]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - MUON/AliMUONCheck.cxx
- Apply trigger algorithm to MC tracks when defining a triggerable track (for perform...
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / MUON / AliMUONCheck.cxx
70b4a8d6 1/**************************************************************************
2* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3* *
4* Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5* Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6* *
7* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8* documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9* without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10* copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11* appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12* about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13* provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
16// $Id$
3d1463c8 18//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9780bd43 19/// \class AliMUONCheck
21/// This class check the ESD tree, providing the matching with the trigger
22/// response and designing useful plots (Pt, Y, ITS vertex, multiplicity).
23/// Note that there is a special flag to turn on for pdc06 production.
24/// It also checks the TR tree giving hit densities on the two first and
25/// last planes of the spectrometer as well as the time of flight on these planes.
26/// MUONkine() provides event stack and check if the event are generated with
27/// at least one muon and two muons (for PDC06).
28/// DumpDigit() as a replacement of the function from MUONCheck.C macro.
30/// \author Frederic Yermia, INFN Torino
3d1463c8 31//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9780bd43 32
70b4a8d6 33#include "AliMUONCheck.h"
9780bd43 34#include "AliMUONConstants.h"
2e6ca202 35#include "AliMUONMCDataInterface.h"
36#include "AliMUONDataInterface.h"
a55f49a0 37#include "AliMpCDB.h"
9780bd43 38#include "AliMpSegmentation.h"
39#include "AliMpVSegmentation.h"
40#include "AliMpDEManager.h"
88544f7e 41#include "AliMpCDB.h"
2e6ca202 42#include "AliMUONVDigitStore.h"
70b4a8d6 43
9780bd43 44#include "AliRunLoader.h"
70b4a8d6 45#include "AliLoader.h"
9780bd43 46#include "AliStack.h"
47#include "AliTrackReference.h"
48#include "AliTracker.h"
af885e0f 49#include "AliESDEvent.h"
9780bd43 50#include "AliESDMuonTrack.h"
aad72f45 51#include "AliESDVertex.h"
f7a1cc68 52#include "AliMagF.h"
70b4a8d6 53#include "AliLog.h"
70b4a8d6 54
9780bd43 55#include <TSystem.h>
56#include <TCanvas.h>
57#include <TLorentzVector.h>
58#include <TFile.h>
59#include <TH1.h>
60#include <TParticle.h>
70b4a8d6 61
5398f946 62/// \cond CLASSIMP
70b4a8d6 63ClassImp(AliMUONCheck)
5398f946 64/// \endcond
6b092dfc 65
31edb2d7 66//_____________________________________________________________________________
67const TString& AliMUONCheck::GetDefaultOutFileName()
69 /// Default output file name
70 static const TString kDefaultOutFileName = "output.txt";
71 return kDefaultOutFileName;
de62e2bd 73
31edb2d7 74//_____________________________________________________________________________
5a560b6a 75AliMUONCheck::AliMUONCheck(const char* galiceFile, const char* esdFile,Int_t firstEvent, Int_t lastEvent,const char* outDir)
76: TObject(),
2e6ca202 77fFileName(galiceFile),
7d5d0cc5 80fkOutDir(outDir),
31edb2d7 81fOutFileName(GetDefaultOutFileName()),
2e6ca202 82fFirstEvent(firstEvent),
5a560b6a 84{
cab86c08 85 /// ctor
5a560b6a 86}
2e6ca202 87
70b4a8d6 88//_____________________________________________________________________________
2e6ca202 89AliMUONCheck::AliMUONCheck(const char* galiceFile, const char* galiceFileSim,
90 const char* esdFile,Int_t firstEvent, Int_t lastEvent,
91 const char* outDir)
70b4a8d6 92: TObject(),
2e6ca202 93fFileName(galiceFile),
7d5d0cc5 96fkOutDir(outDir),
31edb2d7 97fOutFileName(GetDefaultOutFileName()),
2e6ca202 98fFirstEvent(firstEvent),
70b4a8d6 100{
71a2d3aa 101 /// ctor
9780bd43 102}
70b4a8d6 104//_____________________________________________________________________________
2e6ca202 107 /// Destructor
70b4a8d6 108}
9780bd43 112AliMUONCheck::CheckESD(Bool_t pdc06TriggerResponse)
70b4a8d6 113{
71a2d3aa 114 /// Check ESD files
70b4a8d6 115
9780bd43 116 // Histograms
117 TH1F * fhMUONVertex ; //!
118 TH1F * fhMUONMult ; //!
120 // create histograms
121 fhMUONVertex = new TH1F("hMUONVertex","ITS Vertex" ,100, -25., 25.);
122 fhMUONMult = new TH1F("hMUONMult" ,"Multiplicity of ESD tracks",10, -0.5, 9.5);
70b4a8d6 123
9780bd43 124 TH1F *hY = new TH1F("hY","Rapidity",100,-5.,-1.);
125 TH1F *hPt = new TH1F("hPt","Pt",100, 0.,20.);
70b4a8d6 126
9780bd43 127 // ------------->open the ESD file
128 TFile* esdFile = TFile::Open(fesdFileName.Data());
2e6ca202 130 if (!esdFile || !esdFile->IsOpen())
131 {
9780bd43 132 AliError(Form("Error opening %s file \n",fesdFileName.Data()));
2e6ca202 133 return;
134 }
9780bd43 136 Int_t fSPLowpt=0 ; //!
137 Int_t fSPHighpt=0 ; //!
138 Int_t fSPAllpt=0 ; //!
139 Int_t fSMLowpt=0 ; //!
140 Int_t fSMHighpt =0 ; //!
141 Int_t fSMAllpt=0 ; //!
142 Int_t fSULowpt=0 ; //!
143 Int_t fSUHighpt=0 ; //!
144 Int_t fSUAllpt=0 ; //!
145 Int_t fUSLowpt=0 ; //!
146 Int_t fUSHighpt=0 ; //!
147 Int_t fUSAllpt=0 ; //!
148 Int_t fLSLowpt=0 ; //!
149 Int_t fLSHighpt=0 ; //!
150 Int_t fLSAllpt=0 ; //!
2e6ca202 151
9780bd43 152 Int_t fSLowpt=0 ; //!
153 Int_t fSHighpt=0 ; //!
2e6ca202 154
9780bd43 155 Int_t fnTrackTrig=0 ; //!
156 Int_t ftracktot=0 ; //!
157 Int_t effMatch=0 ; //!
159 TLorentzVector fV1;
160 Float_t muonMass = 0.105658389;
161 Double_t thetaX, thetaY, pYZ;
162 Double_t fPxRec1, fPyRec1, fPzRec1, fE1;
163 Int_t fZ1;
af885e0f 165 AliESDEvent* fESD = new AliESDEvent();
2e6ca202 166 TTree* tree = (TTree*) esdFile->Get("esdTree");
167 if (!tree)
168 {
9780bd43 169 Error("CheckESD", "no ESD tree found");
1130977f 170 AliError(Form("no ESD tree found"));
9780bd43 171 return ;
172 }
2e6ca202 173 fESD->ReadFromTree(tree);
9780bd43 174
2e6ca202 175 Int_t fnevents = tree->GetEntries();
9780bd43 176 Int_t endOfLoop = fLastEvent+1;
2e6ca202 177
9780bd43 178 if ( fLastEvent == -1 ) endOfLoop = fnevents;
179 Int_t ievent=0;
180 Int_t nev=0;
2e6ca202 181
9780bd43 182 for (ievent = fFirstEvent; ievent < endOfLoop; ++ievent )
70b4a8d6 183 {
2e6ca202 184 nev++;
a99c3449 185 if (tree->GetEvent(ievent) <= 0)
2e6ca202 186 {
9780bd43 187 Error("CheckESD", "no ESD object found for event %d", ievent);
188 return ;
189 }
2e6ca202 190 AliESDVertex* vertex = (AliESDVertex*) fESD->GetVertex();
9780bd43 191
192 Double_t zVertex = 0. ;
193 if (vertex) zVertex = vertex->GetZv();
2e6ca202 194
9780bd43 195 Int_t nTracks = (Int_t)fESD->GetNumberOfMuonTracks() ;
196 ULong64_t trigword=fESD->GetTriggerMask();
2e6ca202 197
198 if(pdc06TriggerResponse)
199 {
9780bd43 200 if (trigword & 0x01) {
201 fSPLowpt++;
202 }
2e6ca202 203
9780bd43 204 if (trigword & 0x02){
205 fSPHighpt++;
206 }
207 if (trigword & 0x04){
208 fSPAllpt++;
209 }
210 if (trigword & 0x08){
211 fSMLowpt++;
212 }
213 if (trigword & 0x010){
214 fSMHighpt++;
215 }
216 if (trigword & 0x020){
217 fSMAllpt++;
218 }
219 if (trigword & 0x040){
220 fSULowpt++;
221 }
222 if (trigword & 0x080){
223 fSUHighpt++;
224 }
225 if (trigword & 0x100){
226 fSUAllpt++;
227 }
228 if (trigword & 0x200){
229 fUSLowpt++;
230 }
2e6ca202 231
9780bd43 232 if (trigword & 0x400){
233 fUSHighpt++;
234 }
235 if (trigword & 0x800){
236 fUSAllpt++;
237 }
238 if (trigword & 0x1000){
239 fLSLowpt++;
240 }
2e6ca202 241
9780bd43 242 if (trigword & 0x2000){
243 fLSHighpt++;
244 }
2e6ca202 245
9780bd43 246 if (trigword & 0x4000){
247 fLSAllpt++;
248 }
249 }// if pdc06TriggerResponse
250 else {
251 if (trigword & 0x01) {
252 fSLowpt++;
253 }
2e6ca202 254
9780bd43 255 if (trigword & 0x02){
256 fSHighpt++;
257 }
258 if (trigword & 0x04){
259 fLSLowpt++;
260 }
261 if (trigword & 0x08){
262 fLSHighpt++;
263 }
264 if (trigword & 0x010){
265 fUSLowpt++;
266 }
267 if (trigword & 0x020){
268 fUSHighpt++;
269 }
270 }
272 Int_t tracktrig=0;
2e6ca202 273
274 for ( Int_t iTrack1 = 0; iTrack1<nTracks; ++iTrack1 )
275 { //1st loop
9780bd43 276 AliESDMuonTrack* muonTrack = fESD->GetMuonTrack(iTrack1);
b1fea02e 277
278 // skip fake tracks (ghosts)
279 if (!muonTrack->ContainTrackerData()) continue;
9780bd43 281 ftracktot++;
283 thetaX = muonTrack->GetThetaX();
284 thetaY = muonTrack->GetThetaY();
285 pYZ = 1./TMath::Abs(muonTrack->GetInverseBendingMomentum());
2e6ca202 286
9780bd43 287 fPzRec1 = - pYZ / TMath::Sqrt(1.0 + TMath::Tan(thetaY)*TMath::Tan(thetaY));
288 fPxRec1 = fPzRec1 * TMath::Tan(thetaX);
289 fPyRec1 = fPzRec1 * TMath::Tan(thetaY);
290 fZ1 = Int_t(TMath::Sign(1.,muonTrack->GetInverseBendingMomentum()));
291 fE1 = TMath::Sqrt(muonMass * muonMass + fPxRec1 * fPxRec1 + fPyRec1 * fPyRec1 + fPzRec1 * fPzRec1);
292 fV1.SetPxPyPzE(fPxRec1, fPyRec1, fPzRec1, fE1);
293 // -----------> transverse momentum
294 Float_t pt1 = fV1.Pt();
295 // ----------->Rapidity
296 Float_t y1 = fV1.Rapidity();
2e6ca202 297
298 if(muonTrack->GetMatchTrigger())
299 {
9780bd43 300 fnTrackTrig++;
301 tracktrig++;
302 }
303 hY->Fill(y1);
304 hPt->Fill(pt1);
2e6ca202 305 } // loop on track
9780bd43 307 fhMUONVertex->Fill(zVertex) ;
308 fhMUONMult->Fill(Float_t(nTracks)) ;
2e6ca202 309
9780bd43 310 } // loop over events
312 AliInfo(Form("Terminate %s:", GetName())) ;
314 effMatch=100*fnTrackTrig/ftracktot;
2e6ca202 315
316 if(pdc06TriggerResponse)
317 {
9780bd43 318 printf("=================================================================\n") ;
319 printf("================ %s ESD SUMMARY ==============\n", GetName()) ;
320 printf(" \n") ;
321 printf(" Total number of processed events %d \n", nev) ;
322 printf("\n") ;
323 printf("\n") ;
324 printf("Table 1: \n") ;
325 printf(" Global Trigger output Low pt High pt All\n") ;
326 printf(" number of Single Plus :\t");
327 printf("%i\t%i\t%i\t", fSPLowpt, fSPHighpt, fSPAllpt) ;
328 printf("\n");
329 printf(" number of Single Minus :\t");
330 printf("%i\t%i\t%i\t", fSMLowpt, fSMHighpt, fSMAllpt) ;
331 printf("\n");
332 printf(" number of Single Undefined :\t");
333 printf("%i\t%i\t%i\t", fSULowpt, fSUHighpt, fSUAllpt) ;
334 printf("\n");
335 printf(" number of UnlikeSign pair :\t");
336 printf("%i\t%i\t%i\t", fUSLowpt, fUSHighpt, fUSAllpt) ;
337 printf("\n");
338 printf(" number of LikeSign pair :\t");
339 printf("%i\t%i\t%i\t", fLSLowpt, fLSHighpt, fLSAllpt) ;
340 printf("\n");
341 printf("===================================================\n") ;
342 printf("\n") ;
343 printf("matching efficiency with the trigger for single tracks = %2d %% \n", effMatch);
344 printf("================================================================\n") ; printf("\n") ;
2e6ca202 345
9780bd43 346 }//if(pdc06TriggerResponse)
7d5d0cc5 348 gSystem->cd(fkOutDir);
9780bd43 349
de62e2bd 350 FILE *outtxt=fopen(fOutFileName.Data(),"a");
2e6ca202 351
9780bd43 352 if(pdc06TriggerResponse){
353 fprintf(outtxt," \n");
354 fprintf(outtxt,"===================================================\n");
355 fprintf(outtxt,"================ ESD SUMMARY ==============\n");
356 fprintf(outtxt," \n");
357 fprintf(outtxt," Total number of processed events %d \n", nev);
358 fprintf(outtxt,"\n");
359 fprintf(outtxt,"\n");
360 fprintf(outtxt,"Table 1: \n");
361 fprintf(outtxt," Global Trigger output Low pt High pt All\n");
362 fprintf(outtxt," number of Single Plus :\t");
363 fprintf(outtxt,"%i\t%i\t%i\t",fSPLowpt,fSPHighpt,fSPAllpt);
364 fprintf(outtxt,"\n");
365 fprintf(outtxt," number of Single Minus :\t");
366 fprintf(outtxt,"%i\t%i\t%i\t",fSMLowpt,fSMHighpt,fSMAllpt);
367 fprintf(outtxt,"\n");
368 fprintf(outtxt," number of Single Undefined :\t");
369 fprintf(outtxt,"%i\t%i\t%i\t",fSULowpt,fSUHighpt,fSUAllpt);
370 fprintf(outtxt,"\n");
371 fprintf(outtxt," number of UnlikeSign pair :\t");
372 fprintf(outtxt,"%i\t%i\t%i\t",fUSLowpt,fUSHighpt,fUSAllpt);
373 fprintf(outtxt,"\n");
374 fprintf(outtxt," number of LikeSign pair :\t");
375 fprintf(outtxt,"%i\t%i\t%i\t",fLSLowpt,fLSHighpt, fLSAllpt);
376 fprintf(outtxt,"\n");
377 fprintf(outtxt,"===================================================\n");
378 fprintf(outtxt,"\n");
379 fprintf(outtxt,"matching efficiency with the trigger for single tracks = %2d %% \n", effMatch);
380 }//if(pdc06TriggerResponse)
9780bd43 381
2e6ca202 382 else {
9780bd43 384 fprintf(outtxt," \n");
385 fprintf(outtxt,"===================================================\n");
386 fprintf(outtxt,"================ ESD SUMMARY ==============\n");
387 fprintf(outtxt," \n");
388 fprintf(outtxt," Total number of processed events %d \n", nev);
389 fprintf(outtxt,"\n");
390 fprintf(outtxt,"\n");
391 fprintf(outtxt,"Table 1: \n");
392 fprintf(outtxt," Global Trigger output Low pt High pt \n");
393 fprintf(outtxt," number of Single :\t");
394 fprintf(outtxt,"%i\t%i\t",fSLowpt,fSHighpt);
395 fprintf(outtxt,"\n");
396 fprintf(outtxt," number of UnlikeSign pair :\t");
397 fprintf(outtxt,"%i\t%i\t",fUSLowpt,fUSHighpt);
398 fprintf(outtxt,"\n");
399 fprintf(outtxt," number of LikeSign pair :\t");
400 fprintf(outtxt,"%i\t%i\t",fLSLowpt,fLSHighpt);
401 fprintf(outtxt,"\n");
402 fprintf(outtxt,"===================================================\n");
403 fprintf(outtxt,"\n");
404 fprintf(outtxt,"matching efficiency with the trigger for single tracks = %2d %% \n", effMatch);
405 }//else
406 fclose(outtxt);
408 TCanvas * c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "ESD", 400, 10, 600, 700) ;
409 c1->Divide(1,2) ;
410 c1->cd(1) ;
411 fhMUONVertex->Draw() ;
412 c1->cd(2) ;
413 fhMUONMult->Draw() ;
414 c1->Print("VertexAndMul.eps") ;
415 TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","ESD",400,10,600,700);
416 c2->Divide(1,2);
417 c2->cd(1);
418 hY->Draw();
419 c2->cd(2);
420 hPt->Draw();
421 c2->Print("YandPt.eps") ;
70b4a8d6 422}
9780bd43 423
71a2d3aa 428 /// Check Stack
9780bd43 429
2e6ca202 430 AliMUONMCDataInterface diSim(fFileNameSim.Data());
431 if (!diSim.IsValid()) return;
433 Int_t fnevents = diSim.NumberOfEvents();
9780bd43 434
9780bd43 435 Int_t endOfLoop = fLastEvent+1;
437 if ( fLastEvent == -1 ) endOfLoop = fnevents;
9780bd43 439 Int_t nev=0;
440 Int_t nmu=0;
441 Int_t nonemu=0;
442 Int_t ndimu=0;
9780bd43 443
2e6ca202 444 for ( Int_t ievent = fFirstEvent; ievent < endOfLoop; ++ievent )
445 {
9780bd43 446 Int_t nmu2=0;
2e6ca202 447 ++nev;
9780bd43 448
2e6ca202 449 AliStack* stack = diSim.Stack(ievent);
450 Int_t npa = stack->GetNprimary();
451 Int_t npb = stack->GetNtrack();
9780bd43 452 printf("Primary particles %i \n",npa);
453 printf("Sec particles %i \n",npb);
454 printf("=================================================================\n") ;
455 printf("Primary particles listing: \n");
456 printf("=================================================================\n") ;
2e6ca202 457 for (Int_t i=0; i<npa; ++i)
458 {
9780bd43 459 TParticle *p = stack->Particle(i);
460 p->Print("");
461 Int_t pdg=p->GetPdgCode();
2e6ca202 463 if (abs(pdg) == 13)
464 {
465 ++nmu2;
9780bd43 466 }
467 }
468 printf("=================================================================\n") ;
469 printf("=================================================================\n") ;
471 printf("Secondaries particles listing: \n");
472 printf("=================================================================\n") ;
2e6ca202 473 for (Int_t i=npa; i<npb; ++i)
474 {
9780bd43 475 stack->Particle(i)->Print("");
476 }
2e6ca202 477
9780bd43 478 printf("=================================================================\n") ;
479 printf(">>> Event %d, Number of primary particles is %d \n",ievent, npa);
480 printf(">>> Event %d, Number of secondary articles is %d \n",ievent, npb-npa);
481 printf("=================================================================\n");
2e6ca202 482 if(nmu2>0)
483 {
9780bd43 484 printf(">>> Okay!!! Event %d with at least one muon on primary stack! \n",ievent);
2e6ca202 485 ++nonemu;
9780bd43 486 }
2e6ca202 488 if(nmu2==0)
489 {
9780bd43 490 printf(">>> Warning!!! Event %d without muon on primary stack! \n",ievent);
2e6ca202 491 ++nmu;
9780bd43 492 }
2e6ca202 493
494 if(nmu2>1)
495 {
9780bd43 496 printf(">>> Okay!!! Event %d with at least two muons on primary stack! \n",ievent);
2e6ca202 497 ++ndimu;
9780bd43 498 }
499 printf("=================================================================\n");
500 printf(" \n");
501 printf(" \n") ;
502 }//ievent
9780bd43 504 printf("=================================================================\n") ;
505 printf(" Total number of processed events %d \n", nev) ;
506 printf(" \n") ;
2e6ca202 508 if(nmu>0)
509 {
9780bd43 510 printf("---> WARNING!!! <---\n");
511 printf(" %i events without muon on primary stack \n",nmu);
512 }
2e6ca202 514 if(nmu==0)
515 {
9780bd43 516 printf("---> OKAY!!! <---\n");
517 printf(" %i events generated with at least one muon on primary stack \n",nonemu);
518 }
2e6ca202 519
520 if(ndimu>0)
521 {
9780bd43 522 printf("---> OKAY!!! <---\n");
523 printf(" %i events generated with at least two muons on primary stack \n",ndimu);
524 }
2e6ca202 525
9780bd43 526 printf(" \n") ;
527 printf("*** Leaving MuonKine() *** \n");
528 printf("**************************************************************** \n");
7d5d0cc5 530 gSystem->cd(fkOutDir);
de62e2bd 531 FILE *outtxt=fopen(fOutFileName.Data(),"a");
9780bd43 532 fprintf(outtxt," \n");
533 fprintf(outtxt,"=================================================================\n");
534 fprintf(outtxt,"================ MUONkine SUMMARY ================\n");
535 fprintf(outtxt,"\n");
536 fprintf(outtxt,"=================================================================\n");
537 fprintf(outtxt," Total number of processed events %d \n", nev) ;
538 fprintf(outtxt," \n");
2e6ca202 540 if(nmu>0)
541 {
9780bd43 542 fprintf(outtxt," ---> WARNING!!! <--- \n");
543 fprintf(outtxt," %i events without muon on primary stack \n",nmu);
544 }
2e6ca202 545
546 if(nmu==0)
547 {
9780bd43 548 fprintf(outtxt," ---> OKAY!!! <--- \n");
549 fprintf(outtxt," %i events generated with at least one muon on primary stack \n",nonemu);
550 }
2e6ca202 551
552 if(ndimu>0)
553 {
9780bd43 554 fprintf(outtxt," ---> OKAY!!! <--- \n");
555 fprintf(outtxt," %i events generated with at least two muons on primary stack \n",ndimu);
556 }
2e6ca202 557
9780bd43 558 fprintf(outtxt," \n") ;
559 fprintf(outtxt,"*** Leaving MuonKine() *** \n");
560 fprintf(outtxt,"**************************************************************** \n");
561 fclose(outtxt);
9780bd43 562}
2e6ca202 568 /// Check TrackRef files
570 AliMUONMCDataInterface diSim(fFileNameSim.Data());
571 if ( !diSim.IsValid() ) return;
9780bd43 572
9780bd43 573 Int_t flag11=0,flag12=0,flag13=0,flag14=0;
2e6ca202 574
9780bd43 575 TH1F *tof01= new TH1F("tof01","TOF for first tracking plane",100,0.,100);
576 tof01->SetXTitle("tof (ns)");
577 TH1F *tof14= new TH1F("tof14","TOF for MT22",100,0.,100);
578 tof14->SetXTitle("tof (ns)");
580 TH1F *hitDensity[4];
581 hitDensity[0] = new TH1F("TR_dhits01","",30,0,300);
582 hitDensity[0]->SetFillColor(3);
583 hitDensity[0]->SetXTitle("R (cm)");
584 hitDensity[1] = new TH1F("TR_dhits10","",30,0,300);
585 hitDensity[1]->SetFillColor(3);
586 hitDensity[1]->SetXTitle("R (cm)");
587 hitDensity[2] = new TH1F("TR_dhits11","",30,0,300);
588 hitDensity[2]->SetFillColor(3);
589 hitDensity[2]->SetXTitle("R (cm)");
590 hitDensity[3] = new TH1F("TR_dhits14","",30,0,300);
591 hitDensity[3]->SetFillColor(3);
592 hitDensity[3]->SetXTitle("R (cm)");
9780bd43 593
2e6ca202 594 Int_t fnevents = diSim.NumberOfEvents();
9780bd43 596 Int_t endOfLoop = fLastEvent+1;
598 if ( fLastEvent == -1 ) endOfLoop = fnevents;
9780bd43 600 Int_t nev=0;
601 Int_t ntot=fLastEvent+1-fFirstEvent;
2e6ca202 602
603 for ( Int_t ievent = fFirstEvent; ievent < endOfLoop; ++ievent )
604 {
9780bd43 605 Int_t save=-99;
2e6ca202 606 ++nev;
608 Int_t nentries = diSim.NumberOfTrackRefs(ievent);
9780bd43 609
2e6ca202 610 for ( Int_t l=0; l<nentries; ++l )
9780bd43 611 {
2e6ca202 612 TClonesArray* trackRefs = diSim.TrackRefs(ievent,l);
613 if (!trackRefs) continue;
615 Int_t nnn = trackRefs->GetEntriesFast();
617 for ( Int_t k=0; k<nnn; ++k )
9780bd43 618 {
2e6ca202 619 AliTrackReference *tref = static_cast<AliTrackReference*>(trackRefs->UncheckedAt(k));
9780bd43 620 Int_t label = tref->GetTrack();
621 Float_t x = tref->X(); // x-pos of hit
622 Float_t y = tref->Y(); // y-pos
623 Float_t z = tref->Z();
625 Float_t r=TMath::Sqrt(x*x+y*y);
626 Float_t time = tref->GetTime();
628 Float_t wgt=1/(2*10*TMath::Pi()*r)/(ntot);
630 if (save!=label){
631 save=label;
632 flag11=0;
633 flag12=0;
634 flag13=0;
635 flag14=0;
636 }
2e6ca202 637
9780bd43 638 if (save==label){
640 //Ch 1, z=-526.16
641 if (z<=-521&& z>=-531&&flag11==0){
642 flag11=1;
643 hitDensity[0]->Fill(r,wgt);
644 tof01->Fill(1000000000*time,1);
645 };
647 //Ch 10, z=-1437.6
648 if (z<=-1432&&z>=-1442&&flag12==0){
649 flag12=1;
650 hitDensity[1]->Fill(r,wgt);
651 }
2e6ca202 652
9780bd43 653 //Ch 11, z=-1603.5
654 if (z<=-1598&& z>=-1608&&flag13==0){
655 flag13=1;
656 hitDensity[2]->Fill(r,wgt);
657 };
659 //ch 14 z=-1720.5
660 if(z<=-1715&&z>=-1725&&flag14==0){
661 flag14=1;
662 hitDensity[3]->Fill(r,wgt);
663 tof14->Fill(1000000000*time,1);
664 };
666 }//if save==label
2e6ca202 667
9780bd43 668 }//hits de tTR
2e6ca202 669
9780bd43 670 }//entree de tTR
2e6ca202 671
9780bd43 672 }//evt loop
2e6ca202 673
7d5d0cc5 674 gSystem->cd(fkOutDir);
9780bd43 675 TCanvas *c6 = new TCanvas("c6","TOF",400,10,600,700);
676 c6->Divide(1,2);
677 c6->cd(1);
679 tof01->Draw();
680 c6->cd(2);
681 tof14->Draw();
682 c6->Print("tof_on_trigger.ps");
2e6ca202 683
9780bd43 684 TCanvas *c5 = new TCanvas("c5","TRef:Hits Density",400,10,600,700);
685 c5->Divide(2,2);
686 c5->cd(1);
687 hitDensity[0]->Draw();
688 c5->cd(2);
689 hitDensity[1]->Draw();
690 c5->cd(3);
691 hitDensity[2]->Draw();
692 c5->cd(4);
693 hitDensity[3]->Draw();
694 c5->Print("TR_Hit_densities.ps");
695 printf("=================================================================\n") ;
696 printf("================ %s Tref SUMMARY ==============\n", GetName()) ;
697 printf(" \n") ;
698 printf(" Total number of processed events %d \n", nev) ;
699 printf("*** Leaving TRef() *** \n");
700 printf("*************************************************** \n");
9780bd43 701}
705AliMUONCheck::CheckOccupancy(Bool_t perDetEle) const
2e6ca202 707 /// Check occupancy for the first event selected
9780bd43 709 Int_t dEoccupancyBending[14][26];
710 Int_t dEoccupancyNonBending[14][26];
711 Int_t cHoccupancyBending[14];
712 Int_t cHoccupancyNonBending[14];
713 Int_t totaloccupancyBending =0;
714 Int_t totaloccupancyNonBending =0;
2e6ca202 715
9780bd43 716 Int_t dEchannelsBending[14][26];
717 Int_t dEchannelsNonBending[14][26];
718 Int_t cHchannelsBending[14];
719 Int_t cHchannelsNonBending[14];
720 Int_t totalchannelsBending =0;
721 Int_t totalchannelsNonBending =0;
2e6ca202 722
723 Int_t nchambers = AliMUONConstants::NCh();
725 AliMUONDataInterface di(fFileNameSim);
727 AliMUONVDigitStore* digitStore = di.DigitStore(fFirstEvent);
729 // Compute values
730 for (Int_t ichamber=0; ichamber<nchambers; ++ichamber)
731 {
9780bd43 732 cHchannelsBending[ichamber]=0;
733 cHchannelsNonBending[ichamber]=0;
2e6ca202 734 cHoccupancyBending[ichamber]=0;
735 cHoccupancyNonBending[ichamber]=0;
737 for (Int_t idetele=0; idetele<26; idetele++)
738 {
9780bd43 739 Int_t detele = 100*(ichamber +1)+idetele;
2e6ca202 740
741 if ( AliMpDEManager::IsValidDetElemId(detele) )
742 {
743 Int_t cathode(0);
745 const AliMpVSegmentation* segbend = AliMpSegmentation::Instance()
746 ->GetMpSegmentation(detele, AliMp::kCath0);
747 const AliMpVSegmentation* segnonbend = AliMpSegmentation::Instance()
748 ->GetMpSegmentation(detele, AliMp::kCath1);
750 if (AliMpDEManager::GetPlaneType(detele, AliMp::kCath0) != AliMp::kBendingPlane )
751 {
752 const AliMpVSegmentation* tmp = segbend;
753 segbend = segnonbend;
754 segnonbend = tmp;
755 cathode = 1;
756 }
758 Int_t nchannels = segbend->NofPads();
759 Int_t ndigits = digitStore->GetSize(detele,cathode);
760 dEchannelsBending[ichamber][idetele] = nchannels;
761 dEoccupancyBending[ichamber][idetele] = ndigits;
762 cHchannelsBending[ichamber] += nchannels;
763 cHoccupancyBending[ichamber] += ndigits;
764 totalchannelsBending += nchannels;
765 totaloccupancyBending += ndigits;
767 nchannels = segnonbend->NofPads();
768 ndigits = digitStore->GetSize(detele,1-cathode);
770 dEchannelsNonBending[ichamber][idetele] = nchannels;
92b90935 771 dEoccupancyNonBending[ichamber][idetele] = ndigits;
2e6ca202 772 cHchannelsNonBending[ichamber] += nchannels;
773 cHoccupancyNonBending[ichamber] += ndigits;
774 totalchannelsNonBending += nchannels;
775 totaloccupancyNonBending += ndigits;
9780bd43 776 }
2e6ca202 777 if (perDetEle)
778 {
779 printf(">>> Detection element %4d has %5d channels in bending and %5d channels in nonbending \n",
780 detele, dEchannelsBending[ichamber][idetele], dEchannelsNonBending[ichamber][idetele] );
9780bd43 781 }
782 }
783 printf(">>> Chamber %2d has %6d channels in bending and %6d channels in nonbending \n",
2e6ca202 784 ichamber+1, cHchannelsBending[ichamber], cHchannelsNonBending[ichamber]);
9780bd43 785 }
786 printf(">>Spectrometer has %7d channels in bending and %7d channels in nonbending \n",
2e6ca202 787 totalchannelsBending, totalchannelsNonBending);
789 // Output values
5213784e 791 for ( Int_t ichamber = 0; ichamber < nchambers; ++ichamber )
2e6ca202 792 {
9780bd43 793 printf(">>> Chamber %2d nChannels Bending %5d nChannels NonBending %5d \n",
2e6ca202 794 ichamber+1,
795 cHoccupancyBending[ichamber],
c8218bec 796 cHoccupancyNonBending[ichamber]);
797 if ( cHchannelsBending[ichamber] != 0 && cHchannelsBending[ichamber] ) {
798 printf(">>> Chamber %2d Occupancy Bending %5.2f %% Occupancy NonBending %5.2f %% \n",
799 ichamber+1,
800 100.*((Float_t) cHoccupancyBending[ichamber])/((Float_t) cHchannelsBending[ichamber]),
801 100.*((Float_t) cHoccupancyNonBending[ichamber])/((Float_t) cHchannelsBending[ichamber]));
802 }
2e6ca202 803
804 if ( perDetEle )
805 {
806 for(Int_t idetele=0; idetele<26; idetele++)
807 {
808 Int_t detele = idetele + 100*(ichamber+1);
809 if ( AliMpDEManager::IsValidDetElemId(detele) )
810 {
811 printf(">>> DetEle %4d nChannels Bending %5d nChannels NonBending %5d \n",
812 idetele+100*(ichamber+1),
813 dEoccupancyBending[ichamber][idetele],
814 dEoccupancyNonBending[ichamber][idetele]);
c8218bec 815
816 if ( dEchannelsBending[ichamber][idetele] != 0 && dEchannelsBending[ichamber][idetele] !=0 ) {
817 printf(">>> DetEle %4d Occupancy Bending %5.2f %% Occupancy NonBending %5.2f %% \n",
818 idetele+100*(ichamber+1),
819 100.*((Float_t) dEoccupancyBending[ichamber][idetele])/((Float_t) dEchannelsBending[ichamber][idetele]),
820 100.*((Float_t) dEoccupancyNonBending[ichamber][idetele])/((Float_t) dEchannelsBending[ichamber][idetele]));
821 }
2e6ca202 822 }
9780bd43 823 }
824 }
2e6ca202 825 }
c8218bec 827 if ( totalchannelsBending != 0 && totalchannelsNonBending != 0 ) {
828 printf(">>> Muon Spectrometer Occupancy Bending %5.2f %% Occupancy NonBending %5.2f %% \n",
829 100.*((Float_t) totaloccupancyBending)/((Float_t) totalchannelsBending),
830 100.*((Float_t) totaloccupancyNonBending)/((Float_t) totalchannelsNonBending));
831 }
9780bd43 832}
9780bd43 834//_____________________________________________________________________________
835void AliMUONCheck::SetEventsToCheck(Int_t firstEvent, Int_t lastEvent)
2e6ca202 837 /// Set first and last event number to check
9780bd43 839 fFirstEvent = firstEvent;
840 fLastEvent = lastEvent;