]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/UPGRADE/Detector.h
Print also cluster pattern in readClusters
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / UPGRADE / Detector.h
54fc064a 1#ifndef DETECTOR_H
2#define DETECTOR_H
4#include <TNamed.h>
5#include <TList.h>
6#include <TGraph.h>
10Fast Simulation tool for Inner Tracker Systems
12original code of using the billoir technique was developed
13for the HFT (STAR), James H. Thomas, jhthomas@lbl.gov
16Changes by S. Rossegger
c40d3fcb 17
18March 2011 - Changes to comply with the Alice Offline coding conventions
20Feb. 2011 - Improvement in "lowest pt allowed" -> now uses helix param. for calc. of a,b
22 - Adding a more sophisticaed efficiency calculation which includes
23 the possibility to make chi2 cuts via Confidence Levels (method of Ruben Shahoyan)
24 plus adding 'basic' detection efficiencies per layer ...
26 - Adding "ITS Stand alone" tracking capabilities via
27 forward+backward tracking -> Kalman smoothing is then
28 used for the parameter estimates (important for efficiencies)
30Jan. 2011 - Inclusion of ImpactParameter Plots (with vtx estimates)
31 to allow comparison with ITS performances in pp data
54fc064a 33Dec. 2010 - Translation into C++ class format
34 - Adding various Setters and Getters to build the geometry
35 (based on cylinders) plus handling of the layer properties
54fc064a 37
41class Detector : public TNamed {
42 public:
43 Detector();
44 Detector(char *name,char *title);
45 virtual ~Detector();
c40d3fcb 47 void AddLayer(char *name, Float_t radius, Float_t radL, Float_t phiRes=999999, Float_t zRes=999999, Float_t eff=1.);
54fc064a 48
49 void KillLayer(char *name);
50 void SetRadius(char *name, Float_t radius);
51 void SetRadiationLength(char *name, Float_t radL);
c40d3fcb 52 void SetResolution(char *name, Float_t phiRes=999999, Float_t zRes=999999);
53 void SetLayerEfficiency(char *name, Float_t eff=1.0);
54fc064a 54 void RemoveLayer(char *name);
56 Float_t GetRadius(char *name);
57 Float_t GetRadiationLength(char *name);
58 Float_t GetResolution(char *name, Int_t axis=0);
c40d3fcb 59 Float_t GetLayerEfficiency(char *name);
54fc064a 60
61 void PrintLayout();
c40d3fcb 62 void PlotLayout(Int_t plotDead = kTRUE);
54fc064a 64 void MakeAliceCurrent(Int_t AlignResiduals = 0, Bool_t flagTPC =1);
65 void AddTPC(Float_t phiResMean, Float_t zResMean, Int_t skip=1);
c40d3fcb 66 void RemoveTPC();
54fc064a 67
68 void SetBField(Float_t bfield) {fBField = bfield; }
c40d3fcb 69 Float_t GetBField() const {return fBField; }
54fc064a 70 void SetLhcUPCscale(Float_t lhcUPCscale) {fLhcUPCscale = lhcUPCscale; }
c40d3fcb 71 Float_t GetLhcUPCscale() const { return fLhcUPCscale; }
54fc064a 72 void SetParticleMass(Float_t particleMass) {fParticleMass = particleMass; }
c40d3fcb 73 Float_t GetParticleMass() const { return fParticleMass; }
54fc064a 74 void SetIntegrationTime(Float_t integrationTime) {fIntegrationTime = integrationTime; }
c40d3fcb 75 Float_t GetIntegrationTime() const { return fIntegrationTime; }
76 void SetMaxRadiusOfSlowDetectors(Float_t maxRadiusSlowDet) {fMaxRadiusSlowDet = maxRadiusSlowDet; }
77 Float_t GetMaxRadiusOfSlowDetectors() const { return fMaxRadiusSlowDet; }
54fc064a 78 void SetAvgRapidity(Float_t avgRapidity) {fAvgRapidity = avgRapidity; }
c40d3fcb 79 Float_t GetAvgRapidity() const { return fAvgRapidity; }
80 void SetConfidenceLevel(Float_t confLevel) {fConfLevel = confLevel; }
81 Float_t GetConfidenceLevel() const { return fConfLevel; }
54fc064a 82
c40d3fcb 83 Float_t GetNumberOfActiveLayers() const {return fNumberOfActiveLayers; }
54fc064a 84
c40d3fcb 85 void SolveViaBilloir(Int_t flagD0=1,Int_t print=1, Bool_t allPt=1, Double_t meanPt =0.750);
86 void SolveDOFminusOneAverage();
54fc064a 87
54fc064a 88 // Helper functions
c40d3fcb 89 Double_t ThetaMCS ( Double_t mass, Double_t RadLength, Double_t momentum ) const;
90 Double_t ProbGoodHit ( Double_t radius, Double_t searchRadiusRPhi, Double_t searchRadiusZ ) ;
91 Double_t ProbGoodChiSqHit ( Double_t radius, Double_t searchRadiusRPhi, Double_t searchRadiusZ ) ;
92 Double_t ProbGoodChiSqPlusConfHit ( Double_t radius, Double_t leff, Double_t searchRadiusRPhi, Double_t searchRadiusZ ) ;
54fc064a 94 // Howard W. hit distribution and convolution integral
c40d3fcb 95 Double_t Dist ( Double_t Z, Double_t radius ) ;
96 Double_t HitDensity ( Double_t radius ) ;
97 Double_t UpcHitDensity ( Double_t radius ) ;
98 Double_t IntegratedHitDensity ( Double_t multiplicity, Double_t radius ) ;
99 Double_t OneEventHitDensity ( Double_t multiplicity, Double_t radius ) const ;
100 Double_t D0IntegratedEfficiency( Double_t pt, Double_t corrEfficiency[][400] ) const ;
54fc064a 101
102 TGraph* GetGraphMomentumResolution(Int_t color, Int_t linewidth=1);
103 TGraph* GetGraphPointingResolution(Int_t axis,Int_t color, Int_t linewidth=1);
104 TGraph* GetGraphPointingResolutionTeleEqu(Int_t axis,Int_t color, Int_t linewidth=1);
106 TGraph* GetGraphImpactParam(Int_t mode, Int_t axis, Int_t color, Int_t linewidth=1);
108 TGraph* GetGraphRecoEfficiency(Int_t particle, Int_t color, Int_t linewidth=1);
110 TGraph* GetGraph(Int_t number, Int_t color, Int_t linewidth=1);
c40d3fcb 111
112 void MakeStandardPlots(Bool_t add =0, Int_t color=1, Int_t linewidth=1,Bool_t onlyPionEff=0);
54fc064a 114
115 protected:
c40d3fcb 117 Int_t fNumberOfLayers; // total number of layers in the model
118 Int_t fNumberOfActiveLayers; // number of active layers in the model
119 TList fLayers; // List of layer pointers
120 Float_t fBField; // Magnetic Field in Tesla
121 Float_t fLhcUPCscale; // UltraPeripheralElectrons: scale from RHIC to LHC
122 Float_t fIntegrationTime; // electronics integration time
123 Float_t fConfLevel; // Confidence Level for the tracking
124 Float_t fAvgRapidity; // rapidity of the track (= mean)
125 Float_t fParticleMass; // Particle used for tracking. Standard: mass of pion
126 Double_t fMaxRadiusSlowDet; // Maximum radius for slow detectors. Fast detectors
127 // and only fast detectors reside outside this radius.
129 enum {kMaxNumberOfDetectors = 200};
54fc064a 130
c40d3fcb 131 Double_t fTransMomenta[400]; // array of transverse momenta
132 Double_t fMomentumRes[400]; // array of momentum resolution
133 Double_t fResolutionRPhi[400]; // array of rphi resolution
134 Double_t fResolutionZ[400]; // array of z resolution
135 Double_t fDetPointRes[kMaxNumberOfDetectors][400]; // array of rphi resolution per layer
136 Double_t fDetPointZRes[kMaxNumberOfDetectors][400]; // array of z resolution per layer
137 Double_t fEfficiency[3][400]; // efficiency for different particles
54fc064a 138
139 ClassDef(Detector,1);