]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/AliITSComparisonV2.C
Fix for floating point exception (T.Kuhr)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSComparisonV2.C
c630aafd 1/****************************************************************************
5102bab6 2 * Very important, delicate and rather obscure macro. *
3 * *
4 * Creates list of "trackable" tracks, *
5 * calculates efficiency, resolutions etc. *
6 * The ESD tracks must be in an appropriate state (kITSin or kITSrefit) *
7 * *
c630aafd 8 * Origin: I.Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch *
9 ****************************************************************************/
11#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)
4fa1e629 12 #include <TMath.h>
13 #include <TError.h>
ddae8318 14 #include <Riostream.h>
4fa1e629 15 #include <TH1F.h>
16 #include <TH2F.h>
17 #include <TTree.h>
18 #include <TParticle.h>
19 #include <TCanvas.h>
20 #include <TLine.h>
21 #include <TText.h>
22 #include <TBenchmark.h>
23 #include <TStyle.h>
8b462fd8 24 #include <TFile.h>
4fa1e629 25 #include <TROOT.h>
03248e6d 26
c630aafd 27 #include "AliStack.h"
4fa1e629 28 #include "AliHeader.h"
29 #include "AliTrackReference.h"
88cb7938 30 #include "AliRunLoader.h"
4fa1e629 31 #include "AliRun.h"
32 #include "AliESD.h"
03248e6d 34 #include "AliITS.h"
35 #include "AliITSgeom.h"
03248e6d 36 #include "AliITStrackV2.h"
37 #include "AliITSclusterV2.h"
4fa1e629 38 #include "AliITSLoader.h"
03248e6d 39#endif
4fa1e629 41Int_t GoodTracksITS(const Char_t *dir=".");
5102bab6 42
c630aafd 43extern AliRun *gAlice;
4fa1e629 44extern TBenchmark *gBenchmark;
45extern TROOT *gROOT;
c630aafd 46
4fa1e629 47static Int_t allgood=0;
48static Int_t allselected=0;
49static Int_t allfound=0;
51Int_t AliITSComparisonV2
52(Float_t ptcutl=0.2, Float_t ptcuth=10., const Char_t *dir=".", Float_t ratio=0.0) {
53 gBenchmark->Start("AliITSComparisonV2");
55 ::Info("AliITSComparisonV2.C","Doing comparison...");
88cb7938 56
4fa1e629 57
58 TH1F *hp=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hp");
59 if (!hp) hp=new TH1F("hp","PHI resolution",50,-20.,20.);
60 hp->SetFillColor(4);
62 TH1F *hl=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hl");
63 if (!hl) hl=new TH1F("hl","LAMBDA resolution",50,-20,20);
64 hl->SetFillColor(4);
66 TH1F *hpt=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hpt");
67 if (!hpt) hpt=new TH1F("hpt","Relative Pt resolution",30,-10.,10.);
68 hpt->SetFillColor(2);
70 TH1F *hmpt=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hmpt");
71 if (!hmpt)
72 hmpt=new TH1F("hmpt","Transverse impact parameter",30,-300,300);
73 hmpt->SetFillColor(6);
75 TH1F *hz=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hz");
76 if (!hz) hz=new TH1F("hz","Longitudinal impact parameter",30,-300,300);
80 TH1F *hgood=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hgood");
81 if (!hgood) hgood=new TH1F("hgood","Good tracks",30,0.2,6.1);
83 TH1F *hfound=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hfound");
84 if (!hfound) hfound=new TH1F("hfound","Found tracks",30,0.2,6.1);
86 TH1F *hfake=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hfake");
87 if (!hfake) hfake=new TH1F("hfake","Fake tracks",30,0.2,6.1);
89 TH1F *hg=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hg");
90 if (!hg) hg=new TH1F("hg","Efficiency for good tracks",30,0.2,6.1);
91 hg->SetLineColor(4); hg->SetLineWidth(2);
93 TH1F *hf=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hf");
94 if (!hf) hf=new TH1F("hf","Efficiency for fake tracks",30,0.2,6.1);
95 hf->SetFillColor(1); hf->SetFillStyle(3013); hf->SetLineWidth(2);
97 TH1F *he=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("he");
98 if (!he)
99 he =new TH1F("he","dE/dX for pions with 0.4<p<0.5 GeV/c",50,0.,100.);
101 TH2F *hep=(TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("hep");
102 if (!hep) hep=new TH2F("hep","dE/dX vs momentum",50,0.,2.,50,0.,400.);
103 hep->SetMarkerStyle(8);
104 hep->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
107 Char_t fname[100];
108 sprintf(fname,"%s/GoodTracksITS.root",dir);
110 TFile *refFile=TFile::Open(fname,"old");
111 if (!refFile || !refFile->IsOpen()) {
112 ::Info("AliITSComparisonV2.C","Marking good tracks (will take a while)...");
113 if (GoodTracksITS(dir)) {
114 ::Error("AliITSComparisonV2.C","Can't generate the reference file !");
115 return 1;
116 }
c630aafd 117 }
4fa1e629 118 refFile=TFile::Open(fname,"old");
119 if (!refFile || !refFile->IsOpen()) {
120 ::Error("AliITSComparisonV2.C","Can't open the reference file !");
121 return 1;
122 }
124 TTree *itsTree=(TTree*)refFile->Get("itsTree");
125 if (!itsTree) {
126 ::Error("AliITSComparisonV2.C","Can't get the reference tree !");
127 return 2;
c630aafd 128 }
4fa1e629 129 TBranch *branch=itsTree->GetBranch("ITS");
130 if (!branch) {
131 ::Error("AliITSComparisonV2.C","Can't get the ITS branch !");
132 return 3;
03248e6d 133 }
4fa1e629 134 TClonesArray dummy("AliTrackReference",1000), *refs=&dummy;
135 branch->SetAddress(&refs);
03248e6d 137
4fa1e629 138 sprintf(fname,"%s/AliESDs.root",dir);
139 TFile *ef=TFile::Open(fname);
5102bab6 140 if ((!ef)||(!ef->IsOpen())) {
4fa1e629 141 sprintf(fname,"%s/AliESDits.root",dir);
142 ef=TFile::Open(fname);
143 if ((!ef)||(!ef->IsOpen())) {
144 ::Error("AliITSComparisonV2.C","Can't open AliESDits.root !");
145 return 4;
146 }
5102bab6 147 }
8b462fd8 148 AliESD* event = new AliESD;
149 TTree* esdTree = (TTree*) ef->Get("esdTree");
150 if (!esdTree) {
151 ::Error("AliITSComparison.C", "no ESD tree found");
152 return 6;
153 }
154 esdTree->SetBranchAddress("ESD", &event);
4fa1e629 155
157 //******* Loop over events *********
158 Int_t e=0;
8b462fd8 159 while (esdTree->GetEvent(e)) {
4fa1e629 160 cout<<endl<<endl<<"********* Processing event number: "<<e<<"*******\n";
4fa1e629 162 Float_t field=event->GetMagneticField();
163 AliKalmanTrack::SetConvConst(1000/0.299792458/field);
165 Int_t nentr=event->GetNumberOfTracks();
166 allfound+=nentr;
168 if (itsTree->GetEvent(e++)==0) {
169 cerr<<"No reconstructable tracks !\n";
170 continue;
18856a77 171 }
18856a77 172
4fa1e629 173 Int_t ngood=refs->GetEntriesFast();
174 allgood+=ngood;
03248e6d 175
4fa1e629 176 const Int_t MAX=15000;
177 Int_t notf[MAX], nnotf=0;
178 Int_t fake[MAX], nfake=0;
179 Int_t mult[MAX], numb[MAX], nmult=0;
180 Int_t k;
181 for (k=0; k<ngood; k++) {
182 AliTrackReference *ref=(AliTrackReference*)refs->UncheckedAt(k);
183 Int_t lab=ref->Label(), tlab=-1;
184 Float_t ptg=TMath::Sqrt(ref->Px()*ref->Px() + ref->Py()*ref->Py());
03248e6d 185
4fa1e629 186 if (ptg<ptcutl) continue;
187 if (ptg>ptcuth) continue;
03248e6d 188
4fa1e629 189 allselected++;
f2718ade 190
4fa1e629 191 hgood->Fill(ptg);
03248e6d 192
4fa1e629 193 AliESDtrack *esd=0;
194 Int_t cnt=0;
195 Int_t pipe=0;
196 for (Int_t i=0; i<nentr; i++) {
197 AliESDtrack *t=event->GetTrack(i);
198 UInt_t status=t->GetStatus();
199 UInt_t flags=AliESDtrack::kTPCin|AliESDtrack::kITSin;
f2718ade 200
4fa1e629 201 if ((status&AliESDtrack::kITSrefit)==0) continue;
203 if ((status&flags)==status) pipe=1;
205 Int_t lbl=t->GetLabel();
206 if (lab==TMath::Abs(lbl)) {
207 if (cnt==0) {esd=t; tlab=lbl;}
208 cnt++;
209 }
210 }
211 if (cnt==0) {
212 notf[nnotf++]=lab;
213 continue;
214 } else if (cnt>1){
215 mult[nmult]=lab;
216 numb[nmult]=cnt; nmult++;
217 }
219 if (esd->GetITSFakeRatio()<ratio) tlab = TMath::Abs(tlab);
f2718ade 220
f2718ade 221 if (lab==tlab) hfound->Fill(ptg);
222 else {
223 fake[nfake++]=lab;
224 hfake->Fill(ptg);
225 }
f2718ade 226
4fa1e629 227 AliITStrackV2 track(*esd);
228 if (pipe!=0) {
229 track.PropagateTo(3.,0.0028,65.19);
230 track.PropagateToVertex(); // This is not "exactly" the vertex
231 }
03248e6d 232
4fa1e629 233 Double_t xv,par[5]; track.GetExternalParameters(xv,par);
234 Float_t phi=TMath::ASin(par[2]) + track.GetAlpha();
235 if (phi<-TMath::Pi()) phi+=2*TMath::Pi();
236 if (phi>=TMath::Pi()) phi-=2*TMath::Pi();
237 Float_t lam=TMath::ATan(par[3]);
238 Float_t pt_1=TMath::Abs(par[4]);
03248e6d 239
4fa1e629 240 Float_t phig=TMath::ATan2(ref->Py(),ref->Px());
241 hp->Fill((phi - phig)*1000.);
03248e6d 242
4fa1e629 243 Float_t lamg=TMath::ATan2(ref->Pz(),ptg);
244 hl->Fill((lam - lamg)*1000.);
03248e6d 245
4fa1e629 246 Double_t d=10000*track.GetD(ref->X(),ref->Y());
247 hmpt->Fill(d);
03248e6d 248
4fa1e629 249 Double_t z=10000*(track.GetZ()-ref->Z());
250 hz->Fill(z);
03248e6d 251
4fa1e629 252 hpt->Fill((pt_1 - 1/ptg)/(1/ptg)*100.);
03248e6d 253
4fa1e629 254 Float_t mom=1./(pt_1*TMath::Cos(lam));
255 Float_t dedx=track.GetdEdx();
256 hep->Fill(mom,dedx,1.);
f2718ade 257
4fa1e629 258 Int_t pdg=(Int_t)ref->GetLength(); //this is particle's PDG !
f2718ade 259
4fa1e629 260 if (TMath::Abs(pdg)==211) //pions
261 if (mom>0.4 && mom<0.5) he->Fill(dedx,1.);
03248e6d 262
4fa1e629 263 }
265 cout<<"\nList of Not found tracks :\n";
266 for (k=0; k<nnotf; k++){
267 cout<<notf[k]<<"\t";
268 if ((k%9)==8) cout<<"\n";
269 }
270 cout<<"\n\nList of fake tracks :\n";
271 for (k=0; k<nfake; k++){
272 cout<<fake[k]<<"\t";
273 if ((k%9)==8) cout<<"\n";
274 }
275 cout<<"\n\nList of multiple found tracks :\n";
276 for (k=0; k<nmult; k++) {
277 cout<<"id. "<<mult[k]
278 <<" found - "<<numb[k]<<"times\n";
279 }
280 cout<<endl;
282 cout<<"Number of found tracks : "<<nentr<<endl;
283 cout<<"Number of \"good\" tracks : "<<ngood<<endl;
f2718ade 284
4fa1e629 285 refs->Clear();
4fa1e629 286 } //***** End of the loop over events
8b462fd8 288 delete event;
4fa1e629 289 ef->Close();
291 delete itsTree;
292 refFile->Close();
294 Stat_t ng=hgood->GetEntries(), nf=hfound->GetEntries();
295 if (ng!=0) cout<<"\n\nIntegral efficiency is about "<<nf/ng*100.<<" %\n";
296 cout<<"Total number selected of \"good\" tracks ="<<allselected<<endl<<endl;
297 cout<<"Total number of found tracks ="<<allfound<<endl;
298 cout<<"Total number of \"good\" tracks ="<<allgood<<endl;
299 cout<<endl;
03248e6d 300
301 gStyle->SetOptStat(111110);
302 gStyle->SetOptFit(1);
304 TCanvas *c1=new TCanvas("c1","",0,0,700,850);
2d343a94 306 Int_t minc=33;
03248e6d 308 TPad *p1=new TPad("p1","",0,0.3,.5,.6); p1->Draw();
309 p1->cd(); p1->SetFillColor(42); p1->SetFrameFillColor(10);
2d343a94 310 hp->SetFillColor(4); hp->SetXTitle("(mrad)");
311 if (hp->GetEntries()<minc) hp->Draw(); else hp->Fit("gaus"); c1->cd();
03248e6d 312
313 TPad *p2=new TPad("p2","",0.5,.3,1,.6); p2->Draw();
314 p2->cd(); p2->SetFillColor(42); p2->SetFrameFillColor(10);
2d343a94 315 hl->SetXTitle("(mrad)");
316 if (hl->GetEntries()<minc) hl->Draw(); else hl->Fit("gaus"); c1->cd();
03248e6d 317
318 TPad *p3=new TPad("p3","",0,0,0.5,0.3); p3->Draw();
319 p3->cd(); p3->SetFillColor(42); p3->SetFrameFillColor(10);
2d343a94 320 hpt->SetXTitle("(%)");
321 if (hpt->GetEntries()<minc) hpt->Draw(); else hpt->Fit("gaus"); c1->cd();
03248e6d 322
323 TPad *p4=new TPad("p4","",0.5,0,1,0.3); p4->Draw();
324 p4->cd(); p4->SetFillColor(42); p4->SetFrameFillColor(10);
2d343a94 325 hmpt->SetXTitle("(micron)");
326 if (hmpt->GetEntries()<minc) hmpt->Draw(); else hmpt->Fit("gaus");
327 hz->Draw("same"); c1->cd();
03248e6d 328
330 TPad *p5=new TPad("p5","",0,0.6,1,1); p5->Draw(); p5->cd();
331 p5->SetFillColor(41); p5->SetFrameFillColor(10);
332 hfound->Sumw2(); hgood->Sumw2(); hfake->Sumw2();
333 hg->Divide(hfound,hgood,1,1.,"b");
334 hf->Divide(hfake,hgood,1,1.,"b");
335 hg->SetMaximum(1.4);
336 hg->SetYTitle("Tracking efficiency");
337 hg->SetXTitle("Pt (GeV/c)");
338 hg->Draw();
4fa1e629 340 TLine *line1 = new TLine(0.2,1.0,6.1,1.0); line1->SetLineStyle(4);
03248e6d 341 line1->Draw("same");
4fa1e629 342 TLine *line2 = new TLine(0.2,0.9,6.1,0.9); line2->SetLineStyle(4);
03248e6d 343 line2->Draw("same");
345 hf->SetFillColor(1);
346 hf->SetFillStyle(3013);
347 hf->SetLineColor(2);
348 hf->SetLineWidth(2);
349 hf->Draw("histsame");
350 TText *text = new TText(0.461176,0.248448,"Fake tracks");
351 text->SetTextSize(0.05);
352 text->Draw();
353 text = new TText(0.453919,1.11408,"Good tracks");
354 text->SetTextSize(0.05);
355 text->Draw();
c630aafd 357 TCanvas *c2=new TCanvas("c2","",320,32,530,590);
358 TPad *p6=new TPad("p6","",0.,0.,1.,.5); p6->Draw();
359 p6->cd(); p6->SetFillColor(42); p6->SetFrameFillColor(10);
360 he->SetFillColor(2); he->SetFillStyle(3005);
361 he->SetXTitle("Arbitrary Units");
2d343a94 362 if (he->GetEntries()<minc) he->Draw(); else he->Fit("gaus"); c2->cd();
c630aafd 363
364 TPad *p7=new TPad("p7","",0.,0.5,1.,1.); p7->Draw();
365 p7->cd(); p7->SetFillColor(42); p7->SetFrameFillColor(10);
366 hep->SetXTitle("p (Gev/c)"); hep->SetYTitle("dE/dX (Arb. Units)");
367 hep->Draw(); c1->cd();
2d343a94 368
369 TFile fc("AliITSComparisonV2.root","RECREATE");
370 c1->Write();
371 c2->Write();
372 fc.Close();
4fa1e629 374 gBenchmark->Stop("AliITSComparisonV2");
375 gBenchmark->Show("AliITSComparisonV2");
03248e6d 377 return 0;
4fa1e629 380
382Int_t GoodTracksITS(const Char_t *dir) {
383 if (gAlice) {
384 delete gAlice->GetRunLoader();
385 delete gAlice;//if everything was OK here it is already NULL
386 gAlice = 0x0;
c630aafd 387 }
88cb7938 388
4fa1e629 389 Char_t fname[100];
390 sprintf(fname,"%s/galice.root",dir);
392 AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open(fname,"COMPARISON");
393 if (!rl) {
394 ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Can't start session !");
395 return 1;
c630aafd 396 }
4fa1e629 397
88cb7938 398 rl->LoadgAlice();
399 rl->LoadHeader();
4fa1e629 400 rl->LoadKinematics();
03248e6d 401
88cb7938 402 AliITS *ITS=(AliITS*)rl->GetAliRun()->GetDetector("ITS");
03248e6d 403 if (!ITS) {
4fa1e629 404 ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Can't get the ITS !");
405 delete rl;
406 return 2;
03248e6d 407 }
408 AliITSgeom *geom=ITS->GetITSgeom();
409 if (!geom) {
4fa1e629 410 ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Can't get the ITS geometry !");
411 delete rl;
412 return 3;
03248e6d 413 }
4fa1e629 415 AliITSLoader* itsl = (AliITSLoader*)rl->GetLoader("ITSLoader");
416 if (itsl == 0x0) {
417 ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Can not find the ITSLoader");
418 delete rl;
419 return 4;
420 }
c630aafd 421 itsl->LoadRecPoints();
4fa1e629 422
424 Int_t nev=rl->GetNumberOfEvents();
425 ::Info("GoodTracksITS","Number of events : %d\n",nev);
427 sprintf(fname,"%s/GoodTracksTPC.root",dir);
428 TFile *tpcFile=TFile::Open(fname);
429 if ((!tpcFile)||(!tpcFile->IsOpen())) {
430 ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Can't open the GoodTracksTPC.root !");
431 delete rl;
432 return 5;
03248e6d 433 }
4fa1e629 434 TClonesArray dum("AliTrackReference",1000), *tpcRefs=&dum;
435 TTree *tpcTree=(TTree*)tpcFile->Get("tpcTree");
436 if (!tpcTree) {
437 ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Can't get the TPC reference tree !");
438 delete rl;
439 return 6;
03248e6d 440 }
4fa1e629 441 TBranch *tpcBranch=tpcTree->GetBranch("TPC");
442 if (!tpcBranch) {
443 ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Can't get the TPC reference branch !");
444 delete rl;
445 return 7;
446 }
447 tpcBranch->SetAddress(&tpcRefs);
449 sprintf(fname,"%s/GoodTracksITS.root",dir);
450 TFile *itsFile=TFile::Open(fname,"recreate");
451 TClonesArray dummy("AliTrackReference",1000), *itsRefs=&dummy;
452 TTree itsTree("itsTree","Tree with info about the reconstructable ITS tracks");
453 itsTree.Branch("ITS",&itsRefs);
455 //******** Loop over generated events
456 for (Int_t e=0; e<nev; e++) {
457 Int_t k;
459 rl->GetEvent(e); itsFile->cd();
461 Int_t np = rl->GetHeader()->GetNtrack();
462 cout<<"Event "<<e<<" Number of particles: "<<np<<endl;
464 //******** Fill the "good" masks
465 Int_t *good=new Int_t[np]; for (k=0; k<np; k++) good[k]=0;
467 TTree *cTree=itsl->TreeR();
468 if (!cTree) {
469 ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Can't get the cluster tree !");
470 delete rl;
471 return 8;
03248e6d 472 }
4fa1e629 473 TBranch *branch=cTree->GetBranch("Clusters");
474 if (!branch) {
475 ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Can't get the clusters branch !");
476 delete rl;
477 return 9;
478 }
479 TClonesArray dummy("AliITSclusterV2",10000), *clusters=&dummy;
480 branch->SetAddress(&clusters);
482 Int_t entr=(Int_t)cTree->GetEntries();
483 for (k=0; k<entr; k++) {
484 cTree->GetEvent(k);
485 Int_t ncl=clusters->GetEntriesFast(); if (ncl==0) continue;
486 Int_t lay,lad,det; geom->GetModuleId(k,lay,lad,det);
487 if (lay<1 || lay>6) {
488 ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Wrong layer !");
489 delete rl;
490 return 10;
491 }
492 while (ncl--) {
493 AliITSclusterV2 *pnt=(AliITSclusterV2*)clusters->UncheckedAt(ncl);
494 Int_t l0=pnt->GetLabel(0);
495 if (l0>=np) {
496// cerr<<"Wrong label: "<<l0<<endl;
497 continue;
498 }
499 Int_t l1=pnt->GetLabel(1);
500 if (l1>=np) {
501// cerr<<"Wrong label: "<<l1<<endl;
502 continue;
503 }
504 Int_t l2=pnt->GetLabel(2);
505 if (l2>=np) {
506// cerr<<"Wrong label: "<<l2<<endl;
507 continue;
508 }
509 Int_t mask=1<<(lay-1);
510 if (l0>=0) good[l0]|=mask;
511 if (l1>=0) good[l1]|=mask;
512 if (l2>=0) good[l2]|=mask;
513 }
514 clusters->Clear();
03248e6d 515 }
88cb7938 516
03248e6d 517
4fa1e629 518 //****** select tracks which are "good" enough
519 AliStack* stack = rl->Stack();
521 tpcTree->GetEvent(e);
522 Int_t nk=tpcRefs->GetEntriesFast();
523 Int_t nt=0;
524 for (k=0; k<nk; k++) {
525 AliTrackReference *tpcRef=(AliTrackReference *)tpcRefs->UncheckedAt(k);
526 Int_t lab=tpcRef->Label();
527 if (good[lab] != 0x3F) continue;
528 TParticle *p = (TParticle*)stack->Particle(lab);
529 if (p == 0x0) {
530 cerr<<"Can not get particle "<<lab<<endl;
531 continue;
532 }
534 AliTrackReference *ref=new((*itsRefs)[nt]) AliTrackReference(*tpcRef);
535 ref->SetMomentum(p->Px(),p->Py(),p->Pz());
536 ref->SetPosition(p->Vx(),p->Vy(),p->Vz());
537 nt++;
538 }
539 tpcRefs->Clear();
541 itsTree.Fill();
542 itsRefs->Clear();
03248e6d 543
4fa1e629 544 delete[] good;
03248e6d 545
4fa1e629 546 } //*** end of the loop over generated events
548 itsTree.Write();
549 itsFile->Close();
551 delete tpcTree;
552 tpcFile->Close();
554 delete rl;
555 return 0;
03248e6d 556}