]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - MUON/AliMUONRecoDisplay.cxx
data/transform_slat.dat Updated for changes in geometr. Geometry framework classes...
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / MUON / AliMUONRecoDisplay.cxx
2c0075de 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
88cb7938 16/* $Id$ */
2c0075de 17
c7ba256d 18//Authors: Mihaela Gheata, Andrei Gheata 09/10/00
2c0075de 19//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
20// //
21// AliMUONRecoDisplay //
22// //
23// This class subclasses AliDisplay and provides display of //
24// reconstructed tracks with following functionality : //
25// - front/top/side/3D display of MUON reconstructed tracks //
26// as polylines ; //
27// - context menu activated when the main pad is right-clicked //
28// The context menu contains following functions : //
29// * SetDrawHits() - switches on or off Geant hits ; //
30// * CutMomentum() - displays only tracks within Pmin - Pmax //
31// * ListTracks() - prints ID and momentum info. for all //
32// tracks within momentum range Pmin,Pmax ; //
33// * Highlight() - shows only one selected reco. track //
34// and its best matching Geant track; //
35// * UnHighlight() - self explaining; //
36// * RecoEfficiency() - compute reco. efficiency for all events//
37// from galice.root file; also fake track percentage; make //
38// plots for momentum precision //
39// * XYPlot() - make X-Y plots of reconstructed and //
40// generated tracks in all chambers //
41// //
42// Starting : generate and reconstruct events, then use the //
43// MUONrecodisplay.C macro //
44// //
c7ba256d 46
c7ba256d 47#include <TROOT.h>
30178c30 48#include <TApplication.h>
49#include <TFile.h>
50#include <TPolyLine3D.h>
51#include <TParticle.h>
52#include <TTree.h>
53#include <TH1.h>
54#include <TH2.h>
55#include <TCanvas.h>
56#include <TProfile.h>
88cb7938 57#include <TFolder.h>
58#include <TClonesArray.h>
c7ba256d 59#include <TSlider.h>
c7ba256d 60#include <TGeometry.h>
88cb7938 61#include <TView.h>
30178c30 62#include <Riostream.h>
88cb7938 63
30178c30 64#include "AliRun.h"
65#include "AliDetector.h"
66#include "AliConfig.h"
67#include "AliHeader.h"
68#include "AliPoints.h"
69#include "AliMC.h"
88cb7938 70
88cb7938 71#include "AliMUONRecoDisplay.h"
345c4d04 72#include "AliMUONRecoEvent.h"
73#include "AliMUONRecoTrack.h"
30178c30 74#include "AliMUONHit.h"
8c343c7c 75#include "AliLog.h"
c7ba256d 76
80AliMUONRecoDisplay::AliMUONRecoDisplay(Int_t nevent)
30178c30 81 : AliDisplay(750)
c7ba256d 82{
83//************ Constructor of the reco. event display**********
84 // get reconstructed event from file
85 fFile = new TFile("tree_reco.root");
86 if (!fFile) {
87 cout << "File tree_reco.root not found\n";
88 gApplication->Terminate(0);
89 }
90 fEvReco = 0;
91 fTree = (TTree *) fFile->Get("TreeRecoEvent");
92 if (!fTree) {
93 cout << "Tree of reconstructed events not found on file. Abort.\n";
94 gApplication->Terminate(0);
95 }
2c0075de 96 fEvent = nevent;
97 fEmpty = kFALSE;
c7ba256d 98 TBranch *branch = fTree->GetBranch("Event");
99 branch->SetAddress(&fEvReco);
101 fEvGen = new AliMUONRecoEvent();
7c85b268 103 TFile *galiceFile = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject("galice.root");
104 galiceFile->cd();
2c0075de 105 if (nevent > gAlice->TreeE()->GetEntries() - 1) {
106 cout << "Event number out of range !\n";
107 gApplication->Terminate(0);
108 }
c7ba256d 109 gAlice->GetEvent(nevent);
112 fRecoTracks = 0;
113 fGenTracks = 0;
114 fPolyRecoList = 0;
115 fPolyGenList = 0;
116 fHighlited = -1;
117 fMinMomentum = 0;
118 fMaxMomentum = 999;
2c0075de 119 // map this event
c7ba256d 120 MapEvent(nevent);
11ca64ac 123//-------------------------------------------------------------------
124AliMUONRecoDisplay::AliMUONRecoDisplay(const AliMUONRecoDisplay& rhs)
125 : AliDisplay(rhs)
127// Protected copy constructor
8c343c7c 129 AliFatal("Not implemented.");
11ca64ac 130}
c7ba256d 132//-------------------------------------------------------------------
135// Destructor of display object
136 if (fPolyRecoList) {
137 fPolyRecoList->Delete();
138 delete fPolyRecoList;
139 }
140 if (fPolyGenList) {
141 fPolyGenList->Delete();
142 delete fPolyGenList;
143 }
144 delete fEvGen;
11ca64ac 146
149AliMUONRecoDisplay::operator=(const AliMUONRecoDisplay& rhs)
151// Protected assignement operator
153 if (this == &rhs) return *this;
8c343c7c 155 AliFatal("Not implemented.");
11ca64ac 156
157 return *this;
2c0075de 160//-------------------------------------------------------------------
161Bool_t AliMUONRecoDisplay::Event(Int_t nevent)
6a9bc541 163// Go to event nevent
2c0075de 164 fEvent = nevent;
165 for (Int_t entry=0; entry<fTree->GetEntries(); entry++) {
166 fTree->GetEntry(entry);
167 if (fEvReco->GetNoEvent() == nevent) return kTRUE;
168 }
169 cout << "Event number " << nevent << " empty\n";
170 fRecoTracks = 0;
171 fPolyRecoList = 0;
172 fGenTracks = 0;
173 fPolyGenList = 0;
174 fHighlited = -1;
175 fMinMomentum = 0;
176 fMaxMomentum = 999;
178 return kFALSE;
c7ba256d 180
182void AliMUONRecoDisplay::MapEvent(Int_t nevent)
184// get generated event (nevent) from galice.root and corresponding
185// reconstructed event from tree_reco.root;
186 cout << "mapping event " << nevent << endl;
2c0075de 187 fEvent = nevent;
188 fEmpty = kFALSE;
c7ba256d 189 fFile->cd();
2c0075de 190 // check if the event is not empty and make fEvReco to point to it
191 fEmpty = !Event(nevent);
c7ba256d 192 // just testing
2c0075de 193// if (!fEvReco) {
194// cout << "failed to load reco event ! Correct this.\n";
195// gApplication->Terminate(0);
196// }
197 if (fEmpty) return;
c7ba256d 198 fRecoTracks = fEvReco->TracksPtr();
199 fPolyRecoList = MakePolyLines3D(fRecoTracks);
200 // clear previous event
201 if (fEvGen) fEvGen->Clear();
202 fEvGen->SetNoEvent(nevent);
203 // get list of particles
c7ba256d 204 // connect MUON module
6a9bc541 205 AliDetector *pMUON = gAlice->GetDetector("MUON");
206 if (!pMUON) {
c7ba256d 207 cout << "MUON module not present.\n";
208 gApplication->Terminate(0);
209 }
210 // get the number of generated tracks
88cb7938 211 Int_t ntracks = (Int_t)pMUON->TreeH()->GetEntries();
c7ba256d 212 // Fill the fEvGen object
213 AliMUONRecoTrack *gtrack = 0;
214 AliMUONHit *hit = 0;
215 TParticle *particle;
216 Int_t ch;
217 // loop all tracks
218 for (Int_t track=0; track<ntracks; track++) {
6a9bc541 219 hit = (AliMUONHit *) pMUON->FirstHit(track);
c7ba256d 220 if (!hit) continue;
5d12ce38 221 particle = gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(hit->Track());
c7ba256d 222 if (IsReconstructible(track) && TMath::Abs(particle->GetPdgCode())==13) {
223 gtrack = fEvGen->AddEmptyTrack();
224 gtrack->SetSign(TMath::Sign((Int_t)1, -particle->GetPdgCode()));
225 // reset hits
226 for (ch=0; ch<10; ch++) gtrack->SetHitPosition(ch,0,0,0);
227 // loop all hits
6a9bc541 228 for (AliMUONHit *muonHit=(AliMUONHit*)pMUON->FirstHit(track);
c7ba256d 229 muonHit;
6a9bc541 230 muonHit=(AliMUONHit*)pMUON->NextHit()) {
59f3ecff 231 ch = muonHit->Chamber() - 1;
c7ba256d 232 if (ch<0 || ch>9) continue;
233 gtrack->SetHitPosition(ch, muonHit->X(), muonHit->Y(), muonHit->Z());
234 gtrack->SetMomReconstr(particle->Px(), particle->Py(), particle->Pz());
235 gtrack->SetVertexPos(particle->Vz());
236 gtrack->SetChi2r(0.0);
237 }
238 }
239 }
240 fGenTracks = fEvGen->TracksPtr();
241 fPolyGenList = MakePolyLines3D(fGenTracks);
244void AliMUONRecoDisplay::XYPlot()
246// Plot reco. tracks hits in all chambers for current event:
247// - open blue squares : generated muons that were reconstructed accurate
248// - open cyan squares : generated muons that were not reconstructed
249// - filled green circles : reco. tracks (accurate)
250// - filled red squares : fake tracks
2c0075de 251 if (fEmpty) return;
c7ba256d 252 Double_t kMaxRadius[10];
253 kMaxRadius[0] = kMaxRadius[1] = 91.5;
254 kMaxRadius[2] = kMaxRadius[3] = 122.5;
255 kMaxRadius[4] = kMaxRadius[5] = 158.3;
256 kMaxRadius[6] = kMaxRadius[7] = 260.0;
257 kMaxRadius[8] = kMaxRadius[9] = 260.0;
7c85b268 259 TH2F *xygenFound[10];
260 TH2F *xygenLost[10];
261 TH2F *xyrecoGood[10];
262 TH2F *xyrecoFake[10];
c7ba256d 263 Double_t x,y,r;
264 Int_t matches[500];
265 Int_t index, ch;
267 TPad *pad = (TPad*)gROOT->GetSelectedPad();
268 TCanvas *canvas = new TCanvas("xy", "Reconstruction efficiency");
269 canvas->Clear();
270 canvas->cd();
271 canvas->Divide(3,4);
272 canvas->cd(11);
273 gPad->Delete();
274 canvas->cd(12);
275 gPad->Delete();
276 canvas->cd(1);
278 // Define histograms for x-y plots
279 for (ch=0; ch<10; ch++) {
7c85b268 280 xygenFound[ch] = new TH2F("xygen_found","",50,-kMaxRadius[ch],kMaxRadius[ch],50,-kMaxRadius[ch],kMaxRadius[ch]);
281 xygenLost[ch] = new TH2F("xygen_lost","",50,-kMaxRadius[ch],kMaxRadius[ch],50,-kMaxRadius[ch],kMaxRadius[ch]);
282 xyrecoGood[ch] = new TH2F("xyreco_good","",50,-kMaxRadius[ch],kMaxRadius[ch],50,-kMaxRadius[ch],kMaxRadius[ch]);
283 xyrecoFake[ch] = new TH2F("xyreco_fake","",50,-kMaxRadius[ch],kMaxRadius[ch],50,-kMaxRadius[ch],kMaxRadius[ch]);
c7ba256d 284 }
285 // find list of matching tracks
286 fPrinted = kTRUE; // no need to print
287 for (index=0; index<fRecoTracks->GetEntriesFast(); index++) {
288 matches[index] = GetBestMatch(index);
289 }
290 // and fill them
291 for (index=0; index<fGenTracks->GetEntriesFast(); index++) { // GEANT
292 Bool_t wasreconst = kFALSE;
293 for (Int_t i=0; i<fRecoTracks->GetEntriesFast(); i++) {
294 if (matches[i] == index) {
295 wasreconst = kTRUE;
296 break;
297 }
298 }
299 AliMUONRecoTrack *current = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)fGenTracks->UncheckedAt(index);
300 for (ch=0; ch<10; ch++) {
301 x = current->GetPosX(ch);
302 y = current->GetPosY(ch);
303 r = TMath::Sqrt(x*x +y*y);
304 if (r >= 10) {
305 if (wasreconst) {
7c85b268 306 xygenFound[ch]->Fill(x,y);
307 } else {xygenLost[ch]->Fill(x,y);}
c7ba256d 308 }
309 }
310 }
311 for (index=0; index<fRecoTracks->GetEntriesFast(); index++) { // reco
312 AliMUONRecoTrack *current = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)fRecoTracks->UncheckedAt(index);
313 for (ch=0; ch<10; ch++) {
314 x = current->GetPosX(ch);
315 y = current->GetPosY(ch);
316 r = TMath::Sqrt(x*x +y*y);
317 if (r >= 10) {
318 if (matches[index] >= 0) {
7c85b268 319 xyrecoGood[ch]->Fill(x,y);
320 } else {xyrecoFake[ch]->Fill(x,y);}
c7ba256d 321 }
322 }
323 }
324 // finally plot them
325 for (ch=0; ch<10; ch++) {
326 canvas->cd(ch+1);
7c85b268 327 xygenFound[ch]->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
328 xygenFound[ch]->SetMarkerStyle(4);
329 xygenFound[ch]->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
330 xygenFound[ch]->SetStats(kFALSE);
331 xygenFound[ch]->Draw();
332 xygenLost[ch]->SetMarkerColor(kCyan);
333 xygenLost[ch]->SetMarkerStyle(4);
334 xygenLost[ch]->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
335 xygenLost[ch]->SetStats(kFALSE);
336 xygenLost[ch]->Draw("SAME");
337 xyrecoGood[ch]->SetMarkerColor(kGreen);
338 xyrecoGood[ch]->SetMarkerStyle(20);
339 xyrecoGood[ch]->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
340 xyrecoGood[ch]->SetStats(kFALSE);
341 xyrecoGood[ch]->Draw("SAME");
342 xyrecoFake[ch]->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
343 xyrecoFake[ch]->SetMarkerStyle(20);
344 xyrecoFake[ch]->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
345 xyrecoFake[ch]->SetStats(kFALSE);
346 xyrecoFake[ch]->Draw("SAME");
c7ba256d 347 }
348 canvas->SetTitle("y vs. x for simulated and reconstructed tracks");
349 pad->cd();
353void AliMUONRecoDisplay::RecoEfficiency(Int_t first, Int_t last)
355// Loop selected reconstructed events, compute efficiency as total number of
356// reconstructed tracks (accurate) over total number of generated
357// reconstructible muons. Make histogram for momentum precision and profile
358// of mean momentum precision versus total momentum (generated)
2c0075de 359 Int_t nevents = (Int_t)gAlice->TreeE()->GetEntries();
c7ba256d 360 if (last > nevents) last = nevents - 1;
361 if (first < 0) first = 0;
362 nevents = last - first + 1;
363 Int_t track;
364 Float_t efficiency;
365 Float_t generated=0, found=0, fake=0; // number of generated/found/fake tracks
366 Double_t pgen, preco, dP; // dP=preco-pgen
367 AliMUONRecoTrack *rtrack, *gtrack; // generated/reco. current tracks
368 fPrinted = kTRUE; // no need to print
369 Int_t currentEvent = gAlice->GetHeader()->GetEvent();
371 TH1F *pReso = new TH1F("Momentum precision", "dP = Prec - Pgen", 100, -5.0, 5.0);
372 pReso->SetXTitle("dP [GeV/c]");
373 pReso->SetYTitle("dN/dP");
375 TProfile *dPp = new TProfile("", "dP vs. P", 50, 0, 100, 0, 5);
376 dPp->SetXTitle("P [GeV/c]");
377 dPp->SetYTitle("<dP> [GeV/c]");
379 TPad *pad = (TPad*)gROOT->GetSelectedPad();
380 TCanvas *canvas = new TCanvas("c", "Reconstruction efficiency");
381 canvas->Divide(1,2);
382 canvas->cd(1);
384 // loop events
385 for (Int_t event=first; event<=last; event++) {
386 // get the reco. & gen. events
7c85b268 387 TFile *galiceFile = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject("galice.root");
388 galiceFile->cd();
c7ba256d 389 gAlice->GetEvent(event);
390 MapEvent(event);
2c0075de 391 if (fEmpty) {
392 // skip empty events
393 fEmpty = kFALSE;
394 continue;
395 }
c7ba256d 396 generated += fGenTracks->GetEntriesFast();
397 // loop reco. tracks
398 for (track=0; track<fRecoTracks->GetEntriesFast(); track++) {
399 rtrack = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)fRecoTracks->UncheckedAt(track);
400 preco = rtrack->P();
401 // find correspondent generated track
402 Int_t ind = GetBestMatch(track);
403 if (ind >=0) {
404 gtrack = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)fGenTracks->UncheckedAt(ind);
405 pgen = gtrack->P();
406 found += 1;
407 dP = preco - pgen;
408 pReso->Fill(dP);
409 dPp->Fill(pgen, TMath::Abs(dP));
410 } else {
411 fake += 1;
412 }
413 }
414 }
415 efficiency = found/generated;
416 cout << "=================================================================\n";
417 cout << "|| Reconstruction efficiency and momentum precision ||\n";
418 cout << "=================================================================\n";
419 cout << "Number of events processed " << nevents << endl;
420 cout << "Total number of reconstructible muons : " << (Int_t)generated << endl;
421 cout << "RECONSTRUCTION EFFICIENCY : " << efficiency*100 << " %" << endl;
422 cout << "Fake track rate : " << 100*fake/generated << " %" << endl;
423 cout << "Momentum precision fit : \n" << endl;
424 pReso->Fit("gaus");
425 cout << "=================================================================\n";
427 canvas->cd(1);
428 pReso->Draw();
429 canvas->cd(2);
430 dPp->Draw("HIST");
431 pad->cd();
432 ShowNextEvent(currentEvent-last);
436void AliMUONRecoDisplay::ShowNextEvent(Int_t delta)
438// overwritten from AliDisplay in order to get also mapping of next event
7c85b268 439 TFile *galiceFile = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject("galice.root");
440 galiceFile->cd();
c7ba256d 441 if (delta) {
442 gAlice->Clear();
443 Int_t currentEvent = gAlice->GetHeader()->GetEvent();
444 Int_t newEvent = currentEvent + delta;
2c0075de 445 if (newEvent<0 || newEvent>(gAlice->TreeE()->GetEntries() - 1)) return;
c7ba256d 446 Int_t nparticles = gAlice->GetEvent(newEvent);
447 cout << "Event : " << newEvent << " with " << nparticles << " particles\n";
88cb7938 448
450 AliConfig* config = AliConfig::Instance();
451 TFolder* topfold = (TFolder*)config->GetTopFolder();
452 if (topfold == 0x0)
453 {
8c343c7c 454 AliError("Can not get Alice top folder");
88cb7938 455 return;
456 }
457 TString fmdfoldname(config->GetDataFolderName()+"/"+"MUON");
458 TFolder* fmdfold = (TFolder*)topfold->FindObject(fmdfoldname);
459 if (fmdfold == 0x0)
460 {
8c343c7c 461 AliError("Can not get MUON folder");
88cb7938 462 return;
463 }
464 TTree* treeH = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(fmdfold->FindObject("TreeH"));
465 if (treeH == 0x0)
466 {
8c343c7c 467 AliError("Can not get TreeH");
88cb7938 468 return;
469 }
c7ba256d 471 MapEvent(newEvent);
472 fHighlited = -1;
473 }
474 LoadPoints();
475 fPad->cd();
476 Draw();
477 if (gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->FindObject("xy")) XYPlot();
30178c30 480Bool_t AliMUONRecoDisplay::IsReconstructible(Int_t track) const
c7ba256d 481{
482// true if at least three hits in first 2 stations, 3 in last 2 stations
483// and one in station 3
2c0075de 484 if (fEmpty) return kFALSE;
6a9bc541 485 AliDetector *pMUON = gAlice->GetDetector("MUON");
c7ba256d 486 Bool_t chHit[10];
487 Int_t ch;
488 for (ch=0; ch<10; ch++) chHit[ch] = kFALSE;
489 //loop hits
6a9bc541 490 for (AliMUONHit *muonHit=(AliMUONHit*)pMUON->FirstHit(track);
c7ba256d 491 muonHit;
6a9bc541 492 muonHit=(AliMUONHit*)pMUON->NextHit()) {
59f3ecff 493 ch = muonHit->Chamber() - 1;
c7ba256d 494 if (ch<0 || ch>9) continue;
495 chHit[ch] = kTRUE;
496 }
497 Int_t nhits = 0;
498 for (ch=0; ch<4; ch++) nhits += (chHit[ch])?1:0;
499 if (nhits < 3) return kFALSE;
500 nhits = 0;
501 for (ch=4; ch<6; ch++) nhits+= (chHit[ch])?1:0;
502 if (nhits < 1) return kFALSE;
504 for (ch=7; ch<10; ch++) nhits+= (chHit[ch])?1:0;
505 if (nhits < 3) return kFALSE;
506 return kTRUE;
510void AliMUONRecoDisplay::DrawView(Float_t theta, Float_t phi, Float_t psi)
512// ovewritten from base class to change the range for MUON
513 gPad->SetCursor(kWatch);
514 gPad->SetFillColor(1);
515 gPad->Clear();
517 Int_t iret;
518 TView *view = new TView(1);
519 Float_t range = fRrange*fRangeSlider->GetMaximum();
520 view->SetRange(-range, -range, 0, range, range, 5*range);
521 fZoomX0[0] = -1;
522 fZoomY0[0] = -1;
523 fZoomX1[0] = 1;
524 fZoomY1[0] = 1;
525 // Display Alice geometry
526 gAlice->GetGeometry()->Draw("same");
527 //Loop on all detectors to add their products to the pad
528 DrawHits();
529 // add itself to the list (last)
530 AppendPad();
532 view->SetView(phi, theta, psi, iret);
535void AliMUONRecoDisplay::SetDrawHits(Bool_t hits)
537// Turns on/off Geant hits drawing
538 fDrawHits = hits;
539 DrawView(0,-90);
543void AliMUONRecoDisplay::CutMomentum(Double_t min, Double_t max)
545// Define momentum cut for displayed reconstructed tracks
546 fMinMomentum = min;
547 fMaxMomentum = max;
548 if (fHighlited >= 0) UnHighlight();
549 DrawView(0,-90);
553Int_t AliMUONRecoDisplay::GetBestMatch(Int_t indr, Float_t tolerance)
555// Find the index of best Geant track matching a reconstructed track : track
556// with maximum number of compatible hits (within tolerance*sigma bending and
557// non-bending resolution) and minimum number of fake hits;
558// If no match is found within a given tolerance, the method is called recursively
559// with increasing tolerance, until tolerance = 10;
2c0075de 560 if (fEmpty) return -1;
c7ba256d 561 if (indr<0 || indr>=fRecoTracks->GetEntriesFast()) return -1;
562 AliMUONRecoTrack *rtrack = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)fRecoTracks->UncheckedAt(indr);
563 AliMUONRecoTrack *gtrack = 0;
564 Int_t bestMatch = -1;
565 Int_t maxNcompat = 0;
566 Int_t minNfakes = 10;
567 Double_t xrhit,yrhit,radius,xghit,yghit,dX,dY;
568// loop over all Geant tracks
569 for (Int_t indg=0; indg<fGenTracks->GetEntriesFast(); indg++) {
570 gtrack = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)fGenTracks->UncheckedAt(indg);
2c0075de 571 if (!gtrack) continue;
c7ba256d 572 Int_t ncompat = 0; // number of compat. hits for this track
573 Int_t nfake = 0; // number of fakes
574 // loop chambers to find compatible hits
575 for (Int_t ch=0; ch<10; ch++) {
576 xrhit = rtrack->GetPosX(ch);
577 yrhit = rtrack->GetPosY(ch);
578 radius = TMath::Sqrt(xrhit*xrhit + yrhit*yrhit);
579 if (radius<10) continue; // skip null hits
580 xghit = gtrack->GetPosX(ch);
581 yghit = gtrack->GetPosY(ch);
582 dX = TMath::Abs(xghit-xrhit);
583 dY = TMath::Abs(yghit-yrhit);
2c0075de 584 if (dX<tolerance*0.144 && dY<tolerance*0.01) {// within tol*sigma resolution
c7ba256d 585 ncompat++;
586 continue; // compatible hit
587 } else nfake++; // fake hit
588 }
589 if (ncompat && ncompat>=maxNcompat && nfake<minNfakes) { // this is best matching
590 maxNcompat = ncompat;
591 minNfakes = nfake;
592 bestMatch = indg;
593 }
594 }
595 if (bestMatch<0 && tolerance<=9.) bestMatch = GetBestMatch(indr, tolerance+=1);
596 if (!fPrinted) {
597 rtrack = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)fRecoTracks->UncheckedAt(indr);
598 Int_t sign = rtrack->GetSign();
599 cout << "Reconstructed track : " << indr << "(" << sign << ")" << endl;
600 rtrack->TrackInfo();
601 printf("Best matching Geant track within %i*sgm : %i\n", (Int_t)tolerance, bestMatch);
602 if (bestMatch >=0) {
603 gtrack = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)fGenTracks->UncheckedAt(bestMatch);
604 gtrack->TrackInfo();
605 }
606 cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------\n";
607 }
608 fPrinted = kTRUE;
610 return bestMatch;
614void AliMUONRecoDisplay::Highlight(Int_t track)
2c0075de 616// Highlight the specified track
617 if (fEmpty) return;
c7ba256d 618 if (fHighlited >=0) UnHighlight();
619 if (track<0 || track>fPolyRecoList->GetEntries()) return;
620 TPolyLine3D *line = (TPolyLine3D*)fPolyRecoList->UncheckedAt(track);
621 line->SetLineColor(kYellow);
622 line->SetLineWidth(1);
623 fHighlited = track;
2c0075de 624// DrawView(15,-45,135);
625 fPad->cd();
626 Draw();
c7ba256d 627}
630void AliMUONRecoDisplay::UnHighlight()
632// Unhighlight a previous highlighted track
2c0075de 633 if (fHighlited < 0 || fEmpty) return; // nothing to do
c7ba256d 634 TPolyLine3D *line = (TPolyLine3D*)fPolyRecoList->UncheckedAt(fHighlited);
635 line->SetLineColor(kRed);
636 line->SetLineWidth(1);
637 fHighlited = -1;
2c0075de 638// DrawView(0,-90);
639 fPad->cd();
640 Draw();
c7ba256d 641}
644void AliMUONRecoDisplay::DrawHits()
646// Draw hits for all ALICE detectors. Overwrites the DrawHits() method of the
647// base class for reco. track drawing
649 Float_t cutmin, cutmax, etamin, etamax, pmom, smin, smax, eta, theta, r;
650 const Float_t kptcutmax = 2;
651 const Float_t ketacutmax = 1.5;
652 Float_t *pxyz;
653 Int_t ntracks,track;
654 TParticle *particle;
655 TObjArray *points;
656 AliPoints *pm;
658 //Get cut slider
659 smax = fCutSlider->GetMaximum();
660 smin = fCutSlider->GetMinimum();
661 cutmin = kptcutmax*smin;
662 if (smax < 0.98) cutmax = kptcutmax*smax;
663 else cutmax = 100000;
665 //Get eta slider
666 smax = fEtaSlider->GetMaximum();
667 smin = fEtaSlider->GetMinimum();
668 etamin = ketacutmax*(2*smin-1);
669 etamax = ketacutmax*(2*smax-1);
670 if (smin < 0.02) etamin = -1000;
671 if (smax > 0.98) etamax = 1000;
673 TIter next(gAlice->Modules());
674 AliModule *module;
675 fHitsCuts = 0;
676 if (fDrawHits) {
677 // draw hits in all modules
678 while((module = (AliModule*)next())) {
679 if (!module->IsActive()) continue;
680 points = module->Points();
681 if (!points) continue;
682 ntracks = points->GetEntriesFast();
683 for (track=0;track<ntracks;track++) {
684 pm = (AliPoints*)points->UncheckedAt(track);
685 if (!pm) continue;
686 particle = pm->GetParticle();
687 if (!particle) continue;
688 pmom = particle->P();
689 if (pmom < cutmin) continue;
690 if (pmom > cutmax) continue;
691 // as a first approximation, take eta of first point
692 pxyz = pm->GetP();
693 r = TMath::Sqrt(pxyz[0]*pxyz[0] + pxyz[1]*pxyz[1]);
694 theta = TMath::ATan2(r,TMath::Abs(pxyz[2]));
695 if(theta) eta = -TMath::Log(TMath::Tan(0.5*theta)); else eta = 1e10;
696 if (pxyz[2] < 0) eta = -eta;
697 if (eta < etamin || eta > etamax) continue;
698 pm->Draw();
699 fHitsCuts += pm->GetN();
700 }
701 }
702 }
703 // draw reconstructed tracks
2c0075de 704 if (fEmpty) return;
c7ba256d 705 TPolyLine3D *line, *gline;
706 Int_t bestMatch;
707 Double_t px,py,pz,p;
708 AliMUONRecoTrack *rtrack;
710 if (fHighlited >= 0) {
711 line = (TPolyLine3D*)fPolyRecoList->UncheckedAt(fHighlited);
712 line->Draw();
713 fPrinted = kFALSE;
714 bestMatch = GetBestMatch(fHighlited);
715 if (bestMatch>=0) {
716 gline = (TPolyLine3D*)fPolyGenList->UncheckedAt(bestMatch);
717 gline->SetLineColor(kRed);
718 gline->SetLineWidth(2);
719 gline->SetLineStyle(2);
720 gline->Draw();
721 }
722 } else {
723 for (track=0; track<fPolyRecoList->GetEntries(); track++) {
724 rtrack = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)fRecoTracks->UncheckedAt(track);
725 px = rtrack->GetMomReconstr(0);
726 py = rtrack->GetMomReconstr(1);
727 pz = rtrack->GetMomReconstr(2);
728 p = rtrack->P();
729 if (p>fMinMomentum && p<fMaxMomentum) {
730 line = (TPolyLine3D*)fPolyRecoList->UncheckedAt(track);
731 line->Draw();
732 }
733 }
734 }
738void AliMUONRecoDisplay::ListTracks()
740// List momentum information of all reconstructed traccks within fPmin and fPmax
741// cuts, as well as their best matching Geant tracks
2c0075de 742 if (fEmpty) return;
c7ba256d 743 cout << "================================================================\n";
744 printf("Reconstructed tracks with momentum in range : %g , %g [GeV/c]\n",
745 fMinMomentum, fMaxMomentum);
746 cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------\n";
747 AliMUONRecoTrack *rtrack;
748 Double_t p;
749 Int_t sign;
750 for (Int_t ind=0; ind<fRecoTracks->GetEntries(); ind++) {
751 rtrack = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)fRecoTracks->UncheckedAt(ind);
752 p = rtrack->P();
753 if (p>fMinMomentum && p<fMaxMomentum) {
754 fPrinted = kFALSE;
755 GetBestMatch(ind);
756 sign = rtrack->GetSign();
757 }
758 }
759 cout << "================================================================\n";
763TClonesArray* AliMUONRecoDisplay::MakePolyLines3D(TClonesArray *tracklist)
765// Makes the list of polylines3D corresponding to the list of tracks
2c0075de 766 if (fEmpty) return 0;
c7ba256d 767 if (tracklist!=fRecoTracks && tracklist!=fGenTracks) return 0;
768 Bool_t reco = (tracklist==fRecoTracks)?kTRUE:kFALSE;
769 // make sure there is no other list in memory
770 if (reco) {
771 if (fPolyRecoList) {
772 fPolyRecoList->Delete();
773 delete fPolyRecoList;
774 fPolyRecoList = 0;
775 }
776 } else {
777 if (fPolyGenList) {
778 fPolyGenList->Delete();
779 delete fPolyGenList;
780 fPolyGenList = 0;
781 }
782 }
783 if (!tracklist->GetEntries()) return 0;
785 AliMUONRecoTrack* track = 0;
786 TClonesArray *polyLines3D = new TClonesArray("TPolyLine3D",1000);
787 TClonesArray &polylist = *polyLines3D;
788 TPolyLine3D *polyline = 0;
790 // loop all tracks
791 for (Int_t i=0; i<tracklist->GetEntries(); i++) {
792 track = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)tracklist->UncheckedAt(i);
793 Int_t ch = 0;
794 Double_t x,y,z,r;
795 polyline = new(polylist[i]) TPolyLine3D(2,"");
796 polyline->SetLineColor(kRed);
797 polyline->SetLineWidth(1);
798 polyline->SetNextPoint(0,0,track->GetVertexPos()); // vertex point
799 // loop chambers to fill TPolyLine3D objects
800 for (ch=0; ch<10; ch++) {
801 x = track->GetPosX(ch);
802 y = track->GetPosY(ch);
803 r = TMath::Sqrt(x*x + y*y);
804 if (r < 10) continue;
805 z = track->GetPosZ(ch);
806 polyline->SetNextPoint(x,y,z);
807 }
808 }
809 return polyLines3D;
813void AliMUONRecoDisplay::PolyLineInfo(TClonesArray *line3Dlist)
815// Prints information (x, y, z coordinates) for all constructed polylines
2c0075de 816 if (fEmpty) return;
c7ba256d 817 if (line3Dlist) {
818 TPolyLine3D *polyline = 0;
819 for(Int_t trackIndex=0; trackIndex<line3Dlist->GetEntries(); trackIndex++) {
820 polyline = (TPolyLine3D*)line3Dlist->UncheckedAt(trackIndex);
821 polyline->ls();
822 Float_t *pl = polyline->GetP();
823 for (Int_t i=0; i<polyline->GetN() ;i++) {
824 printf(" x[%d]=%g, y[%d]=%g, z[%d]=%g\n",i,pl[3*i],i,pl[3*i+1],i,pl[3*i+2]);
825 }
826 }
827 }