]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/oldmacros/AliITSComparisonV1.C
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / oldmacros / AliITSComparisonV1.C
a23b2a58 1#include "iostream.h"
3void AliITSComparisonV1
4(const char *foundfile = "itstracks.root", const char *truefile = "galice_tracks_0.root", Int_t evnum = 0) {
6 // Make sure that ALICE objects are loaded
7 if (gClassTable->GetID("AliRun") < 0) {
8 gROOT->LoadMacro("loadlibs.C");
9 loadlibs();
10 }
11 else {
12 delete gAlice;
13 gAlice=0;
14 }
16 // Load the tree with track data
17 TFile *fileTrueTracks = new TFile(truefile);
18 TTree *treeTrueTracks = (TTree*)fileTrueTracks->Get("Tracks");
19 TFile *fileFoundTracks = new TFile(foundfile);
20 TTree *treeFoundTracks = (TTree*)fileFoundTracks->Get(Form("TreeT%d", evnum));
22 Int_t nTrue = (Int_t)treeTrueTracks->GetEntries();
23 Int_t *cnt = new Int_t[nTrue];
24 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTrue; i++) cnt[i] = 0;
26 Int_t label, tpc_ok, entry, pdg_code;
27 Double_t px, py, pz, pt;
28 treeTrueTracks->SetBranchAddress("label", &label);
29 treeTrueTracks->SetBranchAddress("entry", &entry);
30 treeTrueTracks->SetBranchAddress("tpc_ok", &tpc_ok);
31 treeTrueTracks->SetBranchAddress("pdg_code", &pdg_code);
32 treeTrueTracks->SetBranchAddress("px", &px);
33 treeTrueTracks->SetBranchAddress("py", &py);
34 treeTrueTracks->SetBranchAddress("pz", &pz);
35 treeTrueTracks->SetBranchAddress("pt", &pt);
37 AliITSIOTrack *iotrack = 0;
38 treeFoundTracks->SetBranchAddress("ITStracks", &iotrack);
40 const Int_t npos = 36, nneg = 31;
41 Int_t pos[npos] = {2212, -11, -13, 211, 321, 3222, 213, 323, 10323, 3224,
42 2224, 2214, -1114, -3112, -3312, 3224, -3114, -3314, 411,
43 431, 413, 433, -15, 4232, 4222, 4322, 4422, 4412, 4432,
44 4224, 4214, 4324, 4424, 4414, 4434, 4444};
45 Int_t neg[nneg] = {2212, 11, 13, -211, -321, 3112, -213, -323, -10323, 3114,
46 1114, -2224, -2214, 33112, -3222, 3114, 3314, 3334, -3224,
47 -411, -431, -413, -433, 15, -4422, -4432, -4214, -4324,
48 -4424, -4434, -444};
50 // Evaluation tree definition
51 Int_t labITS, labTPC, signC;
52 Double_t difpt, diflambda, difphi, Dz, Dr, Dtot, ptg;
53 TTree *treeEvaluation = new TTree("Eval", "Parameters for tracking evaluation");
54 treeEvaluation->Branch("labITS" , &labITS , "labITS/I" );
55 treeEvaluation->Branch("labTPC" , &labTPC , "labTPC/I" );
56 treeEvaluation->Branch("difpt" , &difpt , "difpt/D" );
57 treeEvaluation->Branch("diflambda", &diflambda, "diflambda/D");
58 treeEvaluation->Branch("difphi" , &difphi , "difphi/D" );
59 treeEvaluation->Branch("Dz" , &Dz , "Dz/D" );
60 treeEvaluation->Branch("Dr" , &Dr , "Dr/D" );
61 treeEvaluation->Branch("Dtot" , &Dtot , "Dtot/D" );
62 treeEvaluation->Branch("ptg" , &ptg , "ptg/D" );
63 treeEvaluation->Branch("signC" , &signC , "signC/I" );
65 // Make comparison
66 Double_t *var = 0;
67 Bool_t isGood;
68 Int_t nOK, trueEntry;
69 Double_t found_px, found_py, found_pz, found_pt;
70 Double_t found_tgl, found_lambda, found_phi, found_curv;
71 Double_t true_lambda, true_phi, true_px, true_py, true_pz, true_pt;
72 Double_t duepi = 2.*TMath::Pi();
73 Bool_t ispos, isneg;
74 Int_t countpos = 0, countneg = 0, found_charge;
75 for (Int_t i = 0; i < treeFoundTracks->GetEntries(); i++) {
76 treeFoundTracks->GetEntry(i);
77 labITS = iotrack->GetLabel();
78 labTPC = iotrack->GetTPCLabel();
79 isGood = (labITS >= 0);
80 nOK = treeTrueTracks->Draw("px:py:pz", Form("label==%d && tpc_ok==1", abs(labITS)), "goff");
81 if (!nOK) {
83// cerr << "ITS label not found among findable tracks:";
84// cerr << " labITS = " << labITS;
85// cerr << " labTPC = " << labTPC;
86// cerr << endl;
88 isGood = kFALSE;
89 }
90 if (nOK > 1) {
91 cerr << "More than 1 tracks with label " << labITS << ": taking the first" << endl;
92 }
93 true_px = *treeTrueTracks->GetV1();
94 true_py = *treeTrueTracks->GetV2();
95 true_pz = *treeTrueTracks->GetV3();
96 true_pt = TMath::Sqrt(true_px * true_px + true_py * true_py);
97 true_phi = TMath::ATan2(true_py, true_px);
98 if(true_phi < 0) true_phi += duepi;
99 true_phi *= 1000.0;
100 true_lambda = TMath::ATan(true_pz / true_pt) * 1000.0;
101 ptg = true_pt;
103 // checks if two found good tracks have the same label in ITS
104 treeTrueTracks->Draw("entry", Form("label==%d && tpc_ok==1", abs(labITS)), "goff");
105 trueEntry = (Int_t)*treeTrueTracks->GetV1();
106 if (isGood && cnt[trueEntry] == 0)
107 cnt[trueEntry] = 1;
108 else if (isGood) {
109 cout << "Entry " << trueEntry << " already analyzed!" << endl;
110 continue;
111 }
113 // charge matching
114 found_charge = (Int_t)iotrack->GetCharge();
115 ispos = isneg = kFALSE;
116 for (Int_t j = 0; j < npos; j++) ispos = (pdg_code == pos[j]);
117 for (Int_t j = 0; j < nneg; j++) isneg = (pdg_code == neg[j]);
118 if (ispos) countpos++;
119 if (isneg) countneg++;
121 // pt resolution (%)
122 found_px = iotrack->GetPx();
123 found_py = iotrack->GetPy();
124 found_pz = iotrack->GetPz();
125 found_pt = TMath::Sqrt(found_px*found_px + found_py*found_py);
126 difpt = ((found_pt - true_pt) / true_pt) * 100.;
127 //cout << found_pt << " " << true_pt << " " << difpt << endl;
129 // lambda (mrad)
130 found_tgl = iotrack->GetStateTgl();
131 found_lambda = TMath::ATan(found_tgl) * 1000.0;
132 diflambda = found_lambda - true_lambda;
133// cout << "lambda " << found_lambda << " " << true_lambda << " " << diflambda << endl;
135 // phi (mrad)
136 found_phi = TMath::ACos(found_px / found_pt);
137 if(found_phi > duepi) found_phi -= duepi;
138 if(found_phi < 0.) found_phi += duepi;
139 found_phi *= 1000.0;
140 difphi = found_phi - true_phi;
141// cout << "phi " << found_phi << " " << true_phi << " " << difphi << endl;
143 // impact parameters (microns)
144 Dr = iotrack->GetStateD() * 1.e4;
145 Dz = iotrack->GetDz() * 1.e4;
146 Dtot = sqrt(Dr*Dr + Dz*Dz);
148 // curvature sign
149 found_curv = iotrack->GetStateC();
150 signC = (found_curv > 0.) ? 1 : -1;
152 // fill tree
153 treeEvaluation->Fill();
154 }
157 TFile *outFile = new TFile("AliITSComparisonV1.root", "recreate");
158 treeEvaluation->Write("Eval", TObject::kOverwrite);
159 outFile->Close();