]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/AliITSQASDDChecker.cxx
Updates in SDD calibration macro: 1) better treatment of the edges, 2) when statistic...
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSQASDDChecker.cxx
5b716935 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 2007-2009, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16/* $Id$ */
18// *****************************************
19// Checks the quality assurance
20// by comparing with reference data
21// P. Cerello Apr 2008
22// INFN Torino
24// --- ROOT system ---
3647765c 25#include "TH1.h"
80b9610c 26#include <TH1D.h>
27#include <TH2.h>
8db5c9f9 28#include "TCanvas.h"
29#include "TPaveText.h"
30#include "TPad.h"
31//#include "TPaletteAxis.h"
5b716935 32// --- AliRoot header files ---
f09c0b42 33#include "AliITSQADataMakerRec.h"
5b716935 34#include "AliITSQASDDChecker.h"
c71529b0 35#include "AliLog.h"
3647765c 36#include "AliCDBEntry.h"
f09c0b42 37#include "AliCDBManager.h"
80b9610c 38#include "AliITSCalibrationSDD.h"
39#include "AliITSgeomTGeo.h"
8db5c9f9 40#include "AliQAManager.h"
41#include "AliQAv1.h"
42#include "AliQAChecker.h"
43#include "AliQACheckerBase.h"
f09c0b42 44
5b716935 45
3647765c 46ClassImp(AliITSQASDDChecker)
2abfa09f 47
54 fStepBitSDD(NULL),
55 fLowSDDValue(NULL),
56 fHighSDDValue(NULL),
57 fCalibration(NULL),
58 fThresholdForRelativeOccupancy(0.01),
59 fThresholdForRecToRawRatio(0.04),
60 fImage(NULL),
61 fESforCheck(0)
63// Default constructor
64 fStepBitSDD=new Double_t[AliQAv1::kNBIT];
65 fLowSDDValue=new Float_t[AliQAv1::kNBIT];
66 fHighSDDValue=new Float_t[AliQAv1::kNBIT];
67 for(Int_t ibit=0;ibit<AliQAv1::kNBIT;ibit++)
68 {
69 fStepBitSDD[ibit]=0.;
70 fLowSDDValue[ibit]=0.;
71 fHighSDDValue[ibit]=0.;
72 }
74} // ctor
5b716935 77//__________________________________________________________________
78AliITSQASDDChecker& AliITSQASDDChecker::operator = (const AliITSQASDDChecker& qac )
80 // Equal operator.
81 this->~AliITSQASDDChecker();
82 new(this) AliITSQASDDChecker(qac);
83 return *this;
80b9610c 86AliITSQASDDChecker::~AliITSQASDDChecker()
f09c0b42 88
89 //destructor
80b9610c 90 if(fStepBitSDD)
91 {
92 delete[] fStepBitSDD ;
93 fStepBitSDD = NULL;
94 }
95 if(fLowSDDValue)
96 {
97 delete[]fLowSDDValue;
98 fLowSDDValue=NULL;
99 }
100 if(fHighSDDValue)
101 {
102 delete[]fHighSDDValue;
103 fHighSDDValue=NULL;
104 }
105 if(fCalibration)
106 {
107 delete fCalibration;
108 fCalibration=NULL;
109 }
8db5c9f9 110 if(fImage)
111 {
112 delete []fImage;
113 fImage=NULL;
114 }
80b9610c 115} // dtor
5b716935 117//__________________________________________________________________
f09c0b42 118Double_t AliITSQASDDChecker::Check(AliQAv1::ALITASK_t index, const TObjArray * list, const AliDetectorRecoParam * /*recoparam*/)
120 //check histograms of the different lists
80b9610c 121 AliInfo(Form("AliITSQASDDChecker called with offset: %d\n", fSubDetOffset) );
3647765c 123 AliDebug(1,Form("AliITSQASDDChecker called with offset: %d\n", fSubDetOffset));
3647765c 124
62b7a70f 125 Double_t sddQACheckerValue = 0.;
80b9610c 126 TH1 *hdata=NULL;
127 Double_t entries=0.;
128 Double_t entries2[2];
129 for(Int_t i=0;i<2;i++)entries2[i]=0.;
80118b05 130
131 if(!fCalibration){
132 AliCDBEntry *calibSDD = AliCDBManager::Instance()->Get("ITS/Calib/CalibSDD");
133 Bool_t cacheStatus = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetCacheFlag();
134 if(!calibSDD)
135 {
136 AliError("Calibration object retrieval failed! SDD will not be processed");
137 fCalibration = NULL;
62b7a70f 138 sddQACheckerValue= fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kWARNING];
80118b05 139 }
d2f99642 140 else{
141 fCalibration = (TObjArray *)calibSDD->GetObject();
143 if(!cacheStatus)calibSDD->SetObject(NULL);
144 calibSDD->SetOwner(kTRUE);
145 if(!cacheStatus)
146 {
147 delete calibSDD;
148 }
149 }//end calibsdd
150 }//end f calibration
80118b05 151
78fb0b3d 152 AliInfo("Calib SDD Created\n ");
80118b05 153
78fb0b3d 154 TIter next(list);
8a55554e 155 TString results1;
156 TString results2;
157 Int_t color=1;
78fb0b3d 158
6bf3d857 159 switch(index) {
160 case AliQAv1::kRAW:{
80b9610c 161 AliInfo(Form("Check on %s\n",AliQAv1::GetAliTaskName(index)));
6bf3d857 162// if(fRawModulePattern) { delete fRawModulePattern; fRawModulePattern = 0; }
163// if(fRawL3Pattern) { delete fRawL3Pattern; fRawL3Pattern = 0; }
164// if(fRawL4Pattern) { delete fRawL4Pattern; fRawL4Pattern = 0; }
62b7a70f 165 if (list->GetEntries() == 0){AliError("Raw List for SDD is empty \n");sddQACheckerValue += fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kFATAL]; break;}
6bf3d857 166 TH1 *hmodule=NULL;
167 TH2 *hlayer[2];
d2f99642 168 hdata=NULL;
8a55554e 169 for(Int_t i=0;i<2;i++)hlayer[i]=NULL;
171 //check counters
172 Int_t emptymodules[2], filledmodules[2],emptyladders[2],filledladders[2],emptydriftregion[2], filleddriftregion[2], excludedmoduleperlayer[2], excludeddrperlayer[2], activemoduleperlayer[2],activedrperlayer[2],exactivemoduleperlayer[2],exactivedrperlayer[2];
173 Int_t excluded=0; //excluded modules
174 Int_t excludeddriftregion=0; //excluded single drift region
175 Int_t active=0; //active modules
176 Int_t activedriftregion=0; //active single drift region
177 Int_t exactive=0; //excluded modules but taking data
178 Int_t exactivedriftregion=0; //excluded single drift region but taking data
179 Int_t empty=0;
180 Int_t filled=0;
181 Int_t emptydr=0;
182 Int_t filleddr=0;
183 //Int_t emptyactivemodule=0;
184 Int_t emptyactivemoduleperlayer[2];
185 //Int_t emptydractivemodule=0;
186 Int_t emptyactivedrperlayer[2];
187 Int_t emptysum=0;
188 Int_t emptydiff=0;
189 Int_t emptydrsum=0;
190 Int_t emptydrdiff=0;
192 for(Int_t i=0;i<2;i++)
193 {
194 emptymodules[i]=0;
195 filledmodules[i]=0;
196 emptyladders[i]=0;
197 filledladders[i]=0;
198 emptydriftregion[i]=0;
199 filleddriftregion[i]=0;
200 excludedmoduleperlayer[i]=0;
201 excludeddrperlayer[i]=0;
202 activemoduleperlayer[i]=0;
203 activedrperlayer[i]=0;
204 exactivemoduleperlayer[i]=0;
205 exactivedrperlayer[i]=0;
206 emptyactivemoduleperlayer[i]=0;
207 emptyactivedrperlayer[i]=0;
208 }
210 Int_t neventsraw=0;
212 //take the number of events
214 while( (hdata = dynamic_cast<TH1* >(next())) ){
215 if (hdata){
216 TString hname=hdata->GetName();
218 if(hname.Contains("SDDRawDataCheck"))
219 {
220 neventsraw=(Int_t)hdata->GetBinContent(1);
221 //break;
222 }
223 else continue;
224 }//end if hdata
225 }//end while
227 next.Begin();
78fb0b3d 228 while( (hdata = dynamic_cast<TH1* >(next())) ){
6bf3d857 229 if (hdata){TString hname=hdata->GetName();
78fb0b3d 230 if(hname.Contains("SDDchargeMap"))continue;
8a55554e 231 if(hname.Contains("SDDDDLPattern"))continue;
232 if(hname.Contains("SDDEventSize"))continue;
233 if(hname.Contains("_RelativeOccupancy"))continue;
78fb0b3d 234 if(hname.Contains("SDDModPattern")){
6bf3d857 235 if(hname.Contains("NORM")) continue;
236 hmodule=(TH1*)hdata->Clone();
237 entries= hdata->GetEntries();
62b7a70f 238 if(AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(entries,0.)){AliWarning(Form("===================>>>>>> No entries in %s \n",hname.Data()));sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kFATAL];}//endif entries
8a55554e 239 else{
240 int modmax=hdata->GetNbinsX();
6bf3d857 241 Double_t content=0;
8a55554e 242 Int_t llay=0;
243 for(Int_t i=1;i<=modmax;i++)
244 {
245 if(i<85)llay=0;
246 else llay=1;
247 content=hdata->GetBinContent(i);
248 if(AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(content,0.))
249 {
250 empty++;
251 emptymodules[llay]++;
252 }
253 else
254 {
255 filled++;
256 filledmodules[llay]++;
257 }
258 }//end for
259 //output of the check at the level of the modules. Drift region in the following checks
261 AliInfo(Form(" %s : empty modules %i \t filled modules %i",hname.Data(), empty, filled));
262 AliInfo(Form(" %s : Layer 3 empty modules %i \t filled modules %i",hname.Data(), emptymodules[0], filledmodules[0]));
263 AliInfo(Form(" %s : Layer 4 empty modules %i \t filled modules %i",hname.Data(), emptymodules[1], filledmodules[1]));
264 }//end else pattern entries !=0
265 } //modpattern (1d histogram)
78fb0b3d 266 if(hname.Contains("_RelativeOccupancy")) {
6bf3d857 267 //fRawModulePattern = (TH1F *) hdata;
268 Float_t threshold = hdata->GetMean() + 4*hdata->GetRMS();
269 if(hname.Contains("L3")) AliInfo(Form("SDD check number 1: L3 mean: %f, rms: ,%f",hdata->GetMean(),hdata->GetRMS()));
270 if(hname.Contains("L4")) AliInfo(Form("SDD check number 2: L4 mean: %f, rms: ,%f",hdata->GetMean(),hdata->GetRMS()));
78fb0b3d 271 Int_t aboveThreshold = 0;
6bf3d857 272 for(Int_t k=0; k<= hdata->GetNbinsX(); k++) {if(hdata->GetBinLowEdge(k) > threshold) aboveThreshold += (int)(hdata->GetBinContent(k));}
6753619d 273 Float_t fractionAboveThreshold=0.;
274 if(hdata->GetEntries()>0.)fractionAboveThreshold=((Float_t) aboveThreshold)/hdata->GetEntries();
78fb0b3d 275 if(hname.Contains("L3")) AliInfo(Form("SDD check number 1, L3: Raw fractionAboveThreshold: %f",fractionAboveThreshold));
276 if(hname.Contains("L4")) AliInfo(Form("SDD check number 2, L4: Raw fractionAboveThreshold: %f",fractionAboveThreshold));
62b7a70f 277 if(fractionAboveThreshold > fThresholdForRelativeOccupancy) {sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kWARNING];
78fb0b3d 278 if(hname.Contains("L3")) AliInfo(Form("SDD check number 1: Set Warning (L3 Raw)"));
8a55554e 279 if(hname.Contains("L4")) AliInfo(Form("SDD check number 2: Set Warning (L4 Raw)")); } }//relativeoccupancy
6bf3d857 281 if(hname.Contains("SDDphizL3") || hname.Contains("SDDphizL4")){if(hname.Contains("NORM"))continue;
6bf3d857 282 Int_t layer=0;
283 if(hname.Contains("3"))layer=0;
284 else if(hname.Contains("4"))layer=1;
285 entries2[layer]=hdata->GetEntries();
286 if(entries2[layer]==0){AliWarning(Form("===================>>>>>> No entries in %s \n",hname.Data()));
62b7a70f 287 sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kFATAL];}//end if getentries
6bf3d857 288 else{
289 Int_t layer1=0;
290 if(hname.Contains("3"))layer1=0;
291 else if(hname.Contains("4"))layer1=1;
292 TH2* htemp=dynamic_cast<TH2*>(hdata);
d2f99642 293 if(htemp){
294 hlayer[layer1]=(TH2*)htemp->Clone();
295 hlayer[layer1]->SetName(Form("%s_copy",hname.Data()));
8a55554e 296 //hlayer[layer1]->RebinX(2);
d2f99642 297 int modmay=hlayer[layer1]->GetNbinsY();
298 TH1D* hproj= hlayer[layer1]->ProjectionY();
299 Double_t ladcontent=0;
300 for(Int_t i=1;i<=modmay;i++) {//loop on the ladders
301 ladcontent=hproj->GetBinContent(i);
302 if(AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(ladcontent,0.)) emptyladders[layer1]++;
303 else filledladders[layer1]++;}//end for
8a55554e 304 AliInfo(Form(" %s : empty ladders %i \t filled ladders %i\n",hname.Data(), emptyladders[layer1], filledladders[layer1]));//end else layer 3
d2f99642 305 delete hproj;
306 hproj=NULL;
307 }//end if htemp
308 }//end else entries !=0
6bf3d857 309 }//end check on phiz
78fb0b3d 310 }//end if hdata
311 }//end while
8a55554e 312 for(Int_t ii=0;ii<2;ii++)
313 {
314 filledmodules[ii]=0;
315 emptymodules[ii]=0;
316 }
317 filled=0;
318 empty=0;
319 if(AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(entries,0.)&& AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(entries2[0],0.)&& AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(entries2[1],0.)) break;
78fb0b3d 320 //else{
321 if(hmodule || (hlayer[0] && hlayer[1])){
78fb0b3d 322 for(Int_t imod=0;imod<fgknSDDmodules;imod++){
323 Int_t lay=0;
324 Int_t lad=0;
325 Int_t det=0;
326 Int_t module=0;
327 module=imod+fgkmodoffset;
328 AliITSCalibrationSDD * cal=(AliITSCalibrationSDD*)fCalibration->At(imod);
d2f99642 329 if(cal==0) { continue;}
78fb0b3d 330 AliITSgeomTGeo::GetModuleId(module,lay,lad,det);
331 if (cal->IsBad()){
332 excluded++;
8a55554e 333 excludedmoduleperlayer[lay-3]++;
78fb0b3d 334 Double_t content=0.;
335 Double_t contentlayer[2];
336 for(Int_t i=0;i<2;i++)contentlayer[i]=0.;
8a55554e 337 if(hmodule)content=hmodule->GetBinContent(imod+1);//if expert bit is active the histogram will be stored in the QA file otherwise the histogram will not be written on the logbook
338 // if(hlayer[lay-3]) contentlayer[lay-3]=hlayer[lay-3]->GetBinContent(det,lad);
339 if(AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(content,0.)== kFALSE) {
78fb0b3d 340 filledmodules[lay-3]++;
8a55554e 341 filled++;
342 AliError(Form("The module %d (layer %i, ladder %i det %i ) excluded from the acquisition, took data \n ",module,lay,lad,det));
78fb0b3d 343 exactive++;
8a55554e 344 exactivemoduleperlayer[lay-3]++;
345 } else if(AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(content,0.))
346 {
347 emptymodules[lay-3]++; //it has to be empty
348 empty++;
349 }
78fb0b3d 350 } else {
8a55554e 351 Int_t totside=0;
352 Int_t totactiveside=0;
353 //Int_t totbadside=0;
78fb0b3d 354 Double_t contentgood=0.;
8a55554e 355
356 for(Int_t i=0;i<2;i++){
357 if(hlayer[lay-3]) contentgood=hlayer[lay-3]->GetBinContent(2*det+i-1,lad);
358 if(cal->IsWingBad(i))
359 {
360 excludeddriftregion++;
361 excludeddrperlayer[lay-3]++;
362 if(AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(contentgood,0.)==kFALSE){
363 AliError(Form("The side %d of the module %d (layer %i, ladder %i det %i ) excluded from the acquisition, took data \n ",i,module,lay,lad,det));
364 exactivedriftregion++;
365 exactivedrperlayer[lay-3]++;
366 filleddr++;
367 filleddriftregion[lay-3]++;
368 }
369 }//end wingbad
370 else{
371 if(AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(contentgood,0.)==kTRUE)
372 {
373 AliWarning(Form("The side %d of the module %d (layer %i, ladder %i det %i ) is in acquisition, but it didn't take data\n ",i,module, lay, lad, det));
374 }
375 else
376 {
377 totside++;
378 }
379 totactiveside++;
380 }
381 }//end for
382 if(totside==0){
383 AliWarning(Form("The module %d (layer %i, ladder %i det %i ) is in acquisition, but it didn't take data\n ",module, lay, lad, det));
78fb0b3d 384 emptymodules[lay-3]++;
8a55554e 385 empty++;
387 }
388 else
389 if(totside==2){
390 filledmodules[lay-3]++;
391 filled++;
392 }
393 else
394 if(totside==1)
395 {
396 // emptydr++;
397 //emptydriftregion[lay-3]++; //it has to be empty
398 emptydriftregion[lay-3]++;
399 emptydr++;
400 filleddr++;
401 filleddriftregion[lay-3]++;
402 }
403 if(totactiveside==1)
404 {
405 activedriftregion++;
406 activedrperlayer[lay-3]++;
407 }else if(totactiveside==2)
408 {
409 active++;
410 activemoduleperlayer[lay-3]++;
411 }
78fb0b3d 413 }
414 }//end for
8a55554e 415 AliInfo(Form("In total %d modules and %d single drift regions took data.\n ",filled, filleddr));
416 AliInfo(Form("In total %d modules and %d single drift regions were empty\n",empty, emptydr));
417 for(Int_t i=0;i<2;i++)
418 {
419 AliInfo(Form("Layer %i \tempty modules %i \t filled modules %i\n", i+3,emptymodules[i], filledmodules[i]));
420 AliInfo(Form("Layer %i \tempty single drift regions %i \t filled single drift regions %i\n",i+3,emptydriftregion[i], filleddriftregion[i]));
421 }//end else layers
422 emptysum=emptymodules[0]+emptymodules[1];
423 emptydiff=emptysum-excluded;
424 emptyactivemoduleperlayer[0]=emptymodules[0]- excludedmoduleperlayer[0];
425 emptyactivemoduleperlayer[1]=emptymodules[1]- excludedmoduleperlayer[1];
427 emptydrsum=emptydriftregion[0]+emptydriftregion[1];
428 emptydrdiff=emptydrsum-excludeddriftregion;
429 emptyactivedrperlayer[0]=emptydriftregion[0]- excludeddrperlayer[0];
430 emptyactivedrperlayer[1]=emptydriftregion[1]- excludeddrperlayer[1];
62b7a70f 432 Int_t numlimit=1000;
8a55554e 433
62b7a70f 434 if(emptysum>excluded||emptydrsum>excludeddriftregion){
435 AliWarning(Form(" %i good module(s) and %i good single drift regions didn't take data! \n",emptydiff,emptydrdiff));
436 AliWarning(Form(" Layer 3: %i good module(s) and %i good single drift regions didn't take data! \n",emptyactivemoduleperlayer[0] ,emptyactivedrperlayer[0] ));
437 AliWarning(Form(" Layer 4: %i good module(s) and %i good single drift regions didn't take data! \n",emptyactivemoduleperlayer[1] ,emptyactivedrperlayer[1] ));
438 //printf("========================= %d",AliQAv1::Instance(AliQAv1::GetDetIndex(GetName()))->IsEventSpecieSet(AliRecoParam::kCosmic));
25b4170b 439 // if((AliQAv1::Instance(AliQAv1::GetDetIndex("ITS")))->IsEventSpecieSet(AliRecoParam::kCosmic)==kFALSE){
440 if(AliRecoParam::Convert(GetEventSpecieForCheck())!=AliRecoParam::kCosmic){
62b7a70f 441
442 results1.Form("%i good module(s) and %i good drift regions didn't take data!",emptydiff,emptydrdiff);
443 if(neventsraw<numlimit)
444 {
445 results2.Form(" Events %d .Too few events.DO NOT CALL the Expert ",neventsraw);
446 color=5;
447 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kWARNING];
448 }
449 else
450 {
7b7ea883 451 results2.Form(" Events %d. If PHYISICS, follow the TWiki instruction and call the Expert ",neventsraw);
62b7a70f 452 color=2;
453 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kERROR];
454 }
455 }
8a55554e 456 else
25b4170b 457 // if((AliQAv1::Instance(AliQAv1::GetDetIndex("ITS")))->IsEventSpecieSet(AliRecoParam::kCosmic)==kTRUE)
458 if(AliRecoParam::Convert(GetEventSpecieForCheck())==AliRecoParam::kCosmic)
459 {
62b7a70f 460 numlimit=10000;
461 if(neventsraw<numlimit)
462 {
463 AliWarning(Form("This is a cosmic run. Some module and drift region are empty but all is OK. "));
25b4170b 464 results1.Form("OK. This is a cosmic run. you need a lot of events. Events %i",neventsraw);
62b7a70f 465 results2.Form("%i good module(s) and %i good drift are empty! DO NOT CALL THE EXPERT",emptydiff,emptydrdiff);
466 color=5;
467 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kWARNING];
468 }
469 else
470 {
25b4170b 471 results1.Form("%i good module(s) and %i good drift region(s) have no data!",emptydiff,emptydrdiff);
472 results2.Form(" Cosmic Events %d .Follow the TWiki instruction and call the Expert ",neventsraw);
62b7a70f 473 color=2;
474 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kERROR];
475 }
476 }
8a55554e 477 }
62b7a70f 478
8a55554e 479 if(exactive==0 && emptydiff==0 && exactivedriftregion==0 && emptydrdiff==0){
480 AliInfo(Form("All the active modules (%i) and single drift regions (%i) are in acquisition. The number of excluded modules are %i and the excluded single drift regions are %i\n",active,activedriftregion,excluded,excludeddriftregion));
481 results1.Form("OK.");
482 results2.Form(" All active modules and drift regions in acquisition");
483 color=3;
62b7a70f 484 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kINFO];
3647765c 485 }
8a55554e 486 if(exactive!=0||exactivedriftregion!=0){
487 AliError(Form("%i modules and %i single drift regions excluded from the acquisition took data. Active modules%i single drift region %i \n ",exactive,exactivedriftregion,active,activedriftregion));
488 AliError(Form("Layer 3: %i modules and %i single drift regions excluded from the acquisition took data. Active modules%i single drift region %i \n ",exactivemoduleperlayer[0],exactivedrperlayer[0],activemoduleperlayer[0],activedrperlayer[0]));
489 AliError(Form("Layer 3: %i modules and %i single drift regions excluded from the acquisition took data. Active modules%i single drift region %i \n ",exactivemoduleperlayer[1],exactivedrperlayer[1],activemoduleperlayer[1],activedrperlayer[1]));
490 results1.Form("%i modules and %i drift region excluded from the acquisition took data",exactive,exactivedriftregion);
491 results2.Form("Follow the TWiki instructions and Call the SDD expert ");
492 color=2;
62b7a70f 493 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kERROR];
78fb0b3d 494 }
8a55554e 495 if(excluded==exactive||excludeddriftregion==exactivedriftregion){
496 AliError(Form("All the modules (%d) or single drift regions (%d) excluded from the acquisition took data!\n Active modules %i \t Active drfift regions %i\n",excluded,excludeddriftregion,active,activedriftregion));
497 results1.Form("All the modules (%d) or drift regions (%d) excluded from the acquisition took data!",excluded,excludeddriftregion );
498 results2.Form("Follow the TWiki instructions and Call the SDD expert ");
499 color=6;
62b7a70f 500 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kFATAL];
78fb0b3d 501 }
8a55554e 502 if(active==0||activedriftregion==0){
503 AliError(Form("No modules or single drift regions took data: excluded %i \t excluded active %i \n\t\t excluded single drift regions %i \t excluded active drift regions %i \n", excluded, exactive, excludeddriftregion, exactivedriftregion));
504 results1.Form("No modules or drift region took data: excluded modules %i excluded drift regions %i ", excluded, excludeddriftregion );
505 results2.Form("Follow the TWiki instructions and Call the SDD expert ");
506 color=6;
62b7a70f 507 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kFATAL];
78fb0b3d 508 }
8a55554e 509
510 TPaveText *pave[2];
511 next.Begin();
513 while( (hdata=dynamic_cast<TH1* >(next())) )
514 {
515 if (hdata){
516 TString hname=hdata->GetName();
517 if(hname.Contains("SDDphizL3") || hname.Contains("SDDphizL4")){
518 if(hname.Contains("NORM"))continue;
519 //AliInfo("========================================Found histo 11\n");
520 Int_t lay=0;
521 if(hname.Contains("3"))lay=0;
522 else if(hname.Contains("4"))lay=1;
523 pave[lay]=new TPaveText(0.3,0.88,0.9,0.99,"NDC");
524 pave[lay]->AddText(results1.Data());
525 pave[lay]->AddText(results2.Data());
526 pave[lay]->SetFillColor(color);
527 pave[lay]->SetBorderSize(1);
528 pave[lay]->SetLineWidth(1);
529 hdata->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(pave[lay]);
530 }
531 else
532 if(hname.Contains("SDDRawDataCheck"))
533 {
535 //AliInfo("========================================Found histo\n");
536 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(5,active);
537 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(6,filled);
538 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(7,activedriftregion);
539 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(8,filleddr);
540 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(9,excluded);
541 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(10,empty);
542 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(11,excludeddriftregion);
543 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(12,emptydr);
544 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(13,exactive);
545 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(14,emptydiff);
546 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(15,exactivedriftregion);
547 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(16,emptydr);
549 //layer 3
550 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(19,activemoduleperlayer[0]);
551 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(20,filledmodules[0]);
552 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(21,activedrperlayer[0]);
553 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(22,filleddriftregion[0]);
554 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(23,excludedmoduleperlayer[0]);
555 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(24,emptymodules[0]);
556 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(25,excludeddrperlayer[0]);
557 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(26,emptydriftregion[0]);
558 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(27,exactivemoduleperlayer[0]);
559 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(28,emptyactivemoduleperlayer[0]);
560 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(29,activedrperlayer[0]);
561 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(30,emptyactivedrperlayer[0]);
563 //layer 4
564 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(33,activemoduleperlayer[1]);
565 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(34,filledmodules[1]);
566 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(35,activedrperlayer[1]);
567 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(36,filleddriftregion[1]);
568 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(37,excludedmoduleperlayer[1]);
569 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(38,emptymodules[1]);
570 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(39,excludeddrperlayer[1]);
571 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(40,emptydriftregion[1]);
572 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(41,exactivemoduleperlayer[1]);
573 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(42,emptyactivemoduleperlayer[1]);
574 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(43,activedrperlayer[1]);
575 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(44,emptyactivedrperlayer[1]);
576 //break;
577 }
578 }//if hdata
580 }//end while
6bf3d857 581
78fb0b3d 582 }//end else
6bf3d857 583 delete hmodule;
584 hmodule=NULL;
585 for(Int_t i=0;i<2;i++) {
586 delete hlayer[i];
587 hlayer[i]=NULL;
8a55554e 588 }//end for
78fb0b3d 589
8a55554e 590 }//end raw
6bf3d857 591
80b9610c 592 break;
6bf3d857 593
594 case AliQAv1::kNULLTASK:{
595 AliInfo(Form("No Check on %s\n",AliQAv1::GetAliTaskName(index)));
62b7a70f 596 sddQACheckerValue=1.;
6bf3d857 597 }
598 break;
600 case AliQAv1::kREC:
601 {
8db5c9f9 602 Int_t uidrec=list->GetUniqueID();
80b9610c 603 AliInfo(Form("Check on %s\n",AliQAv1::GetAliTaskName(index)));
7b7ea883 604 if(uidrec==20){
8db5c9f9 605 //recpoints
606 if (list->GetEntries() == 0){ //check if the list is empty
62b7a70f 607 //printf("sddQACheckerValue = %f \t value %f\n",sddQACheckerValue,fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kFATAL]);
608 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kFATAL];
8a55554e 609 //break;
8db5c9f9 610 }//end if getentries
6bf3d857 611
8a55554e 612
613 TH1 *hmodule=NULL;
614 TH2 *hlayer[2];
615 hdata=NULL;
616 for(Int_t i=0;i<2;i++)hlayer[i]=NULL;
618 //check counters
619 Int_t emptymodules[2], filledmodules[2],emptyladders[2],filledladders[2],emptydriftregion[2], filleddriftregion[2], excludedmoduleperlayer[2], excludeddrperlayer[2], activemoduleperlayer[2],activedrperlayer[2],exactivemoduleperlayer[2],exactivedrperlayer[2];
620 Int_t excluded=0; //excluded modules
621 Int_t excludeddriftregion=0; //excluded single drift region
622 Int_t active=0; //active modules
623 Int_t activedriftregion=0; //active single drift region
624 Int_t exactive=0; //excluded modules but taking data
625 Int_t exactivedriftregion=0; //excluded single drift region but taking data
626 Int_t empty=0;
627 Int_t filled=0;
628 Int_t emptydr=0;
629 Int_t filleddr=0;
630 //Int_t emptyactivemodule=0;
631 Int_t emptyactivemoduleperlayer[2];
632 //Int_t emptydractivemodule=0;
633 Int_t emptyactivedrperlayer[2];
634 Int_t emptysum=0;
635 Int_t emptydiff=0;
636 Int_t emptydrsum=0;
637 Int_t emptydrdiff=0;
639 for(Int_t i=0;i<2;i++)
640 {
641 emptymodules[i]=0;
642 filledmodules[i]=0;
643 emptyladders[i]=0;
644 filledladders[i]=0;
645 emptydriftregion[i]=0;
646 filleddriftregion[i]=0;
647 excludedmoduleperlayer[i]=0;
648 excludeddrperlayer[i]=0;
649 activemoduleperlayer[i]=0;
650 activedrperlayer[i]=0;
651 exactivemoduleperlayer[i]=0;
652 exactivedrperlayer[i]=0;
653 emptyactivemoduleperlayer[i]=0;
654 emptyactivedrperlayer[i]=0;
655 }
657 Int_t neventsrecpoints=0;
659 while( (hdata = dynamic_cast<TH1* >(next())) ){
660 if (hdata){
661 TString hname=hdata->GetName();
663 if(hname.Contains("SDDRecPointCheck"))
664 {
665 neventsrecpoints=(Int_t)hdata->GetBinContent(1);
666 //break;
667 }
668 else{continue;}
669 }//end if hdata
670 }//end while
672 next.Begin();
8db5c9f9 674 while((hdata=dynamic_cast<TH1* >(next()))){
675 if (hdata){
676 TString hname=hdata->GetName();
677 if(hname.Contains("_RelativeOccupancy")) {
678 Float_t threshold = hdata->GetMean() + 4*hdata->GetRMS();
679 if(hname.Contains("L3")) AliInfo(Form("SDD check number 3: L3 mean: %f, rms: ,%f",hdata->GetMean(),hdata->GetRMS()));
680 if(hname.Contains("L4")) AliInfo(Form("SDD check number 4: L4 mean: %f, rms: ,%f",hdata->GetMean(),hdata->GetRMS()));
681 Int_t aboveThreshold = 0;
682 for(Int_t k=0; k<= ((Int_t)hdata->GetNbinsX()); k++) {
683 if(hdata->GetBinLowEdge(k) > threshold) aboveThreshold += (Int_t)(hdata->GetBinContent(k));
684 }
6753619d 685 Float_t fractionAboveThreshold=0.;
686 if(hdata->GetEntries()>0.) fractionAboveThreshold = ((Float_t) aboveThreshold)/hdata->GetEntries();
8db5c9f9 687 if(hname.Contains("L3")) AliInfo(Form("SDD check number 3, L3: RecPoints fractionAboveThreshold: %f",fractionAboveThreshold));
688 if(hname.Contains("L4")) AliInfo(Form("SDD check number 4, L4: RecPoints fractionAboveThreshold: %f",fractionAboveThreshold));
689 if(fractionAboveThreshold > fThresholdForRelativeOccupancy) {
62b7a70f 690 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kWARNING];
8db5c9f9 691 if(hname.Contains("L3")) AliInfo(Form("SDD check number 3: Set Warning (L3 RecPoints)"));
692 if(hname.Contains("L4")) AliInfo(Form("SDD check number 4: Set Warning (L4 RecPoints)"));
693 }
78fb0b3d 694 }
8db5c9f9 695 if(hname.Contains("Rec2Raw") && !hname.Contains("2D")) {
696 //Float_t threshold = 0.;
697 if(hname.Contains("L3")) AliInfo(Form("SDD check number 5: L3 R2R mean: %f, rms: ,%f",((TH1F *) hdata)->GetMean(),((TH1F *) hdata)->GetRMS()));
698 if(hname.Contains("L4")) AliInfo(Form("SDD check number 6: L4 R2R mean: %f, rms: ,%f",((TH1F *) hdata)->GetMean(),((TH1F *) hdata)->GetRMS()));
699 Int_t belowThreshold = 0;
700 for(Int_t k=0; k<=((TH1F *)hdata)->GetNbinsX(); k++) {
701 if(((TH1F *) hdata)->GetBinLowEdge(k) < fThresholdForRecToRawRatio) belowThreshold += ((Int_t)((TH1F *) hdata)->GetBinContent(k));
702 }
703 Double_t fractionBelowThreshold =0.;
704 Double_t entries3=((TH1F *)hdata)->GetEntries();
705 if(entries3>0.001)fractionBelowThreshold = ((Double_t)(belowThreshold))/entries3;
706 else{ AliWarning(Form("No entries on %s. The check will retuns zero.\n",hdata->GetName() )); }
707 if(hname.Contains("L3")) AliInfo(Form("SDD check number 5, L3: RecPoints2Raws fractionBelowThreshold: %f",fractionBelowThreshold));
708 if(hname.Contains("L4")) AliInfo(Form("SDD check number 6, L4: RecPoints2Raws fractionBelowThreshold: %f",fractionBelowThreshold));
709 if(fractionBelowThreshold > fThresholdForRelativeOccupancy) {
62b7a70f 710 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kWARNING];
8db5c9f9 711 if(hname.Contains("L3")) AliInfo(Form("SDD check number 5: Set Warning (L3 RecPoints2Raws)"));
712 if(hname.Contains("L4")) AliInfo(Form("SDD check number 6: Set Warning (L4 RecPoints2Raws)"));
713 }
78fb0b3d 714 }
8db5c9f9 715 if(hname.Contains("dedx")) {
716 if(hname.Contains("L3")) AliInfo(Form("SDD check number 7: L3 average charge: %f, rms: ,%f",hdata->GetMean(),hdata->GetRMS()));
717 if(hname.Contains("L4")) AliInfo(Form("SDD check number 8: L4 average charge: %f, rms: ,%f",hdata->GetMean(),hdata->GetRMS()));
8a55554e 718 }//end if dedx
719 if(hname.Contains("SDDModPatternRP")){
720 if(hname.Contains("NORM")) continue;
721 hmodule=(TH1*)hdata->Clone();
722 entries= hdata->GetEntries();
62b7a70f 723 if(AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(entries,0.)){AliWarning(Form("===================>>>>>> No entries in %s \n",hname.Data()));sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kFATAL];}//endif entries
8a55554e 724 else{
725 int modmax=hdata->GetNbinsX();
726 Double_t content=0;
727 Int_t llay=0;
728 for(Int_t i=1;i<=modmax;i++)
729 {
730 if(i<85)llay=0;
731 else llay=1;
732 content=hdata->GetBinContent(i);
733 if(AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(content,0.))
734 {
735 empty++;
736 emptymodules[llay]++;
737 }
738 else
739 {
740 filled++;
741 filledmodules[llay]++;
742 }
743 }//end for
744 //output of the check at the level of the modules. Drift region in the following checks
746 AliInfo(Form(" %s : empty modules %i \t filled modules %i",hname.Data(), empty, filled));
747 AliInfo(Form(" %s : Layer 3 empty modules %i \t filled modules %i",hname.Data(), emptymodules[0], filledmodules[0]));
748 AliInfo(Form(" %s : Layer 4 empty modules %i \t filled modules %i",hname.Data(), emptymodules[1], filledmodules[1]));
749 }//end else pattern entries !=0
750 } //modpattern (1d histogram)
752 if(hname.Contains("SDDModPatternL3RP") || hname.Contains("SDDModPatternL4RP")){if(hname.Contains("NORM"))continue;
753 Int_t layer=0;
754 if(hname.Contains("3"))layer=0;
755 else if(hname.Contains("4"))layer=1;
756 entries2[layer]=hdata->GetEntries();
757 if(entries2[layer]==0){AliWarning(Form("===================>>>>>> No entries in %s \n",hname.Data()));
62b7a70f 758 sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kFATAL];}//end if getentries
8a55554e 759 else{
760 Int_t layer1=0;
761 if(hname.Contains("3"))layer1=0;
762 else if(hname.Contains("4"))layer1=1;
763 TH2* htemp=dynamic_cast<TH2*>(hdata);
764 if(htemp){
765 hlayer[layer1]=(TH2*)htemp->Clone();
766 hlayer[layer1]->SetName(Form("%s_copy",hname.Data()));
767 //hlayer[layer1]->RebinX(2);
768 int modmay=hlayer[layer1]->GetNbinsY();
769 TH1D* hproj= hlayer[layer1]->ProjectionY();
770 Double_t ladcontent=0;
771 for(Int_t i=1;i<=modmay;i++) {//loop on the ladders
772 ladcontent=hproj->GetBinContent(i);
773 if(AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(ladcontent,0.)) emptyladders[layer1]++;
774 else filledladders[layer1]++;}//end for
775 AliInfo(Form(" %s : empty ladders %i \t filled ladders %i\n",hname.Data(), emptyladders[layer1], filledladders[layer1]));//end else layer 3
776 delete hproj;
777 hproj=NULL;
778 }//end if htemp
779 }//end else entries !=0
780 }//end check on phiz
781 }//end if hdata
782 }//end while
783 for(Int_t ii=0;ii<2;ii++)
784 {
785 filledmodules[ii]=0;
786 emptymodules[ii]=0;
787 }
788 filled=0;
789 empty=0;
790 if(AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(entries,0.)&& AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(entries2[0],0.)&& AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(entries2[1],0.)) break;
791 //else{
792 if(hmodule || (hlayer[0] && hlayer[1])){
793 for(Int_t imod=0;imod<fgknSDDmodules;imod++){
794 Int_t lay=0;
795 Int_t lad=0;
796 Int_t det=0;
797 Int_t module=0;
798 module=imod+fgkmodoffset;
799 AliITSCalibrationSDD * cal=(AliITSCalibrationSDD*)fCalibration->At(imod);
800 if(cal==0) { continue;}
801 AliITSgeomTGeo::GetModuleId(module,lay,lad,det);
802 if (cal->IsBad()){
803 excluded++;
804 excludedmoduleperlayer[lay-3]++;
805 Double_t content=0.;
806 Double_t contentlayer[2];
807 for(Int_t i=0;i<2;i++)contentlayer[i]=0.;
808 if(hmodule)content=hmodule->GetBinContent(imod+1);//if expert bit is active the histogram will be stored in the QA file otherwise the histogram will not be written on the logbook
809 // if(hlayer[lay-3]) contentlayer[lay-3]=hlayer[lay-3]->GetBinContent(det,lad);
810 if(AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(content,0.)== kFALSE) {
811 filledmodules[lay-3]++;
812 filled++;
813 AliError(Form("The module %d (layer %i, ladder %i det %i ) excluded from the acquisition,has recpoints \n ",module,lay,lad,det));
814 exactive++;
815 exactivemoduleperlayer[lay-3]++;
816 } else if(AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(content,0.))
817 {
818 emptymodules[lay-3]++; //it has to be empty
819 empty++;
820 }
821 } else {
822 Int_t totside=0;
823 Int_t totactiveside=0;
824 //Int_t totbadside=0;
825 Double_t contentgood=0.;
827 for(Int_t i=0;i<2;i++){
828 if(hlayer[lay-3]) contentgood=hlayer[lay-3]->GetBinContent(2*det+i-1,lad);
829 if(cal->IsWingBad(i))
830 {
831 excludeddriftregion++;
832 excludeddrperlayer[lay-3]++;
833 if(AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(contentgood,0.)==kFALSE){
834 AliError(Form("The side %d of the module %d (layer %i, ladder %i det %i ) excluded from the acquisition, has recpoints \n ",i,module,lay,lad,det));
835 exactivedriftregion++;
836 exactivedrperlayer[lay-3]++;
837 filleddr++;
838 filleddriftregion[lay-3]++;
839 }
840 }//end wingbad
841 else{
842 if(AliITSQADataMakerRec::AreEqual(contentgood,0.)==kTRUE)
843 {
844 AliWarning(Form("The side %d of the module %d (layer %i, ladder %i det %i ) is in acquisition, but no recpoints are present\n ",i,module, lay, lad, det));
845 }
846 else
847 {
848 totside++;
849 }
850 totactiveside++;
851 }
852 }//end for
853 if(totside==0){
854 AliWarning(Form("The module %d (layer %i, ladder %i det %i ) is in acquisition, but no recpoints are present \n ",module, lay, lad, det));
855 emptymodules[lay-3]++;
856 empty++;
78fb0b3d 858 }
8a55554e 859 else
860 if(totside==2){
861 filledmodules[lay-3]++;
862 filled++;
863 }
864 else
865 if(totside==1)
866 {
867 // emptydr++;
868 //emptydriftregion[lay-3]++; //it has to be empty
869 emptydriftregion[lay-3]++;
870 emptydr++;
871 filleddr++;
872 filleddriftregion[lay-3]++;
873 }
874 if(totactiveside==1)
875 {
876 activedriftregion++;
877 activedrperlayer[lay-3]++;
878 }else if(totactiveside==2)
879 {
880 active++;
881 activemoduleperlayer[lay-3]++;
882 }
78fb0b3d 884 }
8a55554e 885 }//end for
886 AliInfo(Form("In total %d modules and %d single drift regions have recpoints.\n ",filled, filleddr));
887 AliInfo(Form("In total %d modules and %d single drift regions are empty\n",empty, emptydr));
888 for(Int_t i=0;i<2;i++)
889 {
890 AliInfo(Form("Layer %i \tempty modules %i \t filled modules %i\n", i+3,emptymodules[i], filledmodules[i]));
891 AliInfo(Form("Layer %i \tempty single drift regions %i \t filled single drift regions %i\n",i+3,emptydriftregion[i], filleddriftregion[i]));
892 }//end else layers
893 emptysum=emptymodules[0]+emptymodules[1];
894 emptydiff=emptysum-excluded;
895 emptyactivemoduleperlayer[0]=emptymodules[0]- excludedmoduleperlayer[0];
896 emptyactivemoduleperlayer[1]=emptymodules[1]- excludedmoduleperlayer[1];
898 emptydrsum=emptydriftregion[0]+emptydriftregion[1];
899 emptydrdiff=emptydrsum-excludeddriftregion;
900 emptyactivedrperlayer[0]=emptydriftregion[0]- excludeddrperlayer[0];
901 emptyactivedrperlayer[1]=emptydriftregion[1]- excludeddrperlayer[1];
62b7a70f 903 Int_t numlimit=1000;
8a55554e 904 if(emptysum>excluded||emptydrsum>excludeddriftregion){
62b7a70f 905 AliWarning(Form(" %i good module(s) and %i good single drift regions have not recpoints! \n",emptydiff,emptydrdiff));
906 AliWarning(Form(" Layer 3: %i good module(s) and %i good single drift regions have not recpoints! \n",emptyactivemoduleperlayer[0] ,emptyactivedrperlayer[0] ));
907 AliWarning(Form(" Layer 4: %i good module(s) and %i good single drift regions have not recpoints! \n",emptyactivemoduleperlayer[1] ,emptyactivedrperlayer[1] ));
8a55554e 908
62b7a70f 909 //sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kWARNING];
910 Int_t numlimits=1000;
8a55554e 912 results1.Form("%i good module(s) and %i good drift region(s) have not recpoints!",emptydiff,emptydrdiff);
25b4170b 913 // if((AliQAv1::Instance(AliQAv1::GetDetIndex("ITS")))->IsEventSpecieSet(AliRecoParam::kCosmic)==kFALSE)
914 if(AliRecoParam::Convert(GetEventSpecieForCheck())!=AliRecoParam::kCosmic){
62b7a70f 916 if(neventsrecpoints<numlimits)
917 {
918 results2.Form(" Events %d .Too few events.DO NOT CALL the Expert ",neventsrecpoints);
919 color=5;
920 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kWARNING];
921 }
922 else
923 {
7b7ea883 924 results2.Form(" Events %d .If PHYISICS, follow the TWiki instruction and call the Expert ",neventsrecpoints);
62b7a70f 925 color=2;
926 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kERROR];
927 }
8a55554e 928 }
929 else
25b4170b 930 //if((AliQAv1::Instance(AliQAv1::GetDetIndex("ITS")))->IsEventSpecieSet(AliRecoParam::kCosmic)==kTRUE)
931 if(AliRecoParam::Convert(GetEventSpecieForCheck())==AliRecoParam::kCosmic){
62b7a70f 932 numlimit=10000;
25b4170b 933 if( neventsrecpoints<numlimit)
62b7a70f 934 {
935 AliWarning(Form("This is a cosmic run. Some module and drift region are empty but all is OK. "));
25b4170b 936 results1.Form("OK. Thi is a cosmic run. You need a lot of events. Events %i",neventsrecpoints);
62b7a70f 937 results2.Form("%i good module(s) and %i good drift are empty! DO NOT CALL THE EXPERT",emptydiff,emptydrdiff);
938 color=5;
939 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kWARNING];
940 }
941 else
942 {
943 results1.Form("%i good module(s) and %i good drift region(s) have not recpoints!",emptydiff,emptydrdiff);
25b4170b 944 results2.Form("Cosmic Events %d .Follow the TWiki instruction and call the Expert ",neventsrecpoints);
62b7a70f 945 color=2;
946 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kERROR];
947 }
948 }
8a55554e 949 }
6bf3d857 951
8a55554e 952
953 if(exactive==0 && emptydiff==0 && exactivedriftregion==0 && emptydrdiff==0){
954 AliInfo(Form("All the active modules (%i) and single drift regions (%i) are in acquisition. The number of excluded modules are %i and the excluded single drift regions are %i\n",active,activedriftregion,excluded,excludeddriftregion));
955 results1.Form("OK.");
956 results2.Form(" All active modules have recpoints");
957 color=3;
62b7a70f 958 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kINFO];
8a55554e 959 }
960 if(exactive!=0||exactivedriftregion!=0){
961 AliError(Form("%i modules and %i single drift regions excluded from the acquisition have recpoints. Active modules %i single drift region %i \n ",exactive,exactivedriftregion,active,activedriftregion));
962 AliError(Form("Layer 3: %i modules and %i single drift regions excluded from the acquisition have recpoints. Active modules %i single drift region %i \n ",exactivemoduleperlayer[0],exactivedrperlayer[0],activemoduleperlayer[0],activedrperlayer[0]));
963 AliError(Form("Layer 3: %i modules and %i single drift regions excluded from the acquisition have recpoints. Active modules %i single drift region %i \n ",exactivemoduleperlayer[1],exactivedrperlayer[1],activemoduleperlayer[1],activedrperlayer[1]));
964 results1.Form("%i modules and %i drift region excluded from the acquisition have recpoints",exactive,exactivedriftregion);
965 results2.Form("Follow the TWiki instructions and Call the SDD expert ");
966 color=2;
62b7a70f 967 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kERROR];
8a55554e 968 }
969 if(excluded==exactive||excludeddriftregion==exactivedriftregion){
970 AliError(Form("All the modules (%d) or single drift regions (%d) excluded from the acquisition have recpoints!\n Active modules %i \t Active drfift regions %i\n",excluded,excludeddriftregion,active,activedriftregion));
971 results1.Form("All the modules (%d) or drift regions (%d) excluded from the acquisition have recpoints!",excluded,excludeddriftregion );
972 results2.Form("Follow the TWiki instructions and Call the SDD expert ");
973 color=6;
62b7a70f 974 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kFATAL];
8a55554e 975 }
976 if(active==0||activedriftregion==0){
977 AliError(Form("No modules or single drift regions have recpoints: excluded %i \t excluded active %i \n\t\t excluded single drift regions %i \t excluded active drift regions %i \n", excluded, exactive, excludeddriftregion, exactivedriftregion));
978 results1.Form("No modules or drift region have recpoints: excluded modules %i excluded drift regions %i ", excluded, excludeddriftregion );
979 results2.Form("Follow the TWiki instructions and Call the SDD expert ");
980 color=6;
62b7a70f 981 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kFATAL];
8a55554e 982 }
984 TPaveText *pave[2];
985 next.Begin();
987 while( (hdata=dynamic_cast<TH1* >(next())) )
988 {
989 if (hdata){
990 TString hname=hdata->GetName();
991 if(hname.Contains("SDDModPatternL3RP") || hname.Contains("SDDModPatternL4RP")){
992 if(hname.Contains("NORM"))continue;
993 //AliInfo("========================================Found histo 11\n");
994 Int_t lay=0;
995 if(hname.Contains("3"))lay=0;
996 else if(hname.Contains("4"))lay=1;
997 pave[lay]=new TPaveText(0.3,0.88,0.9,0.99,"NDC");
998 pave[lay]->AddText(results1.Data());
999 pave[lay]->AddText(results2.Data());
1000 pave[lay]->SetFillColor(color);
1001 pave[lay]->SetBorderSize(1);
1002 pave[lay]->SetLineWidth(1);
1003 hdata->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(pave[lay]);
1004 }
1005 else
1006 if(hname.Contains("SDDRecPointCheck"))
1007 {
1009 //AliInfo("========================================Found histo\n");
1010 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(5,active);
1011 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(6,filled);
1012 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(7,activedriftregion);
1013 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(8,filleddr);
1014 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(9,excluded);
1015 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(10,empty);
1016 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(11,excludeddriftregion);
1017 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(12,emptydr);
1018 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(13,exactive);
1019 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(14,emptydiff);
1020 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(15,exactivedriftregion);
1021 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(16,emptydr);
1023 //layer 3
1024 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(19,activemoduleperlayer[0]);
1025 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(20,filledmodules[0]);
1026 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(21,activedrperlayer[0]);
1027 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(22,filleddriftregion[0]);
1028 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(23,excludedmoduleperlayer[0]);
1029 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(24,emptymodules[0]);
1030 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(25,excludeddrperlayer[0]);
1031 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(26,emptydriftregion[0]);
1032 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(27,exactivemoduleperlayer[0]);
1033 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(28,emptyactivemoduleperlayer[0]);
1034 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(29,activedrperlayer[0]);
1035 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(30,emptyactivedrperlayer[0]);
1037 //layer 4
1038 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(35,activemoduleperlayer[1]);
1039 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(36,filledmodules[1]);
1040 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(37,activedrperlayer[1]);
1041 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(38,filleddriftregion[1]);
1042 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(39,excludedmoduleperlayer[1]);
1043 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(40,emptymodules[1]);
1044 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(41,excludeddrperlayer[1]);
1045 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(42,emptydriftregion[1]);
1046 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(43,exactivemoduleperlayer[1]);
1047 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(44,emptyactivemoduleperlayer[1]);
1048 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(45,activedrperlayer[1]);
1049 ((TH1F*)hdata)->SetBinContent(46,emptyactivedrperlayer[1]);
1051 }
1052 }//if hadata
1054 }//end while
1056 }//end else
1057 delete hmodule;
1058 hmodule=NULL;
1059 for(Int_t i=0;i<2;i++) {
1060 delete hlayer[i];
1061 hlayer[i]=NULL;
1062 }//end for
62b7a70f 1065 //sddQACheckerValue=1.;
7b7ea883 1066 }//end recpoint list uid = 20
4f016aac 1067 if(uidrec==40)
8db5c9f9 1068 {
1069 //digitsr
1070 if (list->GetEntries() == 0){
62b7a70f 1071 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kFATAL];
8db5c9f9 1072 break;
1073 } else{
1075 while( (hdata = dynamic_cast<TH1* >(next())) ){
1076 if (hdata){
62b7a70f 1077 if(hdata->GetEntries()==0)sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kFATAL];
8db5c9f9 1078 else {
1079 TString hname=hdata->GetName();
1080 if(hname.Contains("SDD DIGITS Module Pattern")) {
1081 //see raws
62b7a70f 1083 sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kINFO];
8db5c9f9 1084 } else if(hname.Contains("SDD Anode Distribution")) {
62b7a70f 1085 sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kINFO];
8db5c9f9 1086 } else if(hname.Contains("SDD Tbin Distribution")) {
1087 //to do as rp
62b7a70f 1088 sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kINFO];
8db5c9f9 1089 } else if(hname.Contains("SDD ADC Counts Distribution")) {
62b7a70f 1090 sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kINFO];
8db5c9f9 1091 }//end adc counts
1093 }//end entries !=0
1094 }//end hdata
1095 }//end while
1096 }//end else
62b7a70f 1097 sddQACheckerValue=1.;
8db5c9f9 1098 }
6bf3d857 1100 }
1101 break;
1102 case AliQAv1::kANA:
1103 {
80118b05 1104 AliInfo(Form("===================> No Check on %s\n",AliQAv1::GetAliTaskName(index)));
62b7a70f 1105 sddQACheckerValue=1.;
6bf3d857 1106 }
1107 break;
1108 case AliQAv1::kESD:
1109 {
80118b05 1110 AliInfo(Form("==================> No Check on %s\n",AliQAv1::GetAliTaskName(index)));
62b7a70f 1111 sddQACheckerValue=1.;
6bf3d857 1112 }
1113 break;
1114 case AliQAv1::kNTASK:{
1115 AliInfo(Form("==================> No Check on %s\n",AliQAv1::GetAliTaskName(index)));
62b7a70f 1116 sddQACheckerValue=1.;
6bf3d857 1117 }
1118 break;
1119 case AliQAv1::kSIM:{
1120 AliInfo(Form("Check on %s\n",AliQAv1::GetAliTaskName(index)));
1121 Int_t uid=list->GetUniqueID();
1122 if(uid==60) {
1123 //digits
1124 if (list->GetEntries() == 0){
62b7a70f 1125 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kFATAL];
6bf3d857 1126 break;
1127 } else{
1129 while( (hdata = dynamic_cast<TH1* >(next())) ){
1130 if (hdata){
62b7a70f 1131 if(hdata->GetEntries()==0)sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kFATAL];
6bf3d857 1132 else {
1133 TString hname=hdata->GetName();
1134 if(hname.Contains("SDDDIGITSModulePattern")) {
1135 //see raws
62b7a70f 1137 sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kINFO];
6bf3d857 1138 } else if(hname.Contains("SDDAnodeDistribution")) {
62b7a70f 1139 sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kINFO];
6bf3d857 1140 } else if(hname.Contains("SDDTbinDistribution")) {
1141 //to do as rp
62b7a70f 1142 sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kINFO];
6bf3d857 1143 } else if(hname.Contains("SDDADCCountsDistribution")) {
62b7a70f 1144 sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kINFO];
6bf3d857 1145 }//end adc counts
1147 }//end entries !=0
1148 }//end hdata
1149 }//end while
1150 }//end else
1151 } else if(uid==50)
1152 {
1153 //hits
1154 if (list->GetEntries() == 0){
62b7a70f 1155 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kFATAL];
6bf3d857 1156 break;
1157 }
1158 else{
1160 while( (hdata = dynamic_cast<TH1* >(next())) ){
1161 if (hdata){
62b7a70f 1162 if(hdata->GetEntries()==0)sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kFATAL];
6bf3d857 1163 else {
1164 TString hname=hdata->GetName();
1165 if(hname.Contains("SDDHITSModulePattern")) {
1166 //to do as raws
62b7a70f 1167 sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kINFO];
6bf3d857 1168 } else if(hname.Contains("SDDHITlenghtalonglocalYCoord")) {
62b7a70f 1169 sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kINFO];
6bf3d857 1170 } else if(hname.Contains("SDDHITlenghtalonglocalYCoordZoom")) {
62b7a70f 1171 sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kINFO];
6bf3d857 1172 } else if(hname.Contains("SDDDepositedEnergyDistribution")) {
62b7a70f 1173 sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kINFO];
6bf3d857 1174 }//end deposited energy
1176 }//end entries !=0
1177 }//end hdata
1178 }//end while
1179 }//end else
1180 } else if(uid==70)
1181 {
1182 //sdigits
78fb0b3d 1183 if (list->GetEntries() == 0){
62b7a70f 1184 sddQACheckerValue=fHighSDDValue[AliQAv1::kFATAL];
6bf3d857 1185 break;
78fb0b3d 1186 } else{
6bf3d857 1187
78fb0b3d 1188 while( (hdata = dynamic_cast<TH1* >(next())) ){
1189 if (hdata){
62b7a70f 1190 if(hdata->GetEntries()==0)sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kFATAL];
78fb0b3d 1191 else {
1192 TString hname=hdata->GetName();
6bf3d857 1193 if(hname.Contains("SDDSDIGITSModulePattern")) {
1194 //to do as raws
62b7a70f 1195 sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kINFO];
78fb0b3d 1196 } else if(hname.Contains("SDDAnodeDistribution")) {
62b7a70f 1197 sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kINFO];
78fb0b3d 1198 } else if(hname.Contains("SDDTbinDistribution")) {
1199 //to do as rp
62b7a70f 1200 sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kINFO];
78fb0b3d 1201 } else if(hname.Contains("SDDADCCountsDistribution")) {
62b7a70f 1202 sddQACheckerValue += fStepBitSDD[AliQAv1::kINFO];
6bf3d857 1203 }//end adc counts bindistribution
78fb0b3d 1204 }//end entries !=0
1205 }//end hdata
1206 }//end while
1207 }//end else
6bf3d857 1208 }//end sdigits
62b7a70f 1209 sddQACheckerValue=1.;
6bf3d857 1210 }
1211 break;
1213 }//end switch
80118b05 1215 fCalibration=NULL;
d2f99642 1216 if(hdata) delete hdata;
6bf3d857 1217
62b7a70f 1219 return sddQACheckerValue;
5b716935 1220}
6bf3d857 1221
3647765c 1222//__________________________________________________________________
80b9610c 1223void AliITSQASDDChecker::SetTaskOffset(Int_t taskoffset)
f09c0b42 1225 //set the number of the histograms already present in the list before the SDD histograms
80b9610c 1226 fSubDetOffset = taskoffset;
f09c0b42 1231void AliITSQASDDChecker::SetStepBit(const Double_t *steprange)
80b9610c 1232{
f09c0b42 1233 //set the values of the step bit for each QA bit range calculated in the AliITSQAChecker class
2abfa09f 1234 //if(fStepBitSDD){/*delete fStepBitSDD;*/ fStepBitSDD=NULL;}
1235 //fStepBitSDD = new Double_t[AliQAv1::kNBIT];
80b9610c 1236 for(Int_t bit=0;bit<AliQAv1::kNBIT;bit++)
1237 {
1238 fStepBitSDD[bit]=steprange[bit];
1239 }
f09c0b42 1243void AliITSQASDDChecker::SetSDDLimits(const Float_t *lowvalue, const Float_t * highvalue)
3647765c 1244{
f09c0b42 1245 //set the low and high values in for each QA bit range calculated in the AliITSQAChecker class
2abfa09f 1246 // fLowSDDValue = new Float_t[AliQAv1::kNBIT];
1247 // fHighSDDValue= new Float_t[AliQAv1::kNBIT];
80b9610c 1248
1249 for(Int_t bit=0;bit<AliQAv1::kNBIT;bit++)
1250 {
1251 fLowSDDValue[bit]=lowvalue[bit];
1252 fHighSDDValue[bit]= highvalue[bit];
1253 }
3647765c 1255}
8db5c9f9 1256//__________________________________________________________________
1257Bool_t AliITSQASDDChecker::MakeSDDImage( TObjArray ** list, AliQAv1::TASKINDEX_t task, AliQAv1::MODE_t mode)
62b7a70f 1259 //create the image for raws and recpoints. In the other case, the default methodof CheckerBase class will be used
1260 //
8db5c9f9 1261 Bool_t rval=kFALSE;
1262 fImage=(TCanvas**)AliQAChecker::Instance()->GetDetQAChecker(0)->GetImage();
62b7a70f 1263
8db5c9f9 1264 switch(task)
1265 {
1266 case AliQAv1::kRAWS:{
1267 rval=MakeSDDRawsImage(list, task,mode);
1268 }
1269 break;
1270 case AliQAv1::kRECPOINTS:{ rval=MakeSDDRecPointsImage(list, task,mode); }
1271 break;
1272 case AliQAv1::kHITS:; case AliQAv1::kESDS:; case AliQAv1::kDIGITS:;case AliQAv1::kDIGITSR:;case AliQAv1::kSDIGITS:;case AliQAv1::kTRACKSEGMENTS:;case AliQAv1::kRECPARTICLES:; default:
1273 {
1274 rval=kFALSE;
1275 //AliQAChecker::Instance()->GetDetQAChecker(0)->MakeImage(list,task,mode);
1276 }
1277 break;
1278 case AliQAv1::kNULLTASKINDEX:; case AliQAv1::kNTASKINDEX:
1279 {AliWarning(Form("No histograms for this task ( %s ) \n", AliQAv1::GetTaskName(task).Data())); rval=kFALSE;}
1280 break;
1281 }
1282return rval;
1287Bool_t AliITSQASDDChecker::MakeSDDRawsImage(TObjArray ** list, AliQAv1::TASKINDEX_t task, AliQAv1::MODE_t mode )
62b7a70f 1289 // MakeSDDRawsImage: raw data QA plots
8db5c9f9 1290
1291 for (Int_t esIndex = 0 ; esIndex < AliRecoParam::kNSpecies ; esIndex++) {
1292 //printf("-------------------------> %i \n", esIndex);
1293 if (! AliQAv1::Instance(AliQAv1::GetDetIndex(GetName()))->IsEventSpecieSet(AliRecoParam::ConvertIndex(esIndex)) || list[esIndex]->GetEntries() == 0)
1294 {//printf ("Nothing for %s \n", AliRecoParam::GetEventSpecieName(esIndex));
1295 continue;
1296 }
1297 else{
1298 const Char_t * title = Form("QA_%s_%s_%s", GetName(), AliQAv1::GetTaskName(task).Data(), AliRecoParam::GetEventSpecieName(esIndex)) ;
1299 if ( !fImage[esIndex] ) {
1300 fImage[esIndex] = new TCanvas(title, title,1280,980) ;
1301 }
1303 fImage[esIndex]->Clear() ;
1304 fImage[esIndex]->SetTitle(title) ;
1305 fImage[esIndex]->cd();
1307 TPaveText someText(0.015, 0.015, 0.98, 0.98);
1308 someText.AddText(title);
1309 someText.Draw();
1310 fImage[esIndex]->Print(Form("%s%s%d.%s", AliQAv1::GetImageFileName(), AliQAv1::GetModeName(mode), AliQAChecker::Instance()->GetRunNumber(), AliQAv1::GetImageFileFormat()), "ps") ;
1311 fImage[esIndex]->Clear() ;
1312 Int_t nx =2; //TMath::Nint(TMath::Sqrt(nImages));
8a55554e 1313 Int_t ny =2; // nx ;
8db5c9f9 1314 //if (nx < TMath::Sqrt(nImages))
1315 //ny++ ;
1316 fImage[esIndex]->Divide(nx, ny) ;
1317 TIter nexthist(list[esIndex]) ;
1318 TH1* hist = NULL ;
1319 Int_t npad = 1 ;
1320 fImage[esIndex]->cd(npad);
1321 fImage[esIndex]->cd(npad)->SetBorderMode(0) ;
1322 while ( (hist=static_cast<TH1*>(nexthist())) ) {
1323 //gPad=fImage[esIndex]->cd(npad)->GetPad(npad);
1324 TString cln(hist->ClassName()) ;
1325 if ( ! cln.Contains("TH") )
1326 continue ;
1328 if(hist->TestBit(AliQAv1::GetImageBit())) {
1329 hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.02);
1330 hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.02);
1331 hist->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.02);
1332 hist->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.02);
1333 if(cln.Contains("TH2"))
1334 {
1335 gPad->SetRightMargin(0.15);
1336 gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.05);
1337 hist->SetStats(0);
1338 hist->SetOption("colz") ;
1339 //hist->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("palette")->SetLabelSize(0.025);
1340 //gPad->Update();
1341 }
1342 hist->DrawCopy() ;
1343 fImage[esIndex]->cd(++npad) ;
1344 fImage[esIndex]->cd(npad)->SetBorderMode(0) ;
1345 }
1346 }
1347 fImage[esIndex]->Print(Form("%s%s%d.%s", AliQAv1::GetImageFileName(), AliQAv1::GetModeName(mode), AliQAChecker::Instance()->GetRunNumber(), AliQAv1::GetImageFileFormat()), "ps") ;
1348 }
1349 }
1350 return kTRUE;
1357Bool_t AliITSQASDDChecker::MakeSDDRecPointsImage(TObjArray ** list, AliQAv1::TASKINDEX_t task, AliQAv1::MODE_t mode )
62b7a70f 1359 // MakeSDDRecPointsImage: rec point QA plots
80b9610c 1360
8db5c9f9 1361 for (Int_t esIndex = 0 ; esIndex < AliRecoParam::kNSpecies ; esIndex++) {
1362 if (! AliQAv1::Instance(AliQAv1::GetDetIndex(GetName()))->IsEventSpecieSet(AliRecoParam::ConvertIndex(esIndex)) || list[esIndex]->GetEntries() == 0)
1363 {
1364 //printf ("Nothing for %s \n", AliQAv1::GetTaskName(task).Data());
1365 continue;
1366 }
1367 const Char_t * title = Form("QA_%s_%s_%s", GetName(), AliQAv1::GetTaskName(task).Data(), AliRecoParam::GetEventSpecieName(esIndex)) ;
1368 if ( !fImage[esIndex] ) {
1369 fImage[esIndex] = new TCanvas(title, title,1280,980) ;
1370 }
1371 fImage[esIndex]->Clear() ;
1372 fImage[esIndex]->SetTitle(title) ;
1373 fImage[esIndex]->cd();
1374 fImage[esIndex]->SetBorderMode(0) ;
1375 TPaveText someText(0.015, 0.015, 0.98, 0.98);
1376 someText.AddText(title);
1377 someText.Draw();
1378 fImage[esIndex]->Print(Form("%s%s%d.%s", AliQAv1::GetImageFileName(), AliQAv1::GetModeName(mode), AliQAChecker::Instance()->GetRunNumber(), AliQAv1::GetImageFileFormat()), "ps") ;
1379 fImage[esIndex]->Clear() ;
1380 Int_t nx =2; //TMath::Nint(TMath::Sqrt(nImages));
1381 Int_t ny =4; // nx ;
1382 //if (nx < TMath::Sqrt(nImages))
1383 //ny++ ;
1384 fImage[esIndex]->Divide(nx, ny) ;
1385 TIter nexthist(list[esIndex]) ;
1386 TH1* hist = NULL ;
1387 Int_t npad = 1 ;
1388 fImage[esIndex]->cd(npad) ;
1389 fImage[esIndex]->cd(npad)->SetBorderMode(0) ;
1390 while ( (hist=static_cast<TH1*>(nexthist())) ) {
1391 //gPad=fImage[esIndex]->cd(npad)->GetPad(npad);
1392 TString cln(hist->ClassName()) ;
1393 //printf("=====================> Class name %s \n",cln.Data());
1394 if ( ! cln.Contains("TH") )
1395 continue ;
1396 if(hist->TestBit(AliQAv1::GetImageBit())) {
1397 hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.02);
1398 hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.02);
1399 hist->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.02);
1400 hist->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.02);
1401 if(cln.Contains("TH1"))
1402 {
1403 hist->SetFillColor(kOrange+7);
1404 //SetFrameFillColor(kAzure-9);
1405 //hist->DrawCopy() ;
1406 }
1407 if(cln.Contains("TH2"))
1408 {
1409 gPad->SetRightMargin(0.15);
1410 gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.05);
1411 hist->SetStats(0);
1412 hist->SetOption("colz") ;
1413 // TPaletteAxis *paletta =(TPaletteAxis*)hist->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("palette");
1414 //paletta->SetLabelSize(0.025);
1415 //gPad->Update();
1416 }
1417 hist->DrawCopy();
1418 fImage[esIndex]->cd(++npad) ;
1419 fImage[esIndex]->cd(npad)->SetBorderMode(0) ;
1420 }
1421 }
1422 fImage[esIndex]->Print(Form("%s%s%d.%s", AliQAv1::GetImageFileName(), AliQAv1::GetModeName(mode), AliQAChecker::Instance()->GetRunNumber(), AliQAv1::GetImageFileFormat()), "ps") ;
1423 }
1424 // }
1425 return kTRUE;