]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - MUON/MUONFakes.C
- Trigger chamber efficiency will be used by default when creating AliMUON
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / MUON / MUONFakes.C
66085093 1#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)
2// ROOT includes
66085093 3#include <TFile.h>
4#include <TH1.h>
5#include <TCanvas.h>
6#include <Riostream.h>
7#include <TROOT.h>
ce8cd162 8#include <TObjArray.h>
23035434 9#include <TArrayI.h>
66085093 10
11// STEER includes
12#include "AliLog.h"
66085093 13#include "AliESDEvent.h"
14#include "AliESDMuonTrack.h"
66085093 15#include "AliCDBManager.h"
17// MUON includes
a99c3449 18#include "AliMUONCDB.h"
66085093 19#include "AliMUONTrack.h"
20#include "AliMUONVTrackStore.h"
21#include "AliMUONTrackParam.h"
66085093 22#include "AliMUONESDInterface.h"
23#include "AliMUONRecoCheck.h"
24#include "AliMUONVCluster.h"
25#include "AliMUONRecoParam.h"
28/// \ingroup macros
29/// \file MUONFakes.C
31/// \author Ph. Pillot, Subatech, March. 2009
33/// Macro to study fake tracks by comparing reconstructed tracks with TrackRefs
34/// Results are saved in the root file Fakes.root
35/// Results are relevent provided that you use the same recoParams as for the reconstruction
f202486b 37UInt_t requestedStationMask = 0;
38Bool_t request2ChInSameSt45 = kFALSE;
39Double_t sigmaCut = -1.;
41Int_t RemoveConnectedFakes(AliMUONVTrackStore &fakeTrackStore, AliMUONVTrackStore &trackRefStore,
42 Bool_t useLabel, TH1F &hFractionOfConnectedClusters);
66085093 43
45void MUONFakes(Bool_t useLabel = kFALSE, Int_t FirstEvent = 0, Int_t LastEvent = -1,
a99c3449 46 const TString esdFileName = "AliESDs.root", const TString SimDir = "./generated/",
47 const TString ocdbPath = "local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB")
66085093 48{
50 //Reset ROOT and connect tree file
51 gROOT->Reset();
53 // File for histograms and histogram booking
54 TFile *histoFile = new TFile("Fakes.root", "RECREATE");
56 TH1F *hNumberOfTracks = new TH1F("hNumberOfTracks","nb of tracks /evt",20,0.,20.);
57 TH1F *hNumberOfAdditionalTracks = new TH1F("hNumberOfAdditionalTracks","nb of fake - nb of missing track",20,0.,20.);
59 TH1F *hNumberOfClusters = new TH1F("hNumberOfClusters","nb of clusters /track",20,0.,20.);
60 TH1F *hNumberOfClustersM = new TH1F("hNumberOfClustersM","nb of clusters /matched track",20,0.,20.);
61 TH1F *hNumberOfClustersF = new TH1F("hNumberOfClustersF","nb of clusters /fake track",20,0.,20.);
62 TH1F *hNumberOfClustersMC = new TH1F("hNumberOfClustersMC","nb of clusters /MC track",20,0.,20.);
63 TH1F *hFractionOfMatchedClusters = new TH1F("hFractionOfMatchedClusters","nb of matched clusters / nb of clusters",110,0.,1.1);
64 TH1F *hFractionOfConnectedClusters = new TH1F("hFractionOfConnectedClusters","nb of connected clusters / nb of clusters in fake tracks",110,0.,1.1);
66 TH1F *hChi2PerDof = new TH1F("hChi2PerDof", "track chi2/d.o.f.", 100, 0., 20.);
67 TH1F *hChi2PerDofM = new TH1F("hChi2PerDofM", "matched track chi2/d.o.f.", 100, 0., 20.);
68 TH1F *hChi2PerDofF = new TH1F("hChi2PerDofF", "fake track chi2/d.o.f.", 100, 0., 20.);
69 TH1F *hP = new TH1F("hP", "Muon P distribution (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 200.);
70 TH1F *hPM = new TH1F("hPM", "matched track P distribution (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 200.);
71 TH1F *hPF = new TH1F("hPF", "fake track P distribution (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 200.);
72 TH1F *hPt = new TH1F("hPt", "Muon Pt distribution (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 20.);
73 TH1F *hPtM = new TH1F("hPtM", "matched track Pt distribution (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 20.);
74 TH1F *hPtF = new TH1F("hPtF", "fake track Pt distribution (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 20.);
75 TH1F *hEta = new TH1F("hEta"," Muon pseudo-rapidity distribution",100,-10,0);
76 TH1F *hEtaM = new TH1F("hEtaM"," matched track pseudo-rapidity distribution",100,-10,0);
77 TH1F *hEtaF = new TH1F("hEtaF"," fake track pseudo-rapidity distribution",100,-10,0);
78 TH1F *hPhi = new TH1F("hPhi"," Muon phi distribution",100,-1.,9.);
79 TH1F *hPhiM = new TH1F("hPhiM"," matched track phi distribution",100,-1.,9.);
80 TH1F *hPhiF = new TH1F("hPhiF"," fake track phi distribution",100,-1.,9.);
a99c3449 82 // link to reconstructed and simulated tracks
83 AliMUONRecoCheck rc(esdFileName, SimDir);
66085093 84
a99c3449 85 // load necessary data from OCDB
86 AliCDBManager::Instance()->SetDefaultStorage(ocdbPath);
87 AliCDBManager::Instance()->SetRun(rc.GetRunNumber());
88 AliMUONRecoParam* recoParam = AliMUONCDB::LoadRecoParam();
89 if (!recoParam) return;
66085093 90
a99c3449 91 // get sigma cut from recoParam to associate clusters with TrackRefs in case the label are not used
f202486b 92 sigmaCut = (recoParam->ImproveTracks()) ? recoParam->GetSigmaCutForImprovement() : recoParam->GetSigmaCutForTracking();
93 // compute the mask of requested stations from recoParam
94 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) if (recoParam->RequestStation(i)) requestedStationMask |= ( 1 << i );
95 // get from recoParam whether a track need 2 chambers hit in the same station (4 or 5) or not to be reconstructible
96 request2ChInSameSt45 = !recoParam->MakeMoreTrackCandidates();
66085093 97
98 // initialize global counters
23035434 99 Int_t nReconstructibleTracks = 0;
100 Int_t nReconstructedTracks = 0;
101 Int_t nEventsWithTrackReconstructedYet = 0;
66085093 102 Int_t nEventsWithFake = 0;
103 Int_t nEventsWithAdditionalFake = 0;
104 Int_t nTotMatchedTracks = 0;
105 Int_t nTotTracksReconstructedYet = 0;
106 Int_t nTotFakeTracks = 0;
23035434 107 Int_t nTotConnectedTracks = 0;
66085093 108 Int_t nTotAdditionalTracks = 0;
23035434 109 Bool_t trackReconstructedYet;
110 TArrayI eventsWithTrackReconstructedYet(10);
111 TArrayI eventsWithFake(10);
112 TArrayI eventsWithAdditionalFake(10);
66085093 113
114 // Loop over ESD events
115 FirstEvent = TMath::Max(0, FirstEvent);
a99c3449 116 LastEvent = (LastEvent>=0) ? TMath::Min(rc.NumberOfEvents() - 1, LastEvent) : rc.NumberOfEvents() - 1;
66085093 117 for (Int_t iEvent = FirstEvent; iEvent <= LastEvent; iEvent++) {
a99c3449 119 // get reconstructed and simulated tracks
120 AliMUONVTrackStore* muonTrackStore = rc.ReconstructedTracks(iEvent, kFALSE);
66085093 121 AliMUONVTrackStore* trackRefStore = rc.TrackRefs(iEvent);
a99c3449 122 if (!muonTrackStore || !trackRefStore) continue;
66085093 123
23035434 124 // count the number of reconstructible tracks
125 TIter next(trackRefStore->CreateIterator());
126 AliMUONTrack* trackRef;
127 while ( ( trackRef = static_cast<AliMUONTrack*>(next()) ) ) {
f202486b 128 if (trackRef->IsValid(requestedStationMask, request2ChInSameSt45)) nReconstructibleTracks++;
23035434 129 }
66085093 131 // loop over ESD tracks
132 Int_t nTrackerTracks = 0;
23035434 133 trackReconstructedYet = kFALSE;
66085093 134 AliMUONVTrackStore *fakeTrackStore = AliMUONESDInterface::NewTrackStore();
a99c3449 135 const AliESDEvent* esd = rc.GetESDEvent();
66085093 136 Int_t nTracks = (Int_t)esd->GetNumberOfMuonTracks() ;
137 for (Int_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracks; iTrack++) {
a99c3449 139 AliESDMuonTrack* esdTrack = esd->GetMuonTrack(iTrack);
66085093 140
141 // skip ghosts
a99c3449 142 if (!esdTrack->ContainTrackerData()) continue;
66085093 143 nTrackerTracks++;
a99c3449 145 // find the corresponding MUON track
146 AliMUONTrack* muonTrack = (AliMUONTrack*) muonTrackStore->FindObject(esdTrack->GetUniqueID());
66085093 148 // get track info
a99c3449 149 Int_t nClusters = esdTrack->GetNClusters();
150 Double_t normalizedChi2 = esdTrack->GetChi2() / (2. * esdTrack->GetNHit() - 5);
151 Double_t p = esdTrack->P();
152 Double_t pT = esdTrack->Pt();
153 Double_t eta = esdTrack->Eta();
154 Double_t phi = esdTrack->Phi();
66085093 155
156 // fill global histograms
157 hNumberOfClusters->Fill(nClusters);
158 hChi2PerDof->Fill(normalizedChi2);
159 hP->Fill(p);
160 hPt->Fill(pT);
161 hEta->Fill(eta);
162 hPhi->Fill(phi);
164 // try to match the reconstructed track with a simulated one
f202486b 165 Int_t nMatchClusters = 0;
166 AliMUONTrack* matchedTrackRef = rc.FindCompatibleTrack(*muonTrack, *trackRefStore, nMatchClusters, useLabel, sigmaCut);
66085093 167
168 // take actions according to matching result
169 if (matchedTrackRef) {
171 // global counter
172 nTotMatchedTracks++;
f202486b 173 if (!matchedTrackRef->IsValid(requestedStationMask, request2ChInSameSt45)) {
23035434 174 trackReconstructedYet = kTRUE;
175 nTotTracksReconstructedYet++;
176 }
66085093 177
178 // fill histograms
f202486b 179 hFractionOfMatchedClusters->Fill(((Float_t) nMatchClusters) / ((Float_t) nClusters));
66085093 180 hNumberOfClustersMC->Fill(matchedTrackRef->GetNClusters());
181 hNumberOfClustersM->Fill(nClusters);
182 hChi2PerDofM->Fill(normalizedChi2);
183 hPM->Fill(p);
184 hPtM->Fill(pT);
185 hEtaM->Fill(eta);
186 hPhiM->Fill(phi);
188 // remove already matched trackRefs
189 trackRefStore->Remove(*matchedTrackRef);
191 } else {
193 // global counter
194 nTotFakeTracks++;
196 // fill histograms
197 hNumberOfClustersF->Fill(nClusters);
198 hChi2PerDofF->Fill(normalizedChi2);
199 hPF->Fill(p);
200 hPtF->Fill(pT);
201 hEtaF->Fill(eta);
202 hPhiF->Fill(phi);
204 // store fake tracks
a99c3449 205 fakeTrackStore->Add(*muonTrack);
66085093 206
207 }
209 } // end of loop over ESD tracks
211 // fill histograms
212 hNumberOfTracks->Fill(nTrackerTracks);
23035434 213 nReconstructedTracks += nTrackerTracks;
214 if (trackReconstructedYet) eventsWithTrackReconstructedYet[nEventsWithTrackReconstructedYet++] = iEvent;
66085093 215
216 // count the number the additional fake tracks
217 if (fakeTrackStore->GetSize() > 0) {
219 // remove the most connected fake tracks
f202486b 220 Int_t nFreeMissingTracks = RemoveConnectedFakes(*fakeTrackStore, *trackRefStore, useLabel, *hFractionOfConnectedClusters);
66085093 221
222 // remove the remaining free reconstructible tracks
223 Int_t nAdditionalTracks = fakeTrackStore->GetSize() - nFreeMissingTracks;
225 // fill histograms
23035434 226 eventsWithFake[nEventsWithFake] = iEvent;
66085093 227 nEventsWithFake++;
228 if (nAdditionalTracks > 0) {
23035434 229 eventsWithAdditionalFake[nEventsWithAdditionalFake] = iEvent;
66085093 230 nEventsWithAdditionalFake++;
231 nTotAdditionalTracks += nAdditionalTracks;
232 hNumberOfAdditionalTracks->Fill(nAdditionalTracks);
233 }
235 }
237 delete fakeTrackStore;
239 } // end of loop over events
23035434 240
241 // total number of connected tracks
242 nTotConnectedTracks = hFractionOfConnectedClusters->GetEntries();
66085093 243
244 // plot results
245 TCanvas cFakesSummary("cFakesSummary","cFakesSummary",900,600);
246 cFakesSummary.Divide(3,2);
247 cFakesSummary.cd(1);
248 cFakesSummary.GetPad(1)->SetLogy();
249 hNumberOfClusters->Draw();
250 hNumberOfClusters->SetMinimum(0.5);
251 hNumberOfClustersM->Draw("same");
252 hNumberOfClustersM->SetLineColor(4);
253 hNumberOfClustersF->Draw("same");
254 hNumberOfClustersF->SetLineColor(2);
255 hNumberOfClustersF->SetFillColor(2);
256 hNumberOfClustersF->SetFillStyle(3017);
257 cFakesSummary.cd(2);
258 cFakesSummary.GetPad(2)->SetLogy();
259 hChi2PerDof->Draw();
260 hChi2PerDof->SetMinimum(0.5);
261 hChi2PerDofM->Draw("same");
262 hChi2PerDofM->SetLineColor(4);
263 hChi2PerDofF->Draw("same");
264 hChi2PerDofF->SetLineColor(2);
265 hChi2PerDofF->SetFillColor(2);
266 hChi2PerDofF->SetFillStyle(3017);
267 cFakesSummary.cd(3);
268 cFakesSummary.GetPad(3)->SetLogy();
269 hP->Draw();
270 hP->SetMinimum(0.5);
271 hPM->Draw("same");
272 hPM->SetLineColor(4);
273 hPF->Draw("same");
274 hPF->SetLineColor(2);
275 hPF->SetFillColor(2);
276 hPF->SetFillStyle(3017);
277 cFakesSummary.cd(4);
278 cFakesSummary.GetPad(4)->SetLogy();
279 hPt->Draw();
280 hPt->SetMinimum(0.5);
281 hPtM->Draw("same");
282 hPtM->SetLineColor(4);
283 hPtF->Draw("same");
284 hPtF->SetLineColor(2);
285 hPtF->SetFillColor(2);
286 hPtF->SetFillStyle(3017);
287 cFakesSummary.cd(5);
288 cFakesSummary.GetPad(5)->SetLogy();
289 hEta->Draw();
290 hEta->SetMinimum(0.5);
291 hEtaM->Draw("same");
292 hEtaM->SetLineColor(4);
293 hEtaF->Draw("same");
294 hEtaF->SetLineColor(2);
295 hEtaF->SetFillColor(2);
296 hEtaF->SetFillStyle(3017);
297 cFakesSummary.cd(6);
298 cFakesSummary.GetPad(6)->SetLogy();
299 hPhi->Draw();
300 hPhi->SetMinimum(0.5);
301 hPhiM->Draw("same");
302 hPhiM->SetLineColor(4);
303 hPhiF->Draw("same");
304 hPhiF->SetLineColor(2);
305 hPhiF->SetFillColor(2);
306 hPhiF->SetFillStyle(3017);
308 // save results
309 histoFile->cd();
310 histoFile->Write();
311 cFakesSummary.Write();
312 histoFile->Close();
314 // print results
315 cout << endl;
23035434 316 cout << "- Number of reconstructible tracks: " << nReconstructibleTracks << endl;
317 cout << "- Number of reconstructed tracks: " << nReconstructedTracks << endl;
66085093 318 cout << "- Number of matched tracks: " << nTotMatchedTracks << endl;
23035434 319 cout << " (including " << nTotTracksReconstructedYet << " track(s) matched with a TrackRef that is not reconstructible";
320 if (nTotTracksReconstructedYet > 0) {
321 for(Int_t i=0; i<nEventsWithTrackReconstructedYet; i++){
322 if (i==0) cout << " (eventID = " << eventsWithTrackReconstructedYet[i];
323 else cout << ", " << eventsWithTrackReconstructedYet[i];
324 }
325 cout << "))" << endl;
326 } else cout << ")" << endl;
66085093 327 cout << "- Number of fake tracks: " << nTotFakeTracks << endl;
23035434 328 cout << " (including " << nTotConnectedTracks << " track(s) still connected to a reconstructible one)" << endl;
329 cout << " (including " << nTotAdditionalTracks << " additional track(s) (compared to the number of expected ones))" << endl;
330 cout << "- Number of events with fake track(s): " << nEventsWithFake;
331 if (nEventsWithFake > 0) {
332 for(Int_t i=0; i<nEventsWithFake; i++){
333 if (i==0) cout << " (eventID = " << eventsWithFake[i];
334 else cout << ", " << eventsWithFake[i];
335 }
336 cout << ")" << endl;
337 } else cout << endl;
338 cout << " (including " << nEventsWithAdditionalFake << " events with additional track(s)";
339 if (nEventsWithAdditionalFake > 0) {
340 for(Int_t i=0; i<nEventsWithAdditionalFake; i++){
341 if (i==0) cout << " (eventID = " << eventsWithAdditionalFake[i];
342 else cout << ", " << eventsWithAdditionalFake[i];
343 }
344 cout << "))" << endl;
345 } else cout << ")" << endl;
66085093 346 cout << endl;
347 cout << "REMINDER: results are relevent provided that you use the same recoParams as for the reconstruction" << endl;
348 cout << endl;
66085093 350}
f202486b 353Int_t RemoveConnectedFakes(AliMUONVTrackStore &fakeTrackStore, AliMUONVTrackStore &trackRefStore,
354 Bool_t useLabel, TH1F &hFractionOfConnectedClusters)
66085093 355{
356 /// loop over reconstructible TrackRef not associated with reconstructed track:
357 /// for each of them, find and remove the most connected the fake track, if any,
358 /// and fill the histograms with the fraction of connected clusters.
359 /// Return the number of reconstructible track not connected to any fake
361 Int_t nFreeMissingTracks = 0;
363 // loop over trackRefs
364 TIter next(trackRefStore.CreateIterator());
365 AliMUONTrack* trackRef;
366 while ( ( trackRef = static_cast<AliMUONTrack*>(next()) ) ) {
368 // skip not reconstructible trackRefs
f202486b 369 if (!trackRef->IsValid(requestedStationMask, request2ChInSameSt45)) continue;
66085093 370
371 Int_t label = trackRef->GetUniqueID();
373 // look for the most connected fake track
374 AliMUONTrack *connectedFake = 0x0;
a99c3449 375 Double_t fractionOfConnectedClusters = 0.;
66085093 376 TIter next2(fakeTrackStore.CreateIterator());
377 AliMUONTrack* fakeTrack;
378 while ( ( fakeTrack = static_cast<AliMUONTrack*>(next2()) ) ) {
380 // get the number of connected clusters
381 Int_t nConnectedClusters = 0;
382 if (useLabel) { // by using the MC label
383 for (Int_t iCl = 0; iCl < fakeTrack->GetNClusters(); iCl++)
384 if (((AliMUONTrackParam*) fakeTrack->GetTrackParamAtCluster()->UncheckedAt(iCl))->GetClusterPtr()->GetMCLabel() == label)
385 nConnectedClusters++;
386 } else { // by comparing cluster/TrackRef positions
387 Bool_t compTrack[10];
f202486b 388 nConnectedClusters = fakeTrack->FindCompatibleClusters(*trackRef, sigmaCut, compTrack);
66085093 389 }
391 // skip non-connected fake tracks
392 if (nConnectedClusters == 0) continue;
394 // check if it is the most connected fake track
a99c3449 395 Double_t f = ((Double_t)nConnectedClusters) / ((Double_t)fakeTrack->GetNClusters());
66085093 396 if (f > fractionOfConnectedClusters) {
397 connectedFake = fakeTrack;
398 fractionOfConnectedClusters = f;
399 }
401 }
403 // remove the most connected fake track
404 if (connectedFake) {
405 hFractionOfConnectedClusters.Fill(fractionOfConnectedClusters);
406 fakeTrackStore.Remove(*connectedFake);
407 } else nFreeMissingTracks++;
409 }
411 return nFreeMissingTracks;