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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / MUON / MUONCheckMisAligner.C
57e827c3 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16/* $Id$ */
19 MUONCheckMisAligner:
21 This macro performs the misalignment on an existing muon arm geometry
22 based on the standard definition of the detector elements in
25 It uses AliMUONGeometryAligner :
26 --> creates a new AliMUONGeometryTransformer and AliMUONGeometryAligner
27 --> reads the transformations in from the transform.dat file (make sure that
28 this file is the _standard_ one by comparing it to the one in CVS)
29 --> creates a second AliMUONGeometryTransformer by misaligning the existing
30 one using AliMUONAligner::MisAlign
31 --> User has to specify the magnitude of the alignments, in the Cartesian
32 co-ordiantes (which are used to apply translation misalignments) and in the
33 spherical co-ordinates (which are used to apply angular displacements)
34 --> User can also set misalignment ranges by hand using the methods :
35 SetMaxCartMisAlig, SetMaxAngMisAlig, SetXYAngMisAligFactor
36 (last method takes account of the fact that the misalingment is greatest in
37 the XY plane, since the detection elements are fixed to a support structure
38 in this plane. Misalignments in the XZ and YZ plane will be very small
39 compared to those in the XY plane, which are small already - of the order
40 of microns)
2cbab029 41 --> Default behavior generates a "residual" misalignment using gaussian
42 distributions. Uniform distributions can still be used, see
43 AliMUONGeometryAligner.
57e827c3 44 Note : If the detection elements are allowed to be misaligned in all
45 directions, this has consequences for the alignment algorithm, which
46 needs to know the number of free parameters. Eric only allowed 3 :
47 x,y,theta_xy, but in principle z and the other two angles are alignable
48 as well.
50// Author:Bruce Becker
2cbab029 54void MUONCheckMisAligner(Double_t xcartmisaligm = 0.0, Double_t xcartmisaligw = 0.004,
55 Double_t ycartmisaligm = 0.0, Double_t ycartmisaligw = 0.003,
b9bff1ec 56 Double_t angmisaligm = 0.0, Double_t angmisaligw = 0.0023,
57 TString nameCDB = "ResMisAlignCDB")
57e827c3 58{
60 AliMUONGeometryTransformer *transform = new AliMUONGeometryTransformer(true);
f1d59163 61 transform->ReadGeometryData("volpath.dat", "transform.dat");
b9bff1ec 62 if (gSystem->AccessPathName("geometry.root",kFileExists))
63 gGeoManager->Export("geometry.root");
2cbab029 64 AliMUONGeometryMisAligner misAligner(xcartmisaligm,xcartmisaligw,
65 ycartmisaligm,ycartmisaligw,
66 angmisaligm,angmisaligw);
57e827c3 67
f1d59163 68 // Generate mis alignment data
57e827c3 69 AliMUONGeometryTransformer *newTransform = misAligner.MisAlign(transform,true);
70 newTransform->WriteTransformations("transform2.dat");
f1d59163 71 newTransform->WriteMisAlignmentData("misalign.root");
73 // Apply misAlignment via AliRoot framework
74 TGeoManager::Import("geometry.root");
b9bff1ec 75 AliSimulation::ApplyAlignObjsToGeom(
f1d59163 76 const_cast<TClonesArray*>(newTransform->GetMisAlignmentData()));
77 // Save new geometry file
78 gGeoManager->Export("geometry2.root");
80 // Extract new transformations
81 AliMUONGeometryTransformer* transform3 = new AliMUONGeometryTransformer(true);
82 transform3->ReadGeometryData("volpath.dat", "geometry2.root");
83 transform3->WriteTransformations("transform3.dat");
84 // Check that transform3.dat is equal to transform2.dat
57e827c3 85
2cbab029 86 // Generate misaligned data in local cdb
87 TClonesArray* array = newTransform->GetMisAlignmentData();
b9bff1ec 89 TString sLocCDB("local://");
90 sLocCDB += nameCDB;
2cbab029 91 // CDB manager
92 AliCDBManager* cdbManager = AliCDBManager::Instance();
b9bff1ec 93 cdbManager->SetDefaultStorage(sLocCDB.Data());
2cbab029 94
95 AliCDBMetaData* cdbData = new AliCDBMetaData();
96 cdbData->SetResponsible("Dimuon Offline project");
97 cdbData->SetComment("MUON alignment objects with residual misalignment");
98 AliCDBId id("MUON/Align/Data", 0, 0);
99 cdbManager->Put(array, id, cdbData);
57e827c3 101 // To run simulation with misaligned geometry, you have to set
102 // the Align option in Config.C:
103 // MUON->SetAlign("transform2.dat");