]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/AliITS.h
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITS.h
3bd79107 1#ifndef ALIITS_H
2#define ALIITS_H
3da30618 3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6/* $Id$ */
58005f18 8////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3bd79107 9// Manager class for set: ITS //
58005f18 10////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
fe4da5cc 11
7e932df0 12//#define NEWVERSION
143d1056 14#include <TObjArray.h> // used in inline function GetModule.
cd77595e 15#include <TBranch.h> // used in inline function SetHitsAddressBranch
3bd79107 16
5d766c75 17#include "AliRunLoader.h"
fe4da5cc 18#include "AliDetector.h"
7e932df0 19#ifndef NEWVERSION
54b8cf3b 20#include "AliITSDetType.h"
7e932df0 21#endif
23#include "AliITSDetTypeSim.h"
24#include "AliITSDetTypeRec.h"
de82972f 26
d5da1ecf 27class TString;
28class TTree;
55b5a0b3 29class TFile;
fe4da5cc 30
3bd79107 31class AliITSsimulation;
32class AliITSClusterFinder;
04366a57 33class AliITSclusterV2;
88cb7938 34class AliITSLoader;
de82972f 35class AliITSsegmentation;
36class AliITSresponse;
37class AliITShit;
38class AliITSgeom;
2aea926d 39class AliITSpListItem;
de82972f 40class AliITSdigit;
41class AliITSRecPoint;
42class AliITSRawCluster;
43class AliITSmodule;
2257f27e 44class AliVertexer;
aacedc3e 45class AliDigitizer;
46class AliRunDigitizer;
04366a57 47class AliRawReader;
27a043b1 48
a8a6107b 49const Int_t kNTYPES=3;
de82972f 50
3bd79107 51class AliITS : public AliDetector {
58005f18 52
2aea926d 53 public:
54 //================= Standard Classes ===============================
55 AliITS(); // Default creator.
56 AliITS(const char *name, const char *title); // standard Creator
57 virtual ~AliITS(); // destructor
ac74f489 58 AliITS(const AliITS &source); // copy constructor. Not to be used!
2aea926d 59 AliITS& operator=(AliITS &source); // = operator. Not to be used!
60 virtual Int_t IsVersion() const {return 1;}
d2f55a22 61 virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t , Int_t ) {return 999;}
2aea926d 62
63 //===================== Simulation Geometry ========================
e8189707 64 // get geometry version - detailed (major) or coarse (minor)
93f82b23 65 virtual Int_t GetMajorVersion() const {return -1;}
66 virtual Int_t GetMinorVersion() const {return -1;}
2aea926d 67 virtual void GetGeometryVersion(Int_t &a,Int_t &b)
68 {a = GetMajorVersion();b=GetMinorVersion();return;}
41b19549 69 virtual void SetEUCLID(Bool_t euclid=kTRUE) {fEuclidOut = euclid;}
a8e8915c 70 virtual Bool_t GetEUCLID()const {return fEuclidOut;}
2aea926d 71 //-------------------- Geometry Transformations --------------------
7e932df0 72#ifndef NEWVERSION
2aea926d 73 // ITS geometry functions
74 AliITSgeom *GetITSgeom() const {return fITSgeom;}
f91c3e58 75 // Sets ITS geometry ! be very careful using this function.
76 void SetITSgeom(AliITSgeom *geom) {fITSgeom = geom;}
2aea926d 77 // return pointer to the array of modules
78 TObjArray *GetModules() const {return fITSmodules;}
79 // return pointer to a particular module
80 AliITSmodule *GetModule(Int_t index) {return (AliITSmodule *)
81 (fITSmodules->At(index));}
7e932df0 82#endif
84 // ITS geometry functions
85 AliITSgeom* GetITSgeom()const{if(fDetTypeSim!=0)
86 return fDetTypeSim->GetITSgeom();else if(fDetTypeRec!=0)
87 return fDetTypeRec->GetITSgeom();else return 0;}
88 // ITS geometry functions From Simulation
89 AliITSgeom* GetITSgeomSim()const{if(fDetTypeSim!=0)
90 return fDetTypeSim->GetITSgeom();else return 0;}
91 // ITS geometry functions From Reconstruction
92 AliITSgeom* GetITSgeomRec()const{if(fDetTypeRec!=0)
93 return fDetTypeRec->GetITSgeom();else return 0;}
94 // Sets ITS geometry ! be very careful using this function.
95 void SetITSgeom(AliITSgeom *geom) {if(fDetTypeSim!=0)
96 fDetTypeSim->SetITSgeom(geom);if(fDetTypeRec!=0)
97 fDetTypeRec->SetITSgeom(geom);}
98 // Sets ITS geometry For Simulation ! be very careful using this function.
99 void SetITSgeomSim(AliITSgeom *geom) {if(fDetTypeSim!=0)
100 fDetTypeSim->SetITSgeom(geom);}
101 // Sets ITS geometry For Reconstruction! be very careful using this fun.
102 void SetITSgeomRec(AliITSgeom *geom) {if(fDetTypeRec!=0)
103 fDetTypeRec->SetITSgeom(geom);}
104 // return pointer to the array of modules
105 TObjArray *GetModules() const {return fDetTypeSim->GetModules();}
106 // return pointer to a particular module
107 AliITSmodule *GetModule(Int_t index){return fDetTypeSim->GetModule(index);}
3bd79107 109
88cb7938 110 //================ Necessary general Classes =======================
2aea926d 111 virtual void Init();
88cb7938 112 virtual AliLoader* MakeLoader(const char* topfoldername);
2aea926d 113 virtual void SetDefaults();
114 virtual void SetDefaultSimulation();
115 virtual void SetDefaultClusterFinders();
04366a57 116 virtual void SetDefaultClusterFindersV2();
88cb7938 117 virtual void MakeBranch(Option_t *opt=" ");
2aea926d 118 virtual void SetTreeAddress();
7e932df0 119#ifndef NEWVERSION
93f82b23 120 // For a given branch from the treeH sets the TClonesArray address.
121 virtual void SetHitsAddressBranch(TBranch *b) {b->SetAddress(&fHits);}
2aea926d 122 // Return pointer to DetType #id
aacedc3e 123 AliITSDetType *DetType(Int_t id){
124 return ((AliITSDetType*) fDetTypes->At(id));};
2aea926d 125 //Int_t NDetTypes() {return fNDetTypes;}
7e932df0 126#endif
2aea926d 127 //---------- Configuration Methods (per detector type) -------------
7d8046e8 128 // Determines which ITS subdetectors will be processed. Effects
129 // digitization, and Reconstruction only.
130 void SetDetectors(Option_t *opt="All"){fOpt = opt;}
131 // Returns the list of ITS subdetectors that will be processed.
132 Option_t* GetDetectors(){return fOpt;}
7e932df0 133#ifndef NEWVERSION
3bd79107 134 // Set response
aacedc3e 135 virtual void SetResponseModel(Int_t id, AliITSresponse *response){
136 ((AliITSDetType*) fDetTypes->At(id))->ResponseModel(response);};
3bd79107 137 // Set segmentation
aacedc3e 138 virtual void SetSegmentationModel(Int_t id, AliITSsegmentation *seg){
139 ((AliITSDetType*) fDetTypes->At(id))->SegmentationModel(seg);};
3bd79107 140 // Set simulation - temporary
aacedc3e 141 virtual void SetSimulationModel(Int_t id, AliITSsimulation *sim){
142 ((AliITSDetType*) fDetTypes->At(id))->SimulationModel(sim);};
54b8cf3b 143 // Set simulation - temporary
144 virtual AliITSsimulation* GetSimulationModel(Int_t id){
145 return ((AliITSDetType*)(fDetTypes->At(id)))->GetSimulationModel();}
3bd79107 146 // Set reconstruction
aacedc3e 147 virtual void SetReconstructionModel(Int_t id, AliITSClusterFinder *rec){
148 ((AliITSDetType*) fDetTypes->At(id))->ReconstructionModel(rec);};
3bd79107 149 // Set class names for digit and rec point
aacedc3e 150 virtual void SetClasses(Int_t id, const char *digit, const char *cluster){
151 ((AliITSDetType*) fDetTypes->At(id))->ClassNames(digit,cluster);};
7e932df0 152#endif
153#ifdef NEWVERSION
154 // Set response
155 virtual void SetResponseModel(Int_t module, AliITSresponse *response){
156 fDetTypeSim->SetResponseModel(module,response);};
157 // Set segmentation for Simulation
158 virtual void SetSegmentationModelSim(Int_t id, AliITSsegmentation *seg){
159 fDetTypeSim->SetSegmentationModel(id,seg);};
160 // Set segmentation for Reconstruction
161 virtual void SetSegmentationModelRec(Int_t id, AliITSsegmentation *seg){
162 fDetTypeRec->SetSegmentationModel(id,seg);};
163 // Set segmentation
164 virtual void SetSegmentationModel(Int_t id, AliITSsegmentation *seg){
165 SetSegmentationModelSim(id,seg);SetSegmentationModelRec(id,seg);};
166 // Set simulation
167 virtual void SetSimulationModel(Int_t id, AliITSsimulation *sim){
168 fDetTypesSim->SetSimulationModel(sim);};
169 // Set simulation
170 virtual AliITSsimulation* GetSimulationModel(Int_t id){
171 return fDetTypesSim->GetSimulationModel(id);}
172 // Set Calibration
173 virtual void SetCalibrationModel(Int_t module, AliITSCalibration *cal){
174 fDetTypeRec->SetCalibrationModel(module,cal);};
175 // Set reconstruction
176 virtual void SetReconstructionModel(Int_t id, AliITSClusterFinder *rec){
177 fDetTypesRec->SetReconstructionModel(id,rec);};
178 // Set Class name for Hits
179 virtual void SetHitClassName(){
180 fDetTypeSim->SetHitClassName(this->GetName());}
181 // Set Class name for SDigits
182 virtual void SetSDigitClassName(const char *sdigit){
183 fDetTypeSim->SetSDigitClassName(sdigit);}
184 // Set Class name for Digits for simulation
185 virtual void SetDigitClassNameSim(const char *digit){
186 fDetTypeSim->SetDigitClassName(digit);}///////// Array of names
187 // Set Class name for Digits for Reconstruction
188 virtual void SetDigitClassNameRec(const char *digit){
189 fDetTypeRec->SetDigitClassName(digit);}///////// Array of names
190 virtual void SetClusterClassName(const char *digit){
191 fDetTypeRec->SetClusterClassName(digit);}///////// Array of names
192 virtual void SetRecPointClassName(const char *digit){
193 fDetTypeRec->SetRecPointClassName(digit);}///////// Array of names
194 // Set class names for digit and rec point
195 virtual void SetClasses(Int_t id, const char *digit, const char *cluster){
196 SetDigitClassNameSim(digit);SetDigitClassNameRec(digit);
197 SetRecPointClassName(cluster);};
2aea926d 199
200 //=================== Hits =========================================
201 virtual void StepManager() {} // See Step Manager for specific geometry.
2aea926d 202 //------------ sort hits by module for Digitisation ----------------
2aea926d 203 virtual void FillModules(Int_t evnt,Int_t bgrev,Int_t nmodules,
8e8eae84 204 Option_t *opt, const char *filename);
7e932df0 205#ifndef NEWVERSION
206 virtual void AddHit(Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits);
207 virtual void InitModules(Int_t size,Int_t &nmodules);
208 virtual void FillModules(TTree *treeH, Int_t mask = 0);
aacedc3e 209 virtual void ClearModules(){if(fITSmodules) fITSmodules->Delete();};
7e932df0 210#endif
211#ifdef NEWVERSION
212 virtual void AddHit(Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits){
213 if(fDetTypeSim!=0)fDetTypeSim->AddHit(track,vol,hits);};
214 virtual void AddHit(AliITShit &hit){
215 if(fDetTypeSim!=0)fDetTypeSim->AddHit(hit);};
216 virtual void InitModules(Int_t size,Int_t &nmodules){if(fDetTypeSim!=0)
217 fDetTypeSim->InitModules(size,nmodules);};
218 virtual void FillModules(TTree *treeH, Int_t mask = 0){if(fDetTypeSim!=0)
219 fDetTypeSim->FillModules(treeH,mask);};
220 virtual void ClearModules(){if(fDetTypeSim!=0)
221 fDetTypeSim->ClearModules();};
2aea926d 223
224 //===================== Digitisation ===============================
7e932df0 225#ifndef NEWVERSION
2aea926d 226 void MakeBranchS(const char *file);
227 void SetTreeAddressS(TTree *treeS);
f91c3e58 228 TClonesArray * GetSDigits() { return fSDigits; }
9ad8b5dd 229 void MakeBranchInTreeD(TTree *treeD,const char *file=0);
230 void MakeBranchD(const char *file){
8f726cb3 231 MakeBranchInTreeD(GetLoader()->TreeD(),file);}
2aea926d 232 void SetTreeAddressD(TTree *treeD);
7e932df0 233#endif
234#ifndef NEWVERSION
2aea926d 235 void Hits2SDigits(); // Turn hits into SDigits
aacedc3e 236 void Hits2PreDigits(){ // Turn hits into SDigits
5d766c75 237 HitsToPreDigits(fLoader->GetRunLoader()->GetEventNumber(),
aacedc3e 238 0,-1," ",fOpt," ");};
c92eb8ad 239 AliDigitizer* CreateDigitizer(AliRunDigitizer* manager) const;
e0fc0305 240 void SDigits2Digits(){SDigitsToDigits("All");} // Turn SDigits to Digits
241 void SDigitsToDigits(Option_t *opt="All"); // Turn SDigits to Digits
2aea926d 242 void Hits2Digits(); // Turn hits straight into Digits.
243 //------------------ Internal functions ----------------------------
244 // Standard Hits To SDigits function
245 void HitsToSDigits(Int_t evNumber,Int_t bgrev,Int_t size,
aacedc3e 246 Option_t *add, Option_t *det, const char *filename)
247 {HitsToPreDigits(evNumber,bgrev,size,add,det,filename);};
2aea926d 248 // Standard Hits To SDigits function
249 void HitsToPreDigits(Int_t evNumber,Int_t bgrev,Int_t size,
8e8eae84 250 Option_t *add, Option_t *det, const char *filename);
2aea926d 251 // Standard Hits To Digits function
252 void HitsToDigits(Int_t evNumber,Int_t bgrev,Int_t size,
8e8eae84 253 Option_t *add, Option_t *det, const char *filename);
7e932df0 254#endif
255#ifdef NEWVERSION
256 // Turn hits into SDigits
257 void Hits2SDigits(){if(fDetTypeSim)fDetTypeSim->Hits2SDigits();};
258 AliDigitizer* CreateDigitizer(AliRunDigitizer* manager) const;
259 // Turn SDigits to Digits
260 void SDigits2Digits(){if(fDetTypeSim)fDetTypeSim->SDigits2Digits();}
261 // Turn hits straight into Digits.
262 void Hits2Digits(){if(fDetTypeSim)fDetTypeSim->Hits2Digits();};
aacedc3e 264 // Resets the Summable digits.
7e932df0 265#ifndef NEWVERSION
aacedc3e 266 void ResetSDigits(){if(fSDigits) fSDigits->Clear();fNSDigits = 0;};
2aea926d 267 void ResetDigits(); // depending on how the
268 void ResetDigits(Int_t branch); // tree will be filled only
269 void AddSumDigit(AliITSpListItem &sdig);
270 void AddRealDigit(Int_t branch, Int_t *digits);
271 void AddSimDigit(Int_t branch, AliITSdigit *d);
272 void AddSimDigit(Int_t branch,Float_t phys,Int_t* digits,
273 Int_t* tracks,Int_t *hits,Float_t* trkcharges);
7e932df0 274#endif
2aea926d 275 // Return pointers to digits
7e932df0 276#ifndef NEWVERSION
2aea926d 277 TObjArray *Dtype() {return fDtype;}
278 Int_t *Ndtype() {return fNdtype;}
279 TClonesArray *DigitsAddress(Int_t id)
280 {return ((TClonesArray *) (*fDtype)[id]);}
7e932df0 281#endif
282#ifdef NEWVERSION
283 TObjArray* GetDigitsSim(){if(fDetTypeSim!=0)
284 return fDetTypeSim->GetDigits();else return 0;}
285 TObjArray* GetDigitsRec(){if(fDetTypeRec!=0)
286 return fDetTypeRec->GetDigits();else return 0;}
287 TObjArray *Dtype() {if(fDetTypeSim!=0) return GetDigitsSim();
288 else if(fDetTypeRec!=0) return GetDigitsRec(); else return 0;}
289 Int_t* GetNDigitArraySim(){if(fDetTypeSim!=0)
290 fDetTypeSim->GetNDigitArray();}
291 Int_t* GetNDigitArrayRec(){if(fDetTypeRec!=0)
292 fDetTypeRec->GetNDigitArray();}
293 Int_t *Ndtype() {if(fDetTypeSim!=0) return GetNDigitArraySim();
294 else if(fDetTypeRec!=0) return GetNDigitArrayRec(); else return 0;}
295 TClonesArray *DigitsAddressSim(Int_t id){if(fDetTypeSim!=0)
296 return fDetTypeSim->GetDigitsAddress(id);else return 0;}
297 TClonesArray *DigitsAddressRec(Int_t id){if(fDetTypeRec!=0)
298 return fDetTypeRec->GetDigitsAddress(id);else return 0;}
299 TClonesArray *DigitsAddress(Int_t id){if(fDetTypeSim!=0)
300 return DigitsAddressSim(id);else if(fDetTypeRec!=0) DigitsAddressRec(id);
301 else return 0;}
2257f27e 303 void SelectVertexer(TString sel=" "){fSelectedVertexer = sel;}
7e932df0 304#ifndef NEWVERSION
3bd79107 305
2aea926d 306 //===================== Raw Data IO ================================
307 // Write digits into raw data format
0421c3d1 308 virtual void Digits2Raw();
58005f18 309
2aea926d 310 //==================== Clusterization ==============================
311 // create separate tree for clusters - declustering refining
312 void MakeTreeC(Option_t *option="C");
313 void GetTreeC(Int_t event);
314 void AddCluster(Int_t branch, AliITSRawCluster *c);
aacedc3e 315 // one of the methods in
316 void ResetClusters(){for(Int_t i=0;i<kNTYPES;i++ ) ResetClusters(i);};
2aea926d 317 void ResetClusters(Int_t branch); // the pair will be kept
7e932df0 318 void MakeBranchC();
3bd79107 319 // Return pointers to clusters
2aea926d 320 TObjArray *Ctype() {return fCtype;}
321 Int_t *Nctype() {return fNctype;}
322 TClonesArray *ClustersAddress(Int_t id)
3bd79107 323 {return ((TClonesArray *) (*fCtype)[id]);}
7e932df0 324#endif
325#ifdef NEWVERSION
327 //===================== Raw Data IO ================================
328 // Write digits into raw data format
329 virtual void Digits2Raw(){if(fDetTypeSim)fDetTypeSim->Digits2Raw();};
331 //==================== Clusterization ==============================
332 // create separate tree for clusters - declustering refining
333 void MakeTreeC(Option_t *option="C"){fDetTypeRec->MakeTreeC();};
334 void GetTreeC(Int_t event){fDetTypeRec->GetTreeC(event);};
335 void AddCluster(Int_t branch, AliITSRawCluster *c){
336 fDetTypeRec->AddCluster(branch,c);};
337 // one of the methods in
338 void ResetClusters(){for(Int_t i=0;i<kNTYPES;i++ ) ResetClusters(i);};
339 void ResetClusters(Int_t branch){fDetTypeRec->ResetCluster(i);};
340 void MakeBranchC(){fDetTypeRec->MakeBranchC();};
341 // Return pointers to clusters
342 TObjArray *Ctype() {if(fDetTypeRec!=0)
343 return fDetTypeRec->GetClusterArray(); else return 0;}
344 Int_t *Nctype() {if(fDetTypeRec!=0)
345 return fDetTypeRec->GetNClusters(); else return 0;;}
346 TClonesArray *ClustersAddress(Int_t id){if(fDetTypeRec!=0)
347 return fDetTypeRec->GetClusterAddress(id]); else return 0;}
3bd79107 349
2aea926d 350 //=================== Reconstruction ===============================
7e932df0 351#ifndef NEWVERSION
ff0e455e 352 void MakeBranchR(const char *file, Option_t *opt=" ");
2aea926d 353 void SetTreeAddressR(TTree *treeR);
354 void AddRecPoint(const AliITSRecPoint &p);
aacedc3e 355 void ResetRecPoints(){if(fRecPoints) fRecPoints->Clear();fNRecPoints = 0;};
3bd79107 356 // Return pointer to rec points
357 TClonesArray *RecPoints() {return fRecPoints;}
04366a57 358
359 void AddClusterV2(const AliITSclusterV2 &cl);
360 void ResetClustersV2(){if(fClustersV2) fClustersV2->Clear();fNClustersV2=0;}
361 Int_t GetNClustersV2()const {return fNClustersV2;}
362// Return pointer to clustersV2
363TClonesArray *ClustersV2() {return fClustersV2;}
7e932df0 364#endif
365#ifdef NEWVERSION
366 void MakeBranchR(const char *file, Option_t *opt=" ");
367 void SetTreeAddressR(TTree *treeR){fDetTypeRec->SetTreeAddressR(treeR);};
368 void AddRecPoint(const AliITSRecPoint &p){fDetTypeRec->AddRecPoint(p);};
369 void ResetRecPoints(){if(fDetTypeRec) fDetTypeRec->ResetRecPoints();};
370 // Return pointer to rec points
371 TClonesArray* RecPoints() {if(fDetTypeRec!=0)
372 return fDetTypeRec->GetRecPoints();else return 0;}
374 void MakeBranchRF(const char *file){MakeBranchR(file,"Fast");}
375 void HitsToFastRecPoints(Int_t evNumber,Int_t bgrev,Int_t size,
376 Option_t *add, Option_t *det, const char *filename);
377 void Digits2Reco(){
378 DigitsToRecPoints(fLoader->GetRunLoader()->GetEventNumber(),0,fOpt);};
379 void DigitsToRecPoints(Int_t evNumber,Int_t lastEntry,Option_t *det);
04366a57 380void DigitsToRecPoints(AliRawReader* rawReader);
2aea926d 381 protected:
382 //================== Data Members ==================================
7e932df0 383#ifdef NEWVERSION
384 AliITSDetTypeSim *fDetTypeSim; //
385 AliITSDetTypeRec *fDetTypeRec; //
387#ifndef NEWVERSION
2aea926d 388 AliITSgeom *fITSgeom; // Pointer to ITS geometry
7e932df0 389#endif
e0fc0305 390 Bool_t fEuclidOut; // Flag to write geometry in euclid format
7e932df0 391#ifndef NEWVERSION
2aea926d 392 TObjArray *fITSmodules; //! Pointer to ITS modules
7e932df0 393#endif
7d8046e8 394 Option_t *fOpt; //! Detector option ="All" unless changed.
3bd79107 395
e0fc0305 396 Int_t fIdN; // the number of layers
2aea926d 397 Int_t *fIdSens; //[fIdN] layer identifier
398 TString *fIdName; //[fIdN] layer identifier
7e932df0 399#ifndef NEWVERSION
e0fc0305 400 Int_t fNDetTypes; // Number of detector types
2aea926d 401 TObjArray *fDetTypes; // List of detector types
e8189707 402
88cb7938 403 TClonesArray *fSDigits; //! List of Summable digits.
2aea926d 404 Int_t fNSDigits; // Number of Summable Digits.
55b5a0b3 405
88cb7938 406 TObjArray *fDtype; //! List of digits
2aea926d 407 Int_t *fNdtype; //[fNDetTypes] Num. of digits per type of det.
3bd79107 408
88cb7938 409 TObjArray *fCtype; //! List of clusters
2aea926d 410 Int_t *fNctype; //[fNDetTypes] Num. of clust. per type of det.
3bd79107 411
88cb7938 412 TClonesArray *fRecPoints; //! List of reconstructed points
2aea926d 413 Int_t fNRecPoints; // Number of rec points
04366a57 414
415 TClonesArray *fClustersV2; //!List of reconstructed clusters v2
416 Int_t fNClustersV2; //Number of clusters v2
7e932df0 418#endif
2257f27e 419 TString fSelectedVertexer; // Vertexer selected in CreateVertexer
7e932df0 420#ifndef NEWVERSION
04366a57 421 ClassDef(AliITS,5) // Base class for ITS
7e932df0 422#endif
423#ifdef NEWVERSION
424 ClassDef(AliITS,5) // Base class for ITS
fe4da5cc 426};
3bd79107 427
fe4da5cc 428#endif