]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/AliITSv11GeomCableRound.cxx
New class which is used by the SPD online detector algorithm (Henrik)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSv11GeomCableRound.cxx
b7943f00 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
18// General Root includes
19//#include <Riostream.h>
20#include <TMath.h>
21#include <TVectorD.h>
23// Root Geometry includes
24#include <TGeoManager.h>
25#include <TGeoVolume.h>
26#include <TGeoTube.h>
fa4639a3 27#include <TGeoTorus.h>
b7943f00 28#include <TGeoMatrix.h>
30#include "AliITSv11GeomCableRound.h"
33// Class for round cables
35// Ludovic Gaudichet gaudichet@to.infn.it
fa4639a3 38/*
39// ************************************************************************
40// Here is a example on how to use this class
41// ************************************************************************
43 // Getting some media
108bd0fe 44 TGeoMedium *air = gGeoManager->GetMedium("ITS_AIR$");
531d6cdc 45 TGeoMedium *water = gGeoManager->GetMedium("ITS_WATER");
46 TGeoMedium *alu = gGeoManager->GetMedium("ITS_ITSal");
fa4639a3 47
48 // Creating a small box inside a bigger one (containers)
49 TGeoBBox *box1 = new TGeoBBox("box1", 6,10,10);
50 TGeoBBox *bigBox = new TGeoBBox("bigBox", 20,10,10);
51 TGeoVolume *vbox1 = new TGeoVolume("vbox1", box1, air);
52 TGeoVolume *vBigBox = new TGeoVolume("vBigBox", bigBox, air);
53 vbox1->SetVisibility(kFALSE);
54 vBigBox->SetVisibility(kFALSE);
56 TGeoTranslation *tr1 = new TGeoTranslation("negTr",-14,0,0);
57 vBigBox->AddNode(vbox1, 1, tr1);
58 moth->AddNode(vBigBox, 1, 0);
60 // **************************************************
61 // Inserting a round cable (or here a water pipe...)
62 // **************************************************
64 Int_t waterColor = 7;
65 Int_t aluColor = 5;
66 AliITSv11GeomCableRound roundCable("waterPipe", 0.9); //radius of 0.9cm
67 roundCable.SetNLayers(2);
68 roundCable.SetLayer(0, 0.7, water, waterColor); // radius of 0.7cm
69 roundCable.SetLayer(1, 0.2, alu, aluColor); // thickness of 0.2cm
71 // ****** Set check points and their containers ******
72 // The 2 first points are in the small box (vbox1)
73 // The second point is at the boundary
75 Double_t coord0[3] = {0,-2,-2};
76 Double_t coord1[3] = {6,2,1};
77 Double_t vect0[3] = {1,1,0};
78 Double_t vect1[3] = {1,0,0};
79 // coordinates have to be given in the specified container
80 // reference system (here it's going to be vbox1).
81 // vect1 and vect2 are vectors perpendicular to the segment ends
82 // (These vectors don't need to be normalized)
83 roundCable.AddCheckPoint( vbox1, 0, coord0, vect0);
84 roundCable.AddCheckPoint( vbox1, 1, coord1, vect1);
86 // Then, let's cross the boundary ! You just need
87 // to put the next point in the other volume, vBigBox.
88 // At the moment of creating the second segment, it will
89 // be inserted in this volume. That is why the point 1 had to
90 // be at the boundary, because otherwise the second segment
91 // between de points 1 and 2 would have been inserted in the
92 // vBigBox but in the same time would have cross its
93 // boundary ...
94 Double_t coord2[3] = {-2,6,4}; // coord. syst. of vBigBox !
95 Double_t vect2[3]= {1,1,0.5};
96 roundCable.AddCheckPoint( vBigBox, 2, coord2, vect2);
98 Double_t coord3[3] = {4,6,4};
99 Double_t vect3[3]= {-1,0,0};
100 roundCable.AddCheckPoint( vBigBox, 3, coord3, vect3);
102 Double_t coord4[3] = {4,0,-4};
103 Double_t vect4[3]= {1,0,0};
104 roundCable.AddCheckPoint( vBigBox, 4, coord4, vect4);
106 Double_t coord5[3] = {4,-6,4};
107 Double_t vect5[3]= {1,0,0};
108 roundCable.AddCheckPoint( vBigBox, 5, coord5, vect5);
110 Double_t coord6[3] = {7,-6,4};
111 Double_t vect6[3]= {1,0,0};
112 roundCable.AddCheckPoint( vBigBox, 6, coord6, vect6);
114 Double_t r = 7;
115 Double_t angle = 70*TMath::DegToRad();
116 Double_t coord7[3] = {coord6[0] +r*sin(angle), coord6[1],
117 coord6[2] -r*(1-cos(angle)) };
118 Double_t vect7[3]= {r*cos(angle),0,-r*sin(angle)};
119 roundCable.AddCheckPoint( vBigBox, 7, coord7, vect7);
121 Double_t coord8[3] = { coord7[0]+vect7[0], coord7[1]+vect7[1],-10};
122 Double_t vect8[3]= {0,0,1};
123 roundCable.AddCheckPoint( vBigBox, 8, coord8, vect8);
125 // ****** Creating the corresponding volume ******
126 // Since the container volumes of the check points have
127 // been recorded, this can be done at any moments, providing
128 // that the container volumes are found in the sub-nodes
129 // of the initial node (the top volume of the TGeoManager or
130 // the volume set in SetInitialNode(TGeoVolume*) function)
132 roundCable.SetInitialNode(vBigBox); //Set the root node
133 roundCable.CreateAndInsertCableSegment( 1);
134 // This command means : create the segment between point 0
135 // and point 1. The segment is automatically inserted in the
136 // container volume of point 1.
138 roundCable.CreateAndInsertCableSegment( 2);
139 roundCable.CreateAndInsertCableSegment( 3);
141 // The following segment is going to be a torus segment.
142 // The radius and position of the torus is defined by the
143 // orthogonal vector of point 4 (the orientation of this vector
144 // and the position of the 2 check points are enough to define
145 // completely the torus)
146 roundCable.CreateAndInsertTorusSegment( 4, 180);
147 // The second argument is an additionnal rotation of the
148 // segment around the axis defined by the 2 check points.
150 roundCable.CreateAndInsertTorusSegment( 5);
151 roundCable.CreateAndInsertCableSegment( 6);
152 roundCable.CreateAndInsertTorusSegment( 7,180);
153 roundCable.CreateAndInsertCableSegment( 8);
b7943f00 159ClassImp(AliITSv11GeomCableRound)
163AliITSv11GeomCableRound(const char* name, Double_t radius) :
33ddec7d 164 AliITSv11GeomCable(name),
165 fRadius(radius),
166 fNlayer(0),
167 fPhiMin(0),
168 fPhiMax(360)
169 {
b7943f00 170 // Constructor
b7943f00 171 for (Int_t i=0; i<fgkCableMaxLayer ; i++) {
172 fLayThickness[i] = 0;
173 fLayColor[i] = 0;
174 fLayMedia[i] = 0;
175 };
5d7a6c6d 176}
b7943f00 177
179AliITSv11GeomCableRound::AliITSv11GeomCableRound(const AliITSv11GeomCableRound &s) :
180 AliITSv11GeomCable(s),fRadius(s.fRadius),fNlayer(s.fNlayer),fPhiMin(s.fPhiMin),
181 fPhiMax(s.fPhiMax)
183 // Copy Constructor
184 for (Int_t i=0; i<s.fNlayer; i++) {
185 fLayThickness[i] = s.fLayThickness[i];
186 fLayMedia[i] = s.fLayMedia[i];
187 fLayColor[i] = s.fLayColor[i];
188 }
192AliITSv11GeomCableRound& AliITSv11GeomCableRound::
193operator=(const AliITSv11GeomCableRound &s) {
194 // Assignment operator
195 // Not fully inplemented yet !!!
197 if(&s == this) return *this;
198 *this = s;
199 fRadius = s.fRadius;
200 fPhiMin = s.fPhiMin;
201 fPhiMax = s.fPhiMax;
202 fNlayer = s.fNlayer;
203 for (Int_t i=0; i<s.fNlayer; i++) {
204 fLayThickness[i] = s.fLayThickness[i];
205 fLayMedia[i] = s.fLayMedia[i];
206 fLayColor[i] = s.fLayColor[i];
207 };
208 return *this;
212Int_t AliITSv11GeomCableRound::GetPoint( Int_t iCheckPt, Double_t *coord)
213 const {
214 // Get check point #iCheckPt
215 TVectorD *coordVector =(TVectorD *)fPointArray.UncheckedAt(2*iCheckPt);
5d7a6c6d 216#if ROOT_VERSION_CODE < ROOT_VERSION(4,0,0)
217 CopyFrom(coord, coordVector->GetElements());
b7943f00 219 CopyFrom(coord, coordVector->GetMatrixArray());
5d7a6c6d 220#endif
b7943f00 221 return kTRUE;
5d7a6c6d 222}
b7943f00 223
225Int_t AliITSv11GeomCableRound::GetVect( Int_t iCheckPt, Double_t *coord)
226 const {
227 //
228 // Get vector transverse to the section at point #iCheckPt
229 //
231 TVectorD *coordVector =(TVectorD *)fPointArray.UncheckedAt(2*iCheckPt+1);
5d7a6c6d 232#if ROOT_VERSION_CODE < ROOT_VERSION(4,0,0)
233 CopyFrom(coord, coordVector->GetElements());
b7943f00 235 CopyFrom(coord, coordVector->GetMatrixArray());
5d7a6c6d 236#endif
b7943f00 237 return kTRUE;
5d7a6c6d 238}
b7943f00 240//________________________________________________________________________
241void AliITSv11GeomCableRound::AddCheckPoint( TGeoVolume *vol, Int_t iCheckPt,
242 Double_t *coord, Double_t *orthVect)
244 //
245 // Add point #iCheckPt and its transverse vector. Point is added at (i) in
246 // fPointArray and the vector is added at (i+1)
247 //
250 if (iCheckPt>=fVolumeArray.GetEntriesFast()) {
251 fVolumeArray.AddLast(vol);
252 TVectorD *point = new TVectorD(3,coord);
253 TVectorD *vect = new TVectorD(3,orthVect);
254 fPointArray.AddLast(point);
255 fPointArray.AddLast(vect);
257 } else if ((iCheckPt >= 0)&&(iCheckPt < fVolumeArray.GetEntriesFast())) {
258 fVolumeArray.AddAt(vol, iCheckPt);
259 TVectorD *point = new TVectorD(3,coord);
260 TVectorD *vect = new TVectorD(3,orthVect);
261 fPointArray.AddAt(point, iCheckPt*2 );
262 fPointArray.AddAt(vect, iCheckPt*2+1);
263 };
5d7a6c6d 264}
b7943f00 265
267void AliITSv11GeomCableRound::PrintCheckPoints() const {
268 // Print all check points
270 printf(" ---\n Printing all check points of the round cable\n");
271 for (Int_t i = 0; i<fVolumeArray.GetEntriesFast(); i++) {
272 TVectorD *coordVector = (TVectorD *)fPointArray.UncheckedAt(i*2);
273 //TVectorD *vectVector = (TVectorD *)fPointArray.UncheckedAt(i*2+1);
274 Double_t coord[3];
5d7a6c6d 275#if ROOT_VERSION_CODE < ROOT_VERSION(4,0,0)
276 CopyFrom(coord, coordVector->GetElements());
b7943f00 278 CopyFrom(coord, coordVector->GetMatrixArray());
5d7a6c6d 279#endif
b7943f00 280 printf(" ( %.2f, %.2f, %.2f )\n", coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]);
281 };
5d7a6c6d 282}
b7943f00 283
fa4639a3 284
b7943f00 285//________________________________________________________________________
108bd0fe 286TGeoVolume* AliITSv11GeomCableRound::CreateAndInsertCableSegment(Int_t p2,
287 TGeoCombiTrans** ct)
b7943f00 288{
289// Creates a cable segment between points p1 and p2.
b7943f00 290//
291// The segment volume is created inside the volume containing point2
292// Therefore this segment should be defined in this volume only.
293// I mean here that, if the previous point is in another volume,
294// it should be just at the border between the 2 volumes. Also the
295// orientation vector of the previous point should be othogonal to
296// the surface between the 2 volumes.
298 TGeoNode *mainNode;
299 if (fInitialNode==0) {
300 TObjArray *nodes = gGeoManager->GetListOfNodes();
108bd0fe 301 if (nodes->GetEntriesFast()==0) return 0;
b7943f00 302 mainNode = (TGeoNode *) nodes->UncheckedAt(0);
303 } else {
304 mainNode = fInitialNode;
305 };
307 Int_t p1 = p2 - 1;
308 TGeoVolume *p1Vol = GetVolume(p1);
309 TGeoVolume *p2Vol = GetVolume(p2);
311 ResetCheckDaughter();
312 fCurrentVol = p1Vol;
313 if (! CheckDaughter(mainNode)) {
314 printf("Error::volume containing point is not visible in node tree!\n");
108bd0fe 315 return 0;
b7943f00 316 };
318 Double_t coord1[3], coord2[3], vect1[3], vect2[3];
319 //=================================================
320 // Get p1 position in the systeme of p2
321 if (p1Vol!=p2Vol) {
323 Int_t p1nodeInd[fgkCableMaxNodeLevel];
324 for (Int_t i=0; i<fgkCableMaxNodeLevel; i++) p1nodeInd[i]=fNodeInd[i];
325 Int_t p1volLevel = 0;
326 while (p1nodeInd[p1volLevel]!=-1) p1volLevel++;
327 p1volLevel--;
329 ResetCheckDaughter();
330 fCurrentVol = p2Vol;
331 if (! CheckDaughter(mainNode)) {
332 printf("Error::volume containing point is not visible in node tree!\n");
108bd0fe 333 return 0;
b7943f00 334 };
335 Int_t p2nodeInd[fgkCableMaxNodeLevel];
336 for (Int_t i=0; i<fgkCableMaxNodeLevel; i++) p2nodeInd[i]=fNodeInd[i];
337 Int_t commonMotherLevel = 0;
338 while (p1nodeInd[commonMotherLevel]==fNodeInd[commonMotherLevel])
339 commonMotherLevel++;
340 commonMotherLevel--;
341 Int_t p2volLevel = 0;
342 while (fNodeInd[p2volLevel]!=-1) p2volLevel++;
343 p2volLevel--;
345 // Get coord and vect of p1 in the common mother reference system
346 GetCheckPoint(p1, 0, p1volLevel-commonMotherLevel, coord1);
347 GetCheckVect( p1, 0, p1volLevel-commonMotherLevel, vect1);
348 // Translate them in the reference system of the volume containing p2
349 TGeoNode *pathNode[fgkCableMaxNodeLevel];
350 pathNode[0] = mainNode;
351 for (Int_t i=0; i<=p2volLevel; i++) {
352 pathNode[i+1] = pathNode[i]->GetDaughter(p2nodeInd[i]);
353 };
354 Double_t globalCoord1[3] = {coord1[0], coord1[1], coord1[2]};
355 Double_t globalVect1[3] = {vect1[0], vect1[1], vect1[2]};
357 for (Int_t i = commonMotherLevel+1; i<=p2volLevel; i++) {
358 pathNode[i+1]->GetMatrix()->MasterToLocal(globalCoord1, coord1);
359 pathNode[i+1]->GetMatrix()->MasterToLocalVect(globalVect1, vect1);
360 CopyFrom(globalCoord1, coord1);
361 CopyFrom(globalVect1, vect1);
362 };
363 } else {
364 GetCheckPoint(p1, 0, 0, coord1);
365 GetCheckVect(p1, 0, 0, vect1);
366 };
368 //=================================================
369 // Get p2 position in the systeme of p2
370 GetCheckPoint(p2, 0, 0, coord2);
371 GetCheckVect(p2, 0, 0, vect2);
373 Double_t cx = (coord1[0]+coord2[0])/2;
374 Double_t cy = (coord1[1]+coord2[1])/2;
375 Double_t cz = (coord1[2]+coord2[2])/2;
376 Double_t dx = coord2[0]-coord1[0];
377 Double_t dy = coord2[1]-coord1[1];
378 Double_t dz = coord2[2]-coord1[2];
380 //=================================================
381 // Positionning of the segment between the 2 points
382 if ((dy<1e-31)&&(dy>0)) dy = 1e-31;
383 if ((dz<1e-31)&&(dz>0)) dz = 1e-31;
384 if ((dy>-1e-31)&&(dy<0)) dy = -1e-31;
385 if ((dz>-1e-31)&&(dz<0)) dz = -1e-31;
387 Double_t angleRot1 = -TMath::ATan2(dx,dy);
388 Double_t planDiagL = TMath::Sqrt(dy*dy+dx*dx);
389 Double_t angleRotDiag = -TMath::ATan2(planDiagL,dz);
390 TGeoRotation *rot = new TGeoRotation("",angleRot1*TMath::RadToDeg(),
391 angleRotDiag*TMath::RadToDeg(),
392 0);
393 Double_t localVect1[3], localVect2[3];
394 rot->MasterToLocalVect(vect1, localVect1);
395 rot->MasterToLocalVect(vect2, localVect2);
396 TGeoTranslation *trans = new TGeoTranslation("",cx, cy, cz);
398 //=================================================
399 // Create the segment and add it to the mother volume
400 TGeoVolume *vCableSeg = CreateSegment(coord1, coord2,
7a82301d 401 localVect1, localVect2, p2);
b7943f00 402
403 TGeoCombiTrans *combi = new TGeoCombiTrans(*trans, *rot);
404 p2Vol->AddNode(vCableSeg, p2, combi);
405 //=================================================
406 delete rot;
407 delete trans;
409 if (fDebug) {
410 printf("---\n Cable segment points : ");
411 printf("%f, %f, %f\n",coord1[0], coord1[1], coord1[2]);
412 printf("%f, %f, %f\n",coord2[0], coord2[1], coord2[2]);
413 };
414// #include <TGeoSphere.h>
108bd0fe 415// TGeoMedium *airSDD = gGeoManager->GetMedium("ITS_AIR$");
b7943f00 416// TGeoSphere *sphere = new TGeoSphere(0, 0.15);
417// TGeoVolume *vSphere = new TGeoVolume("", sphere, airSDD);
418// TGeoTranslation *trC = new TGeoTranslation("", cx, cy, cz);
419// TGeoTranslation *tr1 = new TGeoTranslation("",coord1[0],
420// coord1[1],coord1[2]);
421// TGeoTranslation *tr2 = new TGeoTranslation("",coord2[0],
422// coord2[1],coord2[2]);
423// p2Vol->AddNode(vSphere, p2*3-2, trC);
424// p2Vol->AddNode(vSphere, p2*3-1, tr1);
425// p2Vol->AddNode(vSphere, p2*3 , tr2);
108bd0fe 427 if (ct) *ct = combi;
428 return vCableSeg;
5d7a6c6d 429}
b7943f00 430
fa4639a3 431
108bd0fe 433TGeoVolume* AliITSv11GeomCableRound::CreateAndInsertTorusSegment(Int_t p2,
434 Double_t rotation,
435 TGeoCombiTrans** ct)
fa4639a3 436{
437 // Create a torus cable segment between points p1 and p2.
438 // The radius and position of the torus is defined by the
439 // perpendicular vector of point p2 (the orientation of this vector
440 // and the position of the 2 check points are enough to completely
441 // define the torus)
443 TGeoNode *mainNode;
444 if (fInitialNode==0) {
445 TObjArray *nodes = gGeoManager->GetListOfNodes();
108bd0fe 446 if (nodes->GetEntriesFast()==0) return 0;
fa4639a3 447 mainNode = (TGeoNode *) nodes->UncheckedAt(0);
448 } else {
449 mainNode = fInitialNode;
450 };
452 Int_t p1 = p2 - 1;
453 TGeoVolume *p1Vol = GetVolume(p1);
454 TGeoVolume *p2Vol = GetVolume(p2);
456 ResetCheckDaughter();
457 fCurrentVol = p1Vol;
458 if (! CheckDaughter(mainNode)) {
459 printf("Error::volume containing point is not visible in node tree!\n");
108bd0fe 460 return 0;
fa4639a3 461 };
463 Double_t coord1[3], coord2[3], vect1[3], vect2[3];
464 //=================================================
465 // Get p1 position in the systeme of p2
466 if (p1Vol!=p2Vol) {
468 Int_t p1nodeInd[fgkCableMaxNodeLevel];
469 for (Int_t i=0; i<fgkCableMaxNodeLevel; i++) p1nodeInd[i]=fNodeInd[i];
470 Int_t p1volLevel = 0;
471 while (p1nodeInd[p1volLevel]!=-1) p1volLevel++;
472 p1volLevel--;
474 ResetCheckDaughter();
475 fCurrentVol = p2Vol;
476 if (! CheckDaughter(mainNode)) {
477 printf("Error::volume containing point is not visible in node tree!\n");
108bd0fe 478 return 0;
fa4639a3 479 };
480 Int_t p2nodeInd[fgkCableMaxNodeLevel];
481 for (Int_t i=0; i<fgkCableMaxNodeLevel; i++) p2nodeInd[i]=fNodeInd[i];
482 Int_t commonMotherLevel = 0;
483 while (p1nodeInd[commonMotherLevel]==fNodeInd[commonMotherLevel])
484 commonMotherLevel++;
485 commonMotherLevel--;
486 Int_t p2volLevel = 0;
487 while (fNodeInd[p2volLevel]!=-1) p2volLevel++;
488 p2volLevel--;
490 // Get coord and vect of p1 in the common mother reference system
491 GetCheckPoint(p1, 0, p1volLevel-commonMotherLevel, coord1);
492 GetCheckVect( p1, 0, p1volLevel-commonMotherLevel, vect1);
493 // Translate them in the reference system of the volume containing p2
494 TGeoNode *pathNode[fgkCableMaxNodeLevel];
495 pathNode[0] = mainNode;
496 for (Int_t i=0; i<=p2volLevel; i++) {
497 pathNode[i+1] = pathNode[i]->GetDaughter(p2nodeInd[i]);
498 };
499 Double_t globalCoord1[3] = {coord1[0], coord1[1], coord1[2]};
500 Double_t globalVect1[3] = {vect1[0], vect1[1], vect1[2]};
502 for (Int_t i = commonMotherLevel+1; i<=p2volLevel; i++) {
503 pathNode[i+1]->GetMatrix()->MasterToLocal(globalCoord1, coord1);
504 pathNode[i+1]->GetMatrix()->MasterToLocalVect(globalVect1, vect1);
505 CopyFrom(globalCoord1, coord1);
506 CopyFrom(globalVect1, vect1);
507 };
508 } else {
509 GetCheckPoint(p1, 0, 0, coord1);
510 GetCheckVect(p1, 0, 0, vect1);
511 };
513 //=================================================
514 // Get p2 position in the systeme of p2
515 GetCheckPoint(p2, 0, 0, coord2);
516 GetCheckVect(p2, 0, 0, vect2);
518 Double_t cx = (coord1[0]+coord2[0])/2;
519 Double_t cy = (coord1[1]+coord2[1])/2;
520 Double_t cz = (coord1[2]+coord2[2])/2;
521 Double_t dx = coord2[0]-coord1[0];
522 Double_t dy = coord2[1]-coord1[1];
523 Double_t dz = coord2[2]-coord1[2];
524 Double_t length = TMath::Sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
526 //=================================================
527 // Positionning of the segment between the 2 points
528 if ((dy<1e-31)&&(dy>0)) dy = 1e-31;
529 if ((dz<1e-31)&&(dz>0)) dz = 1e-31;
530 if ((dy>-1e-31)&&(dy<0)) dy = -1e-31;
531 if ((dz>-1e-31)&&(dz<0)) dz = -1e-31;
533 Double_t angleRot1 = -TMath::ATan2(dx,dy);
534 Double_t planDiagL = TMath::Sqrt(dy*dy+dx*dx);
535 Double_t angleRotDiag = -TMath::ATan2(planDiagL,dz);
537 TGeoRotation rotTorusTemp("",angleRot1*TMath::RadToDeg(),
538 angleRotDiag*TMath::RadToDeg(),0);
539 TGeoRotation rotTorusToZ("",0,90,0);
540 rotTorusTemp.MultiplyBy(&rotTorusToZ, kTRUE);
541 Double_t localVect2[3];
542 rotTorusTemp.MasterToLocalVect(vect2, localVect2);
543 if (localVect2[1]<0) {
544 localVect2[0] = -localVect2[0];
545 localVect2[1] = -localVect2[1];
546 localVect2[2] = -localVect2[2];
547 };
548 Double_t normVect2 = TMath::Sqrt(localVect2[0]*localVect2[0]+
549 localVect2[1]*localVect2[1]+
550 localVect2[2]*localVect2[2]);
551 Double_t axisX[3] = {1,0,0};
552 Double_t cosangleTorusSeg = (localVect2[0]*axisX[0]+
553 localVect2[1]*axisX[1]+
554 localVect2[2]*axisX[2])/normVect2;
555 Double_t angleTorusSeg = TMath::ACos(cosangleTorusSeg)*TMath::RadToDeg();
556 TGeoRotation rotTorus("",angleRot1*TMath::RadToDeg(),
557 angleRotDiag*TMath::RadToDeg(),
558 180-angleTorusSeg+rotation);
559 rotTorus.MultiplyBy(&rotTorusToZ, kTRUE);
560 rotTorus.MasterToLocalVect(vect2, localVect2);
561 if (localVect2[1]<0) {
562 localVect2[0] = -localVect2[0];
563 localVect2[1] = -localVect2[1];
564 localVect2[2] = -localVect2[2];
565 };
566 normVect2 = TMath::Sqrt(localVect2[0]*localVect2[0]+
567 localVect2[1]*localVect2[1]+
568 localVect2[2]*localVect2[2]);
569 Double_t axisY[3] = {0,1,0};
570 Double_t cosPhi = (localVect2[0]*axisY[0]+localVect2[1]*axisY[1]+
571 localVect2[2]*axisY[2])/normVect2;
572 Double_t torusPhi1 = TMath::ACos(cosPhi);
573 Double_t torusR = (length/2)/TMath::Sin(torusPhi1);
574 torusPhi1 = torusPhi1*TMath::RadToDeg();
575 Double_t perpLength = TMath::Sqrt(torusR*torusR-length*length/4);
576 Double_t localTransT[3] = {-perpLength,0,0};
577 Double_t globalTransT[3];
578 rotTorus.LocalToMasterVect(localTransT, globalTransT);
579 TGeoTranslation transTorus("",cx+globalTransT[0],cy+globalTransT[1],
580 cz+globalTransT[2]);
582 TGeoCombiTrans *combiTorus = new TGeoCombiTrans(transTorus, rotTorus);
584 //=================================================
585 // Create the segment and add it to the mother volume
7a82301d 586 TGeoVolume *vCableSegT = CreateTorus(torusPhi1, torusR, p2);
fa4639a3 587 p2Vol->AddNode(vCableSegT, p2, combiTorus);
589 if (fDebug) {
590 printf("---\n Cable segment points : ");
591 printf("%f, %f, %f\n",coord1[0], coord1[1], coord1[2]);
592 printf("%f, %f, %f\n",coord2[0], coord2[1], coord2[2]);
593 };
108bd0fe 595 if (ct) *ct = combiTorus;
596 return vCableSegT;
5d7a6c6d 597}
fa4639a3 598
b7943f00 599//________________________________________________________________________
600TGeoVolume *AliITSv11GeomCableRound::CreateSegment( Double_t *coord1,
601 Double_t *coord2,
602 Double_t *localVect1,
7a82301d 603 Double_t *localVect2, Int_t p)
b7943f00 604{
fa4639a3 605 // Create one cylindrical segment and its layers
b7943f00 606
607 //=================================================
608 // Calculate segment "deformation"
609 Double_t dx = coord2[0]-coord1[0];
610 Double_t dy = coord2[1]-coord1[1];
611 Double_t dz = coord2[2]-coord1[2];
612 Double_t length = TMath::Sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
614 // normal vectors have to point outside the TGeoCtub :
615 if (-localVect1[2]<0) {
616 localVect1[0] = -localVect1[0];
617 localVect1[1] = -localVect1[1];
618 localVect1[2] = -localVect1[2];
619 };
620 if (localVect2[2]<0) {
621 localVect2[0] = -localVect2[0];
622 localVect2[1] = -localVect2[1];
623 localVect2[2] = -localVect2[2];
624 };
625 //=================================================
626 // Create the segment
fa4639a3 627 TGeoCtub *cableSeg = new TGeoCtub(0, fRadius, length/2, fPhiMin, fPhiMax,
b7943f00 628 localVect1[0],localVect1[1],localVect1[2],
629 localVect2[0],localVect2[1],localVect2[2]);
108bd0fe 631 TGeoMedium *airSDD = gGeoManager->GetMedium("ITS_AIR$");
7a82301d 632 char name[100];
633 sprintf(name, "%s_%i",GetName(),p);
634 TGeoVolume *vCableSeg = new TGeoVolume(name, cableSeg, airSDD);
b7943f00 635
636 // add all cable layers
637 Double_t layThickness[100+1]; // 100 layers max !!!
638 layThickness[0] = 0;
639 for (Int_t iLay=0; iLay<fNlayer; iLay++) {
641 layThickness[iLay+1] = fLayThickness[iLay]+layThickness[iLay];
642 TGeoCtub *lay = new TGeoCtub(layThickness[iLay], layThickness[iLay+1],
643 length/2, fPhiMin, fPhiMax,
644 localVect1[0],localVect1[1],localVect1[2],
645 localVect2[0],localVect2[1],localVect2[2]);
647 TGeoVolume *vLay = new TGeoVolume("vCableSegLay", lay, fLayMedia[iLay]);
648 vLay->SetLineColor(fLayColor[iLay]);
649 vCableSeg->AddNode(vLay, iLay+1, 0);
650 };
652 vCableSeg->SetVisibility(kFALSE);
653 return vCableSeg;
5d7a6c6d 654}
b7943f00 655
fa4639a3 657//________________________________________________________________________
658TGeoVolume *AliITSv11GeomCableRound::CreateTorus( Double_t &phi,
7a82301d 659 Double_t &r, Int_t p)
fa4639a3 660{
661 // Create one torus segment and its layers
663 Double_t torusR = r;
7a82301d 664// Double_t torusPhi1 = phi;
665// Double_t torusDPhi = -2*torusPhi1; // bug in root ...
666 Double_t torusPhi1 = 360-phi;
667 Double_t torusDPhi = 2*phi;
fa4639a3 668
669 //=================================================
670 // Create the segment
7a82301d 671 TGeoTorus *cableSeg = new TGeoTorus(torusR, 0, fRadius, torusPhi1, torusDPhi);
108bd0fe 672 TGeoMedium *airSDD = gGeoManager->GetMedium("ITS_AIR$");
7a82301d 673 char name[100];
674 sprintf(name, "%s_%i",GetName(),p);
675 TGeoVolume *vCableSeg = new TGeoVolume(name, cableSeg, airSDD);
fa4639a3 676
677 // add all cable layers
678 Double_t layThickness[100+1]; // 100 layers max !!!
679 layThickness[0] = 0;
680 for (Int_t iLay=0; iLay<fNlayer; iLay++) {
682 layThickness[iLay+1] = fLayThickness[iLay]+layThickness[iLay];
683 TGeoTorus *lay = new TGeoTorus(torusR, layThickness[iLay],
684 layThickness[iLay+1],
685 torusPhi1,torusDPhi);
687 TGeoVolume *vLay = new TGeoVolume("vCableSegLay",lay,fLayMedia[iLay]);
688 vLay->SetLineColor(fLayColor[iLay]);
689 vCableSeg->AddNode(vLay, iLay+1, 0);
690 };
692 vCableSeg->SetVisibility(kFALSE);
693 return vCableSeg;
5d7a6c6d 694}
fa4639a3 695
b7943f00 697//________________________________________________________________________
698void AliITSv11GeomCableRound::SetNLayers(Int_t nLayers) {
699 // Set the total number of layers
700 if((nLayers>0) &&(nLayers<=fgkCableMaxLayer)) {
701 fNlayer = nLayers;
702 for (Int_t i = 0; i<fNlayer; i++) {
703 fLayThickness[i] = 0;
704 fLayMedia[i] = 0;
705 };
706 };
5d7a6c6d 707}
b7943f00 708
710Int_t AliITSv11GeomCableRound::SetLayer(Int_t nLayer, Double_t thick,
711 TGeoMedium *medium, Int_t color) {
712 // Set layer #nLayer
713 if ((nLayer<0)||(nLayer>=fNlayer)) {
714 printf("Set wrong layer number of the cable\n");
715 return kFALSE;
716 };
717 if (nLayer>0)
718 if (fLayThickness[nLayer-1]<=0) {
719 printf("You must define cable layer %i first !",nLayer-1);
720 return kFALSE;
721 };
723 Double_t thickTot = 0;
724 for (Int_t i=0; i<nLayer; i++) thickTot += fLayThickness[i];
725 thickTot += thick;
726 if (thickTot-1e-10>fRadius) {
727 printf("Can't add this layer, cable thickness would be higher than total\n");
728 return kFALSE;
729 };
731 fLayThickness[nLayer] = thick;
732 fLayMedia[nLayer] = medium;
733 fLayColor[nLayer] = color;
735 return kTRUE;
5d7a6c6d 736}