]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/AliITStrackerMI.h
Changed histo binning for better merging; added a few control histos for MC checks.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITStrackerMI.h
e43c066c 1#ifndef ALIITSTRACKERMI_H
572f41f9 3/* Copyright(c) 2007-2009, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
e43c066c 4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
572f41f9 6/* $Id$ */
bf6adc12 7
e43c066c 8//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
9// ITS tracker
15dd636f 10// reads AliITSclusterMI clusters and creates AliITStrackMI tracks
11// Origin: Marian Ivanov, CERN, Marian.Ivanov@cern.ch
23197852 12// Current support and development:
13// Andrea Dainese, andrea.dainese@lnl.infn.it
e43c066c 14//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
bf6adc12 16class TTree;
17class TTreeSRedirector;
af885e0f 18class AliESDEvent;
67c1e979 19
a70ed6ad 20class AliITSPlaneEff;
21class AliITSChannelStatus;
22class AliITSDetTypeRec;
23class AliPlaneEff;
ddfbc51a 24
00a7cc50 25#include <TObjArray.h>
a70ed6ad 26
bf6adc12 27#include "AliITStrackMI.h"
a70ed6ad 28#include "AliITSRecPoint.h"
ae00569a 29#include "AliTracker.h"
a4354152 30#include "AliRefArray.h"
4336faa4 31#include "AliITSPIDResponse.h"
a70ed6ad 32
e43c066c 33//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
34class AliITStrackerMI : public AliTracker {
8221b41b 36 AliITStrackerMI();
1f3e997f 37 AliITStrackerMI(const Char_t *geom);
8221b41b 38 virtual ~AliITStrackerMI();
e43c066c 39 AliCluster *GetCluster(Int_t index) const;
df29e9a4 40 virtual Bool_t GetTrackPoint(Int_t index, AliTrackPoint& p) const;
9a5326b1 41 virtual Bool_t GetTrackPointTrackingError(Int_t index,
42 AliTrackPoint& p, const AliESDtrack *t);
00a7cc50 43 AliITSRecPoint *GetClusterLayer(Int_t layn, Int_t ncl) const
e43c066c 44 {return fgLayers[layn].GetCluster(ncl);}
45 Int_t GetNumberOfClustersLayer(Int_t layn) const
46 {return fgLayers[layn].GetNumberOfClusters();}
47 Int_t LoadClusters(TTree *cf);
48 void UnloadClusters();
23197852 49 void FillClusterArray(TObjArray* array) const;
af885e0f 50 Int_t Clusters2Tracks(AliESDEvent *event);
51 Int_t PropagateBack(AliESDEvent *event);
52 Int_t RefitInward(AliESDEvent *event);
ae00569a 53 Bool_t RefitAt(Double_t x, AliITStrackMI *track,
7167ae53 54 const AliITStrackMI *clusters, Bool_t extra=kFALSE, Bool_t planeeff=kFALSE);
ae00569a 55 Bool_t RefitAt(Double_t x, AliITStrackMI *track,
7167ae53 56 const Int_t *clusters, Bool_t extra=kFALSE, Bool_t planeeff=kFALSE);
a70ed6ad 57 void SetupFirstPass(const Int_t *flags,const Double_t *cuts=0);
58 void SetupSecondPass(const Int_t *flags,const Double_t *cuts=0);
e43c066c 59
60 void SetLastLayerToTrackTo(Int_t l=0) {fLastLayerToTrackTo=l;}
e43c066c 61 void UseClusters(const AliKalmanTrack *t, Int_t from=0) const;
628e7bb0 62
a70ed6ad 63 void GetDCASigma(const AliITStrackMI* track, Float_t & sigmarfi, Float_t &sigmaz);
00a7cc50 64 Double_t GetPredictedChi2MI(AliITStrackMI* track, const AliITSRecPoint *cluster,Int_t layer);
65 Int_t UpdateMI(AliITStrackMI* track, const AliITSRecPoint* cl,Double_t chi2,Int_t layer) const;
7167ae53 66 AliPlaneEff *GetPlaneEff() {return (AliPlaneEff*)fPlaneEff;} // return the pointer to AliPlaneEff
a70ed6ad 67 void SetDetTypeRec(const AliITSDetTypeRec *detTypeRec) {fkDetTypeRec = detTypeRec; ReadBadFromDetTypeRec(); }
88e3c173 68 TObjArray* GetTrackHypothesys() {return &fTrackHypothesys;}
69 TObjArray* GetBestHypothesys() {return &fBestHypothesys;}
70 TObjArray* GetOriginal() {return &fOriginal;}
71 TTreeSRedirector *GetDebugStreamer() const {return fDebugStreamer;}
44396017 72 static Int_t CorrectForTPCtoITSDeadZoneMaterial(AliITStrackMI *t);
4fa7f7d1 73 void SetForceSkippingOfLayer();
74 Int_t ForceSkippingOfLayer(Int_t l) const { return fForceSkippingOfLayer[l]; }
a4354152 75 //
76 // methods for debugging (RS) >>
77 Int_t FindClusterOfTrack(int label, int lr, int* store) const;
fa4c46da 78 // Int_t GetPattern(const AliITStrackMI* track, char* patt);
a4354152 79 // methods for debugging (RS) <<
80 //
e43c066c 81 class AliITSdetector {
82 public:
1c97ce2f 83 AliITSdetector():fR(0),fRmisal(0),fPhi(0),fSinPhi(0),fCosPhi(0),fYmin(0),fYmax(0),fZmin(0),fZmax(0),fIsBad(kFALSE),fNChips(0),fChipIsBad(0) {}
84 AliITSdetector(Double_t r,Double_t phi):fR(r),fRmisal(r),fPhi(phi),fSinPhi(TMath::Sin(phi)),fCosPhi(TMath::Cos(phi)),fYmin(10000),fYmax(-1000),fZmin(10000),fZmax(-1000),fIsBad(kFALSE),fNChips(0),fChipIsBad(0) {}
23197852 85 ~AliITSdetector() {if(fChipIsBad) delete [] fChipIsBad;}
00a7cc50 86 inline void GetGlobalXYZ( const AliITSRecPoint *cl, Double_t xyz[3]) const;
e43c066c 87 Double_t GetR() const {return fR;}
1c97ce2f 88 Double_t GetRmisal() const {return fRmisal;}
e43c066c 89 Double_t GetPhi() const {return fPhi;}
90 Double_t GetYmin() const {return fYmin;}
91 Double_t GetYmax() const {return fYmax;}
92 Double_t GetZmin() const {return fZmin;}
93 Double_t GetZmax() const {return fZmax;}
23197852 94 Bool_t IsBad() const {return fIsBad;}
95 Int_t GetNChips() const {return fNChips;}
96 Bool_t IsChipBad(Int_t iChip) const {return (fChipIsBad ? fChipIsBad[iChip] : kFALSE);}
1c97ce2f 97 void SetRmisal(Double_t rmisal) {fRmisal = rmisal;}
e43c066c 98 void SetYmin(Double_t min) {fYmin = min;}
99 void SetYmax(Double_t max) {fYmax = max;}
100 void SetZmin(Double_t min) {fZmin = min;}
101 void SetZmax(Double_t max) {fZmax = max;}
23197852 102 void SetBad() {fIsBad = kTRUE;}
a70ed6ad 103 void ReadBadDetectorAndChips(Int_t ilayer,Int_t idet,const AliITSDetTypeRec *detTypeRec);
e43c066c 104 private:
23197852 105 AliITSdetector(const AliITSdetector& det);
106 AliITSdetector & operator=(const AliITSdetector& det){
107 this->~AliITSdetector();new(this) AliITSdetector(det);
108 return *this;}
1c97ce2f 109 Double_t fR; // polar coordinates: r
110 Double_t fRmisal; // polar coordinates: r, with misalignment
111 Double_t fPhi; // polar coordinates: phi
e43c066c 112 Double_t fSinPhi; // sin of phi;
113 Double_t fCosPhi; // cos of phi
114 Double_t fYmin; // local y minimal
115 Double_t fYmax; // local max y
116 Double_t fZmin; // local z min
117 Double_t fZmax; // local z max
23197852 118 Bool_t fIsBad; // is detector dead or noisy?
119 Int_t fNChips; // number of chips
120 Bool_t *fChipIsBad; //[fNChips] is chip dead or noisy?
e43c066c 121 };
123 class AliITSlayer {
e43c066c 124 public:
125 AliITSlayer();
126 AliITSlayer(Double_t r, Double_t p, Double_t z, Int_t nl, Int_t nd);
23197852 127 ~AliITSlayer();
00a7cc50 128 Int_t InsertCluster(AliITSRecPoint *c);
e43c066c 129 void SortClusters();
130 void ResetClusters();
131 void ResetWeights();
6518a6c5 132 void SelectClusters(Double_t zmin,Double_t zmax,Double_t ymin,Double_t ymax);
ae00569a 133 const AliITSRecPoint *GetNextCluster(Int_t &ci,Bool_t test=kFALSE);
e43c066c 134 void ResetRoad();
135 Double_t GetRoad() const {return fRoad;}
136 Double_t GetR() const {return fR;}
137 Int_t FindClusterIndex(Float_t z) const;
88e3c173 138 AliITSRecPoint *GetCluster(Int_t i) const {return i<fN ? fClusters[i]:0;}
139 Float_t *GetWeight(Int_t i) {return i<fN ? &fClusterWeight[i]:0;}
e43c066c 140 AliITSdetector &GetDetector(Int_t n) const { return fDetectors[n]; }
141 Int_t FindDetectorIndex(Double_t phi, Double_t z) const;
142 Double_t GetThickness(Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t &x0) const;
143 Int_t InRoad() const ;
144 Int_t GetNumberOfClusters() const {return fN;}
145 Int_t GetNladders() const {return fNladders;}
146 Int_t GetNdetectors() const {return fNdetectors;}
147 Int_t GetSkip() const {return fSkip;}
148 void SetSkip(Int_t skip){fSkip=skip;}
149 void IncAccepted(){fAccepted++;}
81e97e0d 150 Int_t GetAccepted() const {return fAccepted;}
b9671574 151 Int_t GetClusterTracks(Int_t i, Int_t j) const {return fClusterTracks[i][j];}
152 void SetClusterTracks(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t c) {fClusterTracks[i][j]=c;}
b80c197e 153 Int_t FindClusterForLabel(Int_t label, Int_t *store) const; //RS
e43c066c 154 protected:
8221b41b 155 AliITSlayer(const AliITSlayer& layer);
156 AliITSlayer & operator=(const AliITSlayer& layer){
157 this->~AliITSlayer();new(this) AliITSlayer(layer);
158 return *this;}
e43c066c 159 Double_t fR; // mean radius of this layer
160 Double_t fPhiOffset; // offset of the first detector in Phi
161 Int_t fNladders; // number of ladders
162 Double_t fZOffset; // offset of the first detector in Z
163 Int_t fNdetectors; // detectors/ladder
164 AliITSdetector *fDetectors; // array of detectors
165 Int_t fN; // number of clusters
4edc3c8c 166 AliITSRecPoint *fClusters[AliITSRecoParam::kMaxClusterPerLayer]; // pointers to clusters
167 Int_t fClusterIndex[AliITSRecoParam::kMaxClusterPerLayer]; // pointers to clusters
168 Float_t fY[AliITSRecoParam::kMaxClusterPerLayer]; // y position of the clusters
169 Float_t fZ[AliITSRecoParam::kMaxClusterPerLayer]; // z position of the clusters
e43c066c 170 Float_t fYB[2]; // ymin and ymax
171 //
4edc3c8c 172 AliITSRecPoint *fClusters5[6][AliITSRecoParam::kMaxClusterPerLayer5]; // pointers to clusters - slice in y
173 Int_t fClusterIndex5[6][AliITSRecoParam::kMaxClusterPerLayer5]; // pointers to clusters - slice in y
174 Float_t fY5[6][AliITSRecoParam::kMaxClusterPerLayer5]; // y position of the clusters slice in y
175 Float_t fZ5[6][AliITSRecoParam::kMaxClusterPerLayer5]; // z position of the clusters slice in y
e43c066c 176 Int_t fN5[6]; // number of cluster in slice
177 Float_t fDy5; //delta y
178 Float_t fBy5[6][2]; //slice borders
179 //
4edc3c8c 180 AliITSRecPoint *fClusters10[11][AliITSRecoParam::kMaxClusterPerLayer10]; // pointers to clusters - slice in y
181 Int_t fClusterIndex10[11][AliITSRecoParam::kMaxClusterPerLayer10]; // pointers to clusters - slice in y
182 Float_t fY10[11][AliITSRecoParam::kMaxClusterPerLayer10]; // y position of the clusters slice in y
183 Float_t fZ10[11][AliITSRecoParam::kMaxClusterPerLayer10]; // z position of the clusters slice in y
e43c066c 184 Int_t fN10[11]; // number of cluster in slice
f43e383b 185 Float_t fDy10; // delta y
186 Float_t fBy10[11][2]; // slice borders
e43c066c 187 //
4edc3c8c 188 AliITSRecPoint *fClusters20[21][AliITSRecoParam::kMaxClusterPerLayer20]; // pointers to clusters - slice in y
189 Int_t fClusterIndex20[21][AliITSRecoParam::kMaxClusterPerLayer20]; // pointers to clusters - slice in y
190 Float_t fY20[21][AliITSRecoParam::kMaxClusterPerLayer20]; // y position of the clusters slice in y
191 Float_t fZ20[21][AliITSRecoParam::kMaxClusterPerLayer20]; // z position of the clusters slice in y
e43c066c 192 Int_t fN20[21]; // number of cluster in slice
f43e383b 193 Float_t fDy20; //delta y
194 Float_t fBy20[21][2]; //slice borders
e43c066c 195 //
00a7cc50 196 AliITSRecPoint** fClustersCs; //clusters table in current slice
e43c066c 197 Int_t *fClusterIndexCs; //cluster index in current slice
198 Float_t *fYcs; //y position in current slice
199 Float_t *fZcs; //z position in current slice
200 Int_t fNcs; //number of clusters in current slice
201 Int_t fCurrentSlice; //current slice
202 //
4edc3c8c 203 Float_t fClusterWeight[AliITSRecoParam::kMaxClusterPerLayer]; // probabilistic weight of the cluster
204 Int_t fClusterTracks[4][AliITSRecoParam::kMaxClusterPerLayer]; //tracks registered to given cluster
d9ead1a0 205 Float_t fZmin; // the
e43c066c 206 Float_t fZmax; // edges
207 Float_t fYmin; // of the
208 Float_t fYmax; // "window"
209 Int_t fI; // index of the current cluster within the "window"
210 Int_t fImax; // index of the last cluster within the "window"
211 Int_t fSkip; // indicates possibility to skip cluster
f43e383b 212 Int_t fAccepted; // accept indicator
e43c066c 213 Double_t fRoad; // road defined by the cluster density
d9ead1a0 214 Double_t fMaxSigmaClY; // maximum cluster error Y (to enlarge road)
215 Double_t fMaxSigmaClZ; // maximum cluster error Z (to enlarge road)
216 Double_t fNMaxSigmaCl; // number of sigma for road enlargement
e43c066c 217 };
218 AliITStrackerMI::AliITSlayer & GetLayer(Int_t layer) const;
219 AliITStrackerMI::AliITSdetector & GetDetector(Int_t layer, Int_t n) const {return GetLayer(layer).GetDetector(n); }
44396017 220 Int_t GetNearestLayer(const Double_t *xr) const; //get nearest upper layer close to the point xr
221 void SetCurrentEsdTrack(Int_t i) {fCurrentEsdTrack=i;}
222 void FollowProlongationTree(AliITStrackMI * otrack, Int_t esdindex, Bool_t constrain);
a4354152 223 //
a878a855 224 void FlagFakes(const TObjArray &itsTracks);
a4354152 225 //
e43c066c 226protected:
1c97ce2f 227 Bool_t ComputeRoad(AliITStrackMI* track,Int_t ilayer,Int_t idet,Double_t &zmin,Double_t &zmax,Double_t &ymin,Double_t &ymax) const;
cd90f0a2 228
e43c066c 229 void CookLabel(AliKalmanTrack *t,Float_t wrong) const;
15dd636f 230 void CookLabel(AliITStrackMI *t,Float_t wrong) const;
e50912db 231 Double_t GetEffectiveThickness();
a4354152 232 Int_t GetEffectiveThicknessLbyL(Double_t* xMS, Double_t* x2x0MS);
e43c066c 233 void ResetBestTrack() {
15dd636f 234 fBestTrack.~AliITStrackMI();
235 new(&fBestTrack) AliITStrackMI(fTrackToFollow);
e43c066c 236 }
15dd636f 237 void ResetTrackToFollow(const AliITStrackMI &t) {
238 fTrackToFollow.~AliITStrackMI();
239 new(&fTrackToFollow) AliITStrackMI(t);
e43c066c 240 }
15dd636f 241 void CookdEdx(AliITStrackMI* track);
4336faa4 242
243 Int_t GetParticleId(const AliESDtrack* track) const{
27199d86 244 ULong_t trStatus=track->GetStatus();
245 Bool_t isSA=kTRUE; if(trStatus&AliESDtrack::kTPCin) isSA=kFALSE;
4336faa4 246 return fITSPid->GetParticleIdFromdEdxVsP(track->P(),track->GetITSsignal(),isSA);
247 }
248 Int_t GetParticleId(const AliITStrackV2* track) const{
249 if(track->GetESDtrack()) return GetParticleId(track->GetESDtrack());
250 return fITSPid->GetParticleIdFromdEdxVsP(track->P(),track->GetdEdx(),kFALSE);
251 }
15dd636f 253 Double_t GetNormalizedChi2(AliITStrackMI * track, Int_t mode);
a70ed6ad 254 Double_t GetTruncatedChi2(const AliITStrackMI * track, Float_t fac);
15dd636f 255 Double_t NormalizedChi2(AliITStrackMI * track, Int_t layer);
a70ed6ad 256 Double_t GetInterpolatedChi2(const AliITStrackMI * forwardtrack,const AliITStrackMI * backtrack);
257 Double_t GetMatchingChi2(const AliITStrackMI * track1,const AliITStrackMI * track2);
258 Double_t GetSPDDeadZoneProbability(Double_t zpos, Double_t zerr) const;
e43c066c 259
260 Float_t *GetWeight(Int_t index);
15dd636f 261 void AddTrackHypothesys(AliITStrackMI * track, Int_t esdindex);
e43c066c 262 void SortTrackHypothesys(Int_t esdindex, Int_t maxcut, Int_t mode);
15dd636f 263 AliITStrackMI * GetBestHypothesys(Int_t esdindex, AliITStrackMI * original, Int_t checkmax);
e43c066c 264 void GetBestHypothesysMIP(TObjArray &itsTracks);
a70ed6ad 265 void RegisterClusterTracks(const AliITStrackMI* track, Int_t id);
266 void UnRegisterClusterTracks(const AliITStrackMI* track, Int_t id);
00a7cc50 267 Float_t GetNumberOfSharedClusters(AliITStrackMI* track,Int_t id, Int_t list[6], AliITSRecPoint *clist[6]);
a70ed6ad 268 Int_t GetOverlapTrack(const AliITStrackMI *track, Int_t trackID, Int_t &shared, Int_t clusterlist[6], Int_t overlist[6]);
04315dad 269 AliITStrackMI * GetBest2Tracks(Int_t trackID1, Int_t treackID2, Float_t th0, Float_t th1,AliITStrackMI* original);
afd25725 270 Float_t * GetErrY(Int_t trackindex) const {return &fCoefficients[trackindex*48];}
271 Float_t * GetErrZ(Int_t trackindex) const {return &fCoefficients[trackindex*48+12];}
272 Float_t * GetNy(Int_t trackindex) const {return &fCoefficients[trackindex*48+24];}
273 Float_t * GetNz(Int_t trackindex) const {return &fCoefficients[trackindex*48+36];}
a70ed6ad 274 void SignDeltas(const TObjArray *clusterArray, Float_t zv);
afd25725 275 void MakeCoefficients(Int_t ntracks);
e50912db 276 void BuildMaterialLUT(TString material);
277 void MakeTrksMaterialLUT(Int_t ntracks);
278 void DeleteTrksMaterialLUT();
279 Int_t CorrectForPipeMaterial(AliITStrackMI *t, TString direction="inward");
280 Int_t CorrectForShieldMaterial(AliITStrackMI *t, TString shield, TString direction="inward");
281 Int_t CorrectForLayerMaterial(AliITStrackMI *t, Int_t layerindex, Double_t oldGlobXYZ[3], TString direction="inward");
15dd636f 282 void UpdateESDtrack(AliITStrackMI* track, ULong_t flags) const;
23197852 283 void ReadBadFromDetTypeRec();
a70ed6ad 284 Int_t CheckSkipLayer(const AliITStrackMI *track,Int_t ilayer,Int_t idet) const;
1c97ce2f 285 Int_t CheckDeadZone(AliITStrackMI *track,Int_t ilayer,Int_t idet,Double_t dz,Double_t dy,Bool_t noClusters=kFALSE) const;
a70ed6ad 286 Bool_t LocalModuleCoord(Int_t ilayer,Int_t idet,const AliITStrackMI *track,
ae00569a 287 Float_t &xloc,Float_t &zloc) const;
7167ae53 288// method to be used for Plane Efficiency evaluation
0442469d 289 Bool_t IsOKForPlaneEff(const AliITStrackMI* track, const Int_t *clusters, Int_t ilayer); // Check if a track is usable
0ed58a47 290 // for Plane Eff evaluation
a70ed6ad 291 void UseTrackForPlaneEff(const AliITStrackMI* track, Int_t ilayer); // Use this track for Plane Eff
7167ae53 292//
e43c066c 293 Int_t fI; // index of the current layer
e50912db 294 static AliITSlayer fgLayers[AliITSgeomTGeo::kNLayers];// ITS layers
295 AliITStrackMI fTracks[AliITSgeomTGeo::kNLayers]; // track estimations at the ITS layers
15dd636f 296 AliITStrackMI fBestTrack; // "best" track
297 AliITStrackMI fTrackToFollow; // followed track
e43c066c 298 TObjArray fTrackHypothesys; // ! array with track hypothesys- ARRAY is the owner of tracks- MI
81e97e0d 299 TObjArray fBestHypothesys; // ! array with track hypothesys- ARRAY is the owner of tracks- MI
628e7bb0 300 TObjArray fOriginal; // ! array with seeds from the TPC
e43c066c 301 Int_t fBestTrackIndex[100000]; // ! index of the best track
302 Int_t fCurrentEsdTrack; // ! current esd track - MI
303 Int_t fPass; // current pass through the data
304 Int_t fConstraint[2]; // constraint flags
628e7bb0 305 Bool_t fAfterV0; //indicates V0 founded
4fa7f7d1 306 Int_t fForceSkippingOfLayer[AliITSgeomTGeo::kNLayers]; // layers to be skipped
e43c066c 307 Int_t fLastLayerToTrackTo; // the innermost layer to track to
e50912db 308 Float_t * fCoefficients; //! working array with errors and mean cluster shape
afd25725 309 AliESDEvent * fEsd; //! pointer to the ESD event
310 Double_t fSPDdetzcentre[4]; // centres of SPD modules in z
e50912db 311 TString fTrackingPhase; // current tracking phase
312 Int_t fUseTGeo; // use TGeo to get material budget
313 Int_t fNtracks; // number of tracks to prolong
a4354152 314 Bool_t fFlagFakes; // request fakes flagging
315 Bool_t fSelectBestMIP03; // use Chi2MIP[0]*Chi2MIP[3] in hypothesis analysis instead of Chi2MIP[0]
316 Bool_t fUseImproveKalman; // use Kalman version of Improve
e50912db 317 Float_t fxOverX0Pipe; // material budget
318 Float_t fxTimesRhoPipe; // material budget
319 Float_t fxOverX0Shield[2]; // material budget
320 Float_t fxTimesRhoShield[2]; // material budget
321 Float_t fxOverX0Layer[6]; // material budget
322 Float_t fxTimesRhoLayer[6]; // material budget
323 Float_t *fxOverX0PipeTrks; //! material budget
324 Float_t *fxTimesRhoPipeTrks; //! material budget
325 Float_t *fxOverX0ShieldTrks; //! material budget
326 Float_t *fxTimesRhoShieldTrks; //! material budget
327 Float_t *fxOverX0LayerTrks; //! material budget
328 Float_t *fxTimesRhoLayerTrks; //! material budget
329 TTreeSRedirector *fDebugStreamer; //!debug streamer
23197852 330 AliITSChannelStatus *fITSChannelStatus;//! bitmaps with channel status for SPD and SDD
a70ed6ad 331 const AliITSDetTypeRec *fkDetTypeRec; //! ITS det type rec, from AliITSReconstructor
ae00569a 332 AliITSPlaneEff *fPlaneEff; //! Pointer to the ITS plane efficicency
1f1e7832 333 Bool_t* fSPDChipIntPlaneEff; //! Map of the SPD chips already intersected by a track (for FO studies)
4336faa4 334 AliITSPIDResponse *fITSPid; //! parameters for ITS pid
a4354152 335 //
bf6adc12 336private:
8221b41b 337 AliITStrackerMI(const AliITStrackerMI &tracker);
338 AliITStrackerMI & operator=(const AliITStrackerMI &tracker);
1f1e7832 339 ClassDef(AliITStrackerMI,11) //ITS tracker MI
e43c066c 340};
a70ed6ad 353inline void AliITStrackerMI::SetupFirstPass(const Int_t *flags,const Double_t *cuts) {
e43c066c 354 // This function sets up flags and cuts for the first tracking pass
355 //
356 // flags[0] - vertex constaint flag
357 // negative means "skip the pass"
358 // 0 means "no constraint"
359 // positive means "normal constraint"
361 fConstraint[0]=flags[0];
88e3c173 362 if (!cuts) return;
e43c066c 363}
a70ed6ad 365inline void AliITStrackerMI::SetupSecondPass(const Int_t *flags,const Double_t *cuts) {
e43c066c 366 // This function sets up flags and cuts for the second tracking pass
367 //
368 // flags[0] - vertex constaint flag
369 // negative means "skip the pass"
370 // 0 means "no constraint"
371 // positive means "normal constraint"
373 fConstraint[1]=flags[0];
88e3c173 374 if (!cuts) return;
e43c066c 375}
377inline void AliITStrackerMI::CookLabel(AliKalmanTrack *t,Float_t wrong) const {
378 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
379 //This function "cooks" a track label. If label<0, this track is fake.
380 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
381 Int_t tpcLabel=t->GetLabel();
382 if (tpcLabel<0) return;
383 AliTracker::CookLabel(t,wrong);
384 if (tpcLabel!=TMath::Abs(t->GetLabel())){
385 t->SetFakeRatio(1.);
386 }
387 if (tpcLabel !=t->GetLabel()) {
388 t->SetLabel(-tpcLabel);
389 }
15dd636f 392inline Double_t AliITStrackerMI::NormalizedChi2(AliITStrackMI * track, Int_t layer)
e43c066c 393{
394 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
395 //get normalize chi2
396 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
b9671574 397 track->SetNormChi2(layer,2.*track->GetNSkipped()+0.25*track->GetNDeadZone()+track->GetdEdxMismatch()+track->GetChi2()/
e43c066c 398 //track->fNormChi2[layer] = 2.*track->fNSkipped+0.25*track->fNDeadZone+track->fdEdxMismatch+track->fChi22/
b9671574 399 TMath::Max(double(track->GetNumberOfClusters()-track->GetNSkipped()),
400 1./(1.+track->GetNSkipped())));
401 return track->GetNormChi2(layer);
e43c066c 402}
00a7cc50 403inline void AliITStrackerMI::AliITSdetector::GetGlobalXYZ(const AliITSRecPoint *cl, Double_t xyz[3]) const
e43c066c 404{
405 //
406 // get cluster coordinates in global cooordinate
407 //
408 xyz[2] = cl->GetZ();
409 xyz[0] = fR*fCosPhi - cl->GetY()*fSinPhi;
410 xyz[1] = fR*fSinPhi + cl->GetY()*fCosPhi;
04315dad 413