]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/AliITSVertexer3D.h
Fix to account for eventual absence of the beam-pipe (Levente)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSVertexer3D.h
70c95f95 1#ifndef ALIITSVERTEXER3D_H
27167524 4#include<AliITSVertexer.h>
70c95f95 5
7// //
8// Class for primary vertex finding (3D reconstruction) //
9// //
6a0d56b8 12/* $Id$ */
f5f6da22 14#include <TClonesArray.h>
507265fd 15#include <TRandom3.h>
6a0d56b8 16#include <AliESDVertex.h>
7340864d 17#include <TH3F.h>
cd1c2af1 18#include <TBits.h>
70c95f95 19
20class AliITSVertexer3D : public AliITSVertexer {
22 public:
4f40f207 24 AliITSVertexer3D(Double_t zcut=0.);
f510fd70 25 AliITSVertexer3D(TRootIOCtor* );
70c95f95 26 virtual ~AliITSVertexer3D();
308c2f7c 27 virtual AliESDVertex* FindVertexForCurrentEvent(TTree *itsClusterTree);
6b4d9537 28 void FindVertex3DIterative();
87104b06 29 void FindVertex3DIterativeMM();
6b4d9537 30 void FindVertex3D(TTree *itsClusterTree);
6a0d56b8 31 AliESDVertex GetVertex3D() const {return fVert3D;}
efe6147d 32 // Double_t *Get3DPeak() {return f3DPeak;}
70c95f95 33 virtual void PrintStatus() const;
6b4d9537 34 static Bool_t DistBetweenVertices(AliESDVertex &a, AliESDVertex &b, Double_t test, Double_t &dist);
242c8025 35 void SetWideFiducialRegion(Double_t dz = 40.0, Double_t dr=2.5){
7203e11a 36 SetCoarseMaxRCut(dr);
37 SetZCutDiamond(dz);
38 }
242c8025 39 void SetNarrowFiducialRegion(Double_t dz = 0.5, Double_t dr=0.5){
7203e11a 40 SetMaxRCut(dr);
41 SetMaxZCut(dz);
42 }
242c8025 43 void SetDeltaPhiCuts(Double_t dphiloose=0.5, Double_t dphitight=0.025){
7203e11a 44 SetCoarseDiffPhiCut(dphiloose);
45 SetDiffPhiMax(dphitight);
46 }
242c8025 47 void SetCoarseDiffPhiCut(Double_t dphi = 0.5){fCoarseDiffPhiCut=dphi;}
48 void SetFineDiffPhiCut(Double_t dphi = 0.05){fFineDiffPhiCut=dphi;}
87104b06 49 void SetCutOnPairs(Double_t cp = 0.15){fCutOnPairs = cp;}
242c8025 50 void SetCoarseMaxRCut(Double_t rad = 2.5){fCoarseMaxRCut=rad;}
51 void SetMaxRCut(Double_t rad = 0.5){fMaxRCut=rad;}
87104b06 52 void SetMaxRCutAlgo2(Double_t rad = 0.2){fMaxRCut2=rad;}
4f40f207 53 void SetZCutDiamond(Double_t zcut = 40.0);
242c8025 54 void SetMaxZCut(Double_t dz = 0.5){fMaxZCut=dz;}
55 void SetDCACut(Double_t dca=0.1){fDCAcut=dca;}
56 void SetDiffPhiMax(Double_t pm = 0.025){fDiffPhiMax = pm;}
57 void SetMeanPSelTracks(Double_t pGeV=0.875){fMeanPSelTrk = pGeV;}
58 void SetMeanPtSelTracks(Double_t ptGeV=0.630){fMeanPtSelTrk = ptGeV;}
0496a544 59 void SetMeanPPtSelTracks(Double_t fieldTesla);
242c8025 60 void SetMinDCAforPileup(Double_t mindist=0.1) {fDCAforPileup=mindist;}
c238ba33 61 void SetDeltaPhiforPileup(Double_t dphi=0.01) {fDiffPhiforPileup=dphi;}
87104b06 62 void SetPileupAlgo(UShort_t optalgo=1){fPileupAlgo=optalgo;}
242c8025 63 void SetBinSizeR(Double_t siz=0.1){fBinSizeR=siz;}
64 void SetBinSizeZ(Double_t siz=0.8){fBinSizeZ=siz;}
efe6147d 65 void SetHighMultAlgo(UChar_t n){
66 if(n<2) fHighMultAlgo=n;
67 else AliError("Only algos 0 and 1 implemented");
68 }
69 void SetHighMultDownscalingAlgo(){fHighMultAlgo=0;}
70 void SetHighMultTracesAlgo(){fHighMultAlgo=1;}
72 void SetMaxNumOfClustersForHighMult(Int_t ncl){fMaxNumOfCl=ncl;}
73 void SetMaxNumOfClustersForDownScale(Int_t ncl){fMaxNumOfClForDownScale=ncl;}
74 void SetMaxNumOfClustersForRebin(Int_t ncl){fMaxNumOfClForRebin=ncl;}
75 Int_t GetMaxNumOfClustersForHighMult() const {return fMaxNumOfCl;}
76 Int_t GetMaxNumOfClustersForDownScale() const {return fMaxNumOfClForDownScale;}
77 Int_t GetMaxNumOfClustersForRebin() const {return fMaxNumOfClForRebin;}
70c95f95 78
80 AliITSVertexer3D(const AliITSVertexer3D& vtxr);
81 AliITSVertexer3D& operator=(const AliITSVertexer3D& /* vtxr */);
308c2f7c 82 Int_t FindTracklets(TTree *itsClusterTree, Int_t optCuts);
05d1294c 83 Int_t Prepare3DVertex(Int_t optCuts);
efe6147d 84 Int_t Prepare3DVertexPbPb();
27167524 85 void ResetVert3D();
7340864d 86 void FindPeaks(TH3F* histo, Double_t *peak, Int_t &nOfTracklets, Int_t &nOfTimes);
cd1c2af1 87 void PileupFromZ();
88 void MarkUsedClusters();
89 Int_t RemoveTracklets();
90 void FindOther3DVertices(TTree *itsClusterTree);
efe6147d 91 Double_t GetFraction(Int_t itr) const;
70c95f95 92
cd1c2af1 93 enum {kMaxCluPerMod=250};
72756d8d 94 enum {kMaxPileupVertices=10};
f5f6da22 95 TClonesArray fLines; //! array of tracklets
6a0d56b8 96 AliESDVertex fVert3D; // 3D Vertex
242c8025 97 Double_t fCoarseDiffPhiCut; // loose cut on DeltaPhi for RecPoint matching
98 Double_t fFineDiffPhiCut; // tight value of DeltaPhi for RP matching (2nd method)
99 Double_t fCutOnPairs; //cut on distance between pairs of tracklets
100 Double_t fCoarseMaxRCut; // cut on tracklet DCA to Z axis
87104b06 101 Double_t fMaxRCut; // cut on tracklet DCA to beam axis
102 Double_t fMaxRCut2; // cut on tracklet DCA to beam axis - algo2
242c8025 103 Double_t fZCutDiamond; // cut on +-Z of the diamond
104 Double_t fMaxZCut; // cut on Z distance from estimated vertex
105 Double_t fDCAcut; // cut on tracklet to tracklet and tracklet to vertex DCA
106 Double_t fDiffPhiMax; // Maximum delta phi allowed among corr. pixels
107 Double_t fMeanPSelTrk; // GeV, mean P for tracks with dphi<0.01 rad
108 Double_t fMeanPtSelTrk; // GeV, mean Pt for tracks with dphi<0.01 rad
cd1c2af1 109 TBits fUsedCluster; // flag for used clusters in vertex calculation
110 TH1F *fZHisto; //! histogram with coarse z distribution
242c8025 111 Double_t fDCAforPileup; // Minimum DCA to 1st vertex for pileup tracklets
c238ba33 112 Double_t fDiffPhiforPileup; // Cut on delta phi for pileup
242c8025 113 Double_t fBinSizeR; // Histo3D bin size along radius
114 Double_t fBinSizeZ; // Histo3D bin size along z
cd1c2af1 115 UShort_t fPileupAlgo; // Algo for pileup identification
116 // 0->VertexerZ pileup algo
117 // 1->Unused RecPoints algo
efe6147d 118 Int_t fMaxNumOfCl; // max n. of clusters on L1 or L2 for high mult definition
119 Int_t fMaxNumOfClForRebin; // max n. of clusters on L1 or L2 for rebin
120 Int_t fMaxNumOfClForDownScale; // max n. of clusters on L1 or L2 for downscale
121 Int_t fNRecPLay1; // number of rec ponts on SPD layer 1
122 Int_t fNRecPLay2; // number of rec ponts on SPD layer 2
123 Float_t f3DBinSize; // Size of the 3D bins
507265fd 124 Bool_t fDoDownScale; // Control downscaling of tracklets in high mult
125 TRandom3 *fGenerForDownScale; // randomnumber generator fordownscaling
efe6147d 126 Double_t f3DPeak[3]; // TH3F peak coords
127 UChar_t fHighMultAlgo; // algorithm used for high mult. events
128 Bool_t fSwitchAlgorithm; // Switch between two algoritms in testing phase
6a0d56b8 129
efe6147d 130 static const Int_t fgkMaxNumOfClDefault; // Default max n. of clusters for downscale
131 static const Int_t fgkMaxNumOfClRebinDefault; // Default max n. of clusters for rebin
132 static const Int_t fgkMaxNumOfClDownscaleDefault; // Default max n. of clusters for rebin
133 static const Float_t fgk3DBinSizeDefault; // Default 3D bins size
9801e044 134
efe6147d 135 ClassDef(AliITSVertexer3D,15);
70c95f95 136