]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - JETAN/AliAnalysisTaskFastEmbedding.h
New types added (kV0Radius, kV0Mass, kV0P, kV0Pt) needed for V0 monitoring (Enrico)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / JETAN / AliAnalysisTaskFastEmbedding.h
4/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
31b9d515 5* See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
b725dccf 6
7/* $Id$ */
9#include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h"
31b9d515 11class AliESDEvent;
b725dccf 12class AliAODEvent;
13class TTree;
14class TFile;
15class TChain;
16class TObjArray;
17class TObjString;
18class TRandom3;
19class TH1F;
20class TH2F;
31b9d515 21class TProfile;
22class AliAODMCHeader;
b725dccf 23
24class AliAnalysisTaskFastEmbedding : public AliAnalysisTaskSE {
31b9d515 26public:
28 AliAnalysisTaskFastEmbedding();
29 AliAnalysisTaskFastEmbedding(const char *name);
30 AliAnalysisTaskFastEmbedding(const AliAnalysisTaskFastEmbedding &copy);
31 AliAnalysisTaskFastEmbedding& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskFastEmbedding &o);
32 virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskFastEmbedding();
34 virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects();
35 virtual void LocalInit() { Init(); }
36 virtual void Init();
37 virtual Bool_t UserNotify();
38 virtual void UserExec(Option_t*);
39 virtual void Terminate(Option_t */*option*/);
41 void SetAODPath(TString path) {fAODPath = path;}
42 void SetArrayOfAODPaths(TObjArray* arr) {fAODPathArray = arr;}
43 void SetArrayOfAODEntries(TArrayI* arr) {fAODEntriesArray = arr;}
44 void SetAODEntriesSum(Int_t i){ fAODEntriesSum = i;}
45 void SetAODEntriesMax(Int_t i){ fAODEntriesMax = i;}
47 virtual void SetOfflineTrgMask(AliVEvent::EOfflineTriggerTypes mask) { fOfflineTrgMask = mask; }
48 virtual void SetMinContribVtx(Int_t n) { fMinContribVtx = n; }
49 virtual void SetVtxZMin(Float_t z) { fVtxZMin = z; }
50 virtual void SetVtxZMax(Float_t z) { fVtxZMax = z; }
51 virtual void SetEvtClassMin(Int_t evtClass) { fEvtClassMin = evtClass; }
52 virtual void SetEvtClassMax(Int_t evtClass) { fEvtClassMax = evtClass; }
53 virtual void SetCentMin(Float_t cent) { fCentMin = cent; }
54 virtual void SetCentMax(Float_t cent) { fCentMax = cent; }
55 virtual void SetNInputTracksMin(Int_t nTr) { fNInputTracksMin = nTr; }
56 virtual void SetNInputTracksMax(Int_t nTr) { fNInputTracksMax = nTr; }
58 void SetTrackBranch(TString name) {fTrackBranch = name;}
59 void SetMCparticlesBranch(TString name) {fMCparticlesBranch = name;}
60 void SetJetBranch(TString name) {fJetBranch = name;}
62 void SetEmbedMode(Int_t m) {fEmbedMode = m;}
7a88ef30 63 Int_t GetEmbedMode() const {return fEmbedMode;}
31b9d515 64 void SetEvtSelecMode(Int_t s) {fEvtSelecMode = s;}
7a88ef30 65 Int_t GetEvtSelecMode() const {return fEvtSelecMode;}
31b9d515 66
67 void SetEvtSelJetPtRange(Float_t minPt, Float_t maxPt) {fEvtSelMinJetPt = minPt; fEvtSelMaxJetPt = maxPt;}
68 void SetEvtSelJetEtaRange(Float_t minEta, Float_t maxEta) {fEvtSelMinJetEta = minEta; fEvtSelMaxJetEta = maxEta;}
69 void SetEvtSelJetPhiRange(Float_t minPhi, Float_t maxPhi) {fEvtSelMinJetPhi = minPhi; fEvtSelMaxJetPhi = maxPhi;}
6dec67f6 70 void SetEffExtra(Float_t effextra) {fExtraEffPb = effextra;}
31b9d515 71 void SetToyNumberOfTrackRange(Int_t minN = 1, Int_t maxN = 1){ fToyMinNbOfTracks = minN, fToyMaxNbOfTracks = maxN; }
72 void SetToyTrackRanges(Double_t minPt = 50., Double_t maxPt = 50., Double_t ptDistr=0,
73 Double_t minEta = -.5, Double_t maxEta = .5,
74 Double_t minPhi = 0., Double_t maxPhi = 2*TMath::Pi())
75 {
76 fToyMinTrackPt = minPt; fToyMaxTrackPt = maxPt; fToyDistributionTrackPt = ptDistr;
77 fToyMinTrackEta = minEta; fToyMaxTrackEta = maxEta;
78 fToyMinTrackPhi = minPhi; fToyMaxTrackPhi = maxPhi;}
79 void SetToyFilterMap(UInt_t f) {fToyFilterMap = f;}
80 void SetTrackFilterMap(UInt_t f) {fTrackFilterMap = f;}
82 static Float_t GetPtHard(Bool_t bSet=kFALSE, Float_t newValue = 0.);
84 virtual Int_t GetPtHardBin(Double_t ptHard);
85 virtual Bool_t PythiaInfoFromFile(const char* currFile,Float_t &fXsec,Float_t &fTrials);
87 // embedding modes
88 enum {kAODFull=0, kAODJetTracks, kAODJet4Mom, kToyTracks};
89 // event selection from AOD
90 enum {kEventsAll=0, kEventsJetPt};
95 AliESDEvent *fESD; //! ESD object
96 AliAODEvent *fAODout; //! AOD out
97 AliAODEvent *fAODevent; //! AOD in
98 TTree *fAODtree; //! AODin tree
99 TFile *fAODfile; //! AODin file
100 AliAODMCHeader *mcHeader; //! mc header
101 TRandom3 *rndm; //! random nummer generator
102 Int_t fInputEntries; // total nb. of events (for this subjob)
104 TObjArray *fAODPathArray; // array of paths of AOD in file
105 TArrayI *fAODEntriesArray; // array of entries of AODs
106 TString fAODPath; // path of AOD in file
107 Int_t fAODEntries; // entries of AOD
108 Int_t fAODEntriesSum; // sum of all entries of AODs
109 Int_t fAODEntriesMax; // maximum entries of AODs
111 AliVEvent::EOfflineTriggerTypes fOfflineTrgMask; // mask of offline triggers to accept
112 Int_t fMinContribVtx; // minimum number of track contributors for primary vertex
113 Float_t fVtxZMin; // lower bound on vertex z
114 Float_t fVtxZMax; // upper bound on vertex z
115 Int_t fEvtClassMin; // lower bound on event class
116 Int_t fEvtClassMax; // upper bound on event class
117 Float_t fCentMin; // lower bound on centrality
118 Float_t fCentMax; // upper bound on centrality
119 Int_t fNInputTracksMin; // lower bound of nb. of input tracks
120 Int_t fNInputTracksMax; // upper bound of nb. of input tracks
122 TString fTrackBranch; // name of branch for extra tracks in AOD out
123 TString fMCparticlesBranch; // name of branch for extra mcparticles in AOD out
124 TString fJetBranch; // name of branch for extra jets AOD in
126 Int_t fFileId; // nb. of file from the list
127 Int_t fAODEntry; // entry of extra AOD
128 Int_t fCountEvents; // count processed events in this file
7a88ef30 130 Int_t fEmbedMode; // embedding mode: kAODFull=0, kAODJetTracks=1, kAODJet4Mom=2, kToyTracks=3
131 Int_t fEvtSelecMode; // event selection criterion: kEventsAll=0, kEventsJetPt=1
31b9d515 132
133 // event selection from AOD
134 Float_t fEvtSelMinJetPt; // minimum pt of the leading jet
135 Float_t fEvtSelMaxJetPt; // maximum pt of the leading jet
136 Float_t fEvtSelMinJetEta; // minimum eta of the leading jet
137 Float_t fEvtSelMaxJetEta; // maximum eta of the leading jet
138 Float_t fEvtSelMinJetPhi; // minimum phi of the leading jet
139 Float_t fEvtSelMaxJetPhi; // maximum phi of the leading jet
6dec67f6 140 Double_t fExtraEffPb; //extra efficiency PbPb
31b9d515 141
142 // settings for toy "track generation"
143 Int_t fToyMinNbOfTracks; // minimum nb. of tracks per event
144 Int_t fToyMaxNbOfTracks; // maximum nb. of tracks per event
145 Float_t fToyMinTrackPt; // minimum track pT
146 Float_t fToyMaxTrackPt; // maximum track pT
147 Float_t fToyDistributionTrackPt; // distribution of track pt
148 Float_t fToyMinTrackEta; // minimum eta of tracks
149 Float_t fToyMaxTrackEta; // maximum eta of tracks
150 Float_t fToyMinTrackPhi; // minimum phi of tracks
151 Float_t fToyMaxTrackPhi; // maximum phi of tracks
152 UInt_t fToyFilterMap; // filter map of tracks
153 UInt_t fTrackFilterMap; // filter map of tracks for QA plots
155 Int_t fNPtHard; // nb. of pT hard bins
156 Double_t fPtHard; // pT hard
157 Int_t fPtHardBin; // pT hard bin
158 TClonesArray* fAODJets; //! array of jets from aod
159 Int_t fNevents; // number of events in aod
160 Float_t fXsection; // average xsection of the event
161 Float_t fAvgTrials; // average number of trials per event
164 // histos
165 TList *fHistList; // list of histograms
166 TH1I *fHistEvtSelection; //! stastic of event selection
167 TProfile *fh1Xsec; //! cross-section
168 TH1F *fh1Trials; //! nb. of trials (simulation)
169 TH1F *fh1TrialsEvtSel; //! nb. of trials (event selection, e.g. jet pT)
170 TH2F *fh2PtHard; //! pT hard bin
171 TH2F *fh2PtHardEvtSel; //! pT hard bin (event selection)
172 TH2F *fh2PtHardTrials; //! pT hard bin, weighted by nb. of trials
174 // qa histos
175 TH1F *fh1TrackPt; //! track pt
176 TH2F *fh2TrackEtaPhi; //! track eta-phi
177 TH1F *fh1TrackN; //! nb. of tracks
178 TH1F *fh1JetPt; //! jet pt
179 TH2F *fh2JetEtaPhi; //! jet eta-phi
180 TH1F *fh1JetN; //! nb. of jets
181 TH1F *fh1MCTrackPt; //! MC track pt
182 TH2F *fh2MCTrackEtaPhi; //! MC track eta-phi
183 TH1F *fh1MCTrackN; //! nb. of MC tracks
184 TH1I *fh1AODfile; //! used AOD files from AODPathArray
185 TH2I *fh2AODevent; //! selected events in AODs
188 Int_t GetJobID(); // get job id (sub-job id on the GRID)
189 Int_t SelectAODfile();
190 Int_t OpenAODfile(Int_t trial = 0);
7a88ef30 193 ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskFastEmbedding, 6);
b725dccf 194};