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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSSimuParam.cxx
cd2a0045 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 2007-2009, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
2ae37d58 16/* $Id$ */
cd2a0045 17
19// //
20// Implementation of the class to store the parameters used in //
21// the simulation of SPD, SDD and SSD detectors //
22// Origin: F.Prino, Torino, prino@to.infn.it //
23// //
26#include "AliITSSimuParam.h"
27#include <TMath.h>
29const Float_t AliITSSimuParam::fgkSPDBiasVoltageDefault = 18.182;
30const Double_t AliITSSimuParam::fgkSPDThreshDefault = 3000.;
31const Double_t AliITSSimuParam::fgkSPDSigmaDefault = 250.;
32const TString AliITSSimuParam::fgkSPDCouplingOptDefault = "old";
33const Double_t AliITSSimuParam::fgkSPDCouplColDefault = 0.;
34const Double_t AliITSSimuParam::fgkSPDCouplRowDefault = 0.055;
35const Float_t AliITSSimuParam::fgkSPDEccDiffDefault = 0.85;
36const Float_t AliITSSimuParam::fgkSDDDiffCoeffDefault = 3.23;
37const Float_t AliITSSimuParam::fgkSDDDiffCoeff1Default = 30.;
38const Float_t AliITSSimuParam::fgkSDDJitterErrorDefault = 20.; // 20 um from beam test 2001
aebba721 39const Float_t AliITSSimuParam::fgkSDDDynamicRangeDefault = 1400./2.5; // mV/MOhm = nA
cd2a0045 40const Int_t AliITSSimuParam::fgkSDDMaxAdcDefault = 1024;
41const Float_t AliITSSimuParam::fgkSDDChargeLossDefault = 0.;
42const Double_t AliITSSimuParam::fgkSSDCouplingPRDefault = 0.01;
43const Double_t AliITSSimuParam::fgkSSDCouplingPLDefault = 0.01;
44const Double_t AliITSSimuParam::fgkSSDCouplingNRDefault = 0.01;
45const Double_t AliITSSimuParam::fgkSSDCouplingNLDefault = 0.01;
46const Int_t AliITSSimuParam::fgkSSDZSThresholdDefault = 3;
48const Float_t AliITSSimuParam::fgkNsigmasDefault = 3.;
49const Int_t AliITSSimuParam::fgkNcompsDefault = 121;
55 TObject(),
2ae37d58 58//fSPDBiasVoltage(fgkSPDBiasVoltageDefault),
cd2a0045 61fSPDCouplOpt(0),
dba117de 65fSPDAddNoisyFlag(kFALSE),
cd2a0045 67fSDDElectronics(0),
d9ed1779 74fSDDRawFormat(7),
cd2a0045 75fSSDCouplingPR(0),
2ae37d58 82fGaus(),
cd2a0045 85{
86 // default constructor
2ae37d58 87 SetSPDBiasVoltageAll(fgkSPDBiasVoltageDefault);
88 SetSPDThresholdsAll(fgkSPDThreshDefault,fgkSPDSigmaDefault);
89 SetSPDNoiseAll(0,0);
cd2a0045 90 SetGeVToCharge();
91 SetDistanceOverVoltage();
92 SetSPDCouplingOption(fgkSPDCouplingOptDefault);
93 SetSPDSigmaDiffusionAsymmetry(fgkSPDEccDiffDefault);
94 SetSDDElectronics();
95 SetSDDDiffCoeff(fgkSDDDiffCoeffDefault,fgkSDDDiffCoeff1Default);
96 SetSDDMaxAdc((Double_t)fgkSDDMaxAdcDefault);
cd2a0045 97 SetSSDCouplings(fgkSSDCouplingPRDefault,fgkSSDCouplingPLDefault,fgkSSDCouplingNRDefault,fgkSSDCouplingNLDefault);
100AliITSSimuParam::AliITSSimuParam(const AliITSSimuParam &simpar):
2ae37d58 104//fSPDBiasVoltage(simpar.fSPDBiasVoltage),
cd2a0045 107fSPDCouplOpt(simpar.fSPDCouplOpt),
dba117de 111fSPDAddNoisyFlag(simpar.fSPDAddNoisyFlag),
cd2a0045 113fSDDElectronics(simpar.fSDDElectronics),
d9ed1779 120fSDDRawFormat(simpar.fSDDRawFormat),
cd2a0045 121fSSDCouplingPR(simpar.fSSDCouplingPR),
2ae37d58 128fGaus(),
cd2a0045 131 // copy constructor
2ae37d58 132 for (Int_t i=0;i<240;i++) {
133 fSPDBiasVoltage[i]=simpar.fSPDBiasVoltage[i];
134 fSPDThresh[i]=simpar.fSPDThresh[i];
135 fSPDSigma[i]=simpar.fSPDSigma[i];
136 fSPDNoise[i]=simpar.fSPDNoise[i];
137 fSPDBaseline[i]=simpar.fSPDBaseline[i];
138 }
cd2a0045 139}
142AliITSSimuParam& AliITSSimuParam::operator=(const AliITSSimuParam& source){
143 // Assignment operator.
144 this->~AliITSSimuParam();
145 new(this) AliITSSimuParam(source);
146 return *this;
152AliITSSimuParam::~AliITSSimuParam() {
153 // destructor
154 if(fGaus) delete fGaus;
157void AliITSSimuParam::SetNLookUp(Int_t p1){
158 // Set number of sigmas over which cluster disintegration is performed
159 fNcomps=p1;
160 if (fGaus) delete fGaus;
161 fGaus = new TArrayF(fNcomps+1);
162 for(Int_t i=0; i<=fNcomps; i++) {
163 Float_t x = -fNsigmas + (2.*i*fNsigmas)/(fNcomps-1);
164 (*fGaus)[i] = exp(-((x*x)/2));
165 }
168void AliITSSimuParam::PrintParameters() const{
169 printf("GeVToCharge = %G\n",fGeVcharge);
170 printf("DistanveOverVoltage = %f \n",fDOverV);
171 printf("\n");
172 printf("===== SPD parameters =====\n");
2ae37d58 173 printf("Bias Voltage = %f \n",fSPDBiasVoltage[0]);
174 printf("Threshold and sigma = %f %f\n",fSPDThresh[0],fSPDSigma[0]);
cd2a0045 175 printf("Coupling Option = %s\n",fSPDCouplOpt.Data());
176 printf("Coupling value (column) = %f\n",fSPDCouplCol);
177 printf("Coupling value (row) = %f\n",fSPDCouplRow);
178 printf("Eccentricity in diffusion = %f\n",fSPDEccDiff);
d600da26 179 printf("Flag to add noisy = %d\n",fSPDAddNoisyFlag);
180 printf("Flag to remove dead = %d\n",fSPDRemoveDeadFlag);
cd2a0045 181 printf("\n");
182 printf("===== SDD parameters =====\n");
183 printf("Electronic chips = %d\n",fSDDElectronics);
184 printf("Diffusion Coefficients = %f %f\n",fSDDDiffCoeff,fSDDDiffCoeff1);
185 printf("Jitter Error = %f um\n",fSDDJitterError);
186 printf("Dynamic Range = %f\n",fSDDDynamicRange);
187 printf("Max. ADC = %f\n",fSDDMaxAdc);
188 printf("Charge Loss = %f\n",fSDDChargeLoss);
d9ed1779 189 printf("Raw Data Format = %d\n",fSDDRawFormat);
cd2a0045 190 printf("\n");
191 printf("===== SSD parameters =====\n");
cd2a0045 192 printf("Coupling PR = %f\n",fSSDCouplingPR);
193 printf("Coupling PL = %f\n",fSSDCouplingPL);
194 printf("Coupling NR = %f\n",fSSDCouplingNR);
195 printf("Coupling NL = %f\n",fSSDCouplingNL);
196 printf("Zero Supp threshold = %d\n",fSSDZSThreshold);
2ae37d58 198//______________________________________________________________________
199Double_t AliITSSimuParam::MobilityElectronSiEmp() const {
200 // Computes the electron mobility in cm^2/volt-sec. Taken from SILVACO
201 // International ATLAS II, 2D Device Simulation Framework, User Manual
202 // Chapter 5 Equation 5-6. An empirical function for low-field mobiliity
203 // in silicon at different tempeatures.
204 // Inputs:
205 // none.
206 // Output:
207 // none.
208 // Return:
209 // The Mobility of electrons in Si at a give temprature and impurity
210 // concentration. [cm^2/Volt-sec]
211 const Double_t km0 = 55.24; // cm^2/Volt-sec
212 const Double_t km1 = 7.12E+08; // cm^2 (degree K)^2.3 / Volt-sec
213 const Double_t kN0 = 1.072E17; // #/cm^3
214 const Double_t kT0 = 300.; // degree K.
215 const Double_t keT0 = -2.3; // Power of Temp.
216 const Double_t keT1 = -3.8; // Power of Temp.
217 const Double_t keN = 0.73; // Power of Dopent Consentrations
218 Double_t m;
219 Double_t tT = fT,nN = fN;
221 if(nN<=0.0){ // Simple case.
222 if(tT==300.) return 1350.0; // From Table 5-1 at consentration 1.0E14.
223 m = km1*TMath::Power(tT,keT0);
224 return m;
225 } // if nN<=0.0
226 m = km1*TMath::Power(tT,keT0) - km0;
227 m /= 1.0 + TMath::Power(tT/kT0,keT1)*TMath::Power(nN/kN0,keN);
228 m += km0;
229 return m;
232Double_t AliITSSimuParam::MobilityHoleSiEmp() const {
233 // Computes the Hole mobility in cm^2/volt-sec. Taken from SILVACO
234 // International ATLAS II, 2D Device Simulation Framework, User Manual
235 // Chapter 5 Equation 5-7 An empirical function for low-field mobiliity
236 // in silicon at different tempeatures.
237 // Inputs:
238 // none.
239 // Output:
240 // none.
241 // Return:
242 // The Mobility of Hole in Si at a give temprature and impurity
243 // concentration. [cm^2/Volt-sec]
244 const Double_t km0a = 49.74; // cm^2/Volt-sec
245 const Double_t km0b = 49.70; // cm^2/Volt-sec
246 const Double_t km1 = 1.35E+08; // cm^2 (degree K)^2.3 / Volt-sec
247 const Double_t kN0 = 1.606E17; // #/cm^3
248 const Double_t kT0 = 300.; // degree K.
249 const Double_t keT0 = -2.2; // Power of Temp.
250 const Double_t keT1 = -3.7; // Power of Temp.
251 const Double_t keN = 0.70; // Power of Dopent Consentrations
252 Double_t m;
253 Double_t tT = fT,nN = fN;
255 if(nN<=0.0){ // Simple case.
256 if(tT==300.) return 495.0; // From Table 5-1 at consentration 1.0E14.
257 m = km1*TMath::Power(tT,keT0) + km0a-km0b;
258 return m;
259 } // if nN<=0.0
260 m = km1*TMath::Power(tT,keT0) - km0b;
261 m /= 1.0 + TMath::Power(tT/kT0,keT1)*TMath::Power(nN/kN0,keN);
262 m += km0a;
263 return m;
266Double_t AliITSSimuParam::DiffusionCoefficientElectron() const {
267 // Computes the Diffusion coefficient for electrons in cm^2/sec. Taken
268 // from SILVACO International ATLAS II, 2D Device Simulation Framework,
269 // User Manual Chapter 5 Equation 5-53. Einstein relations for diffusion
270 // coefficient. Note: 1 cm^2/sec = 10 microns^2/nanosec.
271 // Inputs:
272 // none.
273 // Output:
274 // none.
275 // Return:
276 // The Diffusion Coefficient of electrons in Si at a give temprature
277 // and impurity concentration. [cm^2/sec]
278 // const Double_t kb = 1.3806503E-23; // Joules/degree K
279 // const Double_t qe = 1.60217646E-19; // Coulumbs.
280 const Double_t kbqe = 8.617342312E-5; // Volt/degree K
281 Double_t m = MobilityElectronSiEmp();
282 Double_t tT = fT;
284 return m*kbqe*tT; // [cm^2/sec]
287Double_t AliITSSimuParam::DiffusionCoefficientHole() const {
288 // Computes the Diffusion coefficient for Holes in cm^2/sec. Taken
289 // from SILVACO International ATLAS II, 2D Device Simulation Framework,
290 // User Manual Chapter 5 Equation 5-53. Einstein relations for diffusion
291 // coefficient. Note: 1 cm^2/sec = 10 microns^2/nanosec.
292 // Inputs:
293 // none.
294 // Output:
295 // none.
296 // Return:
297 // The Defusion Coefficient of Hole in Si at a give temprature and
298 // impurity concentration. [cm^2/sec]
299 // and impurity concentration. [cm^2/sec]
300 // const Double_t kb = 1.3806503E-23; // Joules/degree K
301 // const Double_t qe = 1.60217646E-19; // Coulumbs.
302 const Double_t kbqe = 8.617342312E-5; // Volt/degree K
303 Double_t m = MobilityHoleSiEmp();
304 Double_t tT = fT;
306 return m*kbqe*tT; // [cm^2/sec]
309Double_t AliITSSimuParam::LorentzAngleHole(Double_t B) const {
310 // Computes the Lorentz angle for electrons in Si
311 // Input: magnetic Field in KGauss
312 // Output: Lorentz angle in radians (positive if Bz is positive)
313 // Main Reference: NIM A 497 (2003) 389–396.
314 // "An algorithm for calculating the Lorentz angle in silicon detectors", V. Bartsch et al.
315 //
316 const Double_t krH=0.70; // Hall scattering factor for Hole
317 const Double_t kT0 = 300.; // reference Temperature (degree K).
318 const Double_t kmulow0 = 470.5; // cm^2/Volt-sec
319 const Double_t keT0 = -2.5; // Power of Temp.
320 const Double_t beta0 = 1.213; // beta coeff. at T0=300K
321 const Double_t keT1 = 0.17; // Power of Temp. for beta
322 const Double_t kvsat0 = 8.37E+06; // saturated velocity at T0=300K (cm/sec)
323 const Double_t keT2 = 0.52; // Power of Temp. for vsat
324 Double_t tT = fT;
325 Double_t eE= 1./fDOverV;
326 Double_t muLow=kmulow0*TMath::Power(tT/kT0,keT0);
327 Double_t beta=beta0*TMath::Power(tT/kT0,keT1);
328 Double_t vsat=kvsat0*TMath::Power(tT/kT0,keT2);
329 Double_t mu=muLow/TMath::Power(1+TMath::Power(muLow*eE/vsat,beta),1/beta);
330 Double_t angle=TMath::ATan(krH*mu*B*1.E-05); // Conversion Factor
331 return angle;
334Double_t AliITSSimuParam::LorentzAngleElectron(Double_t B) const {
335 // Computes the Lorentz angle for electrons in Si
336 // Input: magnetic Field in KGauss
337 // Output: Lorentz angle in radians (positive if Bz is positive)
338 // Main Reference: NIM A 497 (2003) 389–396.
339 // "An algorithm for calculating the Lorentz angle in silicon detectors", V. Bartsch et al.
340 //
341 const Double_t krH=1.15; // Hall scattering factor for Electron
342 const Double_t kT0 = 300.; // reference Temperature (degree K).
343 const Double_t kmulow0 = 1417.0; // cm^2/Volt-sec
344 const Double_t keT0 = -2.2; // Power of Temp.
345 const Double_t beta0 = 1.109; // beta coeff. at T0=300K
346 const Double_t keT1 = 0.66; // Power of Temp. for beta
347 const Double_t kvsat0 = 1.07E+07; // saturated velocity at T0=300K (cm/sec)
348 const Double_t keT2 = 0.87; // Power of Temp. for vsat
349 Double_t tT = fT;
350 Double_t eE= 1./fDOverV;
351 Double_t muLow=kmulow0*TMath::Power(tT/kT0,keT0);
352 Double_t beta=beta0*TMath::Power(tT/kT0,keT1);
353 Double_t vsat=kvsat0*TMath::Power(tT/kT0,keT2);
354 Double_t mu=muLow/TMath::Power(1+TMath::Power(muLow*eE/vsat,beta),1/beta);
355 Double_t angle=TMath::ATan(krH*mu*B*1.E-05);
356 return angle;
359Double_t AliITSSimuParam::SpeedElectron() const {
360 // Computes the average speed for electrons in Si under the low-field
361 // approximation. [cm/sec].
362 // Inputs:
363 // none.
364 // Output:
365 // none.
366 // Return:
367 // The speed the holes are traveling at due to the low field applied.
368 // [cm/sec]
369 Double_t m = MobilityElectronSiEmp();
371 return m/fDOverV; // [cm/sec]
374Double_t AliITSSimuParam::SpeedHole() const {
375 // Computes the average speed for Holes in Si under the low-field
376 // approximation.[cm/sec].
377 // Inputs:
378 // none.
379 // Output:
380 // none.
381 // Return:
382 // The speed the holes are traveling at due to the low field applied.
383 // [cm/sec]
384 Double_t m = MobilityHoleSiEmp();
386 return m/fDOverV; // [cm/sec]
389Double_t AliITSSimuParam::SigmaDiffusion3D(Double_t l) const {
390 // Returns the Gaussian sigma^2 == <x^2+y^2+z^2> [cm^2] due to the
391 // defusion of electrons or holes through a distance l [cm] caused
392 // by an applied voltage v [volt] through a distance d [cm] in any
393 // material at a temperature T [degree K]. The sigma diffusion when
394 // expressed in terms of the distance over which the diffusion
395 // occures, l=time/speed, is independent of the mobility and therefore
396 // the properties of the material. The charge distributions is given by
397 // n = exp(-r^2/4Dt)/(4piDt)^1.5. From this <r^2> = 6Dt where D=mkT/e
398 // (m==mobility, k==Boltzman's constant, T==temparature, e==electric
399 // charge. and vel=m*v/d. consiquently sigma^2=6kTdl/ev.
400 // Inputs:
401 // Double_t l Distance the charge has to travel.
402 // Output:
403 // none.
404 // Return:
405 // The Sigma due to the diffution of electrons. [cm]
406 const Double_t kcon = 5.17040258E-04; // == 6k/e [J/col or volts]
408 return TMath::Sqrt(kcon*fT*fDOverV*l); // [cm]
411Double_t AliITSSimuParam::SigmaDiffusion2D(Double_t l) const {
412 // Returns the Gaussian sigma^2 == <x^2+z^2> [cm^2] due to the defusion
413 // of electrons or holes through a distance l [cm] caused by an applied
414 // voltage v [volt] through a distance d [cm] in any material at a
415 // temperature T [degree K]. The sigma diffusion when expressed in terms
416 // of the distance over which the diffusion occures, l=time/speed, is
417 // independent of the mobility and therefore the properties of the
418 // material. The charge distributions is given by
419 // n = exp(-r^2/4Dt)/(4piDt)^1.5. From this <x^2+z^2> = 4Dt where D=mkT/e
420 // (m==mobility, k==Boltzman's constant, T==temparature, e==electric
421 // charge. and vel=m*v/d. consiquently sigma^2=4kTdl/ev.
422 // Inputs:
423 // Double_t l Distance the charge has to travel.
424 // Output:
425 // none.
426 // Return:
427 // The Sigma due to the diffution of electrons. [cm]
428 const Double_t kcon = 3.446935053E-04; // == 4k/e [J/col or volts]
430 return TMath::Sqrt(kcon*fT*fDOverV*l); // [cm]
433Double_t AliITSSimuParam::SigmaDiffusion1D(Double_t l) const {
434 // Returns the Gaussian sigma^2 == <x^2> [cm^2] due to the defusion
435 // of electrons or holes through a distance l [cm] caused by an applied
436 // voltage v [volt] through a distance d [cm] in any material at a
437 // temperature T [degree K]. The sigma diffusion when expressed in terms
438 // of the distance over which the diffusion occures, l=time/speed, is
439 // independent of the mobility and therefore the properties of the
440 // material. The charge distributions is given by
441 // n = exp(-r^2/4Dt)/(4piDt)^1.5. From this <r^2> = 2Dt where D=mkT/e
442 // (m==mobility, k==Boltzman's constant, T==temparature, e==electric
443 // charge. and vel=m*v/d. consiquently sigma^2=2kTdl/ev.
444 // Inputs:
445 // Double_t l Distance the charge has to travel.
446 // Output:
447 // none.
448 // Return:
449 // The Sigma due to the diffution of electrons. [cm]
450 const Double_t kcon = 1.723467527E-04; // == 2k/e [J/col or volts]
452 return TMath::Sqrt(kcon*fT*fDOverV*l); // [cm]
455Double_t AliITSSimuParam::DepletedRegionThicknessA(Double_t dopCons,
456 Double_t voltage,
457 Double_t elecCharge,
458 Double_t voltBuiltIn)const{
459 // Computes the thickness of the depleted region in Si due to the
460 // application of an external bias voltage. From the Particle Data
461 // Book, 28.8 Silicon semiconductor detectors equation 28.19 (2004)
462 // Physics Letters B "Review of Particle Physics" Volume 592, Issue 1-4
463 // July 15 2004, ISSN 0370-2693 page 263. First equation.
464 // Inputs:
465 // Double_t dopCons "N" doping concentration
466 // Double_t voltage "V" external bias voltage
467 // Double_t elecCharge "e" electronic charge
468 // Double_t voltBuiltIn=0.5 "V_bi" "built-in" Voltage (~0.5V for
469 // resistivities typically used in detectors)
470 // Output:
471 // none.
472 // Return:
473 // The thickness of the depleted region
475 return TMath::Sqrt(2.0*(voltage+voltBuiltIn)/(dopCons*elecCharge));
478Double_t AliITSSimuParam::DepletedRegionThicknessB(Double_t resist,
479 Double_t voltage,
480 Double_t mobility,
481 Double_t voltBuiltIn,
482 Double_t dielConst)const{
483 // Computes the thickness of the depleted region in Si due to the
484 // application of an external bias voltage. From the Particle Data
485 // Book, 28.8 Silicon semiconductor detectors equation 28.19 (2004)
486 // Physics Letters B "Review of Particle Physics" Volume 592, Issue 1-4
487 // July 15 2004, ISSN 0370-2693 page 263. Second Equation.
488 // Inputs:
489 // Double_t resist "rho" resistivity (typically 1-10 kOhm cm)
490 // Double_t voltage "V" external bias voltage
491 // Double_t mobility "mu" charge carrier mobility
492 // (electons 1350, holes 450 cm^2/V/s)
493 // Double_t voltBuiltIn=0.5 "V_bi" "built-in" Voltage (~0.5V for
494 // resistivities typically used in detectors)
495 // Double_t dielConst=1.E-12 "epsilon" dielectric constant = 11.9 *
496 // (permittivity of free space) or ~ 1 pF/cm
497 // Output:
498 // none.
499 // Return:
500 // The thickness of the depleted region
502 return TMath::Sqrt(2.8*resist*mobility*dielConst*(voltage+voltBuiltIn));
505Double_t AliITSSimuParam::ReverseBiasCurrent(Double_t temp,
506 Double_t revBiasCurT1,
507 Double_t tempT1,
508 Double_t energy)const{
509 // Computes the temperature dependance of the reverse bias current
510 // of Si detectors. From the Particle Data
511 // Book, 28.8 Silicon semiconductor detectors equation 28.21 (2004)
512 // Physics Letters B "Review of Particle Physics" Volume 592, Issue 1-4
513 // July 15 2004, ISSN 0370-2693 page 263.
514 // Inputs:
515 // Double_t temp The temperature at which the current is wanted
516 // Double_t revBiasCurT1 The reference bias current at temp T1
517 // Double_t tempT1 The temperature correstponding to revBiasCurT1
518 // Double_t energy=1.2 Some energy [eV]
519 // Output:
520 // none.
521 // Return:
522 // The reverse bias current at the tempeature temp.
523 const Double_t kBoltz = 8.617343E-5; //[eV/K]
525 return revBiasCurT1*(temp*temp/(tempT1*tempT1))*
526 TMath::Exp(-0.5*energy*(tempT1-temp)/(kBoltz*tempT1*temp));
529 void AliITSSimuParam::SPDThresholds(const Int_t mod, Double_t& thresh, Double_t& sigma) const {
530 if(mod<0 || mod>239) {
531 thresh=0;
532 sigma=0;
533 return;
534 }
535 thresh=fSPDThresh[mod];
536 sigma=fSPDSigma[mod];
537 return;
540 void AliITSSimuParam::SPDNoise(const Int_t mod,Double_t &noise, Double_t &baseline) const {
541 if(mod<0 || mod>239) {
542 noise=0;
543 baseline=0;
544 return;
545 }
546 noise=fSPDNoise[mod];
547 baseline=fSPDBaseline[mod];
548 return;