]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/AliITSClusterParam.cxx
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSClusterParam.cxx
572f41f9 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-2007, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16/* $Id$ */
19// //
20// ITS cluster error and shape parameterization //
21// //
22// andrea.dainese@lnl.infn.it //
24//#include "TFile.h"
25//#include "TTree.h"
26//#include <TVectorF.h>
27//#include <TLinearFitter.h>
28//#include <TH1F.h>
29//#include <TProfile2D.h>
e50912db 30#include <TVector3.h>
572f41f9 31#include "TMath.h"
d9ead1a0 32#include "AliTracker.h"
e50912db 33#include "AliGeomManager.h"
572f41f9 34#include "AliITSRecPoint.h"
35#include "AliITSClusterParam.h"
e50912db 36#include "AliITSReconstructor.h"
37#include "AliExternalTrackParam.h"
12cc92e0 38#include "AliCheb3DCalc.h"
572f41f9 39
43AliITSClusterParam* AliITSClusterParam::fgInstance = 0;
47 Example usage fitting parameterization (NOT YET...):
48 TFile fres("resol.root"); //tree with resolution and shape
49 TTree * treeRes =(TTree*)fres.Get("Resol");
51 AliITSClusterParam param;
52 param.SetInstance(&param);
53 param.FitResol(treeRes);
54 param.FitRMS(treeRes);
55 TFile fparam("ITSClusterParam.root","recreate");
56 param.Write("Param");
57 //
58 //
59 TFile fparam("ITSClusterParam.root");
60 AliITSClusterParam *param2 = (AliITSClusterParam *) fparam.Get("Param");
61 param2->SetInstance(param2);
62 param2->Test(treeRes);
65 treeRes->Draw("(Resol-AliITSClusterParam::SGetError0(Dim,Pad,Zm,AngleM))/Resol","Dim==0&&QMean<0")
69AliITSClusterParam* AliITSClusterParam::Instance()
71 //
72 // Singleton implementation
73 // Returns an instance of this class, it is created if neccessary
74 //
75 if (fgInstance == 0){
76 fgInstance = new AliITSClusterParam();
77 }
78 return fgInstance;
81void AliITSClusterParam::GetNTeor(Int_t layer,const AliITSRecPoint* /*cl*/,
e50912db 82 Float_t tgl,Float_t tgphitr,
572f41f9 83 Float_t &ny,Float_t &nz)
85 //
e50912db 86 // Get "mean shape" (original parametrization from AliITStrackerMI)
572f41f9 87 //
e50912db 88 tgl = TMath::Abs(tgl);
89 tgphitr = TMath::Abs(tgphitr);
91 // SPD
92 if (layer==0) {
93 ny = 1.+tgphitr*3.2;
94 nz = 1.+tgl*0.34;
572f41f9 95 return;
96 }
e50912db 97 if (layer==1) {
98 ny = 1.+tgphitr*3.2;
99 nz = 1.+tgl*0.28;
572f41f9 100 return;
101 }
e50912db 102 // SSD
103 if (layer==4 || layer==5) {
104 ny = 2.02+tgphitr*1.95;
105 nz = 2.02+tgphitr*2.35;
572f41f9 106 return;
107 }
e50912db 108 // SDD
109 ny = 6.6-2.7*tgphitr;
110 nz = 2.8-3.11*tgphitr+0.45*tgl;
111 return;
114Int_t AliITSClusterParam::GetError(Int_t layer,
115 const AliITSRecPoint *cl,
116 Float_t tgl,Float_t tgphitr,Float_t expQ,
d9ead1a0 117 Float_t &erry,Float_t &errz,Float_t &covyz,
8c139cf3 118 Bool_t addMisalErr)
e50912db 119{
120 //
121 // Calculate cluster position error
122 //
b80c197e 123 static Double_t bz = (Double_t)AliTracker::GetBz();
401eff16 124 Int_t retval=0;
d9ead1a0 125 covyz=0.;
e50912db 126 switch(AliITSReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetClusterErrorsParam()) {
127 case 0:
d9ead1a0 128 retval = GetErrorOrigRecPoint(cl,erry,errz,covyz);
e50912db 129 break;
130 case 1:
401eff16 131 retval = GetErrorParamMI(layer,cl,tgl,tgphitr,expQ,erry,errz);
e50912db 132 break;
133 case 2:
401eff16 134 retval = GetErrorParamAngle(layer,cl,tgl,tgphitr,erry,errz);
e50912db 135 break;
12cc92e0 136 case 3:
137 retval = GetErrorParamAngleOld(layer,cl,tgl,tgphitr,erry,errz);
138 break;
e50912db 139 default:
401eff16 140 retval = GetErrorParamMI(layer,cl,tgl,tgphitr,expQ,erry,errz);
e50912db 141 break;
142 }
d9ead1a0 144 // for SSD use the error provided by the cluster finder
145 // if single-sided clusters are enabled
146 if(layer>=4 && AliITSReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetUseBadChannelsInClusterFinderSSD()) {
147 //printf("error 1 erry errz covyz %10.7f %10.7f %15.13f\n",erry,errz,covyz);
148 retval = GetErrorOrigRecPoint(cl,erry,errz,covyz);
149 //printf("type %d erry errz covyz %10.7f %10.7f %15.13f\n",cl->GetType(),erry,errz,covyz);
150 }
8c139cf3 152 if(addMisalErr) {
153 // add error due to misalignment (to be improved)
d9ead1a0 154 Float_t errmisalY2 = AliITSReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetClusterMisalErrorY(layer,bz)
155 *AliITSReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetClusterMisalErrorY(layer,bz);
156 Float_t errmisalZ2 = AliITSReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetClusterMisalErrorZ(layer,bz)
157 *AliITSReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetClusterMisalErrorZ(layer,bz);
f9119eb9 158 erry = TMath::Sqrt(erry*erry+errmisalY2);
159 errz = TMath::Sqrt(errz*errz+errmisalZ2);
8c139cf3 160 }
401eff16 161
162 return retval;
572f41f9 164}
e50912db 166Int_t AliITSClusterParam::GetErrorOrigRecPoint(const AliITSRecPoint*cl,
d9ead1a0 167 Float_t &erry,Float_t &errz,Float_t &covyz)
572f41f9 168{
e50912db 169 //
170 // Calculate cluster position error (just take error from AliITSRecPoint)
171 //
172 erry = TMath::Sqrt(cl->GetSigmaY2());
173 errz = TMath::Sqrt(cl->GetSigmaZ2());
d9ead1a0 174 covyz = cl->GetSigmaYZ();
e50912db 175
176 return 1;
179Int_t AliITSClusterParam::GetErrorParamMI(Int_t layer,const AliITSRecPoint*cl,
180 Float_t tgl,Float_t tgphitr,
181 Float_t expQ,
182 Float_t &erry,Float_t &errz)
184 //
185 // Calculate cluster position error (original parametrization from
186 // AliITStrackerMI)
572f41f9 187 //
188 Float_t nz,ny;
e50912db 189 GetNTeor(layer, cl,tgl,tgphitr,ny,nz);
572f41f9 190 erry = TMath::Sqrt(cl->GetSigmaY2());
191 errz = TMath::Sqrt(cl->GetSigmaZ2());
192 //
193 // PIXELS
194 if (layer<2){
195 if (TMath::Abs(ny-cl->GetNy())>0.6) {
196 if (ny<cl->GetNy()){
197 erry*=0.4+TMath::Abs(ny-cl->GetNy());
198 errz*=0.4+TMath::Abs(ny-cl->GetNy());
199 }else{
200 erry*=0.7+0.5*TMath::Abs(ny-cl->GetNy());
201 errz*=0.7+0.5*TMath::Abs(ny-cl->GetNy());
202 }
203 }
204 if (TMath::Abs(nz-cl->GetNz())>1.) {
205 erry*=TMath::Abs(nz-cl->GetNz());
206 errz*=TMath::Abs(nz-cl->GetNz());
207 }
208 erry*=0.85;
209 errz*=0.85;
210 erry= TMath::Min(erry,float(0.0050));
211 errz= TMath::Min(errz,float(0.0300));
212 return 10;
213 }
215 //STRIPS
216 if (layer>3){
217 //factor 1.8 appears in new simulation
218 //
219 Float_t scale=1.8;
220 if (cl->GetNy()==100||cl->GetNz()==100){
221 erry = 0.004*scale;
222 errz = 0.2*scale;
223 return 100;
224 }
225 if (cl->GetNy()+cl->GetNz()>12){
226 erry = 0.06*scale;
227 errz = 0.57*scale;
228 return 100;
229 }
e50912db 230 Float_t normq = cl->GetQ()/(TMath::Sqrt(1+tgl*tgl+tgphitr*tgphitr));
572f41f9 231 Float_t chargematch = TMath::Max(double(normq/expQ),2.);
232 //
233 if (cl->GetType()==1 || cl->GetType()==10 ){
234 if (chargematch<1.0 || (cl->GetNy()+cl->GetNz()<nz+ny+0.5)){
235 errz = 0.043*scale;
236 erry = 0.00094*scale;
237 return 101;
238 }
239 if (cl->GetNy()+cl->GetNz()<nz+ny+1.2){
240 errz = 0.06*scale;
241 erry =0.0013*scale;
242 return 102;
243 }
244 erry = 0.0027*scale;
245 errz = TMath::Min(0.028*(chargematch+cl->GetNy()+cl->GetNz()-nz+ny),0.15)*scale;
246 return 103;
247 }
248 if (cl->GetType()==2 || cl->GetType()==11 ){
249 erry = TMath::Min(0.0010*(1+chargematch+cl->GetNy()+cl->GetNz()-nz+ny),0.05)*scale;
250 errz = TMath::Min(0.025*(1+chargematch+cl->GetNy()+cl->GetNz()-nz+ny),0.5)*scale;
251 return 104;
252 }
254 if (cl->GetType()>100 ){
255 if ((chargematch+cl->GetNy()+cl->GetNz()-nz-ny<1.5)){
256 errz = 0.05*scale;
257 erry = 0.00096*scale;
258 return 105;
259 }
260 if (cl->GetNy()+cl->GetNz()-nz-ny<1){
261 errz = 0.10*scale;
262 erry = 0.0025*scale;
263 return 106;
264 }
266 errz = TMath::Min(0.05*(chargematch+cl->GetNy()+cl->GetNz()-nz-ny),0.4)*scale;
267 erry = TMath::Min(0.003*(chargematch+cl->GetNy()+cl->GetNz()-nz-ny),0.05)*scale;
268 return 107;
269 }
270 Float_t diff = cl->GetNy()+cl->GetNz()-ny-nz;
271 if (diff<1) diff=1;
272 if (diff>4) diff=4;
274 if (cl->GetType()==5||cl->GetType()==6||cl->GetType()==7||cl->GetType()==8){
275 errz = 0.14*diff;
276 erry = 0.003*diff;
277 return 108;
278 }
279 erry = 0.04*diff;
280 errz = 0.06*diff;
281 return 109;
282 }
283 //DRIFTS
e50912db 284 Float_t normq = cl->GetQ()/(TMath::Sqrt(1+tgl*tgl+tgphitr*tgphitr));
572f41f9 285 Float_t chargematch = normq/expQ;
286 chargematch/=2.4; // F. Prino Sept. 2007: SDD charge conversion keV->ADC
287 Float_t factorz=1;
288 Int_t cnz = cl->GetNz()%10;
289 //charge match
290 if (cl->GetType()==1){
291 if (chargematch<1.25){
292 erry = 0.0028*(1.+6./cl->GetQ()); // gold clusters
293 }
294 else{
295 erry = 0.003*chargematch;
296 if (cl->GetNz()==3) erry*=1.5;
297 }
298 if (chargematch<1.0){
299 errz = 0.0011*(1.+6./cl->GetQ());
300 }
301 else{
302 errz = 0.002*(1+2*(chargematch-1.));
303 }
304 if (cnz>nz+0.6) {
305 erry*=(cnz-nz+0.5);
306 errz*=1.4*(cnz-nz+0.5);
307 }
308 }
309 if (cl->GetType()>1){
310 if (chargematch<1){
311 erry = 0.00385*(1.+6./cl->GetQ()); // gold clusters
312 errz = 0.0016*(1.+6./cl->GetQ());
313 }
314 else{
315 errz = 0.0014*(1+3*(chargematch-1.));
316 erry = 0.003*(1+3*(chargematch-1.));
317 }
318 if (cnz>nz+0.6) {
319 erry*=(cnz-nz+0.5);
320 errz*=1.4*(cnz-nz+0.5);
321 }
322 }
324 if (TMath::Abs(cl->GetY())>2.5){
325 factorz*=1+2*(TMath::Abs(cl->GetY())-2.5);
326 }
327 if (TMath::Abs(cl->GetY())<1){
328 factorz*=1.+0.5*TMath::Abs(TMath::Abs(cl->GetY())-1.);
329 }
330 factorz= TMath::Min(factorz,float(4.));
331 errz*=factorz;
333 erry= TMath::Min(erry,float(0.05));
334 errz= TMath::Min(errz,float(0.05));
335 return 200;
e50912db 338Int_t AliITSClusterParam::GetErrorParamAngle(Int_t layer,
339 const AliITSRecPoint *cl,
340 Float_t tgl,Float_t tgphitr,
341 Float_t &erry,Float_t &errz)
343 //
344 // Calculate cluster position error (parametrization extracted from rp-hit
345 // residuals, as a function of angle between track and det module plane.
346 // Origin: M.Lunardon, S.Moretto)
347 //
b80c197e 348 const int kNcfSPDResX = 21;
349 const float kCfSPDResX[kNcfSPDResX] = {+1.1201e+01,+2.0903e+00,-2.2909e-01,-2.6413e-01,+4.2135e-01,-3.7190e-01,
350 +4.2339e-01,+1.8679e-01,-5.1249e-01,+1.8421e-01,+4.8849e-02,-4.3127e-01,
351 -1.1148e-01,+3.1984e-03,-2.5743e-01,-6.6408e-02,+3.0756e-01,+2.6809e-01,
352 -5.0339e-03,-1.4964e-01,-1.1001e-01};
12cc92e0 353 const float kSPDazMax=56.000000;
354 //
b80c197e 355 const int kNcfSPDMeanX = 16;
356 const float kCfSPDMeanX[kNcfSPDMeanX] = {-1.2532e+00,-3.8185e-01,-8.9039e-01,+2.6648e+00,+7.0361e-01,+1.2298e+00,
357 +3.2871e-01,+7.8487e-02,-1.6792e-01,-1.3966e-01,-3.1670e-01,-2.1795e-01,
358 -1.9451e-01,-4.9347e-02,-1.9186e-01,-1.9195e-01};
12cc92e0 359 //
b80c197e 360 const int kNcfSPDResZ = 5;
361 const float kCfSPDResZ[kNcfSPDResZ] = {+9.2384e+01,+3.4352e-01,-2.7317e+01,-1.4642e-01,+2.0868e+00};
12cc92e0 362 const float kSPDpolMin=34.358002, kSPDpolMax=145.000000;
363 //
b80c197e 364 const Double_t kMaxSigmaSDDx=100.;
365 const Double_t kMaxSigmaSDDz=400.;
366 const Double_t kMaxSigmaSSDx=100.;
367 const Double_t kMaxSigmaSSDz=1000.;
12cc92e0 368 //
b80c197e 369 const Double_t kParamSDDx[2]={30.93,0.059};
370 const Double_t kParamSDDz[2]={33.09,0.011};
371 const Double_t kParamSSDx[2]={18.64,-0.0046};
372 const Double_t kParamSSDz[2]={784.4,-0.828};
12cc92e0 373 Double_t sigmax=1000.0,sigmaz=1000.0;
374 Double_t biasx = 0.0;
376 Int_t volId = (Int_t)cl->GetVolumeId();
377 Double_t rotMA[9]; AliGeomManager::GetRotation(volId,rotMA); // misaligned rotation
378 Double_t rotOR[9]; AliGeomManager::GetOrigRotation(volId,rotOR); // original rotation
379 // difference in phi of original and misaligned sensors
380 double cross = rotOR[1]*rotMA[4]-rotOR[4]*rotMA[1];
381 cross /= TMath::Sqrt( (1.-rotOR[7]*rotOR[7]) * (1.-rotMA[7]*rotMA[7]) );
382 Double_t angleAzi = TMath::Abs(TMath::ATan(tgphitr) - TMath::ASin(cross) );
383 Double_t anglePol = TMath::Abs(TMath::ATan(tgl));
385 if(angleAzi>0.5*TMath::Pi()) angleAzi = TMath::Pi()-angleAzi;
386 if(anglePol>0.5*TMath::Pi()) anglePol = TMath::Pi()-anglePol;
387 Double_t angleAziDeg = angleAzi*180./TMath::Pi();
388 Double_t anglePolDeg = anglePol*180./TMath::Pi();
390 if(layer==0 || layer==1) { // SPD
391 //
392 float phiInt = angleAziDeg/kSPDazMax; // mapped to -1:1
393 if (phiInt>1) phiInt = 1; else if (phiInt<-1) phiInt = -1;
394 float phiAbsInt = (TMath::Abs(angleAziDeg+angleAziDeg) - kSPDazMax)/kSPDazMax; // mapped to -1:1
395 if (phiAbsInt>1) phiAbsInt = 1; else if (phiAbsInt<-1) phiAbsInt = -1;
396 anglePolDeg += 90; // the parameterization was provided in polar angle (90 deg - normal to sensor)
397 float polInt = (anglePolDeg+anglePolDeg - (kSPDpolMax+kSPDpolMin))/(kSPDpolMax-kSPDpolMin); // mapped to -1:1
398 if (polInt>1) polInt = 1; else if (polInt<-1) polInt = -1;
399 //
400 sigmax = AliCheb3DCalc::ChebEval1D(phiAbsInt, kCfSPDResX , kNcfSPDResX);
401 biasx = AliCheb3DCalc::ChebEval1D(phiInt , kCfSPDMeanX, kNcfSPDMeanX);
402 sigmaz = AliCheb3DCalc::ChebEval1D(polInt , kCfSPDResZ , kNcfSPDResZ);
403 //
404 // for the moment for the SPD only, need to decide where to put it
405 biasx *= 1e-4;
407 } else if(layer==2 || layer==3) { // SDD
b80c197e 409 sigmax = angleAziDeg*kParamSDDx[1]+kParamSDDx[0];
410 sigmaz = kParamSDDz[0]+kParamSDDz[1]*anglePolDeg;
411 if(sigmax > kMaxSigmaSDDx) sigmax = kMaxSigmaSDDx;
412 if(sigmaz > kMaxSigmaSDDz) sigmax = kMaxSigmaSDDz;
12cc92e0 413
414 } else if(layer==4 || layer==5) { // SSD
b80c197e 416 sigmax = angleAziDeg*kParamSSDx[1]+kParamSSDx[0];
417 sigmaz = kParamSSDz[0]+kParamSSDz[1]*anglePolDeg;
418 if(sigmax > kMaxSigmaSSDx) sigmax = kMaxSigmaSSDx;
419 if(sigmaz > kMaxSigmaSSDz) sigmax = kMaxSigmaSSDz;
12cc92e0 420
421 }
423 // convert from micron to cm
424 erry = 1.e-4*sigmax;
425 errz = 1.e-4*sigmaz;
428 return 1;
431Int_t AliITSClusterParam::GetErrorParamAngleOld(Int_t layer,
432 const AliITSRecPoint *cl,
433 Float_t tgl,Float_t tgphitr,
434 Float_t &erry,Float_t &errz)
436 //
437 // Calculate cluster position error (parametrization extracted from rp-hit
438 // residuals, as a function of angle between track and det module plane.
439 // Origin: M.Lunardon, S.Moretto)
440 //
e50912db 441
442 Double_t maxSigmaSPDx=100.;
443 Double_t maxSigmaSPDz=400.;
444 Double_t maxSigmaSDDx=100.;
445 Double_t maxSigmaSDDz=400.;
446 Double_t maxSigmaSSDx=100.;
447 Double_t maxSigmaSSDz=1000.;
449 Double_t paramSPDx[3]={-6.417,0.18,11.14};
450 Double_t paramSPDz[2]={118.,-0.155};
451 Double_t paramSDDx[2]={30.93,0.059};
452 Double_t paramSDDz[2]={33.09,0.011};
453 Double_t paramSSDx[2]={18.64,-0.0046};
454 Double_t paramSSDz[2]={784.4,-0.828};
455 Double_t sigmax=1000.0,sigmaz=1000.0;
457 Int_t volId = (Int_t)cl->GetVolumeId();
242bd643 458 Double_t rotMA[9]; AliGeomManager::GetRotation(volId,rotMA); // misaligned rotation
459 Double_t rotOR[9]; AliGeomManager::GetOrigRotation(volId,rotOR); // original rotation
460 // difference in phi of original and misaligned sensors
461 double cross = rotOR[1]*rotMA[4]-rotOR[4]*rotMA[1];
462 cross /= TMath::Sqrt( (1.-rotOR[7]*rotOR[7]) * (1.-rotMA[7]*rotMA[7]) );
463 Double_t angleAzi = TMath::Abs(TMath::ATan(tgphitr) - TMath::ASin(cross) );
196b395e 464 Double_t anglePol = TMath::Abs(TMath::ATan(tgl));
242bd643 465
196b395e 466 if(angleAzi>0.5*TMath::Pi()) angleAzi = TMath::Pi()-angleAzi;
467 if(anglePol>0.5*TMath::Pi()) anglePol = TMath::Pi()-anglePol;
468 Double_t angleAziDeg = angleAzi*180./TMath::Pi();
469 Double_t anglePolDeg = anglePol*180./TMath::Pi();
e50912db 470
471 if(layer==0 || layer==1) { // SPD
196b395e 473 sigmax = TMath::Exp(angleAziDeg*paramSPDx[1]+paramSPDx[0])+paramSPDx[2];
474 sigmaz = paramSPDz[0]+paramSPDz[1]*anglePolDeg;
e50912db 475 if(sigmax > maxSigmaSPDx) sigmax = maxSigmaSPDx;
476 if(sigmaz > maxSigmaSPDz) sigmax = maxSigmaSPDz;
478 } else if(layer==2 || layer==3) { // SDD
196b395e 480 sigmax = angleAziDeg*paramSDDx[1]+paramSDDx[0];
481 sigmaz = paramSDDz[0]+paramSDDz[1]*anglePolDeg;
e50912db 482 if(sigmax > maxSigmaSDDx) sigmax = maxSigmaSDDx;
483 if(sigmaz > maxSigmaSDDz) sigmax = maxSigmaSDDz;
485 } else if(layer==4 || layer==5) { // SSD
196b395e 487 sigmax = angleAziDeg*paramSSDx[1]+paramSSDx[0];
488 sigmaz = paramSSDz[0]+paramSSDz[1]*anglePolDeg;
e50912db 489 if(sigmax > maxSigmaSSDx) sigmax = maxSigmaSSDx;
490 if(sigmaz > maxSigmaSSDz) sigmax = maxSigmaSSDz;
492 }
494 // convert from micron to cm
495 erry = 1.e-4*sigmax;
496 errz = 1.e-4*sigmaz;
498 return 1;
572f41f9 501void AliITSClusterParam::Print(Option_t* /*option*/) const {
502 //
503 // Print param Information
504 //
506 //
507 // Error parameterization
508 //
509 printf("NOT YET...\n");
510 return;