]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/AliITSVertexerZ.cxx
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSVertexerZ.cxx
0c6af5c9 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-2003, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
d531b7a1 15#include "AliITSVertexerZ.h"
0c6af5c9 16#include<TBranch.h>
7299b7a8 17#include<TClonesArray.h>
0c6af5c9 19#include<TH1.h>
d531b7a1 20#include <TString.h>
0c6af5c9 21#include<TTree.h>
d531b7a1 22#include "AliITSLoader.h"
23#include "AliITSgeom.h"
7d62fb64 24#include "AliITSDetTypeRec.h"
d531b7a1 25#include "AliITSRecPoint.h"
7299b7a8 26#include "AliITSZPoint.h"
27#include "AliHeader.h"
28#include "AliGenEventHeader.h"
0c6af5c9 29
31// this class implements a fast method to determine
32// the Z coordinate of the primary vertex
33// for p-p collisions it seems to give comparable or better results
34// with respect to what obtained with AliITSVertexerPPZ
35// It can be used successfully with Pb-Pb collisions
8221b41b 43AliITSVertexerZ::AliITSVertexerZ():AliITSVertexer(),
8221b41b 49fZFound(0),
8221b41b 52fLowLim(0.),
8221b41b 55fTolerance(0.),
7299b7a8 56fMaxIter(0),
57fWindowWidth(0) {
0c6af5c9 58 // Default constructor
7299b7a8 59 SetDiffPhiMax();
60 SetFirstLayerModules();
61 SetSecondLayerModules();
62 SetLowLimit();
63 SetHighLimit();
64 SetBinWidthCoarse();
65 SetTolerance();
66 SetPPsetting();
6fd990e3 67 ConfigIterations();
7299b7a8 68 SetWindowWidth();
0c6af5c9 69}
8221b41b 72AliITSVertexerZ::AliITSVertexerZ(TString fn, Float_t x0, Float_t y0):AliITSVertexer(fn),
8221b41b 78fZFound(0),
8221b41b 81fLowLim(0.),
8221b41b 84fTolerance(0.),
7299b7a8 85fMaxIter(0),
86fWindowWidth(0) {
0c6af5c9 87 // Standard Constructor
88 SetDiffPhiMax();
0c6af5c9 89 SetFirstLayerModules();
90 SetSecondLayerModules();
0c6af5c9 91 SetLowLimit();
92 SetHighLimit();
93 SetBinWidthCoarse();
0c6af5c9 94 SetTolerance();
ecc64c3f 95 SetPPsetting();
6fd990e3 96 ConfigIterations();
7299b7a8 97 SetWindowWidth();
0c6af5c9 98
8221b41b 102AliITSVertexerZ::AliITSVertexerZ(const AliITSVertexerZ &vtxr) : AliITSVertexer(vtxr),
8221b41b 108fZFound(vtxr.fZFound),
8221b41b 111fLowLim(vtxr.fLowLim),
8221b41b 114fTolerance(vtxr.fTolerance),
7299b7a8 115fMaxIter(vtxr.fMaxIter),
0c6af5c9 117 // Copy constructor
8221b41b 118
0c6af5c9 119}
8221b41b 122AliITSVertexerZ& AliITSVertexerZ::operator=(const AliITSVertexerZ& vtxr ){
0c6af5c9 123 // Assignment operator
8221b41b 124
125 this->~AliITSVertexerZ();
126 new(this) AliITSVertexerZ(vtxr);
0c6af5c9 127 return *this;
0c6af5c9 130//______________________________________________________________________
131AliITSVertexerZ::~AliITSVertexerZ() {
ecc64c3f 132 // Destructor
133 delete fZCombc;
0c6af5c9 134}
6fd990e3 136//______________________________________________________________________
137void AliITSVertexerZ::ConfigIterations(Int_t noiter,Float_t *ptr){
138 // configure the iterative procedure to gain efficiency for
139 // pp events with very low multiplicity
140 Float_t defaults[5]={0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5};
141 fMaxIter=noiter;
142 if(noiter>5){
143 Error("ConfigIterations","Maximum number of iterations is 5\n");
144 fMaxIter=5;
145 }
146 for(Int_t j=0;j<5;j++)fPhiDiffIter[j]=defaults[j];
147 if(ptr)for(Int_t j=0;j<fMaxIter;j++)fPhiDiffIter[j]=ptr[j];
debb3dde 150//______________________________________________________________________
151Int_t AliITSVertexerZ::GetPeakRegion(TH1F*h, Int_t &binmin, Int_t &binmax) const {
152 // Finds a region around a peak in the Z histogram
153 // Case of 2 peaks is treated
154 Int_t imax=h->GetNbinsX();
155 Float_t maxval=0;
156 Int_t bi1=h->GetMaximumBin();
157 Int_t bi2=0;
158 for(Int_t i=imax;i>=1;i--){
159 if(h->GetBinContent(i)>maxval){
160 maxval=h->GetBinContent(i);
161 bi2=i;
162 }
163 }
164 Int_t npeaks=0;
166 if(bi1==bi2){
167 binmin=bi1-3;
168 binmax=bi1+3;
169 npeaks=1;
170 }else{
171 TH1F *copy = new TH1F(*h);
172 copy->SetBinContent(bi1,0.);
173 copy->SetBinContent(bi2,0.);
174 Int_t l1=TMath::Max(bi1-3,1);
175 Int_t l2=TMath::Min(bi1+3,h->GetNbinsX());
176 Float_t cont1=copy->Integral(l1,l2);
177 Int_t ll1=TMath::Max(bi2-3,1);
178 Int_t ll2=TMath::Min(bi2+3,h->GetNbinsX());
179 Float_t cont2=copy->Integral(ll1,ll2);
180 if(cont1>cont2){
181 binmin=l1;
182 binmax=l2;
183 npeaks=1;
184 }
185 if(cont2>cont1){
186 binmin=ll1;
187 binmax=ll2;
188 npeaks=1;
189 }
190 if(cont1==cont2){
191 binmin=l1;
192 binmax=ll2;
193 if(bi2-bi1==1) npeaks=1;
194 else npeaks=2;
195 }
196 delete copy;
197 }
198 return npeaks;
0c6af5c9 200//______________________________________________________________________
d681bb2d 201AliESDVertex* AliITSVertexerZ::FindVertexForCurrentEvent(Int_t evnumber){
202 // Defines the AliESDVertex for the current event
6fd990e3 203 VertexZFinder(evnumber);
204 Int_t ntrackl=0;
205 for(Int_t iteraz=0;iteraz<fMaxIter;iteraz++){
206 if(fCurrentVertex) ntrackl=fCurrentVertex->GetNContributors();
207 if(!fCurrentVertex || ntrackl==0 || ntrackl==-1){
208 Float_t diffPhiMaxOrig=fDiffPhiMax;
209 fDiffPhiMax=GetPhiMaxIter(iteraz);
210 VertexZFinder(evnumber);
211 fDiffPhiMax=diffPhiMaxOrig;
212 }
213 }
32e449be 214 FindMultiplicity(evnumber);
6fd990e3 215 return fCurrentVertex;
32e449be 218
6fd990e3 221//______________________________________________________________________
222void AliITSVertexerZ::VertexZFinder(Int_t evnumber){
223 // Defines the AliESDVertex for the current event
0c6af5c9 224 fCurrentVertex = 0;
225 AliRunLoader *rl =AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader();
7d62fb64 226 AliITSLoader* itsLoader = (AliITSLoader*)rl->GetLoader("ITSLoader");
32e449be 227 AliITSgeom* geom = itsLoader->GetITSgeom();
2257f27e 228 itsLoader->LoadRecPoints();
0c6af5c9 229 rl->GetEvent(evnumber);
7d62fb64 231 AliITSDetTypeRec detTypeRec;
0c6af5c9 232
233 TTree *tR = itsLoader->TreeR();
7d62fb64 234 detTypeRec.SetTreeAddressR(tR);
0c6af5c9 235 TClonesArray *itsRec = 0;
ecc64c3f 236 // lc and gc are local and global coordinates for layer 1
0c6af5c9 237 Float_t lc[3]; for(Int_t ii=0; ii<3; ii++) lc[ii]=0.;
238 Float_t gc[3]; for(Int_t ii=0; ii<3; ii++) gc[ii]=0.;
ecc64c3f 239 // lc2 and gc2 are local and global coordinates for layer 2
0c6af5c9 240 Float_t lc2[3]; for(Int_t ii=0; ii<3; ii++) lc2[ii]=0.;
241 Float_t gc2[3]; for(Int_t ii=0; ii<3; ii++) gc2[ii]=0.;
7d62fb64 243 itsRec = detTypeRec.RecPoints();
2257f27e 244 TBranch *branch;
00a7cc50 245 branch = tR->GetBranch("ITSRecPoints");
0c6af5c9 246
0c6af5c9 247 Int_t nrpL1 = 0;
248 Int_t nrpL2 = 0;
ecc64c3f 249 // By default fFirstL1=0 and fLastL1=79
250 // This loop counts the number of recpoints on layer1 (central modules)
0c6af5c9 251 for(Int_t module= fFirstL1; module<=fLastL1;module++){
ecc64c3f 252 // Keep only central modules
7299b7a8 253 // if(module%4==0 || module%4==3)continue;
ecc64c3f 254 // cout<<"Procesing module "<<module<<" ";
0c6af5c9 255 branch->GetEvent(module);
ecc64c3f 256 // cout<<"Number of clusters "<<clusters->GetEntries()<<endl;
0c6af5c9 257 nrpL1+= itsRec->GetEntries();
7d62fb64 258 detTypeRec.ResetRecPoints();
0c6af5c9 259 }
ecc64c3f 260 //By default fFirstL2=80 and fLastL2=239
261 //This loop counts the number of RP on layer 2
0c6af5c9 262 for(Int_t module= fFirstL2; module<=fLastL2;module++){
263 branch->GetEvent(module);
264 nrpL2+= itsRec->GetEntries();
7d62fb64 265 detTypeRec.ResetRecPoints();
0c6af5c9 266 }
0c6af5c9 267 if(nrpL1 == 0 || nrpL2 == 0){
0c6af5c9 268 ResetHistograms();
6fd990e3 269 itsLoader->UnloadRecPoints();
270 fCurrentVertex = new AliESDVertex(0.,5.3,-2);
271 return;
0c6af5c9 272 }
ecc64c3f 273 // The vertex finding is attempted only if the number of RP is !=0 on
274 // both layers
275 Float_t *xc1 = new Float_t [nrpL1]; // coordinates of the L1 Recpoints
0c6af5c9 276 Float_t *yc1 = new Float_t [nrpL1];
277 Float_t *zc1 = new Float_t [nrpL1];
278 Float_t *phi1 = new Float_t [nrpL1];
7299b7a8 279 Float_t *err1 = new Float_t [nrpL1];
ecc64c3f 280 Float_t *xc2 = new Float_t [nrpL2]; // coordinates of the L1 Recpoints
0c6af5c9 281 Float_t *yc2 = new Float_t [nrpL2];
282 Float_t *zc2 = new Float_t [nrpL2];
283 Float_t *phi2 = new Float_t [nrpL2];
7299b7a8 284 Float_t *err2 = new Float_t [nrpL2];
ecc64c3f 285 Int_t ind = 0;// running index for RP
286 // Force a coarse bin size of 200 microns if the number of clusters on layer 2
287 // is low
288 if(nrpL2<fPPsetting[0])SetBinWidthCoarse(fPPsetting[1]);
ecc64c3f 289 // By default nbincoarse=(10+10)/0.01=2000
290 Int_t nbincoarse = static_cast<Int_t>((fHighLim-fLowLim)/fStepCoarse);
ecc64c3f 291 if(fZCombc)delete fZCombc;
292 fZCombc = new TH1F("fZCombc","Z",nbincoarse,fLowLim,fLowLim+nbincoarse*fStepCoarse);
7299b7a8 293
294 // Loop on modules of layer 1
0c6af5c9 296 for(Int_t module= fFirstL1; module<=fLastL1;module++){
7299b7a8 297 // if(module%4==0 || module%4==3)continue;
0c6af5c9 298 branch->GetEvent(module);
299 Int_t nrecp1 = itsRec->GetEntries();
300 for(Int_t j=0;j<nrecp1;j++){
301 AliITSRecPoint *recp = (AliITSRecPoint*)itsRec->At(j);
ecc64c3f 302 // Local coordinates of this recpoint
00a7cc50 303 lc[0]=recp->GetDetLocalX();
304 lc[2]=recp->GetDetLocalZ();
0c6af5c9 305 geom->LtoG(module,lc,gc);
ecc64c3f 306 // Global coordinates of this recpoints
cd706e57 307 gc[0]-=fNominalPos[0]; // Possible beam offset in the bending plane
308 gc[1]-=fNominalPos[1]; // " "
0c6af5c9 309 xc1[ind]=gc[0];
310 yc1[ind]=gc[1];
311 zc1[ind]=gc[2];
ecc64c3f 312 // azimuthal angle is computed in the interval 0 --> 2*pi
0c6af5c9 313 phi1[ind] = TMath::ATan2(gc[1],gc[0]);
314 if(phi1[ind]<0)phi1[ind]=2*TMath::Pi()+phi1[ind];
7299b7a8 315 err1[ind]=recp->GetSigmaZ2();
0c6af5c9 316 ind++;
317 }
7d62fb64 318 detTypeRec.ResetRecPoints();
0c6af5c9 319 }
ecc64c3f 320 ind = 0; // the running index is reset for Layer 2
0c6af5c9 321 for(Int_t module= fFirstL2; module<=fLastL2;module++){
322 branch->GetEvent(module);
323 Int_t nrecp2 = itsRec->GetEntries();
324 for(Int_t j=0;j<nrecp2;j++){
325 AliITSRecPoint *recp = (AliITSRecPoint*)itsRec->At(j);
00a7cc50 326 lc[0]=recp->GetDetLocalX();
327 lc[2]=recp->GetDetLocalZ();
0c6af5c9 328 geom->LtoG(module,lc,gc);
cd706e57 329 gc[0]-=fNominalPos[0];
330 gc[1]-=fNominalPos[1];
0c6af5c9 331 xc2[ind]=gc[0];
332 yc2[ind]=gc[1];
333 zc2[ind]=gc[2];
334 phi2[ind] = TMath::ATan2(gc[1],gc[0]);
335 if(phi2[ind]<0)phi2[ind]=2*TMath::Pi()+phi2[ind];
7299b7a8 336 err2[ind]=recp->GetSigmaZ2();
0c6af5c9 337 ind++;
338 }
7d62fb64 339 detTypeRec.ResetRecPoints();
0c6af5c9 340 }
32e449be 341
7299b7a8 342/* Test the ffect of mutiple scatternig on error. Negligible
343 // Multiple scattering
344 Float_t beta=1.,pmed=0.875; //pmed=875 MeV (for tracks with dphi<0.01 rad)
345 Float_t beta2=beta*beta;
346 Float_t p2=pmed*pmed;
347 Float_t rBP=3; //Beam Pipe radius = 3cm
348 Float_t dBP=0.08/35.3; // 800 um of Be
349 Float_t dL1=0.01; //approx. 1% of radiation length
350 Float_t theta2BP=14.1*14.1/(beta2*p2*1e6)*TMath::Abs(dBP);
351 Float_t theta2L1=14.1*14.1/(beta2*p2*1e6)*TMath::Abs(dL1);
353 TClonesArray *points = new TClonesArray("AliITSZPoint",nrpL1*nrpL2);
354 TClonesArray &pts = *points;
355 Int_t nopoints =0;
ecc64c3f 356 for(Int_t i=0;i<nrpL1;i++){ // loop on L1 RP
357 Float_t r1=TMath::Sqrt(xc1[i]*xc1[i]+yc1[i]*yc1[i]); // radius L1 RP
358 for(Int_t j=0;j<nrpL2;j++){ // loop on L2 RP
359 Float_t diff = TMath::Abs(phi2[j]-phi1[i]); // diff in azimuth
360 if(diff>TMath::Pi())diff=2.*TMath::Pi()-diff; //diff<pi
361 if(diff<fDiffPhiMax){ // cut on 10 milliradians by def.
362 Float_t r2=TMath::Sqrt(xc2[j]*xc2[j]+yc2[j]*yc2[j]); // radius L2 RP
7299b7a8 363// Float_t tgth=(zc2[j]-zc1[i])/(r2-r1); // slope
ecc64c3f 364 Float_t zr0=(r2*zc1[i]-r1*zc2[j])/(r2-r1); //Z @ null radius
7299b7a8 365 Float_t ezr0q=(r2*r2*err1[i]+r1*r1*err2[j])/(r2-r1)/(r2-r1); //error on Z @ null radius
366 /*
367 ezr0q+=r1*r1*(1+tgth*tgth)*theta2L1/2; // multiple scattering in layer 1
368 ezr0q+=rBP*rBP*(1+tgth*tgth)*theta2BP/2; // multiple scattering in beam pipe
369 */
370 new(pts[nopoints++])AliITSZPoint(zr0,ezr0q);
0c6af5c9 372 fZCombc->Fill(zr0);
373 }
374 }
375 }
376 delete [] xc1;
377 delete [] yc1;
378 delete [] zc1;
379 delete [] phi1;
7299b7a8 380 delete [] err1;
0c6af5c9 381 delete [] xc2;
382 delete [] yc2;
383 delete [] zc2;
384 delete [] phi2;
7299b7a8 385 delete [] err2;
387 points->Sort();
6fd990e3 389 Double_t contents = fZCombc->GetEntries()- fZCombc->GetBinContent(0)-fZCombc->GetBinContent(nbincoarse+1);
390 if(contents<1.){
391 // Warning("FindVertexForCurrentEvent","Insufficient number of rec. points\n");
0c6af5c9 392 ResetHistograms();
6fd990e3 393 itsLoader->UnloadRecPoints();
394 fCurrentVertex = new AliESDVertex(0.,5.3,-1);
395 return;
0c6af5c9 396 }
ecc64c3f 397
398 TH1F *hc = fZCombc;
ecc64c3f 399
ecc64c3f 400
7299b7a8 401 if(hc->GetBinContent(hc->GetMaximumBin())<3)hc->Rebin(3);
debb3dde 402 Int_t binmin,binmax;
403 Int_t nPeaks=GetPeakRegion(hc,binmin,binmax);
404 if(nPeaks==2)AliWarning("2 peaks found");
7299b7a8 405 Float_t zm =0.;
406 Float_t ezm =0.;
407 Float_t lim1 = hc->GetBinLowEdge(binmin);
408 Float_t lim2 = hc->GetBinLowEdge(binmax)+hc->GetBinWidth(binmax);
410 if(nPeaks ==1 && (lim2-lim1)<fWindowWidth){
411 Float_t c=(lim1+lim2)/2.;
412 lim1=c-fWindowWidth/2.;
413 lim2=c+fWindowWidth/2.;
ecc64c3f 414 }
7299b7a8 415 Int_t niter = 0, ncontr=0;
416 do {
417 // symmetrization
418 if(zm !=0.){
419 Float_t semilarg=TMath::Min((lim2-zm),(zm-lim1));
420 lim1=zm - semilarg;
421 lim2=zm + semilarg;
0c6af5c9 422 }
7299b7a8 423
424 zm=0.;
425 ezm=0.;
426 ncontr=0;
427 for(Int_t i =0; i<points->GetEntriesFast(); i++){
428 AliITSZPoint* p=(AliITSZPoint*)points->UncheckedAt(i);
429 if(p->GetZ()>lim1 && p->GetZ()<lim2){
430 Float_t deno = p->GetErrZ();
431 zm+=p->GetZ()/deno;
432 ezm+=1./deno;
433 ncontr++;
ecc64c3f 434 }
435 }
7299b7a8 436 zm/=ezm;
437 ezm=TMath::Sqrt(1./ezm);
438 niter++;
439 } while(niter<10 && TMath::Abs((zm-lim1)-(lim2-zm))>fTolerance);
440 fCurrentVertex = new AliESDVertex(zm,ezm,ncontr);
0c6af5c9 441 fCurrentVertex->SetTitle("vertexer: B");
442 ResetHistograms();
6fd990e3 443 itsLoader->UnloadRecPoints();
444 return;
0c6af5c9 445}
448void AliITSVertexerZ::ResetHistograms(){
449 // delete TH1 data members
450 if(fZCombc)delete fZCombc;
0c6af5c9 451 fZCombc = 0;
0c6af5c9 452}
455void AliITSVertexerZ::FindVertices(){
456 // computes the vertices of the events in the range FirstEvent - LastEvent
457 AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader();
458 AliITSLoader* itsLoader = (AliITSLoader*) rl->GetLoader("ITSLoader");
459 itsLoader->ReloadRecPoints();
460 for(Int_t i=fFirstEvent;i<=fLastEvent;i++){
6fd990e3 461 // cout<<"Processing event "<<i<<endl;
0c6af5c9 462 rl->GetEvent(i);
463 FindVertexForCurrentEvent(i);
464 if(fCurrentVertex){
465 WriteCurrentVertex();
466 }
0c6af5c9 467 }
471void AliITSVertexerZ::PrintStatus() const {
472 // Print current status
473 cout <<"=======================================================\n";
474 cout <<" First layer first and last modules: "<<fFirstL1<<", ";
475 cout <<fLastL1<<endl;
476 cout <<" Second layer first and last modules: "<<fFirstL2<<", ";
477 cout <<fLastL2<<endl;
478 cout <<" Max Phi difference: "<<fDiffPhiMax<<endl;
479 cout <<"Limits for Z histograms: "<<fLowLim<<"; "<<fHighLim<<endl;
7299b7a8 480 cout <<"Bin sizes for coarse z histos "<<fStepCoarse<<endl;
0c6af5c9 481 cout <<" Current Z "<<fZFound<<"; Z sig "<<fZsig<<endl;
0c6af5c9 482 cout <<"First event to be processed "<<fFirstEvent;
483 cout <<"\n Last event to be processed "<<fLastEvent<<endl;
ecc64c3f 484 if(fZCombc){
485 cout<<"fZCombc exists - entries="<<fZCombc->GetEntries()<<endl;
486 }
487 else{
488 cout<<"fZCombc does not exist\n";
489 }
0c6af5c9 490
491 cout <<"=======================================================\n";