]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - MUON/AliMUONEventRecoCombi.cxx
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / MUON / AliMUONEventRecoCombi.cxx
cc87ebcd 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16/* $Id$ */
843092b4 18// -------------------------------------
19// Class AliMUONEventRecoCombi
20// -------------------------------------
21// Steering class for the combined cluster / track reconstructor
22// Author: Alexander Zinchenko, JINR Dubna
cc87ebcd 24#include "AliMUONEventRecoCombi.h"
63ed9c6b 25
cc87ebcd 26#include "AliMUONData.h"
27#include "AliMUONDetElement.h"
28#include "AliMUONDigit.h"
29#include "AliMUONHitForRec.h"
30#include "AliMUONRawCluster.h"
31#include "AliMUONTrackK.h"
2457f726 32#include "AliMUONTrackReconstructorK.h"
cc87ebcd 33#include "AliMUONConstants.h"
63ed9c6b 34
cc87ebcd 35#include "AliLoader.h"
63ed9c6b 37#include <Riostream.h>
38#include <TClonesArray.h>
39#include <TArrayS.h>
40#include <TArrayD.h>
843092b4 41#include "AliLog.h"
cc87ebcd 42
7945aae7 43/// \cond CLASSIMP
63ed9c6b 44ClassImp(AliMUONEventRecoCombi)
7945aae7 45/// \endcond
47AliMUONEventRecoCombi* AliMUONEventRecoCombi::fgRecoCombi = 0;
63ed9c6b 48
cc87ebcd 49//_________________________________________________________________________
54d7ba50 50 AliMUONEventRecoCombi::AliMUONEventRecoCombi()
51 : TObject(),
52 fDetElems(0x0),
53 fZ(0x0),
54 fNZ(0),
55 fDEvsZ(0x0)
cc87ebcd 56{
7945aae7 57 /// Ctor
cc87ebcd 58
59 fDetElems = new TClonesArray("AliMUONDetElement", 20);
60 fZ = new TArrayD(20);
cc87ebcd 61}
64AliMUONEventRecoCombi* AliMUONEventRecoCombi::Instance()
7945aae7 66/// return pointer to the singleton instance
cc87ebcd 67
68 if (fgRecoCombi == 0) {
69 fgRecoCombi = new AliMUONEventRecoCombi();
70 }
71 //fDetElems = new TClonesArray("AliMUONDetElement", 20);
72 //fZ = new TArrayD(20);
73 //fNZ = 0;
74 return fgRecoCombi;
7945aae7 80 /// Destructor
cc87ebcd 81 delete fDetElems;
82 delete fZ;
83 delete [] fDEvsZ;
3bc8b580 87void AliMUONEventRecoCombi::FillEvent(AliMUONData *data, AliMUONClusterFinderAZ *recModel)
cc87ebcd 88{
7945aae7 89 /// Fill event information
cc87ebcd 90
91 // Clear previous event
92 fDetElems->Delete();
93 for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNZ; i++) delete [] fDEvsZ[i];
94 delete [] fDEvsZ; fDEvsZ = NULL;
95 fNZ = -1;
97 Int_t nDetElem = 0;
98 for (Int_t ich = 0; ich < 6; ich++) {
99 // loop over chambers 0-5
3bc8b580 100 TClonesArray *digs = data->Digits(ich);
cc87ebcd 101 //cout << ich << " " << digs << " " << digs->GetEntriesFast() << endl;
102 Int_t idDE = -1;
103 for (Int_t i = 0; i < digs->GetEntriesFast(); i++) {
104 AliMUONDigit *dig = (AliMUONDigit*) digs->UncheckedAt(i);
105 if (dig->DetElemId() != idDE) {
106 idDE = dig->DetElemId();
107 new ((*fDetElems)[nDetElem++]) AliMUONDetElement(idDE, dig, recModel);
108 }
109 else ((AliMUONDetElement*)fDetElems->UncheckedAt(nDetElem-1))->AddDigit(dig);
110 }
111 }
113 // Sort according to Z
114 fDetElems->Sort();
115 //cout << nDetElem << endl;
116 // Fill det. elems. position index in the container
117 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nDetElem; i++)
118 ((AliMUONDetElement*)fDetElems->UncheckedAt(i))->SetIndex(i);
120 // Find groups of det. elements with the same Z
121 Double_t z0 = -99999;
122 TArrayS *nPerZ = new TArrayS(20);
123 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nDetElem; i++) {
124 AliMUONDetElement *detElem = (AliMUONDetElement*) fDetElems->UncheckedAt(i);
3bc8b580 125 detElem->Fill(data);
cc87ebcd 126 //cout << i << " " << detElem->Z() << endl;
127 if (detElem->Z() - z0 < 0.5) {
128 // the same Z
129 (*nPerZ)[fNZ]++;
130 } else {
131 if (fZ->GetSize() <= fNZ) fZ->Set(fZ->GetSize()+10);
132 if (nPerZ->GetSize() <= fNZ) nPerZ->Set(nPerZ->GetSize()+10);
133 (*fZ)[++fNZ] = detElem->Z();
134 z0 = detElem->Z();
135 (*nPerZ)[fNZ]++;
136 }
137 }
138 fNZ++;
139 /*
140 cout << fNZ << endl;
141 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
3bc8b580 142 cout << i << " " << data->RawClusters(i)->GetEntriesFast() << endl;
cc87ebcd 143 }
144 */
146 // Build list of DE locations vs Z
147 fDEvsZ = new Int_t* [fNZ];
148 Int_t iPos = 0;
149 for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNZ; i++) {
150 Int_t *idPerZ = new Int_t[(*nPerZ)[i]+1];
151 for (Int_t j = 1; j < (*nPerZ)[i]+1; j++) idPerZ[j] = iPos++;
152 idPerZ[0] = (*nPerZ)[i]; // number of DE's as first element of array
153 fDEvsZ[i] = idPerZ;
154 //cout << (*nPerZ)[i] << " ";
155 }
156 //cout << endl;
157 delete nPerZ;
159 // Fill rec. point container for stations 4 and 5
3bc8b580 160 //cout << data->TreeR() << endl;
161 //data->MakeBranch("RC");
162 data->SetTreeAddress("RCC");
cc87ebcd 163 for (Int_t ch = 6; ch < 10; ch++) {
3bc8b580 164 TClonesArray *raw = data->RawClusters(ch);
165 //cout << raw->GetEntriesFast() << " " << data->RawClusters(ch) << endl;
cc87ebcd 166 for (Int_t i = 0; i < raw->GetEntriesFast(); i++) {
167 AliMUONRawCluster *clus = (AliMUONRawCluster*) raw->UncheckedAt(i);
3bc8b580 168 data->AddRawCluster(ch, *clus);
cc87ebcd 169 }
170 }
3bc8b580 171 //data->SetTreeAddress("RC");
cc87ebcd 172}
2457f726 175void AliMUONEventRecoCombi::FillRecP(AliMUONData *dataCluster, AliMUONTrackReconstructorK *recoTrack) const
cc87ebcd 176{
7945aae7 177 /// Fill rec. points used for tracking from det. elems
cc87ebcd 178
179 TClonesArray *tracks = recoTrack->GetRecTracksPtr();
180 for (Int_t i = 0; i < recoTrack->GetNRecTracks(); i++) {
181 AliMUONTrackK *track = (AliMUONTrackK*) tracks->UncheckedAt(i);
843092b4 182 TObjArray *hits = track->GetTrackHits();
cc87ebcd 183 for (Int_t j = 0; j < track->GetNTrackHits(); j++) {
184 AliMUONHitForRec *hit = (AliMUONHitForRec*) hits->UncheckedAt(j);
185 if (hit->GetHitNumber() >= 0) continue;
186 // Combined cluster / track finder
187 Int_t index = -hit->GetHitNumber() / 100000;
188 Int_t iPos = -hit->GetHitNumber() - index * 100000;
189 AliMUONRawCluster *clus = (AliMUONRawCluster*) DetElem(index-1)->RawClusters()->UncheckedAt(iPos);
190 //cout << j << " " << iPos << " " << clus << " " << index << " " << DetElem(index-1)->Chamber() << endl;
191 dataCluster->AddRawCluster(DetElem(index-1)->Chamber(), *clus);
192 }
193 }
194 /*
195 for (Int_t ch = 0; ch < 10; ch++) {
196 TClonesArray *raw = dataCluster->RawClusters(ch);
197 cout << ch << " " << raw->GetEntriesFast() << endl;
198 }
199 */
200 // Reset raw cluster tree
201 /*
202 char branchname[30];
203 TBranch * branch = 0x0;
204 if ( dataCluster->TreeR()) {
205 if ( dataCluster->IsTriggerBranchesInTree() ) {
206 // Branch per branch filling
207 for (int i=0; i<AliMUONConstants::NTrackingCh(); i++) {
208 sprintf(branchname,"%sRawClusters%d",dataCluster->GetName(),i+1);
209 branch = dataCluster->TreeR()->GetBranch(branchname);
210 //branch->Fill();
211 //branch->Reset();
212 //branch->Clear();
213 branch->Delete();
214 }
215 }
216 //else TreeR()->Fill();
217 else dataCluster->TreeR()->Reset();
218 }
219 */
223Int_t AliMUONEventRecoCombi::IZfromHit(AliMUONHitForRec *hit) const
7945aae7 225 /// Get Iz of det. elem. from the hit
cc87ebcd 226
227 Int_t index = -hit->GetHitNumber() / 100000 - 1, iz0 = -1;
228 for (Int_t iz = 0; iz < fNZ; iz++) {
229 Int_t *pDEatZ = DEatZ(iz);
230 Int_t nDetElem = pDEatZ[-1];
231 for (Int_t j = 0; j < nDetElem; j++) {
232 if (pDEatZ[j] != index) continue;
233 iz0 = iz;
234 break;
235 }
236 if (iz0 >= 0) break;
237 }
238 return iz0;