]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/UPGRADE/AliITSUSimulationPix.h
Merge branch 'master' of https://git.cern.ch/reps/AliRoot
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / UPGRADE / AliITSUSimulationPix.h
4/* Copyright(c) 2007-2009, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
f6b66dab 5 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
451f5018 6
8// Simulation class for upgrade pixels //
f6b66dab 10#include <TRandom3.h>
4fa9d550 11#include <TObjArray.h>
451f5018 12#include "AliITSUSimulation.h"
13#include "AliITSUSegmentationPix.h"
15class TH1F;
852af72e 16class AliITSUChip;
451f5018 17class AliITSUSimuParam;
29ad4146 18class AliITSUParamList;
19class TH2;
451f5018 20
23class AliITSUSimulationPix : public AliITSUSimulation {
f6b66dab 25 enum {kCellX1,kCellX2,kCellZ1,kCellZ2,kCellYDepth,kNDtSpread}; // data used for ch. spread integral calc.
26 //
27 // charge spread functions defined
28 enum {kSpreadFunGauss2D // single gaussian in 2D, SpreadFunGauss2D
29 ,kSpreadFunDoubleGauss2D // double gaussian in 2D, SpreadFunDoubleGauss2D
30 ,kSpreadFunHisto // use 2D histo from the object stored in fResponseParam
31 ,kNSpreadFuns
32 };
33 // These are enums for interpretation of the entries in the AliITSUParamList*fResponseParam :
34 // object to holding the sensor-specific response data
35 // fist kParamStart entries of spread fun params are reserved for common parameters
36 enum {kChargeSpreadType // charge spread function type, one of kNSpreadFuns types
37 ,kSpreadFunParamNXoffs // number of pixels to consider +- from injection point (in X)
38 ,kSpreadFunParamNZoffs // number of pixels to consider +- from injection point (in Z)
39 ,kSpreadFunMinSteps // the single hit charge is divided into kSpreadFunMinSteps (minimum is 3)
b2679935 40 ,kReadOutSchemeType // readout type strobe, rolling shutter etc
f6b66dab 41 ,kReadOutCycleLength // full readout cycle window
b2679935 42 ,kSpreadFunGlobalQScale // Global charge scaling factor to match tes beam results to simu (Geant3)
43 ,kPixSNDisrcCut // S/N cut applied at discrimination level
44 ,kPixMinElToAdd // Min number of electrons to add to sdig
45 ,kPixNoiseIsOn // Turn Pixel Noise on
852af72e 46 ,kPixNoiseInAllMod // To apply pixel noise in all chips, if not only on ones where there is a hit
f6b66dab 47 ,kPixNoiseMPV // Pixel noise MPV
b2679935 48 ,kPixNoiseSigma // Pixel noise sigma
f6b66dab 49 ,kPixFakeRate // Pixel fake rate
50 ,kDigitalSim //Digital pixel simulation
51 //
52 ,kNReservedParams=20 // some reserved slots
53 ,kParamStart = kNReservedParams // user parameters must start from this slot
54 };
55 //___ Noisy pixel type
56 enum { kNoisyPixOCDB = 9990, kNoisyPixRnd = 9991 };
58 //
59 // defined readout types:
60 enum {kReadOutStrobe // hits in static time window fReadOutCycleLength wrt offset fReadOOutCycleOffset (global for sensor) are seen
61 ,kReadOutRollingShutter // hits in rolling (row-wise) window are seen (see GetReadOutCycleRollingShutter)
62 ,kNReadOutTypes
63 };
64 // elements of the SpreadFunGauss2D parameterization (offsetted by kParamStart)
65 enum {kG1MeanX=kParamStart,kG1SigX,kG1MeanZ,kG1SigZ,kNG1Par};
66 // elements of the SpreadFunDoubleGauss2D parameterization (offsetted by kParamStart)
67 enum {kG2MeanX0=kParamStart,kG2SigX0,kG2MeanZ0,kG2SigZ0,kG2MeanX1,kG2SigX1,kG2MeanZ1,kG2SigZ1,kG2ScaleG2,kNG2Par};
68 //
69 AliITSUSimulationPix();
70 AliITSUSimulationPix(AliITSUSimuParam* sim,AliITSUSensMap* map);
71 virtual ~AliITSUSimulationPix();
72 AliITSUSimulationPix(const AliITSUSimulationPix &source);
73 AliITSUSimulationPix& operator=(const AliITSUSimulationPix &s);
74 void Init();
75 //
76 void FinishSDigitiseChip();
77 void DigitiseChip();
78 //
79 void SDigitiseChip();
80 void WriteSDigits();
81 void Hits2SDigits();
82 void Hits2SDigitsFast();
83 void Hits2SDigitsFastDigital();
84 void AddNoisyPixels();
85 void RemoveDeadPixels();
86 void FrompListToDigits();
87 //
88 Int_t AddRandomNoisePixels(Double_t tof=0);
89 Bool_t SetTanLorAngle(Double_t WeightHole=1.0);
90 Double_t GetTanLorAngle() const {return fTanLorAng;};
91 //
92 // For backwards compatibility
93 void SDigitsToDigits(){ FinishSDigitiseChip();}
94 //
95 Double_t SpreadFunDoubleGauss2D(const Double_t *dtIn);
96 Double_t SpreadFunGauss2D(const Double_t *dtIn);
97 Double_t SpreadFrom2DHisto(const Double_t *dtIn);
98 //
99 virtual void SetResponseParam(AliITSUParamList* resp);
100 //
101 Int_t GetReadOutCycle(Int_t row, Int_t col, Double_t hitTime);
102 Int_t GetReadOutCycleRollingShutter(Int_t row, Int_t col, Double_t hitTime);
103 //
104 void CalcDiodeShiftInPixel(Int_t xrow, Int_t zcol, Float_t &x, Float_t &z);
105 //
107 void SpreadCharge2D(Double_t x0,Double_t z0, Double_t dy, Int_t ix0,Int_t iz0,
108 Double_t el, Double_t tof, Int_t tID, Int_t hID);
109 void PlaceDigitalPixels(Double_t x0,Double_t z0, Double_t el, Double_t tof, Int_t tID, Int_t hID);
111 //
112 void SetCoupling(AliITSUSDigit* old); // "New" coupling routine Tiziano Virgili
113 void SetCouplingOld(AliITSUSDigit* old); // "Old" coupling routine Rocco Caliandro
114 //
116 Double_t fTanLorAng; //! Tangent of the Lorentz Angle (weighted average for hole and electrons)
117 Double_t fGlobalChargeScale; // Charge scaling to match Geant and Test beam
118 //
119 TH2* fSpread2DHisto; //! optional 2D histo for charge spread parameterization
120 Double_t (AliITSUSimulationPix::*fSpreadFun)(const Double_t *dtIn); //! pointer on current spread function
121 Int_t (AliITSUSimulationPix::*fROTimeFun)(Int_t row,Int_t col, Double_t hitTime); //! pointer on current R/O time check function
123 ClassDef(AliITSUSimulationPix,1) // Simulation of pixel clusters
451f5018 125#endif