]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/AliITSFindClustersV2.C
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSFindClustersV2.C
c630aafd 1#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)
03248e6d 2
13224c5d 3#include <Riostream.h>
4#include <TROOT.h>
5#include <TString.h>
6#include "AliRawReader.h"
7#include "AliRawReaderDate.h"
8#include "AliRawReaderRoot.h"
9#include "AliRun.h"
10#include "AliRunLoader.h"
11#include "AliITSInitGeometry.h"
12#include "AliITSgeom.h"
13#include "AliITSLoader.h"
14#include "AliCDBManager.h"
15#include "AliITSDetTypeRec.h"
16#include "AliGeomManager.h"
03248e6d 17
03248e6d 18#endif
13224c5d 20/*
24 * This macro performs the ITS local reconstruction *
25 * It is intended for special purposes and tests. *
26 * The reccomended way to reconstruct ITs is via the *
27 * class STEER/AliReconstruction *
28 * Present version: M.Masera - Previous version: J. Belikov *
29 ***************************************************************/
31void Reconstruct(AliRunLoader* runLoader,Option_t *opt);
32void Reconstruct(AliRunLoader* runLoader, AliRawReader *rawreader,Option_t *opt);
34Int_t AliITSFindClustersV2(char *inputRawData = NULL,TString filename="galice.root",Option_t *opt="All"){
35 // if kine tree is available MC labels are used for rec points
36 // set opt equal to "SPD" or to "SDD" or to "SSD" do build
37 // rec points for individual subdetectors
38 if (gAlice) {
33c3c91a 39 delete AliRunLoader::Instance();
13224c5d 40 delete gAlice;
41 gAlice = NULL;
42 }
44 // Get geometry
45 AliGeomManager::LoadGeometry("geometry.root");
47 //Get Run loader and ITS loader - set geometry
48 AliRunLoader* rl = AliRunLoader::Open(filename.Data());
50 AliITSInitGeometry initgeom;
51 AliITSgeom *geom = initgeom.CreateAliITSgeom();
52 printf("Geometry name: %s \n",(initgeom.GetGeometryName()).Data());
53 AliITSLoader* loader = static_cast<AliITSLoader*>(rl->GetLoader("ITSLoader"));
54 if (!loader) {
55 Error("Init", "ITS loader not found");
56 return -1;
57 }
58 loader->SetITSgeom(geom);
60 // Set OCDB if needed
61 AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance();
62 if (!man->IsDefaultStorageSet()) {
63 printf("Setting a local default storage and run number 0\n");
162637e4 64 man->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB");
13224c5d 65 man->SetRun(0);
66 }
67 else {
68 printf("Using deafult storage \n");
69 }
71 AliRawReader *rawreader = NULL;
72 TString fileRaw(inputRawData);
73 if(!fileRaw.IsNull()){
74 if (fileRaw.EndsWith(".root")) {
75 cout<<"Raw data format - ROOT file \n";
76 rawreader = new AliRawReaderRoot(fileRaw); // root format
77 }
78 else {
79 cout<<"Raw data format - DATE file \n";
80 rawreader = new AliRawReaderDate(fileRaw); // DATE format
13224c5d 81 }
82 // if (!fEquipIdMap.IsNull() && fRawReader)fRawReader->LoadEquipmentIdsMap(fEquipIdMap);
83 Reconstruct(rl,rawreader,opt);
84 }
85 else {
86 cout<< "Starting from DIGITS \n";
87 Reconstruct(rl,opt);
88 }
90 return 0;
03248e6d 91}
13224c5d 93//________________________________________________________________________
94void Reconstruct(AliRunLoader* runLoader,Option_t *opt){
95// reconstruct clusters starting from DIGITS
96// MC truth if available is used to label clusters according to the particles
97// originating them
99 AliITSLoader* loader =
100 static_cast<AliITSLoader*>(runLoader->GetLoader("ITSLoader"));
101 if (!loader) {
102 Error("Reconstruct", "ITS loader not found");
103 return;
104 }
105 AliITSDetTypeRec* rec = new AliITSDetTypeRec();
106 rec->SetITSgeom(loader->GetITSgeom());
107 rec->SetDefaults();
109 runLoader->LoadKinematics();
110 TTree *trK=(TTree*)runLoader->TreeK();
111 if(trK){
112 cout<<"kine tree found - MC labels will be used in RP \n";
113 if(runLoader->LoadgAlice())gAlice = runLoader->GetAliRun();
114 }
115 else{
116 cout<<"kine tree not found - MC labels will not b used\n";
117 }
119 Int_t nEvents = runLoader->GetNumberOfEvents();
120 // loop on the events
122 for (Int_t iEvent = 0; iEvent < nEvents; iEvent++) {
123 runLoader->GetEvent(iEvent);
124 cout<<">>>>>>> Processing event number "<<iEvent+1<<endl;
125 loader->LoadRecPoints("update");
126 loader->CleanRecPoints();
127 loader->MakeRecPointsContainer();
128 loader->LoadDigits("read");
129 TTree *tR = loader->TreeR();
130 TTree *tD = loader->TreeD();
131 if(!tR){
132 cout<<"Tree R pointer not found - Abort \n";
133 break;
134 }
135 rec->SetTreeAddressD(tD);
136 rec->MakeBranch(tR,"R");
137 rec->SetTreeAddressR(tR);
138 rec->DigitsToRecPoints(tD,tR,0,opt,kTRUE);
139 loader->WriteRecPoints("OVERWRITE");
140 loader->UnloadRecPoints();
141 loader->UnloadDigits();
142 runLoader->UnloadKinematics();
143 }
03248e6d 146
13224c5d 147void Reconstruct(AliRunLoader* runLoader, AliRawReader *rawreader,Option_t *opt){
148// reconstruct clusters starting from raw data (root or DATE format)
149// MC truth if available is used to label clusters according to the particles
150// originating them
152 AliITSLoader* loader = static_cast<AliITSLoader*>(runLoader->GetLoader("ITSLoader"));
153 if (!loader) {
154 Error("Reconstruct", "ITS loader not found");
155 return;
156 }
157 AliITSDetTypeRec* rec = new AliITSDetTypeRec();
158 rec->SetITSgeom(loader->GetITSgeom());
159 rec->SetDefaults();
160 // direct clusterfinding starting from raw data is implemented only
161 // in AliITSClusterFinderV2
162 rec->SetDefaultClusterFindersV2(kTRUE);
164 runLoader->LoadKinematics();
165 TTree *trK=(TTree*)runLoader->TreeK();
166 if(trK){
167 cout<<"kine tree found - MC labels will be used in RP \n";
168 if(runLoader->LoadgAlice())gAlice = runLoader->GetAliRun();
169 }
170 Int_t nEvents = runLoader->GetNumberOfEvents();
171 rawreader->RewindEvents();
172 for (Int_t iEvent = 0; iEvent < nEvents; iEvent++) {
173 rawreader->NextEvent();
174 runLoader->GetEvent(iEvent);
175 cout<<">>>>>>> Processing event number: "<<iEvent<<endl;
176 loader->LoadRecPoints("update");
177 loader->CleanRecPoints();
178 loader->MakeRecPointsContainer();
179 TTree *tR = loader->TreeR();
180 if(!tR){
181 cout<<"Tree R pointer not found - Abort \n";
182 break;
183 }
184 rec->DigitsToRecPoints(rawreader,tR,opt);
185 rec->ResetRecPoints();
186 rec->ResetClusters();
187 loader->WriteRecPoints("OVERWRITE");
188 loader->UnloadRecPoints();
189 loader->UnloadDigits();
190 runLoader->UnloadKinematics();
191 }
03248e6d 192
13224c5d 193}