]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - HMPID/HMPIDda.cxx
New functions to set the acceptance of parts of the chambers. Minors.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / HMPID / HMPIDda.cxx
6f14ad73 1/*
a225d309 2
3HMPID DA for online calibration
b065db45 5Contact: Levente.Molnar@cern.ch, Giacomo.Volpe@ba.infn.it
6Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/ALICE/DAInstructions
7Run Type: PEDESTAL -- but we select on the PHYSICS_EVENTS in the HMPIDda.cxx
8DA Type: LDC
c91115b2 9Reference Run: 78734
b065db45 10Number of events needed: ~ 1000 events
11Input Files: Raw pedestal file, EXTERNAL config files: HmpDaqDaConfig.txt, HmpDeadChannelMap.txt on all HMPID LDCs
12Output Files: 2 x 14 txt files including pedestal and error values
13Trigger types used: CALIBRATION RUN (but selecting on PHYSICS_EVENT)
a225d309 14
6f14ad73 15*/
a225d309 16
6f14ad73 17extern "C" {
18#include <daqDA.h>
21#include "event.h"
22#include "monitor.h"
24#include <Riostream.h>
913dd690 25#include "fstream.h"
6f14ad73 26#include <stdio.h>
27#include <stdlib.h>
ef7257c6 30#include "AliHMPIDRawStream.h"
21f61e25 31#include "AliHMPIDCalib.h"
6f14ad73 32#include "AliRawReaderDate.h"
33#include "AliBitPacking.h"
6f14ad73 34
3c8e86a0 36#include "TROOT.h"
cdd8604a 37#include "TFile.h"
38#include "TSystem.h"
39#include "TString.h"
6f14ad73 40#include "TObject.h"
77e40af5 41#include "TPluginManager.h"
21f61e25 42
2ac899f2 43//AMORE
44#include <AmoreDA.h>
6f14ad73 46
47int main(int argc, char **argv){
b065db45 49 int status=0;
2ac899f2 50 const Char_t *hmpConfigFile = "HmpDaqDaConfig.txt";
51 const Char_t *hmpDeadChannelMapFile = "HmpDeadChannelMap.txt";
4969a7fa 52 const Int_t ddlOffset = 1536;
2ac899f2 53 TString hmpIn,hmpIn2;
4969a7fa 54 TString feeIn;
6f14ad73 55
4969a7fa 56
1e7f6589 57 /* log start of process */
2a7784f8 58 printf("HMP PedestalDa: HMPID DA program started\n");
77e40af5 59
4969a7fa 60 gROOT->GetPluginManager()->AddHandler("TVirtualStreamerInfo","*","TStreamerInfo","RIO","TStreamerInfo()");
77e40af5 61
6f14ad73 62 /* check that we got some arguments = list of files */
63 if (argc<2) {
2a7784f8 64 printf("HMP PedestalDa: Wrong number of arguments\n");
6f14ad73 65 return -1;
66 }
4969a7fa 68 /* copy locally a file from daq detector config db */
2ac899f2 69
2a7784f8 70 hmpIn=Form("./%s",hmpConfigFile);
71 status=daqDA_DB_getFile(hmpConfigFile,hmpIn.Data());
72 if (status) { printf("Failed to get HMPID config file status: %d\n",status);return -1; }
73 hmpIn2=Form("./%s",hmpDeadChannelMapFile);
74 status=daqDA_DB_getFile(hmpDeadChannelMapFile,hmpIn2.Data());
75 if (status) { printf("Failed to get HMPID dead channel file status: %d\n",status);return -1; }
2ac899f2 76
6f14ad73 77
78 /* report progress */
79 daqDA_progressReport(10);
2ac899f2 80
a225d309 81 /* define wait event timeout - 1s max */
82 monitorSetNowait();
83 monitorSetNoWaitNetworkTimeout(1000);
6f14ad73 84
cdd8604a 85 /* set local storage of ped files for Fe2C */
2ac899f2 86
cdd8604a 87
21f61e25 88 /* init the pedestal calculation */
89 AliHMPIDCalib *pCal=new AliHMPIDCalib();
2ac899f2 90 /* Set the number of sigma cuts inside the file HmpidSigmaCut.txt on all LDCs! */
3c8e86a0 91 /* If the file is NOT present then the default cut 3 will be used!*/
2a7784f8 92 pCal->SetSigCutFromFile(hmpIn);
93 pCal->SetDeadChannelMapFromFile(hmpIn2);
77e40af5 94
1e7f6589 95 /* init event counter */
913dd690 96 Int_t firstEvt=0;
97 Int_t iEvtNcal=firstEvt; //Start from 1 not 0!
a225d309 98 ULong_t runNum=0;
3c8e86a0 99 ULong_t ldcId=0;
1e7f6589 101 int n;
102 for (n=1;n<argc;n++) {
6f14ad73 103
104 status=monitorSetDataSource( argv[n] );
105 if (status!=0) {
2a7784f8 106 printf("HMP PedestalDa: monitorSetDataSource() failed : %s\n",monitorDecodeError(status));
6f14ad73 107 return -1;
108 }
110 /* report progress */
111 /* in this example, indexed on the number of files */
112 daqDA_progressReport(10+80*n/argc);
1e7f6589 114 for(;;) { // infinite loop
a225d309 115
116 /* check shutdown condition */
117 if (daqDA_checkShutdown()) {break;}
6f14ad73 119 struct eventHeaderStruct *event;
120 eventTypeType eventT;
122 /* get next event */
123 status=monitorGetEventDynamic((void **)&event);
3e60bb92 124 if (status==MON_ERR_EOF) /* end of monitoring file has been reached */
125 {
2a7784f8 126 printf("HMP PedestalDa: End of monitoring file has been reached! \n");
3e60bb92 127 break;
128 }
6f14ad73 129 if (status!=0) {
2a7784f8 130 printf("HMP PedestalDa: monitorGetEventDynamic() failed : %s\n",monitorDecodeError(status));
ef7257c6 131 return -1;
6f14ad73 132 }
134 /* retry if got no event */
135 if (event==NULL) {
3e60bb92 136 //break;
137 continue;
6f14ad73 138 }
140 /* use event - here, just write event id to result file */
141 eventT=event->eventType;
77e40af5 143 if (eventT==PHYSICS_EVENT || eventT==CALIBRATION_EVENT ) { //updated: 18/02/2008 based on http://alice-ecs.web.cern.ch/alice-ecs/runtypes_3.16.html
a225d309 144 runNum=(unsigned long)event->eventRunNb; //assuming that only one run is processed at a time
3c8e86a0 145 ldcId=(unsigned long)event->eventLdcId;
77e40af5 146
913dd690 147 iEvtNcal++;
ef7257c6 148 AliRawReader *reader = new AliRawReaderDate((void*)event);
cb9b108e 149 AliHMPIDRawStream stream(reader);stream.SetTurbo(kTRUE); //raw data decoding without error checks SetTurbo(kTRUE)
a225d309 150 while(stream.Next())
151 {
152 for(Int_t iPad=0;iPad<stream.GetNPads();iPad++) {
153 pCal->FillPedestal(stream.GetPadArray()[iPad],stream.GetChargeArray()[iPad]);
3c8e86a0 154 } //pads
913dd690 155 }//while -- loop on det load in one event
157 for(Int_t iddl=0;iddl<stream.GetNDDL();iddl++){
158 pCal->FillDDLCnt(iddl,stream.GetnDDLInStream()[iddl],stream.GetnDDLOutStream()[iddl]);
3c8e86a0 159 for(Int_t ierr=0; ierr < stream.GetNErrors(); ierr++) {
160 pCal->FillErrors(iddl,ierr,stream.GetErrors(iddl,ierr));
a225d309 161 }
3c8e86a0 162 }//err
a225d309 163
3c8e86a0 164 pCal->SetRunParams(runNum,stream.GetTimeStamp(),stream.GetLDCNumber()); //Get the last TimeStam read and the LDC ID
a225d309 165 stream.Delete();
6f14ad73 166 }// if CALIBRATION_EVENT
168 /* exit when last event received, no need to wait for TERM signal */
169 if (eventT==END_OF_RUN) {
2a7784f8 170 printf("HMP PedestalDa: EOR event detected\n");
6f14ad73 171 break;
173 } // events loop
1e7f6589 175 free(event);
176 }
6f14ad73 177
3e60bb92 178 }//arg
6f14ad73 179
1e7f6589 180 /* write report */
2a7784f8 181 printf("HMP PedestalDa: HMPID DA processed RUN #%s on LDC#%d, with %d calibration events\n",getenv("DATE_RUN_NUMBER"),ldcId,iEvtNcal);
1e7f6589 182
183 if (!iEvtNcal) {
2a7784f8 184 printf("HMP PedestalDa: No calibration events have been read. Exiting\n");
6f14ad73 185 return -1;
186 }
188 /* report progress */
1e7f6589 189 daqDA_progressReport(90);
2ac899f2 190 /* send pedestal and error files to DAQ FXS */
4969a7fa 191 for(Int_t nDDL=0; nDDL < AliHMPIDRawStream::kNDDL; nDDL++) {
192 feeIn=Form("thr%d.dat",ddlOffset+nDDL);
21f61e25 193 /* Calculate pedestal for the given ddl, if there is no ddl go t next */
4969a7fa 194 if(pCal->CalcPedestal(nDDL,Form("HmpidPedDdl%02i.txt",nDDL),Form("%s",feeIn.Data()),iEvtNcal)) {
195 status=daqDA_DB_storeFile(feeIn.Data(),feeIn.Data()); //store a single threshold file for a DDL in DAQ DB
2a7784f8 196 if (status) { printf("HMP PedestalDa: Failed to store file %s in DAQ DB, status: %d\n",feeIn.Data(),status); }
4969a7fa 197 status=daqDA_FES_storeFile(Form("HmpidPedDdl%02i.txt",nDDL),Form("HmpidPedDdl%02i.txt",nDDL)); //store a single pedestal file for a DDL
2a7784f8 198 if (status) { printf("HMP PedestalDa: Failed to export file on FES: %d\n",status); }
4969a7fa 199 }//pedestals and thresholds
200 if(pCal->WriteErrors(nDDL,Form("HmpidErrorsDdl%02i.txt",nDDL),iEvtNcal)) {
201 status=daqDA_FES_storeFile(Form("HmpidErrorsDdl%02i.txt",nDDL),Form("HmpidErrorsDdl%02i.txt",nDDL));
2a7784f8 202 if (status) { printf("HMP PedestalDa: Failed to export file : %d\n",status); }
4969a7fa 203 }//errors
3e60bb92 204 }//nDDL
3c8e86a0 205
2ac899f2 206 /* send files to AMORE DB */
207 daqDA_progressReport(95);
208 Int_t statusAmoreDA=0;
209 amore::da::AmoreDA amoreDA(amore::da::AmoreDA::kSender);
210 for(Int_t iCh=0; iCh < AliHMPIDParam::kMaxCh; iCh++) {
211 statusAmoreDA+=amoreDA.Send(Form("fPedMeanMap%d",iCh), pCal->GetPedMeanMap(iCh));
212 statusAmoreDA+=amoreDA.Send(Form("fPedSigMap%d",iCh), pCal->GetPedSigMap(iCh));
213 }
214 for(Int_t iCh=0;iCh<=AliHMPIDParam::kMaxCh;iCh++)
215 {
216 for(Int_t iFee=0;iFee<6;iFee++)
217 {
218 statusAmoreDA+=amoreDA.Send(Form("f1DPedMean_Ch%d_FEE_%d",iCh,iFee),pCal->GetPedMean(6*iCh+iFee));
219 statusAmoreDA+=amoreDA.Send(Form("f1DPedSigma_Ch%d_FEE_%d",iCh,iFee),pCal->GetPedSigma(6*iCh+iFee));
220 }
221 }
2a7784f8 222
223 printf("HMP PedestalDa: num. masked pads: %d, num of currently dead pads: %d.\n",pCal->GetNumMaskedPads(),pCal->GetNumDeadPads());
3c8e86a0 225 delete pCal;
2ac899f2 226 if(status) return -1;
227 if(statusAmoreDA) return -1;
3e60bb92 228
1e7f6589 229 /* report progress */
230 daqDA_progressReport(100);
a225d309 231
3c8e86a0 232
2a7784f8 233
1e7f6589 234 return status;
6f14ad73 235}
4969a7fa 236