]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/AliITSVertexerZ.cxx
Macro to display the output of SDD task in QA-train
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSVertexerZ.cxx
0c6af5c9 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-2003, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
d531b7a1 15#include "AliITSVertexerZ.h"
0c6af5c9 16#include<TBranch.h>
7299b7a8 17#include<TClonesArray.h>
0c6af5c9 18#include<TH1.h>
d531b7a1 19#include <TString.h>
0c6af5c9 20#include<TTree.h>
308c2f7c 21#include "AliESDVertex.h"
32e63e47 22#include "AliITSgeomTGeo.h"
d531b7a1 23#include "AliITSRecPoint.h"
b21c1af0 24#include "AliITSRecPointContainer.h"
7299b7a8 25#include "AliITSZPoint.h"
0c6af5c9 26
28// this class implements a fast method to determine
29// the Z coordinate of the primary vertex
30// for p-p collisions it seems to give comparable or better results
31// with respect to what obtained with AliITSVertexerPPZ
32// It can be used successfully with Pb-Pb collisions
8221b41b 40AliITSVertexerZ::AliITSVertexerZ():AliITSVertexer(),
8221b41b 46fZFound(0),
8221b41b 49fLowLim(0.),
8221b41b 52fTolerance(0.),
7299b7a8 53fMaxIter(0),
54fWindowWidth(0) {
0c6af5c9 55 // Default constructor
7299b7a8 56 SetDiffPhiMax();
57 SetFirstLayerModules();
58 SetSecondLayerModules();
59 SetLowLimit();
60 SetHighLimit();
61 SetBinWidthCoarse();
62 SetTolerance();
63 SetPPsetting();
6fd990e3 64 ConfigIterations();
7299b7a8 65 SetWindowWidth();
0c6af5c9 66}
308c2f7c 69AliITSVertexerZ::AliITSVertexerZ(Float_t x0, Float_t y0):AliITSVertexer(),
8221b41b 70fFirstL1(0),
8221b41b 75fZFound(0),
8221b41b 78fLowLim(0.),
8221b41b 81fTolerance(0.),
7299b7a8 82fMaxIter(0),
83fWindowWidth(0) {
0c6af5c9 84 // Standard Constructor
85 SetDiffPhiMax();
0c6af5c9 86 SetFirstLayerModules();
87 SetSecondLayerModules();
0c6af5c9 88 SetLowLimit();
89 SetHighLimit();
90 SetBinWidthCoarse();
0c6af5c9 91 SetTolerance();
ecc64c3f 92 SetPPsetting();
6fd990e3 93 ConfigIterations();
7299b7a8 94 SetWindowWidth();
60b9526b 95 SetVtxStart((Double_t)x0,(Double_t)y0,0.);
0c6af5c9 96
0c6af5c9 99//______________________________________________________________________
100AliITSVertexerZ::~AliITSVertexerZ() {
ecc64c3f 101 // Destructor
102 delete fZCombc;
0c6af5c9 103}
6fd990e3 105//______________________________________________________________________
106void AliITSVertexerZ::ConfigIterations(Int_t noiter,Float_t *ptr){
107 // configure the iterative procedure to gain efficiency for
108 // pp events with very low multiplicity
bf2e0ad4 109 Float_t defaults[5]={0.02,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3};
6fd990e3 110 fMaxIter=noiter;
111 if(noiter>5){
112 Error("ConfigIterations","Maximum number of iterations is 5\n");
113 fMaxIter=5;
114 }
115 for(Int_t j=0;j<5;j++)fPhiDiffIter[j]=defaults[j];
116 if(ptr)for(Int_t j=0;j<fMaxIter;j++)fPhiDiffIter[j]=ptr[j];
debb3dde 119//______________________________________________________________________
8c32ba44 120Int_t AliITSVertexerZ::GetPeakRegion(TH1F*h, Int_t &binmin, Int_t &binmax){
debb3dde 121 // Finds a region around a peak in the Z histogram
122 // Case of 2 peaks is treated
123 Int_t imax=h->GetNbinsX();
124 Float_t maxval=0;
125 Int_t bi1=h->GetMaximumBin();
126 Int_t bi2=0;
127 for(Int_t i=imax;i>=1;i--){
128 if(h->GetBinContent(i)>maxval){
129 maxval=h->GetBinContent(i);
130 bi2=i;
131 }
132 }
133 Int_t npeaks=0;
135 if(bi1==bi2){
136 binmin=bi1-3;
137 binmax=bi1+3;
138 npeaks=1;
139 }else{
140 TH1F *copy = new TH1F(*h);
141 copy->SetBinContent(bi1,0.);
142 copy->SetBinContent(bi2,0.);
143 Int_t l1=TMath::Max(bi1-3,1);
144 Int_t l2=TMath::Min(bi1+3,h->GetNbinsX());
145 Float_t cont1=copy->Integral(l1,l2);
146 Int_t ll1=TMath::Max(bi2-3,1);
147 Int_t ll2=TMath::Min(bi2+3,h->GetNbinsX());
148 Float_t cont2=copy->Integral(ll1,ll2);
149 if(cont1>cont2){
150 binmin=l1;
151 binmax=l2;
152 npeaks=1;
153 }
154 if(cont2>cont1){
155 binmin=ll1;
156 binmax=ll2;
157 npeaks=1;
158 }
159 if(cont1==cont2){
160 binmin=l1;
161 binmax=ll2;
162 if(bi2-bi1==1) npeaks=1;
163 else npeaks=2;
164 }
165 delete copy;
166 }
167 return npeaks;
0c6af5c9 169//______________________________________________________________________
308c2f7c 170AliESDVertex* AliITSVertexerZ::FindVertexForCurrentEvent(TTree *itsClusterTree){
d681bb2d 171 // Defines the AliESDVertex for the current event
308c2f7c 172 VertexZFinder(itsClusterTree);
6fd990e3 173 Int_t ntrackl=0;
174 for(Int_t iteraz=0;iteraz<fMaxIter;iteraz++){
175 if(fCurrentVertex) ntrackl=fCurrentVertex->GetNContributors();
176 if(!fCurrentVertex || ntrackl==0 || ntrackl==-1){
177 Float_t diffPhiMaxOrig=fDiffPhiMax;
178 fDiffPhiMax=GetPhiMaxIter(iteraz);
308c2f7c 179 VertexZFinder(itsClusterTree);
6fd990e3 180 fDiffPhiMax=diffPhiMaxOrig;
181 }
182 }
1ff24d0a 183 if(fComputeMultiplicity) FindMultiplicity(itsClusterTree);
6fd990e3 184 return fCurrentVertex;
308c2f7c 188void AliITSVertexerZ::VertexZFinder(TTree *itsClusterTree){
6fd990e3 189 // Defines the AliESDVertex for the current event
0c6af5c9 190 fCurrentVertex = 0;
5279841d 191 Double_t startPos[3]={GetNominalPos()[0],GetNominalPos()[1],GetNominalPos()[2]};
192 Double_t startCov[6]={GetNominalCov()[0],GetNominalCov()[1],GetNominalCov()[2],
193 GetNominalCov()[3],GetNominalCov()[4],GetNominalCov()[5]};
6b4d9537 194 ResetVertex();
0c6af5c9 195 TClonesArray *itsRec = 0;
27167524 196 // lc1 and gc1 are local and global coordinates for layer 1
54f95b99 197 Float_t gc1[3]={0.,0.,0.}; // ; for(Int_t ii=0; ii<3; ii++) gc1[ii]=0.;
ecc64c3f 198 // lc2 and gc2 are local and global coordinates for layer 2
54f95b99 199 Float_t gc2[3]={0.,0.,0.}; //; for(Int_t ii=0; ii<3; ii++) gc2[ii]=0.;
b21c1af0 200 AliITSRecPointContainer* rpcont=AliITSRecPointContainer::Instance();
201 itsRec=rpcont->FetchClusters(0,itsClusterTree);
202 if(!rpcont->IsSPDActive()){
fea0ad94 203 AliWarning("Null pointer for RecPoints branch, vertex not calculated");
204 ResetHistograms();
5279841d 205 fCurrentVertex = new AliESDVertex(startPos,startCov,99999.,-2);
fea0ad94 206 return;
207 }
0c6af5c9 208
0c6af5c9 209 Int_t nrpL1 = 0;
210 Int_t nrpL2 = 0;
1cc75a0b 211 nrpL1=rpcont->GetNClustersInLayerFast(1);
212 nrpL2=rpcont->GetNClustersInLayerFast(2);
27167524 213
0c6af5c9 214 if(nrpL1 == 0 || nrpL2 == 0){
fea0ad94 215 AliDebug(1,Form("No RecPoints in at least one SPD layer (%d %d)",nrpL1,nrpL2));
0c6af5c9 216 ResetHistograms();
5279841d 217 fCurrentVertex = new AliESDVertex(startPos,startCov,99999.,-2);
6fd990e3 218 return;
0c6af5c9 219 }
ecc64c3f 220 // Force a coarse bin size of 200 microns if the number of clusters on layer 2
221 // is low
222 if(nrpL2<fPPsetting[0])SetBinWidthCoarse(fPPsetting[1]);
ecc64c3f 223 // By default nbincoarse=(10+10)/0.01=2000
224 Int_t nbincoarse = static_cast<Int_t>((fHighLim-fLowLim)/fStepCoarse);
ecc64c3f 225 if(fZCombc)delete fZCombc;
226 fZCombc = new TH1F("fZCombc","Z",nbincoarse,fLowLim,fLowLim+nbincoarse*fStepCoarse);
7299b7a8 227
27167524 228 /* Test the ffect of mutiple scatternig on error. Negligible
7299b7a8 229 // Multiple scattering
230 Float_t beta=1.,pmed=0.875; //pmed=875 MeV (for tracks with dphi<0.01 rad)
231 Float_t beta2=beta*beta;
232 Float_t p2=pmed*pmed;
233 Float_t rBP=3; //Beam Pipe radius = 3cm
234 Float_t dBP=0.08/35.3; // 800 um of Be
235 Float_t dL1=0.01; //approx. 1% of radiation length
236 Float_t theta2BP=14.1*14.1/(beta2*p2*1e6)*TMath::Abs(dBP);
237 Float_t theta2L1=14.1*14.1/(beta2*p2*1e6)*TMath::Abs(dL1);
54f95b99 239 Int_t nEntriesMod[kNSPDMod];
240 TClonesArray* recpArr[kNSPDMod];
241 for(Int_t modul=0; modul<kNSPDMod; ++modul) {
242 if(!fUseModule[modul]) {
243 nEntriesMod[modul]=0;
244 recpArr[modul]=0;
245 } else {
246 recpArr[modul]=rpcont->UncheckedGetClusters(modul);
247 nEntriesMod[modul]=recpArr[modul]->GetEntriesFast();
248 }
249 }
27167524 251 Int_t maxdim=TMath::Min(nrpL1*nrpL2,50000); // temporary; to limit the size in PbPb
f5f6da22 252 static TClonesArray points("AliITSZPoint",maxdim);
7299b7a8 253 Int_t nopoints =0;
27167524 254 for(Int_t modul1= fFirstL1; modul1<=fLastL1;modul1++){ // Loop on modules of layer 1
8c42830a 255 if(!fUseModule[modul1]) continue;
27167524 256 UShort_t ladder=int(modul1/4)+1; // ladders are numbered starting from 1
54f95b99 257 TClonesArray *prpl1=recpArr[modul1]; //rpcont->UncheckedGetClusters(modul1);
258 Int_t nrecp1 = nEntriesMod[modul1]; //prpl1->GetEntries();
27167524 259 for(Int_t j1=0;j1<nrecp1;j1++){
54f95b99 260 AliITSRecPoint *recp1 = (AliITSRecPoint*)prpl1->At(j1);
261 recp1->GetGlobalXYZ(gc1);
308c2f7c 262 gc1[0]-=GetNominalPos()[0]; // Possible beam offset in the bending plane
263 gc1[1]-=GetNominalPos()[1]; // " "
27167524 264 Float_t phi1 = TMath::ATan2(gc1[1],gc1[0]);
54f95b99 265 if(phi1<0)phi1+=TMath::TwoPi();
27167524 266 for(Int_t ladl2=0 ; ladl2<fLadOnLay2*2+1;ladl2++){
267 for(Int_t k=0;k<4;k++){
268 Int_t ladmod=fLadders[ladder-1]+ladl2;
32e63e47 269 if(ladmod>AliITSgeomTGeo::GetNLadders(2)) ladmod=ladmod-AliITSgeomTGeo::GetNLadders(2);
270 Int_t modul2=AliITSgeomTGeo::GetModuleIndex(2,ladmod,k+1);
8c42830a 271 if(!fUseModule[modul2]) continue;
54f95b99 272 itsRec=recpArr[modul2]; // rpcont->UncheckedGetClusters(modul2);
273 Int_t nrecp2 = nEntriesMod[modul2]; // itsRec->GetEntries();
27167524 274 for(Int_t j2=0;j2<nrecp2;j2++){
54f95b99 275 AliITSRecPoint *recp2 = (AliITSRecPoint*)itsRec->At(j2);
276 recp2->GetGlobalXYZ(gc2);
308c2f7c 277 gc2[0]-=GetNominalPos()[0];
278 gc2[1]-=GetNominalPos()[1];
27167524 279 Float_t phi2 = TMath::ATan2(gc2[1],gc2[0]);
54f95b99 280 if(phi2<0)phi2+=TMath::TwoPi();
27167524 281
282 Float_t diff = TMath::Abs(phi2-phi1);
54f95b99 283 if(diff>TMath::Pi())diff=TMath::TwoPi()-diff;
27167524 284 if(diff<fDiffPhiMax){
54f95b99 285 Float_t r1=TMath::Sqrt(gc1[0]*gc1[0]+gc1[1]*gc1[1]);
286 Float_t zc1=gc1[2];
287 Float_t erz1=recp1->GetSigmaZ2();
288 Float_t r2=TMath::Sqrt(gc2[0]*gc2[0]+gc2[1]*gc2[1]);
289 Float_t zc2=gc2[2];
290 Float_t erz2=recp2->GetSigmaZ2();
27167524 291 // Float_t tgth=(zc2[j]-zc1[i])/(r2-r1); // slope (used for multiple scattering)
292 Float_t zr0=(r2*zc1-r1*zc2)/(r2-r1); //Z @ null radius
54f95b99 293 Float_t ezr0q=(r2*r2*erz1+r1*r1*erz2)/((r2-r1)*(r2-r1)); //error on Z @ null radius
294 /*
295 // Multiple scattering
296 ezr0q+=r1*r1*(1+tgth*tgth)*theta2L1/2; // multiple scattering in layer 1
297 ezr0q+=rBP*rBP*(1+tgth*tgth)*theta2BP/2; // multiple scattering in beam pipe
298 */
f5f6da22 299 if(nopoints<maxdim) new(points[nopoints++])AliITSZPoint(zr0,ezr0q);
27167524 300 fZCombc->Fill(zr0);
301 }
302 }
27167524 303 }
0c6af5c9 304 }
305 }
306 }
7299b7a8 307
f5f6da22 308 points.Sort();
7299b7a8 309
6fd990e3 310 Double_t contents = fZCombc->GetEntries()- fZCombc->GetBinContent(0)-fZCombc->GetBinContent(nbincoarse+1);
311 if(contents<1.){
312 // Warning("FindVertexForCurrentEvent","Insufficient number of rec. points\n");
0c6af5c9 313 ResetHistograms();
5279841d 314 fCurrentVertex = new AliESDVertex(startPos,startCov,99999.,-1);
f5f6da22 315 points.Clear();
6fd990e3 316 return;
0c6af5c9 317 }
ecc64c3f 318
319 TH1F *hc = fZCombc;
ecc64c3f 320
ecc64c3f 321
8c42830a 322 if(hc->GetBinContent(hc->GetMaximumBin())<3)hc->Rebin(4);
debb3dde 323 Int_t binmin,binmax;
324 Int_t nPeaks=GetPeakRegion(hc,binmin,binmax);
4be14da5 325 if(nPeaks==2)AliDebug(2,"2 peaks found");
7299b7a8 326 Float_t zm =0.;
327 Float_t ezm =0.;
328 Float_t lim1 = hc->GetBinLowEdge(binmin);
329 Float_t lim2 = hc->GetBinLowEdge(binmax)+hc->GetBinWidth(binmax);
4be14da5 330 Float_t widthSR=lim2-lim1;
7299b7a8 331
332 if(nPeaks ==1 && (lim2-lim1)<fWindowWidth){
333 Float_t c=(lim1+lim2)/2.;
334 lim1=c-fWindowWidth/2.;
335 lim2=c+fWindowWidth/2.;
ecc64c3f 336 }
7299b7a8 337 Int_t niter = 0, ncontr=0;
338 do {
339 // symmetrization
340 if(zm !=0.){
341 Float_t semilarg=TMath::Min((lim2-zm),(zm-lim1));
342 lim1=zm - semilarg;
343 lim2=zm + semilarg;
0c6af5c9 344 }
7299b7a8 345
346 zm=0.;
347 ezm=0.;
348 ncontr=0;
f5f6da22 349 for(Int_t i =0; i<points.GetEntries(); i++){
350 AliITSZPoint* p=(AliITSZPoint*)points.UncheckedAt(i);
7299b7a8 351 if(p->GetZ()>lim1 && p->GetZ()<lim2){
352 Float_t deno = p->GetErrZ();
353 zm+=p->GetZ()/deno;
354 ezm+=1./deno;
355 ncontr++;
ecc64c3f 356 }
357 }
2b8b4286 358 if(ezm>0) {
359 zm/=ezm;
360 ezm=TMath::Sqrt(1./ezm);
361 }
7299b7a8 362 niter++;
363 } while(niter<10 && TMath::Abs((zm-lim1)-(lim2-zm))>fTolerance);
4be14da5 364 if(nPeaks==2) ezm=widthSR;
5279841d 365 Double_t position[3]={GetNominalPos()[0],GetNominalPos()[1],zm};
366 Double_t covmatrix[6]={GetNominalCov()[0],0.,GetNominalCov()[2],0.,0.,ezm};
367 fCurrentVertex = new AliESDVertex(position,covmatrix,99999.,ncontr);
12e3ead8 368 fCurrentVertex->SetTitle("vertexer: Z");
bf2e0ad4 369 fCurrentVertex->SetDispersion(fDiffPhiMax);
6b4d9537 370 fNoVertices=1;
f5f6da22 371 points.Clear();
8c32ba44 372 if(ncontr>fMinTrackletsForPilup){
373 Float_t secPeakPos;
374 Int_t ncontr2=FindSecondPeak(fZCombc,binmin,binmax,secPeakPos);
375 if(ncontr2>=fMinTrackletsForPilup){
376 fIsPileup=kTRUE;
6b4d9537 377 fNoVertices=2;
8c32ba44 378 fZpuv=secPeakPos;
379 fNTrpuv=ncontr2;
6b4d9537 380 AliESDVertex secondVert(secPeakPos,0.1,ncontr2);
381 fVertArray = new AliESDVertex[2];
382 fVertArray[0]=(*fCurrentVertex);
383 fVertArray[1]=secondVert;
8c32ba44 384 }
2c3a7cd0 385 }
6b4d9537 386 if(fNoVertices==1){
387 fVertArray = new AliESDVertex[1];
388 fVertArray[0]=(*fCurrentVertex);
389 }
0c6af5c9 391 ResetHistograms();
6fd990e3 392 return;
0c6af5c9 393}
8c32ba44 395//_____________________________________________________________________
396Int_t AliITSVertexerZ::FindSecondPeak(TH1F* h, Int_t binmin,Int_t binmax, Float_t& secPeakPos){
397 for(Int_t i=binmin-1;i<=binmax+1;i++){
398 h->SetBinContent(i,0.);
399 }
400 Int_t secPeakBin=h->GetMaximumBin();
401 secPeakPos=h->GetBinCenter(secPeakBin);
70a3283c 402 Int_t secPeakCont=(Int_t)h->GetBinContent(secPeakBin);
403 secPeakCont+=(Int_t)h->GetBinContent(secPeakBin-1);
404 secPeakCont+=(Int_t)h->GetBinContent(secPeakBin+1);
405 secPeakCont+=(Int_t)h->GetBinContent(secPeakBin-2);
406 secPeakCont+=(Int_t)h->GetBinContent(secPeakBin+2);
8c32ba44 407 return secPeakCont;
0c6af5c9 410//_____________________________________________________________________
411void AliITSVertexerZ::ResetHistograms(){
412 // delete TH1 data members
413 if(fZCombc)delete fZCombc;
0c6af5c9 414 fZCombc = 0;
0c6af5c9 415}
0c6af5c9 417//________________________________________________________
418void AliITSVertexerZ::PrintStatus() const {
419 // Print current status
420 cout <<"=======================================================\n";
421 cout <<" First layer first and last modules: "<<fFirstL1<<", ";
422 cout <<fLastL1<<endl;
423 cout <<" Second layer first and last modules: "<<fFirstL2<<", ";
424 cout <<fLastL2<<endl;
425 cout <<" Max Phi difference: "<<fDiffPhiMax<<endl;
426 cout <<"Limits for Z histograms: "<<fLowLim<<"; "<<fHighLim<<endl;
7299b7a8 427 cout <<"Bin sizes for coarse z histos "<<fStepCoarse<<endl;
0c6af5c9 428 cout <<" Current Z "<<fZFound<<"; Z sig "<<fZsig<<endl;
ecc64c3f 429 if(fZCombc){
430 cout<<"fZCombc exists - entries="<<fZCombc->GetEntries()<<endl;
431 }
432 else{
433 cout<<"fZCombc does not exist\n";
434 }
0c6af5c9 435
436 cout <<"=======================================================\n";