]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - MUON/AliMUONVDigit.h
Moving PbPb multiplicity in the new directory structure
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / MUON / AliMUONVDigit.h
d6c3334d 1#ifndef ALIMUONVDIGIT_H
4/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
5* See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
7// $Id$
9/// \ingroup base
10/// \class AliMUONVDigit
11/// \brief ABC of a MUON digit
12// Author Laurent Aphecetche, Subatech
14#ifndef ROOT_TObject
15# include "TObject.h"
18class AliMUONVDigit : public TObject
21 AliMUONVDigit();
22 AliMUONVDigit(Int_t detElemId, Int_t manuId, Int_t manuChannel, Int_t cathode);
23 virtual ~AliMUONVDigit();
36a01415 25 virtual Bool_t IsEqual(const TObject* object) const;
22dce0e3 26 /// Advertise that we can be sorted in TCollections
36a01415 27 virtual Bool_t IsSortable() const { return kTRUE; }
28 virtual Int_t Compare(const TObject* object) const;
d6c3334d 30 virtual const char* GetName() const;
32 /// The detection element this digit belongs to
33 virtual Int_t DetElemId() const=0;
34 /// The x-index of this digit (>=0)
35 virtual Int_t PadX() const=0;
36 /// The y-index of this digit (>=0)
37 virtual Int_t PadY() const=0;
38 /// Cathode number this digit is on (0 or 1)
39 virtual Int_t Cathode() const=0;
41 /// The charge of this digit, calibrated or not depending on IsCalibrated()
42 virtual Float_t Charge() const=0;
44 /// Raw ADC value of this digit
45 virtual Int_t ADC() const = 0;
47 /// The electronic card id this digit belongs to (manuId for tracker, localboardId for trigger)
48 virtual Int_t ManuId() const = 0;
49 /// The channel within ManuId() this digit belongs to (manuChannel for tracker, localBoardChannel for trigger)
50 virtual Int_t ManuChannel() const=0;
52 /// Whether the ADC has saturated
53 virtual Bool_t IsSaturated() const=0;
54 /// Set the saturation status
55 virtual void Saturated(Bool_t saturated=kTRUE)=0;
57 /// Whether this (simulated) digit is purely noise
58 virtual Bool_t IsNoiseOnly() const=0;
59 /// Set the noiseOnly status
60 virtual void NoiseOnly(Bool_t /*value*/=kTRUE) { }
62 /// Whether this (simulated) digit got corrected by chamber efficiency
63 virtual Bool_t IsEfficiencyApplied() const=0;
64 /// Set the efficiencyApplied status
65 virtual void EfficiencyApplied(Bool_t /*value*/=kTRUE) {}
05315e71 67 /// Whether this digit has been calibrated or not (see note 1 in AliMUONVDigit.cxx)
d6c3334d 68 virtual Bool_t IsCalibrated() const=0;
05315e71 69 /// Set the calibrated status (see note 1 in AliMUONVDigit.cxx)
d6c3334d 70 virtual void Calibrated(Bool_t value)=0;
5d950f54 71
05315e71 72 /// Whether this digit has charge in femto coulomb (see note 1 in AliMUONVDigit.cxx)
5d950f54 73 virtual Bool_t IsChargeInFC() const { return kFALSE; }
05315e71 74 /// Set the unit value (see note 1 in AliMUONVDigit.cxx)
75 virtual void ChargeInFC(Bool_t value=kTRUE)=0;
ca8c8223 77 /// Whether or not this digit was obtained from a conversion (e.g. real to simulated)
78 virtual Bool_t IsConverted() const { return kFALSE; }
d6c3334d 80 /// Whether this digit is used somewhere (typically in a cluster)
81 virtual Bool_t IsUsed() const = 0;
82 /// Set the used status
83 virtual void Used(Bool_t value) = 0;
85 /// A word describing the status of the neighbours of this digit
86 virtual UInt_t StatusMap() const=0;
87 /// Set the statusMap
88 virtual void SetStatusMap(UInt_t statusMap)=0;
90 /// Set the ADC value
91 virtual void SetADC(Int_t adc)=0;
92 /// Set the ix and iy of this digit
93 virtual void SetPadXY(Int_t padx, Int_t pady)=0;
94 /// Set the charge of this digit
95 virtual void SetCharge(Float_t q)=0;
96 /// Add a charge
97 virtual void AddCharge(Float_t q) { SetCharge(Charge()+q); }
99 /// Merge this with other
100 virtual Bool_t MergeWith(const AliMUONVDigit& other)=0;
102 /// Whether this digit is a tracker digit (false if belongs to trigger)
103 virtual Bool_t IsTracker() const { return !IsTrigger(); }
104 /** FIXME: how to get this information w/o hard-coding, yet being efficient ?
105 Use one fFlags that must be set when creating the digit for instance ?
106 */
107 virtual Bool_t IsTrigger() const { return DetElemId()>=1100; }
109 virtual void Print(Option_t* opt="") const;
111 /// Below are methods only relevant for MC digigts.
113 /// Whether we implement MC methods.
114 virtual Bool_t HasMCInformation() const = 0;
116 /// Hit number that contributed to this simulated digit
117 virtual Int_t Hit() const { return 0; }
118 /// Set the hit number
119 virtual void SetHit(Int_t /*n*/) { }
ea232c10 120 /// Hit age
121 virtual Float_t Time() const {return 0;}
122 /// Set hit age
123 virtual void SetTime(Float_t /*t*/) { }
d6c3334d 124 /// Number of tracks contributing to this digit
125 virtual Int_t Ntracks() const { return 0; }
126 /// Add a track (and its charge) to the list of tracks we handle
127 virtual void AddTrack(Int_t /*trackNumber*/, Float_t /*trackCharge*/) {}
128 /// Return the i-th track number
129 virtual Int_t Track(Int_t /*i*/) const { return 0; }
130 /// Return the i-th track charge
131 virtual Float_t TrackCharge(Int_t /*i*/) const { return 0; }
132 /// Patch track with a mask
133 virtual void PatchTracks(Int_t /*mask*/) {}
135 static UInt_t BuildUniqueID(Int_t detElemId, Int_t manuId,
136 Int_t manuChannel, Int_t cathode);
138 static void DecodeUniqueID(UInt_t uniqueID,
139 Int_t& detElemId, Int_t& manuId,
140 Int_t& manuChannel, Int_t& cathode);
142 static Int_t DetElemId(UInt_t uniqueID);
143 static Int_t ManuId(UInt_t uniqueID);
144 static Int_t ManuChannel(UInt_t uniqueID);
145 static Int_t Cathode(UInt_t uniqueID);
147 /// Return the localBoardNumber from the uniqueID
148 static Int_t LocalBoardNumber(UInt_t uniqueID) { return ManuId(uniqueID); }
149 /// Return the localBoardChannel from the uniqueID
150 static Int_t LocalBoardChannel(UInt_t uniqueID) { return ManuChannel(uniqueID); }
153 ClassDef(AliMUONVDigit,0) // ABC of a MUON Digit