]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/AliITSDigitizer.cxx
Print also cluster pattern in readClusters
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSDigitizer.cxx
9ad8b5dd 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
88cb7938 16/* $Id$ */
7d62fb64 17///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
18//Piotr.Skowronski@cern.ch : //
19//Corrections applied in order to compile (only) //
20// with new I/O and folder structure //
21//To be implemented correctly by responsible //
22// //
23// Class used to steer //
24// the digitization for ITS //
25// //
88cb7938 27
28af028c 28#include <stdlib.h>
88cb7938 29#include <TClonesArray.h>
9ad8b5dd 30#include <TTree.h>
31#include <TBranch.h>
64f311fe 33#include "AliRun.h"
34#include "AliRunLoader.h"
35#include "AliLoader.h"
36#include "AliLog.h"
f21fc003 37#include "AliDigitizationInput.h"
9ad8b5dd 38#include "AliITSDigitizer.h"
88cb7938 39#include "AliITSgeom.h"
e3c90d69 40#include "AliITSgeomTGeo.h"
9ad8b5dd 41#include "AliITSsimulation.h"
0b572028 42
9ad8b5dd 43ClassImp(AliITSDigitizer)
7537d03c 46AliITSDigitizer::AliITSDigitizer() : AliDigitizer(),
9ad8b5dd 53 // Default constructor. Assign fITS since it is never written out from
54 // here.
55 // Inputs:
56 // Option_t * opt Not used
57 // Outputs:
58 // none.
59 // Return:
60 // A blank AliITSDigitizer class.
e3c90d69 61 fModActive = new Bool_t[AliITSgeomTGeo::GetNModules()];
5f054b91 62 for(Int_t i=0;i<AliITSgeomTGeo::GetNModules();i++) fModActive[i] = kTRUE;
9ad8b5dd 63
9ad8b5dd 64}
f21fc003 66AliITSDigitizer::AliITSDigitizer(AliDigitizationInput* digInp) : AliDigitizer(digInp),
7537d03c 67fITS(0),
9ad8b5dd 73 // Standard constructor. Assign fITS since it is never written out from
74 // here.
75 // Inputs:
76 // Option_t * opt Not used
77 // Outputs:
78 // none.
79 // Return:
80 // An AliItSDigitizer class.
e3c90d69 81 fModActive = new Bool_t[AliITSgeomTGeo::GetNModules()];
5f054b91 82 for(Int_t i=0;i<AliITSgeomTGeo::GetNModules();i++) fModActive[i] = kTRUE;
9ad8b5dd 83}
7d62fb64 84
7d62fb64 85
9ad8b5dd 86//______________________________________________________________________
88 // Default destructor.
89 // Inputs:
90 // Option_t * opt Not used
91 // Outputs:
92 // none.
93 // Return:
94 // none.
9ad8b5dd 95 fITS = 0; // don't delete fITS. Done else where.
0b572028 96 if(fModActive) delete[] fModActive;
9ad8b5dd 97}
9ad8b5dd 98//______________________________________________________________________
99Bool_t AliITSDigitizer::Init(){
fd04285a 100 // Initialization. Set up region of interest, if switched on, and
101 // loads ITS and ITSgeom.
9ad8b5dd 102 // Inputs:
103 // none.
104 // Outputs:
105 // none.
106 // Return:
107 // none.
fca85276 108
fd04285a 109 fInit = kTRUE; // Assume for now init will work.
fca85276 110 if(!gAlice) {
111 fITS = 0;
fca85276 112 fRoiifile = 0;
fd04285a 113 fInit = kFALSE;
114 Warning("Init","gAlice not found");
115 return fInit;
fca85276 116 } // end if
117 fITS = (AliITS *)(gAlice->GetDetector("ITS"));
118 if(!fITS){
fca85276 119 fRoiifile = 0;
fd04285a 120 fInit = kFALSE;
121 Warning("Init","ITS not found");
122 return fInit;
e3c90d69 123 }
124 if(!fITS->GetITSgeom()){
fca85276 125 fRoiifile = 0;
fd04285a 126 fInit = kFALSE;
127 Warning("Init","ITS geometry not found");
128 return fInit;
fca85276 129 } // end if
fd04285a 130 return fInit;
9ad8b5dd 131}
f21fc003 133void AliITSDigitizer::Digitize(Option_t* opt){
fca85276 134 // Main digitization function.
9ad8b5dd 135 // Inputs:
fca85276 136 // Option_t * opt list of sub detector to digitize. =0 all.
9ad8b5dd 137 // Outputs:
138 // none.
139 // Return:
140 // none.
f1888ca5 141
e3c90d69 142 char name[21] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
8e8eae84 143 const char *all;
9ad8b5dd 144 const char *det[3] = {strstr(opt,"SPD"),strstr(opt,"SDD"),
145 strstr(opt,"SSD")};
f1888ca5 146 if( !det[0] && !det[1] && !det[2] ) all = "All";
9ad8b5dd 147 else all = 0;
f21fc003 148 Int_t nfiles = GetDigInput()->GetNinputs();
149 Int_t event = GetDigInput()->GetOutputEventNr();
9ad8b5dd 150 AliITSsimulation *sim = 0;
2a476797 151 if(fFlagFirstEv){
152 fITS->SetDefaults();
153 fITS->SetDefaultSimulation();
154 fFlagFirstEv=kFALSE;
155 }
fd04285a 156 if(!fInit){
2a476797 157 Error("Exec","Init not successful, aborting.");
f1888ca5 158 return;
9ad8b5dd 159 } // end if
e3c90d69 161 snprintf(name,20,"%s",fITS->GetName());
9ad8b5dd 162
2a476797 163 Int_t size = fITS->GetITSgeom()->GetIndexMax();
fd04285a 164 Int_t module,id,ifiles,mask;
165 Bool_t lmod;
166 Int_t *fl = new Int_t[nfiles];
167 fl[0] = fRoiifile;
168 mask = 1;
88cb7938 169 for(id=0;id<nfiles;id++)
170 if(id!=fRoiifile)
171 {
172 // just in case fRoiifile!=0.
173 fl[mask] = id;
174 mask++;
175 } // end for,if
f1888ca5 176 TClonesArray * sdig = new TClonesArray( "AliITSpListItem",1000 );
88cb7938 178 TString loadname(name);
179 loadname+="Loader";
181 AliRunLoader *inRL = 0x0, *outRL = 0x0;
182 AliLoader *ingime = 0x0, *outgime = 0x0;
f21fc003 184 outRL = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(fDigInput->GetOutputFolderName());
88cb7938 185 if ( outRL == 0x0)
186 {
187 Error("Exec","Can not get Output Run Loader");
e3c90d69 188 delete [] fl;
88cb7938 189 return;
190 }
191 outRL->GetEvent(event);
192 outgime = outRL->GetLoader(loadname);
193 if ( outgime == 0x0)
194 {
195 Error("Exec","Can not get Output ITS Loader");
e3c90d69 196 delete [] fl;
88cb7938 197 return;
198 }
7d62fb64 199
88cb7938 200 outgime->LoadDigits("update");
201 if (outgime->TreeD() == 0x0) outgime->MakeTree("D");
fd04285a 203 // Digitize
88cb7938 204 fITS->MakeBranchInTreeD(outgime->TreeD());
64f311fe 205 if(fRoif!=0) {
206 AliDebug(1,"Region of Interest digitization selected");
207 }
208 else {
209 AliDebug(1,"No Region of Interest selected. Digitizing everything");
210 }
e3c90d69 211
f1888ca5 212
88cb7938 213 for(ifiles=0; ifiles<nfiles; ifiles++ )
214 {
f21fc003 215 inRL = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(fDigInput->GetInputFolderName(fl[ifiles]));
88cb7938 216 ingime = inRL->GetLoader(loadname);
217 if (ingime->TreeS() == 0x0) ingime->LoadSDigits();
218 }
220 for(module=0; module<size; module++ )
221 {
e3c90d69 222 if(fRoif!=0) if(!fModActive[module]) continue;
7d62fb64 223 id = fITS->GetITSgeom()->GetModuleType(module);
224 if(!all && !det[id]) continue;
225 sim = (AliITSsimulation*)fITS->GetSimulationModel(id);
226 if(!sim) {
f1888ca5 227 Error( "Exec", "The simulation class was not instanciated!" );
9ad8b5dd 228 exit(1);
229 } // end if !sim
7d62fb64 230 // Fill the module with the sum of SDigits
fd04285a 231 sim->InitSimulationModule(module, event);
232 //cout << "Module=" << module;
88cb7938 233 for(ifiles=0; ifiles<nfiles; ifiles++ )
234 {
235 if(fRoif!=0) if(!fModActive[module]) continue;
f21fc003 237 inRL = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(fDigInput->GetInputFolderName(fl[ifiles]));
88cb7938 238 ingime = inRL->GetLoader(loadname);
240 TTree *treeS = ingime->TreeS();
241 fITS->SetTreeAddress();
e6b4e6b9 243 if( !treeS ) continue;
88cb7938 244 TBranch *brchSDigits = treeS->GetBranch( name );
245 if( brchSDigits )
246 {
f1888ca5 247 brchSDigits->SetAddress( &sdig );
248 } else {
249 Error( "Exec", "branch ITS not found in TreeS, input file %d ",
250 ifiles );
e3c90d69 251 delete [] fl;
fd04285a 252 return;
f1888ca5 253 } // end if brchSDigits
254 sdig->Clear();
f21fc003 255 mask = GetDigInput()->GetMask(ifiles);
f1888ca5 256 // add summable digits to module
257 brchSDigits->GetEvent( module );
fd04285a 258 lmod = sim->AddSDigitsToModule(sdig,mask);
f21fc003 259 if(GetRegionOfInterest() && (ifiles==0))
88cb7938 260 {
261 fModActive[module] = lmod;
262 } // end if
f1888ca5 263 } // end for ifiles
fd04285a 264 //cout << " end ifiles loop" << endl;
fca85276 265 // Digitize current module sum(SDigits)->Digits
7d62fb64 266 sim->FinishSDigitiseModule();
f1888ca5 267
9ad8b5dd 268 // fills all branches - wasted disk space
88cb7938 269 outgime->TreeD()->Fill();
7d62fb64 270 fITS->ResetDigits();
9ad8b5dd 271 } // end for module
662026ab 272 fITS->WriteFOSignals();
88cb7938 273 outgime->TreeD()->AutoSave();
274 outgime->WriteDigits("OVERWRITE");
275 outgime->UnloadDigits();
88cb7938 276 for(ifiles=0; ifiles<nfiles; ifiles++ )
277 {
f21fc003 278 inRL = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(fDigInput->GetInputFolderName(fl[ifiles]));
88cb7938 279 ingime = inRL->GetLoader(loadname);
280 ingime->UnloadSDigits();
281 }
fd04285a 282
283 delete[] fl;
f1888ca5 284 sdig->Clear();
285 delete sdig;
0b572028 286 for(Int_t i=0;i<fITS->GetITSgeom()->GetIndexMax();i++) fModActive[i] = kTRUE;
7d62fb64 287
fd04285a 289 return;
9ad8b5dd 290}
fca85276 291//______________________________________________________________________
292void AliITSDigitizer::SetByRegionOfInterest(TTree *ts){
293 // Scans through the ITS branch of the SDigits tree, ts, for modules
294 // which have SDigits in them. For these modules, a flag is set to
295 // digitize only these modules. The value of fRoif determines how many
296 // neighboring modules will also be turned on. fRoif=0 will turn on only
297 // those modules with SDigits in them. fRoif=1 will turn on, in addition,
298 // those modules that are +-1 module from the one with the SDigits. And
299 // So on. This last feature is not supported yet.
300 // Inputs:
301 // TTree *ts The tree in which the existing SDigits will define the
302 // region of interest.
303 // Outputs:
304 // none.
305 // Return:
306 // none.
fd04285a 307 Int_t m,nm,i;
309 if(fRoif==0) return;
310 if(ts==0) return;
fca85276 311 TBranch *brchSDigits = ts->GetBranch(fITS->GetName());
312 TClonesArray * sdig = new TClonesArray( "AliITSpListItem",1000 );
fd04285a 313 //cout << "Region of Interest ts="<<ts<<" brchSDigits="<<brchSDigits<<" sdig="<<sdig<<endl;
fca85276 314
315 if( brchSDigits ) {
88cb7938 316 brchSDigits->SetAddress( &sdig );
fca85276 317 } else {
88cb7938 318 Error( "SetByRegionOfInterest","branch ITS not found in TreeS");
319 return;
fca85276 320 } // end if brchSDigits
322 nm = fITS->GetITSgeom()->GetIndexMax();
323 for(m=0;m<nm;m++){
88cb7938 324 fModActive[m] = kFALSE; // Not active by default
325 sdig->Clear();
326 brchSDigits->GetEvent(m);
327 if(sdig->GetLast()>=0) for(i=0;i<sdig->GetLast();i++){
328 // activate the necessary modules
329 if(((AliITSpList*)sdig->At(m))->GetpListItem(i)->GetSignal()>0.0){ // Must have non zero signal.
330 fModActive[m] = kTRUE;
331 break;
332 } // end if
333 } // end if. end for i.
334 //cout << fModActive[m];
335 //cout << endl;
fca85276 336 } // end for m
64f311fe 337 AliDebug(1,"Digitization by Region of Interest selected");
fca85276 338 sdig->Clear();
339 delete sdig;
fd04285a 340 return;
fca85276 341}