]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - JETAN/AliCdfJetFinder.cxx
Commit for Simone - Changed bin size and phi calculation
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / JETAN / AliCdfJetFinder.cxx
7c6659fc 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
9b72221b 7 * Permission to usec, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
7c6659fc 8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
139cbd96 16/* $Id$ */
7c6659fc 18//---------------------------------------------------------------------
19// Jet Finder based on CDF algortihm
20// Charged jet evolution and the underlying event in proton-antiproton collisions at 1.8 TeV
21// Physical Review D, vol. 65, Issue 9, id. 092002
22// http://www.phys.ufl.edu/~rfield/cdf/chgjet/chgjet_intro.html
23// Authors : Adrian.Sevcenco@cern.ch (adriansev@spacescience.ro )
24// Daniel.Felea@cern.ch (dfelea@spacescience.ro)
25// Ciprian.Mihai.Mitu@cern.ch (mcm@spacescience.ro)
139cbd96 26// magali.estienne@subatech.in2p3.fr &
27// alexandre.shabetai@cern.ch (Modification of the input object (reader/finder splitting))
28// ** 2011
29// Modified accordingly to reader/finder splitting and new handling of neutral information
7c6659fc 30//---------------------------------------------------------------------
7c6659fc 32#include <Riostream.h>
7c6659fc 33#include <TMath.h>
34#include <TBits.h>
35#include <TFile.h>
7c6659fc 36#include <TH1F.h>
7c6659fc 37#include <TProfile.h>
7c6659fc 38#include <TVector2.h>
7c6659fc 40#include "AliAODJet.h"
7c6659fc 41#include "AliJetFinder.h"
139cbd96 42#include "AliJetCalTrk.h"
7c6659fc 43#include "AliCdfJetFinder.h"
44#include "AliCdfJetHeader.h"
139cbd96 50 AliJetFinder(),
51 fHistos(0),
52 fAODwrite(0),
53 fAODtracksWrite(0),
54 fAnalyseJets(0),
55 fNJets(0),
56 fNPart(0),
57 fNInC(0),
58 fNInN(0),
59 fRadius(0.7),
60 fMinJetParticles(1),
61 fJetPtCut(0.),
62 fVectParticle(NULL),
63 fVectJet(NULL),
64 fPtArray(NULL),
65 fIdxArray(NULL)
67 // Default constructor
7c6659fc 69
139cbd96 72{
7c6659fc 73 // destructor
139cbd96 74 Clean();
7c6659fc 77
79void AliCdfJetFinder::CreateOutputObjects(TList * const histos)
81 // Create the list of histograms. Only the list is owned.
82 fHistos = histos;
139cbd96 84 // gStyle->SetOptStat(11111111);
7c6659fc 85
86 TH1F *h1 = new TH1F ("histo1", "Pt distribution of jets", 200, 0,200); // 1GeV/bin
87 h1->SetStats(kTRUE);
88 h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} of jets");
89 h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of jets");
90 h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
91 h1->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
92 fHistos->Add(h1);
94 TH1F *h2 = new TH1F ("histo2", "Eta distribution of jets", 240, -1.2,1.2); // 1 unit of rapidity / 100 bin
95 h2->SetStats(kTRUE);
96 h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Eta of jets");
97 h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of jets");
98 h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
99 h2->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
100 fHistos->Add(h2);
102 TH1F *h3 = new TH1F ("histo3", "Phi distribution of jets", 400, -4,4);
103 h3->SetStats(kTRUE);
104 h3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Phi of jets");
105 h3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of jets");
106 h3->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
107 h3->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
108 fHistos->Add(h3);
110 TH1F *h4 = new TH1F ("histo4", "Multiplicity of jets", 40, 0,40); // 1 unit of multiplicity /bin
111 h4->SetStats(kTRUE);
112 h4->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Particles in jets");
113 h4->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of jets");
114 h4->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
115 h4->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
116 fHistos->Add(h4);
118 TH1F *h5 = new TH1F ("histo5", "Distribution of jets in events", 100, 0,100);
119 h5->SetStats(kTRUE);
120 h5->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Number of jets");
121 h5->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of events");
122 h5->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
123 h5->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
124 fHistos->Add(h5);
126 TH1F *h6 = new TH1F ("histo6", "Jet1 Charged Multiplicity Distribution", 30, 0,30);
127 h6->SetStats(kTRUE);
128 h6->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("N_{chg}");
129 h6->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of jets");
130 h6->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
131 h6->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
132 fHistos->Add(h6);
134 TProfile * h7 = new TProfile ("histo7","N_{chg}(jet1) vs P_{T}(charged jet1)", 200, 0. ,200. , 0.,200. ) ;
135 h7->SetStats(kTRUE);
136 h7->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} (charged jet1) (GeV/c)");
137 h7->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("<N_{chg}(jet1)> in 1 GeV/c bin");
138 h7->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
139 h7->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
140 fHistos->Add(h7);
142 TH1F *h8 = new TH1F ("histo8", "Charge momentum distribution for leading jet", 120, 0 , 1.2);
143 h8->SetStats(kTRUE);
144 h8->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Jets");
145 h8->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Particle distribution");
146 h8->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
147 h8->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
148 fHistos->Add(h8);
150 TProfile *h9 = new TProfile ("histo9", "N_{chg} vs the Azimuthal Angle from Charged Jet1", 50 , 0. , 180. , 0 , 20 );
151 h9->SetStats(kTRUE);
152 h9->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#Delta#phi (degrees)");
153 h9->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("<N_{chg}> in 3.6 degree bin");
154 h9->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
155 h9->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
156 fHistos->Add(h9);
158 TProfile *h10 = new TProfile ("histo10", "P_{T} sum vs the Azimuthal Angle from Charged Jet1", 50 , 0. , 180. , 0 , 100 );
159 h10->SetStats(kTRUE);
160 h10->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#Delta#phi (degrees)");
161 h10->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("<P_{T} sum> in 3.6 degree bin");
162 h10->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
163 h10->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
164 fHistos->Add(h10);
166 TH1F *h11 = new TH1F ("histo11", " \"Transverse\" Pt Distribution ", 70, 0 , 14);
167 h11->SetStats(kTRUE);
168 h11->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} (GeV/c)");
169 h11->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("dN_{chg}/dP_{T} (1/GeV/c)");
170 h11->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
171 h11->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
172 fHistos->Add(h11);
174 TH1F *h20 = new TH1F ("histo20", "Distribution of R in leading jet", 400, 0.,4.);
175 h20->SetStats(kTRUE);
176 h20->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("R [formula]");
177 h20->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("dN/dR");
178 h20->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
179 h20->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
180 fHistos->Add(h20);
182 TProfile * h21 = new TProfile ("histo21","N_{chg}(in the event - including jet1) vs P_{T}(charged jet1)", 200, 0., 50. , 0., 30. ) ;
183 h21->SetStats(kTRUE);
184 h21->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} (charged jet1) (GeV/c)");
185 h21->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("<N_{chg}(in the event - including jet1)> in 1 GeV/c bin");
186 h21->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
187 h21->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
188 fHistos->Add(h21);
190 TProfile * h22 = new TProfile ("histo22","PT_{sum}(in the event - including jet1) vs P_{T}(charged jet1)", 200, 0. , 50. , 0., 50. ) ;
191 h22->SetStats(kTRUE);
192 h22->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} (charged jet1) (GeV/c)");
193 h22->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("<PT_{sum}(in the event - including jet1)> in 1 GeV/c bin");
194 h22->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
195 h22->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
196 fHistos->Add(h22);
198 TProfile * h21Toward = new TProfile ("histo21_toward","N_{chg}(in the event - including jet1) vs P_{T}(charged jet1)", 200, 0., 50. , 0., 12. ) ;
199 h21Toward->SetStats(kTRUE);
200 h21Toward->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} (charged jet1) (GeV/c)");
201 h21Toward->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("<N_{chg}(in the event - including jet1)> in 1 GeV/c bin");
202 h21Toward->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
203 h21Toward->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
204 fHistos->Add(h21Toward);
206 TProfile * h21Transverse = new TProfile ("histo21_transverse","N_{chg}(in the event - including jet1) vs P_{T}(charged jet1)", 200, 0., 50. , 0., 12. ) ;
207 h21Transverse->SetStats(kTRUE);
208 h21Transverse->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} (charged jet1) (GeV/c)");
209 h21Transverse->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("<N_{chg}(in the event - including jet1)> in 1 GeV/c bin");
210 h21Transverse->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
211 h21Transverse->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
212 fHistos->Add(h21Transverse);
214 TProfile * h21Away = new TProfile ("histo21_away","N_{chg}(in the event - including jet1) vs P_{T}(charged jet1)", 200, 0., 50. , 0., 12. ) ;
215 h21Away->SetStats(kTRUE);
216 h21Away->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} (charged jet1) (GeV/c)");
217 h21Away->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("<N_{chg}(in the event - including jet1)> in 1 GeV/c bin");
218 h21Away->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
219 h21Away->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
220 fHistos->Add(h21Away);
222 TProfile * h22Toward = new TProfile ("histo22_toward","PT_{sum}(in the event - including jet1) vs P_{T}(charged jet1)", 200, 0. , 50. , 0., 50. ) ;
223 h22Toward->SetStats(kTRUE);
224 h22Toward->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} (charged jet1) (GeV/c)");
225 h22Toward->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("<PT_{sum}(in the event - including jet1)> in 1 GeV/c bin");
226 h22Toward->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
227 h22Toward->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
228 fHistos->Add(h22Toward);
230 TProfile * h22Transverse = new TProfile ("histo22_transverse","PT_{sum}(in the event - including jet1) vs P_{T}(charged jet1)", 200, 0. , 50. , 0., 50. ) ;
231 h22Transverse->SetStats(kTRUE);
232 h22Transverse->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} (charged jet1) (GeV/c)");
233 h22Transverse->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("<PT_{sum}(in the event - including jet1)> in 1 GeV/c bin");
234 h22Transverse->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
235 h22Transverse->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
236 fHistos->Add(h22Transverse);
238 TProfile * h22Away = new TProfile ("histo22_away","PT_{sum}(in the event - including jet1) vs P_{T}(charged jet1)", 200, 0. , 50. , 0., 50. ) ;
239 h22Away->SetStats(kTRUE);
240 h22Away->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} (charged jet1) (GeV/c)");
241 h22Away->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("<PT_{sum}(in the event - including jet1)> in 1 GeV/c bin");
242 h22Away->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
243 h22Away->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
244 fHistos->Add(h22Away);
246 TH1F *h23Toward = new TH1F ("histo23_toward","'Toward' Pt Distribution of charged particles", 200, 0., 14.);
247 h23Toward->SetStats(kTRUE);
248 h23Toward->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} (charged) (GeV/c)");
249 h23Toward->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("dN_{chg}/dP_{T} (1/GeV/c)");
250 h23Toward->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
251 h23Toward->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
252 fHistos->Add(h23Toward);
254 TH1F *h23Transverse = new TH1F ("histo23_transverse","'Transverse' Pt Distribution of charged particles", 200, 0., 14.);
255 h23Transverse->SetStats(kTRUE);
256 h23Transverse->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} (charged) (GeV/c)");
257 h23Transverse->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("dN_{chg}/dP_{T} (1/GeV/c)");
258 h23Transverse->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
259 h23Transverse->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
260 fHistos->Add(h23Transverse);
262 TH1F *h23Away = new TH1F ("histo23_away","'Away' Pt Distribution of charged particles", 200, 0., 14.);
263 h23Away->SetStats(kTRUE);
264 h23Away->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} (charged) (GeV/c)");
265 h23Away->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("dN_{chg}/dP_{T} (1/GeV/c)");
266 h23Away->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
267 h23Away->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
268 fHistos->Add(h23Away);
270 TProfile * h24 = new TProfile ("histo24","Jet1 Size vs P_{T}(charged jet1)", 200, 0., 50. , 0., 0.5) ;
271 h24->SetStats(kTRUE);
272 h24->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} (charged jet1) (GeV/c)");
273 h24->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("<R(chgjet1)> in 1 GeV/c bin");
274 h24->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
275 h24->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
276 fHistos->Add(h24);
278 TProfile * h25 = new TProfile ("histo25","Jet1 Size vs P_{T}(charged jet1)", 200, 0., 50. , 0., 0.5) ;
279 h25->SetStats(kTRUE);
280 h25->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} (charged jet1) (GeV/c)");
281 h25->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("<R(chgjet1)> in 1 GeV/c bin");
282 h25->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
283 h25->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
284 fHistos->Add(h25);
286 TProfile *h26 = new TProfile ("histo26", "N_{chg} vs the Distance R from Charged Jet1", 30, 0., 0.6, 0., 0.8);
287 h26->SetStats(kTRUE);
288 h26->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Distance R");
289 h26->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("<N_{chg}> in 0.02 bin");
290 h26->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
291 h26->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
292 fHistos->Add(h26);
294 TProfile *h27 = new TProfile ("histo27", "N_{chg} vs the Distance R from Charged Jet1", 30, 0., 0.6, 0., 0.8);
295 h27->SetStats(kTRUE);
296 h27->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Distance R");
297 h27->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("<N_{chg}> in 0.02 bin");
298 h27->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
299 h27->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
300 fHistos->Add(h27);
302 TProfile *h28 = new TProfile ("histo28", "PT_{sum} vs the Distance R from Charged Jet1", 30, 0., 0.6, 0.01, 10.);
303 h28->SetStats(kTRUE);
304 h28->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Distance R");
305 h28->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("<PT_{sum} (GeV/c)> in 0.02 bin");
306 h28->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
307 h28->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
308 fHistos->Add(h28);
310 TProfile *h29 = new TProfile ("histo29", "PT_{sum} vs the Distance R from Charged Jet1", 30, 0., 0.6, 0.01, 10.);
311 h29->SetStats(kTRUE);
312 h29->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Distance R");
313 h29->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("<PT_{sum} (GeV/c)> in 0.02 bin");
314 h29->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(1);
315 h29->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
316 fHistos->Add(h29);
321void AliCdfJetFinder::FindJets()
139cbd96 323 // Jet Algorithm:
324 // * Order all charged particles according to their PT.
325 // * Start with the highest PT particle and include in the "jet" all particles within the "radius" R = 0.7
326 // (considering each particle in the order of decreasing PT and recalculating the centroid of the jet after
327 // each new particle is added to the jet).
328 // * Go to the next highest PT particle (not already included in a jet) and include in the "jet" all particles
329 // (not already included in a jet) within the radius R =0.7.
330 // * Continue until all particles are in a "jet".
9b72221b 331 if (fDebug) { printf("AliCDJetfinder::FindJets() %d \n", __LINE__ ); }
139cbd96 332 AliCdfJetHeader *header = (AliCdfJetHeader*)fHeader;
7c6659fc 333
334 if (header)
335 {
139cbd96 336 fDebug = header->GetDebug();
337 fAODwrite = header->IsAODwrite() ; // write jets to AOD
338 fAODtracksWrite = header->IsAODtracksWrite() ; // write jet tracks to AOD
339 fRadius = header->GetRadius(); // get Radius from jet finder header
340 fMinJetParticles = header->GetMinPartJet (); // get minimum multiplicity of an jet
341 fJetPtCut = header->GetJetPtCut (); // get minimum of jet pt
342 fAnalyseJets = header->GetAnalyseJets(); // get analyse jet
7c6659fc 343 }
344 else
345 { cout << "Header not found" << endl; return; }
139cbd96 347 InitData();
7c6659fc 348
139cbd96 349 if (!fNPart) {
350 if (fDebug) {
351 cout << "entries = 0 ; Event empty !!!" << endl ;
352 }
353 // no need to call clean, InitData does not
354 // create pointers if npart == 0
355 return;
356 } // if event empty then exit
95345ec0 357
139cbd96 358 FindCones();
95345ec0 359
139cbd96 360 ComputeConesWeight();
95345ec0 361
139cbd96 362 if (fAODwrite) {
363 if(fDebug)cout << "Writing AOD" << endl ;
364 WriteJets();
365 }
95345ec0 366
139cbd96 367 if (fAnalyseJets) AnalizeJets();
95345ec0 368
139cbd96 369 Clean();
7c6659fc 370
374void AliCdfJetFinder::InitData()
139cbd96 376 // initialisation of variables and data members
7c6659fc 377
139cbd96 378 if( fHeader->GetDebug() && fCalTrkEvent->GetNCalTrkTracks() == 0) { cout << "No charged tracks found" << endl; }
7c6659fc 379
139cbd96 380 fNPart = fCalTrkEvent->GetNCalTrkTracks() ;
7c6659fc 381
139cbd96 382 if ( fCalTrkEvent->GetNCalTrkTracks() ) { return; } // if event empty then exit
7c6659fc 383
7c6659fc 384 fVectParticle = new varContainer* [fNPart]; // container for Particles
139cbd96 386 fPtArray = new Double_t [fCalTrkEvent->GetNCalTrkTracks()] ;
387 fIdxArray = new Int_t [fCalTrkEvent->GetNCalTrkTracks()] ; // index array of sorted pts
7c6659fc 388
389 // initialisation of momentum and index arrays
139cbd96 390 for ( Int_t i = 0 ; i <fCalTrkEvent->GetNCalTrkTracks() ; i++ )
391 {// SORTING STEP :: fPtArray with data from CalTrkTracks
393 // INITIALISATION of local arrays for temporary storage
394 varContainer *aParticle = new varContainer;
395 aParticle->pt = fCalTrkEvent->GetCalTrkTrack(i)->GetPt();
396 aParticle->eta = fCalTrkEvent->GetCalTrkTrack(i)->GetEta();
397 aParticle->phi = TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi ( fCalTrkEvent->GetCalTrkTrack(i)->GetPhi() ); // normalize to -pi,pi
398 aParticle->njet = -999;
400 fVectParticle[i] = aParticle; // vector of Particles
402 // initializing arrays
403 fIdxArray [i] = -999 ;
404 fPtArray [i] = aParticle->pt ;
7c6659fc 405 }
139cbd96 407 TMath::Sort ( fNPart, fPtArray, fIdxArray ) ; // get a sorted array of indexes
7c6659fc 408
7c6659fc 411//______________________________________________________________________________
412void AliCdfJetFinder::FindCones()
139cbd96 414 // parsing of particles in event and estlabish jets (label them with jet index)
7c6659fc 415
416 Double_t ptSeed = 0. , etaSeed = 0. , phiSeed = 0. ; // leading particle params
417 Double_t pttmp = 0. , etatmp = 0. , phitmp = 0. ; // temporary variables to be used in various calculations
418 Double_t deta = 0. , dphi = 0. , dcomputed = 0. ;
419 Bool_t injet = 0 ;
421 fNJets = -1 ; // n jets in this event
422 Int_t idxPtSort = -1 ; // index of array of sorted pt indexes
424 if (fDebug) { cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\n------------------\nBegin Event Analysis\n------------------\n\n" << endl ;}
2703efb8 426 if(fDebug)cout << "fNPart = " << fNPart << endl;
7c6659fc 427
428 TBits lkupTable ( fNPart ) ; // bit container ; 1-to-1 corespondence with fIdxArray
430 while ( lkupTable.CountBits() != (UInt_t)fNPart )
431 { // loop over particles in event until all flags are set
139cbd96 432 UInt_t firstnonflagged = lkupTable.FirstNullBit() ; // set the index to the first NON flagged bit ; less conditions
7c6659fc 433
139cbd96 434 if(fDebug)cout << "\n\nfirst_non_flagged : " << firstnonflagged << endl;
7c6659fc 435
139cbd96 436 ++fNJets; // incrementing the jet counter
437 if (fDebug) { printf("JET %d \n", fNJets); }
7c6659fc 438
139cbd96 439 ptSeed = 0. ; etaSeed = 0. ; phiSeed = 0. ; // reseting leading particle params
7c6659fc 440
139cbd96 441 for ( UInt_t ipart = firstnonflagged ; ipart < (UInt_t)fNPart ; ipart++ )
442 {// iteration over particles in event
443 // the loop is done over sorted array of pt
444 idxPtSort = fIdxArray[ipart] ; // index of particle ! fIdxArray is an index list pt sorted
7c6659fc 445
139cbd96 446 if ( lkupTable.TestBitNumber(ipart) ) { continue; } // if 4vector is already flagged skip it
7c6659fc 447
139cbd96 448 //init computed and used vars
449 pttmp = 0. ; etatmp = 0. ; phitmp = 0. ;
450 deta = 0. ; dphi = 0. ; dcomputed = 0. ; injet = 0 ;
7c6659fc 451
139cbd96 452 //taking info from fVectParticle ;
453 pttmp = fVectParticle[idxPtSort]->pt ;
454 etatmp = fVectParticle[idxPtSort]->eta ;
455 phitmp = fVectParticle[idxPtSort]->phi ;
7c6659fc 456
139cbd96 457 if ( ipart == firstnonflagged )
458 {// this is first particle in event; leading particle
459 // begin the search around this particle in a fRadius
7c6659fc 460
139cbd96 461 // CENTRE OF THE JET
462 ptSeed = pttmp ; etaSeed = etatmp ; phiSeed = phitmp ; // seeding the jet with first particle idxPtSort
7c6659fc 463
139cbd96 464 lkupTable.SetBitNumber ( ipart ) ; // flag the index of particle in lkup_table
465 fVectParticle[idxPtSort]->njet = fNJets ; // associate particle with current jet number
7c6659fc 466
139cbd96 467 if (fDebug) { printf("\nLeading particle :: particle index = %d ; at sorted index %d ; in jet %d \n", idxPtSort, ipart, fNJets); }
468 if (fDebug) { printf("pt= %g ; eta= %g ; phi = %g \n", pttmp, etatmp, phitmp) ; }
469 if (fDebug) { lkupTable.Print() ;}
7c6659fc 470
139cbd96 471 continue ; // skip to next particle
472 }
7c6659fc 473
139cbd96 474 // condition to be in jet
475 deta = etatmp - etaSeed ;
476 dphi = TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi (phitmp - phiSeed) ; // computing dphi and normalizing to (0,2pi) interval in one step
7c6659fc 477
139cbd96 478 dcomputed = TMath::Hypot(deta, dphi) ; // Distance(fRadius) to (eta,phi) seed
7c6659fc 479
139cbd96 480 injet = ( ( fRadius - dcomputed ) >= 0.000000001 ) ? 1 : 0 ; // if r_computed is within jet_r in_jet == 1 else 0
7c6659fc 481
139cbd96 482 if ( injet )
483 { // calculus of jet variables
484 lkupTable.SetBitNumber ( ipart ) ; // flag the index of particle in lkup_table
485 fVectParticle[idxPtSort]->njet = fNJets ; // setting in particle list the associated jet
7c6659fc 486
139cbd96 487 if (fDebug) { printf("\njet particle :: particle index = %d ; at sorted index %d ; in jet %d ; found at radius %g ; \n", idxPtSort, ipart, fNJets, dcomputed); }
488 if (fDebug) { printf("pt= %g ; eta= %g ; phi = %g \n", pttmp, etatmp, phitmp) ; }
489 if (fDebug) { lkupTable.Print() ;}
7c6659fc 490
139cbd96 491 continue ; // skip to next particle
492 }
7c6659fc 493
139cbd96 494 }
7c6659fc 495 // end of iteration over event; one jet definition of content ; jet parameters to be computed later
496 }
7c6659fc 497
139cbd96 498}
7c6659fc 499
501void AliCdfJetFinder::ComputeConesWeight()
139cbd96 503 // computing of jets Pt, Eta and Phi (centre of weight in (eta,phi) plane)
504 // rescan the vector of particles by identify them by asociate jet number for computing of weight centre
7c6659fc 505
139cbd96 506 // JET CONTAINER
507 fVectJet = new varContainer* [fNJets]; // container for Jets
7c6659fc 508
139cbd96 509 Double_t ptJet, ptJet2 , etaJet , phiJet ; Int_t npartJet ;
510 Double_t pttmp = 0. , etatmp = 0. , phitmp = 0. ; // temporary variables to be used in various calculations
511 Int_t idxPtSort = -999 ; // index of array of sorted pt indexes
7c6659fc 512
139cbd96 513 for( Int_t jet = 0 ; jet < fNJets ; jet++ )
514 {
515 if (fDebug) { printf("\n\n--- Computing weight of Jet %d \n", jet ); }
516 npartJet = 0 ; ptJet = 0. ; etaJet = 0. ; phiJet = 0. ; // reset variables for a new computation
7c6659fc 517
139cbd96 518 for ( Int_t ipart = 0 ; ipart < fNPart ; ipart++ )
519 {// iteration over particles in event
520 // the loop is done over sorted array of pt
521 idxPtSort = fIdxArray[ipart] ; // index of particle ! fIdxArray is an index list pt sorted
7c6659fc 522
139cbd96 523 if ( fVectParticle[idxPtSort]->njet == jet )
524 {
525 ++npartJet; // incrementing the counter of jet particles
7c6659fc 526
139cbd96 527 //taking info from fVectParticle ;
528 pttmp = fVectParticle[idxPtSort]->pt ;
529 etatmp = fVectParticle[idxPtSort]->eta ;
530 phitmp = TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi (fVectParticle[idxPtSort]->phi) ;
7c6659fc 531
139cbd96 532 // jet_new_angular_coordinate = jet_old_angular_coordinate * jet_old_pt / jet_new_pt +
533 // part[i]_angular_coordinate * part[i]_pt/jet_new_pt
7c6659fc 534
139cbd96 535 ptJet2 = ptJet + pttmp ;
7c6659fc 536
139cbd96 537 etaJet = etaJet * ptJet / ptJet2 + etatmp * pttmp / ptJet2 ;
538 phiJet = phiJet * ptJet / ptJet2 + phitmp * pttmp / ptJet2 ;
7c6659fc 539
139cbd96 540 ptJet = ptJet2 ;
7c6659fc 541
139cbd96 542 }
543 // add a particle and recalculation of centroid
544 }
545 // end of 1 jet computation
7c6659fc 546
139cbd96 547 varContainer *aJet = new varContainer; // Jet container
548 aJet->pt = ptJet; aJet->eta = etaJet; aJet->phi = phiJet; aJet->njet = npartJet; // setting jet vars in container
549 fVectJet[jet] = aJet; // store the number of the jet(fNJets) and increment afterwards
7c6659fc 550
139cbd96 551 if (fDebug) { printf ("=== current jet %d : npartjet= %d ; pt_jet= %g ; eta_jet = %g ; phi_jet = %g \n\n\n",
552 jet, npartJet, ptJet, etaJet, phiJet ) ; }
7c6659fc 553
139cbd96 554 }
7c6659fc 555 //end loop over jets
7c6659fc 559//______________________________________________________________________________
560void AliCdfJetFinder::WriteJets()
139cbd96 562 // Writing AOD jets and AOD tracks
7c6659fc 563
139cbd96 564 for( Int_t jetnr = 0 ; jetnr < fNJets ; jetnr++ )
565 {
566 Double_t pt = 0., eta = 0., phi = 0., // jet variables
567 px = 0., py = 0., pz = 0., en = 0.; // convert to 4-vector
568 pt = fVectJet[ jetnr ]->pt ; // pt of jet
569 eta = fVectJet[ jetnr ]->eta ; // eta of jet
570 phi = fVectJet[ jetnr ]->phi ; // phi of jet
7c6659fc 571
139cbd96 572 px = pt * TMath::Cos ( phi ) ;
573 py = pt * TMath::Sin ( phi ) ;
574 pz = pt / TMath::Tan ( 2.0 * TMath::ATan ( TMath::Exp ( -eta ) ) ) ;
575 en = TMath::Sqrt ( px * px + py * py + pz * pz );
7c6659fc 576
139cbd96 577 AliAODJet jet (px, py, pz, en);
5cac8240 578
7c6659fc 579
139cbd96 580 if (fDebug) jet.Print("");
7c6659fc 581
139cbd96 582 if (fAODtracksWrite)
583 {
584 for ( Int_t jetTrack = 0; jetTrack < fCalTrkEvent->GetNCalTrkTracks(); jetTrack++ )
585 {
586 // The first if condition below has to be checked
587 if ( fVectParticle[jetTrack]->njet == jetnr ) { jet.AddTrack(fCalTrkEvent->GetCalTrkTrack(jetTrack)->GetTrackObject()) ; }
588 }
589 }
590 // tracks REFs written in AOD
591 AddJet(jet);
95345ec0 592
139cbd96 593 }
594 //jets vector parsed and written to AOD
7c6659fc 595}
7c6659fc 597//______________________________________________________________________________
598void AliCdfJetFinder::AnalizeJets()
139cbd96 600 // analyzing of jets and filling of histograms
7c6659fc 601
139cbd96 602 const Double_t kPI = TMath::Pi();
5cac8240 603
7c6659fc 604 //persistent pointer to histo20
605 TH1F *hR = (TH1F*)fHistos->FindObject("histo20");
607 Int_t *jetsptidx = 0; // sorted array of jets pt
608 Double_t *jetspt = 0; // array of jets pts
609 Int_t leadingjetindex = -1 ; // index of leading jet from fVectJet
610 Int_t partleadjet = 0 ; // number of particles in leading jet
611 Double_t ptleadjet = 0. ; // pt of leading jet
612 Double_t etaleadjet = 0. ; // eta of leading jet
613 Double_t phileadjet = 0. ; // phi of leading jet
615 jetsptidx = new Int_t [fNJets] ;
616 jetspt = new Double_t [fNJets] ;
139cbd96 618 //________________________________________________________________________________________
619 // Jet sorting and finding the leading jet that coresponds to cuts in pt and multiplicity
620 //________________________________________________________________________________________
7c6659fc 621
622 // filing the idx_ptjets array
623 if (fDebug) printf("List of unsorted jets:\n");
624 for( Int_t i = 0 ; i < fNJets ; i++ )
625 {
139cbd96 626 jetsptidx [i] = 0 ;
627 jetspt [i] = fVectJet[i]->pt ;
628 if (fDebug) { cout << " jet found: " << i << " npartjet=" << fVectJet[i]->njet << " ; jets_pt = " << jetspt[i] << endl; }
7c6659fc 629 }
631 TMath::Sort ( fNJets, jetspt , jetsptidx ) ; // sorting pt of jets
633 // selection of leading jet
634 // looping over jets searching for __first__ one that coresponds to cuts
635 for( Int_t i = 0 ; i < fNJets ; i++ )
636 {
139cbd96 637 if ( ( fVectJet[ jetsptidx[i] ]->njet >= fMinJetParticles ) && ( fVectJet[ jetsptidx[i] ]->pt >= fJetPtCut ) )
638 {
639 leadingjetindex = jetsptidx[i] ;
640 partleadjet = fVectJet[ leadingjetindex ]->njet ; // number of particles in leading jet
641 ptleadjet = fVectJet[ leadingjetindex ]->pt ; // pt of leading jet
642 etaleadjet = fVectJet[ leadingjetindex ]->eta ; // eta of leading jet
643 phileadjet = fVectJet[ leadingjetindex ]->phi ; // phi of leading jet
645 if (fDebug)
646 { printf("Leading jet %d : npart= %d ; pt= %g ; eta = %g ; phi = %g \n", leadingjetindex, partleadjet, ptleadjet, etaleadjet, phileadjet ); }
648 break ;
649 }
7c6659fc 650 }
139cbd96 651 // end of selection of leading jet
7c6659fc 652
7c6659fc 654
139cbd96 655 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
656 //// Computing of values used in histograms
657 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
7c6659fc 658
139cbd96 659 //___________________________________________________________________________
660 // pt_sum of all particles in event
661 //___________________________________________________________________________
662 if (fDebug) cout << "Computing sum of pt in event" << endl ;
663 Double_t ptsumevent = 0.;
664 for ( Int_t i = 0 ; i< fNPart ; i++ ) { ptsumevent += fVectParticle[i]->pt ; }
665 if (fDebug) printf ("Sum of all Pt in event : pt_sum_event = %g", ptsumevent) ;
7c6659fc 666
139cbd96 667 //___________________________________________________________________________
668 // Filling an array with indexes of leading jet particles
669 //___________________________________________________________________________
670 Int_t * idxpartLJ = new Int_t [partleadjet] ;
671 Int_t counterpartleadjet = 0;
7c6659fc 672
139cbd96 673 if (fDebug) cout << "Filling an array with indexes of leading jet particles" << endl;
7c6659fc 674
139cbd96 675 for( Int_t i = 0 ; i < fNPart ; i++ )
676 {
677 if ( fVectParticle[i]->njet == leadingjetindex )
678 { idxpartLJ[counterpartleadjet++] = i ; }
679 }
7c6659fc 680
139cbd96 681 if ( (counterpartleadjet-1) > partleadjet ) { cout << " Counter_part_lead_jet > part_leadjet !!!!" << endl;}
7c6659fc 682
7c6659fc 683
139cbd96 684 //___________________________________________________________________________
685 // Calculus of part distribution in leading jet
686 //___________________________________________________________________________
687 Double_t z = 0. ;
688 Double_t *zpartljet = new Double_t [ partleadjet ] ; // array of z of particles in leading jet
7c6659fc 689
139cbd96 690 if (fDebug) cout << "Entering loop of calculus of part distribution in leading jet" << endl ;
7c6659fc 691
139cbd96 692 for( Int_t j = 0 ; j < partleadjet ; j++ )
693 {
694 Double_t zj = fVectParticle[idxpartLJ[j]]->pt ;
695 z = zj / ptleadjet ;
696 zpartljet [j] = z ;
697 if (fDebug) cout << "idx_leadjet_part[j] = " << idxpartLJ[j]
698 << " p of particle = " << zj
699 << " pt lead jet = " << ptleadjet
700 << " Z = " << z << endl;
701 }
7c6659fc 702
139cbd96 704 //___________________________________________________________________________
705 // array of delta phi's between phi of particles and leading jet phi
706 //___________________________________________________________________________
707 if (fDebug) cout << "array of delta phi's between phi of particles and leading jet phi" << endl;
708 Double_t dphipartLJ = 0. ;
709 Double_t *dphipartljet = new Double_t [fNPart];
710 for( Int_t part = 0 ; part < fNPart ; part++ )
711 {
712 dphipartLJ = fVectParticle[part]->phi - phileadjet ;
713 dphipartLJ = TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi (dphipartLJ) ; // restrict the delta phi to (-pi,pi) interval
714 dphipartljet [part] = dphipartLJ ;
715 if (fDebug) printf("part= %d ; dphi_partLJ = %g \n", part, dphipartLJ );
716 }
7c6659fc 717
7c6659fc 718
139cbd96 719 //______________________________________________________________________________
720 // Pt distribution for all particles
721 //______________________________________________________________________________
722 TH1F * hpt = (TH1F*)fHistos->FindObject("histo11");
723 if ( hpt ) { for ( Int_t i = 0 ; i < fNPart ; i++ ) { hpt->Fill( fVectParticle[i]->pt ); } }
7c6659fc 724
139cbd96 725 //___________________________________________________________________________
726 // Recomputing of radius of particles in leading jet
727 //___________________________________________________________________________
728 if (fDebug) { printf(" Searching particles with jet index %d\n", leadingjetindex); }
7c6659fc 729
139cbd96 730 Double_t ddeta = 0. , ddphi = 0. , rpart = 0. ;
7c6659fc 731
139cbd96 732 for( Int_t j = 0 ; j < partleadjet ; j++ )
733 {
734 ddeta = etaleadjet - fVectParticle[idxpartLJ[j]]->eta;
7c6659fc 735
139cbd96 736 Double_t phitmp = fVectParticle[idxpartLJ[j]]->phi ;
7c6659fc 737
139cbd96 738 ddphi = TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi ( phileadjet - phitmp ) ; // restrict the delta phi to (-pi,pi) interval
7c6659fc 739
139cbd96 740 rpart = TMath::Hypot (ddeta, ddphi) ;
7c6659fc 741
139cbd96 742 if (fDebug) printf ("Particle %d with Re-Computed radius = %f ", idxpartLJ[j], rpart) ;
743 if ( (rpart - fRadius) >= 0.00000001 )
744 { if (fDebug) printf (" bigger than selected radius of %f\n", fRadius ); }
745 else
746 { if (fDebug) printf ("\n") ; }
7c6659fc 747
139cbd96 748 if (hR) hR->Fill(rpart);
7c6659fc 749
139cbd96 750 }
7c6659fc 751
7c6659fc 752
7c6659fc 753
139cbd96 754 //_______________________________________________________________________
755 // Computing of radius that contain 80% of Leading Jet ( PT and multiplicity )
756 //_______________________________________________________________________
757 Double_t corepartleadjet = 0.8 * partleadjet ;
758 Double_t coreptleadjet = 0.8 * ptleadjet ;
759 Int_t countercorepart = 0 ;
760 Double_t countercorept = 0. ;
761 Int_t sortedindex = -1 ;
7c6659fc 762
139cbd96 763 TProfile * hprof24 = (TProfile*)fHistos->FindObject("histo24");
764 TProfile * hprof25 = (TProfile*)fHistos->FindObject("histo25");
765 TProfile * hprof26 = (TProfile*)fHistos->FindObject("histo26");
766 TProfile * hprof27 = (TProfile*)fHistos->FindObject("histo27");
767 TProfile * hprof28 = (TProfile*)fHistos->FindObject("histo28");
768 TProfile * hprof29 = (TProfile*)fHistos->FindObject("histo29");
7c6659fc 769
7c6659fc 770
139cbd96 771 if ((hprof24) && (hprof25) && (hprof26) && (hprof27) && (hprof28) && (hprof29) )
7c6659fc 772 {
139cbd96 773 for( Int_t part = 0 ; part < fNPart ; part++ )
774 {
775 Double_t pttmp = 0. ; Double_t etatmp = 0. ; Double_t phitmp = 0. ; // temporary variables
776 Double_t dpart = 0. ;
777 sortedindex = fIdxArray[part] ;
7c6659fc 778
139cbd96 779 if ( fVectParticle [ sortedindex ]->njet == leadingjetindex )
780 {
781 pttmp = fVectParticle[sortedindex]->pt ;
782 etatmp = fVectParticle[sortedindex]->eta ;
783 phitmp = fVectParticle[sortedindex]->phi ;
7c6659fc 784
139cbd96 785 ++countercorepart ;
786 countercorept += pttmp ;
7c6659fc 787
139cbd96 788 dpart = TMath::Hypot ( etaleadjet - etatmp, TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi (phileadjet - phitmp) ) ;
7c6659fc 789
139cbd96 790 if ( countercorepart <= corepartleadjet ) { hprof24->Fill(ptleadjet, dpart); }
791 if ( countercorept <= coreptleadjet ) { hprof25->Fill(ptleadjet, dpart); }
7c6659fc 792
139cbd96 793 if (ptleadjet > 5.) { hprof26->Fill(dpart, countercorepart); hprof28->Fill(dpart, countercorept); }
794 if (ptleadjet > 30.) { hprof27->Fill(dpart, countercorepart); hprof29->Fill(dpart, countercorept); }
796 }
797 }
7c6659fc 798 }
7c6659fc 799
800 TH1F *hjetpt = (TH1F*)fHistos->FindObject("histo1");
801 TH1F *hjeteta = (TH1F*)fHistos->FindObject("histo2");
802 TH1F *hjetphi = (TH1F*)fHistos->FindObject("histo3");
803 TH1F *hjetnjet = (TH1F*)fHistos->FindObject("histo4");
805 for( Int_t jet = 0 ; jet < fNJets ; jet++ )
806 {
139cbd96 807 if (hjetpt) hjetpt ->Fill ( fVectJet[jet]->pt ) ;
808 if (hjeteta) hjeteta ->Fill ( fVectJet[jet]->eta ) ;
809 if (hjetphi) hjetphi ->Fill ( fVectJet[jet]->phi ) ;
810 if (hjetnjet) hjetnjet ->Fill ( fVectJet[jet]->njet ) ;
7c6659fc 811 }
813 TH1F *hjets = (TH1F*)fHistos->FindObject("histo5");
814 if (hjets) hjets->Fill(fNJets);
816 TH1F *hleadpart = (TH1F*)fHistos->FindObject("histo6");
817 if (hleadpart) hleadpart->Fill(partleadjet);
819 TProfile * hprof = (TProfile*)fHistos->FindObject("histo7");
820 if (hprof) hprof->Fill(ptleadjet,partleadjet);
822 TH1F *hMD = (TH1F*)fHistos->FindObject("histo8");
139cbd96 823 for( Int_t k = 0 ; k < partleadjet ; k++)
824 { hMD->Fill( zpartljet[k] ); }
7c6659fc 825
826 TProfile * hphi = (TProfile*)fHistos->FindObject("histo9");
139cbd96 827 for( Int_t k = 0 ; k < partleadjet ; k++)
828 { hphi->Fill( TMath::RadToDeg() * dphipartljet [k] , fNPart ) ; }
7c6659fc 829
830 TProfile * htpd = (TProfile*)fHistos->FindObject("histo10");
139cbd96 831 for( Int_t k = 0 ; k < fNPart ; k++)
832 { htpd->Fill( TMath::RadToDeg() * dphipartljet [k] , ptsumevent ) ; }
7c6659fc 833
835 TProfile * hprof1 = (TProfile*)fHistos->FindObject("histo21");
836 if (hprof1) hprof1->Fill(ptleadjet, fNPart);
838 TProfile * hprof2 = (TProfile*)fHistos->FindObject("histo22");
839 if (hprof2) hprof2->Fill(ptleadjet, ptsumevent);
841 TProfile * hprof1toward = (TProfile*)fHistos->FindObject("histo21_toward");
842 TProfile * hprof1transverse = (TProfile*)fHistos->FindObject("histo21_transverse");
843 TProfile * hprof1away = (TProfile*)fHistos->FindObject("histo21_away");
844 TProfile * hprof2toward = (TProfile*)fHistos->FindObject("histo22_toward");
845 TProfile * hprof2transverse = (TProfile*)fHistos->FindObject("histo22_transverse");
846 TProfile * hprof2away = (TProfile*)fHistos->FindObject("histo22_away");
847 TH1F * hpttoward = (TH1F*)fHistos->FindObject("histo23_toward");
848 TH1F * hpttransverse = (TH1F*)fHistos->FindObject("histo23_transverse");
849 TH1F * hptaway = (TH1F*)fHistos->FindObject("histo23_away");
851 if ( (hprof1toward) && (hprof1transverse) && (hprof1away) && (hprof2toward) && (hprof2transverse) && (hprof2away) )
852 {
139cbd96 853 for( Int_t part = 0 ; part < fNPart ; part++)
854 {
855 Double_t ptpart = fVectParticle[part]->pt ; // pt of particle
856 if ( ( dphipartljet[part] >=0.) && ( dphipartljet[part] < kPI/3. ) )
857 {
858 hprof1toward->Fill( ptleadjet, fNPart );
859 hprof2toward->Fill( ptleadjet, ptsumevent);
860 hpttoward->Fill( ptpart );
861 }
862 else
863 if ( ( dphipartljet[part] >= (kPI/3.)) && ( dphipartljet[part] < (2.*kPI/3.)) )
864 {
865 hprof1transverse->Fill( ptleadjet, fNPart );
866 hprof2transverse->Fill( ptleadjet, ptsumevent);
867 hpttransverse->Fill( ptpart );
868 }
869 else
870 if ( ( dphipartljet[part] >= ( 2.*kPI/3.)) && ( dphipartljet[part] < kPI ) )
871 {
872 hprof1away->Fill( ptleadjet, fNPart );
873 hprof2away->Fill( ptleadjet, ptsumevent);
874 hptaway->Fill( ptpart );
875 }
876 }
7c6659fc 877 }
8ddcf605 879 delete [] dphipartljet;
880 delete [] zpartljet;
881 delete [] idxpartLJ;
7c6659fc 882
139cbd96 883}
7c6659fc 884
886void AliCdfJetFinder::Clean()
139cbd96 888 // CLEANING SECTION
95345ec0 889 for ( Int_t i = 0 ; i < fNPart ; i++ ){
890 delete fVectParticle[i];
891 fVectParticle[i] = 0;
892 }
893 delete [] fVectParticle;fVectParticle = 0;
895 for ( Int_t i = 0 ; i < fNJets ; i++ ){
896 delete fVectJet[i];
897 fVectJet[i] = 0;
898 }
899 delete [] fVectJet;fVectJet = 0;
901 delete [] fPtArray;fPtArray = 0;
902 delete [] fIdxArray;fIdxArray = 0;
7c6659fc 903
904 Reset();
7c6659fc 905
7c6659fc 906}