]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/AliITSClusterFinderSSD.cxx
Removed the use of NAN. Problem with compatibility with other compilers.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSClusterFinderSSD.cxx
b0f5e3fc 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
bf3f2830 16// **************************************************************************
17// * The package was revised and changed by Boris Batiounia in the time *
18// * period of March - June 2001 *
19// **************************************************************************/
4ae5bbc4 21#include <Riostream.h>
eb08b98f 22#include <TArrayI.h>
b0f5e3fc 23#include "AliRun.h"
e8189707 24#include "AliITS.h"
3c9a27a7 25#include "AliITSdigit.h"
26#include "AliITSRawCluster.h"
27#include "AliITSRecPoint.h"
e8189707 28#include "AliITSMapA1.h"
b0f5e3fc 29#include "AliITSClusterFinderSSD.h"
e8189707 30#include "AliITSclusterSSD.h"
31#include "AliITSpackageSSD.h"
3c9a27a7 32#include "AliITSsegmentation.h"
0315d466 33#include "AliITSgeom.h"
b669392e 34
114da3a4 35const Bool_t AliITSClusterFinderSSD::fgkSIDEP=kTRUE;
36const Bool_t AliITSClusterFinderSSD::fgkSIDEN=kFALSE;
3c9a27a7 37const Int_t debug=0;
b0f5e3fc 38
f239b2fe 41//____________________________________________________________________
b0f5e3fc 42//
43// Constructor
fe15e140 44//______________________________________________________________________
46 //Default constructor
48 fSegmentation = 0;
49 fDigits = 0;
50 fMap = 0;
51 fITS = (AliITS*)gAlice->GetModule("ITS");
52 fClusterP = 0;
53 fNClusterP =0;
54 fClusterN = 0;
55 fNClusterN = 0;
56 fPackages = 0;
57 fNPackages = 0;
58 fDigitsIndexP = 0;
59 fNDigitsP = 0;
60 fDigitsIndexN = 0;
61 fNDigitsN = 0;
62 fPitch = 0;
63 fPNsignalRatio= 0;
b0f5e3fc 64}
fe15e140 65//______________________________________________________________________}
66AliITSClusterFinderSSD::AliITSClusterFinderSSD(AliITSsegmentation *seg,
67 TClonesArray *digits){
68 //Standard constructor
70 fSegmentation = seg;
71 fDigits = digits;
72 fMap = new AliITSMapA1(fSegmentation,fDigits);
73 fITS = (AliITS*)gAlice->GetModule("ITS");
74 fClusterP = new TClonesArray ("AliITSclusterSSD",200);
75 fNClusterP = 0;
76 fClusterN = new TClonesArray ("AliITSclusterSSD",200);
77 fNClusterN = 0;
78 fPackages = new TClonesArray ("AliITSpackageSSD",200); //packages
79 fNPackages = 0;
80 fDigitsIndexP = new TArrayI(300);
81 fNDigitsP = 0;
82 fDigitsIndexN = new TArrayI(300);
83 fNDigitsN = 0;
84 fPitch = fSegmentation->Dpx(0);
85 fPNsignalRatio= 7./8.; // warning: hard-wired number
89 // Default destructor
3c9a27a7 90
b0f5e3fc 91 delete fClusterP;
92 delete fClusterN;
93 delete fPackages;
94 delete fDigitsIndexP;
95 delete fDigitsIndexN;
e8189707 96 delete fMap;
b0f5e3fc 97}
fe15e140 98//______________________________________________________________________
99void AliITSClusterFinderSSD::InitReconstruction(){
100 // initialization of the cluster finder
f239b2fe 101
fe15e140 102 register Int_t i; //iterator
b0f5e3fc 103
fe15e140 104 for (i=0;i<fNClusterP;i++) fClusterP->RemoveAt(i);
105 fNClusterP =0;
106 for (i=0;i<fNClusterN;i++) fClusterN->RemoveAt(i);
107 fNClusterN=0;
108 for (i=0;i<fNPackages;i++) fPackages->RemoveAt(i);
109 fNPackages = 0;
110 fNDigitsP = 0;
111 fNDigitsN = 0;
bf3f2830 112 Float_t stereoP,stereoN;
113 fSegmentation->Angles(stereoP,stereoN);
114 CalcStepFactor(stereoP,stereoN);
fe15e140 115 if (debug) cout<<"fSFF = "<<fSFF<<" fSFB = "<<fSFB<<"\n";
b0f5e3fc 116}
fe15e140 117//______________________________________________________________________
118void AliITSClusterFinderSSD::FindRawClusters(Int_t module){
119 // This function findes out all clusters belonging to one module
120 // 1. Zeroes all space after previous module reconstruction
121 // 2. Finds all neighbouring digits, create clusters
122 // 3. If necesery, resolves for each group of neighbouring digits
123 // how many clusters creates it.
124 // 4. Colculate the x and z coordinate
125 Int_t lay, lad, detect;
126 AliITSgeom *geom = fITS->GetITSgeom();
128 geom->GetModuleId(module,lay, lad, detect);
129 if ( lay == 6 ) ((AliITSsegmentationSSD*)fSegmentation)->SetLayer(6);
130 if ( lay == 5 ) ((AliITSsegmentationSSD*)fSegmentation)->SetLayer(5);
132 InitReconstruction(); //ad. 1
133 fMap->FillMap();
134 FillDigitsIndex();
135 SortDigits();
136 FindNeighbouringDigits(); //ad. 2
137 //SeparateOverlappedClusters(); //ad. 3
138 ClustersToPackages(); //ad. 4
139 fMap->ClearMap();
b0f5e3fc 140}
fe15e140 141//______________________________________________________________________
142void AliITSClusterFinderSSD::FindNeighbouringDigits(){
143 //If there are any digits on this side, create 1st Cluster,
144 // add to it this digit, and increment number of clusters
145 register Int_t i;
147 if ((fNDigitsP>0 ) && (fNDigitsN > 0 )) {
148 Int_t currentstripNo;
149 Int_t *dbuffer = new Int_t [300]; //buffer for strip numbers
150 Int_t dnumber; //curent number of digits in buffer
151 TArrayI &lDigitsIndexP = *fDigitsIndexP;
152 TArrayI &lDigitsIndexN = *fDigitsIndexN;
153 TObjArray &lDigits = *(Digits());
154 TClonesArray &lClusterP = *fClusterP;
155 TClonesArray &lClusterN = *fClusterN;
156 //process P side
157 dnumber = 1;
158 dbuffer[0]=lDigitsIndexP[0];
159 //If next digit is a neigh. of previous, adds to last clust. this digit
160 for (i=1; i<fNDigitsP; i++) {
161 //reads new digit
162 currentstripNo = ((AliITSdigitSSD*)lDigits[lDigitsIndexP[i]])->
163 GetStripNumber();
164 //check if it is a neighbour of a previous one
165 if((((AliITSdigitSSD*)lDigits[lDigitsIndexP[i-1]])->
166 GetStripNumber())
167 == (currentstripNo-1) ) dbuffer[dnumber++]=lDigitsIndexP[i];
168 else{
169 //create a new one side cluster
170 new(lClusterP[fNClusterP++]) AliITSclusterSSD(dnumber,dbuffer,
171 Digits(),
172 fgkSIDEP);
173 dbuffer[0]=lDigitsIndexP[i];
174 dnumber = 1;
175 } // end if else
176 } // end loop over fNDigitsP
177 new(lClusterP[fNClusterP++]) AliITSclusterSSD(dnumber,dbuffer,
178 Digits(),fgkSIDEP);
179 //process N side
180 //for comments, see above
181 dnumber = 1;
182 dbuffer[0]=lDigitsIndexN[0];
183 //If next digit is a neigh. of previous, adds to last clust. this digit
184 for (i=1; i<fNDigitsN; i++) {
185 currentstripNo = ((AliITSdigitSSD*)(lDigits[lDigitsIndexN[i]]))->
b0f5e3fc 186 GetStripNumber();
fe15e140 187 if ( (((AliITSdigitSSD*)lDigits[lDigitsIndexN[i-1]])->
188 GetStripNumber())
189 == (currentstripNo-1) ) dbuffer[dnumber++]=lDigitsIndexN[i];
190 else {
191 new(lClusterN[fNClusterN++]) AliITSclusterSSD(dnumber,dbuffer,
192 Digits(),
193 fgkSIDEN);
194 dbuffer[0]=lDigitsIndexN[i];
195 dnumber = 1;
196 } // end if else
197 } // end loop over fNDigitsN
198 new(lClusterN[fNClusterN++]) AliITSclusterSSD(dnumber,dbuffer,
199 Digits(),fgkSIDEN);
200 delete [] dbuffer;
202 } // end condition on NDigits
204 if (debug) cout<<"\n Found clusters: fNClusterP = "<<fNClusterP
205 <<" fNClusterN ="<<fNClusterN<<"\n";
208void AliITSClusterFinderSSD::SeparateOverlappedClusters(){
209 // overlapped clusters separation
210 register Int_t i; //iterator
211 Float_t factor=0.75; // How many percent must be lower signal
212 // on the middle one digit
213 // from its neighbours
214 Int_t signal0; //signal on the strip before the current one
215 Int_t signal1; //signal on the current one signal
216 Int_t signal2; //signal on the strip after the current one
217 TArrayI *splitlist; // List of splits
218 Int_t numerofsplits=0; // number of splits
219 Int_t initPsize = fNClusterP; //initial size of the arrays
220 Int_t initNsize = fNClusterN; //we have to keep it because it will grow
221 // in this function and it doasn't make
222 // sense to pass through it again
223 splitlist = new TArrayI(300);
225 for (i=0;i<initPsize;i++){
226 if (( ((AliITSclusterSSD*)(*fClusterP)[i])->
227 GetNumOfDigits())==1) continue;
228 if (( ((AliITSclusterSSD*)(*fClusterP)[i])->
229 GetNumOfDigits())==2) continue;
b0f5e3fc 230 Int_t nj=(((AliITSclusterSSD*)(*fClusterP)[i])->GetNumOfDigits()-1);
fe15e140 231 for (Int_t j=1; j<nj; j++){
b0f5e3fc 232 signal1=((AliITSclusterSSD*)(*fClusterP)[i])->GetDigitSignal(j);
233 signal0=((AliITSclusterSSD*)(*fClusterP)[i])->GetDigitSignal(j-1);
234 signal2=((AliITSclusterSSD*)(*fClusterP)[i])->GetDigitSignal(j+1);
235 //if signal is less then factor*signal of its neighbours
fe15e140 236 if ( (signal1<(factor*signal0)) && (signal1<(factor*signal2)) ){
237 (*splitlist)[numerofsplits++]=j;
238 } // end if
239 } // end loop over number of digits
240 //split this cluster if necessary
241 if(numerofsplits>0) SplitCluster(splitlist,numerofsplits,i,fgkSIDEP);
242 numerofsplits=0;
243 //in signed places (splitlist)
244 } // end loop over clusters on Pside
246 for (i=0;i<initNsize;i++) {
247 if (( ((AliITSclusterSSD*)(*fClusterN)[i])->
248 GetNumOfDigits())==1) continue;
249 if (( ((AliITSclusterSSD*)(*fClusterN)[i])->
250 GetNumOfDigits())==2) continue;
251 Int_t nj=(((AliITSclusterSSD*)(*fClusterN)[i])->GetNumOfDigits()-1);
252 for (Int_t j=1; j<nj; j++){
b0f5e3fc 253 signal1=((AliITSclusterSSD*)(*fClusterN)[i])->GetDigitSignal(j);
254 signal0=((AliITSclusterSSD*)(*fClusterN)[i])->GetDigitSignal(j-1);
255 signal2=((AliITSclusterSSD*)(*fClusterN)[i])->GetDigitSignal(j+1);
256 //if signal is less then factor*signal of its neighbours
257 if ( (signal1<(factor*signal0)) && (signal1<(factor*signal2)) )
fe15e140 258 (*splitlist)[numerofsplits++]=j;
259 } // end loop over number of digits
260 //split this cluster into more clusters
261 if(numerofsplits>0) SplitCluster(splitlist,numerofsplits,i,fgkSIDEN);
262 numerofsplits=0;
263 //in signed places (splitlist)
264 } // end loop over clusters on Nside
266 delete splitlist;
b0f5e3fc 267}
fe15e140 268//______________________________________________________________________
269void AliITSClusterFinderSSD::SplitCluster(TArrayI *list, Int_t nsplits,
270 Int_t index, Bool_t side){
271 //This function splits one side cluster into more clusters
272 //number of splits is defined by "nsplits"
273 //Place of splits are defined in the TArray "list"
274 // For further optimisation: Replace this function by two
275 // specialised ones (each for one side)
276 // save one "if"
277 //For comlete comments see AliITSclusterSSD::SplitCluster
278 register Int_t i; //iterator
279 AliITSclusterSSD* curentcluster;
280 Int_t *tmpdigits = new Int_t[100];
bf3f2830 281 Int_t nn;
fe15e140 282
283 // side true means P side
284 if (side) {
285 curentcluster =((AliITSclusterSSD*)((*fClusterP)[index])) ;
286 for (i = nsplits; i>0 ;i--) {
bf3f2830 287 nn=curentcluster->SplitCluster((*list)[(i-1)],tmpdigits);
288 new ((*fClusterP)[fNClusterP]) AliITSclusterSSD(nn,tmpdigits,
fe15e140 289 Digits(),side);
290 ( (AliITSclusterSSD*)((*fClusterP)[fNClusterP]) )->
f239b2fe 291 SetLeftNeighbour(kTRUE);
fe15e140 292 //if left cluster had neighbour on the right before split
293 //new should have it too
294 if ( curentcluster->GetRightNeighbour() )
295 ( (AliITSclusterSSD*)((*fClusterP)[fNClusterP]) )->
f239b2fe 296 SetRightNeighbour(kTRUE);
fe15e140 297 else curentcluster->SetRightNeighbour(kTRUE);
298 fNClusterP++;
299 } // end loop over nplits
300 } else {
301 curentcluster =((AliITSclusterSSD*)((*fClusterN)[index]));
302 for (i = nsplits; i>0 ;i--) {
bf3f2830 303 nn=curentcluster->SplitCluster((*list)[(i-1)],tmpdigits);
304 new ((*fClusterN)[fNClusterN]) AliITSclusterSSD(nn,tmpdigits,
fe15e140 305 Digits(),side);
306 ((AliITSclusterSSD*)((*fClusterN)[fNClusterN]))->
f239b2fe 307 SetRightNeighbour(kTRUE);
fe15e140 308 if (curentcluster->GetRightNeighbour())
309 ( (AliITSclusterSSD*)( (*fClusterN)[fNClusterN]) )->
f239b2fe 310 SetRightNeighbour(kTRUE);
fe15e140 311 else curentcluster->SetRightNeighbour(kTRUE);
312 fNClusterN++;
313 } // end loop over nplits
314 } // end if side
315 delete []tmpdigits;
b0f5e3fc 316}
fe15e140 317//______________________________________________________________________
318Int_t AliITSClusterFinderSSD::SortDigitsP(Int_t start, Int_t end){
319 // sort digits on the P side
320 Int_t right;
321 Int_t left;
323 if (start != (end - 1) ){
324 left=this->SortDigitsP(start,(start+end)/2);
325 right=this->SortDigitsP((start+end)/2,end);
326 return (left || right);
327 }else{
328 left = ((AliITSdigitSSD*)((*(Digits()))[(*fDigitsIndexP)[start]]))->
329 GetStripNumber();
330 right= ((AliITSdigitSSD*)((*(Digits()))[(*fDigitsIndexP)[end]]))->
331 GetStripNumber();
332 if( left > right ){
333 Int_t tmp = (*fDigitsIndexP)[start];
334 (*fDigitsIndexP)[start]=(*fDigitsIndexP)[end];
335 (*fDigitsIndexP)[end]=tmp;
336 return 1;
337 }else return 0;
338 } // end if
b0f5e3fc 339}
fe15e140 340//______________________________________________________________________
341Int_t AliITSClusterFinderSSD::SortDigitsN(Int_t start, Int_t end){
342 // sort digits on the N side
343 Int_t right;
344 Int_t left;
346 if (start != (end - 1)){
347 left=this->SortDigitsN(start,(start+end)/2);
348 right=this->SortDigitsN((start+end)/2,end);
349 return (left || right);
350 }else{
351 left =((AliITSdigitSSD*)((*(Digits()))[(*fDigitsIndexN)[start]]))->
352 GetStripNumber();
353 right=((AliITSdigitSSD*)((*(Digits()))[(*fDigitsIndexN)[end]]))->
354 GetStripNumber();
355 if ( left > right ){
356 Int_t tmp = (*fDigitsIndexN)[start];
357 (*fDigitsIndexN)[start]=(*fDigitsIndexN)[end];
358 (*fDigitsIndexN)[end]=tmp;
359 return 1;
360 }else return 0;
361 } // end if
b0f5e3fc 362}
fe15e140 363//______________________________________________________________________
364void AliITSClusterFinderSSD::FillDigitsIndex(){
365 //Fill the indexes of the clusters belonging to a given ITS module
bf3f2830 366 Int_t pns=0, nns=0;
fe15e140 367 Int_t tmp,bit,k;
bf3f2830 368 Int_t noentries;
fe15e140 369 Int_t i;
bf3f2830 371 noentries = fDigits->GetEntriesFast();
fe15e140 372
bf3f2830 373 Int_t* psidx = new Int_t [noentries*sizeof(Int_t)];
374 Int_t* nsidx = new Int_t [noentries*sizeof(Int_t)];
375 if (fDigitsIndexP==NULL) fDigitsIndexP = new TArrayI(noentries);
376 if (fDigitsIndexN==NULL) fDigitsIndexN = new TArrayI(noentries);
fe15e140 377
378 AliITSdigitSSD *dig;
bf3f2830 380 for ( i = 0 ; i< noentries; i++ ) {
fe15e140 381 dig = (AliITSdigitSSD*)GetDigit(i);
382 if(dig->IsSideP()) {
383 bit=1;
384 tmp=dig->GetStripNumber();
385 // I find this totally unnecessary - it's just a
386 // CPU consuming double check
bf3f2830 387 for( k=0;k<pns;k++){
388 if (tmp==psidx[k]){
fe15e140 389 if (debug) cout<<"Such a digit exists \n";
390 bit=0;
391 } // end if
392 } // end for k
393 // end comment
394 if(bit) {
395 fDigitsIndexP->AddAt(i,fNDigitsP++);
bf3f2830 396 psidx[pns++]=tmp;
fe15e140 397 } // end if bit
398 } else {
399 bit=1;
400 tmp=dig->GetStripNumber();
401 // same as above
bf3f2830 402 for( k=0;k<nns;k++){
403 if (tmp==nsidx[k]){
fe15e140 404 if (debug) cout<<"Such a digit exists \n";
405 bit=0;
406 } // end if
407 } // for k
408 // end comment
409 if (bit) {
410 fDigitsIndexN->AddAt(i,fNDigitsN++);
bf3f2830 411 nsidx[nns++] =tmp;
fe15e140 412 } // end if bit
413 } // end if
414 } // end for i
bf3f2830 416 delete [] psidx;
417 delete [] nsidx;
fe15e140 418
419 if (debug) cout<<"Digits : P = "<<fNDigitsP<<" N = "<<fNDigitsN<<endl;
b0f5e3fc 420}
fe15e140 421//______________________________________________________________________
422void AliITSClusterFinderSSD::SortDigits(){
423 // sort digits
424 Int_t i;
426 if(fNDigitsP>1) for (i=0;i<fNDigitsP-1;i++)
427 if (SortDigitsP(0,(fNDigitsP-1-i))==0) break;
428 if(fNDigitsN>1) for (i=0;i<fNDigitsN-1;i++)
429 if(SortDigitsN(0,(fNDigitsN-1-i))==0) break;
b0f5e3fc 430}
fe15e140 431//______________________________________________________________________
bf3f2830 432void AliITSClusterFinderSSD::FillClIndexArrays(Int_t* arrayP, Int_t *arrayN) const{
fe15e140 433 // fill cluster index array
434 register Int_t i;
f239b2fe 435
fe15e140 436 for (i=0; i<fNClusterP;i++) arrayP[i]=i;
437 for (i=0; i<fNClusterN;i++) arrayN[i]=i;
b0f5e3fc 438}
fe15e140 439//______________________________________________________________________
440void AliITSClusterFinderSSD::SortClusters(Int_t* arrayP, Int_t *arrayN){
441 // sort clusters
442 Int_t i;
444 if(fNClusterP>1) for (i=0;i<fNClusterP-1;i++)
445 if (SortClustersP(0,(fNClusterP-1),arrayP)==0) break;
446 if(fNClusterN>1) for (i=0;i<fNClusterN-1;i++)
f239b2fe 447 if (SortClustersN(0,(fNClusterN-1),arrayN)==0) break;
b0f5e3fc 448}
fe15e140 449//______________________________________________________________________
450Int_t AliITSClusterFinderSSD::SortClustersP(Int_t start, Int_t end,
451 Int_t *array){
452 //Sort P side clusters
453 Int_t right;
454 Int_t left;
456 if (start != (end - 1) ) {
457 left=this->SortClustersP(start,(start+end)/2,array);
458 right=this->SortClustersP((start+end)/2,end,array);
459 return (left || right);
460 } else {
461 left =((AliITSclusterSSD*)((*fClusterP)[array[start]]))->
f239b2fe 462 GetDigitStripNo(0);
fe15e140 463 right=((AliITSclusterSSD*)((*fClusterP)[array[ end ]]))->
f239b2fe 464 GetDigitStripNo(0);
fe15e140 465 if(left>right) {
466 Int_t tmp = array[start];
467 array[start]=array[end];
468 array[end]=tmp;
469 return 1;
470 } else return 0;
471 } // end if
b0f5e3fc 472}
fe15e140 473//______________________________________________________________________
474Int_t AliITSClusterFinderSSD::SortClustersN(Int_t start, Int_t end,
475 Int_t *array){
476 //Sort N side clusters
477 Int_t right;
478 Int_t left;
480 if (start != (end - 1) ) {
481 left=this->SortClustersN(start,(start+end)/2,array);
482 right=this->SortClustersN((start+end)/2,end,array);
483 return (left || right);
484 } else {
485 left =((AliITSclusterSSD*)((*fClusterN)[array[start]]))->
f239b2fe 486 GetDigitStripNo(0);
fe15e140 487 right=((AliITSclusterSSD*)((*fClusterN)[array[ end ]]))->
f239b2fe 488 GetDigitStripNo(0);
fe15e140 489 if( left > right) {
490 Int_t tmp = array[start];
491 array[start]=array[end];
492 array[end]=tmp;
493 return 1;
494 } else return 0;
495 } // end if
b0f5e3fc 496}
fe15e140 497//______________________________________________________________________
498void AliITSClusterFinderSSD::ClustersToPackages(){
499 // fill packages
f239b2fe 500
fe15e140 501 Int_t *oneSclP = new Int_t[fNClusterP];//I want to have sorted 1 S clusters
502 Int_t *oneSclN = new Int_t[fNClusterN];//I can not sort it in TClonesArray
503 //so, I create table of indexes and
504 //sort it
505 //I do not use TArrayI on purpose
506 //MB: well, that's not true that one
507 //cannot sort objs in TClonesArray
508 AliITSclusterSSD *currentP;
509 AliITSclusterSSD *currentN;
510 Int_t j1, j2;
512 //Fills in One Side Clusters Index Array
513 FillClIndexArrays(oneSclP,oneSclN);
514 //Sorts filled Arrays
515 //SortClusters(oneSclP,oneSclN);
517 fNPackages=1;
518 new ((*fPackages)[0]) AliITSpackageSSD(fClusterP,fClusterN);
520 //This part was includede by Boris Batiounia in March 2001.
521 // Take all recpoint pairs (x coordinates) in both P and N sides
522 // to calculate z coordinates of the recpoints
524 for (j1=0;j1<fNClusterP;j1++) {
525 currentP = GetPSideCluster(oneSclP[j1]);
526 Double_t xP = currentP->GetPosition();
527 Float_t signalP = currentP->GetTotalSignal();
528 for (j2=0;j2<fNClusterN;j2++) {
529 currentN = GetNSideCluster(oneSclN[j2]);
530 Double_t xN = currentN->GetPosition();
531 Float_t signalN = currentN->GetTotalSignal();
532 CreateNewRecPoint(xP,1,xN,1,signalP,signalN,currentP,currentN,
533 0.75);
534 } // end for j2
535 } // end for j1
537 delete [] oneSclP;
538 delete [] oneSclN;
b0f5e3fc 539}
fe15e140 540//______________________________________________________________________
541Bool_t AliITSClusterFinderSSD::CreateNewRecPoint(Float_t P,Float_t dP,
542 Float_t N, Float_t dN,
543 Float_t SigP,Float_t SigN,
544 AliITSclusterSSD *clusterP,
545 AliITSclusterSSD *clusterN,
546 Stat_t prob){
547 // create the recpoints
548 const Float_t kADCtoKeV = 2.16;
549 // 50 ADC units -> 30000 e-h pairs; 1e-h pair -> 3.6e-3 KeV;
550 // 1 ADC unit -> (30000/50)*3.6e-3 = 2.16 KeV
551 const Float_t kconv = 1.0e-4;
552 const Float_t kRMSx = 20.0*kconv;
553 const Float_t kRMSz = 800.0*kconv;
554 Int_t n=0;
555 Int_t *tr;
bf3f2830 556 Int_t ntracks;
fe15e140 557
558 if (GetCrossing(P,N)) {
559 //GetCrossingError(dP,dN);
560 AliITSRawClusterSSD cnew;
561 Int_t nstripsP=clusterP->GetNumOfDigits();
562 Int_t nstripsN=clusterN->GetNumOfDigits();
563 Float_t signal = 0;
564 Float_t dedx = 0;
565 if(SigP>SigN) {
566 signal = SigP;
567 dedx = SigP*kADCtoKeV;
568 }else{
569 signal = SigN;
570 dedx = SigN*kADCtoKeV;
571 } // end if SigP>SigN
fd61217e 572 tr = (Int_t*) clusterP->GetTracks(n);
bf3f2830 573 ntracks = clusterP->GetNTracks();
fe15e140 574 cnew.fSignalP=SigP;
575 cnew.fSignalN=SigN;
576 cnew.fMultiplicity=nstripsP;
577 cnew.fMultiplicityN=nstripsN;
578 cnew.fQErr=TMath::Abs(SigP-SigN);
bf3f2830 579 cnew.fNtracks=ntracks;
fe15e140 580 fITS->AddCluster(2,&cnew);
581 AliITSRecPoint rnew;
582 rnew.SetX(P*kconv);
583 rnew.SetZ(N*kconv);
584 rnew.SetQ(signal);
585 rnew.SetdEdX(dedx);
586 rnew.SetSigmaX2( kRMSx* kRMSx);
587 rnew.SetSigmaZ2( kRMSz* kRMSz);
588 rnew.fTracks[0]=tr[0];
589 rnew.fTracks[1]=tr[1];
590 rnew.fTracks[2]=tr[2];
591 fITS->AddRecPoint(rnew);
592 return kTRUE;
593 } // end if
594 return kFALSE;
b0f5e3fc 595}
fe15e140 596//______________________________________________________________________
597void AliITSClusterFinderSSD::CalcStepFactor(Float_t Psteo, Float_t Nsteo){
598 // calculate the step factor for matching clusters
599 // 95 is the pitch, 4000 - dimension along z ?
600 Float_t dz=fSegmentation->Dz();
602 fSFF = ( (Int_t) (Psteo*dz/fPitch ) );// +1;
603 fSFB = ( (Int_t) (Nsteo*dz/fPitch ) );// +1;
b0f5e3fc 604}
fe15e140 605//______________________________________________________________________
606AliITSclusterSSD* AliITSClusterFinderSSD::GetPSideCluster(Int_t idx){
607 // get P side clusters
609 if((idx<0)||(idx>=fNClusterP)){
610 printf("AliITSClusterFinderSSD::GetPSideCluster: index out of range\n");
611 return 0;
612 }else{
613 return (AliITSclusterSSD*)((*fClusterP)[idx]);
614 } // end if
b0f5e3fc 615}
fe15e140 616//______________________________________________________________________
617AliITSclusterSSD* AliITSClusterFinderSSD::GetNSideCluster(Int_t idx){
618 // get N side clusters
620 if((idx<0)||(idx>=fNClusterN)){
621 printf("AliITSClusterFinderSSD::GetNSideCluster: index out of range\n");
622 return 0;
623 }else{
624 return (AliITSclusterSSD*)((*fClusterN)[idx]);
625 } // end if
b0f5e3fc 626}
fe15e140 627//______________________________________________________________________
628AliITSclusterSSD* AliITSClusterFinderSSD::GetCluster(Int_t idx, Bool_t side){
629 // Get cluster
b0f5e3fc 630
fe15e140 631 return (side) ? GetPSideCluster(idx) : GetNSideCluster(idx);
b0f5e3fc 632}
fe15e140 633//______________________________________________________________________
634Bool_t AliITSClusterFinderSSD::GetCrossing (Float_t &P, Float_t &N){
635 // get crossing
636 // This function was rivised and changed by Boris Batiounia in March 2001
bf3f2830 637 Float_t dx = fSegmentation->Dx(); // detector size in x direction, microns
638 Float_t dz = fSegmentation->Dz(); // detector size in z direction, microns
fe15e140 639 Float_t xL; // x local coordinate
640 Float_t zL; // z local coordinate
bf3f2830 641 Float_t x; // x = xL + dx/2
642 Float_t z; // z = zL + dz/2
fe15e140 643 Float_t xP; // x coordinate in the P side from the first P strip
644 Float_t xN; // x coordinate in the N side from the first N strip
bf3f2830 645 Float_t stereoP,stereoN;
fe15e140 646
bf3f2830 647 fSegmentation->Angles(stereoP,stereoN);
648 fTanP=TMath::Tan(stereoP);
649 fTanN=TMath::Tan(stereoN);
fe15e140 650 Float_t kP = fTanP; // Tangent of 0.0075 mrad
651 Float_t kN = fTanN; // Tangent of 0.0275 mrad
b0f5e3fc 652 P *= fPitch;
653 N *= fPitch;
6298ec22 654
fd61217e 655 xP = N; // change the mistake for the P/N
656 xN = P; // coordinates correspondence in this function
6298ec22 657
bf3f2830 658 x = xP + kP*(dz*kN-xP+xN)/(kP+kN);
659 z = (dz*kN-xP+xN)/(kP+kN);
660 xL = x - dx/2;
661 zL = z - dz/2;
fd61217e 662 P = xL;
663 N = zL;
bf3f2830 665 if(TMath::Abs(xL) > dx/2 || TMath::Abs(zL) > dz/2) return kFALSE;
6298ec22 666
fd61217e 667 // Check that xL and zL are inside the detector for the
668 // correspondent xP and xN coordinates
b0f5e3fc 669
670 return kTRUE;
fe15e140 672//______________________________________________________________________
673void AliITSClusterFinderSSD::GetCrossingError(Float_t& dP, Float_t& dN){
674 // get crossing error
675 Float_t dz, dx;
677 dz = TMath::Abs(( dP + dN )*fPitch/(fTanP + fTanN) );
678 dx = fPitch*(TMath::Abs(dP*(1 - fTanP/(fTanP + fTanN))) +
679 TMath::Abs(dN *fTanP/(fTanP + fTanN) ));
680 dN = dz;
681 dP = dx;
b0f5e3fc 682}