]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/AliITSstatistics2.h
Setting the magnetic field - needed by the clusterfinders
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSstatistics2.h
b0f5e3fc 1#ifndef ALIITSSTATISTICS2_H
4// Alice ITS first detector alignment program. //
5// //
6// version: 0.0.0 Draft. //
7// Date: April 18 1999 //
8// By: Bjorn S. Nilsen //
9// //
11#include "TObject.h"
13class AliITSstatistics2 : public TObject {
b0f5e3fc 15 public:
492b8715 16 AliITSstatistics2(); // default constructor
17 AliITSstatistics2(Int_t order); // Standard constructor
18 AliITSstatistics2(AliITSstatistics2 &source); // copy constructor
19 AliITSstatistics2& operator=(AliITSstatistics2 &source); // operator=
20 virtual ~AliITSstatistics2();// destructor
21 void Reset(Int_t order=-1); // Resets statictisc order=-1 do not change order.
b0f5e3fc 22 void AddValue(Double_t y,Double_t x,Double_t w);
492b8715 23 Double_t GetXNth (Int_t order)const;
24 Double_t GetYNth (Int_t order)const;
25 Double_t GetYXNth(Int_t order)const;
26 Double_t GetMeanY()const{// return mean y
27 return GetYNth(1);};
28 Double_t GetMeanX()const{// return mean x
29 return GetXNth(1);};
30 Double_t GetMeanYX()const{// return mean Y*X
31 return GetYXNth(1);};
32 Int_t GetN()const{// retrun the number of entries
a2bea7ce 33 // Int_t n=0; n=fN;if(fOver!=0) n+=fOver->GetN(); return n;
492b8715 34 return fN;};
35 Int_t GetOrder()const{// return the maximum moment order
36 return fOrder;};
37 Double_t GetXN (Int_t order)const{// returns x^n
a2bea7ce 38 // Double_t x=0.0; x = fX[order-1];if(fOver!=0) x+=fOver->GetXN(order);
492b8715 39 return fX[order-1];};
40 Double_t GetYN (Int_t order)const{// returns y^n
a2bea7ce 41 // Double_t y=0.0; y = fY[order-1];if(fOver!=0) y+=fOver->GetYN(order);
492b8715 42 return fY[order-1];};
43 Double_t GetYXN(Int_t order)const{// returns (yx)^n
a2bea7ce 44 // Double_t yx=0.0; yx = fYx[order-1];if(fOver!=0) yx+=fOver->GetYXN(order);
492b8715 45 return fYx[order-1];};
46 Double_t GetWN (Int_t order)const{// returns w^n (weight)
a2bea7ce 47 // Double_t w=0.0; w = fW[order-1];if(fOver!=0) w+=fOver->GetWN(order);
492b8715 48 return fW[order-1];};
49 Double_t GetRMSY()const; // Returns Y rms value
50 Double_t GetRMSX()const; // Returns X rms value
51 Double_t GetRMSYX()const;// Return XY rms value
52 Double_t GetErrorMeanY()const; // returns error on y mean
53 Double_t GetErrorMeanX()const; // returns error on x mean
54 Double_t GetErrorMeanYX()const;// returns error on xy mean
55 Double_t GetErrorRMSY()const; // returns error on y rms
56 Double_t GetErrorRMSX()const; // returns error on x rms
57 Double_t GetErrorRMSYX()const; // returns error on xy rms
58 // returns Chi^2 value of data to line y=ax+b with given a,b
59 Double_t GetChiSquared(Double_t a,Double_t b)const;
60 // Fits data to a line of the form y=ax+b and returns values
61 // for a and b.
a2bea7ce 62 Double_t FitToLine(Double_t &a,Double_t &b)const
63 {Double_t ea,eb; return FitToLine(a,ea,b,eb);};
64 // Fits data to a line of the form y=ax+b and returns values
65 // for a and b and find errors on a and b.
66 Double_t FitToLine(Double_t &a,Double_t &ea,Double_t &b,Double_t &eb)const;
67 // Get the minimal significance value
68 // Int_t GetSignificantDigits()const{return fDig;}
69 // Set the minimal significance value
70 // void SetSignificantDigits(Int_t d);
492b8715 71 // Print class in ascii form to stream
72 virtual void PrintAscii(ostream *os)const;
73 // Read in class in ascii form from stream
74 virtual void ReadAscii(istream *is);
b0f5e3fc 75
76 private:
b0f5e3fc 77 Int_t fN; // number of enetries
e8189707 78 Int_t fOrder; // maximum moment of distributions (^n)
07025d6d 79 Double_t *fX; //[fOrder] array of sums of x^n
80 Double_t *fYx; //[fOrder] array of sums of (xy)^n
81 Double_t *fY; //[fOrder] array of sums of y^n
82 Double_t *fW; //[fOrder] array of sums of w^n (weights)
a2bea7ce 83 //Int_t fDig; // The number of significant digits to keep
84 //AliITSstatistics2 *fOver; //! In case of numerical precistion problems
b0f5e3fc 85
07025d6d 86 ClassDef(AliITSstatistics2,1) //compute usueful statistics in 2D
b0f5e3fc 87};
492b8715 88// Input and output function for standard C++ input/output.
89ostream &operator<<(ostream &os,const AliITSstatistics2 &s);
90istream &operator>>(istream &is,AliITSstatistics2 &s);
b0f5e3fc 91#endif
a2bea7ce 92