]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/oldmacros/AliITSStoreFindableTracksCompiled.C
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / oldmacros / AliITSStoreFindableTracksCompiled.C
b3d9d240 1#include <fstream.h>
3#include <TClassTable.h>
4#include <TFile.h>
5#include <TTree.h>
6#include <TString.h>
7#include <TClonesArray.h>
8#include <TParticle.h>
10#include "AliRun.h"
11#include "AliITS.h"
12#include "AliITSgeom.h"
13#include "AliITSRecPoint.h"
15Int_t AliITSStoreFindableTracksCompiled
16(Int_t nMinClusters = 5, const Text_t *evname = "galice", Int_t evnum = 0)
18 // Make sure that ALICE objects are loaded
19 if (gAlice) {
20 delete gAlice;
21 gAlice = 0;
22 }
24 // Define the names of all involved files
25 TString strEventFile(evname);
26 TString strOutputFile(evname);
27 strEventFile.Append(".root");
28 strOutputFile.Append("_tracks_");
29 strOutputFile += evnum;
30 strOutputFile.Append(".root");
32 // Connect the Root Galice file containing Geometry, Kine and Hits
33 TFile *fileEvent = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(strEventFile);
34 if (!fileEvent) fileEvent = new TFile(strEventFile,"UPDATE");
36 // Get AliRun object from file
37 gAlice = (AliRun*)fileEvent->Get("gAlice");
38 if (gAlice) cout << "OK, found an AliRun object in file" << endl;
40 // Get ITS related objects and data
41 AliITS* ITS =(AliITS *)gAlice->GetDetector("ITS");
42 if (!ITS) {
43 cerr << "ITS object not found!" << endl;
44 return 1;
45 }
46 AliITSgeom *geometry = ITS->GetITSgeom();
47 if (!geometry) {
48 cerr << "ITS geometry object not found!" << endl;
49 return 2;
50 }
52 // Count the number of modules per layer
53 Int_t nLadders, nDetectors, mod_min[6], mod_max[6];
54 for(Int_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
55 nLadders = geometry->GetNladders(i + 1);
56 nDetectors = geometry->GetNdetectors(i + 1);
57 mod_min[i] = geometry->GetModuleIndex(i + 1, 1, 1);
58 mod_max[i] = geometry->GetModuleIndex(i + 1, nLadders, nDetectors);
59 }
61 // Load event and ITS recpoints
62 Int_t nParticles = gAlice->GetEvent(evnum);
63 cout << "Event number: " << evnum << endl;
64 cout << "# particles : " << nParticles <<endl;
65 if (nParticles <= 0) {
66 cerr << "Can't have <= 0 particles!" << endl;
67 return 3;
68 }
69 AliITSRecPoint *recp = 0;
70 TClonesArray *recPoints = ITS->RecPoints();
71 TObjArray *particles = gAlice->Particles();
72 Int_t nTracks = gAlice->GetNtrack(); //FCA correction
73 Bool_t *hitITSLayer[6];
74 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
75 hitITSLayer[i] = new Bool_t[nTracks];
76 for (Int_t j = 0; j < nTracks; j++) hitITSLayer[i][j] = kFALSE;
77 }
79 // Load recpoints in event
80 TTree *TR = gAlice->TreeR();
81 if (!TR) {
82 cerr << "TreeR object not found!" << endl;
83 return 4;
84 }
86 // Scan recpoints and define findable tracks
87 Int_t nModules = (Int_t)TR->GetEntries(), nPoints = 0, nEmpty = 0;
88 cout << "Found " << nModules;
89 cout << " entries in the TreeR (must be one per module!)" << endl;
90 for (Int_t layer = 1; layer <= 6; layer++) {
91 for (Int_t mod = mod_min[layer - 1]; mod <= mod_max[layer - 1]; mod++) {
92 ITS->ResetRecPoints();
93 TR->GetEntry(mod);
94 nPoints = recPoints->GetEntries();
95 if(!nPoints) {
96 nEmpty++;
97 continue;
98 }
99 for (Int_t point = 0; point < nPoints; point++) {
100 recp = (AliITSRecPoint*)recPoints->UncheckedAt(point);
101 for (Int_t it = 0; it < 3; it++) {
102 Int_t track = recp->GetLabel(it);
103 if(track < 0) continue;
104 if(track > nTracks) {
105 cout << "Found track index " << track;
106 cout << " whilw gAlice->GetNtrack() = " << nTracks << endl;
107 continue;
108 }
109 hitITSLayer[layer - 1][track] = kTRUE;
110 } // loop over recpoint labels
111 } //loop over points
112 } //loop over modules
113 } //loop over layers
114 cout << "Found " << nEmpty << " empty modules" << endl;
116 // Scan the file of tracks in TPC to retrieve the findable TPC tracks
117 TString strLabelsTPC;
118 Int_t label, pdg_code, nFindablesTPC = 0;
119 Double_t dummy;
120 ifstream tpc("good_tracks_tpc");
121 while (tpc >> label >> pdg_code) {
122 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) tpc >> dummy;
123 nFindablesTPC++;
124 strLabelsTPC.Append(Form("[%d]", label));
125 }
127 // Define the TTree with tracks data by means of a set of variables
128 Int_t nFindablesITS = 0, nFindablesITSTPC = 0;
129 Int_t nhits, tpc_ok, mother, entry = 0;
130 Double_t vx, vy, vz;
131 Double_t px, py, pz, pt;
133 TTree *tree = new TTree("Tracks", "Findable tracks in ITS");
135 tree->Branch("vx", &vx, "vx/D");
136 tree->Branch("vy", &vy, "vy/D");
137 tree->Branch("vz", &vz, "vz/D");
138 tree->Branch("px", &px, "px/D");
139 tree->Branch("py", &py, "py/D");
140 tree->Branch("pz", &pz, "pz/D");
141 tree->Branch("pt", &pt, "pt/D");
142 tree->Branch("label", &label, "label/I");
143 tree->Branch("entry", &entry, "entry/I");
144 tree->Branch("mother", &mother, "mother/I");
145 tree->Branch("pdg_code", &pdg_code, "pdg_code/I");
146 tree->Branch("nhits", &nhits, "nhits/I");
147 tree->Branch("tpc_ok", &tpc_ok, "tpc_ok/I");
149 // Fill the tree
150 cout << endl;
151 TParticle *p = 0;
152 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTracks; i++) {
153 nhits = 0;
154 for (Int_t j = 0; j < 6; j++) if (hitITSLayer[j][i]) nhits++;
155 if (nhits < nMinClusters) continue;
156 p = gAlice->Particle(i);
157 px = p->Px();
158 py = p->Py();
159 pz = p->Pz();
160 pt = p->Pt();
161 vx = p->Vx();
162 vy = p->Vy();
163 vz = p->Vz();
164 mother = p->GetFirstMother();
165 cout << "Track " << i << " stored\r" << flush;
166 tpc_ok = (strLabelsTPC.Contains(Form("[%d]", i)));
167 pdg_code = p->GetPdgCode();
168 label = i;
169 nFindablesITS++;
170 if (tpc_ok) nFindablesITSTPC++;
171 tree->Fill();
172 entry++;
173 }
175 // Save into a file
176 TFile *fileOutput = new TFile(strOutputFile, "recreate");
177 tree->Write();
178 fileOutput->Close();
180 cout << "# findable tracks in TPC : " << nFindablesTPC << endl;
181 cout << "# findable tracks in ITS : " << nFindablesITS << endl;
182 cout << "# findable tracks in ITS+TPC : " << nFindablesITSTPC << endl;
184 return 0;