]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - MUON/AliMUONAlignment.h
- Apply trigger algorithm to MC tracks when defining a triggerable track (for perform...
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / MUON / AliMUONAlignment.h
010eb601 1#ifndef ALIMUONALIGNMENT_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6/* $Id$ */
8/// \ingroup rec
9/// \class AliMUONAlignment
10/// \brief Class for alignment of muon spectrometer
12// Authors: Bruce Becker, Javier Castillo
14#include <TObject.h>
723b0b5b 15#include <TString.h>
010eb601 16
56218672 17#include "AliMUONAlignmentRecord.h"
010eb601 19class TGeoCombiTrans;
20class TClonesArray;
21class AliMillepede;
22class AliMUONGeometryTransformer;
23class AliMUONTrack;
24class AliMUONTrackParam;
96ebe67e 25class AliMUONVCluster;
010eb601 26
27class AliMUONAlignment:public TObject
56218672 30 public:
33 /// constructor
010eb601 34 AliMUONAlignment();
56218672 35
36 /// destructor
010eb601 37 virtual ~AliMUONAlignment();
56218672 39 /// process track for alignment minimization
40 /**
41 returns the alignment records for this track.
42 They can be stored in some output for later reprocessing.
43 */
44 AliMUONAlignmentTrackRecord* ProcessTrack(AliMUONTrack *track, Bool_t doAlignment );
46 /// process track record
47 void ProcessTrack( AliMUONAlignmentTrackRecord*, Bool_t doAlignment = kTRUE );
49 /// returns current track record
50 AliMUONAlignmentTrackRecord* GetTrackRecord( void )
51 { return &fTrackRecord; }
c4ee792d 53 /// Set geometry transformer
56218672 54 void SetGeometryTransformer(AliMUONGeometryTransformer * transformer)
55 { fTransform = transformer; }
010eb601 56
058c815d 57 /// Set flag for Magnetic field On/Off
56218672 58 void SetBFieldOn(Bool_t bBFieldOn)
59 { fBFieldOn = bBFieldOn; }
625f657d 61 /// Define chambers to align
56218672 62 void SetChOnOff(Bool_t *bChOnOff)
63 {
d8ad38e5 64 for(int iCh=0; iCh<10; iCh++)
56218672 65 { fChOnOff[iCh] = bChOnOff[iCh]; }
d8ad38e5 66 }
56218672 67
625f657d 68 /// Possibility to align only one side of the detector
56218672 69 void SetSpecLROnOff(Bool_t *bSpecLROnOff)
70 {
71 fSpecLROnOff[0] = bSpecLROnOff[0];
72 fSpecLROnOff[1] = bSpecLROnOff[1];
d8ad38e5 73 }
56218672 74
010eb601 75 void FixStation(Int_t iSt);
56218672 76
d8ad38e5 77 void FixChamber(Int_t iCh);
56218672 78
723b0b5b 79 void FixDetElem(Int_t iDetElemId, TString sVarXYT = "XYTZ");
56218672 80
81 void FixHalfSpectrometer(const Bool_t* bChOnOff, const Bool_t* bSpecLROnOff);
83 void AllowVariations( const Bool_t* );
a6ec842d 85 void SetNonLinear(const Bool_t *bChOnOff, const Bool_t *bVarXYT);
56218672 86
a6ec842d 87 void AddConstraints(const Bool_t *bChOnOff, const Bool_t *bVarXYT);
56218672 88
a6ec842d 89 void AddConstraints(const Bool_t *bChOnOff, const Bool_t *bVarXYT, const Bool_t *bDetTLBR, const Bool_t *bSpecLROnOff);
56218672 90
010eb601 91 void ResetConstraints();
93 void FixParameter(Int_t param, Double_t value);
56218672 94
010eb601 95 void SetNonLinear(Int_t param);
56218672 96
010eb601 97 void AddConstraint(Double_t *factor, Double_t value );
56218672 98
99 void InitGlobalParameters(Double_t *par);
64e2c144 101 void SetSigmaXY(Double_t sigmaX, Double_t sigmaY);
56218672 102
c4ee792d 103 /// Set array of local derivatives
56218672 104 void SetLocalDerivative(Int_t index, Double_t value)
105 { fLocalDerivatives[index] = value; }
c4ee792d 107 /// Set array of global derivatives
56218672 108 void SetGlobalDerivative(Int_t index, Double_t value)
109 { fGlobalDerivatives[index] = value; }
010eb601 111 void LocalFit(Int_t iTrack, Double_t *lTrackParam, Int_t lSingleFit);
56218672 112
010eb601 113 void GlobalFit(Double_t *parameters,Double_t *errors,Double_t *pulls);
56218672 114
010eb601 115 void PrintGlobalParameters();
56218672 116
010eb601 117 Double_t GetParError(Int_t iPar);
56218672 118
119 AliMUONGeometryTransformer* ReAlign(const AliMUONGeometryTransformer * transformer, const double *misAlignments, Bool_t verbose);
010eb601 120
4818a9b7 121 void SetAlignmentResolution(const TClonesArray* misAlignArray, Int_t chId, Double_t chResX, Double_t chResY, Double_t deResX, Double_t deResY);
56218672 123 private:
c4ee792d 125 /// Not implemented
010eb601 126 AliMUONAlignment(const AliMUONAlignment& right);
56218672 127
c4ee792d 128 /// Not implemented
010eb601 129 AliMUONAlignment& operator = (const AliMUONAlignment& right);
010eb601 130
131 void Init(Int_t nGlobal, Int_t nLocal, Int_t nStdDev);
56218672 132
a6ec842d 133 void ConstrainT(Int_t lDetElem, Int_t lCh, Double_t *lConstraintT, Int_t iVar, Double_t lWeight=1.0) const;
56218672 134
a6ec842d 135 void ConstrainL(Int_t lDetElem, Int_t lCh, Double_t *lConstraintL, Int_t iVar, Double_t lWeight=1.0) const;
56218672 136
a6ec842d 137 void ConstrainB(Int_t lDetElem, Int_t lCh, Double_t *lConstraintB, Int_t iVar, Double_t lWeight=1.0) const;
56218672 138
a6ec842d 139 void ConstrainR(Int_t lDetElem, Int_t lCh, Double_t *lConstraintR, Int_t iVar, Double_t lWeight=1.0) const;
56218672 140
010eb601 141 void FillDetElemData();
56218672 142
010eb601 143 void FillRecPointData();
56218672 144
010eb601 145 void FillTrackParamData();
56218672 146
010eb601 147 void ResetLocalEquation();
56218672 148
149 /// local equation along X
150 void LocalEquationX( Bool_t doAlignment = kTRUE );
152 /// local equation along Y
153 void LocalEquationY( Bool_t doAlignment = kTRUE );
155 /// local equation using cluster alignment record
156 void LocalEquation( const AliMUONAlignmentClusterRecord& );
010eb601 157
a6ec842d 158 TGeoCombiTrans ReAlign(const TGeoCombiTrans& transform, const double *detElemMisAlignment) const;
010eb601 159
56218672 160 /// Flag for Magnetic filed On/Off
161 Bool_t fBFieldOn;
163 /// Flags for chamber On/Off
164 Bool_t fChOnOff[10];
166 /// Flags for left right On/Off
167 Bool_t fSpecLROnOff[2];
169 /// Flags degrees of freedom to align (x,y,phi)
170 Bool_t fDoF[4];
172 /// "Encouraged" variation for degrees of freedom
173 Double_t fAllowVar[4];
175 /// Initial value for chi2 cut
176 /** if > 1 Iterations in AliMillepede are turned on */
177 Double_t fStartFac;
179 /// Cut on residual for first iteration
180 Double_t fResCutInitial;
182 /// Cut on residual for other iterations
183 Double_t fResCut;
185 /// Detector independent alignment class
186 AliMillepede *fMillepede;
188 /// AliMUONTrack
189 AliMUONTrack *fTrack;
191 /// AliMUONVCluster
192 AliMUONVCluster *fCluster;
194 ///< Track parameters
195 AliMUONTrackParam *fTrackParam;
c4ee792d 196
197 Int_t fNGlobal; ///< Number of global parameters
198 Int_t fNLocal; ///< Number of local parameters
199 Int_t fNStdDev; ///< Number of standard deviations for chi2 cut
200 Double_t fClustPos[3]; ///< Cluster position
201 Double_t fClustPosLoc[3]; ///< Cluster position in local coordinates
202 Double_t fTrackSlope0[2]; ///< Track slope at reference point
203 Double_t fTrackSlope[2]; ///< Track slope at current point
204 Double_t fTrackPos0[3]; ///< Track intersection at reference point
205 Double_t fTrackPos[3]; ///< Track intersection at current point
56218672 206 Double_t fTrackPosLoc[3]; ///< Track intersection at current point in local coordinates
207 Double_t fMeas[2]; ///< Current measurement (depend on B field On/Off)
c4ee792d 208 Double_t fSigma[2]; ///< Estimated resolution on measurement
723b0b5b 210 Double_t fGlobalDerivatives[624]; ///< Array of global derivatives
c4ee792d 211 Double_t fLocalDerivatives[4]; ///< Array of local derivatives
723b0b5b 213 Double_t fConstraintX[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation all X
214 Double_t fConstraintY[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation all Y
215 Double_t fConstraintP[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation all P
216 Double_t fConstraintXT[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation X Top half
217 Double_t fConstraintYT[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation Y Top half
218 Double_t fConstraintPT[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation P Top half
219 Double_t fConstraintXZT[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation X vs Z Top half
220 Double_t fConstraintYZT[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation Y vs Z Top half
221 Double_t fConstraintPZT[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation P vs Z Top half
222 Double_t fConstraintXYT[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation X vs Y Top half
223 Double_t fConstraintYYT[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation Y vs Y Top half
224 Double_t fConstraintPYT[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation P vs Y Top half
225 Double_t fConstraintXB[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation X Bottom half
226 Double_t fConstraintYB[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation Y Bottom half
227 Double_t fConstraintPB[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation P Bottom half
228 Double_t fConstraintXZB[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation X vs Z Bottom half
229 Double_t fConstraintYZB[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation Y vs Z Bottom half
230 Double_t fConstraintPZB[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation P vs Z Bottom half
231 Double_t fConstraintXYB[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation X vs Y Bottom half
232 Double_t fConstraintYYB[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation Y vs Y Bottom half
233 Double_t fConstraintPYB[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation P vs Y Bottom half
234 Double_t fConstraintXR[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation X Right half
235 Double_t fConstraintYR[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation Y Right half
236 Double_t fConstraintPR[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation P Right half
237 Double_t fConstraintXZR[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation X vs Z Right half
238 Double_t fConstraintYZR[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation Y vs Z Right half
239 Double_t fConstraintPZR[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation P vs Z Right half
240 Double_t fConstraintXYR[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation X vs Y Right half
241 Double_t fConstraintYYR[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation Y vs Y Right half
242 Double_t fConstraintPYR[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation P vs Y Right half
243 Double_t fConstraintXL[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation X Left half
244 Double_t fConstraintYL[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation Y Left half
245 Double_t fConstraintPL[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation P Left half
246 Double_t fConstraintXZL[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation X vs Z Left half
247 Double_t fConstraintYZL[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation Y vs Z Left half
248 Double_t fConstraintPZL[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation P vs Z Left half
249 Double_t fConstraintXYL[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation X vs Y Left half
250 Double_t fConstraintYYL[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation Y vs Y Left half
251 Double_t fConstraintPYL[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation P vs Y Left half
252 Double_t fConstraintX3[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation St3 X
253 Double_t fConstraintY3[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation St3 Y
254 Double_t fConstraintX4[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation St4 X
255 Double_t fConstraintY4[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation St4 Y
256 Double_t fConstraintP4[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation St4 P
257 Double_t fConstraintX5[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation St5 X
258 Double_t fConstraintY5[624]; ///< Array for constraint equation St5 Y
c4ee792d 259
260 Int_t fDetElemId; ///< Detection element id
261 Int_t fDetElemNumber; ///< Detection element number
56218672 262 Double_t fPhi; ///< Azimuthal tilt of detection element
c4ee792d 263 Double_t fCosPhi; ///< Cosine of fPhi
264 Double_t fSinPhi; ///< Sine of fPhi
265 Double_t fDetElemPos[3]; ///< Position of detection element
56218672 267 /// running Track record
268 AliMUONAlignmentTrackRecord fTrackRecord;
270 /// Geometry transformation
271 AliMUONGeometryTransformer *fTransform;
c4ee792d 272
273 static Int_t fgNSt; ///< Number tracking stations
274 static Int_t fgNCh; ///< Number tracking chambers
3b2890be 275 static Int_t fgNTrkMod; ///< Number of tracking modules (4 ch + 6*2 half-ch)
c4ee792d 276 static Int_t fgNParCh; ///< Number of degrees of freedom per chamber
277 static Int_t fgNDetElem; ///< Total number of detection elements
278 static Int_t fgNDetElemCh[10]; ///< Number of detection elements per chamber
279 static Int_t fgSNDetElemCh[10];///< Sum of detection elements up to this chamber (inc)
010eb601 280
56218672 281 ClassDef(AliMUONAlignment, 2)
69d7ac2e 283};
010eb601 284