]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - JETAN/AliSISConeJetHeader.h
New types added (kV0Radius, kV0Mass, kV0P, kV0Pt) needed for V0 monitoring (Enrico)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / JETAN / AliSISConeJetHeader.h
4/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
5 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
139cbd96 6
7/* $Id$ */
2551af9d 8
10// SISCone (FastJet v2.3.4) finder algorithm interface
11// Finder Header Class
12// Author: swensy.jangal@ires.in2p3.fr
139cbd96 14#ifndef __CINT__
15#include "fastjet/JetDefinition.hh"
17namespace fastjet {
18 class Strategy;
19 class RecombinationScheme;
13fa2a91 21#endif
2551af9d 22#include "AliJetHeader.h"
2551af9d 23
24class AliSISConeJetHeader : public AliJetHeader
26 public:
28 AliSISConeJetHeader();
29 virtual ~AliSISConeJetHeader() { }
31 // Getters
139cbd96 32 Bool_t GetBGMode() const {return fBGMode;}
33 Int_t GetActiveAreaRepeats() const {return fActiveAreaRepeats;}
34 Int_t GetAreaTypeNumber() const {return fAreaTypeNumber;}
35 Int_t GetBGAlgorithm() const {return fBGAlgo;}
36 Int_t GetNPassMax() const {return fNPassMax;}
37 Int_t GetSplitMergeScale() const {return fSplitMergeScaleNumber;}
38 Double_t GetGhostEtaMax() const {return fGhostEtaMax;}
39 Double_t GetGhostArea() const {return fGhostArea;}
40 Double_t GetEffectiveRFact() const {return fEffectiveRFact;}
41 Double_t GetRapMax() const {return fRapMax;}
42 Double_t GetRapMin() const {return fRapMin;}
43 Double_t GetPhiMax() const {return fPhiMax;}
44 Double_t GetPhiMin() const {return fPhiMin;}
45 Double_t GetConeRadius() const {return fConeRadius;}
46 Double_t GetOverlapThreshold() const {return fOverlapThreshold;}
47 Double_t GetPtProtojetMin() const {return fPtProtoJetMin;}
48 Double_t GetRForRho() const {return fRRho;}
49 Double_t GetCaching() const {return fCaching;}
50 Double_t GetSplitMergeStoppingScale() const {return fSplitMergeStoppingScale;}
51 Double_t GetMinJetPt() const {return fMinJetPt;}
52 Double_t GetGridScatter() const {return fGridScatter;}
53 Double_t GetKtScatter() const {return fKtScatter;}
54 Double_t GetMeanGhostKt() const {return fMeanGhostKt;}
2551af9d 55
139cbd96 56 // Setters
57 void SetBGAlgorithm(Int_t value) {fBGAlgo = value;}
58 void SetBGMode(Bool_t value) {fBGMode = value;}
59 void SetCaching(Bool_t value) {fCaching = value;}
60 void SetComment(TString com) {fComment=com;}
61 void SetComment(const char* com) {AliJetHeader::SetComment(com);}
62 void SetGhostEtaMax(Double_t f) {fGhostEtaMax = f;}
63 void SetGhostArea(Double_t f) {fGhostArea = f;}
64 void SetActiveAreaRepeats(Int_t f) {fActiveAreaRepeats =f;}
65 void SetAreaTypeNumber(Int_t f) {fAreaTypeNumber = f;}
66 void SetEffectiveRFact(Double_t value) {fEffectiveRFact = value;}
67 void SetConeRadius(Double_t value) {fConeRadius = value;}
68 void SetMinJetPt(Double_t value) {fMinJetPt = value;}
69 void SetNPassMax(Int_t value) {fNPassMax = value;}
70 void SetOverlapThreshold(Double_t value) {fOverlapThreshold = value;}
71 void SetPhiRange(Double_t fmin, Double_t fmax) {fPhiMin = fmin; fPhiMax = fmax;}
72 void SetPtProtojetMin(Double_t value) {fPtProtoJetMin = value;}
73 void SetRapRange(Double_t fmin, Double_t fmax) {fRapMin = fmin; fRapMax = fmax;}
74 void SetRForRho(Double_t value) {fRRho = value;}
75 void SetSplitMergeScale(Int_t value) {fSplitMergeScaleNumber = value;}
76 void SetSplitMergeStoppingScale(Double_t value) {fSplitMergeStoppingScale = value;}
77 void SetGridScatter(Double_t value) {fGridScatter = value;}
78 void SetKtScatter(Double_t value) {fKtScatter = value;}
79 void SetMeanGhostKt(Double_t value) {fMeanGhostKt = value;}
73faae2f 80
139cbd96 81 // Added for background stuff
82 fastjet::Strategy GetStrategy() const {return fStrategy;}
83 fastjet::RecombinationScheme GetRecombScheme() const {return fRecombScheme;}
84 Double_t GetRparamBkg() const {return fRparamBkg;}
85 Bool_t Use4VectorArea() const {return fkUse4VectorArea;}
2551af9d 86
139cbd96 87 void SetUse4VectorArea() {fkUse4VectorArea = kTRUE;}
88 void SetStrategy(fastjet::Strategy f) {fStrategy = f;}
89 void SetRecombScheme(fastjet::RecombinationScheme f) {fRecombScheme = f;}
90 void SetRparamBkg(Double_t f) {fRparamBkg = f;}
2551af9d 91
92 // others
139cbd96 93 void PrintParameters() const;
2551af9d 94
95 protected:
2551af9d 97
139cbd96 98 Int_t fActiveAreaRepeats; // How many times do you want to caculate active areas?
99 Int_t fAreaTypeNumber; // Kind of area
100 Int_t fBGAlgo; // Algorithm for rho calculus
101 Bool_t fCaching; // Do we record found cones for this set of data?
102 Double_t fConeRadius; // Cone radius
103 Double_t fEffectiveRFact; // Radius for Voronoi diagram
104 Double_t fGhostEtaMax; // Maximum eta in which a ghost can be generated
105 Double_t fGhostArea; // Area of one ghost
106 Double_t fGridScatter; // fractional random fluctuations of the position of the ghosts on the y-phi grid
107 Double_t fKtScatter; // fractional random fluctuations of the tranverse momentum of the ghosts on the y-phi grid
108 Double_t fMeanGhostKt; // average transverse momentum of the ghosts.
109 Double_t fMinJetPt; // Jet minimum energy
110 Int_t fNPassMax; // maximum number of passes
111 Double_t fOverlapThreshold; // overlap parameter
112 Double_t fPhiMax, fPhiMin; // Phi range
113 Double_t fPtProtoJetMin; // pT min of protojets
114 Double_t fRapMax, fRapMin; // Eta range
115 Double_t fRRho; // Radius to determine rho
116 Int_t fSplitMergeScaleNumber; // Kind of recombination in split/merge procedure, there's only one
117 Double_t fSplitMergeStoppingScale; // Stopping scale for split/merge procedure in case of area calculus
73faae2f 118
139cbd96 119 // Added for background
120 Double_t fRparamBkg; //R param for bkg calculation
121 fastjet::Strategy fStrategy; // fastjet::Best;
122 fastjet::RecombinationScheme fRecombScheme; // fastjet::BIpt_scheme;
123 Bool_t fkUse4VectorArea; // Toggle use of 4-vector area
2551af9d 124
139cbd96 125 ClassDef(AliSISConeJetHeader,5) // SISCONE header class
2551af9d 126};