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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / MUON / AliMUONGeometryMisAligner.cxx
21dd83fc 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * SigmaEffect_thetadegrees *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpeateose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16// $Id$
3d1463c8 18//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
a9aad96e 19/// \class AliMUONGeometryMisAligner
21/// This performs the misalignment on an existing muon arm geometry
22/// based on the standard definition of the detector elements in
23/// $ALICE_ROOT/MUON/data
25/// --> User has to specify the magnitude of the alignments, in the Cartesian
26/// co-ordiantes (which are used to apply translation misalignments) and in the
27/// spherical co-ordinates (which are used to apply angular displacements)
29/// --> If the constructor is used with no arguments, user has to set
30/// misalignment ranges by hand using the methods :
31/// SetApplyMisAlig, SetMaxCartMisAlig, SetMaxAngMisAlig, SetXYAngMisAligFactor
32/// (last method takes account of the fact that the misalingment is greatest in
33/// the XY plane, since the detection elements are fixed to a support structure
34/// in this plane. Misalignments in the XZ and YZ plane will be very small
35/// compared to those in the XY plane, which are small already - of the order
36/// of microns)
38/// Note : If the detection elements are allowed to be misaligned in all
39/// directions, this has consequences for the alignment algorithm
40/// (AliMUONAlignment), which needs to know the number of free parameters.
41/// Eric only allowed 3 : x,y,theta_xy, but in principle z and the other
42/// two angles are alignable as well.
4600314b 44/// \author Bruce Becker, Javier Castillo
3d1463c8 45//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
21dd83fc 46
21dd83fc 47#include "AliMUONGeometryMisAligner.h"
48#include "AliMUONGeometryTransformer.h"
49#include "AliMUONGeometryModuleTransformer.h"
50#include "AliMUONGeometryDetElement.h"
21dd83fc 51#include "AliMUONGeometryBuilder.h"
8c95578a 52#include "AliMpExMap.h"
630711ed 53#include "AliMpExMapIterator.h"
8c95578a 54
4818a9b7 55#include "AliAlignObjMatrix.h"
ef79ed3a 56#include "AliLog.h"
4818a9b7 58#include <TClonesArray.h>
328e160e 59#include <TGeoMatrix.h>
4818a9b7 60#include <TMatrixDSym.h>
21dd83fc 61#include <TMath.h>
62#include <TRandom.h>
ef4cb4f1 63#include <Riostream.h>
21dd83fc 64
a9aad96e 65/// \cond CLASSIMP
21dd83fc 66ClassImp(AliMUONGeometryMisAligner)
a9aad96e 67/// \endcond
328e160e 69//______________________________________________________________________________
70AliMUONGeometryMisAligner::AliMUONGeometryMisAligner(Double_t cartXMisAligM, Double_t cartXMisAligW, Double_t cartYMisAligM, Double_t cartYMisAligW, Double_t angMisAligM, Double_t angMisAligW)
8395bff1 71 : TObject(),
72 fUseUni(kFALSE),
73 fUseGaus(kTRUE),
8395bff1 74 fXYAngMisAligFactor(0.0),
75 fZCartMisAligFactor(0.0),
76 fDisplacementGenerator(0)
328e160e 77{
78 /// Standard constructor
4600314b 79 for (Int_t i=0; i<6; i++){
80 for (Int_t j=0; j<2; j++){
81 fDetElemMisAlig[i][j] = 0.0;
82 fModuleMisAlig[i][j] = 0.0;
83 }
84 }
85 fDetElemMisAlig[0][0] = cartXMisAligM;
86 fDetElemMisAlig[0][1] = cartXMisAligW;
87 fDetElemMisAlig[1][0] = cartYMisAligM;
88 fDetElemMisAlig[1][1] = cartYMisAligW;
89 fDetElemMisAlig[5][0] = angMisAligM;
90 fDetElemMisAlig[5][1] = angMisAligW;
328e160e 92 fDisplacementGenerator = new TRandom(0);
328e160e 93}
96AliMUONGeometryMisAligner::AliMUONGeometryMisAligner(Double_t cartMisAligM, Double_t cartMisAligW, Double_t angMisAligM, Double_t angMisAligW)
8395bff1 97 : TObject(),
98 fUseUni(kFALSE),
99 fUseGaus(kTRUE),
8395bff1 100 fXYAngMisAligFactor(0.0),
101 fZCartMisAligFactor(0.0),
102 fDisplacementGenerator(0)
328e160e 103{
104 /// Standard constructor
4600314b 105 for (Int_t i=0; i<6; i++){
106 for (Int_t j=0; j<2; j++){
107 fDetElemMisAlig[i][j] = 0.0;
108 fModuleMisAlig[i][j] = 0.0;
109 }
110 }
111 fDetElemMisAlig[0][0] = cartMisAligM;
112 fDetElemMisAlig[0][1] = cartMisAligW;
113 fDetElemMisAlig[1][0] = cartMisAligM;
114 fDetElemMisAlig[1][1] = cartMisAligW;
115 fDetElemMisAlig[5][0] = angMisAligM;
116 fDetElemMisAlig[5][1] = angMisAligW;
328e160e 118 fDisplacementGenerator = new TRandom(0);
328e160e 119}
21dd83fc 121//______________________________________________________________________________
122AliMUONGeometryMisAligner::AliMUONGeometryMisAligner(Double_t cartMisAlig, Double_t angMisAlig)
8395bff1 123 : TObject(),
124 fUseUni(kTRUE),
125 fUseGaus(kFALSE),
8395bff1 126 fXYAngMisAligFactor(0.0),
127 fZCartMisAligFactor(0.0),
128 fDisplacementGenerator(0)
21dd83fc 129{
130 /// Standard constructor
4600314b 131 for (Int_t i=0; i<6; i++){
132 for (Int_t j=0; j<2; j++){
133 fDetElemMisAlig[i][j] = 0.0;
134 fModuleMisAlig[i][j] = 0.0;
135 }
136 }
137 fDetElemMisAlig[0][1] = cartMisAlig;
138 fDetElemMisAlig[1][1] = cartMisAlig;
139 fDetElemMisAlig[5][1] = angMisAlig;
21dd83fc 141 fDisplacementGenerator = new TRandom(0);
8395bff1 146 : TObject(),
147 fUseUni(kTRUE),
148 fUseGaus(kFALSE),
8395bff1 149 fXYAngMisAligFactor(0.0),
150 fZCartMisAligFactor(0.0),
151 fDisplacementGenerator(0)
21dd83fc 152{
8395bff1 153 /// Default constructor
4600314b 154 for (Int_t i=0; i<6; i++){
155 for (Int_t j=0; j<2; j++){
156 fDetElemMisAlig[i][j] = 0.0;
157 fModuleMisAlig[i][j] = 0.0;
158 }
159 }
21dd83fc 160}
21dd83fc 162//______________________________________________________________________________
165/// Destructor
8395bff1 167 if (fDisplacementGenerator) delete fDisplacementGenerator;
21dd83fc 168}
490da820 170//_________________________________________________________________________
21dd83fc 171void
172AliMUONGeometryMisAligner::SetXYAngMisAligFactor(Double_t factor)
328e160e 174 /// Set XY angular misalign factor
490da820 175
4600314b 176 if (TMath::Abs(factor) > 1.0 && factor > 0.){
21dd83fc 177 fXYAngMisAligFactor = factor;
4600314b 178 fDetElemMisAlig[3][0] = fDetElemMisAlig[5][0]*factor; // These lines were
179 fDetElemMisAlig[3][1] = fDetElemMisAlig[5][1]*factor; // added to keep
180 fDetElemMisAlig[4][0] = fDetElemMisAlig[5][0]*factor; // backward
181 fDetElemMisAlig[4][1] = fDetElemMisAlig[5][1]*factor; // compatibility
182 }
21dd83fc 183 else
328e160e 184 AliError(Form("Invalid XY angular misalign factor, %d", factor));
188void AliMUONGeometryMisAligner::SetZCartMisAligFactor(Double_t factor)
190 /// Set XY angular misalign factor
4600314b 191 if (TMath::Abs(factor)<1.0 && factor>0.) {
328e160e 192 fZCartMisAligFactor = factor;
4600314b 193 fDetElemMisAlig[2][0] = fDetElemMisAlig[0][0]; // These lines were added to
194 fDetElemMisAlig[2][1] = fDetElemMisAlig[0][1]*factor; // keep backward compatibility
195 }
328e160e 196 else
197 AliError(Form("Invalid Z cartesian misalign factor, %d", factor));
4600314b 201void AliMUONGeometryMisAligner::GetUniMisAlign(Double_t cartMisAlig[3], Double_t angMisAlig[3], const Double_t lParMisAlig[6][2]) const
328e160e 202{
203 /// Misalign using uniform distribution
a9aad96e 204 /**
328e160e 205 misalign the centre of the local transformation
206 rotation axes :
207 fAngMisAlig[1,2,3] = [x,y,z]
208 Assume that misalignment about the x and y axes (misalignment of z plane)
209 is much smaller, since the entire detection plane has to be moved (the
210 detection elements are on a support structure), while rotation of the x-y
211 plane is more free.
212 */
4600314b 213 cartMisAlig[0] = fDisplacementGenerator->Uniform(-lParMisAlig[0][1]+lParMisAlig[0][0], lParMisAlig[0][0]+lParMisAlig[0][1]);
214 cartMisAlig[1] = fDisplacementGenerator->Uniform(-lParMisAlig[1][1]+lParMisAlig[1][0], lParMisAlig[1][0]+lParMisAlig[1][1]);
215 cartMisAlig[2] = fDisplacementGenerator->Uniform(-lParMisAlig[2][1]+lParMisAlig[2][0], lParMisAlig[2][0]+lParMisAlig[2][1]);
328e160e 216
4600314b 217 angMisAlig[0] = fDisplacementGenerator->Uniform(-lParMisAlig[3][1]+lParMisAlig[3][0], lParMisAlig[3][0]+lParMisAlig[3][1]);
218 angMisAlig[1] = fDisplacementGenerator->Uniform(-lParMisAlig[4][1]+lParMisAlig[4][0], lParMisAlig[4][0]+lParMisAlig[4][1]);
219 angMisAlig[2] = fDisplacementGenerator->Uniform(-lParMisAlig[5][1]+lParMisAlig[5][0], lParMisAlig[5][0]+lParMisAlig[5][1]); // degrees
328e160e 220}
4600314b 223void AliMUONGeometryMisAligner::GetGausMisAlign(Double_t cartMisAlig[3], Double_t angMisAlig[3], const Double_t lParMisAlig[6][2]) const
328e160e 224{
225 /// Misalign using gaussian distribution
a9aad96e 226 /**
328e160e 227 misalign the centre of the local transformation
228 rotation axes :
229 fAngMisAlig[1,2,3] = [x,y,z]
230 Assume that misalignment about the x and y axes (misalignment of z plane)
231 is much smaller, since the entire detection plane has to be moved (the
232 detection elements are on a support structure), while rotation of the x-y
233 plane is more free.
234 */
4600314b 235 cartMisAlig[0] = fDisplacementGenerator->Gaus(lParMisAlig[0][0], lParMisAlig[0][1]);
236 cartMisAlig[1] = fDisplacementGenerator->Gaus(lParMisAlig[1][0], lParMisAlig[1][1]);
237 cartMisAlig[2] = fDisplacementGenerator->Gaus(lParMisAlig[2][0], lParMisAlig[2][1]);
328e160e 238
4600314b 239 angMisAlig[0] = fDisplacementGenerator->Gaus(lParMisAlig[3][0], lParMisAlig[3][1]);
240 angMisAlig[1] = fDisplacementGenerator->Gaus(lParMisAlig[4][0], lParMisAlig[4][1]);
241 angMisAlig[2] = fDisplacementGenerator->Gaus(lParMisAlig[5][0], lParMisAlig[5][1]); // degrees
21dd83fc 242}
4600314b 245TGeoCombiTrans AliMUONGeometryMisAligner::MisAlignDetElem(const TGeoCombiTrans & transform) const
21dd83fc 246{
4600314b 247 /// Misalign given transformation and return the misaligned transformation.
248 /// Use misalignment parameters for detection elements.
249 /// Note that applied misalignments are small deltas with respect to the detection
250 /// element own ideal local reference frame. Thus deltaTransf represents
251 /// the transformation to go from the misaligned d.e. local coordinates to the
252 /// ideal d.e. local coordinates.
253 /// Also note that this -is not- what is in the ALICE alignment framework known
254 /// as local nor global (see AliMUONGeometryMisAligner::MisAlign)
21dd83fc 255
256 Double_t cartMisAlig[3] = {0,0,0};
257 Double_t angMisAlig[3] = {0,0,0};
328e160e 258
259 if (fUseUni) {
4600314b 260 GetUniMisAlign(cartMisAlig,angMisAlig,fDetElemMisAlig);
328e160e 261 }
262 else {
263 if (!fUseGaus) {
264 AliWarning("Neither uniform nor gausian distribution is set! Will use gausian...");
265 }
4600314b 266 GetGausMisAlign(cartMisAlig,angMisAlig,fDetElemMisAlig);
328e160e 267 }
4600314b 269 TGeoTranslation deltaTrans(cartMisAlig[0], cartMisAlig[1], cartMisAlig[2]);
270 TGeoRotation deltaRot;
271 deltaRot.RotateX(angMisAlig[0]);
272 deltaRot.RotateY(angMisAlig[1]);
273 deltaRot.RotateZ(angMisAlig[2]);
275 TGeoCombiTrans deltaTransf(deltaTrans,deltaRot);
276 TGeoHMatrix newTransfMat = transform * deltaTransf;
ef4cb4f1 278 AliInfo(Form("Rotated DE by %f about Z axis.", angMisAlig[2]));
4600314b 279
280 return TGeoCombiTrans(newTransfMat);
284TGeoCombiTrans AliMUONGeometryMisAligner::MisAlignModule(const TGeoCombiTrans & transform) const
286 /// Misalign given transformation and return the misaligned transformation.
287 /// Use misalignment parameters for modules.
288 /// Note that applied misalignments are small deltas with respect to the module
289 /// own ideal local reference frame. Thus deltaTransf represents
290 /// the transformation to go from the misaligned module local coordinates to the
291 /// ideal module local coordinates.
292 /// Also note that this -is not- what is in the ALICE alignment framework known
293 /// as local nor global (see AliMUONGeometryMisAligner::MisAlign)
21dd83fc 294
4600314b 295 Double_t cartMisAlig[3] = {0,0,0};
296 Double_t angMisAlig[3] = {0,0,0};
298 if (fUseUni) {
299 GetUniMisAlign(cartMisAlig,angMisAlig,fModuleMisAlig);
300 }
301 else {
302 if (!fUseGaus) {
303 AliWarning("Neither uniform nor gausian distribution is set! Will use gausian...");
304 }
305 GetGausMisAlign(cartMisAlig,angMisAlig,fModuleMisAlig);
306 }
308 TGeoTranslation deltaTrans(cartMisAlig[0], cartMisAlig[1], cartMisAlig[2]);
309 TGeoRotation deltaRot;
310 deltaRot.RotateX(angMisAlig[0]);
311 deltaRot.RotateY(angMisAlig[1]);
312 deltaRot.RotateZ(angMisAlig[2]);
21dd83fc 313
4600314b 314 TGeoCombiTrans deltaTransf(deltaTrans,deltaRot);
315 TGeoHMatrix newTransfMat = transform * deltaTransf;
317 AliInfo(Form("Rotated Module by %f about Z axis.", angMisAlig[2]));
319 return TGeoCombiTrans(newTransfMat);
21dd83fc 320}
21dd83fc 322//______________________________________________________________________
323AliMUONGeometryTransformer *
324AliMUONGeometryMisAligner::MisAlign(const AliMUONGeometryTransformer *
4600314b 325 transformer, Bool_t verbose)
21dd83fc 326{
4600314b 327 /// Takes the internal geometry module transformers, copies them to
328 /// new geometry module transformers.
329 /// Calculates module misalignment parameters and applies these
330 /// to the new module transformer.
331 /// Calculates the module misalignment delta transformation in the
332 /// Alice Alignment Framework newTransf = delta * oldTransf.
333 /// Add a module misalignment to the new geometry transformer.
334 /// Gets the Detection Elements from the module transformer.
a9aad96e 335 /// Calculates misalignment parameters and applies these
4600314b 336 /// to the local transformation of the Detection Element.
337 /// Obtains the new global transformation by multiplying the new
338 /// module transformer transformation with the new local transformation.
339 /// Applies the new global transform to a new detection element.
340 /// Adds the new detection element to a new module transformer.
341 /// Calculates the d.e. misalignment delta transformation in the
342 /// Alice Alignment Framework (newGlobalTransf = delta * oldGlobalTransf).
343 /// Add a d.e. misalignment to the new geometry transformer.
344 /// Adds the new module transformer to a new geometry transformer.
345 /// Returns the new geometry transformer.
21dd83fc 346
348 AliMUONGeometryTransformer *newGeometryTransformer =
ef4cb4f1 349 new AliMUONGeometryTransformer();
21dd83fc 350 for (Int_t iMt = 0; iMt < transformer->GetNofModuleTransformers(); iMt++)
351 { // module transformers
21dd83fc 352 const AliMUONGeometryModuleTransformer *kModuleTransformer =
353 transformer->GetModuleTransformer(iMt, true);
355 AliMUONGeometryModuleTransformer *newModuleTransformer =
356 new AliMUONGeometryModuleTransformer(iMt);
357 newGeometryTransformer->AddModuleTransformer(newModuleTransformer);
ef79ed3a 359 TGeoCombiTrans moduleTransform =
360 TGeoCombiTrans(*kModuleTransformer->GetTransformation());
4600314b 361 // New module transformation
362 TGeoCombiTrans newModuleTransform = MisAlignModule(moduleTransform);
363 newModuleTransformer->SetTransformation(newModuleTransform);
365 // Get delta transformation:
366 // Tdelta = Tnew * Told.inverse
367 TGeoHMatrix deltaModuleTransform =
368 AliMUONGeometryBuilder::Multiply(
369 newModuleTransform,
370 kModuleTransformer->GetTransformation()->Inverse());
372 // Create module mis alignment matrix
373 newGeometryTransformer
374 ->AddMisAlignModule(kModuleTransformer->GetModuleId(), deltaModuleTransform);
21dd83fc 375
8c95578a 376 AliMpExMap *detElements = kModuleTransformer->GetDetElementStore();
21dd83fc 377
378 if (verbose)
4600314b 379 AliInfo(Form("%i DEs in old GeometryStore %i",detElements->GetSize(), iMt));
21dd83fc 380
630711ed 381 TIter next(detElements->CreateIterator());
382 AliMUONGeometryDetElement *detElement;
384 while ( ( detElement = static_cast<AliMUONGeometryDetElement*>(next()) ) )
385 {
ef79ed3a 386 /// make a new detection element
21dd83fc 387 AliMUONGeometryDetElement *newDetElement =
388 new AliMUONGeometryDetElement(detElement->GetId(),
ef79ed3a 389 detElement->GetVolumePath());
21dd83fc 390
ef79ed3a 391 // local transformation of this detection element.
392 TGeoCombiTrans localTransform
393 = TGeoCombiTrans(*detElement->GetLocalTransformation());
4600314b 394 TGeoCombiTrans newLocalTransform = MisAlignDetElem(localTransform);
395 newDetElement->SetLocalTransformation(newLocalTransform);
21dd83fc 397
ef79ed3a 398 // global transformation
399 TGeoHMatrix newGlobalTransform =
4600314b 400 AliMUONGeometryBuilder::Multiply(newModuleTransform,
401 newLocalTransform);
21dd83fc 402 newDetElement->SetGlobalTransformation(newGlobalTransform);
ef79ed3a 403
404 // add this det element to module
405 newModuleTransformer->GetDetElementStore()->Add(newDetElement->GetId(),
21dd83fc 406 newDetElement);
4600314b 407
408 // In the Alice Alignment Framework misalignment objects store
409 // global delta transformation
410 // Get detection "intermediate" global transformation
411 TGeoHMatrix newOldGlobalTransform = newModuleTransform * localTransform;
412 // Get detection element global delta transformation:
ef79ed3a 413 // Tdelta = Tnew * Told.inverse
4600314b 414 TGeoHMatrix deltaGlobalTransform
ef79ed3a 415 = AliMUONGeometryBuilder::Multiply(
416 newGlobalTransform,
4600314b 417 newOldGlobalTransform.Inverse());
ef79ed3a 418
419 // Create mis alignment matrix
420 newGeometryTransformer
4600314b 421 ->AddMisAlignDetElement(detElement->GetId(), deltaGlobalTransform);
21dd83fc 422 }
4600314b 423
21dd83fc 425 if (verbose)
426 AliInfo(Form("Added module transformer %i to the transformer", iMt));
427 newGeometryTransformer->AddModuleTransformer(newModuleTransformer);
428 }
429 return newGeometryTransformer;
4818a9b7 433void AliMUONGeometryMisAligner::SetAlignmentResolution(const TClonesArray* misAlignArray, Int_t rChId, Double_t rChResX, Double_t rChResY, Double_t rDeResX, Double_t rDeResY){
435 Int_t chIdMin = (rChId<0)? 0 : rChId;
436 Int_t chIdMax = (rChId<0)? 9 : rChId;
437 Double_t chResX = (rChResX<0)? fModuleMisAlig[0][1] : rChResX;
438 Double_t chResY = (rChResY<0)? fModuleMisAlig[1][1] : rChResY;
439 Double_t deResX = (rDeResX<0)? fDetElemMisAlig[0][1] : rDeResX;
440 Double_t deResY = (rDeResY<0)? fDetElemMisAlig[1][1] : rDeResY;
442 TMatrixDSym mChCorrMatrix(6);
443 mChCorrMatrix[0][0]=chResX*chResX;
444 mChCorrMatrix[1][1]=chResY*chResY;
445 // mChCorrMatrix.Print();
447 TMatrixDSym mDECorrMatrix(6);
448 mDECorrMatrix[0][0]=deResX*deResX;
449 mDECorrMatrix[1][1]=deResY*deResY;
450 // mDECorrMatrix.Print();
452 AliAlignObjMatrix *alignMat = 0x0;
454 for(Int_t chId=chIdMin; chId<=chIdMax; chId++) {
455 TString chName1;
456 TString chName2;
457 if (chId<4){
458 chName1 = Form("GM%d",chId);
459 chName2 = Form("GM%d",chId);
460 } else {
461 chName1 = Form("GM%d",4+(chId-4)*2);
462 chName2 = Form("GM%d",4+(chId-4)*2+1);
463 }
465 for (int i=0; i<misAlignArray->GetEntries(); i++) {
466 alignMat = (AliAlignObjMatrix*)misAlignArray->At(i);
467 TString volName(alignMat->GetSymName());
468 if((volName.Contains(chName1)&&
469 ((volName.Last('/')==volName.Index(chName1)+chName1.Length())||
470 (volName.Length()==volName.Index(chName1)+chName1.Length())))||
471 (volName.Contains(chName2)&&
472 ((volName.Last('/')==volName.Index(chName2)+chName2.Length())||
473 (volName.Length()==volName.Index(chName2)+chName2.Length())))){
474 volName.Remove(0,volName.Last('/')+1);
475 if (volName.Contains("GM")) {
476 // alignMat->Print("NULL");
477 alignMat->SetCorrMatrix(mChCorrMatrix);
478 } else if (volName.Contains("DE")) {
479 // alignMat->Print("NULL");
480 alignMat->SetCorrMatrix(mDECorrMatrix);
481 }
482 }
483 }
484 }
21dd83fc 487