]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - HMPID/AliHMPIDReconHTA.h
method Destroy added to AliGeomManager for clean removal of geometry
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / HMPID / AliHMPIDReconHTA.h
5a3482a0 1#ifndef AliHMPIDReconHTA_h
2#define AliHMPIDReconHTA_h
4/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
5 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
8// //
9// AliHMPIDReconHTA //
10// //
11// HMPID class to perfom pattern recognition based on Hough transfrom //
12// //
f21fc003 16#include <TNamed.h> //base class
5a3482a0 17
18class TClonesArray; //CkovAngle()
19class AliESDtrack; //CkovAngle()
5a3482a0 20class AliHMPIDParam;//General pourpose
f21fc003 22class AliHMPIDReconHTA : public TNamed
5a3482a0 23{
24public :
25 AliHMPIDReconHTA();
26 virtual ~AliHMPIDReconHTA();
28// HTA hidden track algorithm
29 void InitVars (Int_t n); //init space for variables
aa00f952 30 void DeleteVars ()const; //delete variables
5a3482a0 31 void InitDatabase (); //initialization of database
170a4fc5 32 void FindBinDB (Double_t x,Double_t y,Int_t &binX,Int_t &binY); //find indices of DB
2e81abb0 33 Bool_t UniformDistrib (); //to check isotropy in phi Cerenkov
9785d5fb 34 void FillZeroChan ()const; //complete the DB
35 Bool_t CkovHiddenTrk (AliESDtrack *pTrk,TClonesArray *pClu,Int_t index, Double_t nmean); //Pattern recognition without trackinf information
5a3482a0 36 Bool_t CluPreFilter (TClonesArray *pClu ); //Pre clustering filter to cut bkg clusters
37 Bool_t DoRecHiddenTrk ( ); //Calling to the fitted procedures
38 Bool_t FindShape (Double_t &thTrkRec,Double_t &phiTrkRec,Double_t &thetaCRec); //Find shape of the ring
39 Bool_t ShapeModel (Int_t np,Double_t *phiphot,Double_t *dist,Double_t &xA,Double_t &xB,Double_t &phiStart);//initial shape model for the cluster candidates
aa00f952 40 Double_t VertParab (Double_t x1,Double_t y1,Double_t x2, Double_t y2, Double_t x3, Double_t y3)const;//calculate the coord. of the min. for a parabole for 3 points
5a3482a0 41 Bool_t FitFree (Double_t thTrkRec,Double_t phiTrkRec); //Fit (th,ph) of the track and ckovFit as result
2e81abb0 42 Bool_t FitRing (Double_t thTrkRec,Double_t phiTrkRec); //Fit (th,ph) of the track
9a573d52 43 Double_t FindSimmPhi (); //find phi of the ring with min. dist. algorithm
44 Int_t r2 (Double_t *coef, Double_t &x1, Double_t &x2); // solution of 2nd degree equation
5a3482a0 45 void SetNClu (Int_t nclu ) {fNClu=nclu;} //Setter for # of clusters
46 void SetClCk (Int_t i,Bool_t what ) {fClCk[i]=what;} //Setter for cluster flags
47 void SetCkovFit (Double_t ckov ) {fCkovFit=ckov;} //Setter for ckov fitted
48 void SetCkovSig2 (Double_t rms ) {fCkovSig2=rms;} //Setter for sigma2 ckov fitted
49 void SetTrkFit (Double_t th,Double_t ph ) {fThTrkFit = th;fPhTrkFit = ph;}//Setter for (th,ph) of the track
2e81abb0 50 void SetNCluFit (Int_t ncluFit ) {fNCluFit=ncluFit;} //Setter for # of clusters used in the fit
51 void SetPhotAngles (Int_t i,Double_t th, Double_t ph ) {fPhiPhot[i]=ph;fThetaPhot[i]=th;} //Setter of the Cerenkov angles for a given photon
52 void SetFitStatus (Bool_t status ) {fFitStatus = status;} //Setter for fit status
5a3482a0 53 void SetRadXY (Double_t x,Double_t y ) {fRadX = x;fRadY = y;} //Setter for (th,ph) of the track
54 static void FunMinPhot(Int_t&/* */,Double_t* /* */,Double_t &f,Double_t *par,Int_t iflag); //Fit function to minimize thetaCer RMS/Sqrt(n) of n clusters
2e81abb0 55 Int_t CompactDB (Int_t binX,Int_t binY) const {return fgDB[binX][binY];} //find compact word of DB
5a3482a0 56 Int_t IdxMip ()const {return fIdxMip;} //Getter index of MIP
57 Double_t MipX ()const {return fMipX;} //Getter of x MIP in LORS
58 Double_t MipY ()const {return fMipY;} //Getter of y MIP in LORS
59 Double_t MipQ ()const {return fMipQ;} //Getter of Q MIP
60 Double_t RadX ()const {return fRadX;} //Getter of x at RAD in LORS
61 Double_t RadY ()const {return fRadY;} //Getter of y at RAD in LORS
62 Int_t NClu ()const {return fNClu;} //Getter of cluster multiplicity
2e81abb0 63 Int_t NCluFit ()const {return fNCluFit;} //Getter of n. photons used to fit the ring
5a3482a0 64 Double_t XClu (Int_t i)const {return fXClu[i];} //Getter of x clu
65 Double_t YClu (Int_t i)const {return fYClu[i];} //Getter of y clu
66 Bool_t ClCk (Int_t i)const {return fClCk[i];} //Getter of cluster flags
2e81abb0 67 Double_t PhotPhi (Int_t i)const {return fPhiPhot[i];} //Getter of the Phi Cerenkov angle for a given photon
68 Double_t PhotTheta (Int_t i)const {return fThetaPhot[i];} //Getter of the Theta Cerenkov angle for a given photon
69 Bool_t FitStatus ()const {return fFitStatus;} //Getter of status of the fit
5a3482a0 70 Double_t CkovFit ()const {return fCkovFit;} //Getter of ckov angle fitted
e56b695f 71 Double_t ThTrkIn ()const {return fThTrkIn;} //Getter of theta started of the track
72 Double_t PhTrkIn ()const {return fPhTrkIn;} //Getter of phi started of the track
5a3482a0 73 Double_t ThTrkFit ()const {return fThTrkFit;} //Getter of theta fitted of the track
74 Double_t PhTrkFit ()const {return fPhTrkFit;} //Getter of phi fitted of the track
8f05fd11 77//
5a3482a0 78 Double_t fMipX; //mip X position for Hidden Track Algorithm
79 Double_t fMipY; //mip Y position for Hidden Track Algorithm
80 Double_t fMipQ; //mip Q for Hidden Track Algorithm
81 Double_t fRadX; //rad X position for Hidden Track Algorithm
82 Double_t fRadY; //rad Y position for Hidden Track Algorithm
83 Int_t fIdxMip; //mip index in the clus list
84 Int_t fNClu; //n clusters to fit
85 Double_t *fXClu; //container for x clus position
86 Double_t *fYClu; //container for y clus position
2e81abb0 87 Double_t *fPhiPhot; //container for phi clus
88 Double_t *fThetaPhot; //container for theta Cerenkov clus
5a3482a0 89 Bool_t *fClCk; //flag if cluster is used in fitting
e56b695f 90 Double_t fThTrkIn; //theta started from ShapeModel
91 Double_t fPhTrkIn; //phi started from ShapeModel
5a3482a0 92 Double_t fThTrkFit; //theta fitted of the track
93 Double_t fPhTrkFit; //phi fitted of the track
94 Double_t fCkovFit; //estimated ring Cherenkov angle
2e81abb0 95 Int_t fNCluFit; //n clusters used to fit the ring
5a3482a0 96 Double_t fCkovSig2; //estimated error^2 on ring Cherenkov angle
2e81abb0 97 Bool_t fFitStatus; //status of the fit 0=ok 1=still to be optimized
5a3482a0 98
99 AliHMPIDParam *fParam; //Pointer to AliHMPIDParam
170a4fc5 100 static Int_t fgDB[500][150]; //tmp DB
8f05fd11 101//
103 AliHMPIDReconHTA(const AliHMPIDReconHTA& r); //dummy copy constructor
104 AliHMPIDReconHTA &operator=(const AliHMPIDReconHTA& r); //dummy assignment operator
5a3482a0 105//
f21fc003 106 ClassDef(AliHMPIDReconHTA,5)
5a3482a0 107};
109#endif // #ifdef AliHMPIDReconHTA_cxx