]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - MUON/AliMUONTrackParam.h
Bug fix for realistic simulations w/ raw OCDB
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / MUON / AliMUONTrackParam.h
a9e2aefa 1#ifndef ALIMUONTRACKPARAM_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
30178c30 7// Revision of includes 07/05/2004
a9e2aefa 8
692de412 9/// \ingroup rec
10/// \class AliMUONTrackParam
11/// \brief Track parameters in ALICE dimuon spectrometer
14/// Track parameters in ALICE dimuon spectrometer
a9e2aefa 16
3831f268 17#include <TObject.h>
ea94c18b 18#include <TMatrixD.h>
a9e2aefa 19
96ebe67e 20class AliMUONVCluster;
211c52eb 21
30178c30 22class AliMUONTrackParam : public TObject
a9e2aefa 24 public:
30178c30 25 AliMUONTrackParam(); // Constructor
de2cd600 26 virtual ~AliMUONTrackParam(); // Destructor
61adb9bd 27
de2cd600 28 AliMUONTrackParam(const AliMUONTrackParam& theMUONTrackParam);
29 AliMUONTrackParam& operator=(const AliMUONTrackParam& theMUONTrackParam);
211c52eb 30
a9e2aefa 31 // Get and Set methods for data
2457f726 32 /// return Z coordinate (cm)
ea94c18b 33 Double_t GetZ() const {return fZ;}
2457f726 34 /// set Z coordinate (cm)
208f139e 35 void SetZ(Double_t z) {fZ = z;}
2457f726 36 /// return non bending coordinate (cm)
ea94c18b 37 Double_t GetNonBendingCoor() const {return fParameters(0,0);}
2457f726 38 /// set non bending coordinate (cm)
ea94c18b 39 void SetNonBendingCoor(Double_t nonBendingCoor) {fParameters(0,0) = nonBendingCoor;}
40 /// return non bending slope (cm ** -1)
41 Double_t GetNonBendingSlope() const {return fParameters(1,0);}
42 /// set non bending slope (cm ** -1)
43 void SetNonBendingSlope(Double_t nonBendingSlope) {fParameters(1,0) = nonBendingSlope;}
44 /// return bending coordinate (cm)
45 Double_t GetBendingCoor() const {return fParameters(2,0);}
46 /// set bending coordinate (cm)
47 void SetBendingCoor(Double_t bendingCoor) {fParameters(2,0) = bendingCoor;}
48 /// return bending slope (cm ** -1)
49 Double_t GetBendingSlope() const {return fParameters(3,0);}
50 /// set bending slope (cm ** -1)
51 void SetBendingSlope(Double_t bendingSlope) {fParameters(3,0) = bendingSlope;}
52 /// return inverse bending momentum (GeV/c ** -1) times the charge (assumed forward motion)
53 Double_t GetInverseBendingMomentum() const {return fParameters(4,0);}
54 /// set inverse bending momentum (GeV/c ** -1) times the charge (assumed forward motion)
55 void SetInverseBendingMomentum(Double_t inverseBendingMomentum) {fParameters(4,0) = inverseBendingMomentum;}
56 /// return the charge (assumed forward motion)
57 Double_t GetCharge() const {return TMath::Sign(1.,fParameters(4,0));}
58 /// set the charge (assumed forward motion)
59 void SetCharge(Double_t charge) {if (charge*fParameters(4,0) < 0.) fParameters(4,0) *= -1.;}
208f139e 60
ea94c18b 61 /// return track parameters
62 const TMatrixD& GetParameters() const {return fParameters;}
63 /// set track parameters
64 void SetParameters(const TMatrixD& parameters) {fParameters = parameters;}
65 /// add track parameters
66 void AddParameters(const TMatrixD& parameters) {fParameters += parameters;}
de2cd600 67
6464217e 68 Double_t Px() const; // return px
69 Double_t Py() const; // return py
70 Double_t Pz() const; // return pz
71 Double_t P() const; // return total momentum
a9e2aefa 72
208f139e 73 /// return kTRUE if the covariance matrix exist, kFALSE if not
ea94c18b 74 Bool_t CovariancesExist() const {return (fCovariances) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;}
76 const TMatrixD& GetCovariances() const;
77 void SetCovariances(const TMatrixD& covariances);
78 void SetCovariances(const Double_t matrix[5][5]);
79 void SetVariances(const Double_t matrix[5][5]);
80 void DeleteCovariances();
82 const TMatrixD& GetPropagator() const;
83 void ResetPropagator();
84 void UpdatePropagator(const TMatrixD& propagator);
86 const TMatrixD& GetExtrapParameters() const;
87 void SetExtrapParameters(const TMatrixD& parameters);
89 const TMatrixD& GetExtrapCovariances() const;
90 void SetExtrapCovariances(const TMatrixD& covariances);
92 const TMatrixD& GetSmoothParameters() const;
93 void SetSmoothParameters(const TMatrixD& parameters);
95 const TMatrixD& GetSmoothCovariances() const;
96 void SetSmoothCovariances(const TMatrixD& covariances);
96ebe67e 98 /// get pointeur to associated cluster
99 AliMUONVCluster* GetClusterPtr() const {return fClusterPtr;}
7d98b674 100 void SetClusterPtr(AliMUONVCluster* cluster, Bool_t owner = kFALSE);
ea94c18b 101
96ebe67e 102 /// return kTRUE if the associated cluster can be removed from the track it belongs to
ea94c18b 103 Bool_t IsRemovable() const {return fRemovable;}
96ebe67e 104 /// set the flag telling whether the associated cluster can be removed from the track it belongs to or not
ea94c18b 105 void SetRemovable(Bool_t removable) {fRemovable = removable;}
96ebe67e 107 /// return the chi2 of the track when the associated cluster was attached
ea94c18b 108 Double_t GetTrackChi2() const {return fTrackChi2;}
96ebe67e 109 /// set the chi2 of the track when the associated cluster was attached
ea94c18b 110 void SetTrackChi2(Double_t chi2) {fTrackChi2 = chi2;}
96ebe67e 111 /// return the local chi2 of the associated cluster with respect to the track
ea94c18b 112 Double_t GetLocalChi2() const {return fLocalChi2;}
96ebe67e 113 /// set the local chi2 of the associated cluster with respect to the track
ea94c18b 114 void SetLocalChi2(Double_t chi2) {fLocalChi2 = chi2;}
96ebe67e 116 /// necessary for sorting TClonesArray of AliMUONTrackParam
2457f726 117 Bool_t IsSortable () const {return kTRUE;}
208f139e 118 Int_t Compare(const TObject* trackParam) const;
de2cd600 119
61fed964 120 Bool_t CompatibleTrackParam(const AliMUONTrackParam &trackParam, Double_t sigma2Cut, Double_t &normChi2) const;
1a38e749 122 virtual void Print(Option_t* opt="") const;
686772dc 124 virtual void Clear(Option_t* opt="");
1a38e749 125
a9e2aefa 126 private:
ea94c18b 127
829425a5 128 Double_t fZ; ///< Z coordinate (cm)
208f139e 129
ea94c18b 130 /// Track parameters ordered as follow: <pre>
131 /// X = Non bending coordinate (cm)
132 /// SlopeX = Non bending slope (cm ** -1)
133 /// Y = Bending coordinate (cm)
134 /// SlopeY = Bending slope (cm ** -1)
135 /// InvP_yz = Inverse bending momentum (GeV/c ** -1) times the charge (assumed forward motion) </pre>
136 TMatrixD fParameters; ///< \brief Track parameters
b58638a9 138 /// Covariance matrix of track parameters, ordered as follow: <pre>
208f139e 139 /// <X,X> <X,SlopeX> <X,Y> <X,SlopeY> <X,InvP_yz>
140 /// <X,SlopeX> <SlopeX,SlopeX> <Y,SlopeX> <SlopeX,SlopeY> <SlopeX,InvP_yz>
141 /// <X,Y> <Y,SlopeX> <Y,Y> <Y,SlopeY> <Y,InvP_yz>
142 /// <X,SlopeY> <SlopeX,SlopeY> <Y,SlopeY> <SlopeY,SlopeY> <SlopeY,InvP_yz>
b58638a9 143 /// <X,InvP_yz> <SlopeX,InvP_yz> <Y,InvP_yz> <SlopeY,InvP_yz> <InvP_yz,InvP_yz> </pre>
686772dc 144 mutable TMatrixD *fCovariances; ///< \brief Covariance matrix of track parameters
208f139e 145
96ebe67e 146 mutable TMatrixD *fPropagator; //!< Jacobian used to extrapolate the track parameters and covariances to the actual z position
147 mutable TMatrixD *fExtrapParameters; //!< Track parameters extrapolated to the actual z position (not filtered by Kalman)
ea94c18b 148 mutable TMatrixD *fExtrapCovariances; //!< Covariance matrix extrapolated to the actual z position (not filtered by Kalman)
96ebe67e 150 mutable TMatrixD *fSmoothParameters; //!< Track parameters obtained using smoother
ea94c18b 151 mutable TMatrixD *fSmoothCovariances; //!< Covariance matrix obtained using smoother
96ebe67e 153 AliMUONVCluster *fClusterPtr; //!< Pointer to associated cluster if any
154 Bool_t fOwnCluster; //!< Ownership of the associated cluster
de2cd600 155
96ebe67e 156 Bool_t fRemovable; //!< kTRUE if the associated cluster can be removed from the track it belongs to
ea94c18b 157
96ebe67e 158 Double_t fTrackChi2; //!< Chi2 of the track when the associated cluster was attached
159 Double_t fLocalChi2; //!< Local chi2 of the associated cluster with respect to the track
ea94c18b 160
161 ClassDef(AliMUONTrackParam, 4) // Track parameters in ALICE dimuon spectrometer
37827b29 162};
a9e2aefa 163