5,932,14.5,932); fLineDdlDatSizeLow->SetLineColor(kGreen); fLineDdlDatSizeLow->SetLineWidth(2);
162 fLineDdlDatSizeUp = new TLine(0.5,1500,14.5,1500); fLineDdlDatSizeUp->SetLineColor(kGreen); fLineDdlDatSizeUp->SetLineWidth(2);
a39cc5ff 163
8d9917bf 164 fLineDdlPadOCcLow = new TLine(0.5,0.086,14.5,0.086); fLineDdlPadOCcLow->SetLineColor(kGreen); fLineDdlPadOCcLow->SetLineWidth(2);
165 fLineDdlPadOCcUp = new TLine(0.5,0.86,14.5,0.86); fLineDdlPadOCcUp->SetLineColor(kGreen); fLineDdlPadOCcUp->SetLineWidth(2);
167 for(Int_t modcnt=0; modcnt < 6; modcnt++){ fModline[modcnt] = new TLine(0,(1+modcnt)*144,160,(1+modcnt)*144); }
3c8e86a0 169 for(Int_t iddl =0; iddl<AliHMPIDRawStream::kNDDL; iddl++) {
3c8e86a0 170
db72ff3b 171 hSumErr[iddl] = new TH1F(Form("hSumErrDDL%i",iddl), Form("Error summary for DDL %i;??;??",iddl), 2*kNerr,0,2*kNerr);
b38ac33a 172 for(Int_t ilabel=0; ilabel< kNerr; ilabel++) {
3c8e86a0 173 hSumErr[iddl]->GetXaxis()->CenterLabels(kTRUE);
3c8e86a0 174 hSumErr[iddl]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel((2*ilabel+1),Form("%i %s",ilabel+1,AliHMPIDRawStream::GetErrName(ilabel)));
7d297381 175 }
a39cc5ff 177 Add2RawsList(hSumErr[iddl],iddl,expert,!image, !saveCorr);
aa21372e 178
ab534702 179 hDilo[iddl] = new TH2F(Form("hDiloDDL%i",iddl),Form("Dilogic response at DDL %i;Row # ;Dilogic #",iddl),24,1,25,10,1,11);
7d297381 180 Add2RawsList(hDilo[iddl],14+iddl,expert,!image, !saveCorr);
64f2781e 181 }//DDL loop
7d297381 182 for(Int_t iCh = AliHMPIDParam::kMinCh; iCh <=AliHMPIDParam::kMaxCh ;iCh++) {
183 for(Int_t iPc = AliHMPIDParam::kMinPc; iPc <= AliHMPIDParam::kMaxPc ;iPc++) {
64f2781e 184 hPadMap[iPc+6*iCh] = new TH2I(Form("hPadMap_Ch_%i_Pc%i",iCh,iPc),Form("Pad Map of Ch: %i Pc: %i;Pad X;Pad Y;",iCh,iPc),80,0,80,48,0,48);
a39cc5ff 185 Add2RawsList(hPadMap[iPc+6*iCh],28+iPc+6*iCh,expert,!image, !saveCorr);
64f2781e 186 hPadQ[iPc+6*iCh] = new TH1I(Form("hPadQ_Ch_%i_Pc%i",iCh,iPc),Form("Pad Charge of Ch: %i Pc: %i;Pad Q;Entries;",iCh,iPc),4100,0,4100);
7d297381 187 Add2RawsList(hPadQ[iPc+6*iCh],70+iPc+6*iCh,expert,!image, !saveCorr);
64f2781e 188 }//PC loop
189 }//Ch loop
7d297381 191 TH2I *hGeneralErrorSummary = new TH2I("GeneralErrorSummary"," DDL index vs Error type plot", 2*kNerr, 0, 2*kNerr, 2*AliHMPIDRawStream::kNDDL,0,2*AliHMPIDRawStream::kNDDL);
192 for(Int_t igenlabel =0 ; igenlabel< kNerr; igenlabel++) hGeneralErrorSummary->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel((2*igenlabel+1),Form("%i %s",igenlabel+1,AliHMPIDRawStream::GetErrName(igenlabel)));
c9d2a880 193 Add2RawsList(hGeneralErrorSummary,14+14+42+42, expert, !image, !saveCorr);
a39cc5ff 194
c9d2a880 195 //___ for DQM shifter and eLogBook ___ start
196 //___ Double booking of histograms since TProfile cannot be display in summary image
197 //___ hence TProfile plots will not be shown in QA and LogBook!
a39cc5ff 198
c9d2a880 199 TH1F* hHmpDdlDataSize = new TH1F("hHmpDdlDataSize","HMP Data Size per DDL;;Data Size (Bytes)",14,0.5,14.5);
200 hHmpDdlDataSize->Sumw2();
201 hHmpDdlDataSize->SetOption("P");
202 hHmpDdlDataSize->SetMinimum(0);
203 for(Int_t iddl=0;iddl<14;iddl++) hHmpDdlDataSize->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(iddl+1,Form("DDL_%d",1535+iddl+1));
204 hHmpDdlDataSize->SetStats(0);hHmpDdlDataSize->SetMinimum(0);hHmpDdlDataSize->SetMarkerStyle(20);
8d9917bf 205 hHmpDdlDataSize->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(fLineDdlDatSizeLow);
206 hHmpDdlDataSize->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(fLineDdlDatSizeUp);
c9d2a880 207 Add2RawsList(hHmpDdlDataSize,14+14+42+42+1,!expert,image,saveCorr); //shifter, image
209 TH1F *fHmpPadOcc = new TH1F("fHmpPadOcc","HMP Average pad occupancy per DDL;;Pad occupancy (%)",14,0.5,14.5);
210 fHmpPadOcc->Sumw2();fHmpPadOcc->SetMinimum(0);
211 fHmpPadOcc->SetMinimum(0);
212 for(Int_t iddl=0;iddl<14;iddl++) fHmpPadOcc->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(iddl+1,Form("DDL_%d",1535+iddl+1));
213 fHmpPadOcc->SetStats(0);fHmpPadOcc->SetMinimum(0);fHmpPadOcc->SetMarkerStyle(20);
8d9917bf 214 fHmpPadOcc->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(fLineDdlPadOCcLow);
215 fHmpPadOcc->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(fLineDdlPadOCcUp);
c9d2a880 216 Add2RawsList(fHmpPadOcc,14+14+42+42+2,!expert,image,!saveCorr); //shifter, image
a2741b47 218 TH2F* fHmpBigMap = new TH2F("hHmpBigMap","HMP Sum Q Maps Ch: 0-6;Ch 0-6: pad X;Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6 pad Y ;Sum Q / Nevt",160,0,160,1008,0,1008);
c9d2a880 219 fHmpBigMap->SetStats(0); fHmpBigMap->SetOption("COLZ");
8d9917bf 220 for(Int_t modcnt=0; modcnt < 6; modcnt++) fHmpBigMap->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(fModline[modcnt]);
c9d2a880 221 Add2RawsList(fHmpBigMap,14+14+42+42+3,!expert,image,!saveCorr); //shifter, image
223 TH2F *fHmpHvSectorQ = new TH2F("fHmpHvSectorQ","HMP HV Sector vs Q; Q (ADC);HV Sector (Ch0-Sc0,Ch0-Sc1,...);Entries*Q/Nevt",410,1,4101,42,0,42);
224 fHmpHvSectorQ->SetStats(0); fHmpHvSectorQ->SetOption("colz");
225 Add2RawsList(fHmpHvSectorQ,14+14+42+42+4,!expert,image,!saveCorr); //shifter, image
a39cc5ff 226
a2741b47 227 // TProfiles
228 TProfile* hHmpDdlDataSizePrf = new TProfile("hHmpDdlDataSizePrf","HMP Data Size per DDL;;Data Size (Bytes)",14,0.5,14.5);
229 hHmpDdlDataSizePrf->Sumw2();
230 hHmpDdlDataSizePrf->SetOption("P");
231 hHmpDdlDataSizePrf->SetMinimum(0);
232 for(Int_t iddl=0;iddl<14;iddl++) hHmpDdlDataSizePrf->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(iddl+1,Form("DDL_%d",1535+iddl+1));
233 hHmpDdlDataSizePrf->SetStats(0);hHmpDdlDataSizePrf->SetMinimum(0);hHmpDdlDataSizePrf->SetMarkerStyle(20);
234 Add2RawsList(hHmpDdlDataSizePrf,14+14+42+42+5,expert,!image,saveCorr); //expert, no image
236 TProfile *fHmpPadOccPrf = new TProfile("fHmpPadOccPrf","HMP Average pad occupancy per DDL;;Pad occupancy (%)",14,0.5,14.5);
237 fHmpPadOccPrf->Sumw2();fHmpPadOccPrf->SetMinimum(0);
238 fHmpPadOccPrf->SetMinimum(0);
239 for(Int_t iddl=0;iddl<14;iddl++) fHmpPadOccPrf->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(iddl+1,Form("DDL_%d",1535+iddl+1));
240 fHmpPadOccPrf->SetStats(0);fHmpPadOccPrf->SetMinimum(0);fHmpPadOccPrf->SetMarkerStyle(20);
241 Add2RawsList(fHmpPadOccPrf,14+14+42+42+6,expert,!image,saveCorr); //expert, no image
c9d2a880 242 //___ for DQM shifter and eLogBook ___ stop
92664bc8 243 //
244 ClonePerTrigClass(AliQAv1::kRAWS); // this should be the last line
04236e67 245}
ec575c20 246//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
04236e67 247void AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec::InitESDs()
cc1abc7f 249 //
250 //Booking ESDs histograms
7d297381 251 const Bool_t expert = kTRUE ;
252 const Bool_t image = kTRUE ;
254 TH2F* hCkovP = new TH2F("CkovP" , "#theta_{c}, [rad];P, [GeV]" , 150, 0, 7 ,100, 0, 1) ;
255 TH2F* hSigP = new TH2F("SigP" ,"#sigma_{#theta_c} [mrad];[GeV]", 150, 0, 7 ,100, 0, 1) ;
256 TH2F* hDifXY = new TH2F("DifXY" ,"diff" , 200, -10, 10 ,200,-10,10) ;
257 TH2F* hMvsP = new TH2F("MvsP","Reconstructed Mass vs P",60,0,6,1000,0,1) ;
258 TH1F* hPid[5];
259 hPid[0] = new TH1F("PidE" ,"electron response" , 101, -0.005,1.005) ;
260 hPid[1] = new TH1F("PidMu","#mu response" , 101, -0.005,1.005) ;
261 hPid[2] = new TH1F("PidPi","#pi response" , 101, -0.005,1.005) ;
262 hPid[3] = new TH1F("PidK" ,"K response" , 101, -0.005,1.005) ;
263 hPid[4] = new TH1F("PidP" ,"p response" , 101, -0.005,1.005) ;
265 Add2ESDsList(hCkovP,0, !expert, image);
266 Add2ESDsList(hSigP ,1, expert, !image);
267 Add2ESDsList(hDifXY,2, !expert, image);
268 Add2ESDsList(hMvsP,3, expert, !image);
269 for(Int_t i=0; i< 5; i++) Add2ESDsList(hPid[i],i+4, expert, !image);
92664bc8 270 //
271 ClonePerTrigClass(AliQAv1::kESDS); // this should be the last line
04236e67 272}
ec575c20 273//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
cc1abc7f 274void AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec::MakeRaws(AliRawReader *rawReader)
04236e67 275{
cc1abc7f 276//
277// Filling Raws QA histos
a39cc5ff 279 rawReader->Reset() ;
d9719df1 280 Int_t hmpDaqId = AliDAQ::DetectorID("HMPID"); // shoudl be number 6
281 const UInt_t *detPattern = rawReader->GetDetectorPattern();
282 UInt_t isHmpInRawData = ( ((1 << hmpDaqId) & detPattern[0]) >> hmpDaqId); // check the 6th bit if HMP is there or not
283 if (! isHmpInRawData ) return; // if HMP is not in the event then skip it
c9d2a880 284
a39cc5ff 285 AliHMPIDRawStream stream(rawReader);
334ed7c0 286 // Int_t ddlOcc[14]={0};
c9d2a880 287 Int_t isHMPin=0;
288 UInt_t word; Int_t Nddl, r, d, a;
289 Int_t numPadsInDdl;
cc1abc7f 291 while(stream.Next())
292 {
c9d2a880 293 UInt_t ddl=stream.GetDDLNumber(); //returns 0,1,2 ... 13
64f2781e 294 if(ddl > 13) continue;
c9d2a880 295
92664bc8 296 // FillRawsData(14+14+42+42+1,ddl+1,stream.GetDdlDataSize());
297 FillRawsData(14+14+42+42+5,ddl+1,stream.GetDdlDataSize());
c9d2a880 298 if(stream.GetDdlDataSize() > 0)
299 {
300 isHMPin++;
301 //___ fill error histo
302 for(Int_t iErr =1; iErr<(Int_t)AliHMPIDRawStream::kSumErr; iErr++){
303 Int_t numOfErr = stream.GetErrors(ddl,iErr);
92664bc8 304 FillRawsData(ddl,iErr,numOfErr);
305 FillRawsData(14+14+42+42,iErr,ddl,iErr); //
c9d2a880 306 }
308 numPadsInDdl= stream.GetNPads();
334ed7c0 309 // ddlOcc[ddl] = numPadsInDdl;
92664bc8 310 FillRawsData(14+14+42+42+6,ddl+1,numPadsInDdl/11520.0*100.0);
a2741b47 311
c9d2a880 312 //___ loop on pads from raw data from a ddl
313 for(Int_t iPad=0;iPad<numPadsInDdl;iPad++) {
314 AliHMPIDDigit dig(stream.GetPadArray()[iPad],stream.GetChargeArray()[iPad]);dig.Raw(word,Nddl,r,d,a);
315 //for DQM shifter
92664bc8 316 FillRawsData(14+14+42+42+3,dig.PadChX(), dig.Ch()*144+dig.PadChY(),dig.Q());
317 FillRawsData(14+14+42+42+4,dig.Q(),(ddl/2*6)+dig.PadChY()/24,dig.Q());
a2741b47 318
92664bc8 319 FillRawsData(ddl+14,r,d);
320 FillRawsData(28+stream.Pc(Nddl,r,d,a)+6*AliHMPIDParam::DDL2C(ddl),stream.PadPcX(Nddl,r,d,a),stream.PadPcY(Nddl,r,d,a));
321 FillRawsData(70+stream.Pc(Nddl,r,d,a)+6*AliHMPIDParam::DDL2C(ddl),stream.GetChargeArray()[iPad]);
322 // FillRawsData(14+14+42+42+6,ddl+1,1);
c9d2a880 323 }//pad loop
324 }
325 }//next
92664bc8 328 if(isHMPin > 0) { // RS: instead of former fEvtRaw
329 IncEvCountCycleRaws();
330 IncEvCountTotalRaws();
331 }
a39cc5ff 332
c9d2a880 334}//MakeRaws
92664bc8 335
44ed7a66 337//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
6252ceeb 338void AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec::MakeDigits()
44ed7a66 339{
340 //
341 //filling QA histos for Digits
342 //
eca4fa66 343
6252ceeb 344 Int_t i = fChannel ;
92664bc8 345 FillDigitsData(0,i,fDigitsArray->GetEntriesFast()/(48.*80.*6.));
6252ceeb 346 TIter next(fDigitsArray);
347 AliHMPIDDigit * digit;
348 while ( (digit = dynamic_cast<AliHMPIDDigit *>(next())) ) {
92664bc8 349 FillDigitsData(1,10.*i+digit->Pc(),1./(48.*80.));
350 FillDigitsData(2+i,digit->PadChX(),digit->PadChY());
351 FillDigitsData(9+i*6+digit->Pc(),digit->Q());
6252ceeb 352 }
44ed7a66 354
44ed7a66 355//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
d9719df1 356void AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec::MakeDigits(TTree * digTree)
44ed7a66 357{
358 //
359 //Opening the Digit Tree
360 //
eca4fa66 361
6252ceeb 362 if(fDigitsArray)
363 fDigitsArray->Clear() ;
364 else
365 fDigitsArray=new TClonesArray("AliHMPIDDigit");
44ed7a66 366
367 for(Int_t iCh=AliHMPIDParam::kMinCh;iCh<=AliHMPIDParam::kMaxCh;iCh++){
6252ceeb 368 fChannel = iCh ;
369 fDigitsArray->Clear() ;
d9719df1 370 TBranch *branch = digTree->GetBranch(Form("HMPID%d",iCh));
371 branch->SetAddress(&fDigitsArray);
372 branch->GetEntry(0);
6252ceeb 373 MakeDigits();
44ed7a66 374 }
92664bc8 375 //
376 IncEvCountCycleDigits();
377 IncEvCountTotalDigits();
378 //
44ed7a66 379}
ec575c20 381//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
cc1abc7f 382void AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec::MakeRecPoints(TTree * clustersTree)
384 //
385 //filling QA histos for clusters
386 //
7656d8ac 387 AliHMPIDParam *pPar =AliHMPIDParam::Instance();
6252ceeb 388
389 if (fRecPointsArray)
390 fRecPointsArray->Clear() ;
391 else
392 fRecPointsArray = new TClonesArray("AliHMPIDCluster");
c2df1ef0 393
aa21372e 394 for(Int_t iCh=AliHMPIDParam::kMinCh;iCh<=AliHMPIDParam::kMaxCh;iCh++){
395 TBranch *branch = clustersTree->GetBranch(Form("HMPID%d",iCh));
6252ceeb 396 branch->SetAddress(&fRecPointsArray);
04236e67 397 branch->GetEntry(0);
92664bc8 398 FillRecPointsData(0,iCh,fRecPointsArray->GetEntries());
6252ceeb 399 TIter next(fRecPointsArray);
04236e67 400 AliHMPIDCluster *clu;
cc1abc7f 401 while ( (clu = dynamic_cast<AliHMPIDCluster *>(next())) ) {
92664bc8 402 FillRecPointsData(1,clu->Status(),iCh);
aa21372e 403 Int_t sect = pPar->InHVSector(clu->Y());
92664bc8 404 if(clu->Q()>100) FillRecPointsData(2+iCh,clu->Size());
aa21372e 405 else {
92664bc8 406 FillRecPointsData(2+7+iCh,clu->Size());
407 FillRecPointsData(2+14+iCh*6+sect,clu->Q());
aa21372e 408 }
92664bc8 409 FillRecPointsData(2+14+42+iCh*6+sect,clu->Q());
04236e67 410 }
411 }
92664bc8 412 IncEvCountCycleRecPoints();
413 IncEvCountTotalRecPoints();
414 //
04236e67 415}
92664bc8 416
ec575c20 417//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
04236e67 418void AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec::MakeESDs(AliESDEvent * esd)
cc1abc7f 420 //
04236e67 421 //fills QA histos for ESD
cc1abc7f 422 //
6252ceeb 423
04236e67 424 for(Int_t iTrk = 0 ; iTrk < esd->GetNumberOfTracks() ; iTrk++){
425 AliESDtrack *pTrk = esd->GetTrack(iTrk) ;
6ba13ae0 426 Float_t thetaCkov = -999.;
427 if(pTrk->GetHMPIDsignal()<0.) thetaCkov = pTrk->GetHMPIDsignal();
428 else thetaCkov = pTrk->GetHMPIDsignal() - (Int_t)pTrk->GetHMPIDsignal();;
429 FillESDsData(0,pTrk->GetP(),thetaCkov);
92664bc8 430 FillESDsData(1, pTrk->GetP(),TMath::Sqrt(pTrk->GetHMPIDchi2()));
04236e67 431 Float_t xm,ym; Int_t q,np;
432 pTrk->GetHMPIDmip(xm,ym,q,np); //mip info
04236e67 433 Float_t xRad,yRad,th,ph;
434 pTrk->GetHMPIDtrk(xRad,yRad,th,ph); //track info at the middle of the radiator
435 Float_t xPc = xRad+9.25*TMath::Tan(th)*TMath::Cos(ph); // temporar: linear extrapol (B=0!)
436 Float_t yPc = yRad+9.25*TMath::Tan(th)*TMath::Sin(ph); // temporar: "
92664bc8 437 FillESDsData(2,xm-xPc,ym-yPc); //track info
7656d8ac 438 if(pTrk->GetHMPIDsignal()>0) {
6ba13ae0 439 Double_t a = 1.292*1.292*TMath::Cos(thetaCkov)*TMath::Cos(thetaCkov)-1.;
7656d8ac 440 if(a > 0) {
6ba13ae0 441 Double_t mass = pTrk->P()*TMath::Sqrt(1.292*1.292*TMath::Cos(thetaCkov)*TMath::Cos(thetaCkov)-1.);
92664bc8 442 FillESDsData(3, pTrk->GetP(),mass);
7656d8ac 443 }
444 }
445 Double_t pid[5] ; pTrk->GetHMPIDpid(pid) ;
92664bc8 446 for(Int_t i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) FillESDsData(4+i,pid[i]) ;
cc1abc7f 447 }
92664bc8 448 //
449 IncEvCountCycleESDs();
450 IncEvCountTotalESDs();
451 //
cc1abc7f 452}
92664bc8 453
ec575c20 454//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
cc1abc7f 455void AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec::StartOfDetectorCycle()
457 //Detector specific actions at start of cycle
ec575c20 460//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
cc1abc7f 461
4e25ac79 462void AliHMPIDQADataMakerRec::EndOfDetectorCycle(AliQAv1::TASKINDEX_t task, TObjArray **histos)
cc1abc7f 463{
464 //Detector specific actions at end of cycle
465 // do the QA checking
92664bc8 466 ResetEventTrigClasses(); // reset triggers list to select all histos
467 TH1* htmp = 0;
468 //
469 for (int itc=-1;itc<GetNTrigClasses();itc++) { // RS: loop over eventual clones per trigger class
470 //
471 if(task==AliQAv1::kRAWS) {
472 for (Int_t specie = 0 ; specie < AliRecoParam::kNSpecies ; specie++) {
473 if (! IsValidEventSpecie(specie, histos) ) continue;
474 SetEventSpecie(AliRecoParam::ConvertIndex(specie));
475 Int_t nEvtRaw = GetEvCountCycleRaws(itc);
476 if (nEvtRaw>0) {
477 //ddl histos scaled by the number of events
478 for(Int_t iddl=0;iddl<14;iddl++) if ( (htmp=GetData(histos, 14+iddl,itc)) ) htmp->Scale(1.0/(Float_t)nEvtRaw);
479 if ( (htmp=GetData(histos, 14+14+42+42+3, itc)) ) htmp->Scale(1.0/(Float_t)nEvtRaw);
480 if ( (htmp=GetData(histos, 14+14+42+42+4, itc)) ) htmp->Scale(1.0/(Float_t)nEvtRaw);
481 }
482 Double_t binval=0,binerr=0;
483 TH1F *h4 = (TH1F*) GetData(histos, 14+14+42+42+1, itc);
484 TProfile *h4prf = (TProfile*)GetData(histos, 14+14+42+42+5, itc);
485 if (h4 && h4prf) {
486 for(Int_t iddl=1;iddl<=14;iddl++) {
487 binval=h4prf->GetBinContent(iddl); binerr=h4prf->GetBinError(iddl);
488 h4->SetBinContent(iddl,binval); h4->SetBinError(iddl,binerr);
489 }
490 }
491 //if (nEvtRaw>0) h4->Scale(1./(Float_t)nEvtRaw);
492 //
493 TH1F *h5 = (TH1F*) GetData(histos, 14+14+42+42+2, itc);
494 TProfile *h5prf = (TProfile*)GetData(histos, 14+14+42+42+6, itc);
495 if (h4 && h4prf) {
496 for(Int_t iddl=1;iddl<=14;iddl++) {
497 binval=h5prf->GetBinContent(iddl); binerr=h5prf->GetBinError(iddl);
498 h5->SetBinContent(iddl,binval); h5->SetBinError(iddl,binerr);
499 }
500 }
501 //if(nEvtRaw>0) h5->Scale(1./(Float_t)nEvtRaw/11520.0*100.0);
502 }//specie loop
503 }//RAWS
504 //
505 } // RS: loop over eventual clones per trigger class
506 //
c9d2a880 507 AliQAChecker::Instance()->Run(AliQAv1::kHMPID, task, histos);
92664bc8 508 //
c9d2a880 509}