]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/AliITSv11Hybrid.h
Bug fix (F.Prino)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSv11Hybrid.h
108bd0fe 1#ifndef ALIITSV11HYBRID_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
8// Geometry of the Inner Tracking System
10// This geometry is a mix between the old geometry (originally coded
11// in AliITSvPPRasymmFMD) and the new TGeo geometry (v11).
13// Ludovic Gaudichet (gaudichet@to.infn.it)
8f8273a4 16
18// $Id$
20// $Log$
a275e8ba 21// Revision 1.7 2007/12/17 14:48:24 masera
22// Thermal shield between SPD and SDD (M. Sitta)
b0c0f648 24// Revision 1.6 2007/10/21 19:22:53 masera
25// Coding conventions
7ab0715c 27// Revision 1.5 2007/08/24 14:32:57 hristov
28// Introduction of SPD half-stave volumes, cleaning and new code (in relation to new SPD geometry) in AliITSv11Hybrid (Ludovic)
8f8273a4 30// Revision 1.4 2007/06/28 10:17:25 masera
31// Introduction of the new SSD geometry in simulation (AliITSv11Hybrid) and suppression of overlaps between old and new parts
33// Revision 1.3 2007/05/08 16:57:42 masera
34// Updates concerning the geometry: versioning system, new V11hybrid version, bug fixes (B.Nilsend and L. Gaudichet
108bd0fe 37
38#include "AliITS.h"
012f0f4c 39#include "AliITSInitGeometry.h"
108bd0fe 40
8f8273a4 41class AliITSv11GeometrySPD;
108bd0fe 42class AliITSv11GeometrySDD;
bf210566 43class AliITSv11GeometrySSD;
a275e8ba 44class AliITSv11GeometrySupport;
108bd0fe 45
46class AliITSv11Hybrid : public AliITS {
48 public:
49 AliITSv11Hybrid();
8f8273a4 50 AliITSv11Hybrid(const char *title);
108bd0fe 51 AliITSv11Hybrid(const char *name, const char *title);
52 virtual ~AliITSv11Hybrid() ;
53 virtual void BuildGeometry();
54 virtual void CreateGeometry();
55 virtual void CreateMaterials();
56 virtual Int_t IsVersion() const {// returns the ITS version number
57 return 110;}
58 virtual void Init();
59 virtual void SetDefaults();
60 virtual void DrawModule() const;
61 virtual void StepManager();
62 virtual void AddAlignableVolumes() const;
63 virtual void SetWriteDet(Bool_t det=kFALSE){ // set .det write
64 fGeomDetOut = det;}
65 virtual void SetWriteDet(const char *f){ // set write file
66 strncpy(fWrite,f,60);fGeomDetOut = kTRUE;}
67 virtual void SetReadDet(Bool_t det=kFALSE){ //set .det read
68 fGeomDetIn = det;}
69 virtual void SetReadDet(const char *f){ // set read file
70 strncpy(fRead,f,60);fGeomDetIn = kTRUE;}
71 virtual void SetEUCLIDFileName(const char *f){ // set write file
72 fEuclidGeometry=f; SetEUCLID();}
73 virtual void SetMinorVersion(Int_t v=2){ // Choose between existing minor versions
74 fMinorVersion = v;}
75 virtual void SetThicknessDet1(Float_t v=200.){
76 // Set detector thickness in layer 1
77 fDet1 = v;}
78 virtual void SetThicknessDet2(Float_t v=200.){
79 // Set detector thickness in layer 2
80 fDet2 = v;}
81 virtual void SetThicknessChip1(Float_t v=150.){
82 // Set chip thickness in layer 1
83 fChip1 = v;}
84 virtual void SetThicknessChip2(Float_t v=150.){
85 // Set chip thickness in layer 2
86 fChip2 = v;}
87 virtual void SetRails(Int_t v=0){
88 // Set flag for rails
89 fRails = v;}
90 virtual void SetCoolingFluid(Int_t v=1){
91 // Set flag for cooling fluid
92 fFluid = v;}
93 virtual void SetDensityServicesByThickness(){// uses services density
94 // calculation based on the thickness of the services.
95 fByThick = kTRUE;}
96 virtual void SetDensityServicesByMass(){// uses services density
97 // calculation based on the Mass of the services.
98 fByThick = kFALSE;}
99 virtual const char *GetEULIIDFileName() const{ // return .euc file name
100 return fEuclidGeometry.Data();}
101 virtual Bool_t GetWriteDet() const { // returns value GeomDetOut flag.
102 return fGeomDetOut;}
103 virtual Bool_t GetReadDet() const { // returns value GeomDetIn flag.
104 return fGeomDetIn;}
105 virtual char *GetReadDetFileName(){ // return .det read file name
106 if(fRead[0]!='\0') return fRead; else return fEuclidGeomDet;}
107 virtual char *GetWriteDetFileName(){ // return .det write file name
108 if(fWrite[0]!='\0') return fWrite; else return fEuclidGeomDet;}
109 virtual Int_t GetMajorVersion() const {// return Major Version Number
110 return fMajorVersion;}
111 virtual Int_t GetMinorVersion() const {// return Major Version Number
112 return fMinorVersion;}
113 virtual Float_t GetThicknessDet1() const {
114 // Get detector thickness in layer 1
115 return fDet1;}
116 virtual Float_t GetThicknessDet2() const {
117 // Get detector thickness in layer 2
118 return fDet2;}
119 virtual Float_t GetThicknessChip1() const {
120 // Get chip thickness in layer 1
121 return fChip1;}
122 virtual Float_t GetThicknessChip2()const {
123 // Get chip thickness in layer 2
124 return fChip2;}
125 virtual Int_t GetRails() const {
126 // Get flag for rails
127 return fRails;}
128 virtual Int_t GetCoolingFluid() const{
129 // Get flag for cooling fluid
130 return fFluid;}
132 protected:
133 void CreateOldGeometry();
bf210566 134 void SetT2Lmatrix(const char *name, Double_t yShift,
135 Bool_t yFlip, Bool_t yRot180=kFALSE) const; // Set T2L matrix in TGeoPNEntries
b0c0f648 136 void CreateSPDThermalShield(TGeoVolume *moth);
137 TGeoVolumeAssembly *CreateSPDThermalShieldAssembly(const char *name,
138 Double_t innerA, Double_t innerB, Double_t innerRadius,
139 Double_t outerA, Double_t outerB, Double_t outerRadius,
140 Double_t halflength, Double_t thickness,
141 Double_t thicknessOmega, Double_t theta);
142 void SPDThermalShape(Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t r, Double_t d,
143 Double_t t, Double_t *x, Double_t *y);
144 void SPDOmegaShape(Double_t ina, Double_t inb, Double_t inr,
145 Double_t oua, Double_t oub, Double_t our,
146 Double_t dou, Double_t d , Double_t t ,
147 Double_t *x, Double_t *y);
148 void FillSPDXtruShape(Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t r,
149 Double_t t, Double_t *x, Double_t *y);
108bd0fe 150
151 private:
152 AliITSv11Hybrid(const AliITSv11Hybrid &source); // copy constructor
153 AliITSv11Hybrid& operator=(const AliITSv11Hybrid &source); // assignment operator
7ab0715c 154 void InitAliITSgeom() const;
108bd0fe 155
108bd0fe 156 Bool_t fGeomDetOut; // Flag to write .det file out
157 Bool_t fGeomDetIn; // Flag to read .det file or directly from Geat.
158 Bool_t fByThick; // Flag to use services materials by thickness
159 // ture, or mass false.
160 Int_t fMajorVersion; // Major version number == IsVersion
161 Int_t fMinorVersion; // Minor version number
162 char fEuclidGeomDet[60];// file where detector transormation are define.
163 char fRead[60]; //! file name to read .det file
164 char fWrite[60]; //! file name to write .det file
165 Float_t fDet1; // thickness of detector in SPD layer 1
166 Float_t fDet2; // thickness of detector in SPD layer 2
167 Float_t fChip1; // thickness of chip in SPD layer 1
168 Float_t fChip2; // thickness of chip in SPD layer 2
169 Int_t fRails; // flag to switch rails on (=1) and off (=0)
170 Int_t fFluid; // flag to switch between water (=1) and freon (=0)
171 Int_t fIDMother; //! ITS Mother Volume id.
012f0f4c 173 AliITSInitGeometry fInitGeom; //! Get access to decoding and AliITSgeom init functins
8f8273a4 174 AliITSv11GeometrySPD *fSPDgeom; //! SPD Geometry
012f0f4c 175 AliITSv11GeometrySDD *fSDDgeom; //! SDD Geometry
bf210566 176 AliITSv11GeometrySSD *fSSDgeom; //! SSD Geometry
a275e8ba 177 AliITSv11GeometrySupport *fSupgeom; //! Support Geometry
108bd0fe 178
8f8273a4 179 ClassDef(AliITSv11Hybrid,0)
108bd0fe 180};