]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/AliITSRawStreamSPD.h
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSRawStreamSPD.h
2906f4c2 1#ifndef ALIITSRAWSTREAMSPD_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6/* $Id$ */
10/// This class provides access to ITS SPD digits in raw data.
ad7f2bfa 14#include "AliRawReader.h"
2906f4c2 15#include "AliITSRawStream.h"
d9c68335 16#include "AliITSRawStreamSPDErrorLog.h"
2906f4c2 17
18class AliITSRawStreamSPD: public AliITSRawStream {
19 public :
20 AliITSRawStreamSPD(AliRawReader* rawReader);
d9c68335 21 AliITSRawStreamSPD(const AliITSRawStreamSPD& rstream);
22 AliITSRawStreamSPD& operator=(const AliITSRawStreamSPD& rstream);
2906f4c2 23 virtual ~AliITSRawStreamSPD() {};
b696414b 25 virtual Bool_t Next();
3f917533 26 virtual Int_t ReadCalibHeader();
2906f4c2 27
c42b9ed0 28 // the 2 methods below are equivalent to AliITSRawStream::GetCoord1 and GetCoord2
29 // together with the AliITSRawStream::GetModuleID these are the "offline" coordinates
30 Int_t GetColumn() const {return fCoord1;};
31 Int_t GetRow() const {return fCoord2;};
33 // together with the AliRawReader::GetDDLID() these are the "online" coordinates
34 UShort_t GetHalfStaveNr() const {return fHalfStaveNr;}
35 UShort_t GetChipAddr() const {return fChipAddr;}
36 Int_t GetChipCol() const {return fCol;};
37 Int_t GetChipRow() const {return fRow;};
53ae21ce 39 // module mapping
6727e2db 40 static Int_t GetModuleNumber(UInt_t iDDL, UInt_t iModule);
41 static Int_t GetModuleNumber(UInt_t iDDL, UInt_t iHS, UInt_t iChip)
42 {return GetOfflineModuleFromOnline(iDDL,iHS,iChip);}
44 // coordinate conversions:
45 static Bool_t OfflineToOnline(UInt_t module, UInt_t colM, UInt_t RowM, UInt_t& eq, UInt_t& hs, UInt_t& chip, UInt_t& col, UInt_t& row);
46 static Bool_t OnlineToOffline(UInt_t eq, UInt_t hs, UInt_t chip, UInt_t col, UInt_t row, UInt_t& module, UInt_t& colM, UInt_t& rowM);
47 // coordinate conversions - offline->online
48 static UInt_t GetOnlineEqIdFromOffline(UInt_t module);
49 static UInt_t GetOnlineHSFromOffline(UInt_t module);
50 static UInt_t GetOnlineChipFromOffline(UInt_t module, UInt_t colM);
51 static UInt_t GetOnlineColFromOffline(UInt_t module, UInt_t colM);
52 static UInt_t GetOnlineRowFromOffline(UInt_t module, UInt_t rowM);
53 // coordinate conversions - online->offline
54 static UInt_t GetOfflineModuleFromOnline(UInt_t eqId, UInt_t hs, UInt_t chip);
b457135f 55 static UInt_t GetOfflineChipKeyFromOnline(UInt_t eqId, UInt_t hs, UInt_t chip);
6727e2db 56 static UInt_t GetOfflineColFromOnline(UInt_t eqId, UInt_t hs, UInt_t chip, UInt_t col);
57 static UInt_t GetOfflineRowFromOnline(UInt_t eqId, UInt_t hs, UInt_t chip, UInt_t row);
4f98b62b 59 Bool_t GetFastOrSignal(UInt_t eq, UInt_t hs, UInt_t chip);
478d804c 61 Int_t GetEventCounter() const {return fEventCounter;} // get last read event counter value
62 Short_t GetEventCounterFullEq(UInt_t eq) const;
63 Short_t GetEventCounterFullHS(UInt_t eq, UInt_t hs) const;
64 Short_t GetEventCounterFullChip(UInt_t eq, UInt_t hs, UInt_t chip) const;
65 Bool_t IsEventCounterFullConsistent() const;
b696414b 66
478d804c 67 Bool_t IsActiveEq(UInt_t eq) const;
68 Bool_t IsActiveHS(UInt_t eq, UInt_t hs) const;
69 Bool_t IsActiveChip(UInt_t eq, UInt_t hs, UInt_t chip) const;
53ae21ce 70
c42b9ed0 71 Bool_t GetHalfStavePresent(UInt_t hs);
de12e454 73 Int_t GetHword(UInt_t index);
74 // use the methods below to extract the information from the scan calibration header:
c42b9ed0 75 UInt_t GetHrouterNr() const {return (fCalHeadWord[0] & 0x0000003f);}
76 Bool_t GetHhalfStaveScanned(UInt_t hs) const;
77 UInt_t GetHtype() const {return (Int_t)((fCalHeadWord[1]) & 0x000000ff);}
78 Bool_t GetHdataFormat() const {return (Bool_t)(((fCalHeadWord[1]) & 0x00000100)>>8);}
79 UInt_t GetHtriggers() const {return fCalHeadWord[2];}
80 Bool_t GetHchipPresent(UInt_t hs, UInt_t chip) const;
81 UInt_t GetHdacStart() const {return ((fCalHeadWord[5]>>24) & 0x000000ff);}
82 UInt_t GetHdacEnd() const {return ((fCalHeadWord[5]>>16) & 0x000000ff);}
83 UInt_t GetHdacStep() const {return ((fCalHeadWord[5]>>8) & 0x000000ff);}
84 UInt_t GetHdacId() const {return ((fCalHeadWord[5]) & 0x000000ff);}
85 UInt_t GetHrowStart() const {return (UInt_t) ((fCalHeadWord[6]>>24) & 0x000000ff);}
86 UInt_t GetHrowEnd() const {return (UInt_t) ((fCalHeadWord[6]>>16) & 0x000000ff);}
87 UInt_t GetHrowValue() const {return (UInt_t) ((fCalHeadWord[6]>> 8) & 0x000000ff);}
ad7f2bfa 88 UInt_t GetHrowSpan() const {return (UInt_t) ((fCalHeadWord[6]) & 0x000000ff);}
c42b9ed0 89 UInt_t GetHdacValue() const {return (Int_t) ((fCalHeadWord[6]) & 0x000000ff);}
90 UInt_t GetHdacHigh(UInt_t hs) const;
91 UInt_t GetHdacLow(UInt_t hs) const;
92 UInt_t GetHTPAmp(UInt_t hs) const;
1fd93b67 93 Bool_t GetHminTHchipPresent(UInt_t chip) const;
ad7f2bfa 94 UInt_t GetHglobalDBversion() const {return fCalHeadWord[16];}
de12e454 95 // use the methods below to extract the information from the fo calibration header:
96 UInt_t GetFOHrouterNr() const {return GetHrouterNr();}
97 UInt_t GetFOHtype() const {return GetHtype();}
98 UInt_t GetFOHtriggers() const {return GetHtriggers();}
99 Bool_t GetFOHchipPresent(UInt_t hs, UInt_t chip) const {return GetHchipPresent(hs,chip);}
100 UInt_t GetFOHglobalDBversion() const {return fCalHeadWord[5];}
fe24ac86 101 UInt_t GetFOHMatrixID() const {return fCalHeadWord[6] & 0x0000000f;}
102 UInt_t GetFOHpixelCol() const {return (fCalHeadWord[6] >> 20) & 0x0000001f;}
103 UInt_t GetFOHpixelRow() const {return (fCalHeadWord[6] >> 10) & 0x000000ff;}
de12e454 104 UInt_t GetFOHnumDacs() const;
105 UInt_t GetFOHdacIndex(UInt_t index) const;
106 UInt_t GetFOHdacValue(UInt_t index) const;
107 UInt_t GetFOHchipCount(UInt_t hs, UInt_t chip) const;
d9c68335 109 void ActivateAdvancedErrorLog(Bool_t activate, AliITSRawStreamSPDErrorLog* advLogger = NULL);
b457135f 110 AliITSRawStreamSPDErrorLog* GetAdvancedErrorLog() {return fAdvLogger;}
d9c68335 112 static const Char_t* GetErrorName(UInt_t errorCode);
2906f4c2 114 enum {kDDLsNumber = 20}; // number of DDLs in SPD
115 enum {kModulesPerDDL = 12}; // number of modules in each DDL
de12e454 116 enum {kCalHeadLenMax = 64}; // maximum number of calib header words
d9edae7b 117 enum ESPDRawStreamError {
d9c68335 118 kTotal,
119 kHeaderMissingErr,
120 kTrailerMissingErr,
121 kTrailerWithoutHeaderErr,
122 kHeaderCountErr,
123 kTrailerCountErr,
124 kFillUnexpectErr,
125 kFillMissingErr,
126 kWrongFillWordErr,
127 kNumberHitsErr,
128 kEventCounterErr,
129 kDDLNumberErr,
130 kHSNumberErr,
131 kChipAddrErr,
b696414b 132 kCalHeaderLengthErr,
133 kAdvEventCounterErr, // used by SPDmood
4f98b62b 134 kAdvEventCounterOrderErr,// used by SPDmood
de12e454 135 kTrailerErrorBitErr,
136 kLinkRxDetectorFatalErr,
137 kTSMtriggerErr,
86cb46a6 138 kHighMultiplicityFlag
d9edae7b 139 };
2906f4c2 140
141 private :
142 static const Int_t fgkDDLModuleMap[kDDLsNumber][kModulesPerDDL]; // mapping DDL/module -> module number
d9c68335 144 Bool_t ReadNextShort();
145 Bool_t ReadNextInt();
146 void NewEvent();
147 void CheckHeaderAndTrailerCount(Int_t ddlID);
149 Int_t fEventCounter; // chip event counter
478d804c 150 Short_t fEventCounterFull[20][6][10]; // chip event counter
d9c68335 152 UShort_t fChipAddr; // chip nr
153 UShort_t fHalfStaveNr; // half stave nr
154 UInt_t fCol; // chip column nr
155 UInt_t fRow; // chip row nr
156 UInt_t fCalHeadWord[kCalHeadLenMax]; // calibration header words
de12e454 157 UInt_t fCalHeadLen; // calibration header length
d9c68335 159 UShort_t fData; // 16 bit data word read
160 UInt_t fOffset; // offset for cell column
161 UInt_t fHitCount; // counter of hits
162 UChar_t fDataChar1, fDataChar2, fDataChar3, fDataChar4; // temps part of a 32bit word
163 Bool_t fFirstWord; // keeps track of which of the two 16bit words out of the 32bit word to read when ReadNextShort is called
164 Bool_t fCalHeadRead[20]; // calibration header read flags (reset at new event)
165 UInt_t fPrevEventId; // previous event id (needed to know if there is a new event)
167 UInt_t fEqPLBytesRead; // bytes read for current equipment payload
168 UInt_t fEqPLChipHeadersRead; // number of chip headers found in current equipment payload
169 UInt_t fEqPLChipTrailersRead; // number of chip trailers found in current equipment payload
170 Bool_t fHeaderOrTrailerReadLast; // in previous words, was a header (true) or a trailer (false) read last
171 UInt_t fExpectedHeaderTrailerCount; // expected number of headers and trailers for the current equipment payload
172 Bool_t fFillOutOfSynch; // has a fill word been put in the wrong place?
173 Int_t fDDLID; // ddl id
174 Int_t fLastDDLID; // ddl id for equipment read in previous words
176 Bool_t fAdvancedErrorLog; // is the advanced error logging activated?
177 AliITSRawStreamSPDErrorLog *fAdvLogger; // pointer to special error logger object
72600597 178
4f98b62b 179 Bool_t fFastOrSignal[20][6][10]; // fastor signal bit (one per chip)
b696414b 181 Bool_t fActiveEq[20]; // which equipments are active (found in data)
182 Bool_t fActiveHS[20][6]; // which half-staves are active (blockattribute bits)
478d804c 183 Bool_t fActiveChip[20][6][10]; // which chips are active (found in data)
b696414b 184
2906f4c2 185 ClassDef(AliITSRawStreamSPD, 0) // class for reading ITS SPD raw digits