]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/AliITSMeanVertexer.cxx
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSMeanVertexer.cxx
a3a3a28f 1#include <TFile.h>
37add1d1 2#include <TH1.h>
3#include <TH2.h>
a3a3a28f 4#include "AliGeomManager.h"
a3a3a28f 5#include "AliITSDetTypeRec.h"
6#include "AliITSInitGeometry.h"
7#include "AliITSMeanVertexer.h"
d5eae813 8#include "AliITSRecPointContainer.h"
a3a3a28f 9#include "AliITSLoader.h"
10#include "AliLog.h"
11#include "AliRawReader.h"
12#include "AliRawReaderDate.h"
13#include "AliRawReaderRoot.h"
14#include "AliRunLoader.h"
15#include "AliITSVertexer3D.h"
37add1d1 16#include "AliITSVertexer3DTapan.h"
a3a3a28f 17#include "AliESDVertex.h"
18#include "AliMeanVertex.h"
19#include "AliMultiplicity.h"
a3a3a28f 21ClassImp(AliITSMeanVertexer)
24// //
25// Class to compute vertex position using SPD local reconstruction //
26// An average vertex position using all the events //
27// is built and saved //
28// Individual vertices can be optionally stored //
29// Origin: M.Masera (masera@to.infn.it) //
30// Usage:
31// AliITSMeanVertexer mv("RawDataFileName");
32// mv.SetGeometryFileName("FileWithGeometry.root"); // def. geometry.root
33// .... optional setters ....
34// mv.Reconstruct(); // SPD local reconstruction
35// mv.DoVertices();
36// Resulting AliMeanVertex object is stored in a file named fMVFileName
39/* $Id$ */
d5eae813 42AliITSMeanVertexer::AliITSMeanVertexer(Bool_t mode):TObject(),
37add1d1 43fDetTypeRec(NULL),
a3a3a28f 46fNoEventsContr(0),
762133f4 49fTotTrackletsSq(0.),
a3a3a28f 50fSigmaOnAverTracks(0.),
d5eae813 52fFilterOnTracklets(0),
a3a3a28f 55{
56 // Default Constructor
57 for(Int_t i=0;i<3;i++){
762133f4 58 fWeighPosSum[i] = 0.;
59 fWeighSigSum[i] = 0.;
60 fAverPosSum[i] = 0.;
a3a3a28f 61 fWeighPos[i] = 0.;
62 fWeighSig[i] = 0.;
63 fAverPos[i] = 0.;
64 for(Int_t j=0; j<3;j++)fAverPosSq[i][j] = 0.;
762133f4 65 for(Int_t j=0; j<3;j++)fAverPosSqSum[i][j] = 0.;
a3a3a28f 66 }
a3a3a28f 67
37add1d1 68 // Histograms initialization
8d7f6205 69 const Float_t xLimit = 5.0, yLimit = 5.0, zLimit = 50.0;
37add1d1 70 const Float_t xDelta = 0.02, yDelta = 0.02, zDelta = 0.2;
71 fVertexXY = new TH2F("VertexXY","Vertex Diamond (Y vs X)",
72 2*(Int_t)(xLimit/xDelta),-xLimit,xLimit,
73 2*(Int_t)(yLimit/yDelta),-yLimit,yLimit);
63845149 74 fVertexXY->SetXTitle("X , cm");
75 fVertexXY->SetYTitle("Y , cm");
76 fVertexXY->SetOption("colz");
37add1d1 77 fVertexZ = new TH1F("VertexZ"," Longitudinal Vertex Profile",
78 2*(Int_t)(zLimit/zDelta),-zLimit,zLimit);
63845149 79 fVertexZ->SetXTitle("Z , cm");
a3a3a28f 80}
37add1d1 83Bool_t AliITSMeanVertexer::Init() {
84 // Initialize filters
a3a3a28f 85 // Initialize geometry
37add1d1 86 // Initialize ITS classes
a3a3a28f 87
37add1d1 88 AliGeomManager::LoadGeometry();
89 if (!AliGeomManager::ApplyAlignObjsFromCDB("ITS")) return kFALSE;
a3a3a28f 90
91 AliITSInitGeometry initgeom;
92 AliITSgeom *geom = initgeom.CreateAliITSgeom();
37add1d1 93 if (!geom) return kFALSE;
a3a3a28f 94 printf("Geometry name: %s \n",(initgeom.GetGeometryName()).Data());
37add1d1 95
cf0b1cea 96 fDetTypeRec = new AliITSDetTypeRec();
762133f4 97 fDetTypeRec->SetLoadOnlySPDCalib(kTRUE);
37add1d1 98 fDetTypeRec->SetITSgeom(geom);
99 fDetTypeRec->SetDefaults();
100 fDetTypeRec->SetDefaultClusterFindersV2(kTRUE);
a3a3a28f 102 // Initialize filter values to their defaults
103 SetFilterOnContributors();
104 SetFilterOnTracklets();
a3a3a28f 105
d5eae813 106 // Instatiate vertexer
107 if (!fMode) {
108 fVertexer = new AliITSVertexer3DTapan(1000);
109 }
110 else {
111 fVertexer = new AliITSVertexer3D();
112 fVertexer->SetDetTypeRec(fDetTypeRec);
113 fVertexer->SetComputeMultiplicity(kTRUE);
114 }
37add1d1 115 return kTRUE;
a3a3a28f 116}
119AliITSMeanVertexer::~AliITSMeanVertexer() {
120 // Destructor
37add1d1 121 delete fDetTypeRec;
122 delete fVertexXY;
123 delete fVertexZ;
d5eae813 124 delete fVertexer;
a3a3a28f 125}
d5eae813 128Bool_t AliITSMeanVertexer::Reconstruct(AliRawReader *rawReader){
a3a3a28f 129 // Performs SPD local reconstruction
37add1d1 130 // and vertex finding
131 // returns true in case a vertex is found
133 // Run SPD cluster finder
d5eae813 134 AliITSRecPointContainer::Instance()->PrepareToRead();
37add1d1 135 TTree* clustersTree = new TTree("TreeR", "Reconstructed Points Container"); //make a tree
136 fDetTypeRec->DigitsToRecPoints(rawReader,clustersTree,"SPD");
138 Bool_t vtxOK = kFALSE;
d5eae813 139 AliESDVertex *vtx = fVertexer->FindVertexForCurrentEvent(clustersTree);
140 if (!fMode) {
37add1d1 141 if (TMath::Abs(vtx->GetChi2()) < 0.1) vtxOK = kTRUE;
a3a3a28f 142 }
37add1d1 143 else {
d5eae813 144 AliMultiplicity *mult = fVertexer->GetMultiplicity();
37add1d1 145 if(Filter(vtx,mult)) vtxOK = kTRUE;
a3a3a28f 146 }
37add1d1 147 delete clustersTree;
148 if (vtxOK) AddToMean(vtx);
149 if (vtx) delete vtx;
a3a3a28f 150
37add1d1 151 return vtxOK;
a3a3a28f 152}
37add1d1 155void AliITSMeanVertexer::WriteVertices(const char *filename){
156 // Compute mean vertex and
157 // store it along with the histograms
158 // in a file
160 TFile fmv(filename,"update");
a3a3a28f 162 if(ComputeMean()){
163 Double_t cov[6];
164 cov[0] = fAverPosSq[0][0]; // variance x
165 cov[1] = fAverPosSq[0][1]; // cov xy
166 cov[2] = fAverPosSq[1][1]; // variance y
167 cov[3] = fAverPosSq[0][2]; // cov xz
168 cov[4] = fAverPosSq[1][2]; // cov yz
169 cov[5] = fAverPosSq[2][2]; // variance z
37add1d1 170 AliMeanVertex mv(fWeighPos,fWeighSig,cov,fNoEventsContr,fTotTracklets,fAverTracklets,fSigmaOnAverTracks);
a3a3a28f 171 mv.SetTitle("Mean Vertex");
37add1d1 172 mv.SetName("MeanVertex");
a3a3a28f 173 AliDebug(1,Form("Contrib av. trk = %10.2f ",mv.GetAverageNumbOfTracklets()));
174 AliDebug(1,Form("Sigma %10.4f ",mv.GetSigmaOnAvNumbOfTracks()));
37add1d1 175 // we have to add chi2 here
762133f4 176 AliESDVertex vtx(fWeighPos,cov,0,TMath::Nint(fAverTracklets),"MeanVertexPos");
37add1d1 177
178 mv.Write(mv.GetName(),TObject::kOverwrite);
179 vtx.Write(vtx.GetName(),TObject::kOverwrite);
a3a3a28f 180 }
181 else {
182 AliError(Form("Evaluation of mean vertex not possible. Number of used events = %d",fNoEventsContr));
183 }
37add1d1 184
185 fVertexXY->Write(fVertexXY->GetName(),TObject::kOverwrite);
186 fVertexZ->Write(fVertexZ->GetName(),TObject::kOverwrite);
187 fmv.Close();
a3a3a28f 188}
191Bool_t AliITSMeanVertexer::Filter(AliESDVertex *vert,AliMultiplicity *mult){
192 // Apply selection criteria to events
193 Bool_t status = kFALSE;
194 if(!vert || !mult)return status;
8d7f6205 195 // Remove vertices reconstructed with vertexerZ
196 if(strcmp(vert->GetName(),"SPDVertexZ") == 0) return status;
a3a3a28f 197 Int_t ncontr = vert->GetNContributors();
198 Int_t ntracklets = mult->GetNumberOfTracklets();
199 AliDebug(1,Form("Number of contributors = %d",ncontr));
200 AliDebug(1,Form("Number of tracklets = %d",ntracklets));
201 if(ncontr>fFilterOnContributors && ntracklets > fFilterOnTracklets) status = kTRUE;
762133f4 202 fTotTracklets += ntracklets;
203 fTotTrackletsSq += ntracklets*ntracklets;
a3a3a28f 204 return status;
208void AliITSMeanVertexer::AddToMean(AliESDVertex *vert){
209 // update mean vertex
210 Double_t currentPos[3],currentSigma[3];
211 vert->GetXYZ(currentPos);
212 vert->GetSigmaXYZ(currentSigma);
213 Bool_t goon = kTRUE;
214 for(Int_t i=0;i<3;i++)if(currentSigma[i] == 0.)goon = kFALSE;
215 if(!goon)return;
216 for(Int_t i=0;i<3;i++){
762133f4 217 fWeighPosSum[i]+=currentPos[i]/currentSigma[i]/currentSigma[i];
218 fWeighSigSum[i]+=1./currentSigma[i]/currentSigma[i];
219 fAverPosSum[i]+=currentPos[i];
a3a3a28f 220 }
221 for(Int_t i=0;i<3;i++){
222 for(Int_t j=i;j<3;j++){
762133f4 223 fAverPosSqSum[i][j] += currentPos[i] * currentPos[j];
a3a3a28f 224 }
225 }
37add1d1 226
227 fVertexXY->Fill(currentPos[0],currentPos[1]);
228 fVertexZ->Fill(currentPos[2]);
a3a3a28f 230 fNoEventsContr++;
234Bool_t AliITSMeanVertexer::ComputeMean(){
235 // compute mean vertex
236 if(fNoEventsContr < 2) return kFALSE;
237 Double_t nevents = fNoEventsContr;
238 for(Int_t i=0;i<3;i++){
762133f4 239 fWeighPos[i] = fWeighPosSum[i]/fWeighSigSum[i];
240 fWeighSig[i] = 1./TMath::Sqrt(fWeighSigSum[i]);
241 fAverPos[i] = fAverPosSum[i]/nevents;
a3a3a28f 242 }
243 for(Int_t i=0;i<3;i++){
244 for(Int_t j=i;j<3;j++){
762133f4 245 fAverPosSq[i][j] = fAverPosSqSum[i][j]/(nevents -1.);
a3a3a28f 246 fAverPosSq[i][j] -= nevents/(nevents -1.)*fAverPos[i]*fAverPos[j];
247 }
248 }
762133f4 249
250 fAverTracklets = fTotTracklets/nevents;
251 fSigmaOnAverTracks = fTotTrackletsSq/(nevents - 1);
252 fSigmaOnAverTracks -= nevents/(nevents -1.)*fAverTracklets*fAverTracklets;
a3a3a28f 253 fSigmaOnAverTracks = TMath::Sqrt(fSigmaOnAverTracks);
254 return kTRUE;