]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/AliITSsimulationSSD.cxx
Added some comments, fixed up some coding violations and made some minor
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSsimulationSSD.cxx
57817f7c 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
15/* $Id$ */
b0f5e3fc 17#include <stdio.h>
8a00af9a 18#include <stdlib.h>
fd61217e 19#include <iostream.h>
57817f7c 20#include <iomanip.h>
b0f5e3fc 21#include <TObjArray.h>
1ca7869b 22#include <TRandom.h>
fd61217e 23#include <TMath.h>
b0f5e3fc 24
fd61217e 25#include "AliITSmodule.h"
57817f7c 26#include "AliITSMapA2.h"
9e8d6423 27#include "AliITSsegmentationSSD.h"
28#include "AliITSresponseSSD.h"
b0f5e3fc 29#include "AliITSdcsSSD.h"
30#include "AliITS.h"
31#include "AliRun.h"
0315d466 32#include "AliITSgeom.h"
57817f7c 33#include "AliITSsimulationSSD.h"
b0f5e3fc 34
fd61217e 36////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
37// Version: 0
38// Written by Enrico Fragiacomo
39// July 2000
41// AliITSsimulationSSD is the simulation of SSDs.
57817f7c 43//----------------------------------------------------------------------
45 //default Constructor
47 fDCS = 0;
48 fNstrips = GetSegmentation()->Npx();
49 fPitch = GetSegmentation()->Dpx(0);
50 fDifConst[0] = fDifConst[1] = 0.0;
51 fDriftVel[0] = fDriftVel[1] = 0.0;
52 fMapA2 = 0;
0315d466 54//----------------------------------------------------------------------
b0f5e3fc 55AliITSsimulationSSD::AliITSsimulationSSD(AliITSsegmentation *seg,
56 AliITSresponse *resp){
0315d466 57 // Constructor
b0f5e3fc 58
57817f7c 59 fSegmentation = seg;
60 fResponse = resp;
0315d466 61 Float_t noise[2] = {0.,0.};
62 fResponse->GetNoiseParam(noise[0],noise[1]); // retrieves noise parameters
57817f7c 63 fDCS = new AliITSdcsSSD(seg,resp);
65 fNstrips = GetSegmentation()->Npx();
66 fPitch = GetSegmentation()->Dpx(0);
67 SetDriftVelocity(); // use default values in .h file
68 SetIonizeE(); // use default values in .h file
69 SetDiffConst(); // use default values in .h file
70 fMapA2 = new AliITSMapA2(fSegmentation);
b0f5e3fc 71}
0315d466 72//______________________________________________________________________
57817f7c 73AliITSsimulationSSD& AliITSsimulationSSD::operator=(
74 const AliITSsimulationSSD &s){
0315d466 75 // Operator =
fd61217e 76
57817f7c 77 if(this==&s) return *this;
79 this->fDCS = new AliITSdcsSSD(*(s.fDCS));
80 this->fMapA2 = s.fMapA2;
81 this->fNstrips = s.fNstrips;
82 this->fPitch = s.fPitch;
83 this->fIonE = s.fIonE;
84 this->fDifConst[0] = s.fDifConst[0];
85 this->fDifConst[1] = s.fDifConst[1];
86 this->fDriftVel[0] = s.fDriftVel[0];
87 this->fDriftVel[1] = s.fDriftVel[1];
b0f5e3fc 88 return *this;
57817f7c 90//______________________________________________________________________
91AliITSsimulationSSD::AliITSsimulationSSD(const AliITSsimulationSSD &source){
0315d466 92 // copy constructor
fd61217e 93
0315d466 94 *this = source;
b0f5e3fc 95}
0315d466 96//______________________________________________________________________
b0f5e3fc 97AliITSsimulationSSD::~AliITSsimulationSSD() {
0315d466 98 // destructor
fd61217e 99 delete fMapA2;
b0f5e3fc 100 delete fDCS;
0315d466 101}
57817f7c 102//______________________________________________________________________
b0f5e3fc 103void AliITSsimulationSSD::DigitiseModule(AliITSmodule *mod,Int_t module,
104 Int_t dummy) {
0315d466 105 // Digitizes hits for one SSD module
107 Int_t lay, lad, detect;
108 AliITS *aliITS = (AliITS*)gAlice->GetModule("ITS");
109 AliITSgeom *geom = aliITS->GetITSgeom();
110 geom->GetModuleId(module,lay, lad, detect);
57817f7c 111 if ( lay == 6 ) GetSegmentation()->SetLayer(6);
112 if ( lay == 5 ) GetSegmentation()->SetLayer(5);
0315d466 113
114 TObjArray *hits = mod->GetHits();
57817f7c 115 Int_t nhits = hits->GetEntriesFast();
0315d466 116 if (!nhits) return;
fd61217e 117
0315d466 118 Double_t x0=0.0, y0=0.0, z0=0.0;
119 Double_t x1=0.0, y1=0.0, z1=0.0;
120 Double_t de=0.0;
57817f7c 121 Int_t maxNdigits = 2*fNstrips;
0315d466 122 Float_t **pList = new Float_t* [maxNdigits];
123 memset(pList,0,sizeof(Float_t*)*maxNdigits);
124 Int_t indexRange[4] = {0,0,0,0};
57817f7c 125 static Bool_t first = kTRUE;
126 Int_t lasttrack = -2;
127 Int_t idtrack = -2;
b0f5e3fc 128
0315d466 129 for(Int_t i=0; i<nhits; i++) {
130 // LineSegmentL returns 0 if the hit is entering
131 // If hits is exiting returns positions of entering and exiting hits
132 // Returns also energy loss
134 if (mod->LineSegmentL(i, x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1, de, idtrack)) {
135 HitToDigit(module, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, de, indexRange, first);
fd61217e 136
0315d466 137 if (lasttrack != idtrack || i==(nhits-1)) {
138 GetList(idtrack,pList,indexRange);
139 first=kTRUE;
140 } // end if
141 lasttrack=idtrack;
142 } // end if
143 } // end loop over hits
fd61217e 144
0315d466 145 ApplyNoise();
146 ApplyCoupling();
e8189707 147
0315d466 148 ChargeToSignal(pList);
b0f5e3fc 149
0315d466 150 fMapA2->ClearMap();
b0f5e3fc 151}
0315d466 152//----------------------------------------------------------------------
fd61217e 153void AliITSsimulationSSD::HitToDigit(Int_t module, Double_t x0, Double_t y0,
154 Double_t z0, Double_t x1, Double_t y1,
155 Double_t z1, Double_t de,
156 Int_t *indexRange, Bool_t first) {
0315d466 157 // Turns hits in SSD module into one or more digits.
159 Float_t tang[2] = {0.0,0.0};
57817f7c 160 GetSegmentation()->Angles(tang[0], tang[1]);//stereo<<->tan(stereo)~=stereo
0315d466 161 Double_t x, y, z;
162 Double_t dex=0.0, dey=0.0, dez=0.0;
57817f7c 163 Double_t pairs; // pair generation energy per step.
0315d466 164 Double_t sigma[2] = {0.,0.};// standard deviation of the diffusion gaussian
0315d466 165 Double_t tdrift[2] = {0.,0.}; // time of drift
0315d466 166 Double_t w;
167 Double_t inf[2], sup[2], par0[2];
57817f7c 168
0315d466 169 // Steps in the module are determined "manually" (i.e. No Geant)
170 // NumOfSteps divide path between entering and exiting hits in steps
171 Int_t numOfSteps = NumOfSteps(x1, y1, z1, dex, dey, dez);
fd61217e 172
0315d466 173 // Enery loss is equally distributed among steps
57817f7c 174 de = de/numOfSteps;
175 pairs = de/GetIonizeE(); // e-h pairs generated
0315d466 176
177 for(Int_t j=0; j<numOfSteps; j++) { // stepping
0315d466 178 x = x0 + (j+0.5)*dex;
179 y = y0 + (j+0.5)*dey;
57817f7c 180 if ( y > (GetSegmentation()->Dy()/2+10)*1.0E-4 ) {
0315d466 181 // check if particle is within the detector
182 cout<<"AliITSsimulationSSD::HitToDigit: Warning: hit "
183 "out of detector y0,y,dey,j ="
184 <<y0<<","<<y<<","<<dey<<","<<j<<endl;
185 return;
186 } // end if
187 z = z0 + (j+0.5)*dez;
189 // calculate drift time
190 // y is the minimum path
57817f7c 191 tdrift[0] = (y+(GetSegmentation()->Dy()*1.0E-4)/2)/GetDriftVelocity(0);
192 tdrift[1] = ((GetSegmentation()->Dy()*1.0E-4)/2-y)/GetDriftVelocity(1);
0315d466 193
194 for(Int_t k=0; k<2; k++) { // both sides remember: 0=Pside 1=Nside
196 tang[k]=TMath::Tan(tang[k]);
198 // w is the coord. perpendicular to the strips
199 if(k==0) {
57817f7c 200 w = (x+(GetSegmentation()->Dx()*1.0E-4)/2) -
201 (z+(GetSegmentation()->Dz()*1.0E-4)/2)*tang[k];
0315d466 202 }else{
57817f7c 203 w = (x+(GetSegmentation()->Dx()*1.0E-4)/2) +
204 (z-(GetSegmentation()->Dz()*1.0E-4)/2)*tang[k];
0315d466 205 } // end if
206 w = w / (fPitch*1.0E-4); // w is converted in units of pitch
208 if((w<(-0.5)) || (w>(fNstrips-0.5))) {
209 // this check rejects hits in regions not covered by strips
210 // 0.5 takes into account boundaries
211 if(k==0) cout<<"AliITSsimulationSSD::HitToDigit: "
212 "Warning: no strip in this region of P side"
213 <<endl;
214 else cout<<"AliITSsimulationSSD::HitToDigit: "
215 "Warning: no strip in this region of N side"<<endl;
216 return;
217 } // end if
219 // sigma is the standard deviation of the diffusion gaussian
0315d466 220 if(tdrift[k]<0) return;
57817f7c 221 sigma[k] = TMath::Sqrt(2*GetDiffConst(k)*tdrift[k]);
0315d466 222 sigma[k] = sigma[k] /(fPitch*1.0E-4); //units of Pitch
223 if(sigma[k]==0.0) {
224 cout<<"AliITSsimulationSSD::DigitiseModule: Error: sigma=0"
225 <<endl;
226 exit(0);
227 } // end if
229 par0[k] = pairs;
230 // we integrate the diffusion gaussian from -3sigma to 3sigma
231 inf[k] = w - 3*sigma[k]; // 3 sigma from the gaussian average
232 sup[k] = w + 3*sigma[k]; // 3 sigma from the gaussian average
233 // IntegrateGaussian does the actual
234 // integration of diffusion gaussian
235 IntegrateGaussian(k, par0[k], w, sigma[k], inf[k], sup[k],
236 indexRange, first);
237 } // end for loop over side (0=Pside, 1=Nside)
238 } // end stepping
239 //delete seg;
b0f5e3fc 240}
57817f7c 241//______________________________________________________________________
b0f5e3fc 242void AliITSsimulationSSD::ApplyNoise() {
0315d466 243 // Apply Noise.
fd61217e 244
57817f7c 245 Double_t signal;
246 Double_t noise[2] = {0.,0.};
247 Float_t a,b;
248 fResponse->GetNoiseParam(a,b); // retrieves noise parameters
249 noise[0] = (Double_t) a; noise[1] = (Double_t) b;
0315d466 250 for(Int_t k=0;k<2;k++){ // both sides (0=Pside, 1=Nside)
57817f7c 251 for(Int_t ix=0;ix<fNstrips;ix++){ // loop over strips
252 signal = fMapA2->GetSignal(k,ix); // retrieves signal from map
0315d466 253 signal += gRandom->Gaus(0,noise[k]);// add noise to signal
254 if(signal<0.) signal=0.0; // in case noise is negative...
57817f7c 255 fMapA2->SetHit(k,ix,signal); // give back signal to map
0315d466 256 } // loop over strip
257 } // loop over k (P or N side)
b0f5e3fc 258}
0315d466 259//______________________________________________________________________
b0f5e3fc 260void AliITSsimulationSSD::ApplyCoupling() {
0315d466 261 // Apply the effect of electronic coupling between channels
57817f7c 262 Double_t signalLeft=0, signalRight=0;
0315d466 263
264 for(Int_t ix=0;ix<fNstrips;ix++){
57817f7c 265 if(ix>0.)signalLeft = fMapA2->GetSignal(0,ix-1)*fDCS->GetCouplingPL();
0315d466 266 else signalLeft = 0.0;
57817f7c 267 if(ix<(fNstrips-1)) signalRight = fMapA2->GetSignal(0,ix+1)*
0315d466 268 fDCS->GetCouplingPR();
269 else signalRight = 0.0;
57817f7c 270 fMapA2->AddSignal(0,ix,signalLeft + signalRight);
fd61217e 271
57817f7c 272 if(ix>0.) signalLeft = fMapA2->GetSignal(1,ix-1)*fDCS->GetCouplingNL();
0315d466 273 else signalLeft = 0.0;
57817f7c 274 if(ix<(fNstrips-1)) signalRight = fMapA2->GetSignal(1,ix+1)*
0315d466 275 fDCS->GetCouplingNR();
276 else signalRight = 0.0;
57817f7c 277 fMapA2->AddSignal(1,ix,signalLeft + signalRight);
0315d466 278 } // loop over strips
b0f5e3fc 279}
0315d466 280//______________________________________________________________________
fd61217e 281Float_t AliITSsimulationSSD::F(Float_t av, Float_t x, Float_t s) {
0315d466 282 // Computes the integral of a gaussian using Error Function
283 Float_t sqrt2 = TMath::Sqrt(2.0);
284 Float_t sigm2 = sqrt2*s;
285 Float_t integral;
fd61217e 286
0315d466 287 integral = 0.5 * TMath::Erf( (x - av) / sigm2);
288 return integral;
fd61217e 291void AliITSsimulationSSD::IntegrateGaussian(Int_t k,Double_t par, Double_t w,
292 Double_t sigma,
293 Double_t inf, Double_t sup,
294 Int_t *indexRange, Bool_t first) {
0315d466 295 // integrate the diffusion gaussian
296 // remind: inf and sup are w-3sigma and w+3sigma
297 // we could define them here instead of passing them
298 // this way we are free to introduce asimmetry
300 Double_t a=0.0, b=0.0;
57817f7c 301 Double_t dXCharge1 = 0.0, dXCharge2 = 0.0;
0315d466 302 // dXCharge1 and 2 are the charge to two neighbouring strips
303 // Watch that we only involve at least two strips
304 // Numbers greater than 2 of strips in a cluster depend on
305 // geometry of the track and delta rays, not charge diffusion!
fd61217e 306
0315d466 307 Double_t strip = TMath::Floor(w); // clostest strip on the left
309 if ( TMath::Abs((strip - w)) < 0.5) {
310 // gaussian mean is closer to strip on the left
311 a = inf; // integration starting point
312 if((strip+0.5)<=sup) {
313 // this means that the tail of the gaussian goes beyond
314 // the middle point between strips ---> part of the signal
315 // is given to the strip on the right
316 b = strip + 0.5; // integration stopping point
317 dXCharge1 = F( w, b, sigma) - F(w, a, sigma);
318 dXCharge2 = F( w, sup, sigma) - F(w ,b, sigma);
319 }else {
320 // this means that all the charge is given to the strip on the left
321 b = sup;
322 dXCharge1 = 0.9973; // gaussian integral at 3 sigmas
323 dXCharge2 = 0.0;
324 } // end if
326 dXCharge1 = par * dXCharge1;// normalize by mean of number of carriers
327 dXCharge2 = par * dXCharge2;
329 // for the time being, signal is the charge
330 // in ChargeToSignal signal is converted in ADC channel
57817f7c 331 fMapA2->AddSignal(k,strip,dXCharge1);
0315d466 332 if(((Int_t) strip) < (fNstrips-1)) {
333 // strip doesn't have to be the last (remind: last=fNstrips-1)
334 // otherwise part of the charge is lost
57817f7c 335 fMapA2->AddSignal(k,(strip+1),dXCharge2);
0315d466 336 } // end if
fd61217e 337
0315d466 338 if(dXCharge1 > 1.) {
339 if (first) {
57817f7c 340 indexRange[k*2+0] = indexRange[k*2+1]=(Int_t) strip;
0315d466 341 first=kFALSE;
342 } // end if first
344 indexRange[k*2+0]=TMath::Min(indexRange[k*2+0],(Int_t) strip);
345 indexRange[k*2+1]=TMath::Max(indexRange[k*2+1],(Int_t) strip);
346 } // dXCharge > 1 e-
348 }else{
349 // gaussian mean is closer to strip on the right
350 strip++; // move to strip on the rigth
351 b = sup; // now you know where to stop integrating
352 if((strip-0.5)>=inf) {
353 // tail of diffusion gaussian on the left goes left of
354 // middle point between strips
355 a = strip - 0.5; // integration starting point
356 dXCharge1 = F(w, b, sigma) - F(w, a, sigma);
357 dXCharge2 = F(w, a, sigma) - F(w, inf, sigma);
358 }else {
359 a = inf;
360 dXCharge1 = 0.9973; // gaussian integral at 3 sigmas
361 dXCharge2 = 0.0;
362 } // end if
fd61217e 363
0315d466 364 dXCharge1 = par * dXCharge1; // normalize by means of carriers
365 dXCharge2 = par * dXCharge2;
367 // for the time being, signal is the charge
368 // in ChargeToSignal signal is converted in ADC channel
57817f7c 369 fMapA2->AddSignal(k,strip,dXCharge1);
0315d466 370 if(((Int_t) strip) > 0) {
371 // strip doesn't have to be the first
372 // otherwise part of the charge is lost
57817f7c 373 fMapA2->AddSignal(k,(strip-1),dXCharge2);
0315d466 374 } // end if
fd61217e 375
0315d466 376 if(dXCharge1 > 1.) {
377 if (first) {
378 indexRange[k*2+0]=indexRange[k*2+1]=(Int_t) strip;
379 first=kFALSE;
380 } // end if first
382 indexRange[k*2+0]=TMath::Min(indexRange[k*2+0],(Int_t) strip);
383 indexRange[k*2+1]=TMath::Max(indexRange[k*2+1],(Int_t) strip);
384 } // dXCharge > 1 e-
385 } // end if
b0f5e3fc 386}
0315d466 387//______________________________________________________________________
fd61217e 388Int_t AliITSsimulationSSD::NumOfSteps(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z,
0315d466 389 Double_t & dex,Double_t & dey,Double_t & dez){
390 // number of steps
391 // it also returns steps for each coord
392 //AliITSsegmentationSSD *seg = new AliITSsegmentationSSD();
fd61217e 393
0315d466 394 Double_t step = 25E-4;
395 //step = (Double_t) seg->GetStepSize(); // step size (cm)
396 Int_t numOfSteps = (Int_t) (TMath::Sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)/step);
fd61217e 397
0315d466 398 if (numOfSteps < 1) numOfSteps = 1; // one step, at least
fd61217e 399
0315d466 400 // we could condition the stepping depending on the incident angle
401 // of the track
402 dex = x/numOfSteps;
403 dey = y/numOfSteps;
404 dez = z/numOfSteps;
b0f5e3fc 405
0315d466 406 return numOfSteps;
fd61217e 407}
0315d466 408//----------------------------------------------------------------------
409void AliITSsimulationSSD::GetList(Int_t label,Float_t **pList,
410 Int_t *indexRange) {
411 // loop over nonzero digits
412 Int_t ix,globalIndex;
413 Float_t signal=0.;
414 Float_t highest,middle,lowest;
fd61217e 415
0315d466 416 for(Int_t k=0; k<2; k++) {
417 for(ix=indexRange[k*2+0];ix<indexRange[k*2+1]+1;ix++){
418 if(indexRange[k*2+0]<indexRange[k*2+1])
57817f7c 419 signal = fMapA2->GetSignal(k,ix);
0315d466 421 globalIndex = k*fNstrips+ix; // globalIndex starts from 0!
422 if(!pList[globalIndex]){
423 //
424 //Create new list (6 elements-3 signals and 3 tracks+total sig)
425 //
426 pList[globalIndex] = new Float_t [6];
427 // set list to -1
428 *pList[globalIndex] = -2.;
429 *(pList[globalIndex]+1) = -2.;
430 *(pList[globalIndex]+2) = -2.;
431 *(pList[globalIndex]+3) = 0.;
432 *(pList[globalIndex]+4) = 0.;
433 *(pList[globalIndex]+5) = 0.;
434 *pList[globalIndex] = (float)label;
435 *(pList[globalIndex]+3) = signal;
436 }else{
437 // check the signal magnitude
438 highest = *(pList[globalIndex]+3);
439 middle = *(pList[globalIndex]+4);
440 lowest = *(pList[globalIndex]+5);
441 signal -= (highest+middle+lowest);
442 //
443 // compare the new signal with already existing list
444 //
445 if(signal<lowest) continue; // neglect this track
446 if (signal>highest){
447 *(pList[globalIndex]+5) = middle;
448 *(pList[globalIndex]+4) = highest;
449 *(pList[globalIndex]+3) = signal;
450 *(pList[globalIndex]+2) = *(pList[globalIndex]+1);
451 *(pList[globalIndex]+1) = *pList[globalIndex];
452 *pList[globalIndex] = label;
453 }else if (signal>middle){
454 *(pList[globalIndex]+5) = middle;
455 *(pList[globalIndex]+4) = signal;
456 *(pList[globalIndex]+2) = *(pList[globalIndex]+1);
457 *(pList[globalIndex]+1) = label;
458 }else{
459 *(pList[globalIndex]+5) = signal;
460 *(pList[globalIndex]+2) = label;
461 } // end if
462 } // end if
463 } // end of loop pixels in x
464 } // end of loop over pixels in z
fd61217e 465}
0315d466 466//----------------------------------------------------------------------
fd61217e 467void AliITSsimulationSSD::ChargeToSignal(Float_t **pList) {
0315d466 468 // charge to signal
469 AliITS *aliITS = (AliITS*)gAlice->GetModule("ITS");
470 Float_t threshold = 0.;
471 Int_t digits[3], tracks[3],hits[3],gi,j1;
472 Float_t charges[3];
473 Float_t signal,phys;
474 Float_t noise[2] = {0.,0.};
476 fResponse->GetNoiseParam(noise[0],noise[1]);
fd61217e 477
0315d466 478 for(Int_t k=0;k<2;k++){ // both sides (0=Pside, 1=Nside)
480 // Threshold for zero-suppression
481 // It can be defined in AliITSresponseSSD
482 // threshold = (Float_t)fResponse->MinVal(k);
483 // I prefer to think adjusting the threshold "manually", looking
484 // at the scope, and considering noise standard deviation
485 threshold = 4.0*noise[k]; // 4 times noise is a choice
486 for(Int_t ix=0;ix<fNstrips;ix++){ // loop over strips
488 signal = (Float_t) fMapA2->GetSignal(k,ix);
0315d466 489 gi =k*fNstrips+ix; // global index
490 if (signal > threshold) {
491 digits[0]=k;
492 digits[1]=ix;
494 // convert to ADC signal
495 // conversion factor are rather arbitrary (need tuning)
496 // minimum ionizing particle--> ~30000 pairs--> ADC channel 50
497 signal = signal*50.0/30000.0;
498 if(signal>1000.) signal = 1000.0;//if exceeding, accumulate
499 // last one
500 digits[2]=(Int_t) signal;
0315d466 501 for(j1=0;j1<3;j1++){
502 if (pList[gi]) {
503 tracks[j1] = (Int_t)(*(pList[gi]+j1));
504 } else {
505 tracks[j1]=-2; //noise
506 } // end if pList
507 charges[j1] = 0;
508 } // end for j1
510 phys=0;
512 hits[0]=0;
513 hits[1]=0;
514 hits[2]=0;
515 // finally add digit
516 aliITS->AddSimDigit(2,phys,digits,tracks,hits,charges);
0315d466 517 } // end if signal > threshold
518 if(pList[gi]) delete [] pList[gi];
519 } // end for ix
520 } // end for k
521 delete [] pList;
b0f5e3fc 522}
57817f7c 523//______________________________________________________________________
524void AliITSsimulationSSD::Print(ostream *os){
525 //Standard output format for this class
527 //AliITSsimulation::Print(os);
528 *os << fNstrips <<","<< fPitch <<","<< fIonE <<",";
529 *os << fDifConst[0] <<","<< fDifConst[1] <<",";
530 *os << fDriftVel[0] <<","<< fDriftVel[1];
531 //*os <<","; fDCS->Print(os);
532 //*os <<","; fMapA2->Print(os);
535void AliITSsimulationSSD::Read(istream *is){
536 // Standard output streaming function.
538 //AliITSsimulation::Read(is);
539 *is >> fNstrips >> fPitch >> fIonE;
540 *is >> fDifConst[0] >> fDifConst[1];
541 *is >> fDriftVel[0] >> fDriftVel[1];
542 //fDCS->Read(is);
543 //fMapA2->Read(is);
546ostream &operator<<(ostream &os,AliITSsimulationSSD &source){
547 // Standard output streaming function.
549 source.Print(&os);
550 return os;
553istream &operator>>(istream &os,AliITSsimulationSSD &source){
554 // Standard output streaming function.
556 source.Read(&os);
557 return os;