]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - HMPID/AliHMPIDRawStream.h
Updates from Chris
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / HMPID / AliHMPIDRawStream.h
d2e2f542 1#ifndef ALIHMPIDRAWSTREAM_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
8/// This is a class for reading raw data digits for HMPID.
9/// The data format is taken from the document provided by Paolo Martinengo.
11/// cvetan.cheshkov@cern.ch 19/07/2007
15#include <TObject.h>
2ac899f2 16#include <TH1F.h>
17#include <TH2F.h>
18#include <TFile.h>
21f61e25 19#include "AliHMPIDParam.h"
20#include <AliBitPacking.h>
21#include <AliFstream.h>
22#include "AliHMPIDDigit.h"
23#include "AliDAQ.h"
f7ee745b 24#include "AliRawDataHeaderSim.h"
2ac899f2 25
d2e2f542 26class AliRawReader;
28class AliHMPIDRawStream: public TObject {
29 public :
30 AliHMPIDRawStream(AliRawReader* rawReader);
21f61e25 31 AliHMPIDRawStream();
d2e2f542 33 virtual ~AliHMPIDRawStream();
21f61e25 35 virtual void Reset();
36 virtual Bool_t Next();
56c73976 37 void InitVars(Int_t n);
38 void DelVars();
21f61e25 39
2ac899f2 40 static inline Int_t GetPad(Int_t ddl,Int_t row,Int_t dil,Int_t pad); //get absolute pad number
41 static inline Int_t GetFee(Int_t ddl,Int_t row); //get the FEE number
42 static Int_t GetNDDL() { return kNDDL;} //return the number of max # of DDLs
43 static Int_t GetNErrors() { return kSumErr;} //return the number of max # of Error Types
3c8e86a0 44
0cd503a3 45 Int_t GetNPads() const { return fNPads;} //Get number of pads present in the stream
46 Int_t* GetPadArray() const { return fPad;} //Get pad array from stream decoded
47 Int_t* GetChargeArray() const { return fCharge;} //Get the charge of the pads from dedcoded stream
48 Int_t* GetnDDLInStream() const { return fnDDLInStream;} //Get the DDL input check array
49 Int_t* GetnDDLOutStream() const { return fnDDLOutStream;} //Get the DDL output check array
56c73976 50 Int_t Pc ( Int_t ddl,Int_t row,Int_t dil,Int_t pad ) {return AliHMPIDParam::A2P(GetPad(ddl,row,dil,pad));} //PC position number
51 Int_t PadPcX ( Int_t ddl,Int_t row,Int_t dil,Int_t pad ) {return AliHMPIDParam::A2X(GetPad(ddl,row,dil,pad));} //pad pc x # 0..79
52 Int_t PadPcY ( Int_t ddl,Int_t row,Int_t dil,Int_t pad ) {return AliHMPIDParam::A2Y(GetPad(ddl,row,dil,pad));} //pad pc y # 0..47
3c8e86a0 53
a6e0ebfe 54 static inline const Char_t* GetErrName(Int_t eType);
3c8e86a0 55 inline Bool_t SetZeroSup (Bool_t isSup);
606697a8 56 inline Bool_t GetZeroSup()const;
57 inline Int_t GetErrors(Int_t ddl,Int_t eType)const; //Get errors and occurance
58 Int_t GetDDLNumber() const{ return fDDLNumber;} //return the number of DDL actually being decoded
59 UInt_t GetLDCNumber() const{ return fLDCNumber;} //return the number of LDC actually being decoded
60 UInt_t GetTimeStamp() const{ return fTimeStamp;} //return the time stamp of the event actually being decoded
3c8e86a0 61
cb9b108e 62 void SetTurbo(Bool_t isTurbo){fTurbo=isTurbo;} // Enable/Disable Turbo
63 Bool_t GetTurbo(){ return fTurbo;} // Enable Turbo
64 Bool_t Turbo(); // Read HMPID Raw data without error checks
fd8bfa30 65 Bool_t ReadHMPIDRawData(); // Read HMPID Raw data
56c73976 66 Bool_t ReadSegment(Int_t &cntSegment); // Read Segment
67 Bool_t ReadRow(Int_t &cntRow); // Read Row
68 Bool_t ReadDilogic(Int_t &cntDilogic); // Read Dilogic
fd8bfa30 69
56c73976 70 Bool_t CheckRow(UInt_t row); // Check Row
71 Bool_t CheckDilogic(UInt_t dilogic); // Check Dilogic
72 Bool_t CheckPad(UInt_t pad); // Check pad
73 Bool_t CheckEoE(Int_t &nDil); // Check EoE
74 Bool_t CheckRowMarker(); // Check RowMarker
75 Bool_t CheckSegment(); // Check Segment
76 void DumpData(Int_t nw); // Dump Data
77 void StorePosition(); //Debug purpose
fd8bfa30 78
c9d2a880 79 Double_t GetDdlDataSize() { return 4.0*fRawDataSize;} //returns the data size for the DDL which is decoded in Next(); fRawDataSize = Bytes/4
56c73976 81// inline void Raw (UInt_t &w32,Int_t &ddl,Int_t &r,Int_t &d,Int_t &a); //digit->(w32,ddl,r,d,a)
82// inline void Raw (Int_t ddl,Int_t r,Int_t d,Int_t a); //raw->abs pad number
83// inline Bool_t Raw (UInt_t w32,Int_t ddl,AliRawReader *pRR); //(w32,ddl)->digit
2ac899f2 84
85 inline void WriteRaw (TObjArray *pDigLst ); //write as raw stream
86 inline void WriteRowMarker (AliFstream *ddl,UInt_t size); //write row marker in simulation
87 inline void WriteEoE (AliFstream *ddl,UInt_t row,UInt_t dil,UInt_t wordCnt); //write Enf Of Event word in simulation
88 inline void WriteSegMarker (AliFstream *ddl,UInt_t row, Int_t nwInSeg); //write Segment Marker word in simulation
89 inline void Write5FirmwareWords(AliFstream *ddl); //write the firmware control words in simulation
21f61e25 90
91// inline TClonesArray ReMap(TClonesArray *pDigIn);
fd8bfa30 92enum EDirection {kFwd,kBwd};
94enum Ebits {kbit0,kbit1 , kbit2, kbit3, kbit4, kbit5, kbit6, kbit7, kbit8,
95 kbit9 ,kbit10,kbit11,kbit12,kbit13,kbit14,kbit15,kbit16,
96 kbit17,kbit18,kbit19,kbit20,kbit21,kbit22,kbit23,kbit24,
97 kbit25,kbit26,kbit27,kbit28,kbit29,kbit30,kbit31,kbit32};
21f61e25 98
3c8e86a0 99 enum EHMPIDRawStreamError { kRawDataSizeErr = 0, kRowMarkerErr = 1, kWrongRowErr = 2, kWrongDilogicErr = 3,
100 kWrongPadErr = 4, kEoEFlagErr = 5, kEoESizeErr = 6, kEoEDILOGICErr = 7,
101 kEoERowErr = 8, kBadSegWordErr = 9, kWrongSegErr = 10, kRowMarkerSizeErr = 11,
0cd503a3 102 kPedQZero =12, kSumErr = 13 //This is always the last one, to retreive the number of errors
3c8e86a0 103 }; //Always check the updated list of names in the .cxx file for print-out!
105 enum {
21f61e25 106 kNRows = 24, // Number of rows (starting from 1 !)//was25
107 kNDILOGICAdd = 10, // Number of DILOGIC addresses in a row (starting from 1 !) //was11
108 kNPadAdd = 48, // Number of pad row
109 kNRowsPerSegment = 8, // Number of rows per segment
110 kNDDL = 14
d2e2f542 111 };
3c8e86a0 112 enum EHMPIDRawError {
21f61e25 113 kInvalidRawDataWord = 1
114 };
d2e2f542 115
21f61e25 116
d2e2f542 117 private :
119 AliHMPIDRawStream& operator = (const AliHMPIDRawStream& stream);
120 AliHMPIDRawStream(const AliHMPIDRawStream& stream);
3c8e86a0 122 Bool_t GetWord(Int_t n=1,EDirection dir=kFwd); // Get n-th word
fd8bfa30 123 UInt_t GetNextWord(); // Get next word
56c73976 124 Int_t fNPads; // counter of pads in one DDL
e96561a3 125 Int_t *fCharge; // Array for charge values for all channels in one DDL
126 Int_t *fPad; // Array for abs pad values for all channels in one DDL
fd8bfa30 127 Int_t fDDLNumber; // index of current DDL number
0cd503a3 128 Int_t *fnDDLInStream; // if the DDL is in the raw data
129 Int_t *fnDDLOutStream; // if the DDL is in the raw data
3c8e86a0 130 UInt_t fLDCNumber; // index of current LDC number
131 UInt_t fTimeStamp; // TimeStamp
e96561a3 132 AliRawReader *fRawReader; // object for reading the raw data
133 UChar_t *fData; // raw data
134 Int_t **fNumOfErr; // Store the numner of errors for a given error type and a given DDL
56c73976 135 Int_t fPosition; // current word
136 UInt_t fWord; // current position in fData
e96561a3 137 Bool_t fZeroSup; // set if zero suppression is applied
138 Int_t *fPos; // for debug purposes
0cd503a3 139 Int_t fiPos; // counter for debug
cb9b108e 140 Bool_t fTurbo; // kTRUE = Turbo decoding is called. DEFAULT: kFALSE = normal decoding is called
c9d2a880 141 Int_t fRawDataSize;
142 ClassDef(AliHMPIDRawStream, 4) // base class for reading HMPID raw digits
d2e2f542 143};
21f61e25 144//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
56c73976 145 /*
21f61e25 146void AliHMPIDRawStream::Raw(UInt_t &w32,Int_t &ddl,Int_t &r,Int_t &d,Int_t &a)
148// Convert raw stream word to raw word format
149// Arguments: w32,ddl,r,d,a where to write the results
150// Returns: none
151 Int_t y2a[6]={5,3,1,0,2,4};
153 ddl=2*Ch(ddl,r,d,a)+Pc(ddl,r,d,a)%2; //DDL# 0..13
154 Int_t tmp=1+Pc(ddl,r,d,a)/2*8+PadPcY(ddl,r,d,a)/6; r=(Pc(ddl,r,d,a)%2)? 25-tmp:tmp; //row r=1..24
155 d=1+PadPcX(ddl,r,d,a)/8; //DILOGIC# 1..10
156 a=y2a[PadPcY(ddl,r,d,a)%6]+6*(PadPcX(ddl,r,d,a)%8); //ADDRESS 0..47
158 w32=0;
56c73976 159 AliBitPacking::PackWord((fCharge[fNPads]>4095)?4095:(UInt_t)fCharge[fNPads],w32, 0,11); // 0000 0rrr rrdd ddaa aaaa qqqq qqqq qqqq Qdc bits (00..11) counts (0..4095)
21f61e25 160 //molnarl: Since in simulation the the charge can be > than 4095 but not in real life we need to protect. If fQ>4095 after packing we will get 0 for the charge!
161 assert(0<=a&&a<=47);AliBitPacking::PackWord( a ,w32,12,17); // 3322 2222 2222 1111 1111 1000 0000 0000 DILOGIC address bits (12..17) counts (0..47)
162 assert(1<=d&&d<=10);AliBitPacking::PackWord( d ,w32,18,21); // 1098 7654 3210 9876 5432 1098 7654 3210 DILOGIC number bits (18..21) counts (1..10)
163 assert(1<=r&&r<=24);AliBitPacking::PackWord( r ,w32,22,26); // Row number bits (22..26) counts (1..24)
56c73976 165*/
21f61e25 166//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
56c73976 167 /*
168Int_t AliHMPIDRawStream::Raw(Int_t ddl,Int_t r,Int_t d,Int_t a)
21f61e25 169{
170 //Assign absolute pad ID based on ddl,row,dil,pad
171 //Arguments: DDL, row number, dilogic number, dilogic address(pad)
172 //Returns : nothing
174 assert(0<=ddl&&ddl<=13); assert(1<=r&&r<=24); assert(1<=d&&d<=10); assert(0<=a&&a<=47);
175 Int_t a2y[6]={3,2,4,1,5,0};//pady for a given address (for single DILOGIC chip)
176 Int_t ch=ddl/2;
177 Int_t tmp=(r-1)/8; Int_t pc=(ddl%2)? 5-2*tmp:2*tmp;
178 Int_t px=(d-1)*8+a/6;
179 tmp=(ddl%2)?(24-r):r-1; Int_t py=6*(tmp%8)+a2y[a%6];
56c73976 180 return AliHMPIDParam::Abs(ch,pc,px,py);
21f61e25 181}
183Bool_t AliHMPIDRawStream::Raw(UInt_t w32,Int_t ddl, AliRawReader *pRR)
185// Converts a given raw data word to a digit
186// Arguments: w32 - 32 bits raw data word
187// ddl - DDL idx 0 1 2 3 4 ... 13
188// Returns: none
189 Int_t r = AliBitPacking::UnpackWord(w32,22,26); assert(1<=r&&r<=24); // Row number (1..24)
190 Int_t d = AliBitPacking::UnpackWord(w32,18,21); assert(1<=d&&d<=10); // 3322 2222 2222 1111 1111 1000 0000 0000 DILOGIC number (1..10)
191 Int_t a = AliBitPacking::UnpackWord(w32,12,17); assert(0<=a&&a<=47); // 1098 7654 3210 9876 5432 1098 7654 3210 DILOGIC address (0..47)
192 Int_t q = AliBitPacking::UnpackWord(w32, 0,11); assert(0<=q&&q<=4095); // 0000 0rrr rrdd ddaa aaaa qqqq qqqq qqqq Qdc (0..4095)
193 if (r<1 || r>24 || d<1 || d>10 || a<0 || a>47 || q<0 || q>4095) {
194 AliWarning(Form("Invalid raw data word %x",w32));
195 pRR->AddMajorErrorLog(kInvalidRawDataWord,Form("w=%x",w32));
196 return kFALSE;
197 }
198 Raw(ddl,r,d,a);
199 fCharge[ddl][r][d][a]=q;
200 return kTRUE;
56c73976 202*/
21f61e25 203//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
204Int_t AliHMPIDRawStream::GetPad(Int_t ddl,Int_t row,Int_t dil,Int_t pad)
206 // The method returns the absolute pad number or -1
207 // in case the charge from the channels
208 // has not been read or invalid arguments
2ac899f2 210
df8ff88a 211 if(ddl<0 || ddl >13 || row<1 || row >25 || dil<1 || dil >10 || pad<0 || pad >47 ) return -1;
21f61e25 212 Int_t a2y[6]={3,2,4,1,5,0}; //pady for a given padress (for single DILOGIC chip)
08801509 213 Int_t ch=ddl/2;
0cd503a3 214 Int_t tmp=(24-row)/8;
215 Int_t pc=(ddl%2)?5-2*tmp:2*tmp;
32e04cc3 216 Int_t px=(kNDILOGICAdd+1 - dil)*8-pad/6-1; //flip according to Paolo (2-9-2008)
0cd503a3 217
218 tmp=(ddl%2)?row-1:(24-row);
219 Int_t py=6*(tmp%8)+a2y[pad%6];
56c73976 221 return AliHMPIDParam::Abs(ch,pc,px,py);
21f61e25 222}//GetPad()
2ac899f2 224Int_t AliHMPIDRawStream::GetFee(Int_t ddl,Int_t row)
226 // The method returns the FEE number or -1
227 // in case of invalid argument(s)
229 if(ddl<0 || ddl >13 || row<1 || row >25 ) return -1;
230 Int_t fee=-1, kLeft=0, kRight=0;
231 if(ddl%2==0) {kLeft=1;kRight=0;}
232 if(ddl%2!=0) {kLeft=0;kRight=1;}
233 if((kLeft==1 && row<=24 && row>=21) || (kRight==1 && row<=4 && row>=1)) fee=0; //calculation of FEE values based on Giacomos pedestal macro
234 if((kLeft==1 && row<=20 && row>=17) || (kRight==1 && row<=8 && row>=5)) fee=1;
235 if((kLeft==1 && row<=16 && row>=13) || (kRight==1 && row<=12 && row>=9)) fee=2;
236 if((kLeft==1 && row<=12 && row>=9) || (kRight==1 && row<=16 && row>=13))fee=3;
237 if((kLeft==1 && row<=8 && row>=5) || (kRight==1 && row<=20 && row>=17))fee=4;
238 if((kLeft==1 && row<=4 && row>=1) || (kRight==1 && row<=24 && row>=21))fee=5;
239 return fee;
21f61e25 242void AliHMPIDRawStream::WriteRowMarker(AliFstream *ddl,UInt_t size)
244 //Writes the row marker for real data and pedestal into the ddl stream
245 //Arguments: ddl stream and the size of the block of the given row, the siye is at least the 10 EoE words!
246 //Returns: nothing
247 UInt_t w32=0;
91f2bfe5 248 UInt_t marker=13992; //for pedestal=12968 == 32a8 for zero suppressed 36a8
21f61e25 249 AliBitPacking::PackWord(size, w32, 16,31); //number of roaw written after row marker (digits and EoE)
91f2bfe5 250 AliBitPacking::PackWord(marker,w32,0,15); //the marker word
21f61e25 251 ddl->WriteBuffer((char*)&w32,sizeof(w32));
254void AliHMPIDRawStream::WriteEoE(AliFstream *ddl,UInt_t row,UInt_t dil,UInt_t wordCnt )
256 //Writes the EoE word from real data and pedestals into the ddl stream
257 //Arguments: ddl stream, row number, dilogic number and the number of words before the EoE
258 //Retursns: nothing
259 UInt_t e=1;
260 UInt_t w32=0;
261 assert(1<=row&&row<=24); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)row ,w32,22,26); // row number (1...24)
262 assert(1<=dil&&dil<=10); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)dil ,w32,18,21); // DILOGIC number (1...10)
263 AliBitPacking::PackWord( e ,w32, 7,17); // event number -- not used
264 AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)wordCnt ,w32, 0, 6); // word counter (0...47) AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)1 ,w32,27,27); // bit 27 is always 1 by definition of EoE
265 AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)1 ,w32,27,27); // bit 27 is always 1 by definition of EoE
266 ddl->WriteBuffer((char*)&w32,sizeof(w32));
91f2bfe5 269void AliHMPIDRawStream::WriteSegMarker(AliFstream *ddl,UInt_t row, Int_t nwInSeg)
21f61e25 270{
271 //Writes the segment marker (after 8 rows) into the ddl stream
91f2bfe5 272 //Arguments: ddl stream and the segment: row 8 -> 0x5800, row 16 -> 5801, row 24 -> 5802 for pedestal
21f61e25 273 //Retruns: nothing
274 UInt_t w32=0;
e96561a3 275
91f2bfe5 276 //Segment marker: 2736 == ab0
e96561a3 277 //AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)0 ,w32,27,31); //zero out the rest of the bits, since they are not needed
91f2bfe5 278 AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)2736 ,w32,20,31); //ab0 the segment marker word
279 AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)nwInSeg,w32, 8,19); //number of words in the segment
280 AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)(row/8),w32, 0, 7); //segment 0,1,2
281 ddl->WriteBuffer((char*)&w32,sizeof(w32));
e96561a3 282 //Printf("Segment word created is: %x",w32);
21f61e25 283}
2ac899f2 285void AliHMPIDRawStream::Write5FirmwareWords(AliFstream *ddl)
287 //Before each DDL payload 5 words are written:
288 // 1.) Firmware version, for sim = 999
289 // 2.) Status and error bits from CD, for sim = 0
290 // 3.) # FEE RESET received , for sim = 0
291 // 4.) # TTC READY , for sim = 0
292 // 5.) Spare/Reserved , for sim = 0
293 //Returns: nothing
294 UInt_t w32=0;
295 AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)999,w32,0,31); ddl->WriteBuffer((char*)&w32,sizeof(w32));
296 AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t) 10,w32,0,31); ddl->WriteBuffer((char*)&w32,sizeof(w32));
297 AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t) 11,w32,0,31); ddl->WriteBuffer((char*)&w32,sizeof(w32));
298 AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t) 12,w32,0,31); ddl->WriteBuffer((char*)&w32,sizeof(w32));
299 AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t) 13,w32,0,31); ddl->WriteBuffer((char*)&w32,sizeof(w32));
21f61e25 303Bool_t AliHMPIDRawStream::SetZeroSup (Bool_t isSup)
305 //Prevision to turn OFF zero suppression
306 //Arguments: setter
307 //Returns: switch
308 fZeroSup=isSup;
309 return fZeroSup;
606697a8 312Bool_t AliHMPIDRawStream::GetZeroSup()const
21f61e25 313{
314 if(fZeroSup==kTRUE) return kTRUE;
315 else return kFALSE;
318void AliHMPIDRawStream::WriteRaw(TObjArray *pDigAll)
320// Write a list of digits for a given chamber in raw data stream
321// Arguments: pDigAll- list of digits
322// Returns: none
323 Int_t ddl,r,d,a; //32 bits data word
324 Int_t cntLpad,cntRpad;
325 Int_t cntLrow,cntRrow;
326 Int_t cntL=0,cntR=0; //data words counters for DDLs
327 Int_t cntLeoe,cntReoe;
328 UInt_t posL,posR;
329 UInt_t cntLseg,cntRseg;
91f2bfe5 330 UInt_t cntwInLseg=0,cntwInRseg=0;
21f61e25 331 Int_t cntRdig=0,cntLdig=0;
333 UInt_t posLmarker,posRmarker;
334ed7c0 334 // Int_t digcnt=0;
21f61e25 335
336 Int_t isDigThere[14][25][11][48];
338 for(Int_t iCh=AliHMPIDParam::kMinCh;iCh<=AliHMPIDParam::kMaxCh;iCh++){//chambers loop
339 cntL=0;cntR=0;
340 for(Int_t iddl=0;iddl<14;iddl++){
341 for(Int_t irow=1;irow<=24;irow++){
342 for(Int_t idil=1;idil<=10;idil++){
343 for(Int_t ipad=0;ipad<48;ipad++){
344 isDigThere[iddl][irow][idil][ipad]=-1;
345 }
346 }
347 }
348 }
350 AliFstream* ddlL; //output streams, 2 per chamber
351 AliFstream* ddlR;
f7ee745b 353 AliRawDataHeaderSim header; header.SetAttribute(0); //empty DDL header
21f61e25 354
355 ddlL = new AliFstream(AliDAQ::DdlFileName("HMPID",2*iCh+1)); //left and right looking at the IP
356 ddlR = new AliFstream(AliDAQ::DdlFileName("HMPID",2*iCh)); //open both DDL of this chamber in parallel
358 ddlL->WriteBuffer((char*)&header,sizeof(header)); //write dummy header as place holder, actual
359 ddlR->WriteBuffer((char*)&header,sizeof(header)); //will be rewritten later when total size of DDL is known
361 UInt_t w32=0; //32 bits data word
334ed7c0 362 // digcnt=0;
21f61e25 363
2ac899f2 364 //added frimware control words
365 Write5FirmwareWords(ddlL); cntL+=5;
366 Write5FirmwareWords(ddlR); cntR+=5;
21f61e25 369 TClonesArray *pDigCh=(TClonesArray *)pDigAll->At(iCh); //list of digits for current chamber
91f2bfe5 370
21f61e25 371 for(Int_t iDig=0;iDig<pDigCh->GetEntriesFast();iDig++){//digits loop
372 AliHMPIDDigit *pDig1=(AliHMPIDDigit*)pDigCh->At(iDig);
0cd503a3 373 pDig1->Raw(w32,ddl,r,d,a); //??????????
21f61e25 374 isDigThere[ddl][r][d][a]=iDig;
375 }
377 for(Int_t row = 1; row <= AliHMPIDRawStream::kNRows; row++){ //AliHMPIDRawStream::kNRows=25!
378 cntRrow=0;cntLrow=0;cntLseg=0;cntRseg=0;//
379 cntLeoe=0;cntReoe=0;
91f2bfe5 380 posLmarker=ddlL->Tellp(); WriteRowMarker(ddlL,(UInt_t)1); cntL++; cntRrow++; cntwInRseg++;
381 posRmarker=ddlR->Tellp(); WriteRowMarker(ddlR,(UInt_t)1); cntR++; cntLrow++; cntwInLseg++;
21f61e25 382 for(Int_t dil = 1; dil <= AliHMPIDRawStream::kNDILOGICAdd; dil++){ //AliHMPIDRawStream::kNDILOGICAdd = 11!
383 cntLpad=0;cntRpad=0;
384 for(Int_t pad = 0; pad < AliHMPIDRawStream::kNPadAdd; pad++){ //AliHMPIDRawStream::kNPadAdd = 48
385 for ( Int_t iddl=2*iCh; iddl<=2*iCh+1;iddl++){
386 if (isDigThere[iddl][row][dil][pad]!=-1) {
387 AliHMPIDDigit *pDig=(AliHMPIDDigit*)pDigCh->At(isDigThere[iddl][row][dil][pad]);
388 pDig->Raw(w32,ddl,r,d,a);
389 if(pDig->Q() < 0 ) continue; //We can turn of the zero sup for pedestal simulation
3c8e86a0 390 if(ddl%2){ //write raw digit selecting on DDL
91f2bfe5 391 ddlL->WriteBuffer((char*)&w32,sizeof(w32)); cntL++; cntLpad++; cntLrow++; cntLdig++; cntwInLseg++;//Printf(" WL: %x isDig: %d",w32,isDigThere[iddl][row][dil][pad]);
21f61e25 392 }else{
91f2bfe5 393 ddlR->WriteBuffer((char*)&w32,sizeof(w32)); cntR++; cntRpad++; cntRrow++; cntRdig++;cntwInRseg++;//Printf(" WR: %x isDig: %d",w32,isDigThere[iddl][row][dil][pad]);
21f61e25 394 }
395 }//ddl
396 }//isDig
397 }//pad
91f2bfe5 398 WriteEoE(ddlL,row,dil,cntLpad); cntL++; cntLrow++; cntLeoe++; cntwInLseg++; //molnarl: write EoE markers
399 WriteEoE(ddlR,row,dil,cntRpad); cntR++; cntRrow++; cntReoe++; cntwInRseg++;
21f61e25 400 }//dil
401 if(row%8==0){
91f2bfe5 402 WriteSegMarker(ddlL,row,cntwInLseg); cntL++; cntLseg++; cntwInLseg=0;
403 WriteSegMarker(ddlR,row,cntwInRseg); cntR++; cntRseg++; cntwInRseg=0;
21f61e25 404 }
405 posL=ddlL->Tellp(); ddlL->Seekp(posLmarker); WriteRowMarker(ddlL,(UInt_t)(cntLrow-1)); ddlL->Seekp(posL); //find the marker position write and go back to the actual position to continue writing
406 posR=ddlR->Tellp(); ddlR->Seekp(posRmarker); WriteRowMarker(ddlR,(UInt_t)(cntRrow-1)); ddlR->Seekp(posR);
407 }//row
408 header.fSize=sizeof(header)+cntL*sizeof(w32); ddlL->Seekp(0); ddlL->WriteBuffer((char*)&header,sizeof(header)); delete ddlL; //rewrite header with size set to
409 header.fSize=sizeof(header)+cntR*sizeof(w32); ddlR->Seekp(0); ddlR->WriteBuffer((char*)&header,sizeof(header)); delete ddlR; //number of bytes and close file
411 //Printf("In Ch %d # digits written to LDD %d RDDL %d",iCh,cntLdig,cntRdig);
413 }//chambers loop
606697a8 416Int_t AliHMPIDRawStream::GetErrors(Int_t ddl,Int_t eType)const
843bde9a 417{
418// Return the number of errors for a given error tye during raw data reading
419// Arguments: errorType
3c8e86a0 420// Returns: error or -999 if error Type does not exist
843bde9a 421
3c8e86a0 422 if(eType < 0 || eType> kSumErr || ddl < 0 || ddl > kNDDL-1 ) return -999;
a66fe5e5 423 else return fNumOfErr[ddl][eType];
843bde9a 424} //GetErrors()
a6e0ebfe 426const Char_t* AliHMPIDRawStream::GetErrName(Int_t eType)
3c8e86a0 427{
428 // Return the name of the error for a given error tye during raw data reading
429 // Arguments: errorType
430 // Returns: error or -999 if error Type does not exist
a6e0ebfe 431 const Char_t *eName[]={ "kRawDataSizeErr", "kRowMarkerErr" , "kWrongRowErr" , "kWrongDilogicErr",
3c8e86a0 432 "kWrongPadErr" , "kEoEFlagErr" , "kEoESizeErr" , "kEoEDILOGICErr",
433 "kEoERowErr" , "kBadSegWordErr", "kWrongSegErr" , "kRowMarkerSizeErr",
0cd503a3 434 "kPedQZero" , "kSumErr" };
a6e0ebfe 435 const Char_t *eNoErr="NotDefinedErrorType";
3c8e86a0 436 if(eType<0 || eType>kSumErr) return eNoErr;
437 else return eName[eType];
d2e2f542 443#endif